Contests with soap bubbles in kindergarten. "Soap Bubble Festival" with elements of health-saving technologies

Blowing soap bubbles is one of the most unpretentious, but at the same time the most fun children's fun. Of course, this idea is best suited for outdoor walks: the breeze helps to blow and send colorful soap balls on a journey. Bring variety to your "Holidays of soap bubbles" with MAAM.

On the pages of this thematic section, we have prepared for you a good selection of event scenarios for gaming, entertainment and research activities, one way or another related to soap bubbles. There are also interesting publications here about the use of soap bubbles in creativity - drawing in an unconventional way.

A great guide to "soap fun" is at your service at MAAM.

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Nesterova Natalya Anatolyevna Summer holiday " Bubble"on a walk with children of different age groups. Walk Events: Leading: Hello girls! Hello boys! Guess mine riddle: The breeze caresses, blows, the aroma of flowers invigorates, The grass in the field is green, in ...

Entertainment Scenario "Holiday soap bubbles» (for children of middle and senior preschool age) Goals: To evoke in children a joyful emotional mood, a desire to become a participant in entertainment, the opportunity to enjoy the holiday, vivid unique sensations ....

Soap bubbles - Summary of the developing drawing lesson "Multi-colored soap bubbles" for early preschool age

Publication "Synopsis of a developing drawing lesson" Multi-colored soap ... " Purpose: to learn to draw soap bubbles with unconventional techniques: with cotton swabs and a finger; consolidate knowledge about the color and size of objects. Material and equipment: paper, watercolors, a glass of water, cotton swabs. Game situation: blowing soap bubbles on ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Purpose: Creation of a favorable emotional state in children; Development of interest in experimental activities. Tools: basins with soapy water, glycerin, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles of soap bubbles, 3 plastic bottles with lids, tablecloth,...

Scenario of summer entertainment "Show of soap bubbles" Purpose: - creation of a favorable emotional state in children; - development of interest in experimental activities. Means: basins of soapy water, glycerin, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles of soap ...

How beautiful - look! - Bubble. They fly in a flock in the wind And shine in the sun. Took paint at dawn These wonderful bubbles! E. Egorova, blowing soap bubbles is one of the most unpretentious, but at the same time the most fun children's fun. And, of course, this idea is best suited for ...

Soap bubbles - Scenario of entertainment "In the country of soap bubbles" in the second group of early age

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 "Bee", Rtishchevo, Saratov Region ENTERTAINMENT in the second group of early age "In the country of soap bubbles." Educators: Vanina A.S. Purpose: To form an idea in children of the skills of practical experimentation with water and soap. Tasks: - Give...

Photo report "Soap Bubble Festival" How beautiful - look! - Bubble. They fly in a flock in the wind And shine in the sun. Took paint at dawn These wonderful bubbles! Summer is the time for fun holidays. A holiday in kindergarten is a day filled with joy and fun. For...

Leisure scenario for younger preschoolers "Bubble Show"

Leisure is designed with the aim of spending it on the summer playground with the involvement of the parents of the pupils. Game exercises, experimental activities make it fun, interesting and informative.


Creating a favorable emotional state in children;

Development of interest in experimental activities.


basins with soapy water, glycerine, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles of soap bubbles, 3 plastic bottles with lids, tablecloth, hoops.

Event progress:

Exit the clown Butterscotch.

(comes to the children on the playground, greets and gets acquainted).

Guys, and you know, today is the holiday of "Soap Bubbles". And everyone should be in a good mood. We will sing, play and blow bubbles.

But what to do? We don’t have soap bubbles, but don’t worry guys, we’ll figure something out with you.

And I've already figured it out. Let's make bubbles ourselves? ... (let's)

Guys, what are soap bubbles made of? ... (water, soap)

(experimental activity: children, together with a clown, make a solution for soap bubbles, pour the finished solution into bottles).

Now please take it

You vials quickly.

Let's play: who is more

Blows bubbles!

(Funny music plays, children blow bubbles)

Blowing bubbles

Here they are - look!

They are all air

And very naughty!

How can we catch them?

Hold it on your palm!

(children catch bubbles).

Guys, let's tell verses about bubbles:

1. If you blow harder,

There will be a lot of bubbles!

One two three four five,

No way to catch them.

2. One, two, three

One two Three -

I'm blowing bubbles.

soap, air,

obedient to the wind.

3. One, two, three, four, five,

Bubbles fly again

Over houses, over forests.

Over green gardens.

4. How beautiful - look! -


Flying in the wind

And they shine in the sun.

5. Gave me a toy

Not a typewriter, not a cracker.

Just a tube. And inside

Bubbles lurked.

6. Bubbles fly up easily,

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

Look, look

How the bubbles shine!

7. Masha washed her hands,

The ball was born from soap.

How airy is he?

Only very naughty.

What do you guys think, what does a soap bubble look like? ... (children's answers)

Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “Yes” and clap your hands, and if you do not agree, shout loudly “No” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

The yes-no game

Soap bubble looks like an orange?... (Yes)

Does he look like a tangerine?... (Yes)

And the apples in the orchard?.... (Yes)

And for a fish, there in the pond? ... (No)

Does a soap bubble look like a globe of the earth? ... (Yes)

And on an inflatable ball? ... (Yes)

Does it look like a phone?... (No)

And on a big tape recorder ...? (No)

Is it round like the sun in the sky?... (Yes)

And how is the wheel on the bike?... (Yes)

Also, does it look like a house?... (No)

And on a white snowball? ... (Yes)

Well done! Now let's play.

Breathing game "Soapsuds"

Guys, now let's arrange a competition for the most magnificent soap foam. It is necessary to blow quietly, without puffing out the cheeks.

(children use straws to create foam).

Well done!

Guys, do you like magic tricks?... (yes)

Fun game "Magic"

(there are 3 identical plastic water bottles on the table under the tablecloth)

Get ready guys, the magic is about to begin.

Focus - 1.

You, water-water,

You are my student friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green!

"Eniki - beniks - clous,

The first trick is out!”

(turns over, shakes the bottle and everyone discusses together what happened to the water - the water turned green).

Focus - 2.

You, water-water,

Light as frost!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but blue!

The clown says the magic words:

"Eniki - beniks - clous,

The second trick is out!”

(turns over, shakes the bottle and everyone discusses together what happened to the water - the water turned blue).

Focus - 3.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red!

The clown says the magic words:

"Eniki - beniks - clous,

The third trick is out!”

(turns over, shakes the bottle and everyone discusses together what happened to the water - the water turned red).

Guys, do you like magic tricks? (Yes)

Something we sat down. It's time for us to move.

We sat down for a bit

To break the bones

I suggest you run

Visit bubbles.

Mobile game "Soap Bubbles"

Guys, we are now turning ourselves into soap bubbles. Let's say the magic words:

- "One, two, three, we are all soap bubbles"

Rules of the game:

Soap bubbles love to fly. On a signal: “Fly”, you will run around the site.

Soap bubbles have houses - these are hoops. At the signal: "It's time to go home!" you take a place in the house - a hoop. Whoever does not have enough space is eliminated from our game and turns back into a child.

(during the game, the teacher removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; the winners - the bubbles are praised). The game is played 3-4 times.

We've had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing with bubbles?... (yeah)

Then you will get real soap bubbles as a gift (teachers distribute bottles of soap bubbles).

Leisure scenario for younger preschoolers

"Soap Show"


Summer holiday at the DOW. Scenario "Holiday of soap bubbles."

Target: create a magical atmosphere and give children fun in bubble games.
Tasks: Learn how to blow bubbles to give pleasure and positive emotions from joint communication, to enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relations with peers, to develop motor activity of children, skills of orientation in space, to cultivate a sense of self-confidence.
Equipment: bottles of soap bubbles, cups of water, cocktail tubes for blowing foam, soap, hoops, musical accompaniment.

Entertainment progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Educator: Today we will get into one wonderful fairy tale. And what fairy tale we will get into, I will tell you after you guess my riddle.
Born in soapy water
Turned into a ball
flew to the sun,
Yes, it didn’t fly: it burst!
(soap bubble)
Educator: Well done boys. Right! In a distant fairy-tale country, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in one fairy-tale kingdom, wonderful inhabitants live - soap bubbles. They love to fly to our land and play with the guys. Bubbles are very delicate and fragile, but they give their magic to the whole world.
Educator: And let's arrange a holiday of soap bubbles with you? Do you agree?
Today is a wonderful holiday
We'll put on a show!
Soap foam
We will bubble!
Educator: What are soap bubbles made of? Here are some tips for you.

I am everywhere!
In the sea, in the ocean
In a puddle and in a faucet.
You heard about me
Because I'm everywhere!
Children love to play with me
Whip a fluffy foam.
I and the water at the cleaners -
Lungs transparent through the air float.
But just touch with your hand - they no longer live.
Educator: Riddles solved. Well done! What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “Yes” and clap your hands, and if you do not agree, shout loudly “No” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

The yes-no game
Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)
- Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)
- What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)
- What about the fish in the pond? (No)
Does a soap bubble look like a globe? (Yes)
- What about an inflatable ball? (Yes)
- Does it look like a telephone? (No)
- And on a big tape recorder? (No)
Is it round like the sun in the sky? (Yes)
- And how is the wheel on the bike? (Yes)

Also, does it look like home? (No)
- What about the white snowball? (Yes)

Educator: Well done! And now let's inflate a big big soap bubble with you.

P / and "Bubble".
Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, becoming close to each other, they say together:
Blow up, bubble
Blow up, big one
Stay like this
Don't crash.
At the same time, everyone gradually expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”. Children put their hands down and squat down, saying, "Clap." It is possible, after the words: “The bubble has burst”, to invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying: “Shhhhh”. The guys, stepping back, again expand the circle.

Educator: And now games with soap bubbles.
Opening the caps
Blowing bubbles
They are all airy!
And very naughty
How can we catch them?
Hold it on your palm!

The game "Who will catch in the palm of your hand"
The teacher blows bubbles, the children try to catch them in their palms.

Educator: bubbles burst,
Like drops of dawn
bright, shiny,
Almost like the real ones.

Game "Naughty Bubbles"
While the music is playing - the children run around the hall, the music subsides - the children squat down, puff out their cheeks.

Educator: Guys, now let's arrange a competition for the most magnificent soap foam. It is necessary to blow quietly, without puffing out the cheeks.

Breathing game "Soapsuds"
We collect a small amount of the solution in plastic glasses and blow air into them with tubes. The solution will begin to boil and give abundant foam.

Educator: There will be soapy fun
There will be many, many laughs.
Once a bubble - for you,
Two is more for me
Three - bubbles escaped ...

The game "Close jar"
At the words: “Bubbles, gather in a jar,” the children run up to the soap, stand tightly in a circle, hug. At the words: "1, 2, 3, blowing bubbles!" children run in different directions.

Educator: So that the legs do not hurt, there were forces in our body -
You need to move actively: run, jump and jump.
Everyone in the world to smile, exercise, temper,
And for this, guys, we will play with you!

Game "Funny Bubbles".
Two traps are selected, the rest are bubbles.
Children, children, look we are funny bubbles
(put feet alternately on the heel)
You take a straw, lower it into a jar of foam and blow it.
One, two, three - bubbles grow.
(shake hands)
Grow, shimmer - more and more inflated.
(turn around)
Suddenly palms appeared, bubbles started to catch.
Clap, clap, one, two, three, watch out for bubbles.
(children clap their hands)
"Bubbles" run away, traps catch up with them. Whom they caught up and touched with a hand, he crouches. Won those "bubbles" to which the traps did not touch.

Educator: Blowing bubbles
You and I are now made of soap
We blow bubbles.
It will be happy and nice.
Colorful! Look!
All bubbles are full of
Bright patterns.
And we will blow - they will fly
On four sides!

"Who has the bigger bubble?"
Children take bottles with soap bubbles and try to blow the biggest bubble.

Educator: Blowing bubbles
Here they are - look!
They are all air
And very disobedient!
Guys, do you want to turn into soap bubbles? To do this, you need to say the magic words: "One, two, three, we are all soap bubbles."

Mobile game "Soap Bubbles".
Bubbles love to fly. On a signal: “Fly”, you will run. Bubbles have houses - hoops. At the signal: "It's time to go home!" you will try to take a place in the house. Whoever does not have time to take a place in the house is eliminated from our game and turns back into a child. (In the course of the game, the teacher removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; bubble winners are praised).

Educator: We've had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing? (Yes)
I am very glad, and in parting, I suggest you all together, to the music, inflate a lot - a lot of soap bubbles.
Bubbles pop up easily
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
- Look, look,
How the bubbles shine!

Ludmila Belousova

Carefully - bubbles...

Oh what!

Oh look!

Are bloated!

Come off!

Mine is plum!

Mine is walnut!

Mine didn't burst the longest!

Bubble have always been an amusing hobby for children, especially for the little ones. How much delight and positive emotions can be seen on the faces of the kids. Almost every one of us, in his childhood, at least once let bubble and admired the multi-colored shimmering in the sun soap balls! Children during games a positive emotional state was observed. Children watch with great enthusiasm bubbles burst, run after them, visually follow and ask again and again to let them in. Soap bubble games can be used to develop speech breathing in children. Target games- development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Rules games: The teacher lets bubble, and the child offers to blow on them and not let them fall.

Bubble you can cook it yourself, I want to give you the recipe soap solution which I am using.

300 ml of water

100 ml. any dishwashing detergent

50 ml of glycerin.

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Soap bubbles are a summer fun that every child is truly delighted with! They shimmer in the sun and play with all the colors of the rainbow, rise up and burst there.
There are many recipes for making a solution for soap bubbles.
We offer three of the most popular and easy to prepare.
Option one
For 200 g of any detergent, you need to take 600 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin (sold in a pharmacy). Mix everything well. With glycerin, the bubbles are denser.
Option two
A piece of laundry soap should be grated on a coarse grater. In 400 ml of hot water, dissolve 4 tbsp. l. soap shavings. Let the solution stand for a week so that the soap dissolves, then add 2 tsp to it. Sahara. Leave until sugar dissolves, then mix - ready. This recipe is more complicated than the first, but worth it - the bubbles are dense, the mass is very foamy and productive.
Option three
We will need: 50 ml of shower gel (you can take shampoo or liquid soap), 60 ml of water, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar. Combine everything, mix. Ready!

colored bubbles
Soap bubbles can be made colored - it will be a real soap firework, from which any child will be delighted! To do this, pour the prepared solution into small jars and color with food dyes of different colors. You can not only blow such bubbles - you can draw with them! The prints of colored bubbles on paper are very merging into whimsical patterns, they can also be used to create colorful backgrounds for other creative works. You can draw with colored bubbles on pieces of cardboard, wallpaper, in the snow.

Air "matryoshka"
It is very interesting to blow bubbles one into another, according to the principle of nesting dolls. To do this, you need a flat surface (for example, a flat plate) and a thin straw. Lubricate the bottom of the plate with a solution. Inflate the first bubble so that it lies on a plate with a hemisphere. Now gently insert the straw inside this bubble and inflate the second bubble inside. And so on - the third, fourth ... You can compete who will inflate the most bubbles. This is a fun activity for the whole family!

Don't let me fall
Children try to do everything possible so that soap bubbles do not fall to the ground for as long as possible.

Inflate more
Children take turns blowing up as many soap balloons as they can and counting them. The one who blew them the most wins. Great way to remember numbers.

Catch on command
Children “catch” bubbles only on a special command: squatting, on one leg, with one hand, on tiptoe, only with their head, finger, etc.

With the help of wire rings, you can try to juggle soap bubbles.

Soap miracle in hand
Dip your hands in the soap solution and use your index finger and thumb to blow bubbles. Soap balls will be right in your hands. Very funny!

Who has the bigger bubble?
You can arrange a competition - who will inflate the biggest bubble.

soap cocktail
Pour some soap solution into a jar. Take a tube and start blowing hard into it. You will quickly form foam, which will be fun to fall out of the edges of the container.

Who will catch more bubbles
Children chase soap bubbles, trying to "catch" as many of them as possible.
