What can I do to make my child listen? For the child to be obedient.

The expressions "obedient child" and "good child" are often used interchangeably by many. But in vain, especially since, alas, only not quite healthy children are absolutely obedient. Although no one argues that a child who obeys from the first word (or even better if he immediately reacts to an adult's displeasedly raised eyebrow) is very convenient. But is such “silkness” good for children? Hardly.

Undoubtedly, there are situations when parents without further ado. There should be few of them, 2-3, and it would be nice if a child from 3-4 years old clearly understands where and how he is obliged to obey immediately. These are first of all things related to the safety of life.

  • you can’t play near the roadway and even more so run out onto it,
  • you can’t go for a walk in golfs and sandals in winter, etc.
  • You can't take medicine without permission.

Parents should explain their strictness in observing these rules calmly and intelligibly.

Advice! Play the situation with toys or in drawings so that the child learns better that the parents set the mandatory rules not out of harm, but for his good. In general, thoughtful, caring and loving parents should know the reasons for the disobedience of their kids.

5 Reasons Your Child Is Disobedient

1. Fight for the attention of older family members. By his disobedience, the child wants to get more of their attention, which is so necessary for him for normal development and well-being. After all, it is precisely because of his “blows” that the elders (and, first of all, parents) break away from their affairs every now and then, remembering his existence ...

What to do? In this situation, for adults, the main thing is to restrain the emerging irritation, and even more so anger. And, of course, if there is clearly a struggle for attention, elders should begin to give such a child "positive attention", that is, attention that is not associated with a reaction to bad behavior. How? Best of all, coming up with some joint activities, games, recovering with a child for a walk in the park, in the yard, on the playground ...

2. The desire of the child to assert himself. So children protest against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for them when adults communicate with them mainly in the form of remarks, instructions, and even more so threats. And many of them begin to rebel against this "style of communication", responding with stubbornness, defiant actions. Such behavior of the child is determined by his desire and desire to defend the right to decide his own affairs, to show that he is a person.

What to do? In such cases, parents need to pay attention to their own feelings and their behavior. And if the source of the child’s disobedience is his struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in the child’s affairs, giving him the opportunity to at least somehow accumulate the experience of his own decisions and even failures (of course, this applies more to children already over the age of 2 years). And if the child is not yet able to cope with something on his own, you can’t criticize and scold him - it’s better to find any reason to praise him, to celebrate even his smallest success. At the same time, you should tactfully, carefully secure it, eliminating serious failures.

3. Desire for revenge. For example, a naughty child wants to take revenge for the fact that one of the parents or elders offended him with a harsh remark or unfair punishment. The deep meaning of his bad behavior is: “You did me bad, let it be bad for you too!”

What to do? In these cases, you should change your attitude towards the child, become more tolerant, more affectionate, in no case taking out your irritation on him. It is necessary to find interesting (best of all joint) activities in order to switch his attention from the psychotraumatic situation that has arisen.

4. Loss of faith in yourself, in your own success. This reason for disobedience is most often manifested in older children (after 3 years). Constant criticism of them for mistakes and failures leads to the fact that children lose self-confidence, they begin to develop low self-esteem. And therefore, instead of “correcting”, showing that they are “suitable for something”, such children give up and begin to show with all their behavior that they do not care what their elders think of them.

What to do? In such cases, parents need to show special patience and wisdom in order to rebuild the child’s attitude towards himself and breathe into him faith in his own strengths and capabilities, without resorting to tantrums, offending prodding, and even more so to physical punishment. It is necessary to place him in a situation of success, that is, let him manifest himself in the business that he has always done well (for example, building from Lego, weaving from rubber bands, drawing on asphalt, etc.). And then the baby will calm down internally.

5. Syndrome of hyperactivity. This is a neurological-behavioral developmental disorder, not just "bad behavior". A child who is naturally overactive cannot concentrate on anything (due to a lack of attention), he is often impulsive, his mood often fluctuates, he is in constant motion, and finally exhausted, he begins to cry and "hysteria". It is very difficult to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, then restlessly, in fits and starts. Such a child is usually simply uncontrollable, he does not respond to restrictions or prohibitions, and behaves this way in any conditions (at home, in kindergarten, on the playground, in a store, in a clinic). He often provokes conflicts without controlling his aggressiveness, pushes, bites, fights, using any improvised means (stones, sticks, toys, bottles ...). "Hyperactive" is easy enough to identify by the way he talks a lot and quickly, swallowing words, not listening, interrupting, asking a lot of questions and rarely listening to answers.

What to do? These children need specialized help. Even the most caring and patient parents will not be able to cope with the manifestations of such a disorder. So it is advisable not to turn a blind eye to the obvious signs of hyperactivity syndrome, so as not to start the situation later.

On the Benefits of Disobeying a Child

Disobedience is inherent in most children who gradually enter the world of adults "by trial and error." Yes, this is a burden to a considerable number of parents; Yes, many people dream of having "perfectly obedient" children. It’s just that “too correct” kids, being afraid or not being able to express negative emotions, accumulate them in themselves, and this can lead to various diseases (not only nervous ones). In addition, let's not forget about the dangers of the surrounding world. Let's say a kid who is used to meekly obeying his elders is more likely to get into trouble (answer a stranger, get into a car, go "watch a cat or a rabbit", etc.). Whereas a child who has the experience of abandoning his desires, being critical of adults, can avoid such a misfortune. In general, measure is important in everything, including obedience.

Smart and caring parents should remember that even a small child is a person, which means that he has the right to:

  • Say (at least sometimes) "NO".
  • Make mistakes.
  • Not being able or not wanting to do something.
  • To be different from you or other children.
  • Show negative emotions.

The daughter or son is again indulging, and all attempts to get them to do what is needed are futile? Move on to another tactic.

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand why a child who has been obedient to this day suddenly stops doing what parents ask. Psychologists and educators recommend starting with yourself, because kids often copy mom and dad, considering their behavior to be ideal.

What should be the approach to education

When a son or daughter suddenly categorically refuses to go home from a walk, does not want to clean up their toys - the first response of mom and dad in most cases is irritation and indignation that the baby behaved this way.

Another thing is if the parents show a drop of imagination and come up with an interesting activity at home that will allow them to take the baby away from the walk without tears, or, for example, arrange a competition to collect toys, who will do it faster! Of course, the child will gladly accept your rules of the game and the possible conflict will be resolved.

The fact is that at a certain stage of childhood growing up, it is important for parents to understand that the child becomes an independent person, begins to separate from his mother and no longer just does everything that he is told, but begins to show character, expresses his own opinion and decides what he wants to do, and what is not. In order for a child to obey his own parents, five simple rules must be followed.

Give your child more freedom

To teach your child to obey, try to minimize the restrictions, sometimes it turns out that the child is told “no” too often! There should not be many prohibitions, it is clear that you should not allow a child to stick his hands into the fire, lean out of an open window and cross the road on his own, but after all, run through a puddle, play with a stick in the yard, draw on your hand with a felt-tip pen, just sit on the pavement - it can be resolved!

By doing such things, a young man explores the wonderful world around him, how he will understand what asphalt feels like if he doesn’t touch and sit on it for several minutes, how he will know how wet, deep and dirty a puddle can be if he doesn’t walk through it at least once in a lifetime?

Allow your child to move more, run, jump, scream while walking, remove some of the prohibitions that are not so important, then in most cases the child will listen to you, hear and fulfill your requests.

Control your own emotions

If you want your child to stop screaming when he fails, stop throwing things when he fails, and stop throwing fists at his peers, start analyzing the situation with all members of your family. Indeed, how can one demand adequate behavior from a child if the parents themselves are not shy in expressions and are accustomed to sort things out in raised tones?

How often mothers complain that a daughter or son understands them only when they scream, in fact it is very sad. It turns out that the child heard shouts from parents so often that he got used to responding only to them, and lost the habit of the normal tone of the conversation. To teach a child to obey the first time, not to bring communication to such a state, teach a child from an early age to speak in a calm voice, without shouting at each other.

If you want obedience and adequate childish behavior, then start with yourself, try to be a good example for your own child. Respectfully talk to your husband, your parents, relatives. Stay in line at the store and don't lash out at your neighbors.

Make time for games

Playing various role-playing games with your son or daughter, you can understand what is happening in the child’s soul, if he is worried about problems in the kindergarten or he is afraid of something, then this can be shown in a game with your favorite fairy-tale characters.

Often, children's disobedience at the age of 3-5 years is a manifestation of the fact that the baby is really worried about something, and with the help of toys, you can also stage a solution to the problem. This technique is often used by psychologists, but you are much closer to your child, so you can also help him. Do not forget about, which also require a subtle approach.

Stock up on angelic patience

If you decide to take the path of correction and not punish the child for disobedience with harsh methods, but try to have long explanatory conversations, explain how you can behave and how not - be patient. Changes in behavior will certainly occur, but not immediately, but after a while.

When the son and daughter believe in your sincerity, they understand that for any disobedience they don’t immediately get hit on the priest, but they communicate with them like with an adult, then they will gradually behave less aggressively and will meet their parents halfway.

Engage your child in interesting activities

Most children begin to misbehave and disobey their parents from idleness, when they simply have nothing to do. In case you yourself cannot play with the baby, prepare 10-20 ideas in advance about what you can offer your bored son or daughter.

Now in children's stores they offer a huge number of goods for children's creativity, stock up on interesting options, maybe it will be a set for creating a beautiful picture, an applique, a craft from, choose what your child may really be interested in.

Put all the purchases in a bag and hide away from the child, and at the moment when he starts to languish with boredom and mischief, offer him a set for creativity, then the child will be in business, and parents will be able to continue to do their own thing. Further study to neutralize this problem. which the child can handle.

Be consistent in your actions

If you categorically forbid something, then you must always comply with this prohibition, for example, in the case when you say that now is the time to go to bed - put the child to bed immediately. Don't let your words diverge from your actions. After all, as soon as the child understands that the mother says one thing and does another, he will conclude that you should not take the words of your parents seriously.

The next time the baby does not want to obey his mother and starts a tantrum, he will be convinced that his behavior will be able to achieve what he wants. Try to be consistent in upbringing and make sure that words do not diverge from deeds.

Don't forget to praise and appreciate

Any parent can scold their child, but, unfortunately, not every adult can note something good in him, praise him for a positive act. Notice how many times a day you scold the child, and how much you praise, in fact, parents say that they make much more comments than they say kind words during the day. It's time to get better and start seeing more positive things about your child.

It is important for parents to understand that a child becomes an independent person with age, and he has the right not to obey, but it is adults who are able to gently resolve all conflicts and negotiate, to make sure that the child listens to you, and you understand him and reckon with his opinion. Look for even more useful tips in the section of our website.

How often do we hear from moms and dads: “We have a naughty child” ... And what parent does not dream of finally ending this “holiday of disobedience” and, as if by magic, making his child meek and meek? A pediatric neuropsychologist, a primary school teacher with 20 years of experience, will help bring parents closer to fulfilling their dreams. Olga Belyashova. The expert gave several recommendations on how to make the child obedient, and told whether this “magic” should be done at all.

1. Remember that you are the main role model for children.

How can a mother who crosses the road in front of her child at a red light teach him to cross her on a green one? Or if dad eats an unwashed apple on the street, why shouldn't a baby do it? To avoid such contradictions, parents should watch their behavior. If for a child, forbid it for yourself. Remember that your example is much more important to him than any words.

2. Consider the wishes of the child

Often parents demand constant obedience from the child and are unhappy when he reacts to this in an inappropriate way. For example, instead of quickly washing up, he starts playing with water or stubbornly continues to collect the designer, despite requests to go to bed. In this case, the point is not disobedience, but the fact that the child has his own desires, which he naturally puts in the foreground and sincerely does not understand why he should put them aside for the sake of your intention to put the child to bed on time. In this case, parental and child interests collide, which must be taken into account both on the one hand and on the other. Experts advise to draw up a daily routine for a child (preferably in a beautiful design with large funny pictures). This, albeit not immediately, but still accustom him to discipline and organization. Be more patient with the fact that at first the child will ignore your reminders that, for example, according to the schedule, now you need to go to wash. It will get much easier later.

3. Divide information into parts

It's hard to eat a whole pie. By cutting it into pieces, we will make the process of consuming goodies convenient and enjoyable. It's the same with information. A large volume is like a labyrinth for a child in which he wanders and does not know how to find a way out. Help him: crush information. Wait until he finishes with one action, and only then call another. For example: "Take off your shoes" - wait until the action is completed; “Take off your jacket” - wait again; "Wash your hands" - and so on. Avoid chains: "Take off your shoes, take off your jacket, go to the bathroom, wash your hands ...".

4. "Calm, only calm..."

Is there a parent who does not know the common phrase "Calm mother - calm baby"? It contains a deep meaning, because a child can react to any manifestation and panic with tears and screams. Children feel them on an intuitive level. So stay calm and try to avoid stressful situations. For example, wake up your child earlier if you know that he is slow and it can take a very long time to get ready for kindergarten.

5. Too obedient child is ... wrong!

It's amazing, but it's a fact! A child who is in complete submission to his parents runs the risk of losing his own "I" forever. And this leads to an inability to defend one's positions and interests, to a record, and even to the likelihood of falling into a bad company. Therefore, if you notice that the baby always and in everything agrees with you, change your line of behavior (and do not forget to remain calm!). Teach him to make decisions, take responsibility, defend his interests, and so that he can realize himself in some kind of activity, give him to a creative circle (for example, to a theater studio).

Conclusion: be a calm, patient and considerate parent. Watch your behavior, demand from the child what you do yourself, and do not forget about the children's interests, needs and desires.

?”, then you have come to the right place: you no longer need to read any articles, including this one. I will answer right now: “No way!”

You can't force a child to listen. You can only force them to obey, and then not for long.

The well-known German psychotherapist, the founder of Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls (Fritz Perls) argued that there are two possibilities to influence another person: to become a “dog from above” or “a dog from below”. "Dog from above" is power, authority, orders, threats, punishments, pressure. "Dog from below" is flattery, lies, manipulation, sabotage, blackmail, tears. And when these two "dogs" come into conflict, the "dog from below" always wins. So, if you want your child to obey you, first of all stop forcing him. Stop commanding, lecturing, shaming. Here are some tips on how to replace these ineffective remedies.

How to achieve obedience

The first step is to encourage and stimulate any activity of the child, directed in the right direction. The girl is eager to wash the dishes? Be sure to allow, even if her help only gets in the way. Psychologists conducted surveys of schoolchildren from the fourth to eighth grades, finding out if they were doing any. It turned out that the percentage of children who do not help their parents is the same. But in the fourth - sixth grade many children were unhappy that they were not trusted with household chores! But in the seventh and eighth grades, there were no longer dissatisfied.

The founder of Russian psychology, Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, developed a universal scheme for teaching a child to independently perform everyday activities. First, the child does something together with the parents, then the parents draw clear instructions, and then the child begins to act completely independently.

Let's say you want your child to be neat when he comes in from the street. The first stage: everything is done together, parents show, help. At the second stage, you need to come up with and draw a hint: what, in what sequence and where to put it. For example, like this:

Most children readily follow clear and visual instructions. Gradually, a habit is formed, and external cues become unnecessary.

The next great trick is to turn the desired action into or competition. Just putting away toys is boring and time consuming. Playing housekeeping is another matter entirely.

The game is a natural need for children, in a playful way they are ready to take on the most unloved things. Competition is also a great motivator.

The well-known child psychologist Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter gives such an example. Parents wanted their son to do exercises. We bought equipment, my father made a horizontal bar in the doorway, but the boy was not particularly interested in it, and he shied away in every way. Then the mother invited her son to compete who will do the most pull-ups. They brought a table, hung it next to the horizontal bar. As a result, both began to exercise regularly.

A few words about the common practice of paying children to do household chores… It doesn't work in the long run. The demands of the child are growing, and the amount of work performed is decreasing. In one study, students were asked to solve a puzzle. Half of them were paid for it, others were not. Those who received the money were less persistent and quickly stopped trying. Those who acted out of sporting interest spent more time. This once again confirms the well-known rule in psychology: external motivation (even positive) is less effective than internal one.

How to properly ban

Prohibitions are needed not only for physical security. Numerous studies have shown that childhood negatively affects the personality and destiny of a person. Therefore, prohibitions must be mandatory. But it is very important not to go too far, because their excess is also harmful. Let's see what psychologists advise.

1. Flexibility

Julia Borisovna Gippenreiter proposes to divide all the activity of the child into four zones: green, yellow, orange and red.

  1. The green zone is what is allowed without any conditions, what the child himself can choose. For example, what toys to play with.
  2. Yellow zone - allowed, but with a condition. For example, you can go for a walk if you do your homework.
  3. Orange zone - allowed only in exceptional cases. For example, you can not go to bed on time, because today is a holiday.
  4. The red zone is what is impossible under any circumstances.

2. Consistency and consistency

If some actions are in the red zone, they should never be allowed to the child. It is enough to give up the slack once, and that's it: the children instantly understand that it is possible not to obey. The same applies to the yellow zone. If he did not do his homework, he must be deprived of a walk. Firmness and consistency are the main allies of parents. It is equally important that the requirements and prohibitions are agreed between family members. When mom forbids eating sweets, and dad allows, nothing good will come of it. Children quickly learn to use disagreements between adults to their advantage. As a result, neither father nor mother will achieve obedience.

3. Proportionality

Do not demand the impossible and be careful about difficult prohibitions. For example, it is very difficult (and some simply impossible) for preschoolers to sit still for more than 20-30 minutes. Forbidding them to jump, run and scream in this situation is pointless. Another example: at the age of three, a child begins a period when he refuses all the proposals of his parents. How to deal with this is a separate topic, but “Stop arguing with me!” will only do harm. Parents should have an idea about the age characteristics of children in order to coordinate their prohibitions with the capabilities of the child.

4. Correct tone

A calm, friendly tone is more effective than strictness and threats. In one experiment, children were brought into a room with toys. The most attractive was a controlled robot. The experimenter told the child that he would leave and that while he was gone, it was impossible to play with the robot. In one case, the ban was strict, harsh, with threats of punishment; in the other, the teacher spoke softly, without raising his voice. The percentage of children who violated the ban was the same. But two weeks later, these children were again invited to the same room ...

This time, no one forbade them to play with the robot alone. 14 out of 18 children with whom they were strict last time immediately took the robot as soon as the teacher left. And most of the children from the other group still did not play with the robot until the teacher arrived. This is the difference between submission and obedience.


5. Punishments

For non-compliance with the prohibitions should be punished. The most general rules are:

  1. It is better to deprive the good than to do the bad.
  2. You can't be punished in public.
  3. Punishment should never be humiliating.
  4. You can not punish "for prevention."
  5. Of the measures of physical influence, only restraint is unequivocally recommended when it is necessary to stop a raging child. better to minimize.

6. A little naughty

An absolutely obedient child is not the norm. And what kind of life experience will your child get if he follows instructions and instructions all the time? Sometimes a child should be allowed to do something that will harm him. Facing bad consequences is the best teacher. For example, a child reaches for a candle. If you see this and are sure you are in control (no flammable objects nearby), let him touch the flame. This will save you the hassle of explaining why you shouldn't play with fire. Naturally, it is necessary to adequately assess the possible harm. Allowing a child to put his fingers in a socket is a crime.

Not following the instructions of adults, breaking the locked, children always try to achieve or avoid something. For example, to get attention to yourself or to avoid a traumatic situation. The most important and most difficult task of parents is to understand what is behind disobedience. And for this child, you need to listen, you need to talk to him. Unfortunately, magic wands and unicorns do not exist. It is impossible to read an article on Lifehacker and solve all the problems in relationships with. But you can at least try.


If you want your children not to depend on anyone, not to be led by their friends and girlfriends, to consult only with you, honor and obey only you, read this conspiracy:

Go home baby

Don't blame anyone else

Take advice with dad

Take advice with the uterus

So you would all rush home,

Like a baby chasing a tit.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracies for the obedience of children

Scientists do not deny the effectiveness of conspiracies.

✔ “Living” or consecrated water in the temple;

✔ exact spelling of the words of a prayer or conspiracy;

Daughter started having problems.

When the son gets out of hand

If a teenage son became naughty, he developed bad friends and habits, he began to be impudent to his parents and teachers at school, then you can resort to such a rite.

Here such a moment as the correct pronunciation of words is important. Therefore, for accurate pronunciation, you can write these words on a piece of paper in advance, and then read them at the right time. And return the little thing to his son and let him continue to use it.

Effective conspiracies for the obedience of a child

A fairly common case when parents take care of the child, pay him a lot of attention, but the child is still naughty. Rudeness, tantrums and scandals become commonplace in this family. In such cases, it is customary to use a conspiracy to obedience to the child, because every parent wants to have a good, well-mannered child who can be proud of. I want to make all other families envious of their family well-being.

Conspiracy to obedience to a child

If it is not possible to do this with psychological and educational methods, then magic comes to the rescue, because the parents tried all possible methods, but this did not bring any result. Fathers and mothers turn to magic for help in cases where the usual traditional methods have not been successful. Some parents bring the baby to see a psychologist to help solve the problem. But often, even the most experienced specialists in the field of psychology cannot determine the reason for this behavior of the baby.

If the whims of the child do not pass

If a child is overcome by restless sleep, whims and crying, then the mother cannot calmly observe all this. Our ancestors found a way to solve this problem. While swimming, you need to read the following plot:

“Mother of God, help me. Make it so that the whims of the child are gone, like water flows off a goose. Amen".

If this version of the ceremony does not suit you, then there is another way. While you put your baby to bed, read the following slander:

“Let sleep envelop the baby, and whims disappear from him. I ask that the child can sleep normally, and do not interfere with his parents. Amen".

If the child stopped listening to parents

Since ancient times, prayers have been used to improve the obedience of children. There are a huge number of such conspiracies. The most common way is that while feeding the baby, you need to read the following prayer:

“I feed the baby from my hands. Thus, I want to take away his will. All my life I will now surround my child, the servant of God (name), from adversity and curses. I will become the child's most faithful protector and friend. I ask him to seek help from me, and not from strangers. Amen".

If a child is overcome by nightmares, then the following rite should be performed:

  • draw water from a reservoir, it can be both a river and a well - most importantly, you should not use tap water;
  • go into the child's room when he is sleeping;
  • cross the child in the air, and read the plot: “I gave birth to a baby, and gave him happiness in life. I wish my child never get sick and sleep well at night. Let the baby sleep at night, and let me work during the day. Amen".

If the son stops listening to his parents

In principle, for a teenager, a change in behavior is a normal thing. If a son in adolescence contacted a bad company and began to be rude to his parents, then it is worth holding a special ceremony that will quickly and effectively solve the situation. The ceremony should take place at the moment when the son is in the house. Take the thing that belongs to your child, and he himself must give you this thing. Don't hesitate to take it on your own. You should be overwhelmed with a sense of care.

In order for the child to be obedient, the following slander must be read on the thing:

“I want my child to listen to me again. Don't seek help from strangers. Please help me so that my son can study well. The feeling of hatred that is in his soul, let it go away forever. Let the servant of God (the name of the son) honor his ancestors so that they do not waste their strength. I ask you to endow our house with harmony, so that peace will overwhelm it. Let the conscience that disappeared from the son return again. To honor his parents, and never argue again. My son is very worried. Amen".

It is important to remember that the words must be read correctly. Therefore, if you are not sure of the correct pronunciation, write the words on a piece of paper. Keep it with you all the time so that at a certain moment you can quickly read the necessary words. The item must be returned to the child for further use.

We all love our kids, but sometimes they just get pissed off�

Children are flowers of life! But what if the child

Troubled daughter

In those moments when girls begin to develop hormones, they are very much exposed to psychological problems. They can withdraw into themselves and stop perceiving their parents. The mother always notices the slightest change in her daughter's behavior. If she notices that her daughter began to communicate with dubious adult guys, then her heart begins to worry. If you want to avoid negative consequences, then you need to read a certain conspiracy.

“Lord, I ask you to send my daughter, the servant of God (name), home. Don't let her path take you anywhere. Mom needs to be constantly listened to. I don't wish bad things on my daughter. Let her understand how much I love her. I ask you to make her return her attitude towards me. I will become her most faithful friend, most devoted sister. I will replace everyone with her, just to improve our relationship. I wish my child only happiness. Holy Angel, let her take care of her. Amen".

Do not worry, this conspiracy will not affect the future fate of your daughter. She will be happy and have a good boyfriend. You need to read the plot while the daughter is sleeping. Remember, a child needs to be trusted.

What you need to read conspiracies for the obedience of children

It can happen in a family that parents are attentive, caring, and devote a lot of time to their children, and children grow up disobedient, they can be rude, nasty, they can do something simply, if you look at them from the outside, to spite not only their parents, but also to other people. The father and mother, in order to rectify the situation and save their children from trouble, resort to different methods.

Often even psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers cannot understand what happened to them, why children are so capricious and mischievous. Often, experts cannot give advice that would help change everything for the better. And parents are looking for ways for their children to grow up strong, healthy and obedient. An obedience conspiracy is usually read if other methods fail to correct the situation.

When the baby is naughty

Often the mother has to be nervous and worried if the child does not sleep well at night, screams and is naughty. Grandmothers advised, when a small child cries a lot, suffers, so that he is calmer, when bathing, one must say:

Bathing Conspiracy

"Oh, mother child! Water off the goose, thinness is on you.

There were also such words that mothers said when putting their children to bed:

"Sleepyheads-dreams, come all here, howler-weepers, move away from us."

If the child stops listening

Since ancient times, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, when children stopped listening to their elders, resorted to prayers and conspiracies. There was more than one conspiracy that was read for obedience. If the child misbehaves, then giving him food, quietly say:

“As you eat and drink from my hand, So you give your will to me, All the days, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When a child does not sleep well at night, you need to catch the moment when he sleeps, enter the room with a cup of water, which you first draw from a well, stream, spring or just from a river. Tap water in this case is not suitable for these purposes! Three times the baby must be crossed and read over him the following words:

Good sleep spell

“I gave birth to you, child, with talent and fate. Do not interfere with sleep at night, and do business during the day.

Often, grandmothers said that if the child became capricious and naughty, then such a ceremony should be performed. We must go to church and put 12 candles in front of the icon of the Sorrowing Mother. Pray in front of this icon and buy holy water in the church. At home, over the water that was brought from the church, one should say these words:

“Water water, Sea Queen, you, water, praise. My child, the servant of God (name), - to health, bodily and spiritual.

After these words, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder, cross yourself and go to bed. In the morning you need to get up early and prepare breakfast for the child, you should add to the food, at least quite a bit, the water over which the words were read. Old people say that water from a natural source is special water, because it is “alive” and healing. And many had to make sure from their own experience that this is the way it is.

Ritual for drying

When the son gets out of hand

If the teenage son became naughty, he developed bad friends and habits, he began to be impudent to his parents and teachers at school, then you can resort to such a rite. This plot should be read at a time when the child is at home. You need to take from your son what belongs to him. But make it so that he himself gives it to you, and then say the following words over it:

“Let my child become obedient, let anger and hatred leave him! Let parents arrive in high esteem, so as not to be given extra work! Let there be harmony in my house from now on! God Almighty, grant me patience and peace to my son! May Your will come to him and the conscience awaken in his soul! Let him not resist obedience to his parents for the sake of Your Glorious Name! Amen".

Here such a moment as the correct pronunciation of words is important. Therefore, for accurate pronunciation, you can write these words on a piece of paper in advance, and then read them at the right time. And return the little thing to his son and let him continue to use it.

Daughter started having problems.

Girls, when the age of puberty comes, often face many problems, become withdrawn, begin to be bold, often withdraw into themselves, relations with their mother can crack.

If the mother sees that there used to be a good relationship, and now the daughter has grown-up friends of the opposite sex or guys of dubious behavior, then in order to avoid more serious consequences, our grandmothers recommended saying the following words:

“Your road (daughter's name) leads to the house, to the mother (mother's name) and to no one else. You will listen to me, eat my salt-bread, do not fall for the promises of strangers, bow to your mother and submit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Do not be afraid, after such words your daughter will not be left alone, she will find a suitable mate for herself, but a conspiracy will help save her from an unwanted acquaintance. Such words should be pronounced over a sleeping daughter.

Problems with teenagers

Scientists do not deny the effectiveness of conspiracies

If someone does not believe in conspiracies, that something can change from words, that children will behave and feel better after reading certain prayers, then we advise you to learn more about modern research in the field of psychology and natural sciences.

Information is now available that scientists have experimentally proved that water, when words are spoken over it, and especially prayers, plays music, changes its structure.

After all, it is water that is the carrier of information, as if it "absorbs" what surrounds it. Many church events are associated with this property of water: the consecration of water in churches after the service, the rite of baptism. Priests recommend drinking holy water on various occasions, and on Easter near churches and temples, parishioners are sprinkled with holy water with words addressed to God.

When using prayers and conspiracies, it is necessary to prepare:

  • “Living” or consecrated water in the temple;
  • the exact spelling of the words of a prayer or conspiracy;
  • church candles;
  • specific icon.

From good words, classical music, a water molecule takes on a beautiful shape of an asterisk or a snowflake, and from hard rock or bad words, freezing, it becomes just a shapeless clot of ice. Therefore, we advise you to read scientific literature and think about what our ancestors left us as a legacy in the form of prayers and conspiracies.

After all, I want to do everything so that the children obey. And there are not isolated cases when doctors were powerless, and village grandmothers saved children with prayers and conspiracies, and not only children, from various misfortunes. These conspiracies and prayers have been effective for hundreds and thousands of years, and they continue to help today.

The main thing is not to wish harm to anyone. And if a mother asks for help for her child, resorting to ancient prayers and words that our ancestors read, then she does not violate the laws of the Universe. And there is no magic here, and if there is, then only the magic of love.

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10 conspiracies for the obedience of a child

I want to please you with a unique collection of magical conspiracies for the obedience of a child. You have such a fidget. Well, how can he be left without parental supervision?

On the other hand, if children are forbidden everything, they will begin to develop with a delay.

It is important to find a compromise, with a teenager or a baby.

If you have candles bought in an Orthodox Church, light at least one.

Choose a time when the baby will sleep peacefully.

Do not complain about his disobedience and excessive activity.

The main thing is that he grows up healthy and happy.

I wish you this with all my heart.

Whisper magical incantations at the head from a handwritten sheet.

1). Let the child not reread me, understand all the speeches perfectly. Amen!

2). O Child, become obedient in everything, I conjure you with fire. Amen!

3). Whims will calm down, you won’t cry, you will forget past grievances in the morning. Amen!

4). I will speak to you for obedience, so that he listens to advice, does not create problems for us. Amen!

5). Tell me your secrets and show me who you meet. Amen!

6). Like a fire burning in the night, when I say, be silent. Amen!

7). In obedience, you will obey me, you will say goodbye to an objectionable man. Amen!

8). I am a parent, and you are my child, I have power over you from the cradle. Amen!

9). You will only listen to me, help me, flame of fire. Amen!

Choose from 10 magical conspiracies the most suitable for your situation.

If, say, you already have an adult daughter who does not sleep at home, disobediently indulging in joys with a troublemaker, read the seventh wording.

Soon she will break up with him.

Peace and prosperity to you!
