Why is female alcoholism incurable? What is terrible female alcoholism. Consequences

Alcoholism is dependence on ethanol (the active component of alcoholic beverages), which has an extremely negative effect on the human body. In addition, alcoholism is a disease inherent in the male part of the population, so female alcoholism stands out as a separate problem, which, as you know, is especially difficult to treat.

Despite the propensity for severe alcohol addiction, the female body is inherently much stronger than the male body: women are more tolerant of pain and tolerate illness more easily. The same goes for endurance. In addition, women face more family responsibilities and stresses throughout their lives, which does not prevent them from living longer than the average male.

This is the whole paradox: yielding to a man only in physical strength, it is much more difficult for a woman to cope with alcohol addiction. In addition, women's dependence on alcohol appears much later than men's, and the symptoms are much more pronounced.

women's alcoholism statistics

According to studies, it takes about 7-10 years of regular drinking for a man to become addicted to alcohol, and 5 years for a woman. From this we can draw the first conclusion that female alcoholism develops much faster than male alcoholism and, as a result, the treatment process is complicated.

The number of women addicted to alcohol these days has increased significantly, and the phenomenon itself has become common in our time. If earlier the number of women treated for addiction was 10% of the total number of patients, now they make up one third of the total number of patients. But the worst thing is that 70% of women start drinking alcohol before the age of 18.

The average age of an alcoholic woman ranges from 35-50 years, and alcoholism itself is initially episodic, when a woman takes alcohol to cheer up or relieve stress. As a result of such an innocent hobby, a constant craving for alcohol develops, because it seems to a woman that with him her life is much more carefree and easier.

Swedish scientists have found that, unlike men, in the female body, the brain suffers primarily from alcohol, namely, the zones responsible for mood, motivation and sleep are destroyed. This destruction occurs three times faster than in the male body. That is why, in an alcoholic woman, the character changes for the worse, which manifests itself in nervousness, rudeness and aggressiveness. For female alcoholics, damage to the liver and pancreas is characteristic.

Statistics also say that 25% of women drink alcohol systematically, and 44% drink heavily. Along with this, about 4% drink alcohol from time to time, 28% of women alternate quiet periods with times of hard drinking or daily drinking.

The numbers make you think.

In society, and even among narcologists, there is an opinion that female alcoholism is incurable. Is this true and why is this disease so detrimental to the female body?

If we compare the male and female body, then we can identify a number of prerequisites that contribute to the rapid development of alcoholism in the weaker sex:

  • in the body of a woman, 10% less fluid than a man, which contributes to a higher concentration of alcohol in the blood;
  • reduced activity of enzymes that can quickly process alcohol and its decay products;
  • Withdrawal syndrome or simply attraction to a new dose of alcohol in women is much milder and more painless than in men, which makes it possible to postpone a visit to a narcologist for a long time;
  • increased absorption of alcohol from a woman's stomach during premenstrual syndrome leads to more rapid and pronounced intoxication.

The situation is complicated by the use of already large doses of alcohol.

There can be a lot of reasons why women seek solace in a bottle and each case must be considered individually, but still the following can be attributed to the main ones:

  • strong emotional upheavals (death of a loved one, loss of position in society, etc.);
  • social problems (inappropriate work, material difficulties, lack of upbringing and education);
  • social circle (especially if it consists of drinking people);
  • mental problems, unstable nervous system, including susceptibility to other people's influence;
  • prostitution and crime.

Another feature of women addicted to alcohol is uninhibited behavior. Being in a state of some euphoria, the alcoholic herself becomes the initiator of sexual intimacy, often with unfamiliar men. Of course, in such situations, we are not talking about sexual hygiene. As a result, concomitant complications appear in the form of sexually transmitted infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. Against this background, the woman's reproductive function suffers, and her chances of not only giving birth, but also conceiving a child are reduced to zero.

As noted earlier, the mental state of a woman also suffers from addiction to alcohol, which manifests itself in a significant deterioration in character (rudeness, hysteria, nervousness, selfishness), early development of dementia and personality degradation. In addition, the alcoholic begins to take her new way of life for granted and does not see the difference between decent and indecent behavior.

The process of becoming addicted to alcohol is the same for everyone, regardless of gender. From this it becomes clear that the ways and methods of curing alcoholism in women are the same as in men. Although it is worth making an important note regarding the weaker sex: the attention and patience of doctors and relatives will be needed much more than in the case of a man.

Signs of alcohol addiction in women

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

It will not be difficult for anyone to identify among a certain number of healthy women one who is subject to alcohol, but in this case we are talking about a serious and long-term addiction.

A woman is initially afraid much more of being convicted of drunkenness than a man, since female alcoholism is still perceived in society as something akin to prostitution, and the same "flaw" for a man is not condemned by society so strongly. It is for these reasons that the fair sex will carefully hide her "weakness" until the situation is completely out of control. In addition, it is difficult for a woman to admit that she has become one of those whom she herself once condemned and bypassed. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that if there is any suspicion of alcoholism, it is urgent to act, and such signs as:

  • facial changes: skin color turns red, purple or bluish spots appear, unhealthy eye shine, swelling and bruising under the eyes;
  • hair looks stale: greasy and tangled; they turn gray early and begin to fall out;
  • the figure becomes angular as a result of the disappearance of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • there are problems with the teeth: they crumble and fall out;
  • character changes;
  • extremes in appearance: bright vulgar makeup or an absolute absence of signs of femininity and self-care.

The changes taking place in the body of a drinking woman, unfortunately, are very rapid and irreversible. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify addiction and start treatment at an early stage.

The main problem faced by doctors and relatives of female alcoholics is the rejection and complete denial of the existing problem - dependence on alcohol. The reasons for this behavior are explained not only by the fact that it is psychologically more difficult for a woman to admit her degradation and subordination to the “green snake”, but also by the physiological characteristics of the body described above.

The greatest difficulty in the treatment of alcoholism in women is that, unlike in Europe, in our countries it is considered a great shame if a woman seeks drug treatment - this is not only a stigma for life, but also a shame on the family, accompanied by universal condemnation. The desire to “not fall” in the eyes of others often leads to the fact that the patient’s relatives (husband, parents, children) turn a blind eye to the deteriorating condition of a loved one, believing that in this way they save the family from a bad reputation. In fact, such a disservice and concern for one's own status can be costly for all family members.

For some reason, it so happened that if a man has problems with alcohol in the family, then the women of the same family consider it their duty to help him and, by hook or by crook, are engaged in his treatment. But if a wife, mother, sister, daughter has problems with alcohol, the family is not eager to solve such a delicate problem, and, even worse, turns away from the addict, condemning her lifestyle. This is probably the key mistake that aggravates the situation and accelerates the process of degradation of a woman as a person. But if the problem is identified, and the woman is ready to undergo treatment, you should immediately go to a drug treatment clinic and consolidate the result.

As for the methods of treatment themselves, today a huge number of them are practiced and they are applicable to both men and women. Among them are many well-known techniques, such as:

  • coding;
  • torpidation and stitching;
  • detoxification;
  • special tablets;
  • homeopathic remedies, etc.

You can also recall the methods of traditional medicine, but it is undesirable to resort to them, since curing a woman from addiction is not an easy task, so you should use qualified medical help.

When undergoing a course of treatment, it is worth remembering that not only the patient's state of health should change, but also her environment, lifestyle. You should change the circle of communication and habitat, if there is a possibility that the old habits will again involve a woman in alcoholic captivity. It is especially important to change the way of life in general. This means that after rehabilitation, a woman must reassess her values ​​and understand why she should continue to live. And here the family plays the most important role, because it is no secret that for most women it is her family that becomes the meaning of life. Full support of loved ones in a difficult life situation will be the best cure for addiction.

You should not condemn and remind the former alcoholic of the mistakes of her past life, but, on the contrary, help her find a new life, free from the horrors of past years. Then the gratitude of the recovered will not keep you waiting.

It is very important: in no case should you leave an alcoholic woman alone with her problem and fight for her future.

Female alcoholism is a disease that almost instantly affects the nervous system of the fairer sex. This is due to the developed ability to adapt, which is absent in men. That is why female alcoholism takes on severe, chronic forms almost immediately after a woman begins to abuse alcohol.

The causes of female alcoholism may differ externally, but its deep essence is always the same - a difficult psychological condition that a woman refuses or cannot share with anyone, therefore she turns to the bottle. It has been noticed that women employed in the trade and service sector suffer more often than others, where contacts with a huge number of people during the working period of time are quite intense.

Typical, rooted causes of alcoholism among non-working women are a husband who works too much, does not pay due attention to his beloved, or, conversely, a cheating man, a broken marriage.

Another common picture is quite successful ladies, sharks in their field, but unhappy in their personal lives, who did not have time to start a family, or who failed to pay due attention to it, as a result of which relations between relatives cannot be called warm. However, it is difficult to call the creation of a family a panacea for such a disease as alcoholism.

Firstly, alcoholism can develop just like that, without justification, due to inexplicable depression and psychological discomfort. Secondly, it is foolish to assume that all modern women need to create a family. Emancipation and the provision of greater freedoms to the weaker sex have made many girls quite self-confident singles, in fact, not in need of family warmth. But there are few of them.

First signs

Women's alcoholism does not begin suddenly, but the use of alcoholic beverages passes into the addiction stage smoothly, imperceptibly and so deeply, as if a woman plunges into a swamp and cannot "get out" herself from there. As a rule, the first signs of alcoholism are not noticeable to the patient:

  • the use of alcoholic beverages becomes regular, desired by the woman herself,
  • a severe hangover ceases to frighten, giving rise to only one desire - to drink again,
  • the woman starts to look worse,
  • in the character, notes of aggression begin to appear, passion only for oneself, or rather, for drinking. Close people cease to be significant, but begin to have an irritating effect on a woman.

Stages and their symptoms

In total, there are three stages of dependence, for each of which there are both common features and special ones:

At this stage, treatment without medication is no longer possible, and the work of a psychotherapist becomes deeper and longer.

  1. More and more often, a woman is “attached” to the bottle, no longer noticing that alcohol is her daily friend and savior. The sense of proportion at this stage begins to disappear, there is a severe hangover, memory lapses. The brightest "bells" of a smooth transition from the first stage to the second are the loss of the gag reflex, the formation of psychological obsession. At this stage, a woman can still maintain her health and get rid of addiction with the help of psychological help without medication.
  2. The most extensive and longest is the second stage. It is characterized by:
    • Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal), or physical dependence - craving for alcohol blocks all other desires, nullifies duties, social activities.
    • Behavior begins to acquire a pronounced deviant character, a woman can commit acts unusual for her, immoral.
    • Brain activity is greatly deteriorating, it becomes more difficult for a woman to think, she ceases to cope with her work tasks, cannot clearly formulate her thoughts, this causes her serious difficulties,
    • Increased aggression and irritability.
    • On the part of the body, there is a loss of appetite, insomnia, depression.
    • Externally: the face begins to swell, dark bags form under the eyes, the hair grows dull, the skin loses its healthy glow, the nose begins to flatten out.
  3. Stage of completed alcoholism. At this stage, pathological changes occur, the treatment of which is very difficult, and the body will never be able to fully recover: diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) and the gastrointestinal tract develop, the appearance changes completely, facial features coarsen, spread, swell a little, nervous the system and the brain are so damaged that they can no longer function properly.

The loudest myth that female alcoholism is incurable is just a fiction. The female body breaks down faster and gets used to alcohol, and the peculiarity of the treatment of the disease is such that ladies are much less likely to seek help on time. And the reason for this is public opinion, a double standard: if a man drinks, he needs help, protection, he needs to be protected, if a woman drinks, this is bad, terrible and generally a mortal sin.

You should get rid of this stereotype and start treatment without any remorse, but on the contrary, encouraging with the thought “Only a strong person can admit his illness and start treatment!”.

In the treatment and development of the disease, there are absolutely no differences between female and male alcoholism.

Treatment Methods

Any treatment for alcoholism begins with the removal of alcohol from the body. In cases of binge drinking, this occurs at home through a dropper or other medication for a short period of time in the first stage and several procedures afterwards. During this time, the woman completely sobers up, alcohol is almost completely eliminated.

Comprehensive treatment is impossible without psychotherapy, and this is its main part. In the West, the method of self-help groups - anonymous alcoholics - is widespread. In Russia, individual treatment prevails. Both methods are effective in certain situations, which the doctor determines. At this stage, the values ​​of a person, his attitude to life and alcohol, to his environment are worked out. There is a struggle with stress, depression, the causes of addiction. Therapies such as art therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, occupational therapy can be used.

There are also innovative, or rather ancient methods that are gaining particular popularity:

  1. Acupuncture,
  2. Hypnosis (coding),
  3. Laser treatment (strengthening of medications, the impact directly on the physical condition of the patient).

An integrated approach to the treatment of female alcoholism is the most effective method, which can also include folk remedies using various herbal remedies, but such treatment should be under the supervision of a narcologist!


In order not to face this disease, but to prevent it, a woman herself must protect herself from this scourge. As a rule, self-sufficient individuals are able to protect themselves from alcoholism in any situation, because even without this they can find an alternative way to relax and rest, but the following recommendations should not be neglected:

  1. When introspection and identifying problems, or just for prevention, you need to be able to talk with qualified specialists who will help diagnose the problem much earlier than the woman or her environment will notice it. Friends in this situation are not always faithful advisers.
  2. You can not neglect personal happiness, even if a career at a certain stage is the most important thing. Of course, this does not mean that you must definitely drop everything and give yourself completely to your husband and children, but being alone is not the best way out.
  3. If there are people among close relatives who suffer from alcoholism or are prone to it, you need to control yourself very well when drinking alcohol.

It is impossible to remain silent about the prevention of alcoholism in women who have been able to recover. In this case, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist, it is desirable to work in a group and support the same people who were able to recover. Work should also be carried out with the woman's environment so that relatives can support her.


The psychotherapist talks about the features of female alcoholism:

According to folk tradition, a festive feast is not complete without strong drinks. But not all people who take them from time to time become alcoholics.

At the same time, it is difficult to notice the turning point between moderate drinking and uncontrollable cravings - especially for our fair half. In order to help yourself or a loved one stop in time, it is worth studying the signs of alcoholism in women and ways to get rid of it.

Causes of female alcoholism

Harmful craving for alcohol most often occurs in the weaker sex against the background of psychological and emotional problems, although there are other risk factors. Here are the main reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence in women.

  • Nervous experiences. Unsuccessful personal life, loss of loved ones, adultery, hidden grievances, lack of attention from her husband and children - all these problems sometimes lead a woman into a dark corner. To, she starts drinking.
  • Lack of work or interesting activities. The statistics of narcologists confirms that housewives are prone to domestic drunkenness, which eventually develops into alcoholism.
  • Hard, responsible work. Business women often relieve stress and relax with a glass of cognac.
  • heredity, family. Girls born to systematically drinking parents are predisposed to drinking alcohol. They are about 3 times more likely to get sick than other children. If close relatives like to drink, the girl often chooses the same path.
  • Early "acquaintance" with alcohol. Teenagers almost from the age of 12 try low-alcohol, beer, energy drinks. Girls get used to drinking especially easily.

Female alcoholism: symptoms and signs

It is not easy to feel the line between "harmless" gatherings under the bottle and an intractable disease. However, there are several characteristic symptoms of alcohol addiction.

  • Increased craving for alcohol. After drinking, euphoria sets in, and then the mood deteriorates, irritability, harshness or tearfulness appears - and so on until the next portion.
  • Dosage increase. The need for this arises as a result of the addiction of the body.
  • Lack of defensive response to alcohol intoxication. In a healthy person who has exceeded the norm of the drink, vomiting occurs. If there is no gag reflex, the biological barrier to poisoning the body is destroyed.
  • Regularity. Episodic libations gradually become more frequent, up to daily ones. The craving for alcohol becomes irresistible.

Stages of alcoholism

Narcologists note: the signs of female alcoholism occur in a certain sequence and gradually increase. Experts distinguish three phases of the process.

First stage

It is characterized by the lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, the denial of alcohol addiction. Alcohol is consumed 2-3 times a week, intoxication occurs after small doses, there is a psychological dependence on alcohol. The gag reflex is lost.

Second stage

A hangover syndrome appears, the craving for alcohol intensifies. Instead of light drinks, stronger ones are used, doses are increasing. The appearance is noticeably deteriorating. Drinking becomes daily or turns into pseudo-binge drinking when large volumes are drunk for 3-4 days in a row with short breaks. During intoxication, short-term memory loss is noted, physical dependence on ethanol increases (in its absence, withdrawal occurs).

Third stage

At this stage, there is a complete degradation of the individual. There is prolonged amnesia, dementia (dementia). As a result of prolonged binges, alcoholic psychoses are possible - delirium tremens, delusional states, hallucinations. The last stage is characterized by irreversible changes not only in the brain, but also in all internal organs. The disease in the final phase is practically not treated, breakdowns constantly occur, and mortality is high.

External signs of female alcoholism

If the disease is just beginning, it is quite difficult to identify it. But as the process deepens, the face and appearance of the drinker as a whole changes. Here are the characteristic signs of an addiction to alcohol that has appeared.

  • Negligence. When alcohol comes to the fore, the lady ceases to follow her clothes and hair, her make-up acquires the features of slovenliness.
  • Depleted skin and hair. To remove alcohol toxins, the kidneys "pump out" fluid from the body and dehydrate it. The first signs on the face of women are flaky skin, its sagging, the appearance of early wrinkles. Hair on the head becomes thin, strenuously fall out. Medical cosmetics help a little.
  • Figure and voice. Frequent drinking leads to an imbalance between female and male hormones. The appearance of the lady becomes more masculine: the tone of the voice decreases, the waist disappears, the figure acquires angularity, and the stomach often increases. Muscles weaken - because of this, stoop appears, gait becomes heavier, hands tremble. By the way, due to the complete relaxation of the muscles of the larynx, drunk women are often observed.

Over time, external manifestations are aggravated. The face becomes earthy-gray, with an unhealthy blush, purple and bluish spots are possible (traces of bursting small vessels). The eyes become glassy, ​​acquire a painful luster, the eyelids swell. Wrinkles become sharper, nasolabial folds deepen, lips lose their shape, nostrils expand. Permanent - one of the signs that an alcoholic has decayed teeth, which then begin to fall out.

How does it affect the psyche, behavior

You can recognize the beginning of painful addiction by analyzing the behavior of a woman and noting manifestations that were previously unusual for her.

  1. Looking for any occasion for a drinking feast. First, alcohol is taken on major holidays and with persuasion, then without persuasion - famously and with passion (most often in a company), there is a desire to organize drinking parties. The desire for alcoholic euphoria makes you buy a bottle in reserve, which is gradually emptied - perhaps already alone.
  2. Excitement in anticipation of a drink. A worker tends to get home early, a housewife tries to get things done faster in order to take a dose of alcohol.
  3. Uncritical attitude towards oneself and drinking friends. Reproaches and claims of relatives are rejected, scandals are played out over the ban on drinking. Frequent intoxication is justified by such arguments: “proven by doctors”, “you won’t become an alcoholic from beer”, etc.

Most alcoholics to the last deny harmful addiction, do not realize their degradation, due to drunkenness. When the disease progresses, the behavior becomes bold, rude, cheeky. Promiscuity appears in the choice of friends and sexual partners, and the husband and children are perceived as strangers.

The nuances of female and male alcoholism

It is often asked why female alcoholism is incurable. The answer sounds like this: a cure is possible, but with great difficulty. The fact is that women become addicted to alcohol faster than men, lose their health and degrade. The reason for the differences is the psychological and physiological characteristics of the sexes.


  1. The critical dose of alcohol for women is less than for men. This is due to the reduced water content in the body: the concentration of alcohol with the same volume of alcohol consumed is higher than that of a male drinking buddy. Therefore, the degree of intoxication they may be different.
  2. Hopping in the fairer sex lasts longer due to less active enzymes in the stomach that break down alcohol.
  3. Previously, girls were more often fond of dry wine, now 40% of the female contingent prefer strong alcohol. There are many beer lovers who consider it more harmless than vodka. At the same time, it is fixed if more than 1 liter of hop product is consumed per day.
  4. The consequences of harmful addiction for both sexes are almost the same. But for alcoholics, the risk of breast cancer is added to diseases of the internal organs.


  1. As noted earlier, the weaker sex is much more likely to "flood" personal troubles with alcohol.
  2. Given the public morality, a woman is mostly applied to the bottle alone. A man (especially in the early stages) often drinks for show in order to assert himself in the company.
  3. Most ladies cannot even admit to themselves that they are sick. It is easier to convince a male alcoholic that he is drinking at an earlier stage. Moreover, it is the spouse who is most actively struggling with his bad habit. And, on the contrary, the husband rarely manages to insist on the treatment of his wife.

Why is female alcoholism dangerous? It is very insidious and can develop at any age. The zone of special risk is from 35 to 45 years. However, it happens that the habit appears in more mature ladies, even among pensioners - because of the feeling of emptiness and lack of demand.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave a woman's body?

Due to the small amount of special enzymes in the stomach, alcohol is not only absorbed into the blood faster and has a stronger effect on the body, but sobering up occurs more slowly. How much alcohol is excreted from a woman's body, compared with men, can be seen in the table below.

The harm of alcohol to the body, the effect on reproductive function

You should be aware that every glass of wine is another step towards the destruction of your own health. The negative effect of alcohol on a woman's body is expressed in the following.

  1. The brain is severely affected- The blood-brain barrier is weaker than in men, so ethanol directly enters the brain tissue.
  2. Violations appear in all internal organs- liver, kidneys, heart, thyroid gland.
  3. The balance of hormones is disturbed, femininity is lost(This has already been mentioned in more detail).
  4. Childbearing function is inhibited. Due to changes in the hormonal background, conception is difficult, but not excluded. It is worth noting how detrimental effect alcohol has on a woman's eggs. If you take it in the month of conception, the fetus will be irreparably harmed. The bonds in the DNA chains are destroyed, the genetic code of the egg “breaks”, the composition of the protein (the nutrient medium for the embryo) deteriorates.
    Drinking during pregnancy leads to ethanol poisoning of the baby (poison easily crosses the placenta). The fetus is most vulnerable at 6-8 and 12-14 weeks.
  5. Possibility of developing malignant tumors- especially in the brain and mammary glands.


A prolonged illness causes irreversible changes in internal organs, mental abnormalities, and a decrease in social status. Here are just the main consequences of chronic female alcoholism:

  • brain damage with dysfunction of the entire nervous system, dementia, mental illness, stroke;
  • toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • ulcer of the stomach and pancreas;
  • due to violation of the main and peripheral circulation - heart attack, gangrene.

The disintegration of the personality of the keeper of the family hearth leads directly to family quarrels, divorces, and violence against children. A previously successful lady loses her reputation and sinks to the bottom of society.

How female alcoholism is treated: traditional (psychotherapy, coding), non-traditional methods (at home)

After getting acquainted with the disease, the question arises: how to deal with it? Of particular importance here is the willpower and desire of the drinker - the main thing is that she finds the right motivation to return to normal life. The support of loved ones is also important: it is easier to overcome the disease together.

Traditional treatment is carried out in stages and multi-vector.

  1. Medical cleansing of the body in a hospital. With the help of droppers, the decay products of ethanol are removed, then drugs are prescribed that reduce desire, cause aversion to ethanol, or smooth out the withdrawal syndrome.
  2. Nowadays, at the request of the patient, it is possible to carry out drug coding. This is the administration of a drug that turns into a poison when consumed with alcohol and causes pain. To avoid it, a woman tries to do without alcohol. The drug is filed as an ampoule, administered intravenously or taken in the form of tablets.
  3. Psychotherapy. Hypnosis sessions are conducted, during which the patient develops a subconscious aversion to alcohol. For those who do not succumb to hypnosis, it is better to encode in a conscious state according to the Dovzhenko method.
  4. Restorative therapy. With its help, the functions of internal organs are restored.

Often they are interested in how to cure an alcohol addict at home. The method is successful only at the initial stages of the disease, with a neglected form, one cannot do without the help of professionals. In folk medicine, herbal infusions and decoctions are usually used. Here are two effective recipes.

  1. Decoction of chamomile and motherwort. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured with a liter of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Take 0.5 cup twice a day. The tool calms, relieves stress, helping to eliminate the reason for drinking alcohol.
  2. Hypericum decoction. Brew the grass in the same way, and take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. St. John's wort develops a stable aversion to alcohol. This property helps to end drunkenness on your own, without experiencing mental discomfort.

How to treat

In order for the treatment of female alcoholism to be effective, only a doctor prescribes medications and their dosage. It depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the phase of the disease. The list of medicines below is for guidance only.

Drugs that cause aversion to alcohol:

  • Disulfiram, Antabuse, Abstinil, Teturam are similar in effect to ampoules. Their active ingredient prevents the breakdown of ethanol, acetone accumulates in the body, and health deteriorates. All these funds belong to a potent group, so they are used only with the knowledge of the patient, according to a strict scheme.
  • Kolma. The solution can be quietly added to food, the course of treatment can last up to six months. According to reviews, the drug is quite effective.

Drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol

Tablets of this group are indicated for a voluntary decision to stop drinking. Medications are taken regularly to prevent withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal). This type includes:

  • Diazepam (Valium);
  • Finlepsin (a psychotropic drug for a wide range of purposes);
  • Lorazepam;
  • Penbarbital - is characterized by numerous side effects, therefore, it is prescribed only according to the results of the examination.

To alleviate the patient's condition and strengthen the body, Enterosgel, folic acid, vitamin B are prescribed as maintenance therapy.

Can you stop drinking on your own?

All the methods described earlier have one common drawback: there is a violent influence on the patient, albeit for good purposes. The drinker breaks up with a bad habit under the influence of hypnosis or thanks to the persuasion of a psychotherapist. Many patients fear the consequences of coding. Therefore, the question often arises: how to stop drinking alcohol for a woman on her own?

There is no short and simple answer here. If there is a desire and willpower, you should do auto-training, meditation, read special literature. The book "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" (author A. Carra) is very popular. Millions of readers, having discovered signs of female alcoholism, acted according to the method described in the bestseller and were able to overcome the disease. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that the struggle is carried out in different directions, and the main emphasis is on the psychological factor.

Female alcoholism is a serious disease that develops rapidly and has an unfavorable course.

Signs of female alcoholism become apparent after 2-4 years of systematic alcohol consumption due to the physiological and anatomical features of the female body:

  • Congenital low tolerance to alcohol.
  • The content in the liver of a small amount of enzymes that help break down ethanol.
  • Less, compared with men, the presence of fluid in the body, which is able to dissolve alcohol.

The path from the initial stage of the disease to the acute stage, when a characteristic hangover (withdrawal) syndrome sets in, a woman passes in such a short time that the diagnosis of "alcoholism" becomes an unpleasant discovery both for herself and for relatives and friends. During this time, a woman is able to sleep completely and irrevocably.

Due to the fact that women carefully try to disguise their craving for alcohol, to hide their addiction to alcohol, at the initial stage, the symptoms may be so mild that no one even suspects an existing problem.

However, there are a number of symptoms that are 100% likely to indicate female alcoholism:

  • Drinking alcohol occurs systematically, at short intervals, which gradually disappear completely and the woman begins to drink alcohol daily.
  • Changing requirements for the quality of alcohol. With the development of the disease, a woman becomes absolutely indifferent to the taste nuances of alcoholic beverages, the main thing is the alcohol content in them.
  • Drinking alcohol alone. For a woman, the absence of a reason for a feast or company becomes unimportant. This is a wake-up call that will allow you to timely diagnose a patient with alcoholism.
  • Change of mood - from depressed-depressive, when there is no opportunity to drink, to excited joyful - if drinking is to be.
  • Willingness to spend the budget on alcohol, even if the money is "set aside" for something important. Spending on alcohol is always a priority.

The diagnosis of "female alcoholism", the symptoms of which are already quite pronounced, recognizes a negligible number of women who are addicted to alcohol. It is important at the right time to be next to such a person, to show care, to help in treatment.

Signs of alcoholism in women

To hide their addiction to alcohol, most women begin to drink alone, hiding their addiction from others. But with prolonged use of alcohol in the female body, processes occur that give her an alcoholic.

Signs of the development of female alcoholism are divided into:

  • External. If at the beginning of the disease these signs can be hidden under a layer of cosmetics, then over time nothing helps to hide the swollen face, bags under the eyes, red spots on the skin.
  • Physiological. The absence of a protective reaction of the body to alcohol, as a result of which toxins affect the internal organs and vital systems of the body, endowing the patient with a whole bunch of diseases: cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic hepatitis, infertility, thyroid dysfunction, heart rhythm failure, kidney failure, memory worsens , decreased intelligence.
  • Psychological. The character and demeanor of a woman completely changes, she is not able to critically relate to her behavior. There is a deformation of the psyche - there is irritability, aggression, all thoughts are occupied with the opportunity to drink, the range of interests focuses around alcohol. For advanced cases, the occurrence of hallucinations, a split personality, and mental abnormalities are characteristic. Often, women with alcoholism are assisted in psychiatric and drug treatment clinics.
  • Social. A woman neglects family values, loses her maternal instinct, loses interest in relatives and friends, becomes sexually promiscuous.
  • Indirect. These are signs by which it can be determined that a person has fallen down - an untidy appearance, slovenliness, an unpleasant smell.

The first signs of alcoholism

The first sign of the emergence of female alcoholism is very difficult to notice. At this stage, when a woman, as a person, continues to be complete, a thorough disguise takes place.

To avoid a negative reaction towards herself, the drinker hides the very fact of drinking alcohol.

But she already has the first signs of alcoholism:

  • Changes in character and appearance.
  • There are outbursts of temper and aggression.
  • The structure of the hair changes, they fall out and turn gray prematurely.
  • There are problems with the teeth.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • After drinking alcohol falls into a state of euphoria and unbridled joy.

In later stages, this feeling disappears, and alcohol is already needed in order to lose sobriety.

The first signs of alcoholism in women on the face

Alcoholism first of all is reflected on the face of a drinking woman, leaving characteristic signs visible to others. These include:

  • Flabbiness of the skin. Due to the intake of alcohol, the collagen structure of the skin is disrupted, which makes it sagging.
  • Loss of muscle tone in the face, which is temporarily restored only after taking a dose of alcohol. Over time, the muscles of the face lose their elasticity completely.
  • Yellowness of the sclera of the eyes due to a malfunction of the liver - the main filter of ethanol and the gallbladder.
  • A bluish tint indicates disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system and the danger of thrombosis.
  • Severe swelling under the eyes, on the cheeks, chin, neck. As a result of drinking alcohol, the work of the kidneys is disrupted, and they no longer cope with the function of removing fluid from the body.
  • The appearance on the cheeks, nose of "asterisks" - burst capillaries, as a result of a systematic increase in blood pressure against the background of alcohol intake.

The face of a woman who abuses alcohol looks depressing and leaves no doubt to those around her about her harmful addiction.

External signs of alcoholism in women

Appearance for a woman plays a huge role in life. By nature, women take care of their appearance, hair, clothes, tirelessly change their image, try new images, experiment.

Even if a woman is inclined to preserve natural beauty, she will not allow herself to appear in public unkempt, sloppy. A drinking woman ceases to take care of herself, becomes unsightly in appearance, causes puzzled looks and condemnation of other people.

The external signs of the disease and the development of alcoholism in women on the face treacherously distinguish such a lady from the general mass of people, changing her beyond recognition.

Changes in clothing and hair

Unlike women leading a sober lifestyle, a woman who consumes alcohol does not consider it below her dignity to appear in a public place in clothes that need washing, as if hastily dressed, dirty, unkempt shoes, possibly even out of season.

Greasy, disheveled hair, which has forgotten the hand of the master hairdresser, adds to the image of ugliness.

As a rule, such women, trying to hide the harmful effects of alcohol on their faces, mask it with a thick layer of powder, blush, and shaking hands do not allow them to accurately make up their lips and eyelashes.

Changes in behavior

Any event in life - separation, meeting, purchase, loss, name day and funeral become for a woman suffering from alcoholism, a great reason to drink. Moreover, the prospect of a libation causes stormy genuine joy, revival, regardless of whether it is a joyful occasion or not. The woman hastily finishes her business, all the time thinking about the upcoming feast, becomes absent-minded and inattentive.

To get drunk, such a woman needs to drink much more alcohol, and this is considered an alarming sign. In case of an overdose, a woman who drinks a little will vomit, as the body will try to get rid of toxins by turning on protective functions. An alcoholic woman, in the end, will get drunk from a large dose of alcohol and fall off her feet, and in the morning she will be ready to repeat the evening “feat”, despite her poor health.

With the progression of the disease, behavior may become inadequate, a woman is able to demonstrate rudeness, swagger, promiscuity in sexual intercourse.

Children, relatives annoy a woman, become strangers to her, preventing her from living the way she wants. She does not care about them at all, easily exposes them to violence and risk to life.

During this period, the drinking woman loses the ability to be critical of herself.

Skin and hair changes

Skin and hair instantly react to the systematic use of alcohol due to the inevitable dehydration of the body. To cleanse the body of alcohol toxins, the kidney filters literally take water from all organs, which are often very sensitive to lack of moisture.

The skin becomes thin, dried up, loses its smoothness and elasticity, begins to peel off and cannot be rehabilitated with cosmetics. Wrinkles on the face become deeper, more pronounced, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby.

Hair suffers no less from a lack of moisture, becomes dull, brittle, and early gray hair does not take long.

Change of voice and figure

Narcologists have established a direct link between alcohol abuse and voice changes. It is the lowering of the tone of voice, the characteristic hoarseness - the first sign of alcoholism in women.

This is due to the influence of alcohol on the ratio of male and female hormones in the body, a violation of their balance. Alcohol contains an analogue of the main female hormone, the amount of which is several times higher than the norm. When it enters the body of a woman, it disrupts the production of its own estrogen, and male hormones are in excess.

At the same time, the body and figure of a woman acquire a certain angularity, movements become clumsy, inaccurate. It's all about dystrophic changes in muscles, devoid of nutrients and dried with alcohol. The muscles become lethargic, flabby, the woman involuntarily begins to stoop, her shoulders drop down, and her neck and head move forward.

The body loses female contours: the waist swims, the stomach grows, the legs become very thin. In a drinking woman, even during sober periods, the gait loses its clarity, becomes sloppy and careless.

Treatment begins with the realization of the patient herself that she needs it. A woman should sincerely desire to get rid of addiction and return to a full life. Otherwise, with compulsory treatment with even the most progressive means, there is no need to talk about a stable recovery or a long-term result.

It is very important at this moment to give a woman enough attention, to give her the opportunity to feel her need and usefulness. When prompting for treatment, you should not unnecessarily load a woman with problems, put pressure on her, showing tact and patience.

Relatives should help an alcoholic patient not to miss the moment of a passionate desire to recover, and it is during this period that they should make the most of their opportunities in order to carry out a comprehensive, full-fledged treatment. It includes:

  • Highly qualified help of psychologists and psychotherapists.
  • Purification of the body through detoxification using a whole arsenal of modern means.
  • Drug therapy that forms a woman's persistent aversion to alcohol.
  • The use of drugs that block the receptors of the brain (hemming from alcoholism).
  • Methods of hypnotic coding, psychotherapeutic sessions.
  • Restorative therapy of vital organs and body systems affected by alcohol.

Treatment is selected strictly individually and is carried out sequentially, gradually connecting all the necessary methods, and depends on the stage of alcoholism.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible for a woman to get rid of alcoholism forever depends directly on the individual, his emotional state and sincere desire to get rid of the destructive habit.

A woman has every chance of defeating the disease if she:

  • Has the support of family and friends.
  • Located in a warm family environment.
  • Avoids stressful situations.
  • Receives full-fledged complex treatment and psychological assistance of specialists.

Greetings, dear friends, like-minded people and guests of my blog. Recently, when I read sad statistics, I am simply horrified by the number of women who have suffered such a terrible disease as alcoholism.

Despite the fact that there is an opinion among the people about the incurability of female alcoholism, unlike male alcoholism, experts have a different opinion. They argue that this disease does not have any sexual characteristics and proceeds the same way in women and men.

But today I would like to talk about the signs of alcoholism in women. How to recognize these alarming signals and understand that a loved one really needs help?


If your colleague, girlfriend or close relative just likes to have a good time and cannot imagine a party without alcohol, you should not write her down in the ranks of the terminally ill with alcoholism.

In fact, female alcoholism has very clear symptoms and manifestations. In order for the signs of alcoholism to begin to appear, some time must pass, because ethanol does not immediately begin its destructive effect.

But if you nevertheless began to notice a change in the physical and emotional state of a loved one, suspecting the symptoms of alcoholism, then take a closer look at the following signs:

  • A woman experiences cravings for alcohol every time the situation gets out of control. Any quarrel in the family, a problem at work, a bad mood results in a desire to drink a glass of alcohol.
  • In public, the girl holds on, restrains her emotions, but when she comes home, she breaks down at home for any reason.
  • Sudden mood swings and they pass after a dose of alcohol.
  • The amount of alcohol that is needed as a "sedative" gradually increases. A month ago it was enough to drink half a glass of wine, but today a woman needs 2-3 glasses of wine to relax and relieve stress.
  • A woman may often complain of headaches and chills.

  • The gait may change and the condition of the skin and teeth may worsen.
  • After another drunkenness, a woman has an irresistible desire to “hang over”. After a portion of alcohol comes visible relief.

Of course, not a single woman at the very beginning of the disease, when the "situation is under control" will not write herself into the ranks of the sick. Our society condemns and despises alcoholism. What can we say about what awaits a woman, find out someone from her environment that she visited a narcologist.

It is for this reason that at the 1st stage of the development of alcoholism and at the first symptoms, no one turns to specialists. In rare cases, in favorable families and with great support from loved ones, a woman may seek help.

How is it manifested?

Despite the fact that alcoholism equally destroys the male and female body, it can manifest itself in completely different ways. In a normal family, where spouses take care of each other and carefully monitor their health, it will not be difficult for a husband to recognize the symptoms of alcoholism in his wife. But more often this disease overtakes single women or wives who cannot boast of a happy family life.

The initial stage can sometimes last for years. It depends on the physiological characteristics of a person, his social circle, constraining factors. Much more depends on the drink itself, with which addiction begins. Of course, ethanol is found in any alcoholic beverage, but in different quantities. This means that a woman who drinks beer or wine has a greater margin of time before a dangerous poison takes control of the body.

How is the disease progressing?

In total, experts distinguish 3 stages of the course of female alcoholism.

Stage 1 It is characterized by the desire to drink for any reason and for any problem that arises. The woman herself does not notice that even the slightest stressful situation, trouble at work or family makes her want to drink wine.

This is followed by a temporary relaxation. If such a desire arises 2-3 times a week, then these are already alarming bells, which, of course, are not yet talked about the disease itself, but already indicate that the situation is starting to get out of control.

Stage 2 May last 2-3 years. There is a slow change in the internal organs. The body gets used to a constant dose of ethanol in the blood. The woman begins to feel constant pain, irritability, headache, loss of appetite. To drown out the unpleasant state, she needs another dose of alcohol, after which there is a temporary relief.

Experts call this the hangover withdrawal syndrome. If alcohol causes disgust in a normal healthy person after a stormy booze, then in an alcoholic woman, on the contrary. We all know the phrase "get drunk". Here she is in this state.

At this stage, not only the psycho-emotional state of a person changes, but also his physical appearance. Alcohol does not paint anyone, let alone women. Teeth gradually turn yellow and fall out, hair thins, the skin acquires a yellowish-green tint and quickly becomes wrinkled.

Stage 3 We can say the final, and at this stage, female alcoholism is certainly incurable. At this stage, partial memory loss, mental disorder, hallucinations are already possible.

Even if you offer a woman an urgent and effective treatment, there is no guarantee that, firstly, the body will recover, and secondly, that the patient will not return to addiction. At this stage, doctors already, as a rule, ascertain cirrhosis of the liver, kidney damage, heart failure and brain atrophy.

What usually interferes with treatment?

  1. Distrust of specialists and full confidence that female alcoholism is incurable.
  2. Concealment of the problem, secrecy, unwillingness to recognize a destructive passion.

If a woman herself is aware of the problem she has encountered and cannot cope with on her own, then there are chances to cure her addiction. If you want to cure a loved one: mother or wife from alcoholism, then, of course, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

And we are talking not only about a narcologist, but also a psychologist. Indeed, in order to prevent a return to a terrible addiction in the future, you must understand what exactly caused the development of the disease.

If in this way a woman escapes from stressful situations, conflicts, experiences, then the specialist must learn to cope with her emotions in a different way. In any case, at the stage of rehabilitation, you should not leave a woman alone. The support of loved ones, their support and faith in her own strength is what will help her recover from alcoholism.

Unfortunately, our society does not accept such a form of psychological support as Alcoholics Anonymous. And often, after rehabilitation and cure for the disease, relapses occur. Therefore, the most important point is the psychological support of loved ones.

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