Active forms of environmental education. Forms and methods of ecological education of children of senior preschool age

One of the priority areas in the modern standard of preschool education has received environmental education. The child begins to learn about the world from birth, and along with the study of the environment, he must get an idea of ​​​​its fragility, learn to love, protect and protect nature, learn what human actions cause irreparable harm to it. Classes on environmental education in kindergarten are designed to solve these problems.

Theoretical aspects of environmental education in preschool educational institutions

We are all children of the same ship named Earth, which means that there is simply nowhere to transfer from it ... There is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash yourself, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The basics of environmental education have been included in programs for preschool institutions since the 1960s. But if then the main emphasis was on instilling in children the elementary foundations of environmental literacy, now it is on the formation of environmental culture from early childhood.

This provision is reflected in the “Kindergarten Education and Training Program”, which formulates two main tasks:

  • fostering love for the nature of the native land, the ability to understand and feel its beauty, take care of plants and animals;
  • creation of conditions for pupils to receive elementary knowledge about nature and the formation of a number of ideas about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Preschoolers, due to the characteristics of their age, very organically perceive all the knowledge that is associated with nature. After all, small children feel like a part of nature, they have not yet developed a consumer attitude towards it. Therefore, the main task is to make sure that the feeling of inextricable connection with the outside world, which arose in early childhood, remains for life.

A child at preschool age feels like a part of nature, and the task of the teacher is to strengthen this connection.

Forms of classes in ecology

Ecology classes use various forms of education. Main activities:

  1. Specially prepared lessons. Here the educator plays the main role. It can be:
    • excursions,
    • conversations with the teacher about nature, animals, plants,
    • reading fiction,
    • stories about the peculiarities of animal care.
  2. Joint activities of preschoolers and educator. Children take an active part in everything that happens in the classroom. These include:
    • various themed games
    • quiz,
    • drawing and design,
    • surveillance,
    • answers to children's questions
    • discussion of books read, viewed filmstrips and cartoons,
    • live work,
    • preparation of ecological holidays, etc.
  3. Independent work of children. Application of environmental knowledge received by preschoolers in practice. For example, they can independently (but under the supervision of a teacher) water flowers, feed animals in a living corner, collect herbariums or collections.

Environmental education begins with children taking care of plants and animals.

Didactic and visual materials for ecology classes

Preparation for classes in ecology in kindergarten provides for the widespread use of a variety of didactic and visual materials. And some of them can be cooked together with children. So, in the preparatory and senior groups, you can prepare visual aids for kids. For example, in design classes, children can make visual material on the topic "Garden". Only at the beginning of the lesson it is necessary to warn that their crafts will be used as visual material for kids. It is very important! Children (and people in general) love when their work is needed by someone, and not in vain.

A visual aid on the topic "Garden", made by preschoolers of the middle group, will delight the smallest pupils of the preschool educational institution

At the beginning of classes, you can watch filmstrips and cartoons (“Red Cat”, “The Train from Romashkov”, “Treasure”, “Butterfly”, “The Tale of the White Ice”, “On the Forest Path”, “Shapoklyak”), and then discuss what you have watched . So, using the example of the cartoon “Treasure”, you can discuss the meaning and value of ordinary drinking water, and after watching the cartoon “The Train from Romashkov”, you can talk about how important it is to stop from time to time and observe nature, enjoy the amazing world around.

Examining pictures and paintings is one of the techniques used in the classroom. In the first and second junior groups, simple pictures are used depicting plants, animals, vegetables, fruits. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, you can view reproductions of paintings by famous artists (“Rooks Have Arrived” by A. Savrasov, “Morning in a Pine Forest” by I. Shishkin, “Beetle” by I. Kabakov, “Golden Autumn” by I. Levitan) and ask the children tell what they see on them.

Ecological lotto allows you to generalize children's ideas about various types of plants and animals

Games can also be used in environmental education classes, both desktop (for example, various lotos, Find a Pair, Where Does Someone Live, Tops and Roots) and mobile (for example, Rescue Tree, Gnomes in the Forest”, “At the Zoo” and the beloved nursery rhyme “A deer has a big house”). As didactic materials and manuals, you can use posters, models, diagrams, calendars of nature, designed for ecological and living corners, exhibitions of drawings, rooms of nature.

The ecological corner in the preschool educational institution should be colorfully designed and attract the attention of children

Video: nursery rhyme "The deer has a big house"

Environmental Education Programs

There are 2 types of programs for preschool institutions: integrated and partial. Comprehensive programs prescribe actions aimed at the development of preschoolers in all areas, while partial ones consider one or more thematically related areas in depth.

Comprehensive programs

The most complete environmental aspects are provided in the programs "Childhood", "Rainbow" and "Baby". They have special sections devoted not just to obtaining elementary knowledge about nature, but about the relationship between the surrounding world and man.

"Baby" is dedicated to the development of young children, so the tasks here are simple: to contemplate, observe, learn. According to this program, it is recommended to equip a living corner in preschool institutions. Visiting it is especially useful for those children whose parents do not allow pets at home.

The part of the program "Childhood" "The child discovers the world of nature" includes 4 blocks that take into account the age characteristics of children:

  • information about plants, animals as representatives of the living in the natural world (features of the external structure and vital functions, the relationship of living beings with the environment, their uniqueness);
  • mechanisms of adaptive relationship of living organisms with the environment (properties of various environments, ideas about groups of animals living in a homogeneous environment);
  • knowledge about the growth, development and reproduction of plants and animals familiar to children (ideas about successive changes in organisms, the cyclical nature of the process);
  • ecosystem knowledge (children get acquainted with plants and animals living in the same community, their interconnectedness).

The section of the program "Rainbow" "The World of Nature" provides for the study of the ecosystem of different regions of the world, geographical concepts, historical and archaeological facts. Its disadvantage is that children receive many interesting facts about the world, but do not learn to comprehend them. The "Origins" program has a section on the study of the surrounding world, but it does not meet modern requirements, and the "Development" program does not set the goal of environmental education for pupils of preschool educational institutions at all.

A living corner in preschool allows children to join the world of wildlife and take care of pets

Partial programs

Partial programs for the environmental education of preschoolers approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia include:

  • "Our home is nature"
  • "Young Ecologist"
  • "Life around us"
  • "Nature and the Artist"
  • "Semitsvetik",
  • "Spider web",
  • "We are earthlings"
  • "Open yourself"
  • "Hope".

Any of these programs is interesting in its own way, so each teaching staff has the opportunity to choose, depending on their own conditions.

The first environmental education programs in kindergartens, which began to be developed back in the 90s of the last century, include "Young Ecologist". Its author is S. Nikolaeva. It should be clarified that the "Young Ecologist" includes 2 programs: environmental education of children and advanced training of educators. Thus, the complex task of educating the principles of environmental literacy in children and raising the ecological culture of adults who are called upon to educate these children is solved.

Since great importance is attached to environmental education, preschool teachers across the country develop their own programs based on their capabilities, geographical location and social conditions. The following programs are noteworthy:

  • "The enduring values ​​of the small homeland", developed by a teacher from Ivanov E.V. Pchelintseva;
  • "I'm in the big world", created by a pedagogical team from the city of Seversk;
  • "ABC of Ecology" L.I. Grekova (section of the program "Planet of Childhood", used in the territory of the Stavropol Territory).

How to conduct an environmental lesson in kindergarten

Environmental education programs provide for a wide variety of forms of activities with children, from games to serious projects.

ecological trail

One of the most entertaining forms of outdoor environmental activities is the ecological trail. In each kindergarten, it is desirable to have 3 types of paths and use them according to age groups. The first path is located in the premises of the preschool educational institution; it may include specially designed stands, a nature room, and a living corner. The second passes through the territory of the preschool institution and is used during daily walks. And the third path is for travel. She leads the children to the territory adjacent to the garden. It can be a square, a park, a forested area, a meadow or even a real forest.

An ecological trail is a specially equipped route, along which preschoolers acquire knowledge about the natural environment.

Ideally, throughout the route along the trail, children should meet both wild and cultivated plants growing separately and crowded, various trees and shrubs, birds living in nests, on trees or specially equipped houses, anthills, stones, reservoirs ... In In general, the more varied the better. Of course, for each age group it is necessary to draw up its own route. It is advisable to draw up a plan of the ecological trail and place it at the beginning of the route. While traveling along the ecological path, children listen to the stories of the teacher, observe, ask questions, learn to draw conclusions, collect herbariums, collections, etc.

Project activities on ecology in kindergarten

In the process of environmental education in kindergarten, special attention should be paid to the research activities of children. This can be helped by the development of various projects, which can be both short-term and long-term. Short-term projects are more common in preschools. Their topics may be different, for example, “We communicate with animals”, “What is the power of water”, “From spikelet to loaf”, “Who winters in the forest”, etc.

Encouraging children's research interest develops their thinking abilities and stimulates further cognitive activity.

Nevertheless, long-term projects are quite within the power of preschool children. You should pay attention to such topics: “Feed the birds”, “We planted a turnip”, “Garden on the windowsill”, “Aquarium is a fish kingdom”, “Let's grow a lemon”, etc.

The development of both short-term and long-term projects requires a lot of effort, preliminary preparation, study of materials and literature on the topic, observations, research and the ability to draw conclusions. It is also important to beautifully design and enthrallingly present your project. All these children will have to learn.

Application "Fungus" is performed by children as part of the project "Hello, autumn!"

Sample project for the second junior group

Name"Hello, autumn!"
  • To expand the knowledge of children about autumn as a season, about the weather at this time, about the natural gifts that autumn gives.
  • Expand the vocabulary of children on the autumn theme.
  • Learn poems and songs about autumn.
  • Learn to draw autumn in drawings.
  • Drawings, cards, images of vegetables and fruits;
  • models of vegetables and fruits;
  • autumn leaves;
  • flowers;
  • poetry;
  • paper, paint, plasticine.
The activities of the educator
  • Selects poems and songs;
  • selects games;
  • conducts classes with children.
Parents activities
  • Select photographs, literature;
  • participate in the holiday.
Activities during the project implementation
  • Outdoor games;
  • didactic games;
  • reading poems, stories and fairy tales about autumn;
  • learning songs about autumn;
  • creation of the application "Fungus";
  • draw autumn;
  • conversations about the weather;
  • a story about autumn gifts: vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts;
  • making bouquets of autumn leaves and flowers;
  • watching cartoons.
Project Summary
  • Arrangement of an exhibition of drawings, autumn bouquets and applications.
  • Holding a festive matinee "Hello, autumn!".
  • Festive table with autumn gifts.

You can learn more about conducting classes on ecology in the first and second junior groups from our article -.

Sample lesson plan on the topic "How bread is made" in the middle group

The purpose of the lesson: to demonstrate to children how bread is made.

Equipment and materials:

  • Pictures,
  • germinated wheat,
  • green wheat germ,
  • wheat grains and spikelets,
  • slices of bread
  • flour,
  • eggs,
  • salt,
  • yeast,
  • water,
  • vegetable oil.

Lesson progress:

  1. Children watch the cartoon "Spikelet".
  2. The teacher invites the children to find out where wheat grains live, how wheat grows, how flour is obtained, how bread is baked.
  3. Children look at sprouted wheat and wheat sprouts.
  4. The teacher invites the children to take spikelets and find grains in them.
  5. The teacher invites the children to find out what is tastier - grains, flour or bread. Children try grains, flour and pieces of bread.
  6. The children are asked if they know how delicious bread is made.
  7. Then the teacher kneads the dough from the prepared products, explaining the process to the children.
  8. Children watch how the dough fits.
  9. The teacher and the children make rolls and take them to the kitchen.
  10. While the rolls are being baked, the teacher tells how the growers grow wheat, harvest, the children look at the pictures.
  11. The cook brings baked rolls, and everyone tries them.

Video: cartoon "Spikelet"

Lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Making a hedgehog”

Take toys "Travyanchik" in the form of a hedgehog. First, children water toys, grow grass, and at the same time learn how, why and under what conditions grass grows. The teacher also tells them about hedgehogs - where they live, what they eat, how they hibernate. When the grass grows large enough, a lesson on the construction of "Cut the hedgehog" is held. Before starting the lesson, you can watch a cartoon about hedgehogs, for example, “Does a hedgehog have to be prickly?”

When making a hedgehog from Travyanchik, children get cute crafts, and they treat the pets of the living corner with the remnants of the grass

Then the children cut their grasses with scissors. The cut grass is taken to a living corner and treated to pets living there.

Holding open events on an environmental theme

Classes in ecology provide a wide opportunity for a variety of open events. Parent involvement is welcome here. Moreover, they can not only attend matinees and watch how their children perform, but also take an active part themselves. Parents can help build and hang birdhouses and bird feeders, participate in joint excursions along the ecological trail, organize picnics for children together with caregivers, take part in World Car Free Day, etc.

It is possible to generalize and consolidate children's knowledge of animate and inanimate nature in the form of an environmental quiz, KVN, brain ring, etc., held together with parents.

Video: open lesson "Sowing seeds" in the preparatory group

If you choose the most exciting activities for preschoolers in a preschool educational institution, then the environmental direction is unrivaled, given that this component can be introduced into any educational activity. Children are inquisitive, they love everything that is connected with research, and the world around them acts as a fascinating subject for study. It remains only to form the right attitude towards him. This is the main task of kindergarten teachers in the implementation of environmental education.

Modern preschool pedagogy attaches great importance to classes: undoubtedly, they have a positive effect on children, contribute to their intensive intellectual and personal development, and systematically prepare them for schooling. At present, the improvement of classes in various aspects continues: the content of education is expanding and becoming more complicated, the search for forms of integration of different types of activities, ways to introduce games into the learning process, and the search for new (non-traditional) forms of organization of children are being carried out. Increasingly, one can observe a transition from frontal classes with the entire group of children to classes with subgroups, small groups. This trend ensures the quality of education: an individual approach to children, taking into account the peculiarities of their advancement in the assimilation of knowledge and practical skills.

In the environmental education of children, classes perform a very specific and very important function: the sensory representations of children received on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed - expanded, deepened, combined, systematized (Nikolaeva).

Nikolaeva S.N. highlights the main types of environmental activities, which fundamentally differ from each other in didactic tasks, the logic of construction, the course of organization and conduct - classes of primary introductory, in-depth cognitive, generalizing and complex types.

Classes of the primary introductory type. Most often, these classes are devoted to familiarizing children with species of animals, plants, the conditions of their life and habitat, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation. The main component of such classes is various demonstration and teaching aids that allow children to form clear and correct ideas. The topics of classes can be domestic and wild animals, inhabitants of the forest and the north, tundra and hot countries, pond and sea, as well as people's activities on an agricultural farm, in forestry, in the field of nature management and nature protection. In classes of this type, children get acquainted with the appearance of animals and plants, learn to recognize them, learn about their habitat, adaptation to it, seasonal life, and various behavioral features.

Teaching children in such classes is carried out through looking at pictures and talking. Often, reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, watching a filmstrip or slides, and the teacher's story also become their components. In all variants of classes of this type, the verbal method of ecological education is of paramount importance - the success and quality of children's perception of new images, presented by visualization, depends on the word of the educator (his questions, explanations, their system and sequence), the understanding of the connection of events, the connection of objects. The thoughtful and planned word of the educator organizes the content of the lesson, ensures a successful learning outcome.

Classes of the primary familiarization type take place in all age groups. younger preschoolers The educator introduces pets with the help of pictures. In this case, paintings of the “portrait” type are used, with a simple plot. The teacher asks the children questions like "who" and "what", with the help of which he designates large objects, creates their image, asks to show them in the picture. Then he draws the attention of children to events, actions of animals (using the questions “what are they doing”, “what is happening”). In this age group, the speech of the educator - an explanation, a short emotional story - prevails over the speech of children. The teacher gives clear definitions, names of objects, actions - he enters these words and phrases into the active vocabulary of the kids, so he constantly invites them to repeat what he says himself. At this age, it is good to supplement the word of the educator with various movements, game actions, onomatopoeia, outdoor games in which the children depict animals.

IN middle group the educator activates the children's speech more: he asks to answer different questions in more detail, includes questions like “what”, “how much”, “how” in the conversation, suggests speaking in simple phrases, teaches you to notice the relationship of objects, their connections. Just as in the younger group, diversifies the lessons with playing techniques, includes poems and riddles in them. It is at this age that familiar game characters are of great help - against the background of the game, they encourage children to talk.

Classes of the primary familiarization type with older preschoolers can be much more difficult. With them, you can view pictures of nature that are far from their experience, go beyond the depicted plot, look at several pictures at the same time - this is facilitated by some already established experience of children, and their range of ideas.

Pictures help to form ideas about the forest ecosystem, its inhabitants, about the adaptability of forest animals to life in this ecosystem.

Pictures, slides, videos can be invaluable in introducing children to ecosystems that are inaccessible to their direct perception - the sea, the desert, the Arctic. Visibility in combination with emotional explanations of the educator broaden the horizons of children, form new images about nature.

In the primary-introduction type classes with children, you can consider living objects of nature, but only if they ended up in kindergarten by chance, settled for a short time.

Classes of in-depth cognitive type. The content of these classes is aimed at identifying and showing children the connection between plants, animals and the environment that they need. The topics of such classes are determined by a number of specific dependencies that are accessible to understanding and assimilation by older preschoolers. These are classes devoted to familiarizing children with the dependence of plant life and growth on environmental factors, for example, the growth of vegetable crops, garden plants, their seasonal changes, etc. These are classes to familiarize children with the adaptability of animals to their environment, for example, with camouflage ways of their movement, protection from enemies.

The formation of ideas about dependencies, natural phenomena in the life of plants and animals is associated with the use of new teaching methods, including visual, practical ones. These include long-term observation (cycle), elementary experimentation with objects of nature, demonstration of models that reveal the relationship of plants and animals with the environment, purposeful, logically structured conversation that leads children to an understanding of causal relationships in nature.

Classes of an in-depth cognitive type actively contribute to the mental education of preschoolers. Children learn the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason logically, and draw conclusions. All this ensures the intensive development of thinking of a preschooler.

Generalized classes. In a lesson of a generalizing type, the educator sets the goal of highlighting a number of significant features (essential and characteristic) for a group of familiar objects and, on their basis, forms a generalized idea.

Teaching practice shows that generalizations should be based on various specific knowledge, systematically acquired by children throughout the preschool age, as well as obtained in the process of repeated observations of objects in nature. An analysis of educational programs in kindergarten and methodological aids for familiarizing with nature allows us to conclude that they include knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna, regular features of plant growth and development, and seasonal phenomena in nature.

From an early age, children get acquainted with individual plants and animals, learn to distinguish them by color, shape and other external features, master the methods of caring for them under the guidance of adults, and help grow young plants and animals. In older preschool age, this specific knowledge can be summarized and generalized. There is an opportunity to show preschoolers the unity of forms in wildlife.

As the practice of preschool education and some studies confirm, the foundation of specific knowledge about plants in older preschoolers makes it possible to form generalized ideas about vegetables, fruits, cultivated and wild plants. In all cases, the basis of generalization should be a number of significant-characteristic features. For example, generic representations vegetables fruits are formed on the basis of the following features: grow in the garden (in the garden), are used for food, specially grown by man. The generalization of knowledge about cultivated and wild plants can take place on the basis of such points: a different place of growth, self-sowing of wild plants and human cultivation of cultivated plants, features of caring for them, the importance of cultivated and wild plants in human life.

Another content of generalized ideas can be regularly changing phenomena: the growth and development of plants, seasonal changes in nature. For a number of years, children have been watching how indoor plants grow, vegetables in the garden, flowers in the flower bed. A large number of bright, diverse ideas are accumulating. Based on them, it is possible to form a generalized idea that a plant develops from a seed, it grows, blooms, and forms new seeds. For its growth, certain conditions are needed: light, heat, moisture, good soil.

Similarly, generalized ideas about the seasons (seasons) are formed. For example, children in the preparatory group can form an idea of ​​autumn based on three groups of signs: changes in inanimate nature (the day is getting shorter, it gets colder, it rains more often, cold winds blow); changes in the plant world (leaves on trees change color and fall off, grasses turn yellow and wither); changes in the animal world (insects disappear, migratory birds fly south, animals prepare for winter). Over the course of a number of years, children have accumulated concrete knowledge about what happens to nature in the fall. In older preschool age, it is important to realize that transformations occur gradually. That is why the generalized idea of ​​autumn among preschoolers was formed not only on the basis of its characteristic features, but also on their variability.

An important component of these classes is the work with the calendar of nature, which the children, together with the teacher, fill out every month for one week. Three pages of the calendar reflect the beginning, peak and end of the season - various changes in the state of inanimate and wildlife. Viewing the calendar allows you to see the entire season at once with all the changes taking place in it, which makes it possible to fully build generalizations.

In children 5-7 years old, generalized ideas of different content can be formed. For example, about birds in general, about wintering birds (if winter feeding of birds is well organized and children have watched them a lot), about decorative birds (if different types of parrots, canaries live in kindergarten), about poultry (if children communicate with chickens, geese, ducks , turkeys).

Research has shown that it is possible to form in children generalized ideas about living beings living in the same conditions and having similar adaptive features. For example, fast-swimming animals (fish, frogs, ducks, dolphins, seals, etc.) have a streamlined, smooth body, special organs for swimming, which makes it possible for them to easily move in a dense aquatic environment, find food, and multiply. Flying (land-air) animals, on the contrary, are adapted to movement (flight) in a loose air environment. Birds, insects, bats have wings, have lightness, good eyesight, and smell. You can lead children to generalizations based on the type of food. Predators (wolf, cat, dog, pike, hawk, dragonfly, etc.) have strong, sharp teeth and jaws, they can track down the victim, catch up with her and deal with her - they are strong and dexterous. Herbivores are completely different animals (elk, hare, squirrel, caterpillar, crossbill, bullfinch, wood borer, etc.), they have different forms of adaptability.

The formation of generalized ideas occurs in the process of a special conversation, the core of which is a system of questions. Their specificity is as follows: the formulations are of a general nature, since they cover not one, but a number of specific phenomena; the content of the questions is aimed at identifying those essential and characteristic features on the basis of which a generalized representation is built; Each feature is associated with a specific question. An important place in the conversation is also occupied by the formulation of conclusions (conclusions) - the actual construction of generalizations: private for each significant feature and then general, which corresponds to a generalized representation.

So, the formation of generalized ideas occurs when using the verbal method of working with children. The conversation with them is carried out in a strictly defined sequence of questions, answers, conclusions - this is an algorithm for the formation of generalized knowledge. In order for the algorithm to achieve the goal (i.e., for children to learn generalized knowledge, and later use it on their own), it is necessary to teach preschoolers how to use it. That is why the second part of the lesson is very important, which is devoted to the analysis of new situations: children evaluate similar phenomena from the standpoint of a formed generalized representation (in detail for each feature) and conclude whether they belong to the category of this generalization or not. And in this case, the logic of building a conversation is crucial.

Complex classes. Complex classes within the framework of one topic solve different problems of the development of children and are based on different types of activities. These activities can be done in all age groups, but are especially useful with older preschoolers.

In the field of environmental education, complex classes can be used in different age groups. For example, at the end of autumn, a final lesson is usually held with the children of the older group, at which an idea of ​​​​the autumn season is formed. A comprehensive lesson on this topic may consist of several parts and include different activities.

First part classes solve cognitive problems and develop the intellectual abilities of preschoolers. The teacher clarifies and generalizes the children's ideas about autumn, highlighting its characteristic features. An important role in this process is played by the calendar of nature, which the children, together with the teacher, kept monthly for one week.

Second part classes involve other program tasks and a different type of activity for preschoolers. A special small exhibition on the theme of autumn is organized for the lesson: several reproductions of famous artists. (I Levitan, I. Ostroukhov, etc.), artistic photography, which can depict pictures of nature, gifts of autumn (mushrooms, vegetables and fruits), 1 - 2 modern landscapes, still life in painting or graphics. Viewing the exhibition, experiencing beauty is another type of activity that carries with it the solution of aesthetic problems (although the tasks of mental education remain - children get acquainted with works of art).

The third part classes are the artistic creativity of children, manual activities in which they themselves become artists and perform work at their own discretion and desire. It can be drawing a landscape, a bouquet of autumn flowers in a vase, and application of mushrooms in the grass or a basket or fruits on a dish. It can be crafts made from natural material. The pedagogical tasks are again different - the development of creative abilities, children, their artistic and manual skills.

Such a complex lesson, if it is properly organized, can go beyond the scope of a regular lesson in time - a change in activity will not cause fatigue and boredom. Moreover, at the discretion of the educator, at the right time, use the music in the recording, make a fun physical education session.

Complex classes are the creative work of the educator, they can be organized in different ways, interesting. They effectively and comprehensively develop the personality of the child, and the combination of various activities contributes to an easier and faster formation of attitudes towards the content of the lesson.

Questions for self-control:

1. Are classes in the field of environmental education of preschoolers important? What role do they play?

2. What types of environmental activities can be distinguished? In what case does the primary introductory type of lesson take place? What is an in-depth cognitive type of activity?

3. What is a generalized idea of ​​nature? How and in what type of lesson can it be formed?

5. What is a complex lesson? What is the peculiarity of integrated environmental studies?

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 32 of the combined type of the Pushkinsky district

Saint Petersburg

Consultation for educators of GBDOU No. 32

SUBJECT: " Forms and methods of work in the preschool educational institution for environmental education»


Dementieva N.A.

Sherstunova M.G

Malysheva I.V.

Georgieva T.V.

Saint Petersburg


"Forms and methods of work in the preschool educational institution on environmental education"

Consultation for educators "Environmental education in preschool educational institutions: forms and methods" + presentation.

2 slide

Not far off is the time when today's boys and girls will become adults, and responsibility for the life of our society, for the fate of the entire Earth will fall on their shoulders. That is why it is very important to cultivate in each of them a feeling of love for nature, respect for all living things, the ability to foresee the consequences of their behavior in nature.

The child must understand that in nature there is no"no man's" rivers, unnecessary grass, useless insects. In nature, everything is harmoniously interconnected, the violation of one of the chains threatens to disrupt the natural balance.

What is ecology?


Ecology - This is a science that studies the relationship of organisms with the environment and with each other.

The ecological culture of behavior is formed on the basis of knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences. A preschooler must learn to empathize with the living beings : the living is hurt, it must be loved, it is impossible to kill an animal, we do not have the right to destroy what nature has created. We need to put in the minds of children a sense of the world around us, as a huge house in which we all live.

4 slide

Recently, programs have been created for two types : complex, aimed at the comprehensive development of children, and partial, providing one or more areas of education and development. Complex: "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development", "Origins", "Birth to School", "Baby". Partial (environmental): "Semitsvetik", "Nature and the Artist", "Our home is nature", "Life around us", "Spider Web", "We", "Young Ecologist".

5 slide

Tasks environmental education and education of children:

1. Mastering new knowledge, consolidating and enriching previously learned ones;

2. Formation of skills in caring for plants and animals;

3. Formation of the ability to see the relationship of phenomena in nature, the ability to draw conclusions;

4. Education of independence through communication with nature;

5. Education of aesthetic feelings;

6. Education of love for nature, homeland;

7. Development of imagination, thinking, attention, speech.

All work on environmental education and upbringing is built

for 3 blocks:

Specially organized training in the form of classes;

Joint activities of an adult with children;

Free independent activity of children.

6 slide

Forms of work on environmental education and upbringing:

Organization of ecological holidays

Observations while walking


nature calendars

Working with parents

Game activity

Musical activities

Labor in the corner of nature

Organization of research activities

Excursions in nature

artistic activity

7,8,9,10 slide

Methods of work on environmental education and upbringing.

Verbal Methods:

Teacher's stories

The teacher builds a story taking into account the experience and interest of preschoolers, addresses it to children of a specific age group. This is its advantage over reading fiction.


Based on didactic tasks, there are 2 types conversations : preliminary and final. A preliminary conversation is used by educators before observation, an excursion. The final conversation is aimed at systematizing and generalizing the facts obtained, concretizing, consolidating and clarifying them.


The book about nature is of great educational value. It expands children's ideas, introduces them to natural phenomena, the life of plants and animals, helps to establish connections and relationships that exist in nature.

Visual methods:

  • Observation
  • Paintings
  • Model show
  • nature calendars

Practical Methods:

  • Work
  • Experiences
  • Modeling
  • Search activity, quests
  • Excursions

Ecology classes are:

Observation of animals and plants;

Classes on the classification of ideas about nature;

Classes to teach children how to care for plants and animals;

Classes in compiling descriptive, comparative stories about objects of nature;


Classes to familiarize with the work of adults in nature;

Complex lessons.

In the classroom, a variety of techniques and methods can be used to ensure the active position of the child and cause the development of emotions and feelings in children, which contribute to the manifestation of a humane attitude towards nature :

Solving problem situations;

Elementary experimentation;

Working with models;




Statement of problem questions;

Participation of children in the care of plants and more.

14 slide

Kindergarten uses the following types games :

1. Didactic games to clarify and consolidate knowledge about objects, natural phenomena, plants and animals.

2. Subject games: (with leaves, seeds, flowers)"Wonderful bag", "Find out what's in your hand", "Tops and Roots".

3. Board-printed games in order to systematize children's knowledge about plants, animals, inanimate phenomena

4. Word games: "Who flies, runs, jumps", "In the air, in the water, on the ground", "The Fourth Extra".

5. Outdoor games to imitate the habits of animals, reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature"Mice and Cat" "Sun and Rain", "Earth, water, fire, air" etc.

6. Creative games in order to reflect the impressions received in the course of classes, excursions, everyday life (plot-role-playing natural history games, construction games with natural materials, etc.

7. Task games are held as a result observations :

Tales-crosswords about animals;

Guess the riddles and recognize the heroes;

Find mistakes in the artist, poet;

It may or may not be so.

15 slide

Working with parents

A large place in the system of environmental education in kindergarten should be given to the joint activities of children and their parents:

Conducting environmental parent meetings (KVN, quizzes,"Field of Miracles", etc.);

Field trips with children;

Participation of parents in sports and musical holidays of an ecological orientation;

Joint landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten;

Thematic exhibitions of handicrafts made from natural materials, drawings about nature made jointly by parents and children, issuance of family environmental newspapers;

visual information;

16 slide, 17 slide

I would like to end our consultation with the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky:

“Just as a caring gardener strengthens the root of a small tree that has barely risen above the ground, the power of which the life of the plant depends for several decades, so the educator should take care of educating his children with feelings of boundless love for the Motherland. The upbringing of these qualities begins from the time when the child begins to see, learn, evaluate the world around him.

“Indoor plants in a corner of nature in every age group. Selection and care of them "

18 slide

When selecting plants for a corner of nature, the following requirements should be considered:

  • Plant care should be available to preschoolers (with the participation and guidance of the educator). Therefore, unpretentious plants are selected.
  • Plants in the corner should be outwardly attractive, able to arouse and retain the still not very stable attention of preschoolers.
  • It is necessary to have several copies of the same plant species in order for children to see not only common, but also individual signs, this leads them to an understanding, diversity and originality of living organisms.
  • Plants must be safe, not harmful to the health of children.

Junior group. 19 slide

Kids should learn to recognize and name 2 - 3 plants, their main parts (leaf, stem, flower). Toddlers are attracted to caring for plants (pour water prepared by adults, wipe large leathery leaves of plants with a damp cloth). Plants with bright and large leaves and long flowering are placed in a corner of nature: geranium, begonia, aspidistra, ficus, violet.

Middle group. 20 slide

In the middle group, knowledge about plants becomes more complicated. Children more clearly distinguish the features of plants, get acquainted with the conditions necessary for their life. The number of plants they recognize increases. Indoor plants should have a different shape and size of leaves. In addition to the plants of the younger group, asparagus, fragrant geraniums are placed in the middle group. At the same time in a corner of nature there can be up to 6 - 8 species of plants.

Senior group. 21 slide

Senior group. 22 slide

Children of the older group should know that plants need light, moisture, warmth, soil nutrition for their growth: different plants need different amounts of light, humidity. The ability to determine the way to care for plants, depending on the nature of the leaves and stem (the way to keep plants clean) is consolidated. Knowledge is included about some methods of their vegetative propagation, in particular, stem cuttings. All this requires replenishing the corner of nature with new plants: with a variety of climbing stems, creeping, having bulbs. It can be 2-3 types of Tradescantia, indoor grapes or climbing ivy, Benjamin's ficus, epiphyllum, clivia or amaryllis.

23 slide

Plants that cannot be kept in a corner of nature in a kindergarten

Plants that have thorns or sharp leaf edges that a child can get hurt on: cactus, yucca, agave, rose, some types of aloe.

Plants that contain poisonous juice, upon contact with the skin, can cause a severe burn, turning into a long-term non-healing ulcer: dieffenbachia, alocasia, philodendron, anthurium, euphorbia, croton.

Plants with bright and attractive berries, the use of which can cause serious poisoning: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain: aglaonema, nightshade.

The method from the point of view of environmental education is a way of joint activity of the educator and children, during which the formation of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the education of attitudes towards the outside world is carried out.

In each method, the external (a system of methods of action of children and the educator) and the internal side (mental cognitive processes that lie in certain modes of action) are distinguished.

There are the following groups of methods:

Visual (observations, demonstration, examination, display)

Verbal (conversation, story, reading x / l, explanation, indication, pedagogical assessment, question, etc.)

Practical (elementary experiments, simulations, exercises, etc.)

Own-practical (appeal to the experience of children, practical situations, search actions, examination)

Game (didactic games, game situation, actions with toys, imitation of actions, hiding, search, outdoor game, episodic game techniques, riddles).

All groups of methods are used throughout the entire preschool age, taking into account the predominant form of thinking and the nature of children's activities.

At the first stages, the most appropriate methods are those that analyze and correct the ecological value orientations, interests and needs that have developed in children.

At the stage of formation of an environmental problem, methods that stimulate independent activity acquire a special role. The play activity of preschoolers includes many other diverse activities and is therefore universal. Pedagogically competent leadership of gaming activities allows you to expand the horizons of preschoolers, helps to instill in children a sense of responsibility for the state of their native nature.

At the same time, it is not individual events that are important, but a well-thought-out continuous process of activities to study, preserve and improve the natural environment.

The upbringing of the correct attitude of children to nature, the ability to carefully handle living beings can be fully implemented in the preschool period only if the system of work in kindergarten is combined with the impact on the children in the family.

To create and improve the developmental environment in the family and ensure adequate interaction between adults and children, work can be done with parents. Having provided parents with information about the relevance of environmental education for the development of the child and his future life, teachers need to acquaint parents with the system of work of a preschool institution in this direction.

It can be concluded that the work on environmental education in preschool educational institutions is carried out in several directions:

Work with children, which is carried out in the process of various activities, including cognitive, productive, playful and others, both in specially organized classes, and in joint with adults and independent activities;

Working with teachers;

Working with parents;

Work in society;

Holidays and entertainment of ecological content is one of the most effective forms of work, as it combines a wide variety of children's activities and has the greatest impact on the child's emotional sphere.

Cognitive and speech activity is an important component of environmental education, because it is knowledge that allows you to correctly form an ecological picture of the child's world.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility. To love means to protect. The corners of ecological education and a special ecological room help in this.

Ecological zones at the PEI site: work in the corner of the field; our sunny meadow; July forbs; vegetable gardens and flower gardens.

Appeal to the theme of nature in dances, in musical and theatrical performances contributes to the environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Fiction and encyclopedic literature, books, allow you to acquaint children with folk tales, works of writers about nature, reliable natural science and environmental information.

Cooperation with children's families in matters of environmental education, jointly organized events not only help to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but bring into this process itself a special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child.

One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of environmental education is to use a variety of forms and methods of work.

List of forms and methods of environmental work used in preschool institutions:

Ecological classes;

Ecological excursions;

Kindness lessons;

Thinking lessons;

Ecological circles;

Ecological contests;

KVN, auction, marathon, quiz, "Field of Miracles";

Environmental actions;

Discussing and playing situations;

Labor landing;

Green Patrol;

Laboratory of the young ecologist;

Drawing up ecological maps;

Maintaining the "Panorama of good deeds";

Maintaining phenological calendars of nature;

Ecological exhibitions and expositions;

ecological museums;

Day (week) of ecological creativity;

Ecological holidays and festivals;

Ecological games (didactic, simulation, games - modeling - ecosystems; competitive, games - travel, etc.);

Ecological tales;

Environmental trainings; etc.

Ecological education of preschool children must be built on the assimilation by children of a system of knowledge about nature, about the connections of the dependencies existing in it. Children should be given knowledge about nature, form labor skills, cultivate emotional responsiveness, love for nature, a desire to protect and increase its wealth. Knowledge about nature should be built on specific material that is accessible to children's observation.

The main tasks of the teacher are to raise and educate a healthy person who knows and protects nature, to teach how to manage its wealth in a businesslike way.

Environmental problems are universal problems of the Earth's population. The thinning of the ozone layer, global climate change, the depletion of the natural layer of the soil, natural resources, the reduction of drinking water and at the same time the intensive growth of the world's population, accompanied by an increase in production capacity, frequent accidents - these are problems that affect each state. Together, they create a continuously deteriorating environment for the human being himself. The variety of diseases that have befallen people in the last century is the result of the lack of proper interaction between man and nature.

Children are especially sensitive to poor living environment, polluted water and air, food products. The children of Russia are in especially unfavorable conditions. Environmental problems and the catastrophe of mankind are directly related to the process of population - its insufficiency or complete absence gave rise to a consumer attitude towards nature. is of great social importance for the whole society. The foundations of ecological culture in the human personality are being laid in a timely manner, and at the same time, a significant part of the adult population of the country, workers in the field of preschool education and parents of children, is involved in this process.

The formation of the principles of ecological culture is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity, to people who protect and create it, as well as to people who create material or spiritual values ​​​​on the basis of its wealth. It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment. This is the awareness of one's ability to creatively interact with nature.

Many years of accumulation of theoretical and practical material, as well as testing it in work with children of 4-7 years of age, allowed us to create a system of work aimed at developing the principles of ecological culture in preschool children. The main goal of which is to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative person, able to understand and love the world around, nature and treat them with care. To achieve this goal, we solve the following tasks:

  • develop a cognitive interest in the natural world.
  • to direct the active activity of the preschooler to the conscious conservation of nature.
  • education of ecological consciousness, moral attitude to the world.
  • to form in children environmental knowledge, culture and attitude to nature

The system of work on the education of ecological culture of preschool children

Forms and methods of working with children

  • regional component
  • scientific character and accessibility of concepts
  • the principle of the "spiral"
  • interdisciplinarity and integration
  • content - classes and lessons;
  • environmental minutes;
  • excursions;
  • environmental tales;
  • practical activities in nature;
  • environmental actions;
  • advertising;
  • experiments and experiences;
  • educational didactic games.
  • Exhibitions

Working with parents

  • familiarization of parents with the work of preschool educational institutions on ecology (open classes, special expositions, videos, meetings, conferences, etc.);
  • organization of various events with the participation of parents (including using their professional experience as a medical worker, forester, fireman).
  • familiarization of parents with the learning outcomes (open classes, various general events, information in the corners for parents, etc.);
  • hiking in nature, competitions.

Developing ecological environment

  • winter Garden;
  • corners in groups (experimental, natural, collection);
  • flora on the site;
  • teaching and visual aids;
  • pets' corner

Fundamental Principles of our environmental education work are:

Regional component principle(study of the nature of the native land) allows you to:

  • to form concepts in children on the basis of direct observation and study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature;
  • use the information that children have in order for them to apply their knowledge in various types of practical activities;
  • helps to solve the problems of educating moral and patriotic feelings, educating citizenship.
  • create favorable conditions for self-expression, organization of communicative communication, in which each child has the opportunity to show their individuality.

The principle of scientific character and accessibility of concepts. At each stage of work with children, the initial ideas are deepened, saturated with content, gradually turning into concepts that form knowledge. Thus, natural scientific knowledge is formed according to the scheme: "representations - concepts - knowledge". Such a sequence ensures the continuity of knowledge and the deepening of their contents.

The "spiral" principle It is necessary for children, returning to certain objects and natural phenomena, to go up from year to year, deepening and expanding ideas and concepts, learning to apply more complex techniques and methods of research. It should be emphasized that preschool children are characterized by short-term interests, unstable attention and fatigue. Therefore, addressing the same topic several times contributes to the development of children's attention and long-term preservation of interest.

Due to the small amount of hours in the curriculum allocated to the study of the natural world, it is impossible to achieve the desired result only in cognitive classes. Therefore, we use the principle of interdisciplinarity and integration, which allows us to combine all educational work into one whole.

Thus, almost every topic on ecology is supported by productive activities (drawing, manual labor, appliqué, etc.) and grain by grain, a humane attitude towards nature is laid in children's hearts. I'll give you an example. In one of the math development classes in the preparatory group, I introduced the children to ways to equalize two sets. I put 7 flowers and 6 butterflies on the typesetting canvas. To the question: "What needs to be done to make flowers and butterflies equally?" - the children answered: "Let another butterfly fly, and it will be equally divided, 7 each." "How else?" I ask. And then one of my pupils says: "No more, because you can't pick flowers!" I felt a sense of pride for the children who began to show environmental literacy on their own. And there are many such examples.

Forms and methods of working with children on environmental education

At present, thanks to television, computers and books, children learn more about a variety of objects and natural phenomena, they have different questions about the world around them. Therefore, we try to build classes in such a way that, on the one hand, answer the questions of interest to children and satisfy their curiosity. On the other hand, to ensure that they acquire the necessary knowledge. Moreover, we see the main goal of the lesson not in the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the child, but in introducing children to systematic and creative activities. To do this, we diversified the structure and methods of conducting classes that contribute to the development of logical thinking and activity of children. To organize an interesting mental activity, they help: a lesson-journey, a fairy tale lesson, a quiz, a game, etc. We conduct such classes in a group, in a classroom, in a winter garden, if weather conditions allow on the site, in the park.

In these classes, widely use:

  • blitz survey (previously, children repeat the material necessary to study a new topic);
  • problem situations or conducting experiments (allowing "to discover new knowledge");
  • practical work and search activities;
  • game tricks.

In the morning, it has become a tradition to hold ecological moments. Their goal is to create problem situations or to model biocenoses. Biocinosis is the totality of all living organisms living in a given area. With the help of modeling, you can establish the patterns of natural phenomena without conducting experiments, as well as solve a number of environmental problems in a playful and accessible form for children. For example, the biocenosis of a winter forest, where objects are placed in an atypical position (red squirrel, gray hare, insects, plants, birds). Task for children: find errors and justify answers.

We attach great importance to environmental development excursions.

Children really like excursions to the aquarium, where they can see many unusual inhabitants of the water world.

On excursions, we introduce children to the diversity of the organic world, we conduct observations of objects and natural phenomena at different times of the year. Children learn to navigate the terrain, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the city and the region. When conducting a comprehensive excursion, we pay special attention to the organization of children's activities: We accustom children to the idea that they go to visit natural inhabitants, to their big house, and therefore must follow commandments that must be performed by guests of nature.

  • 1 commandment: observance of silence (L.P. Simonova).
  • 2 commandment: patience (the ability to observe a plant, animal for a long time).
  • 3 commandment: mindfulness (we learn to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people's behavior).

environmental stories. Children's interest in an ecological fairy tale is determined, first of all, by the novelty of the plot, the presence of unusual characters, their actions, as well as the end result.

Ecological fairy tales teach scientific vision in an entertaining way, help to reveal complex phenomena in nature. Children of primary preschool age are most interested in fairy tales about animals. Older preschoolers love fairy tales. Fairy tales written by the children themselves occupy a special place in environmental education. They help us to better understand children's interests and their direction.

Practical activities in nature. The most important indicator of a careful and caring attitude towards plants and animals is the desire of children to take an active part in caring for them. We teach children to realize that care is aimed at meeting the needs of plants and animals (for food, water, warmth, sun, etc.). Each organism lives, grows, develops, if there are appropriate conditions for this. Gradually, children trace and fully begin to understand the dependence of the life and condition of plants and animals on human labor.

Environmental actions These are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects. Together with parents, we often carry out such environmental campaigns:

  • "For the trees to be big" (planting trees in autumn)
  • "Flower Day" (creation of flower beds)
  • "Forest Pharmacy" (collection of medicinal herbs)
  • "Bird's Dining Room" (manufacturing of feeders and feeding birds in winter)
  • "Clean morning" (cleaning the territory)
  • “To make books live longer” (care and renewal), etc.

I can say with confidence that by participating in actions, children pass knowledge through themselves, use it in practice, come to understand natural processes, they realize responsibility for the consequences of some of their actions, they grow up as enthusiastic, not indifferent people.

Advertising- this is certain information that is packaged in the original form. In addition to information, advertising carries a certain emotional mood. That is why children love advertising so much and play it. Experience shows that, having offered children to create their own advertisement, they enthusiastically join this game. To make an advertisement, a child should learn as much as possible about the object and highlight the most characteristic, in his opinion, features. For example: A child chooses any animal or plant and advertises a habitat on its behalf: “I am a woodpecker, I live in the forest. I have a beautiful beak, with its help I fly trees, destroy harmful insects. The forest will be lost without me."

Experiments and experiences. Children show great interest in research work, so much attention in our work is given to experiments and experiments. In the process of work, we teach children to think, formulate and defend their opinion, generalize the results of experiments, build hypotheses and test them. For example: It is very simple and easy to explain to a five-year-old child that air surrounds us and it is invisible, but it can be detected. Blow on your palms and feel the breeze, wave your hand near the sheet lying on the table and see that the sheet is moving. Lead the children to the conclusion that air is invisible, but when we set it in motion, we observe that objects move. We are faced with the task of linking the results of research work with the practical experience of children. Bring them to an understanding of natural patterns, the foundations of environmentally competent, safe behavior in the environment.

In acquaintance with nature, a special place is occupied by didactic games. Solving the tasks set in the didactic game, the child learns to isolate individual features of objects, phenomena, compare them, group them, and classify them according to certain common features. Children learn to reason, draw conclusions, generalizations, while training their attention, memory, arbitrary perception. When solving a game problem, you often need to explain your actions, and this contributes to the development of children's speech. Didactic games teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, activate a variety of mental processes, and contribute to the development of the ability to play together. Games enable children to operate with the objects of nature themselves, comparing them, and noting changes in individual external features.

Game "Food chains of the reservoir"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the food chains of the reservoir.

Rules of the game: The teacher offers silhouettes of the inhabitants of the reservoir and asks the children to lay out who needs whom to eat. Children lay out cards:

Mosquito - frog - heron
worm - fish - seagull
algae - snail - cancer
duckweed - fry - predatory fish

The game "What can't you go to the forest with?"

Purpose: Clarification and consolidation of the rules of behavior in the forest.

Rules of the game: The teacher puts on the table objects or illustrations depicting a gun, an ax, a net, a tape recorder, matches, a bicycle ... Children explain why these objects cannot be taken into the forest.

Game "Hymn to Nature" Children stand in a circle. They are all small snowflakes. We ask each snowflake to say a few kind words about his mother Zima. Children should not repeat the answers of other children. The teacher writes down all the words, and from them the hymn to Winter is obtained. Children can be autumn leaves, raindrops, etc.

A developing ecological environment has been created in our preschool institution by the efforts of teachers and parents to increase the effectiveness of environmental work with children. The elements of the developing environment presented in the table contribute to:

  • cognitive development of the child;
  • ecological and aesthetic development;
  • the health of the child;
  • the formation of the moral qualities of the child;
  • the formation of environmentally competent behavior;
  • ecologization of various activities of the child.

For the full implementation of the ecological development of children, our system of work in the preschool educational institution is combined with the work of the family in this direction, since it is the family that gives the first experience of interacting with nature, introduces them to vigorous activity, and shows an example of attitude to objects of the natural and plant world. The recommendations we have developed for parents are aimed at creating conditions for introducing children to nature in the family.

  • Availability. The images of nature created by parents should be realistic, close to the emotional and sensory experience of the child.
  • The brightness and color of images. The more clearly the features of the natural image are expressed, the more clearly they are reflected in a story or conversation with children, the stronger they affect their feelings and consciousness.
  • Taking into account the life experience and interests of children in the process of familiarization with nature.
  • Explanation of the essence of nature, its phenomena and mechanisms.
  • Implementation of the processes of familiarization with nature: in the home and living conditions, social and labor activities within the family.

Eco-developing environment at home should include:

  • A corner of wildlife, which includes a variety of indoor plants grown by the child on his own or with his parents, as well as all the means necessary to care for them. Here it is possible, but not desirable, to find any animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, fish, birds, etc.);
  • Equipping with the necessary means for independent research and practical activities of children (growing, transplanting, treating plants, monitoring their development): tools for working with the earth, earth, sand, small stones, water, seedlings, seeds of flowers and vegetables or seeds from fruits and etc.
  • Photos on the topic "nature", magazines and books about native nature and the whole world in general.

Results of the work

Analysis of the work on this system of environmental education of children allows us to draw conclusions about the positive results of the work done. In the cognitive development classes, the children became more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions. They learned to think logically, reason coherently, compare, generalize, highlight the essential features of objects and objects of nature. Children “test” the knowledge gained in the classroom in independent experimental activities based on the trial and error method. The guys are happy to play "ecology", "scientists", "laboratory", "collectors", "geologists"; on the territory of the garden in spring and summer you will no longer see an abandoned and withered bouquet of flowers. There was a desire to be active in environmental protection within the kindergarten, the city. The children share their impressions, knowledge, experiences with their parents and other children, introduce them into the plots of their games. On the basis of cooperation, we have achieved trusting relationships with parents, their interested, indifferent attitude to the development and upbringing of children.

The diagnostic results showed that the high level of formation of ecological knowledge and ecologically correct attitude to the natural world among preschoolers is 75%, the average is 23%.

Thus, it can be seen that the system of environmental education of children developed by us in preschool educational institutions and in everyday life is quite effective. Well, the most important thing in environmental education is the personal conviction of the teacher, the ability to interest, awaken in children, educators and parents the desire to love, protect and protect nature.
