How much should a student's backpack weigh, or what is the severity of modern education. How much should a student's backpack weigh or what is the severity of modern education? The maximum weight of a backpack for a first grader

The use of student backpacks for carrying books, notebooks, necessary teaching aids is more appropriate than various kinds of bags, briefcases, etc. Carrying books and other student supplies in a backpack on the back contributes to an even distribution of the load, forms the correct posture, and frees hands. Moreover, it does not impede the work of the respiratory organs, the circulatory system.

The teacher, in cooperation with the parents, can give recommendations on the choice of a backpack for textbooks and school supplies.

These recommendations are reflected in the new SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions" (Appendix 1), as well as in the Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

The weight of a backpack without textbooks for students in grades 1-4 should be no more than 700 grams. At the same time, the knapsack should have wide straps (4-4.5 cm) and sufficient dimensional stability to ensure its snug fit to the trainee's back and uniform weight distribution. The material used for the manufacture of backpacks should be light, durable, with a water-repellent coating that is easy to clean.

The knapsack can have two compartments or one compartment with a pocket or insert: the main one - for books and notebooks, smaller ones - for pens, pencils, etc. The shoulder straps must be firmly fixed in the middle of the upper edge of the back wall or on the spacing in handle attachment points. At the bottom of the belts, you need a device that allows you to change their length in accordance with the growth of the child and the nature of the clothing. One of the straps should have a connector that makes it easier to put on and take off the satchel. Buckles or other devices for changing the length of the straps should be attached to the bottom of the satchel to prevent injury and damage to clothing.

Requirements for the weight of textbooks and writing materials are also included in the new rules (clause 10.32). The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, 3-4 grades - more than 2 kg, 5-6 - more than 2.5 kg, 7 -8th - more than 3.5 kg, 9-11th - more than 4.0 kg.

In accordance with SanPin "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and vocational primary education", the weight of each publication should not exceed:

  • 300 gr. – for grades 1-4
  • 400 gr. – for grades 5-6
  • 500 gr. – for grades 7-9
  • 600 gr. – for grades 10-11

The weight of publications for grades 1-4, intended for work only in the classroom, should not exceed 500 grams. An increase in the weight of publications by no more than 10% is allowed.

Summer has gone by like it never happened... .

And with it the arrival of autumn and, of course,September 1 - the beginning of the new academic year.And even though not every family has schoolchildren and students, it is still an occasion to remember our school and student years - after all, we are all students at heart.

It is unlikely that there will be such a child who was burning with the desire to go to school after, except perhaps a first-grader who does not yet know what awaits him for 11 whole years ... 🙂 .

And yet, September 1 is always a holiday, a kind of start for the year ahead, to take on new frontiers. This is a meeting with friends whom I have not seen all summer, with teachers, these are new plans, new subjects, new knowledge .... I always loved the first day of my new school year, then September 1 of my daughter... And you!?... Do you remember your feelings from this holiday?

September 1, 2017 in schools Russia the number of students will increase, and this is natural, because today those who were born in 2009-2010 go to the first grade, when Mother Capital rose in Russia and continued to work. The total number of students will be more than 14 million.

The post of Minister of Education is the second year Olga Vasilyeva, who replaced Livanov last year. There were no major upheavals last academic year, and we hope there won't be any this year either.

New standards of school life

The system of passing examinations for schoolchildren from the 4th to the 8th grade, introduced in 2016, will continue. They are final test exams, a kind of analogue of the exam.

As for the exam, no changes are planned. The nervousness of this process is gradually subsiding, and no matter how the progressive minds of the country would like it, nevertheless, in the coming years, this type of exams will remain at school. The fate of the third mandatory subject is still being discussed. History has the most chances in the list of applicants, as well as society insists on:

  • literature;
  • physics;
  • foreign language;
  • social science;

In 2017-2018, it is planned to introduce new items, or rather, to return astronomy, which was once canceled, which cannot but rejoice. And there will be new subjects: robotics and psychology. The first will merge with computer science, the second will probably join the BBB.

The school is beginning a phased transition to one-shift work, while where possible. Gradually, classes will be held in one shift in all schools.

The campaign to introduce school uniforms where it has not yet been introduced will end. There is no single standard for school uniforms, everything is at the discretion of schools, the students themselves and their parents. Several dozen options for school equipment of domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented. Many of them have passed the examination of compliance with the requirements for school uniforms. So there are plenty to choose from. I really like this beauty, I think, and the children will be happy to wear it:

Starting this year, the introduction of a second foreign language into the program will continue.

But electronic textbooks, which began their circulation in some schools the year before last, should be everywhere in this academic year 2017-18. In terms of content, they completely duplicate their book brothers, but so far both are full-fledged.

It is expected to launch a new project "Electronic School" for children with disabilities, for especially gifted students and those living in remote areas, including abroad. Thus, it is assumed that you can study on your own via the Internet, take exams and even get a matriculation certificate. But there is no clearly defined mechanism yet, just declarative statements.

Particular attention will be paid to physical education lessons, the delivery of TRP standards is being introduced.

As before, education in basic subjects, ensuring the safety of children at school (security), in some regions, textbooks and even breakfasts, depending on the state of the budget of the region, remain free.

A lot of noise was made by incidents related to extortion in schools. I think this is possible where there are no parent committees or where there are people who are deprived of an active civic position in their composition. I think it will not be a big sin to help the school within reason, but endless requisitions cannot be tolerated and school administrations must be put in their place with dignity and competently!

Everywhere September 1, 2017 solemn assembly lines, peace lessons will be held in schools, and as a rule, there will be one organizational lesson, which will be held by the class teacher.

How to successfully start the school year

And now about what to do for adults so that Knowledge Day really becomes a holiday at least for younger students, and the school process itself does not turn into an endless nightmare for parents and children.

  • There is no need to tell the child words like: "school torment begins ... hard labor for me ...". Stimulate him in advance to work, attach importance to the school learning process, find bright joyful moments that motivate the most notorious “not wanting” to go to school.
  • Create a festive atmosphere on the first day of school, not only at school, but also at home. Let the student who returned from school feel like a hero of the day.
  • Prepare a surprise for your child, go where he has long wanted to, arrange a trip to nature or a picnic, give him a small gift, just set the festive table with a cake, fruits, sweets, invite relatives and friends, let the child share his impressions and realize all the responsibility moment.
  • Even if your child does not shine in knowledge and does not have good grades in the diary, you should not scold him endlessly, underestimate his self-esteem, oppose more successful children to him, help him in mastering the school curriculum, identify the reasons for his "poor" study. yourself or there is not enough time, ask your relatives, friends about it, hire a tutor.Do not start the process of "not mastering" the school material, then it will be more difficult to catch up.If a son or daughter sees that you are worried about their failures, help them, they themselves They will strive not to give you trouble and at the same time feel protected.
  • Participate more in the learning process by helping to prepare lessons, find out which subjects the student likes more and which less, how he develops relationships with teachers and other children. Live with your child with his problems, successes and failures, then all issues will be resolved as they arise and will not result in negative surprises.
  • If your child’s failure is based on banal laziness, be stricter and more demanding with him, emphasizing how important it is to study well and that without this it is difficult to achieve success in life.
  • But if a child is simply not allowed to be a "luminary of sciences" - all your efforts, including him, do not give the desired results, you should not fight for the fives. After all, it is not school grades that make the “weather” in life, and there are many examples of how losers became masters of their destinies, and excellent students were left with the lot of contemplation of their brilliant certificate.
  • Do not worry if the child does not achieve results in school subjects, maybe he is a good athlete, entertainer, organizer or needleworker, you just need to notice these abilities and develop them. Remember that every child has talents, and we love them because they are our children, whatever they may be.

And now a little reference from the SanPiN, which has been in force since 2010, to the requirements and conditions and organization of training in educational institutions.

School SanPin requirements

And although from September 1, 2015 they began to officially introduce electronic textbooks into the school process, but so far, paper versions are alive and continue to fill schoolbags. So paper versions of textbooks should not exceed 300 grams for an elementary school student, and the portfolio itself should not exceed the following values:

How much time should a child spend on homework:

1st grade - no homework;

2nd-3rd grades - 1.5 hours a day;

4th-5th grades - 2 hours a day;

6th-8th grades - 2.5 hours a day;

9th-11th grades - 3.5 hours a day.

Requirements for the number of lessons per day

Hygienic requirements for the maximum values ​​of the weekly educational load

* The duration of one lesson is 1 academic hour (45 minutes).

Data taken from the site

Friends, I sincerely congratulate everyone who is involved in the Day of Knowledge and wish you good teachers, excellent success and unforgettable school days!

And in conclusion, a frank video of a first-grader disappointed in the first school day:

My child is in first grade this year. Today I decided to help carry a child, a recent preschooler, his backpack. The first thoughts that occurred to me at that moment: how does a child carry such weights and how can this affect the child's back?

First, I started looking for information on how much a school backpack with textbooks should weigh according to the standards. It turned out that such norms do exist and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES) advises to adhere to them. So:

1. The schoolbag must be correct. That is, it must have a rigid orthopedic back that does not allow the child to slouch, two wide adjustable straps that prevent the child from wearing a backpack on one shoulder, and the width of a school backpack should not exceed the width of the student's shoulders.

2. The weight of a school bag also has its limitations: an empty bag should not weigh more than 700 g.

3. In elementary school, the weight of the satchel with all contents should not exceed 10% of the child's weight, and in the senior school - no more than 15%. That is, if the weight of a first-grader is 25 kg, then the weight of his satchel should not exceed 2.5 kg.

I decided to test the last statement by experience. My first grader still has 3 lessons a day: reading, math and writing. He carries in his knapsack 2 textbooks (Primer and Mathematics), 2 notebooks for 12 sheets (in a box and an oblique line) and 2 copybooks (all in a folder for notebooks), a pencil case and pencils.

And this is what I got:

A satchel without everything that a first grader needs weighs a little more than 700 g. In principle, this is within the normal range. But a first grader’s backpack filled with just the above items already weighs 2 kg 340 g. This, according to my son’s weight, is within the normal range. This is without a bottle of water and a sandwich (then all the rules are violated). But it’s also hard to imagine how much the same backpack will weigh if my first grader has more lessons and I need to take something for work or drawing.

What is the danger of overloading a school bag?

Orthopedists assure that parents should pay attention not only to weight, but also to the correct location of the satchel on the back of the child: it should not hang below the shoulder blades, as this leads to excessive stress on the lower part of the spine and causes it to curve. In this case, from overload with a too heavy school backpack, not only scoliosis, but also kyphosis can occur. Also, too high a backpack weight can lead to deformation of the shoulder joints. And if a student has flat feet (which is not so rare now), other problems may arise. With excessive load on the back, pressure on the student's feet increases, which leads to pain in the hip joints, displacement of the intervertebral discs, back pain, and then to headaches.

Our advice!

Before you send your student to school, check their portfolio. Very often there are things in the backpack that the student does not need at all at school, but at the same time they add weight to the backpack. It is also worth putting all the contents of the portfolio into its different pockets so that the load is evenly distributed and the student does not bend to the side.

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions" (Appendix 1), as well as in the Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision, where noted that backpack weight without textbooks for students in grades 1-4 should be no more than 700 grams.

But this is the satchel itself, and how much it can weigh together with the contents. To answer this question, they often turned to the documents on labor protection for adolescents, where in Appendix No. 2 in the table of weight carrying norms it is indicated that for adolescents 14-15 years old it is possible to carry up to 2 kg, for 16-17 years old - up to 3 kg.

In the same time, orthopedic standards limit the weight of a school backpack from 10 to 15% of the student's weight. Those. if a student weighs 30 kg, then the weight of a backpack with textbooks and removable shoes cannot exceed 4.5 kilograms. In 2010 were approved new weight requirements for textbooks and writing instruments (clause 10.32). Weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing utensils should not exceed: for students of grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg, grades 5-6 - more than 2.5 kg, grades 7-8 - more than 3.5 kg , 9-11's - more than 4 kg.

In fact, children carry twice as much weight. Let's take the usual sixth grade, where a set of textbooks consists of 12 books. It turns out that the average portfolio of a fifth-grader weighs six to seven kilograms, which is more than 20% of the weight of an average student.

Of all the things that a student's portfolio is stuffed with, weighty textbooks are the worst. The average weight of a textbook is 600 grams, but such textbooks as "Literature" do not reach the kilogram of only 200 grams. Now it is clear why already in the first three years of school life the posture is disturbed in half of the children.

According to Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.7. Hygiene of children and adolescents "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education" Veu textbook should not be more:

  • 300 g for 1 - 4 classes;
  • 400 g for grades 5 - 6;
  • 500 g for grades 7 - 9;
  • 600 g for 10 - 11 grades.

But it is allowed to increase the weight of the textbook up to 10%.

How to make life easier for your child. After all, the contents of a school bag affect not only posture and spine, but also vision. According to statistics, for 5 years of study, vision falls in a third of all schoolchildren.

Parents have repeatedly raised the issue of how much a school bag should weigh and tried to force school administrations to follow the rules, but no one has canceled educational standards either, and they are becoming a priority in this dispute. Many schools, of course, meet halfway: they make a schedule so that “heavy” objects are distributed by day of the week, they find a place in the school to store the student’s things, etc. But a lot depends on the parents themselves.

First, it is worth taking an inventory of the contents of your child's backpack so that there are no extra things or textbooks that are not required in the lessons.

Secondly, it is possible or rather necessary to use orthopedic satchels. Alternatively, you can pay attention to Randoseru's school orthopedic backpacks In addition to orthopedic backpacks, you can purchase a briefcase on wheels, but as practice shows, it is difficult to operate it in the winter.

What are the prospects for solving this problem?

Digital copies of textbooks will come to the rescue. We already wrote that in .

The result was a high rating from 95% of teachers who stated the need to use such publications and fully supported the project. Only 5% of teachers did not find advantages and did not appreciate the idea of ​​switching from paper to electronic publications.

The mass of the experimental electronic textbook does not exceed 200-500 grams. But the most important thing is that this is one device with materials for all subjects. Of course, the vast majority will prefer just such an innovation, which offers solid advantages. And the cost of one e-book is still in the range of 1.5-2 thousand rubles, but for many parents the health of the child will be more important.
