“Being in first place is a good feeling, but you shouldn’t fly into heaven”: comments after the Zenit – Lokomotiv match.

Reddit user and Pokemon fan put together an infographic that shows how often each of Ash Ketchum's Pokemon, the main character of the legendary animated series, won battles. The distribution of places was not at all as one might expect: many of the legendary characters turned out to be almost useless, while others, as it turned out, suffered defeats much less often.

A Pokemon fan, known on Reddit under the nickname Umer_7, decided to study his favorite universe using statistics and find out which Pokemon win battles more often. He published the resulting infographic on the /r/gaming forum, where his post collected 65 thousand upvotes in just a day. The picture shows the win percentage of each of the Pokemon trained by Ash Ketchum. main character animated series.

Surprises began at the very bottom of the rankings. For example, it turned out that three fairly famous and popular Pokemon - Pidgeotto, Lapras and Zubat - did not win battles at all. More precisely, the flying Pidgeotto won, but not being Ash's pupil.

Most of the Pokémon, including those familiar to many viewers from childhood, are located in the middle of the infographic. They score 40-60 percent wins. Here are Bulbasaur, and Mack, and even, suddenly, Pikachu. Yes, the most famous Pokemon of the entire franchise showed only slightly above average effectiveness in battles. And this discovery fell on the fans almost immediately after they found out that .

However, it is worth admitting: Pikachu showed itself with dignity and even entered, albeit with a stretch, into the top 10 most useful Pokemon. But he could have gotten stuck at the 50 percent win rate, which turned out to be the most common in the entire ranking. As many as ten Pokemon were placed on one line.

Finally, at the very top were the Pokemon, most of which did not appear right away. It's not easy to fit into the big leagues - even such a powerful Pokemon as Charizard won only 65 percent of battles. Kingler (an evolved Krabby) was able to perform somewhat better with 71 percent of victories.

But the highest places were taken by Pokemon that were introduced much later than others. For example, Infernape, introduced in the fourth generation of Pokemon (2006-2008), won 83 percent of battles. Well, if you don’t know the one who took first place and set an absolute record without losing a single battle, don’t despair: most likely, you just haven’t been following the newest Pokemon. Ash's invincible pupil is called Goodra, and he appeared in the VI generation (2013-2014).

Over the decades of its existence, Pokemon have become such a familiar phenomenon that people on the Internet remember them. But some anime characters make fans even more attached to them. In Japan, one mother even bought her daughter an anime alien toy for only one purpose: .

For whom do you always come first? For parents, friends, loved ones. And if you imagine that the first places are taken and you get the second roles. It's like in school, when you know the answer to a question, but they don't ask you, they ask your favorites, and you get the most difficult questions, after which you get undeserved deuces. All because you weren’t the first to answer. They don’t love you, and if they love you, it’s not as much as you would like.
There are always only vacant places for you. Fifth row, on the edge, against the wall. The first row in the center is always reserved, and it doesn’t matter whether someone’s head is there in front of you or not. It’s booked and you can of course sit there, but essentially it’s not legal. And I would like to be the first to bring flowers, to congratulate her on her debut, on her premiere, on her failure, and just feel sorry for her. But while you are walking around all these uncomfortable chairs, the debutant, premiere and failure have long since been congratulated and left the stage. You run to the dressing room, but there is a crowd of fans there. There are enemies all around. Well, yes, you will meet at home, in your bed, and that’s where you will congratulate him. But he arrives at night, without any explanation.
There's no time for you. You have no place in his life. Second roles, this is the most the best option for you, but you are not suitable for him. You are an extra! Gray mass, you have no face and no opinion. There are no first places for you.
Everyone wants happiness, everyone dreams of it. And for some, it is enough just for them to remember you at least sometimes, so that they remember that you exist. But is this happiness? To know that without you a person’s life is already full of events and full of impressions? And you, like a rudiment, like an unnecessary appendage, like an echo of memory, somewhere pleasant, somewhere hateful. So why then take up an insignificant place in someone's life? Why be someone if you can't be everything? Or is it too much?
Endure, wait, hope that in a week, two, a month or another time period, they will turn to you worthy of attention. But in fairness, it is worth noting that this may not happen at all. And time goes by. More precisely leaving...
Is it worth wasting yourself on those in whose lives and destinies you will never occupy privileged places? Or just leave, without regret, throwing, tearing, cutting, killing in memory everything that was dear and at least somehow connected with him? Looking for the next one who will definitely appreciate your presence? Is this correct? Or are there too many questions again?
I was a free addition to it. She sat and waited for something. Although, why, something? I was waiting for complete certainty. No, in no case, I did not want the offer of my hand and all possible organs and members adjacent to it. I didn't need this. And not because I knew that he was not capable of long term relationship, but because he was not the one I needed, and I was not the one who could make a worthy match for him. But, nevertheless, I gave myself completely, without a trace, somewhere even too much, over the edge. I did not spare my emotions, feelings and myself. I enjoyed as best I could the fact that I had him. Yes, perhaps he will dispute this. (Fortunately, I know him well enough and to this remark of mine he would answer something like this: “if you enjoyed me and my company, then why did you constantly quarrel? You are not capable of being happy!” It’s significant, really. It turns out that I am not capable be happy. Damn, how happy was I before him? He didn’t find it difficult to ask himself this question.) Maybe I was bad for not asking to marry him? Didn't want to have children with him? But I didn't do it primarily because he didn't need it. I was happy about our on rare days together, I was surprised at his manifestations of feelings and went with the flow. I didn't need it more joy. Only him, only the time spent with him, his thoughts and words. It is possible that I speak about this with such tenderness only after breaking up, because I fully felt and understood it when I left.
Somewhere I was wrong, wrong so much that I couldn’t dare admit it out loud and ask for forgiveness. Somewhere he was wrong. Mainly in the fact that occasionally he stooped to insults towards me and his words were the ultimate truth. Peremptorily, backhand. I can say for him, he loved me, I know, I felt it in rare moments of calm, when we truly enjoyed each other, dissolving in the looking eyes. He loved, maybe not as much and sincerely as I would have liked, but he loved.
As a result, I myself signed an agreement on unconditional surrender. I didn’t go for it, I didn’t make insidious plans for my departure, I wasn’t going to slip him fake positive tests for pregnancy, in the mailbox, I didn’t want to leave. I hoped he would change. But the expectation was false and unjustified. People don’t change, no matter how sad it is to understand. (I'm surprised every time I come across this!)
For me, in his life there was never a front row or leading role. And I flattered myself with the hope that he would soon understand that I meant more to him than he thought, more than he thought. No. It didn't work out. It was extremely simple for him, on Sunday(!), to promise me to work until the afternoon... and return home at night. No calls, no warnings. Just at night. I asked a reasonable question:
- Why didn’t you call, didn’t warn?
- What for? You would start swearing! – he answered artlessly.
You can’t deny the logic, why tell the girl who lives with you that you will arrive 6 hours later, on your only day off. Then he promised that for the remaining 5 days until the New Year we would only be together, buying gifts, congratulating family and friends, combining this with preparing for the holiday. But again he did not keep his word. One day he arrived long after midnight, and the next morning, without hearing my arguments in favor of the fact that he also had me and that promises must be kept, he invited me to pack my things and get out of his apartment. (The proposal was extremely obscene). I still don’t know what prevented me from leaving even then. Although, without even thinking, it was worth fulfilling his wishes, probably so that it would no longer occur to him that he could treat the woman he loved like that. And it doesn’t matter that I’m no longer his woman, but just an ex, the main thing is that he understands that he can’t be with us like this, with our faces on the asphalt. But why on earth is there such concern about his personal life after me? It's too much.
I still don’t believe that if you love a person, you only want him to be happy, with or without you. Why am I surrounded only by Samaritans!? I left without wanting anything. It just hurt. I only felt sorry for myself. And words like: “darling, be happy!” are said more for the sake of a catchphrase than out of the best intentions and sincere thoughts. How can you say: “my main joy is knowing that he is happy!” What are you talking about? The main joy is to quickly get out of your head this “monster” that you still love until you lose consciousness when you look at its photographs. And when (or rather if) you find out that everything is fine with him, he built Vacation home, at the same time bought 2 cars and also, he has a wedding soon. You will experience nothing but nervous experiences. How did he do this, how did he even survive without you? Then a worm of doubt, then banging your head against the wall, you missed such a promising game. But the main horror is that he is happy, but you are not! And this is exactly what you wanted, wishing him happiness. He's happy, get it and sign it!!
But, I digress.
After New Year and a few days of lying on the couch, a few days of celebrating the belly and doing nothing. And again I hear from him an offer to get out of his life and out of the apartment too. As you say darling. It’s just that my patience has run out, and how long can you endure when they show you the door. It was worth finally gathering your strength, gathering your things and waving your hand. Which is what I did. Yes, he tried to stop me when he realized that I was going to leave absolutely seriously, but he did it somehow hesitantly, indistinctly. It was as if he himself didn’t fully believe that he wanted me to stay.
I left. With tears for closed door, hysterical in the elevator, with trembling hands, smoking the third cigarette in a row, in the car. But I left. I left because, no matter how well I treated him, I love myself more!
I love. With tears, with hysterics, with tenderness and care. But I don't want to let a man try to manipulate me as he wants anymore. I'm alive and I need first places! Only the first and not only in his life! Not only am I my parents’ favorite daughter, they simply have no one else to love except each other and the dog. And I am the fruit of their love, therefore all their love and care goes to me. I am the first among my friends, they call me when another diarrhea occurs in life and they cannot cope with it without my (maybe even sarcastic) comments. And I want to be in first place with the man I love. And I will be on it. I will stand on the pedestal on which he will put me himself when he understands that I am the best that was, is and will be in his life, because I love only him, because I am everything for him, only for him.
Second rows and extras in my man’s life are not enough for me. I am a woman and I only apply for first places. And those who don’t understand this, gentlemen, the way out is there...


In December 2016, during the Channel One Cup, something unprecedented happened. Rating of the hockey match Russia - Sweden, which was broadcast on live in prime time, turned out to be so low that Channel One did not show the other two games of our national team.

The explanation sounded generally logical:

“The existing meter shows the loss of audience interest in sports broadcasts,” the First said in a statement. “According to TNS , the match share was 6.3%. This is significantly less than regular share Channel One at this time (19.00 - 21.00). Channel One does not receive budget funding, exists on advertising funds and cannot afford to fail to fulfill commercial obligations."

In addition, a few important numbers.

The share of Channel One in the week from December 5 to December 11 averaged 12.4% - that is, twice as high as the rating of the match of Oleg Znarka’s team, which took place on December 15. Instead of hockey, the First broadcast “Let’s Get Married” (14.8% share) and “Field of Miracles” (15%). Both programs are traditionally in the top 10 of the channel, second only to the main hits - “Let Them Talk,” “Voice” and the “Time” program.

It can’t be said that the numbers only dipped in hockey. In November, the ratings of the football team also failed. Matches with Qatar and Romania were released low performance- 8.4% and 9.6% respectively.

And on last week It became known that Channel One abandoned sports news. And immediately a negative wave arose. Judging by the reaction of people, the entire sports community in Russia followed information from the industry exclusively through the news on the country’s main channel.

The television topic is quite popular among fans, and now the situation is clearly overheated. The First's position is cynical in its own way, but one cannot help but respect it - especially since the channel has more than once removed non-sports programs from its schedule, guided by the same reasons as in the case of hockey. That is, it’s not about the essence of the programs - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hockey match, a TV series or a humorous program. Numbers play a key role, and if they are low, this becomes a reason for removal from the air. Sports on at this stage objectively loses the competition, and the First makes a choice in favor of what is in demand by the mass audience.

Football is the most popular sport in Russia. But can you say that based on TV ratings? Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


Looking around and seeing how sports are watched abroad, one can come to the conclusion that our television is more than favorable to its sports viewers. Not everywhere you can watch competitions for free in such volume as in Russia.

The Olympics and football world championships are shown on public channels in many countries. In Italy, for example, this issue is even enshrined in law. Moreover, the most important events for the country include not only the FIFA World Cup and the final stages of European cups with the participation of Italian teams, but also the Giro d’Italia, matches of the Six Nations Rugby Cup and the world championship in water polo. In the UK, the 2016 Games were shown by the BBC holding company, setting a television viewing record - and this despite the impressive time difference with Brazil. Broadcasts from Rio were seen by over 45 million residents of Foggy Albion.

However, on a regular basis, you have to pay to watch sports almost everywhere. By at least popular for the sport. In Spain, on public TV you can see cross-country skiing, biathlon, handball and even figure skating - a sport that, with the victories of Javier Fernandez, made millions fall in love with it. But the channel's weekly rating Teledeporte , giving all this to the general Spanish public - only 0.63%. According to the publication El Pais , the share of sports TV in the country is 6.83%. But there are eight paid channels in Spain. There, in particular, they broadcast matches of Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Atlético; viewers cannot watch the meetings of these teams for free. In neighboring Portugal, most sports broadcasts are farmed out to cable holding companies Sport TV , which, however, is included in almost all satellite and cable TV packages. Only Benfica fans buy a separate subscription; the games of their favorite team are shown by the channel of the same name.

Italy, Germany, France - the scheme is approximately the same in all countries. If a sport is popular in a country, it goes to pay TV. Federations or clubs get profit, the viewer gets the quality of the broadcast with explanatory infographics, interactive tables and other bells and whistles. There are one or two football matches of the tour in the public domain, and it’s not a fact that they are top ones. Or even cutting best moments. Often on the central channels you can see one match of the Champions League and Europa League with the participation of a team from this country.

IN Latin America Argentina remains one of the few countries where you can watch football without restrictions for free. True, here too the clubs decided to make money from television rights and last year they approached the country’s government with an initiative. A national debate arose, but the teams defended their right to income, albeit only from 2019. Local in Chile Canal de Fútbol is the most profitable over the past two years. And all because it shows the national football championship and minor leagues. And you can even watch the entire Olympics here only for money. True, there were exceptions: in 2008, Elena Isinbayeva’s golden jump was shown live throughout the country, interrupting the news broadcast on central television.


A country

Sports on public TV

Number of paid sports. channels*

Sports share channels**

Great Britain

Olympic Games, European Championships and World Cup, Six Nations Cup, Wimbledon

5,21 %


Olympic Games, European Championships and World Cup in football, athletics, fig. riding, cycling

6,83 %


Olympic Games, European Championships and World Cup football, cycling, fencing

5,20 %


European and World Cup football, athletics, swimming

6,12 %


Olympic Games, European Championships and World Cup in football, cycling

5,62 %

Latin America

Olympic Games (in some countries), Argentina Football Championship

12,2 %

*Excluding regional channels.

** Average number of people who watched a TV channel during the day, expressed as a percentage of total number TV viewers, that is, those who watched any TV channel during these days. Shown is the average for the period January 9 to January 22.


The situation with television showing sports in Russia is not unique - the main federal channels show the most “tasty” and interesting for the audience. What the rating gives is the World Cup in football and hockey, the Winter and Summer Olympics. The rest, in accordance with global practice, is sent to paid channels. Or rather, it should go. But Match TV has been operating in Russia for more than a year, and the pay TV system has moved into the second or third row of priorities. In any case, when a public television channel shows 4-5 matches from the RFPL tour, the point of buying the rights to a niche product that broadcasts all eight games is not obvious.

Let's move on to sports ratings - on Channel One and Match TV. Here are two tables that will show why, in the event of wide audience interest, there is a lot of sports on First. TNS forms the top 10 for each channel best broadcasts weeks. So, during the Olympics in Rio, these “tens” were filled with sports. In the last, third week of the Games, 8 (!) sports broadcasts were in the top 10.


A week

Number of sports broadcasts in the top 10

Who else is in the top 10

First's share

Share Match TV

Time, Let Them Talk, Field of Miracles, Tonight, Let's Get Married



11,1 %

4,7 %

Time, let them talk

11,5 %

4,6 %

We will also present similar analytics for the main competitor of the First - the Rossiya 1 TV channel. It is clear that sports were presented more successfully on the First.


A week

Number of sports broadcasts in the top 10

Russia's share 1

13,6 %

12,9 %

13,7 %

* Share indicators, audience Russia, 18+

Here is another table that will show the level of interest in football at a time when the audience's expectations from the tournament and the national team are high. It's about Euro -2016. All three of our team's matches had the highest ratings - the games between Russia and England, Slovakia and Wales took first place in the weeks in which they were played. Moreover, the final of the tournament showed a share figure of 31.4% on Channel One!


What's the main takeaway? Russia follows the global practice, when the main channels show the best available in world sports - yes, it’s expensive, but the audience’s interest is enormous. For everything else there is Match TV, the share of which, if we take average for the year, around 2%, which is not too different from the indicators of “Russia 2”, on the basis of which the new sports channel was created.

And now we come to the main question. Why, if we talk about interest (stable, constant and, if you dream, even growing interest) in sports, it’s not at all the number of broadcasts on federal TV and not the lack of sports news on it.

The Russian national football team cannot guarantee high TV ratings unless we are talking about major tournaments. Photo by Fyodor USPENSKY, "SE"


Time to talk about painful things. About the technology of creating a show.

A few days after the match between Russia and Qatar (2:1 in favor of Qatar), as they say, in one of the offices of Channel One there was a serious conversation. When the numbers came in, management was horrified. The match (it was broadcast live) showed absolutely the worst result in terms of ratings in the entire history of observation. Never before have so few viewers watched the Russian national team on Channel One. "You killed me" whole month with their football,” one famous leader said at the end of the meeting.

Perhaps television is also to blame for the fact that sports are of little interest to a wide audience - they show it wrong, they say it wrong, they advertise it poorly. But this is more a matter of taste rather than interest. Much more important is not how to show, but what to show. And here it’s worth asking questions of Russian sport itself. More precisely, those who should promote and popularize it.

And it's not just about the results. The viewer did not yet know that Russia would lose shamefully, but on Thursday evening (the game started at 19:00) he preferred other programs. Socio-political talk shows, crime series, news. One can, of course, speculate about bad taste Russian citizens or duping the population. But television is a very competitive environment; now you have the opportunity to choose from dozens of channels of various types. Football was at the bottom of the list for natural reasons.

We talked a lot about the topic of football/non-football in our country, but I would like to ask a more specific question: are sports leaders doing at least something to make the viewer change their opinion?

Closedness, eternal tension, a siege mood, scandals, shadow spheres - after all, this is all the background in which our football lives today. The background is constant and chronic. Around fun game people create so much fog as if we are talking about the work of a top-secret defense enterprise. A sense of their own greatness and importance does not allow coaches and football players to communicate with the audience in the same language, to be open and understandable. Transparent, Vitaly Mutko would say.

Now it is fashionable to talk about the construction of walls and bridges - so, the subjects of our football most often build high walls, behind which ordinary people they are not really visible. Yes, when it comes to the colossal money that is made in this area, few people want to be in the public eye. But still, the excessive importance of Russian football is rather feigned and empty. But we are persistently forced to accept these rules, to believe that we are dealing with the elite and celestials.

A seemingly simple thing - an interview with a more or less famous player - becomes a whole event in which a long chain of people participates. To come to an agreement, agree on issues, show what happened, then cut something out, agree again - horror! And we are talking about a simple conversation. Question answer. What he said was written down. Showed him as he is. Made it a little clearer to the viewer.

Clearer and closer to people Our television is also trying to make sports - the same “Match TV” or the “Russian Football” program, inviting coaches and football players to the studio. But many interviews turn into a formality, where everything is expected and predictable - and not because journalists don’t know how to ask, but because someone feels very important. And he considers his words so precious that he does not waste them. What if something careless happens and causes the end of the world? Let's be honest - this is a problem not only of TV, but of all sports media, including ours. And the viewer sees the catch and switches the channel. Even second-rate TV series turn out to be more interesting.

What should make ordinary person spend two hours at a football match? Feeling beautiful (expectation) beautiful game), patriotism (expectation that ours will win), famous personalities. But in all directions we are empty.

When in last time they played beautifully, no one remembers.

They win on holidays.

And famous personalities are Shurik and Pavlik at a party in Monte Carlo.

It turns out that our expectations have again become our problems. And what does television have to do with it?

First Deputy general director- general producer of Channel One
in an interview with SE he named the reasons for the reduction in sports topics

What to do if your husband’s friends come first? You consider the advice of a psychologist, friends, look for advice, but do not find an answer that will satisfy you. After all, it’s really unpleasant when your husband’s friends are more authoritative for him than you, because you always want to be the most desirable, dear and important. After all, you are his soul mate, family, irreplaceable and closest... Why then does a man so often choose friends first rather than his wife? The topic of this article: “Advice from a psychologist if your husband’s friends come first.” Let's talk about it?

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Photo gallery: Advice from a psychologist if your husband’s friends come first

At first glance, advice from a psychologist, if your husband’s friends come first, is not even needed. It seems that it is enough to simply understand them or ask someone of the other sex about it. It is not necessary to comprehend or draw up complex diagrams. Men are not other creatures from another planet with whom we have no common language. In fact, we can easily apply interest and put ourselves in the place of such a man.

Almost all guys choose friends first; rarely does a girl come first for them. After all, girls come and go, girls are then something else, different, and you need to behave with them completely differently, but friends will always understand you and will always remain. But what when your husband's friends come first? It would seem that this should not happen at all and that this is completely wrong... But even in this case, you can find a way out.

This does not mean that they will all have the same reasons and that such priorities indicate a character that has not yet matured or is not ready for a “serious” relationship. In fact, there may be different reasons, and we will try to consider the main ones, because knowing the reasons, we can better understand the situation and find a way out of it.

The first possible reason is unpreparedness for serious marital relations, which is most often found in young husbands who do not know how to behave well with women. But in fact, almost all men have his friends at one of the main levels of their priorities; the only question is whether she occupies a leading position or not. Friends are one of the most important things, a very important part in the life of every man. Each of them respects their friends very much, is always ready to help them, and to be good friend- this is a real title that everyone wants to earn. The only difference is what idea a man has of friendship, what concept he attaches to it and how he behaves. Sometimes being unprepared is not a good thing serious problem, because you can push your husband, talk to him about your feelings. Tell him that you don’t like the way he behaves, but do it delicately, solve your problems and mistakes together, point out to him what can help him become best husband for you. Don't forget to mention that you don't forbid him to see his friends, you respect them very much, but it would be better if he paid more attention to you.

Perhaps one of the most severe cases, when a man's friends come first, there may also be gender discrimination. This type can hang out at parties with friends, go to football and beer with them, while his wife cleans, cooks and does laundry at home. In his mind, this is exactly what she should do, he is a man, and he should spend his time with men. For him, a woman remains his favorite bunny and swallow, but in his ideas she stands lower than a man and plays a completely different role. Such a husband will not put you first, he is not ready to perceive you differently, and trying to change him is very difficult task. In this case, you have to ask yourself, do you need this kind of life? After all, when a man openly treats a woman impolitely and discriminates against her friends, this only indicates that he is poorly brought up, has false ideas about marriage and gender, and in some cases such a husband can be equated with home tyrant. Think about what you can do about it? Can you reprogram his consciousness, ideas, character? Are you ready to endure this kind of treatment for the rest of your life?

If a man puts friendship first, psychologists say that the reason for this may simply be the placement of terminal values. Each person is special, and throughout their life they form their own structure of values ​​and set priorities. And the fact that your husband’s friends will come first does not mean the end of the world, this is his opinion, his values, his character, which you must understand and support. The only difference is how this arrangement of values ​​manifests itself, whether it interferes with your personal life, or whether it causes some difficulties. If not, think about why you think this is a problem? Isn't it easier to accept your husband's position and come to terms with his decision? After all, he still loves you, trusts you and appreciates you, for him you are the most best woman and beloved wife, your marriage may be ideal, does it bother you in this case that your husband is very attached to his friends? Sometimes you just need to come to terms with such an opinion and forget about your selfishness. Maybe your problem lies in the fact that you do not want to give up your “first crowning place in his life”?

If friends have a bad influence on your husband, and you worry about him, or because of his friends he began to treat you badly, the best way out would be to talk frankly with him. In psychology there is such a thing as “I-messages”. These are more open phrases for the interlocutor, in which you frame the conversation in the first person and indicate your requirements. You can say “you have bad friends, you have started to behave worse, they...you don’t pay attention anymore...”. In this case, the phrase is perceived as a reproach, an accusation. The I-message will sound like this: “I don’t like the way you’ve been treating me lately, I want to talk to you about it, because it’s very unpleasant for me when your friends...”. You encourage your opponent to think about your feelings and listen to you.

Advice from a psychologist: if your husband’s friends come first, don’t try to secretly change him, use manipulation, talk to him and point out to him what you don’t like. Build your relationships together and you will see that everything can work out through joint efforts.
