Kyiv Square. Circles and sections for children Sports sections from 3 years

Caring parents, as the child grows, begin to think about the additional development of their baby. The most suitable time for introducing a child to children's circles or sections is the age of 3 years.

The fact is that it is by the age of 3 that the baby becomes quite independent, active and shows great interest in expanding his knowledge about the world around him. Therefore, you can safely proceed to the choice of a suitable mug. But finding the best section for a child is a rather difficult task. Indeed, today there is a huge selection of all kinds of children's circles from 3 years old. The baby himself is still too young to make an independent choice.

Mugs for children 3 years old - how not to make a mistake?

Very often, parents impose their preferences, without taking into account the opinion and capabilities of the child. Not every child is obliged to become a great athlete, singer or musician, obeying the will of their parents. The main task is to help reveal the hidden opportunities and talents of the baby, to give minutes of interesting and useful leisure. This is not so easy to do, and it will take more than one year to find the right section. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment with different options.

To understand what the child has a soul for, carefully observe him. What does the kid like most - active leisure or leisurely painstaking work? Go to the house of children's creativity - let the child see with his own eyes the various options for the sections. Perhaps he wants to independently choose a section of interest to himself. It doesn't matter if he changes his mind after a while.

When choosing a suitable circle for a child of 3 years of age, it is also important to take into account the general physical condition of the baby. Consider individual psychophysiological characteristics.

So, the child is already 3 years old - where to give him? Consider the main options for children's sections, adapted to a given age.

Sport sections

As a rule, children are very mobile and love active pastime. Therefore, any will give the child a lot of joyful minutes and strengthen the health of the baby.

Playing sports will help to gradually develop such useful qualities of character as endurance, willpower, perseverance. But before giving the baby to the section, you should definitely show it to the doctor. It is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to certain types of upcoming physical activity.

At the age of 3-4 years, all muscle groups need to be developed in the child. Therefore, sections on swimming, wushu gymnastics, etc. are perfect. in addition, gymnastics will help develop flexibility and good coordination.

Among the popular sports clubs for girls, it is worth noting aerobics and figure skating. Also, the sections of synchronized swimming or water aerobics will not leave indifferent young ladies. Movement to music develops a sense of rhythm, improves coordination of movements.

There are also many interesting sports clubs for boys from 3 years old. You can try to be like martial arts. At an early age, aikido or wushu is best suited. Aikido classes will help not only to strengthen physical health, but also give confidence and teach the ability to fend for themselves in an emergency.

Often ill children will help strengthen the immune system

Art studios

Starting from the age of 3, you can send your child to artistic circles. Modeling, drawing, making appliqués will contribute to the creative development of the child. Classes in the art studio will form a creative personality and develop cognitive abilities.

Musical development

If you have musical inclinations, you can try to deepen this talent. Music lessons develop a sense of rhythm and develop a good ear.

Wonderful exercises that allow you to form the correct posture, gain dexterity and self-confidence. these are not only sections that train athletes for the sport of high achievements, but also groups aimed at general physical training.

Gymnastics for children is useful for the following reasons:

  • Promotes the development of physical endurance and strength;
  • Develops correct posture;
  • Raises the authority of peers and self-esteem of the child.

Rhythmic gymnastics for children in Moscow allows girls to become graceful and more flexible.

Artistic gymnastics for children from 3 years old - training, sections

The Sports Service service was created so that parents can quickly find gymnastics sections for children from 3 years old near their homes. With our service you can find out:

  • which sports centers offer gymnastics for children from 3 years old;
  • class schedule, information about the program and trainers, availability;
  • pay for gymnastics classes for children from 4 years old.

The project is made as user-friendly as possible. Gyms that offer gymnastics for children in Moscow are displayed on the map. You can quickly assess which sections are best placed. For all sections, there is the most complete information, which allows parents to quickly find out where gymnastics for children of 5 years old will be most optimal in terms of workload, schedule convenience and financial capabilities.

Using the features of the Sports Service, you can quickly find the best section for your child, without wasting time traveling to sports centers in search of suitable activities. All information on sports sections is collected on one site. You just need to choose the right option, pay for the classes for the scheduled period and come to the gym. The coach will already be waiting for your child, the system will automatically inform you about your registration in the selected sports complex.

Parents have different attitudes towards visiting children of various extracurricular activities. Some believe that the child is already having a hard time at school, and there are enough lessons and homework. Others load children to the maximum, sending them to all available sections and circles so that the child does not sit idle. Still others are looking for developmental activities almost from birth.

Who is right and does the child need sections, what circles are available for visiting at different ages, and what should be taken into account when choosing additional activities suitable for the child?



  • We have to adjust the daily routine for visiting circles.
  • A child can become infected with viruses from other children who came to classes in the initial stage of the disease.

Class options by age

Activities with mom up to 2 years

The youngest children are offered developing activities, to which the little ones come with their mothers. As a rule, these are classes in which kids learn a little bit of everything - dancing, music, the world around them, drawing, playing together and so on.

Mom helps children to interact with each other and complete tasks at the age of two years. Often such developmental classes are conducted according to a certain author's method, for example, Montessori or Zaitsev.

What is given to the child:

  • The opportunity to study the nuances of the world around and different elements.
  • Communication with peers.
  • Comprehensive development.
  • Psychological preparation for kindergarten.

3-6 years old

At this age, the following activities are available to children:

  • Drawing.
  • Foreign language lessons in a playful way.
  • Swimming.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Game sports.
  • Ballroom dancing.
  • Figure skating.

What is given to the child:

  • By attending drawing classes, the child will develop imagination, as well as fine motor skills. This will help him in learning to write. In addition, art classes form observational skills in children.
  • Sports activities have a positive effect on the posture, dexterity and strength of the child, as well as learn to interact with other children and stay consistent on their way.
  • If the child goes to fencing, swimming or other sports that develop a sense of balance and coordination, this will help in brain development. The work of both hemispheres will become more coordinated, which is especially important for dyslexia.
  • Learning a foreign language has a positive effect on the intellectual development of the child and improves memory.

How is the drawing lesson for children under 6 years old. watch in the video of the channel "Smart Parents Club".

In the next video, psychologist Olga Kolchanova will tell you how to choose the right sections and circles for your child.

From 7 years old

The list of sections and circles available to the child at school age is expanding significantly. The child can do:

  • Creativity - drawing with paints or sand, modeling, macrame, beading, painting plaster figures, embroidery and other options.
  • Sports - swimming, hockey, figure skating, basketball, football, martial arts and other sports.
  • Dances - ballet, folk dances, disco, contemporary, ballroom dancing, break or others.
  • Music - play different musical instruments.
  • Singing - go to vocal classes or sing in a choir.
  • The development of intelligence - go to a mathematical circle, to chess, to technical, literary, computer and other circles.

What is given to the child:

  • Learning a foreign language is useful in the future for any child.
  • Thanks to swimming, the child will strengthen all the muscles and correct posture, improve flexibility, endurance and immunity.
  • In the classes of aikido, karate or other styles of martial arts, the student will study his body, learn to control it, learn spiritual principles.
  • Music lessons help develop memory, concentration and attention.
  • Thanks to singing, it is easier for a child to correct diction and learn foreign languages.
  • Playing chess, the child will improve attention, perseverance, memory, the ability to analyze, compare and navigate the area.
  • Embroidering, knitting, beadwork and similar creativity develop the child's motor skills and brain.

  • When choosing additional activities, parents should take an interest in the wishes of the child and take into account his interests. Tell your son or daughter about existing clubs, classes in them and new skills. At the same time, do not impose your own opinion and do not try to realize your dreams through children. Let your child choose the activity of their choice.
  • In choosing a mug, you should not focus on fashion. If your daughter's girlfriends go to dances, this does not mean at all that your girl should also go to them, especially if her daughter has no inclination for such activities. An incorrectly chosen section will be a source of stress and a burden for the child.
  • Be sure to consider the temperament of your son or daughter. If the child is active, chess will not suit him, and quiet and shy children will be uncomfortable in the circus studio.
  • Pay attention to the location of the section or circle, as you will have to organize your daily routine, taking into account the schedule of additional classes. Consider who will take the child to the circle, whether this will interfere with homework due to the time spent on the road.
  • An important factor in choosing a suitable circle will be the cost of classes. Many schools, children's clubs, community centers and other institutions offer free clubs. Classes in them can be in no way inferior to expensive paid lessons. Most sections and circles at the end of summer or in September organize an open day or offer a free trial lesson. This will help you make the right choice, as well as get to know the teachers.
  • If your child loves to draw but doesn't like coloring and patterns, encourage your child to take art classes. At the same time, try to choose a group that is attended by a maximum of 10 children. Also, children who like to draw can be offered to do computer animation.
  • Very active children who enjoy competition with others are best suited for sports. When choosing a sports section, pay attention to the qualifications of the instructor, and also adequately assess the health of your child.
  • Children who enjoy music should consider singing or playing an instrument. Music lessons should be looked after if the kid liked the rhythm in kindergarten, he easily remembers melodies and songs.

And a few more tips:

  • If a child doesn’t want to go to one circle and goes to another section, and then he doesn’t like going there, don’t scold him. Let your daughter or son look for themselves and do not reproach the cost of courses.
  • Always praise your child for successes and do not focus on failures. Let him know that even in situations where he fails, you consider him well done.

Show interest in your daughter's or son's activities. If your child wants to show you what he has learned in class or enthusiastically talks about training, don't brush it off, but be interested. This is a valuable parental support for any child.

And remember that there should not be too many sections and circles. Why - see the next video.


Reviewed by Marina

My daughter and I express our gratitude to the coaches Vladimir Zrelov and Pavel Zrelov for interesting training! Individual approach, despite how many people in the group are engaged at the same time. Both Vladimir and Pavel are kind, calm, attentive coaches. My daughter is ready to practice every day! Thanks a lot for the great work!
And in general, we really like the European Gymnastics Center - cool equipment, the ability to sign up online for classes at a convenient time for us, and not being tied to a specific time, a large number of centers throughout Moscow! Super! We are very satisfied!


The first competition "Coming out in force"! we are still very far from the categories, but the children (especially adults) tried! Thanks to our EUROPEGYM (Lokomotiv) for the excellent organization of the competition, for the festive, exciting, positive atmosphere! It was especially interesting to watch the older children (in particular, the daughter), with what struggle, awareness and responsibility they approached the test, which was unexpected for me. The results of the older child made me very happy (47th place out of 134 children in the age group of 7-11 years old)! The younger one, of course, had more fun and failed half of the tests, well, what to take from a small, hooligan-shilopopny little man who is not even 4 yet! But the most pleasant thing is that absolutely all the children received medals, balls and rubber bracelets "Exit to Strength", so the end of the competition was truly festive, joyful and bright! Many thanks to our coaches Konstantin Pavlov (training daughter - age 7-11) and Alexander Smirnov (training son - age 3-5). Everyone deserves an award! It's a pity that in big sport there are only 3 medals!


Reviewed by Maria

We have been studying with my daughter in a group of 1.5-3 years for several months. Excellent center, pleases that all inventory is in excellent condition, clean. Special thanks to our coach Gareev Radmir. He is wonderful, with a very attentive, calm and friendly approach to children. The curriculum is varied and rich. The child looks forward to classes and is very happy. Many thanks to Radmir for his attitude and work!


Feedback from Julia

We are engaged in the center with the whole family: parents in the 18+ group at the same time with children in the 5-7 group. Every time we go to class, it's like a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start practicing from any level of training - everyone is given, in fact, an individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous training for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible schedule of classes - you can go to your age group on any day, to any coach. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite but consistent.
For six months, the children noticeably got stronger and pulled themselves up. If in the Youth Sports School they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for making sports fun!


Feedback from Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to a well-structured training process, the son happily goes to classes, and then, with no less joy and pride, returning from training, declares: "I did well today!" The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very satisfied with the result of the classes! Thank you very much!


Feedback from Olga

My son has been attending a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny since September. The child studies with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes with anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination of discipline and the ability to understand and communicate with children. Many thanks for your professionalism.

Hello dear readers! Probably, today, sooner or later, every parent thinks about the question: which section to send the child to? This thought can even occur to parents of one-year-old children. Even then, reflections may appear on what type of activity would favorably affect the development of the baby.

But most sections and circles invite children from 3 years and older. What to pay attention to when choosing? We will answer in this article.

Until the age of 3, psychologists call all the additional activities that children's institutions recommend for your child “early development”. You can get acquainted with developing methods up to a year at.

Up to three years, classes with kids in children's centers are held together with parents and they are aimed at the socialization of the child and overall development. Such centers are private, classes are paid. In the classroom, you will be offered to draw, sculpt with the baby, perhaps elements of rhythm will be included.

All this, of course, you can do with your child and on your own at home. The center will benefit from:

  • Joint activities with other children. Children, even up to three years old, look at each other, try to imitate, together it is easier to interest them in something, and the process will be more exciting;
  • You yourself do not need to make preparations for classes, look for different developmental material, think over a plan for a week, month, year. Everything will be ready and thought out.

Brief overview of sections and circles

Today, a huge space for choosing sections is open for preschoolers: sports and creative areas. For your convenience, we have compiled a short list of the main circles.

Sport sections

  • Martial arts

This includes sections of various martial arts - karate, aikido, wu-shu, taekwondo, etc. They develop flexibility, endurance in a child, develop speed of reaction, dexterity. Many martial arts, in addition to physical exercises, teach children the philosophy of combat: you can’t beat the weak, use your strength only in defense against an attack.

For boys, this is very important. It is worth considering these sections if your child cannot stand up for himself: it will help him gain confidence in his abilities. And, on the contrary, if your child is very active, mobile, emotional and cannot yet control his strength, these sections will help him direct his energy in the “right direction”.

Many of them accept children after 7 years. It is worth remembering that for preschool children, classes should be based mostly on gymnastics, and it is better to postpone the direct study of contact combat, especially with the use of strikes, for example, boxing, until the child reaches the age of 10-12 years.

  • Gymnastics, acrobatics

Gymnastics develops flexibility, plasticity, coordination, endurance. They accept children from 2 years old. The earlier you start classes, the easier it will be to learn many poses, for example, twine. For many girls, gymnastics is attractive for its grace. Classes develop and maintain good posture.

Professional sports and rhythmic gymnastics involve heavy loads and frequent workouts. Of course, there is a risk of sprains and dislocations. But general gymnastics is useful for all children.

  • Swimming

This sport is suitable for almost every child. It involves all muscle groups, while the possibility of injury is practically absent. Hardens the body. Having taught a child to swim, parents can be much calmer when going to rest on a river, lake or sea.

Professional sports can only alert mothers of girls with their "broad-shouldered". But classes 1-2 times a week, of course, will only benefit. Also, many people think that swimming increases the risk of colds. This can be avoided by drying the child's head well before leaving the pool, especially during the cold season.

  • Basketball, football, volleyball, hockey and other team sports

Develop dexterity, reaction speed, dexterity. Gives a good general physical activity. In addition, these types of sports activities will help your child adapt in a team, learn to interact and work in a team.

If your child is a little tight, classes in such circles will help him loosen up a little and give him new friends. And if your child is very active and sociable, easily converges with peers, then in such circles he will be all the more successful, and therefore happy.

  • Tennis

This sport has recently become very popular. And among the people it is called "elite", since renting a court is very expensive. If your budget allows, then, of course, this sport teaches agility, coordination, and quick reaction.

Watch a short video about what you need to pay attention to when choosing a sports section from Dr. Komarovsky:

Creative Directions

  • Drawing

One of the most favorite activities for most preschool children. Such activities develop fantasy and imagination, develop fine motor skills of the hands, teach to navigate in a flat space. Drawing circles invite children from 2-3 years old.

  • Dances and rhythm

If you see that your baby begins to dance with great pleasure when he hears music, then you can offer him dance classes. They develop not only creative abilities, but also keep the child in good physical shape.

Dancing classes develop flexibility, improve coordination, and maintain correct posture. They help to better understand and feel your body, develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity.

If your child is shy, then such activities will help him to liberate himself. An active child will be helped to “splash out” his energy, directing it in the right direction. Children are invited to classes from 3 to 5 years old. The older the child, the more dance styles you can choose from.

  • Music

The child is surrounded by music from birth. For children 2-3 years old, music classes are held in almost all kindergartens. Basically, these are complex classes, where they sing and dance with the kids. Vocal data begins to develop from the age of five or six. As for professional education, you can enter a music school from 7 to 9 years old.

Of course, music lessons not only develop the child's creativity, but also discipline, develop mathematical abilities (especially musical notation), teach not only to listen, but also to hear. But when entering a music school, the parents themselves must be prepared for the fact that these classes are not one-time, but will occupy a certain place in the life of the child for several years.

  • Acting, theater

Acting classes are held for children from 6 years old. The child should already be able to speak well. Here, children become liberated, learn to be more confident in public, and in any team.

Playing different acting performances, trying on different images, the child learns to better cope with his emotions, he can better understand and express his feelings and thoughts. In addition to the development of speech, both attention and memory are trained. Leadership qualities are being formed.

Where can I find the section?

When choosing a sports section or a creative circle for a child, its territorial location also plays a significant role. Especially for preschoolers, it is important that classes take place close to home.

If the section is far away, then the long road will exhaust not only the child himself, but also the adult. Passes will be more frequent, and the pleasure from such activities will be less.

There are budget sections in kindergartens and schools, in public institutions for children's leisure and creativity, and many different private organizations offer their services. By the way, it is very convenient to search for sections in different directions, by age and by territorial location on the public services portal

Important: Starting classes, tune in to regularity. It also depends on your personal mood how the child will perceive these classes - as a one-time entertainment or as constant training.

How to choose a section or circle?

At 2-3 years old, your child will most likely go to kindergarten. And, for sure, on the basis of the kindergarten you will be offered to choose various circles and sections. Rhythm (from 2 years old), English (from 3 years old), swimming pool (from 3 years old). What to choose? I want to give my child everything to try. But this is even physically impossible to do, not to mention the load.

So which section and circle to choose from this huge variety? Here it is important to listen to your child, to observe what he himself is more interested in. Can't he be torn away from the colors or does he not part with the ball? Maybe the kid is enthusiastically trying to sing along to his favorite performer?

Listen to yourself too! Did you dream of being a gymnast as a child, or is it your child who is very plastic and enjoys watching the performance of our champions in rhythmic gymnastics? Or maybe it was you who dreamed of playing the piano all your life and that's the only reason you decided to send your baby to a music school?

It is also worth starting from the general condition of the child - both physical and psycho-emotional. If you need to help the child relax and reduce the overall physical tone, swimming lessons will help, help to relax and give confidence - dancing or acting classes will help. The choice is yours.

Please write in the comments, what clubs and sections do your children go to? What do you think is the most interesting for children and from what age? If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends on social networks. And we wish you good luck and success in all your endeavors and the endeavors of your children!
