Single mother who is considered by law. Who is a single mother (single mother)

Often in our lives we meet women who raise their minor children alone.

They have nowhere to ask for help and therefore they rely only on themselves.

At the same time, the state provides not only financial support for single mothers, but also various benefits. The only problem is that few people know how to apply for this status and what conditions must be met.

The legislative framework

Currently, the status of a single mother and all benefits provided are regulated by the following legislative acts:

In addition to the basic laws, there are also regional ones, which are adopted directly by local authorities and are able to additionally provide support to women who have received the status of a single mother.

Criteria for assignment to this status

A mother raising a child on her own does not always have the right to receive this status.

If a woman raising a child alone fits any category, then she is issued certificate in form No. 25, which confirms the possibility of obtaining the status of a single mother.

In addition to the above, in birth certificate The child must have a dash in front of the father column, otherwise it will be very difficult, or rather impossible, to formalize the status.

But, current legislation registration is not required this status to those mothers who:

  • after the divorce process they do not receive any payments or benefits, including alimony;
  • gave birth to children within the legally prescribed 300-day period after the divorce;
  • children have a father who is officially recognized. It doesn’t matter whether he lives with them or not;
  • for some reason they became widows;
  • widows who gave birth to their baby after the death of their spouse no later than the 300-day period established by law;
  • mothers raising their children on their own because fathers were deprived of their parental rights.

Step-by-step registration procedure

Myself receiving process status is as follows:

Let's take a closer look at the status registration process.

Where to go

To obtain single mother status, you must apply at your place of residence to the social protection authority. It is he who is responsible for the registration and provision of this type of status.

It is also worth noting that depending on the region in which the woman applying for this status lives, it may also be possible to apply to not one authority, but several. An example of this is multifunctional center in Moscow.

What documents to provide

The documents required for registration of status do not affect the region of residence; they are scroll is standard and looks like this:

It is worth noting that if we talk about visiting the employment center, there is nothing complicated here. His employees will register the mother and determine her monthly income. Its size cannot be specified as it is calculated on an individual basis.

If we talk about the statement, then it includes:

  • the name of the body to which the application is submitted (you can find out the correct name of the body immediately before submitting the application);
  • initials of the mother who is applying for status;
  • residential address indicated in the passport;
  • the name of the document itself;
  • in the main part of the application you should write a text with the following wording: “I ask you to provide the status of a single mother”;
  • a complete list of accompanying documents;
  • At the bottom there is a number and signature.

The application can be submitted either personally by the applicant or by a third party, but a power of attorney must be drawn up (necessarily notarized).

Terms of consideration

A distinctive feature of the single mother status is the fact that it can be processed at any time. Regardless of when the facts conducive to obtaining the status occurred, it can be issued before the child reaches adulthood.

If we talk about the period for an applicant to review all necessary documentation for status, the maximum period is no more than 10 calendar days, including weekends and holidays.

Failure Cases

When applying for this status, just like with any other, a refusal may follow.

This could be one of several reasons:

  • the list of submitted documentation is not complete;
  • a mother raising a child alone does not fall under the criteria of a single mother.

If the reason for the refusal is a lack of documents, then this can be easily eliminated. It is enough to provide the missing documentation and this deficiency will be eliminated.

However, unfortunately, there are situations when social protection authorities refuse to grant this status, without explaining the reason.

In this case, there are several options for further action, namely:

  • submit a written request to the social security authority asking for an explanation of the refusal. In such a situation, they are obliged to provide written reasons for the refusal (in no case oral);
  • send a request by Russian post to the social protection authorities. This method is used only if employees of the social security authority refused to accept a written request from the applicant.

If the request continues to be ignored, experts recommend seeking help from a lawyer or immediately filing a statement of claim in court. If there are no reasons for refusal, the court will force the social security agency to grant this status.

Status confirmation

In order to confirm the status of a single mother, you must provide the same documents as when receiving it.

In most cases, it is enough to present a certificate in form No. 25 to the authority that requires confirmation of the status of a single mother.

To learn how to obtain this status, watch the following video:

Nowadays, mothers raising children alone are not so rare. But from a legal point of view, not all of them are equal to the status of a single mother.

According to the letter of the law, the definition of a single mother is a woman who gave birth to a child (children) without being married, as well as those women who gave birth to a child (children) 300 days or more after divorcing her husband. If the child was born in marriage or less than 300 days passed from birth to divorce, and the husband (ex-husband) challenged paternity, then the woman is also a single mother.

But nowadays there are other cases. For example, a woman lost her husband, that is, she became a widow. In this case, she is not a single mother and she is not entitled to appropriate benefits. But she is entitled to benefits in connection with the loss of a breadwinner. One way or another, nominally, of course, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to state assistance.

It is also possible that a new father leaves the family when his wife has just given birth or is still pregnant. In this case, the woman cannot have the status of a single mother - she is entitled to alimony. That is, the father of children not only in words must support his children as a respectable citizen, he is obliged, indeed obliged, to support his own child. Moreover, such a father, even in the event of deprivation of parental rights, is obliged to pay alimony. He is deprived of parental rights, but the obligation to support his own child is not removed from him. Thus, the woman does not bear the burden of financial support for the child alone, which means she is not a single mother.

When registering a birth certificate, it is easier for a woman not to write the full name of the child’s father, but to put a dash in the “father” column. Why? The fact is that if the father is registered, then in a number of cases, for example, when leaving abroad (if the father has issued a ban on the child’s departure), the father’s permission to leave the child will be required. Or, for example, when registering a child at the mother’s residence address, his permission is required. However, if there is a dash on the child’s birth certificate, then in the future the child will not be able to claim his father’s inheritance.

As you can see, the status of a single mother and the rights of a single mother are extremely clearly defined. The definition of the concept of a single mother according to the law and in everyday life are two different things. Often in conversation, any woman divorced from her husband who has children is already supposedly considered a single mother. No, that's not true. It should be understood that the strict letter of the law is one thing, and a turn of phrase is another matter. Sometimes there are even such oddities - a woman has a husband, he is alive, he just does not live with his wife and does not take part in raising children. And despite her living husband and being married, the woman calls herself a single mother. An anecdotal situation for a lawyer, but, unfortunately, quite sad for the woman herself and her children.

Single mothers are entitled to some special payments and benefits. It is important to know your rights and responsibilities. Mothers in Russia know their responsibilities, but the rights are a little more complicated. A woman who has the status of a single mother has the right to receive some very specific benefits and even payments. Benefits and allowances for single mothers should be obtained from Social Security at the place of residence. As is tradition, an article about benefits, allowances and payments for single mothers will appear on our website. (And here is the promised article: Benefits for single mothers in 2014: payments and benefits) Naturally, such mothers have all the rights equal to married women, but in addition to these benefits they have the right to receive special benefits. For example, to pay for utilities.

Today, many women are raising children without the help of fathers. The financial costs of children are high, so it is difficult to cope with the financial issue alone.

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The state provides for single mothers, but only those who have single mother status can count on receiving them.

  • by birth;
  • caring for a child up to one and a half years old;
  • for registration in the housing complex before the 12th week of pregnancy;
  • a one-time payment for taking a child from an orphanage.


If a woman is recognized as a single mother, then her child can enter kindergarten without waiting in line. He also receives free meals and textbooks at school.

In the healthcare sector, benefits are also provided, for example, free receipt of certain medications.

There are also benefits in the housing and communal services sector. But usually they are rarely used. You can apply for a subsidy to pay for utility bills.


Labor benefits are also provided: a woman can work without being required to work overtime or work on holidays and weekends. All business trips must be carried out only with written consent.

A single mother can be fired only in case of complete liquidation of the organization or for a serious violation under the article.

There are also benefits for sick leave and vacation pay.

A single mother is entitled to a double tax deduction. Moreover, if she has two children, then the deduction will be appropriate.


There is no special provision for single mothers. In some regions, payments are assigned once a year for certain categories of citizens, the list of which includes single mothers.

Only a single mother recognized as low-income can count on benefits.

Please note that payments are divided into certain types:

Benefit until 14 or 18 years of age The benefit continues to be paid only in case of continuing education after 14 years
Compensation if the price of accommodation has increased;

if prices for children's products have increased.

If a woman gives birth to a child and for some reason he is left without a father, then she can obtain the status of a single mother. Thanks to the registered status, a single mother is provided with benefits and receives payments.

To register the status of a single mother, a citizen applies to the registry office, where she is given certificate No. 25, thanks to which she can enjoy the required benefits.

Read in the article who is considered a single mother, the amount of payments and what benefits this category of women is entitled to.

Who is considered a single mother by law?

By law, a single mother is a woman who has given birth to a child and is raising him outside of marriage.

She is also considered single if, after the birth of the baby, the parents did not submit an application to the registry office to establish paternity. The registration book must contain the name of the mother, father and his patronymic according to the mother’s words. If there is no father, then a dash is placed in the father column, and the mother receives a certificate of “single mother”.

How to get status?

You can request single mother status if:

  • the woman is not officially married, and the father abandoned the child;
  • There is a dash in the “father” column on the birth certificate.

Procedure for obtaining single mother status:

  1. The mother submits an application for status to the social welfare department located at her place of residence.
  2. The application is accompanied by a prescribed package of documents.
  3. Within 30 days, the authorized bodies consider the application for assignment of status and make a decision.
  4. Within 30 days, the applicant receives a mail notification with the decision made.

Important!A woman who has become a widow or is divorced is not eligible to apply to change her status.

Documents for registration of single mother status:

  • the applicant's identity card;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • document on family composition;
  • a certificate from housing and communal services confirming the absence of debts for utility services;
  • certificate No. 25, issued by the civil registry office;
  • receipt for payment of state duty;
  • mother's work book, indicating her last place of work;
  • a certificate from the company about the applicant’s mother’s latest income.

Certificate No. 25 is issued at the registry office and is a special document that confirms the status of a single mother. It is provided upon request of the mother. The certificate is required to receive benefits and cash benefits for raising minors.

The application must contain information:

  • full name of the government agency;
  • Applicant's full name and actual address;
  • document's name;
  • about the applicant's request;
  • about the attached documents;
  • date and signature of the applicant.

Documents are provided at a time and in their original form. The state fee for filing an application is 200 rubles.

Single mother status may be lost if:

  • the mother got married and her husband adopted a child;
  • the natural father acknowledged paternity;
  • The documents provided by the mother turned out to be unreliable.

Benefits provided by law

Single mother status gives the right to:

  • financial assistance for a long-term illness of a child;
  • subsidy for the purchase of housing;
  • additional maternity leave, if necessary;
  • benefits in higher education institutions;
  • personal income tax deduction;
  • regional benefits.

Benefits and privileges guaranteed by law for single mothers:

  • employment of a single mother is paramount;
  • in case of illness, the mother’s sick leave is paid in full;
  • when staffing is reduced, the position of the mother who is raising the baby alone is retained;
  • the tax deduction is 2800 rubles for each child;
  • receiving a free set of linen for newborns;
  • establishment of part-time work until the child is 14 years of age;
  • failure to pay property taxes;
  • 30% discount on specialized courses;
  • free lunch;
  • receiving benefits in sanatorium institutions;
  • a woman raising a minor on her own cannot be fired.

If a woman was illegally fired, she can file a claim in court and challenge the decision of her superiors.

Benefits provided by law

The state provides child support benefits for a single mother:

  1. Tax deduction in the amount:
  • 2800 rubles - for the first child;
  • 24,000 rubles - for the maintenance of a disabled child;
  • 6,000 rubles - for the maintenance of three or more children.

2. One-time cash benefit.

The amount of the benefit depends on the woman’s work experience. It varies from 300 rubles to 4500 rubles monthly.

To provide it, the applicant applies to the social fund and provides a certificate of his income for the last 3 months. The best option for the applicant is if the payments do not fall on maternity leave.

Also, a single mother is entitled to benefits for the birth of a child. It amounts to 16,350.33 rubles. It is paid to every woman giving birth, regardless of her status and financial situation. The benefit is issued within 6 months after the birth of the baby.

How to apply for payments and benefits?

A single mother can apply for a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child:

  • for a working woman - from the employer;
  • for the unemployed - in social protection.

If a woman wants to receive personal income tax benefits, she submits an application at her place of work. The application is submitted together with the accompanying documents.

List of required documents:

  • birth certificate of a minor;
  • certificate No. 25 and No. 25 from the registry office;
  • a certificate from the housing office confirming that the minor lives with his mother;
  • confirmation that the applicant is not legally married;
  • if necessary, a certificate from a medical or educational institution.

Personal income tax payments are processed at one place of work.

Also, a single mother under 35 years old who is raising a child on her own is entitled to a subsidy from the state in the amount of 35% of the cost of the apartment. She can participate in the “Young Family” program:

  1. First of all, a single mother must have Russian citizenship.
  2. She shouldn't have her own home.
  3. A single mother contacts the district administration at her place of residence and submits an application to improve her living conditions.
  4. The applicant's income must be such that they can issue a loan.
  5. The mother must have a down payment.

For 2018, the monthly income for a mother of two minors should be 21,621 rubles, and for three - 32,510 rubles.
