Caution is a real life example. caution cautious

Be careful and cool. Having a cool head is just as necessary as having a warm heart.

Reasonable caution of a person is expressed not so much in the fact that he never makes a mistake, but in the fact that he does not allow it to be repeated.

Handle jokes with care. You may be misunderstood.

Be careful with blue birds - they can be decoy ducks

The more careful one is in his promises, the more accurate he is in their fulfillment.

The trouble is when a person does not have enough intelligence to say well, or common sense to carefully remain silent.

Caution as a quality of a person is a tendency to constantly take care of one's safety, to behave attentively, with concentration in relationships with people or in the face of danger, to carefully analyze the situation, critically evaluate information, and timely identify lies.

In the 19th century, most laboratories lacked some kind of protection against explosions and flashes of flame. One of the most illustrious creators of the scientific foundations of chemistry, the author of many fundamental discoveries, Charles Adolf Wurtz, had to work under such conditions. One day, one of Wurtz's friends met him as he was strolling with a preoccupied view of the square a few steps from the laboratory. - What are you doing here? he asked Wurtz. - I'm waiting for the result of the experiment! Wurtz replied. Thanks to caution, the name of Wurtz is on a par with the names of such contemporaries as Butlerov, Mendeleev and Berthelot.

Caution lives in the here and now. Manifested, as a rule, in conjunction with forethought, it, in contrast to it, occupies its own niche - concern for one's own safety in the present with a slight tilt in time into the future. Foresight is the ability to foresee the possible development of events, the possible consequences of something; the ability to take appropriate action in advance. It dwells in the future, manifesting itself in the ability to pre-think one's actions and their consequences. In a word, caution is a predictor, while caution is a disguised focus on relationships and events of the present moment.

"Darling, why are you so late?" - Yes, it was necessary to urgently scan the passport data. I went to the next office, scanned, sent by mail. In order not to use my data, I deleted the letter from the sent ones, cleaned the deleted ones. - You are so careful! - Yeah, I already went home, but they called to pick up my passport from the scanner ...

Caution is especially needed in interpersonal relationships. Maintaining relationships in the family is maintaining caution, and improving is even greater caution. Success in relationships is associated with caring and attention to the needs, intentions and desires of others. Focusing on this side of the relationship takes the form of caution. Take, for example, the candy-bouquet period in the relationship between a man and a woman. Both sides are extremely cautious, trying to impress, "dissolve" in the desires and intentions of each other. In anticipation of future happiness, everyone calls for help caution - God forbid to offend, appear in an unfavorable light. But, as often happens, having reached the desired goal, the parties forget about caution, relax, losing their attractiveness and charm. A man becomes inattentive, not affectionate, and a woman forgets about her appearance, gets fat, in a word, in a great variety of forms, loses caution. Happiness is leaving. What we have - we do not store, having lost weeping. One of the couple or both catch on and say to themselves: "From now on, I will be careful, that is, attentive and focused on my beloved." Happiness returns. But the music did not play for a long time ... Everything repeats again. People forget about caution in relationships. There is a kind of cycle of caution in nature. Newlyweds need to be given a reminder: “Be careful and attentive before the “golden” wedding, and if possible, then be even more careful after that!”

"Caution is the eldest child of wisdom," wrote Victor Hugo. For example, a person dreamed of a new car and in the first week was attentive and careful on the road. Perceiving the car as an extension of his body, he feared that "him" would be hit. Happiness is obtained, but the senses can never be satisfied, they need a fast ride. A person, forgetting about caution, "kisses the pole." Having repaired the car and healed the injuries, he again paid attention and caution. After some time, he relaxed, felt like Schumacher, exaggerated his abilities, that is, he created an idealization, and the punishment was right there. Everyone has his own: someone has a policeman and a fine, and someone has a funeral. In the Himalayas, drivers have to drive on a dangerous, narrow road. At the entrance to this road there is an inscription: "If you stop thinking about the road, at least immediately start thinking about God." On this road, they relax once in a lifetime, there are no other options, while you are flying into the abyss, you can smoke a cigarette. Therefore, drivers on such a road are extremely serious. Foresight will not help them, only the caution of each movement here and now saves. Even passengers are not allowed to sleep or be drunk. Having passed the mountains, everyone vividly understands what life, death and the triumph of caution are. In other words, caution as a personality trait is inherent in those people who consistently show attentiveness, concentration, vigilance and concern for safety in the current situation.

A taxi carries a woman around the city. The driver is mercilessly reckless - he drives through a red light, cuts, etc. In the end, the woman breaks down and says, “Driver, drive more carefully—I have eight children at home!” The taxi driver, turning around in surprise: - And you're talking to me about caution?!

Caution is a kind of fear that contributes to the development of personality, the passage of the crisis. When a person conquers fear, the other side of fear remains with him - caution. If a person thoughtlessly forgot about the experienced fear, he would become a frantic person, that is, a person who has lost all sense of proportion. Fear is gone, but riot, intemperance, franticness remain. Fortunately, nature has taken care of man: fear remains, but in the form of caution. Caution is a true version of fear for a person. Fear is a brake on development, and caution is a form of fear necessary for the development of the mind. With caution, one can learn to overcome any traps and obstacles arranged by fear.

Caution and cowardice are fundamentally different. Cowardice is dictated by obsessive fear, and caution is dictated by self-love. A cautious person comprehends the current situation reasonably, calmly, coolly, without fussiness, fear, and continues to fulfill his duties and duty, striving to achieve his goals in the optimal mode. Cicero said: "To act carefully is even more important than to reason reasonably." A coward, faced with fear, shows ugly instincts, excessive caution, alarmism, betrayal, a desire to avoid danger at all costs. Since the behavior of others is subject to subjective assessments, labeling, the line between cowardice and caution, at times, is outlined by a biased side. If someone has shown caution, you can call his actions cowardice. His cowardice and cowardice of the justifying mechanism is instantly defined as reasonable caution.

There is such a parable. Two travelers - one old, the other - young, walked through the mountains. It was raining, but there was nowhere to hide from the weather. The road went past deserted hills overgrown with bushes. Suddenly, the old traveler noticed footprints leading into thick bushes. He turned off the road and shouted joyfully: - Here, in the bushes, there is an entrance to the cave. You can hide from the rain and spend the night. The travelers settled down for the night in a cave. They lit a fire. Wet thin branches of the bush burned badly, but all the same, the travelers somehow got warm and ate. The old traveler laid down his cloak and went to bed, and the young traveler went out of the cave to see if everything was in order. Soon he came back and woke up his friend. - Get up, the city is not far from here. I went up the hill and saw the glow. Let's go, there we will sleep in an inn, and not on the ground in a cold cave. The old traveler obeyed his comrade, gathered his things and left the cave. He climbed the hill, looked at the glow over the city and returned back to the cave. - Why don't you want to go? It's not more than an hour's journey to the city, - the young traveler was surprised. "Can't you see that the city is on fire?" Perhaps he was attacked by enemies, - the senior traveler answered, settling down for the night. - I think we should go to the city. By the time we get there, everything will be quiet, and we will find ourselves a good lodging for the night. There is not even firewood here to make a big fire, - the young traveler began to persuade the old man. “Better a small fire that will warm than a big one that will burn,” the old man answered and fell asleep.

Petr Kovalev

What's happeneddevotion ? Devotion is the willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of something, the ability in any situation to remain faithful to something or someone, whether it be an idea or a person. I will try to substantiate my definition of this ethical concept.

As the first argumentcorrectness of the stated thesiswe can cite sentence 15 from the text of V.V. Chaplina. It describes the wolverine's dedication to a mother's duty to protect her children. As soon as her cubs were in danger, she, in spite of everything, rushed to protect her offspring.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I will give an example from my life experience. I know two friends. They served together during the war in Chechnya. Once, during the retreat, one of the comrades was wounded. He could not move and remained to cover the withdrawal of our troops. Suddenly, his friend lies down next to him and says: “Russians don’t leave their own!” Here it is, real devotion: despite the threat to one's own life, to remain faithful to a friend, not to leave him in difficult times.

I think that by giving two arguments, I proved my understanding of the word "devotion". It's a pity that it's rare these days. (Belov Nikita)

Composition 15.3.

I guess, thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove this with the help of the text offered to us for analysis and my own life experience.

For example, in the work of Rosa Gosman, we are talking about the friendship of two girls: Olga and Elena. Olga writes poetry. She herself understands that they are not very good (1). However, Lena always praises them (13). But the friend is insincere: she flatters Olya, and laughs at her behind her back (19-21). Therefore, when Olya finds out the truth, the girls quarrel. In this situation, Olya behaves very generously: she forgives Lena, and she, having received a good lesson, changed her attitude towards Olya's hobby, and the girls renewed their friendship (45-50).

In addition, I want to give an example from my own life. My friend always helps me, keeps secrets and supports me in all endeavors. I also try to answer her the same. That's why I consider her a true friend.

Thus, I proved that friendship is built on understanding and trust. The role of friendship is huge in today's world, because it's good to realize that you have someone to rely on in difficult times.

(Ekaterina Listishenkova)

Composition 15.3.

I know thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, self-sacrifice. I will prove it with the help of the original text and my life experience.

In the work of A. Ivanov, an example of true friendship is given. Ovechkin was ready to sacrifice his own life to save his friends. He fearlessly jumped onto the trunk of a tree and began to cut it (45-46). Ovechkin knew what risk he took, but did not stop, but completed his work (48-57).

In addition, I want to give an example from my own life that confirms my point of view. When I had a trouble in my life, because of which I was very worried, my friend was there all the time, supported and encouraged me. I thought that it was she who helped to forget that incident. I would like to thank her for this.

Thus, I proved that friendship really plays a big role in a person's life, the whole world rests on it. (Ekaterina Listishenkova)

Having received a real embodiment, they bring big money.

Originality is the key to success, not only in business, because new creative ideas are what keep life going. Remember the school physics course: if you do not invest energy in the movement, the development of something, then this something will stop. And eventually fall apart. If humanity used ideas that were created thousands of years ago and did not create new ones, then it would have stopped and died out long ago. That is, new ideas, being embodied, give impetus to development and life. Well, what helps to live is usually rewarded 🙂 So originality is the way to success.

But let's leave the theoretical digression and move on to the practical and see how originality is the key to success.

The first original business idea is site for walking on women(for men) and vice versa. is an unusual dating site. Only married people, or those who want to meet them, can register on it. The motto of the site is “Life is short. Better to change." The most striking thing is that the owner of the site, a former lawyer, is married and happily married. There is a lot of controversy regarding his site, but the statistics speak for themselves - there are already more than 3,200,000 registered users.

The second business idea is distributing sunglasses for dogs. Sounds pretty stupid, but that's how it is. started out selling pet sunglasses and is now a million dollar business. CNN, Women's World, National Geographic and Animal Planet wrote about it. Now, in addition to glasses, you can buy many other accessories for your pet, including backpacks, life jackets, T-shirts, caps, toys and other goods.

Cottage ,

Text for work

(1) This winter is like a gift: snowfalls, blizzards, light frost. (2) In mid-November, when I left Volgograd by train, it was warm, and in the morning I woke up in the compartment - winter was outside, the white suburbs of Moscow: fields, copses, human villages - everything was covered in snow. (Z) Live and be happy.

(4) But there was just not enough joy: I came to Moscow to be treated. (5) Early in the morning, in the dark, I got up and wandered to the train, rode in a crowded carriage. (b) Then - a slushy platform, underfoot - slush. (7) Urban winter gloomy twilight. (8) A silent human stream carries you to the entrance to the subway. (9) There is a crush: at the doors, at the turnstiles, at the escalators, in the underpasses ...

(Yu) Then - hospital corridors, queues, long waiting times ... (11) By the evening you will see enough, hear enough, get tired, barely wander.

(12) Again - the metro, its dungeons. (13) Get out of there, take a breath and rush to the train, into its evening crush.

(14) This is how my Moscow life flowed: after a day - a day, after a week - another. (15) You get up in the dark, you get to the house in the dark. (Іb) I am not happy with anything, even winter and snow.

(17) One evening I was lucky: the car was not painfully full. (18) He sat down, unfolded the newspaper for order. (19) Although there is something to read: they killed, blew up, robbed ...

(20) Evening train, tired people. (21) 3ima, tightness, someone grumbles, and someone is already swearing.

(22) But then young girls spoke nearby. (23) The usual girlish chatter: lectures, practice, tests - in a word, study. (24) Then they remembered the New Year.

(25) - It's time to buy gifts ... - said one of them. (26) - And what to give? (27) And everything is expensive.

(28) - Have you prepared gifts yet ?! - the other girl was horrified. (29) - When will you have time ?!

(30) - And you? ..

(31) - Oh, I have almost everything ready ... - the girl chirped admiringly. (32) - In the fall, I bought home slippers on felt for my mother. (33) Mom's legs hurt from rubber ... (34) And there is felt. (35) Of course, they are a little rough, I had to ennoble: I sheathed them with a blue border, and made a flower with braid. (Zb) It turned out - a picture. (37) Oh, how happy mom will be! - her voice rang out with such joy, as if she herself had been given something very good.

(38) I raised my head, looked: an ordinary young girl. (39) A lively, sweet face.

(40) - And I bought a present for my grandfather right in this train, - the story continued. (41) - He likes to read detective stories, and I bought him two whole volumes. (42) He will be so pleased! - a happy girlish voice and laughter rang out in the car. (43) - And to my grandmother ... (44) We will be in practice tomorrow, there is a good store for diabetics nearby. (45) I have already seen everything. (46) Grandma is sick, and she also wants something delicious. (47) I'll take her cranberry sweets and cookies for diabetics. (48) She will be so happy!

(49) And again - happy laughter. (50) The girl's face shone with joy, her eyes shone.

(51) - And to daddy ... (52) We have such a good, hard-working dad. (53) And I will give him ...

(54) Not only me and the neighbors, but it seems that the whole car was already listening to the girl’s joyful story about New Year’s gifts. (55) Opened books knelt down, unfolded sheets of newspapers. (56) Probably, everyone, like me, receded, the daytime, unsweetened was forgotten, and something else, kind, pure woke up: after all, the New Year is really close ...

(57) Meanwhile, the train was already in a hurry to my station. (58) 3 a lot of people come out here. (59) They gathered, hid unread books, newspapers, hurried to the exit, passing girls with a smile, looked, guessing which one? (60) And the young woman who was sitting opposite said goodbye:

(61) - Thank you, dear.

(62) The girl did not understand what it was about, smiled in bewilderment: for what, they say ...

(63) And really - for what?

(64) I got out of the car. (65) The road is glorious: birches and pines guard the path; not painfully cold, but in the soul, in the heart, and completely warm. (bb) Thanks to the girl who gave hope and made me think about the good.

(According to B. Ekimov)

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word CARE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is caring?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the read text, and the second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 1

Caring in my understanding is the desire to help, make life easier for a loved one or provide him with comfort. Caring cannot exist without sensitivity, generosity, attentiveness.

We find these qualities in the heroine of B. Ekimov's story. The girl, who prepared in advance the gifts that her 88 relatives really needed (propositions 32, 41, 47), did this not formally, but joyfully, from the bottom of her heart.

Besides, true caring is disinterested. When I visited a sick grandmother in the hospital, I noticed how one nurse carefully and carefully treated all the patients in the ward. She found sincere, kind words for everyone.

Caring is a wonderful character trait that brings people together.

Option 2

I think that caring is such a quality that is expressed in compassion, sympathy, the desire to take part in the lives of other people in order to improve it. The ability to care speaks of the sensitivity and kindness of a person.

In the read text, caring is a character trait of a girl who shares her joy with her friend in the train car. She not only managed to buy gifts for the New Year: the girl picked up something really necessary for each of her relatives. Mom - slippers on felt (proposition 32), grandmother - sweets for people with diabetes (proposition 47), grandfather - his favorite detective stories (proposition 41). The girl sincerely rejoiced herself, anticipating the smiles and gratitude of loved ones.

Volunteer work in nursing homes can also be an example of caring. By visiting the elderly and helping the infirm, volunteers prolong their lives.

So, if you want to please others, you need to take care of them.

Option 3

In my understanding, caring is the desire to surround loved ones with attention and love, to help, without waiting for requests for help. This feeling should be sincere, disinterested.

In the story of B. Ekimov, caring is a character trait of a girl who, long before the New Year, bought gifts for all her relatives (suggestions 32, 41, 47). Her story touched all the involuntary listeners in the car. The girl bought her relatives not just trinkets, she chose gifts with sincere concern for each of the family members.

My mother also shows similar concern for her former old teacher. She knows exactly how to please Inna Nikolaevna on holidays, what wallpaper to choose for her kitchen or what kind of cake to bake for her coming to visit. Mom does this somehow joyfully, and we always sincerely try to help her.

Caring, it seems to me, binds people with invisible threads of goodness.

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Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: CAUTION
Rubric (thematic category) Psychology

The state of a person who, thinking about the consequences of his actions, takes measures to avoid mistakes, possible misfortunes and everything that can be a source of harm.

A cautious person acts deliberately to save himself from unpleasant consequences and suffering; sometimes he takes into account the experience, incl. and painful. Synonyms: vigilance and precautionary measures.

The line between caution and fear is very thin. Caution is thinking about the situation calmly and objectively, without fuss, anxiety and fear. A cautious person, trying to avoid problems or unpleasant situations, considers them out of love for himself. The one who is driven by fear, shows excessive caution, thinks too much, constantly doubts and worries. He tends to imagine all kinds of scenarios, and in the end his imagination goes beyond all limits. We know that fears create stress, lead to premature aging, and prevent us from being in the present moment and having good experiences.

Some also think that being cautious means being distrustful. But you can be careful not to expose everything around you to doubt and mistrust. There are people who do not trust anyone at all and are constantly afraid of being deceived. Distrust is the opposite of trust. It should be justified only if we have experienced an unpleasant experience and want to avoid repeating it. Suppose you have shown confidence in a neighbor and lent him your tool, and he is in no hurry to return it. Worse, this isn't the first time this has happened. Your distrust under these circumstances and your unwillingness to lend him anything in the future is quite understandable. You have lived through personal experience, and this is no longer distrust, but caution, which will help you demand clearer OBLIGATIONS from your neighbor, in case he wants to use something else of yours. If you do not trust your neighbor simply because you do not like his walk or you have heard gossip about him, your distrust will be unjustified. You cannot SUSPECT until you have had an experience that justifies your disbelief.


Trust in your own INTUITION is an excellent tool that helps out in any circumstances. Intuition leads us to be cautious, while fear leads us to take actions that cannot be explained by mere caution.

Example: a cautious person, leaving the house or car, calmly closes the door with a key; a person who has fears will check two or three times how securely it is locked, and then he will return again to make sure of this. Another person looks left and right three times before crossing the street, etc.

It also happens that you are cautious, but, despite this, something unpleasant happens to you. Know that the Universe sends this experience so that you learn to maintain contact with your inner forces and manage them. Remember also that you cannot control everything.

As for children, it is most useful to instruct them and teach them to be cautious, because as a rule they are not distinguished by caution and rely on their parents, who, in case of anything, will pay for the consequences; while parents pay for myself. Learning from childhood to distinguish between caution and fear, as well as learning the concept of RESPONSIBILITY, is a great advantage.

CAUTION - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "CAUTION" 2017, 2018.

  • - Carelessness.

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