What should I become in the future? How to find your favorite job: the most accurate test to determine your talents

Who to work for, what is the best profession to choose, what specialty to study, what university to choose? On our website there is an excellent test for career guidance: Who should I work with? Now is the time to enter universities and perhaps many students still haven’t decided where to send their documents? Where can they bring themselves as students and think about how to choose the right profession?

The other extreme is if you go, for example, to become an economist, marketer, or accountant. Or you choose a more scientific education: physics, chemistry, biology, then you have more opportunities to change your profession. There are spontaneous desires, if you liked some subject at school: I want to study at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, or I want to be a physicist, I want to be an actor. You can choose solely based on your desires. And then what, you graduate from university and receive a diploma in physics, geographer or historian or philologist, or you become a psychologist. Imagine for a second: can I go to work in this specialty?

Good advice: just go to some job search site for your development and look at the vacancies that are close to you? I advise you to read the analytical reports on the most in-demand specialties on TV in Russia, the most in-demand specialties in Russia by salary. You can simply type Google in Yandex profession ratings. The highest paid professions are compiled annually. Maybe analyzing specific proposals will give you an idea about your profession.

When people say “I want to be a geographer”, “I want to be an archaeologist”, “I want to be a doctor”, or something else, they do not fully understand that they will have to work in this specialty. Just try to imagine yourself in the place of a graduate and imagine in which field you would like to go to work. If you want to work in an office and negotiate, for example. Or you like to travel more, then tourism and expedition work will suit you.

What else do you need to pass the career guidance test for who to work with? Imagine yourself in the future +5 years. Will you be comfortable working in your chosen profession? If you like computers, then perhaps you should become an IT specialist. Such professions will always be in demand. In IT you can choose different directions.

As for economists, there are now a lot of economists, but nevertheless these are highly paid positions. You should become an economist if you like to count and it makes you delighted. Related topics are economics and finance. Business analytics, there is money here, but it must be a choice of the soul.

There are financial specialties in which you just need to become a good professional, a good specialist, and then you will succeed and have prosperity, but always choose a specialty you like.

Think about what your inclinations are, what kind of business you love. For example, I remember myself at school. I didn’t have a particular inclination towards anything in particular, but I liked humanities subjects, I liked science subjects. That's why I became a journalist. I also liked psychology and read various books. I even thought about enrolling as a psychologist. As a result, I am a journalist and a bit of a psychologist for my friends.

Where to work, you can take a career guidance test and receive specific recommendations and a list of professions.

Good luck! Faith.

Talented, capable young people have long been aware of the selection criteria for large foreign and domestic corporations. The main barrier for thousands of applicants is candidate testing. No matter how particularly “smart” candidates argue among themselves that experienced specialists don’t need to take anything, they have already proven everything; the selection method has been working in the Western world for more than half a century, having proven its worth a long time ago. Hundreds of applicants for one vacancy can apply for free, and HR specialists do not spend a lot of time processing data about each one.

For the applicant, taking the test online is also more convenient than in the office, first of all, due to the familiar atmosphere, because at home you can retire and work with maximum efficiency. In an office, people walk around, operating units make noise, employees communicate - there is enough interference, although a person can cope normally in such an environment if he knows how to concentrate. You shouldn’t rely on assistants or Google, firstly, there is little time for this, and secondly, the data is checked using verification tests. To verify, you will need to answer a couple of questions, but in the office, where there will be no one to help.

Online tests when applying for a job are a kind of testing level for the applicant himself, if he cannot score 70-80 percent, then he needs to practice or try himself in other companies that do not have such requirements. To assess your capabilities, you don’t have to go to an interview; some companies make screening tests publicly available. You can contact the compilers of collections of tasks that help applicants, and take online tests when applying for a job as an auditor. Collections of tests are good because their authors provide explanations for them, that is, it turns out to be a kind of “solution book”. Also, the creators of collections of problems offer a job application test to take online, which allows you to roughly assess the upcoming test.

Specifics of online testing

Remote testing is not much different from office testing, because no one forces you to write essays in notebooks, offices also have computers, only there are other applicants and employer representatives nearby. All candidates for online testing are given a link and a deadline. The link opens a window with tasks, the time countdown begins, and you can no longer pause it.

There are differences between tests from different manufacturers, but they are not particularly significant. So, in SHL tests, unused time goes to the next questions, Talent Q does not have this, and even the timeline is not in front of your eyes, only a reminder is turned on 30 and 15 seconds before the end of the answer time.

Solving tests when applying for a job online involves answering questions in several blocks. Typically, aptitude tests include a numerical section plus verbal or logical, and depending on the employer and the open vacancy, professional knowledge is also tested: accounting, information technology. Also, some companies give you a psychological test to take when applying for a job online. In any case, the applicant is warned in advance about the upcoming tests, and if the employer does not have online trial tests, he must search for them on his own and prepare.

The main developers of online tests are SHL and Talent Q. Test tasks and questionnaires created by SHL are used by leading corporations such as Amway, IKEA, BAT, KPMG, UniCredit Bank. Talent Q clients are Pepsico, Valio, Coca-Cola, Gazprom Neft, and other companies. Many Russian graduates planning to work in the banking sector have heard about Sberbank’s online test when applying for a job, which has become an insurmountable obstacle for some applicants.

Structure of pre-employment tests

The tests consist of several blocks, one of which is mathematical, the other is logical, and another section is used to test specialized knowledge.

It often happens that a person’s life is guided by the opinions of other people, be it parents, friends or some kind of authority. We all live and make decisions under social pressure. Decisions about choosing a place of work and career, life partner, place of residence. But are these solutions always optimal? Of course not! Most people in the world do not do what they want. It's as if they are living someone else's life. To be like them, dragging yourself to an unloved job every day - is this what you want? You don't have to waste your life doing a job that doesn't suit you! Sometimes it’s enough to look at yourself from the outside and understand that something is wrong with your life, something is high time to change!

Magazine IQR developed an online psychological test " what job suits me " We offer everyone to take our express career guidance test for free - it only takes two minutes. You don't have to waste money and time filling out large, boring forms offered by various career guidance centers. A person’s basic professional inclinations can also be identified through a short test.

How to choose a profession - test

How to choose a profession

This choice test type professions. By answering just 12 short questions, you will get a percentage propensity for various types of employment according to your psychotype. Your resume will include an approximate list of professions that would best suit you.

To choose the optimal profession for yourself or your child, you first need to decide on the field to which you or your child is closer. After passing a simple test, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of school, college or technical school. Our test [Choosing a Future Profession] will give your child or you the right to independently choose a future profession and will help you better realize your abilities in life. Answer all questions with the utmost sincerity, making sure to believe in your strengths and that you or your child will be able to handle any job. Testing for children is best done between the ages of 12 and 13. At the end of the test, you will be given an assessment of the area of ​​activity that is most relevant to you or your child. Our online test: [Choosing a future profession] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

The test contains 20 questions!

Start the test online:

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We are all interested in a successful future and each of us asks one question - what profession should we be in life? This topic plays a vital role in a person’s destiny, so it needs to be given special attention.

Making the right choice is often quite difficult. In order to make an informed decision, it is recommended to consider some recommendations.

1. Determination of personal interests and aspirations. You should think about what abilities a particular individual has. You can make a list of areas of work activity in which a person has the greatest interest.

2. Identifying life goals. For example, if the financial side of this issue comes first, it is necessary to study in detail professions that generate significant income.

3. Education. To obtain a leadership position, you must have a higher professional education. If you want to achieve more in life and constantly strive to advance your career, you need to take care of the proper level of training.

4. Comparison of desires and possibilities. There is an opinion that the possibilities of a person striving to achieve his goals have no limits. To quickly get the desired result, it is important to focus on one desire. Don't waste time on fleeting needs that may seem stupid in the future.

There are many recommendations on the topic of choosing a profession. At the same time, statements are highlighted that should not be taken seriously. Among these, it is necessary to highlight the 2 most popular:

Life is a lottery. Only people who were unable to achieve their goals due to laziness think this way. What is planned is not always given easily and simply. It is important not to give up at the first defeat, but to move on;

Life is a project. A person must live as his ancestors planned. If the medical profession has occupied a leading position in a family for many years, it does not mean that every member of this family should become a doctor.

Personal abilities and professional suitability play a key role when choosing a specialty.

Basic criteria for building the future

In order to determine who to be in the future, you need to understand three concepts:

  1. “I WANT” – you love to do it.
  2. “I CAN” – there are possibilities.
  3. “MUST” – the market is ready to pay.

The concept “WANT” is what the person himself wants (interests, inclinations, talents) and implies an explanation of what the individual strives for. These are personal qualities that are individual in each case. A competent determination of professional inclinations plays a key role in choosing a specialty, and in particular who to be. The direction of work activity and the success of training depend on this. It should be taken into account that one “I WANT” is not enough.

The next important criterion when choosing a life’s work “I CAN” is physical capabilities, health status and other market barriers. Why barriers? Because if a person does not have “ideal health” he cannot be a pilot of a civil aircraft. (But he can be the pilot of his own plane ;)

An equally important role is occupied by the concept of “NEED” - this is demand in the labor market. Activities for which the market is ready and will pay money. You need to find out which profession is in greatest demand on the labor market.

And now the main question: what profession should you be in life? It’s simple - success is the intersection of all three criteria: “I WANT”, “I CAN” and “I NEED”! If there is an overlap, why not get educated accordingly?

What to be in life by profession

To make choosing a specialty easier, tests for choosing a profession were created. Their technology is quite simple. The person is presented with multiple choice questions. Based on the test results, the program provides a possible direction of activity in which a particular person can achieve success.

If possible, it is recommended to try yourself in the profession that, based on the test results, suits you best. Practice is especially important in this case. In addition, you need to study the features of the specialty and try to find out all the subtleties that exist in it. Work is something on which a person spends a significant part of his life. Therefore, it is important to choose its specifics in the most competent manner.

Test what to be by profession will help you make the right choice and protect you as much as possible from errors of this type. Testing will help determine your predisposition to a particular field of activity and identify your abilities. All this will allow you to choose a specialty that you will like and will bring you joy.

On our website, anyone interested in a successful future can take a profession test online. Testing will help determine the direction of the most suitable work activity.

According to statistics, the vast majority of people make mistakes when choosing a specialty. Often, many people choose the level of earnings and the prestige of the profession as a guideline, forgetting to take into account that work should bring pleasure and then life will be a joy!
