Merry Christmas greetings in Spanish: ¡Feliz Navidad! Happy birthday greetings in Spanish Congratulations on the anniversary of a man in Spanish.

Phrase Feliz Navidad- "Merry Christmas!" in Spanish - just got to the top of Twitter, having received one and a half million mentions in posts in a few hours, which means that the long-awaited Christmas has come all over the Spanish-speaking world.

In both Spain and Latin America, Christmas holds a special place in the hearts of believers, and la Navidad- this is how the word "Christmas" is translated into Spanish - it becomes the main event in a series of festivals and holidays that last from late November to early January.

¡ FelizNavidad! and ¡Felices Navidades!- Happy Christmas wishes exchanged in Spain and South American countries. It's time for gifts, traditional seasonal sweets and nice warm wishes - choose from our selection lasmejoresphrasesparafelicitarla Navidad a suitable Merry Christmas greeting in Spanish.

  • ¡Felices Fiestas!- Happy Holidays!
  • De todo corazón te deseamos muchas felicidades y exitos en tu vida. Que todas las bendiciones de la Navidad brillen sobre ti y tu familia. ¡Felices Fiestas!- From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you much happiness and success in life. May all the blessings of Christmas shine upon you and your family. Happy Holidays!
  • Ruego a Dios cada día para que te proteja y te dé muchas bendiciones, a ti y a tu familia. Siempre recuerda que eres muy importante para mí y te deseo lo mejor de todo corazón. ¡ FelizNavidad!- I pray to God every day to protect you and give many blessings to you and your family. Always remember that you mean a lot to me and I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas!
  • Que un aguacero de paz, esperanza, felicidad y amor te empape y salpique a todos los que te rodean. ¡FelicesFiestas!- Let the shower of peace, hope, happiness and love spill over you and splash all around you. Happy Holidays!
  • ElmejorRegaloquemepuedenhacerestaNavidadestuamistad,graciasporsermiamigo.- The best gift I could get this Christmas is your friendship, thank you for being my friend.
  • Un turron me basta para Navidad, pero tu amistad me alimenta para toda la vida. Gracias por darme tu amistad y que pases una ¡Feliz Navidad!“A turron is enough for me for Christmas, but your friendship feeds me all my life. Thank you for giving me your friendship, wish you a Merry Christmas!
  • En el mercado puedes comprar un pavo, turrón, vino, pasas... pero no una buena amistad, es una receta casera. ¡Feliz Navidad!- In the market you can buy turkey, nougat, wine, raisins ... but not true friendship, this is a homemade recipe. Merry Christmas!
  • Esta Navidad echamos de menos tu sonrisa, tu alegría y la felicidad que contagias. Te deseamos la pases bien con los tuyos. ¡Feliz Navidad!- This Christmas lacks your smile, your cheerfulness and the happiness that you infect. We wish you a pleasant time with your loved ones. Merry Christmas!
  • La magia de la Navidad es que hace que un año se pase volando, nos hace reflexionar sobre lo que hemos luchado, lo que hemos ganado y nos da fuerza para seguir adelante. Despierta y saca a la luz los mejores sentimientos del ser humano y nos hace apreciar mejor el verdadero valor de la amistad, la familia y el amor. -The magic of Christmas is that the year flies by, makes us think about what we fought, what we won, and gives us the strength to go forward. It awakens and brings out the best human feelings and makes us better understand the true value of friendship, family and love.
  • No hay mejor adorno para el arbolito de Navidad, que una sonrisa.nohaymejorRegaloqueencontrarbajoelarbolito,queelamordeNuestrafamily.- There is no better decoration for a Christmas tree than a smile. And there is no better gift to be found under the tree than the love of your family.
  • Que esta Navidad cada deseo tuyo se haga posible, cada sueño sea vuelva realidad y te ahogues en dicha y felicidad. ¡FelizNavidad!- May this Christmas make your every wish possible, every dream come true, and you will drown in good luck and happiness. Merry Christmas!
  • ¡ FelizNavidadyquesecumplantussuenaosenelproximoano!- Merry Christmas and may your wishes come true in the coming year!
  • ¡Feliz Navidad y muchos momentos felices en el año próximo!- Merry Christmas and many happy moments in the coming year!
  • ¡ QuetuNavidadseamaravillosa,blanca,alegreytranquila!- May your Christmas be wonderful, white, joyful and calm!
  • Te envío una cajita de paz llena de alegría, envuelta con cariño, sellada con una sonrisa y enviada con un beso. ¡Felicidades!- I send you a world full of joy, wrapped in love, sealed with a smile and sent with a kiss. Congratulations!
  • La receta de la Navidad: tres tazas de ilusion, una copa de amistad, un chorro de ternura y un litro de amor. Revuelvalo todo y ponlo en el horno. Envuelvalo con risas, luces y canciones. Finalmente sírvalo con alegría y buena voluntad. ¡ FelizNavidad!- Recipe for Christmas: three cups of dreams, a glass of friendship, a stream of tenderness and a liter of love. Mix everything and put in the oven. Wrap in laughter, lights and songs. Finally, serve with joy and kindness. Merry Christmas!

New Year's Eve comes a week after Christmas - remember at the same time how you can wish Happy New Year in Spanish:

  • ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!- Happy New Year!
  • ¡Próspero Año Nuevo!- Prosperous, successful New Year!
  • ¡Ventura y prosperidad en el Año Nuevo!- Good luck and prosperity in the new year!
  • ¡Muchos éxitos para el Año Nuevo!- A lot of success in the new year!
  • ¡ MismejoresdeseosparalaNavidadyeloNuevo!- Best wishes for Christmas and New Year!
  • Que en este nuevo año tengas cien razones para reír, un sueño por el que vivir, mil alegrías para disfrutar y ningún motivo para sufrir. ¡Muchas Felicidades!- May the new year bring a hundred reasons for laughter, a desire to live, a thousand joys to enjoy, and not a single reason for suffering. Congratulations!
  • Hoy deposité 365 días de buena suerte, alegría y felicidad en tu cuenta número 2018. ¡ Queteseandeprovecho! ¡Felizanonuevo!- Today I transferred 365 days of good luck, joy and happiness to your account number 2018. May they benefit you! Happy New Year!
  • Este año nos llega lleno de motivaciones para triunfar, de retos nuevos para enfrentar, nuevos amigos que conoceremos y sueños que haremos realidad. ¡Muchas Felicidades!- This year we will have the motivation to succeed, new challenges to face, new friends we will meet and dreams we will make come true. Congratulations!

Merry Christmas! - ¡Felices Navidades!
Happy New Year! - ¡Felíz Año nuevo!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicidades!
Congratulations! - ¡Mis felicitaciones!
Happy holiday! - ¡Felices fiestas!
Happy anniversary! - ¡Felíz aniversario!
Happy birthday! - ¡Felíz cumpleaños!, ¡Por muchos años! [literally - Many years!]
Easter! - ¡Felíz Pascua!
Congratulations on your birthday! - ¡Felicidades en el día de su cumpleaños!
Please accept my congratulations on ... (official) - Mis felicitaciones con motive de ...

Spanish version of the famous American song:
¡Cuppleaños feliz! ¡Cuppleaños feliz! Todos te deseamos.¡Cumpleaños feliz! - Happy birthday, happy birthday! We all wish you a happy birthday!

I wish you happiness, health and success. - ¡Le deseo felicidad, buena salud, éxitos!
We wish you all the best! - ¡Te deseamos buena suerte!
Long time to live! - ¡Muchos años de vida!
Good luck! - ¡Que tengas suerte!
Be happy! - ¡Qué sean felices!
Please accept my sincere wishes! (official) - ¡Qué tenga mis más sinceras felicitaciones!
I wish you continued success in your work. - Le deseamos a usted nuevos exitos en el trabajo.
I hope that your problems will go away with the old year. - Ojala tus problemas duren tanto como tus propósitos de año nuevo.
I wish you that your next year will be filled with minutes of love, joy and happiness. - Te deseo un año lleno de minutos de amor, felicidad y alegría.
The heart that loves is always young. I wish the next year to be filled with love and joy. - El corazón que ama siempre será joven. Te deseo un año lleno de amor y alegría.

In Spanish, you can also wish: Salud, dinero y amor y tiempo para gozarlos!, which means “I wish you health, money and love, as well as many years to enjoy it all (to have time to waste it all).”

Birthday compliment: Con cada año que pasa, te haces más hermosa. - Every year you become more and more beautiful.
The presentation of a gift may be accompanied by the following remarks:
Let me give you a present! (official) - Permitame entregarle un regalo.
Please accept our humble gift. (official) - Acepte, por favor, nuestro pequeño regalo.
And this is for you! - ¡Es para ti!
And this is for you! - ¡Es para usted!

Let me propose a toast. - Permitanme hacer un brindis.
Let me raise a toast to the world. - Permitante brindar por la paz.
Allow me to raise a toast to the prosperity of our countries. - Permítante brindar por el florecimiento de nuestros-países.
I look towards you. - Brindo a su salud.
For our success! - ¡Brindo por nuestros exitos!
For good luck! - ¡Brindo por buena suerte!
Be happy! - ¡Qué sean felices!
Chin-chin! - You can say so, raising a glass in an informal setting.

Congratulations play an important role in our life. You have just started learning the language or just want to congratulate someone or show your feelings, then this lesson is for you!

If your close or not yet very close friend has a birthday, then he must be congratulated on this happy day for him! But how to do it if this friend is a Spaniard!? Of course, Spanish is the best! You don't know how to do it yet? – then read on. Today we will tell you about the secret of the origin of the phrase that Spaniards usually congratulate each other on their birthday, and also find out how it sounds!

This phrase , literally it means "Happy Birthday", but in Russian it is interpreted as "Happy Birthday". It uses two words (rather even three) - the word feliz means "happy", and the word cumpleaños comes from the merger of two words - cumplir, which means "to fulfill" and años - "years".

So, if you want to wish happy birthday in Spanish, then you can say

In Spain, as in the rest of the world, birthday wishes are love (amor), happiness (felicidad), good luck (buena suerte), health (salud) and good friends (buenas amistades).

With these phrases you can cheer up your loved ones:

  • ¡Felicidades! - means "Congratulations!" or just "Congratulations!"
  • ¡Felicidades en tu dia! - "Congratulations on your day"
  • ¡Que cumplas muchos más! - Long life to you!
  • ¡Que tengas un feliz dia! - To make today a special (happy) day.

How to wish a friend a happy birthday

We all have friends and acquaintances. And it's just a sin on their day not to congratulate them on their birthday. Here are some phrases to help you do it in Spanish.

  • ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, …! (María, Catalina, Juan etc.) – Happy Birthday…
  • Espero que las alegrias sencillas llenen tu dia. I hope simple joys fill your day.
  • Gracias por ser alguien con quien siempre puedo hablar. Feliz cumpleanos! Thank you for being the one I can always talk to. Happy Birthday!
  • ¡Salud, dinero y amor y tiempo para gozarlos! - I wish you health, money and love, as well as many years to have time to enjoy it all (to have time to waste it all).

How to wish your loved one a happy birthday

If you have a loved one, you simply cannot help wishing him a happy birthday. Show him how you feel and how important he is to you.

  • Que suerte tengo que tengo a tí en mi vida. How lucky I am to have you in my life.
  • Te amo, por eso es tan maravilloso pasar mi vida contigo. “I love you, that’s why it’s so wonderful to spend my life with you.
  • Eres bonita. No existen recetas magicas para tu belleza. - You're beautiful. And you don't need any magic to be beautiful.
  • El corazón que ama siempre será joven. Te deseo un año lleno de amor y alegría. Felizcumpleanos! The heart that loves will always be young. I wish you a year full of love and joy. Happy Birthday.
  • ¡Para ti! Con mucho amor te envío este deseo, de feliz cumpleaños, porque te quiero. - For you! With all my love, I send you this wish, happy birthday, because I love you.

How to wish a friend / colleague a happy birthday

Is your friend or colleague going to have a birthday soon? - then you must certainly congratulate him, and doing it in Spanish is even better!

  • Te deseo alegría, buenos amigos y amor verdadero. I wish you joy, good friends and true love.
  • Feliz Cumpleanos. Espero que las alegrías sencillas llenen tu día. – Happy birthday. I hope simple joys fill your day.
  • Feliz Cumpleanos. Que tus regalos hoy sean amor y felicidad. - Happy birthday. May your gifts today be love and happiness.
  • I wish you happiness, health and success. — ¡Le deseo felicidad, salud, éxitos!

Grammar part

When you want to wish for something, you need to use Modo Subjuntivo, that is, the subjunctive mood.

Modo Subjuntivo should be used here, since it expresses an action that is likely to happen, and when we wish for something, we cannot be sure that this wish will come true, and what we wished to happen, therefore, we need to use the subjunctive mood. And also because one of the specific cases in which this mood should be used is an expression of desire for something, as well as uncertainty.

1) When the word que means let:

  • ¡Que el amor esté siempre en tu vida! May there always be love in your life.
  • ¡Que tus regalos hoy sean amor y felicidad! Let love and happiness be your gifts today.

2) When the particle que is translated as to. For example, when we want to wish something, we use will verbs that require the use of the subjunctive mood after themselves:

  • querer - to want
  • recommend - to recommend
  • desear - wish
  • rogar - to beg, to beg
  • aconsejar - to advise
  • pedir - to ask

For example:

  • Quiero que vivas en alegria. “I want you to live in joy.
  • Te pido que seas tan bueno como antes - I ask you to be as good as before.
  • Te pido que sigas siendo bueno. Te pido que siempre seas tan bueno - I ask that you always be (remain) so good.

Little dictionary

The Spaniards are known for their love for "". Holidays in this country are almost continuous, so there are a lot of reasons to congratulate the Spaniard. As a rule, all holidays, including Spanish ones, can be divided into several categories: state, religious, family, professional, etc.

Let's start with perhaps Christmas holidays (Navidad). If you want to congratulate someone on Merry Christmas ((Pascua) de Navidad) in Spanish, you can use the following expressions:

¡Feliz Navidad! and sometimes ¡Felices Navidades! - Merry Christmas! / Happy Christmas!

¡Feliz Navidad para tí y todos los tuyos! - Merry Christmas to you and your family!

¡Que pase(s) una feliz Navidad! - Merry Christmas!

¡Que esta Navidad sea de paz y felicidad para ti y tu familia! – May these Christmas days be full of peace and happiness for you and your family!

¡Paz, amor y felicidad en estas Fiestas! Peace, love and happiness this Christmas!

In a Spanish congratulatory speech, you can often find the phrases El Niño Dios (God's Child), El Niño Jesús (Baby Jesus), which is unusual for Russian speech:

¡Que el Niño Dios traiga felicidad y alegría! – May the Child of God bring happiness and joy!

¡Que el Niño Jesús conceda el cumplimiento de todos los sueños! May the Baby Jesus make all your dreams come true!

¡Que el Niño Jesús nazca en su/tu corazón! – May the Baby Jesus be born in your/your heart!

¡Que el Niño Jesús llene de bendiciones! – May the Infant Jesus fill you with blessings!

¡Que el Niño Jesús le/te llene de paz! – May the Baby Jesus fill you/you with peace!

Happy New Year

New Year (El Año Nuevo) is a national holiday. On this occasion, the following congratulations are accepted in Spain:

¡Feliz Año nuevo! - Happy New Year!

¡Próspero Año Nuevo! - Prosperity in the new year!

¡Feliz y prospero Año Nuevo! - Happiness and prosperity in the new year!

¡Muchos éxitos para el Año Nuevo! - Good luck in the new year!

¡Ventura y prosperidad en el Año Nuevo! - Good luck and prosperity in the new year!

After a few words of congratulations, you can add a wish, for example:

¡Que tengas una buena entrada de año! - Have a great start to the year!

¡Que este Nuevo Año sea de éxitos! - I wish you a successful new year!

¡Que en este Nuevo Año se cumplan todos los deseos! I wish all wishes come true in the new year!

¡Que este Nuevo Año depare muchos éxitos! I wish the new year brings a lot of luck!

¡Que el próximo Año sea de dicha paz y prosperidad! Peace and prosperity in the coming year!

¡Que el Año Nuevo sea un año de realizaciones y bienestar! – May the new year be a year of achievements and prosperity!

¡Muchas felicidades, paz y prosperidad en el Año Nuevo! - Happiness, peace and prosperity in the new year!

Another holiday widely spread throughout Spain is Epiphany (El Día de Reyes Magos), where congratulatory formulas are the following expressions:

¡Feliz Día de Reyes!, ¡Felices Reyes! - Happy Epiphany!

¡Que los Reyes Magos traigan muchos regalos! - Let the Magi bestow their gifts!

Happy Easter

Easter (Pascua) is another fairly popular religious holiday among the Spaniards. On this day, it is customary to congratulate each other with the following words:

¡Feliz Pascua! - Happy easter!

¡Cristo resucitó! – ¡En verdad resucitó! / ¡Cristo ha resucitado! – ¡(Verdaderamente), ha resucitado! - Christ is risen! - Truly resurrected!

Spanish public holidays include Mother's Day and Father's Day, in connection with which we can say:

¡Feliz Día de la Madre/del Padre! – Happy Mother's/Father's Day!

¡Felicidades por el Dia de la Madre/del Padre! – Happy Mother's Day/Father's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day

There are a great many congratulations on Valentine's Day (El Día de San Valentín), because they always come from a pure heart. Here are just a few of them:

¡Feliz San Valentin! / ¡Feliz Día de San Valentin! - Happy Valentine's Day!

¡Yo te quiero! - I love you!

¡Sea mi Valentine! - Be my Valentine!

¡Tú tienes mi corazón! - My heart Belongs to you!

¡Aquí tienes la llave de mi corazón! “Here is the key to my heart!”

¡Te felicito, mi corazón! Congratulations, my heart!

¡Eres especial! - You are special!

Perhaps the most popular family holiday is birthday.

Happy Birthday

¡Feliz cumpleaños! - Happy birthday!

¡Felicidades en el día de su/tu cumpleaños!, ¡Felicito por su/tu cumpleaños! - Happy birthday to you / you!

¡Felicidades en su/tu dia! – Congratulations on your / your day!

¡Feliz día!, ¡Feliz cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday!

¡Feliz aniversario! - Happy anniversary!

Birthday greetings can be accompanied by such wishes:

¡Que cumplas muchos más! - May all your dreams come true!

¡Que sea(s) feliz!, ¡Que sea(s) dichoso! - Be happy)!

¡Deseo un feliz cumpleaños! - I wish you a happy birthday!

¡Que tenga(s) éxito(s)!, ¡Que lo pase(s) bien!, ¡Páselo bien!, ¡Que tengas suerte! - Good luck!

¡Que se/te divierta(s)!, ¡Que se/te cunda el día! - Happy Birthday!

¡Que tenga(s) un buen día!, ¡Que tenga(s) un día agradable! - Have a good day!

¡Que Dios le/te dé larga vida!, ¡Muchos años de vida!, ¡Por muchos años! - Long time to live!

¡Salud, dinero y amor y tiempo para gozarlos! - I wish you health, money and love, and long years to enjoy it!

It is interesting that wishing for health, as in Russian, is not accepted among the Spaniards. A phrase like ¡Que tengas buena salud! (I wish you good health!) can be used only if the person is really sick.

In Spain, name days are celebrated much more often than ours, or Angel Day (El Día del Santo). You can congratulate a person on such a pleasant event by saying:

¡Felicidades por su/tu Santo! Happy Angel Day!

¡Felicidades/ Felicitamos por el Día onomástico! - Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your wedding day

The favorite family holiday in Spain is. The newlyweds receive the following congratulations:

¡Felicidades por su boda! - Happy wedding!

¡Felicitaciones a la novia y al novio por su feliz union! - Be happy!

¡Les deseamos a ambos toda la felicidad del mundo! - We wish you a lot of happiness!

¡Felicitaciones y los mejores deseos para ambos en el día de su boda! Congratulations and best wishes on your wedding day!

¡Felicitaciones por el gran paso! May your union be strong!

¡Felicitaciones por el gran “si”! - Congratulations on your great wedding day!

¡Que seas feliz hoy y siempre! – Be happy today and always!

¡Amor y ventura! - May you live happily ever after!

¡Que se besen! - Bitter!

With any congratulations, you can “get off” with common phrases:

¡Felicidades! - Congratulations! / We wish you happiness!

¡Mis felicitaciones!, ¡Le(te) felicito!, ¡Mis congratulaciones!, ¡Mis parabienes!— Congratulations! (However, the last two phrases are now out of use)

¡Felices fiestas! - Happy Holidays!

Very often, you can accompany your wish with emotionally expressive expressions, such as:

De todo corazón… - From the bottom of my heart…

Con todo afecto…/ Con todo el amor… – With love…

Sinceramente ... - Sincerely ...

It should be noted that they are not used as widely as in Russian in Spanish speech.

Congratulation in its style refers to colloquial speech, however, in the modern world it is becoming more and more popular to congratulate your work colleagues and business partners. Therefore, to do it beautifully, and most importantly, correctly, is a very necessary quality. In business communication, the most commonly used forms of congratulations of such a plan are:

¡Mis felicitaciones con motivo de ... - Please accept my congratulations on ...

¡Permítame felicitarle en nombre de… – Allow me on behalf of… to congratulate

¡Con motivo de esta fiesta, le deseamos a usted… - In connection with this holiday, we wish you…

¡Quisiera felicitar por… – I would like to congratulate…

¡Permítame brindar por… - Let me make a toast to…

It should be noted that table speech in Spanish culture is a very common phenomenon. You can raise a glass to an important event with the following words:

¡Levanto mi copa por… – I raise my glass to…

¡Me gustaría (quisiera) proponer un brindis por… – I would like to propose a toast to…

¡Brindo a su salud! - To your health!

¡Brindo por nuestros exitos! - For our success!

¡Brindo por buena suerte! - For good luck!

¡Qué sean felices!, ¡Enhorabuena!– Be happy!

Por ti (nuestro cumpleañero, amigo, Anna, Juan, etc.) - For you (our birthday, friend, Anna, Juan, etc.)!

¡Salud! - For health!

¡Salud, dinero y amor! - Health, prosperity and love!

In an informal setting, a kind of Chin-chin! toast is very common, which is pronounced at the end of the congratulations. The sound of this word resembles the clink of glasses and corresponds to our "For health"

Spain is a clean and beautiful sea, it is a warm sun that warms at any time of the year, it is temperamental people and a beautiful language. I must say that if you listen to the conversations of the Spaniards, then by the manner of speech you can understand a lot about them. Not only about a bright character, but also about a way of life, about views on this very life, about desires, dreams and goals. Language shapes us in many ways, and we are always glad to hear our native speech away from home. I will be glad to hear the native language and the native Spaniard, for some reason estranged from his homeland. A person who studies this language and who is close to Spanish culture will also be happy.

We can say one thing for sure - your desire to present birthday greetings in Spanish is truly true. You managed to move away from patterns and decide on something bold. Even if you do not speak Spanish very well, we will help you understand each individual line of wishes. They are presented on Vlio, so you do not have to choose a "pig in a poke".

With such congratulations, you will be able to stand out from the crowd and show the birthday person that you really worked on your congratulatory campaign. So don't hesitate to doubt it. Just take one of the works offered here, and go!

It's great to share moments of life with a friend like you. Happy Birthday.

Es tan bonito compartir momentos especiales con una amiga como tu. Feliz cumpleanos.

Thinking of you on your birthday, I wish you great happiness.

Pensando en ti el día de tu cumpleaños, y deseándote mucha felicidad.

I wish you joy, good friends and true love.

Te deseo alegría, buenos amigos y amor verdadero.

I think your birthday party is so much fun that it has turned into an annual event! Happy Birthday.

Espero que tu fiesta de cumpleaños sea tan divertida, que se convierta en un acontecimiento anual! Feliz Cumpleanos.

Happy Birthday. So that your gifts today are love and happiness.

Feliz Cumpleanos. Que tus regalos hoy sean amor y felicidad.
