Congratulations on your belated birthday to your aunt. Congratulations on your belated birthday

  • May every day of life be filled deep meaning, fulfillment of at least one small, but significant desire for you. Let your soul be light and joyful! Happy belated!
  • Although belated, but with pure and bright wishes and intentions, I congratulate you on your holiday. I am sure that all the good things in your life will multiply, and the bad ones will disappear into the fog.

    I wish you bold and daring goals and ideas today. And let them all certainly come true, because you deserve it. Happy belated...

    Congratulations on your birthday! Sorry for not congratulating you on time. I wish that in the new year of your life there will be a place for holidays, surprises, love, warmth and big hugs filled with sincerity, care and attention.

    There are no past holidays. After all, every new morning is already a holiday. I wish you to wake up every day happy man, look into the future with gratitude and hope and expect only good things in it. Happy birthday!

    Congratulations on your birthday! Even though the holiday according to the calendar has already passed, I wish you that you always have all year round, was elated fun mood, and so that the holiday accompanies you every day of your life, every hour and every moment!

    It’s right to say that it’s late than never. So, a little late, happy birthday! I wish you a lot of positivity and joyful, carefree weekdays and weekends! Be healthy, smile a lot and never be sad or sad!

    Congratulations on your holiday! And even if it has already passed, I want to wish that your life changes only in better side. May the bright rays of the sun illuminate all the roads of the world for you, may all opportunities become available and lead to your goals!

Birthday is without a doubt the best and important holiday for any person. This holiday can only be compared with New Year , but the difference is that New Year's celebration

universal, people first congratulate each other on the upcoming holiday, and if they forgot someone, then they can do this later on the upcoming New Year. And no one will be offended by this. A completely different matter is a birthday, when it has timely congratulations, but it can be so disappointing when you receive birthday greetings late. But still, we are all looking forward to this day with such impatience and joy. True, there is also a sad note in this, because we are getting a year older. And you can’t get the years back.

But the anticipation of the holiday overshadows these sad thoughts for some time. After all, this wonderful event I want to have so much fun that I can remember it for a long time later. And the gifts! It’s so nice to receive them from friends, relatives, and colleagues.

Gifts can be different - perfume, sweets, flowers, Cell phones, books, expensive clothes and much, much more.

As we grow up, we begin to understand the full price of this attention. It’s very nice when you are remembered, loved, appreciated - it’s worth a lot.

But even when you receive birthday greetings late, your soul still feels so warm and the resentment goes away. You begin to understand that you are remembered, loved, and not forgotten! To protect yourself from such forgetfulness, you can keep a small notebook and write down the birth dates of loved ones there..

And what congratulations are heard most often on this day: these are wishes for good health, happiness in your personal life, prosperity and good luck in business, always a good mood, the fulfillment of all desires. The main thing is that all these wishes and congratulations are from
pure heart
I send you poems
And happy birthday

(Although with the past, unfortunately,
For this I apologize.)
Yes, the birthday is over,
But the feeling of celebration remains!
Look at life more cheerfully,

Find friends everywhere
May only joy await you!
I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has recently passed.

But I still want to send a wish,
May everything be good in your life. First of all, I wish you a lot of health, Enough
, Secondly.

Luck always helps in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life did not subside.
Congratulations on the past holiday,
With the one that only comes once a year.

I wish you immense happiness,
Let troubles pass by.
Let your bold hopes come true,
Efforts will lead to better things.

A fresh wind of impressions blows,
Only your days bring joy.
Your birthday has already passed, my love.
Cast aside all your doubts, because I will be there

Always with you, just don’t be sad!
And please read this SMS! ©
Sorry for being late

Happy birthday dear,
Happy holiday, my love! Darling, please be calm, I believe yours
Since I was born I've been sending text messages in the afternoon
Let it be late. But I love you! ©

Am I off topic again?
Late again?
How time flies!
I missed the whole prom...

I'm so sorry!
(It’s too late, I confess!)

Sorry and sorry again,
Please accept my best wishes.
I'm a little late with congratulations,
May your journey in life be successful.

Congratulations on your birthday,
I want to wish you health and happiness.
May you be in a cheerful and good mood,
They could walk through life joyfully.

Your birthday is a wonderful day,
Lilacs are blooming just around.
And the lily of the valley smells outside the window,
And in life everything goes the way.

I congratulate you on your belated birthday,
I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you happiness and joy,
And I want to be with you all the time.

They say that birthday is a holiday of childhood,
And, of course, there is no escape from it.
And no matter how many years we have,
I am ready to celebrate this holiday.

A little belatedly, I congratulate you,
I wish you happy, long years.
Good health, great luck,
Love, success, and wonderful meetings.

Birthday is a day of fun and excitement,
He's special best holiday on the ground.
And of course, I will ask for an apology,
That a little later I brought you a gift.

I want to congratulate you on your belated birthday,
I wish you good luck in life.
And never be offended by anything,
Don't hang your head and don't be discouraged.

Although it's late, but still congratulations
Happy birthday to me. I want to wish
So that life is so cheerful,
To allow all your dreams to come true.
Let the guardian angel protect
And there will be an ocean of pleasures.
Let friends raise your spirits,
And the money just jumps into your pocket!

Happy birthday!
Maybe not at the right time, but still:
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
And impossible successes.

Happiness, joy, health,
Long years and bright days,
Warmth, kindness with love -
Let's live more fun!

Although belatedly
Please accept our wishes:
Achieve success
Rise higher and higher
Achieve your dreams
With fortune, be on your own.
Happy belated birthday!
Smiles, mood!

Happy birthday to you!
Svetlykh, happy days in fate
And have a great mood
From my heart I wish you.

Let the sun light your way,
Helping you move forward.
May your friends never leave you.
And in everything, and always may you be lucky.

Happy belated birthday
I hasten to congratulate you.
A little late
My words sound.

The demon has misled me, no less,
Forgive me, please.
Almost crying out of frustration,
I apologize.

Happy belated birthday
I congratulate you.
With happiness in a crazy heart
Live your life lovingly.

Tread the path to success
To your life's work,
All the obstacles and obstacles
Allow it according to your mind.

Strength, health, optimism
And good luck in everything,
So that without a drop of formalism
Your life was filled with fire.

Sorry for being late,
Happy birthday.
Sincerely, with all my heart,
Let your dreams come true.

Let life flow like a river,
Seething, noisy, seething.
You enjoy it
As long as fate dictates.

Life is filled with health and good luck.
All days are fun, peace and goodness.
Let life be like this, and not otherwise,
And let anyone be lucky in business.

So that life is like a fairy tale,
You are the queen in it.
Let there be affection in life,
Confessions and flowers.

Let the whirlwind of love swirl
You will become happy.
And let them come true
Cherished dreams!

Happy birthday,
Sorry for the delay,
The wind of everyday life has confused the cards,
Mixed up my days.

I wish you in life
There's no way to know if you're late,
And always, in everything and everywhere
Be sure to keep up.

I wish you luck
I kept up with you
To decide on time
Everything happens on its own.

Happy belated birthday!
I wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that the best moments
They didn't go through in a hurry.

Let the years not darken you,
Let them wait and welcome you at home.
And wherever you appear,
So that everyone just admires you.

Forgive my forgetfulness
And please accept congratulations.
I want it right now
I congratulate you with all my heart.

May your world be in bright colors,
Dreams come true, like in fairy tales.
Health, joy, luck.
Happy birthday to you!

I congratulate you.
Let your dreams come true.
Always be optimistic
Don't bother for a long time.

They say it right - “better late than never”! It is this principle that needs to be professed if such trouble happened that you forgot about your friend’s birthday and were unable to congratulate them yesterday. No problem, let's congratulate them today!

"Fortunately or unfortunately"
Fortunately or unfortunately,
Your birthday has passed.
And finally, congratulations
It came to you from me.

Sorry for being late,
After all, I want to wish
Fulfillment of dreams,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.

“Congratulations on the past holiday”
Luck always helps in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life did not subside.
Congratulations on the past holiday,
With the one that only comes once a year.

I wish you immense happiness,
Let troubles pass by.
Let your bold hopes come true,
Efforts will lead to better things.


We always wish you happiness in life!

"Congratulations for a friend"
My beloved friend,
Happy celebrated birthday!
Let your head spin with happiness,
And the heart of love is fire.

Let the holiday die down recently,
I wish you, belatedly
To achieve the main successes,
Only find positive things in fate.

“Girlfriend, I wish you from the bottom of my heart”

Your birthday has passed.

Catch more from me too.

Girlfriend, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happy, carefree days.
So that there is enough money and love,
The world around you has become kinder.

“Happy belated birthday!”
Happy belated birthday,
Sorry I forgot about it on holiday.
I wish you the best today,
May good luck come to your home soon,

Love you and always be happy,
And, of course, love your life!
And make the world around you beautiful,
Live both harmoniously and with dignity!

I can wish you once again
A whole cartload of health, success and wealth.
So that you give back to both trouble and the enemy,
And the world brought only the best for you.

“Happy belated birthday, friend!”

Congratulations to you today.
Let the whole world around please you,
Fortune is kind.

Let trouble not touch you,
Your income will multiply a hundredfold.
And happiness and love are always
Let them make you happy.

“Good luck and luck!”
Happy belated birthday!
Good luck and luck
I want to wish
And know no sorrows!

My dreams always come true
Try to be happy
After all, happiness lives in us!
So let success come!

"Happy Birthday"
Happy Birthday -
Although it has already passed,
I, without any doubt,
I would be glad now - at the table,

I'll drink to you, make you happy,
And wish you good health!
You can't be annoyed with fate -
She must be respected!

"To the best friend"
Better late happy birthday
Congratulations than ever
I wish you luck
Lives for many years.

Friend, so that you don’t lose heart,
And I didn’t know despondency -
Make your family and friends happy,
To make yourself happy!

“Congratulations, friend!”
Sorry, dear friend,
I'm sorry for being late!
Congratulations to you today
Happy birthday to me. Punishment

You can put forward anything
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts, though better than words!

“My congratulations are belated”
My congratulations are belated,

I wish you luck anyway
And rest and peace to the soul.

So that your health grows stronger over the years,
I expected constant success in business.
So that happiness shines in the eyes,
And your roaring laughter rang.

“I congratulate you on being late”
Find friends everywhere
May only joy await you!
I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has recently passed.

But I still want to send a wish,
Enough cash, secondly.
, Secondly.

“An ocean of love and patience for you!”

An ocean of love and patience for you!

The snow will melt and there will be water:
Happy Birthday!
Don't be sad. I love. Hugs.

“I ask you for forgiveness”
I ask you for forgiveness -
I don’t know how this happened.

And just now I congratulate you.

I hasten to wish you good luck,
Health, smiles and laughter.
Give change to all your enemies,

“Achieve new successes”
I congratulate you on your birthday,
Let it pass, but now
I wish you the best!
May you always make us happy.

Achieve new successes,
And never know troubles

More life victories!

"Forgive me for being late"
Forgive me for being late,
Because I didn’t congratulate you on time,
Please accept my wishes today -
They are kept warm in these lines.

May everything always work out for you,
Health will never fail you
And may luck never end in life,
And let great love come!

“Love and patience to you!”
My head is a mess
Forget about your birthday!
Let your heart beat to the beat of happiness -
Love and patience to you!

“My friend, congratulations!”
My friend, congratulations!
Sorry, I'm a little late.
I wish you health and happiness!
The main thing is to be loved.

You - forgive, forgive, forgive.
Girl's memory, friend
Your eyelids will bloom like a rose,
Inspiration and friend!

“Happy birthday to you, buddy!”
Congratulations to you, my friend!
Let troubles pass by.
We often look for happiness in the wrong places:
It’s like a shadow – behind your back.

Happy belated birthday!
Friends have been with you for so many years!
You are neither a saint nor a sinner,
Let everything be with you!

“I didn’t have time to congratulate you. »
Your birthday has already passed away,
And I didn’t have time to congratulate you.
For this I apologize
And a chance to correct this shame.

I wish you health and happiness,
AND vitality for centuries.
So that misfortunes pass you by,
And he soon met with great success.

“Happy belated, friend!”
Your birthday has passed
My friend, don't be offended,
That I didn't find the time
Congratulations to you. Show off!

Today I will congratulate
And I'll drink to your health,
I want to wish you good luck,
And live in harmony with love!

"To my best friend"
Your birthday has passed
Girlfriend, believe the words -
Congratulations are good
Not only on holiday itself.

A spoon is on its way to dinner -
I won't forget again
Your birthday is never
I will wish you good health!

Fortunately or unfortunately,
Your birthday has passed.
And finally, congratulations
It came to you from me.

Sorry for being late,
After all, I want to wish
Fulfillment of dreams,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.

Happy Birthday, Sunny!
An ocean of love and patience for you!
You shine for the joy of everyone - drive the clouds away,
And please forgive me for being late.

It's better late than never,
The snow will melt and there will be water:
Happy Birthday!
Don't be sad. I love. Hugs.

So what if your birthday has passed!
Better late than never!
You will accept congratulations from us,
We always wish you happiness in life!

I ask you for forgiveness -
I don’t know how this happened.
I missed your birthday
And just now I congratulate you.

I hasten to wish you good luck,
Health, smiles and laughter.
Give change to all your enemies,
Dreaming of achieving success.

I congratulate you on your birthday,
Let it pass, but now
I wish you the best!
May you always make us happy.

Achieve new successes,
And never know troubles
Try to be the happiest
More life victories!

The candles have gone out, the holiday is over -
Your birthday has passed.
How many different congratulations -
Catch more from me too.

Girlfriend, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happy, carefree days.
So that there is enough money and love,
The world around you has become kinder.

My friend, congratulations!
Sorry, I'm a little late.
I wish you health and happiness!
The main thing is to be loved.

You - forgive, forgive, forgive.
Girl's memory, friend
Your eyelids will bloom like a rose,
Inspiration and friend!

Happy belated birthday, friend,
Congratulations to you today.
Let the whole world around please you,
Fortune is kind.

Let trouble not touch you,
Your income will multiply a hundredfold.
And happiness and love are always
Let them make you happy.

Happy belated birthday!
Good luck and luck
I want to wish
And know no sorrows!

My dreams always come true
Try to be happy
After all, happiness lives in us!
So let success come!

Better late happy birthday
Congratulations than ever
I wish you luck
Lives for many years.

Friend, so that you don’t lose heart,
And I didn’t know despondency -
Make your family and friends happy,
To make yourself happy!

Happy Birthday -
Although it has already passed,
I, without any doubt,
I would be glad now - at the table,

I'll drink to you, make you happy,
And wish you good health!
You can't be annoyed with fate -
She must be respected!

Sorry, dear friend,
I'm sorry for being late!
Congratulations to you today
Happy birthday to me. Punishment

You can put forward anything
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts are still better than words!

My congratulations are belated,
Your birthday has already passed.
I wish you luck anyway
And rest and peace to the soul.

I apologize for being late, routine work and fast pace of life
knocked off track. I congratulate you on your belated birthday from the bottom of my heart.
I wish my soul certainty in life and constancy of happiness and prosperity
and stability of success. Let life give you a lot pleasant memories
and upcoming grandiose events.

I apologize for the lateness, but still sincere congratulations. With day
birth. I wish you to glow with happiness and be inspired by love, to believe
into a dream and strive for success, achieve all goals and not lose
hope for the best.

With the fast pace of this life, it was not possible to congratulate you on time.
I apologize for being late, but from the bottom of my heart I love you
happy Birthday. Wish unexpected gifts and surprises
large and exciting travels, great merits and life
awards, excellent health and good mood.

I apologize for being late, but still from the bottom of my heart - happy day
birth! Let the birds sing joyfully for you, let them be on your way
the sun is shining, let joy warm your heart, and let the rays of happiness penetrate
through your window.

Sorry for being late, but I’ll still congratulate you. With day
birth! I would like to wish you a rich and vibrant life, good friends and
beloved relatives, beautiful deeds and high successes, wonderful emotions
and unquenchable happiness.

Sorry for being late, but congratulations anyway. Happy Birthday,
great happiness, strong love, a sea of ​​luck and inspiration. Let
Your life will be bright and colorful, may your health be good,
Let any business you start be successful and prosperous.

Let me, albeit belatedly, congratulate you on your birthday! But
Truly they say: “Better late than never!” I'm chasing after everyone
wishes that have already been voiced, I wish you health,
well-being, prosperity, self-confidence, understanding of loved ones and successful
career growth!

A little late - for which I apologize, but still
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you good
fairy tales of life and magical moments of happiness, bright joy and kind
hopes, undoubted luck and indestructible success, good health And
good mood.

I apologize for being late, but still from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations on your birthday. May all your dreams come true, may
Life will always be beautiful and happy, may luck never
will turn away from your path, may you be driven by love and the wonderful

All the congratulations have already been heard, and the glasses are filled and drained until
bottom, but not all wishes are said: may luck not leave you, may
cherished dreams come true, and they are replaced by new ones, let
every day will be full of surprises and surprises, may your health
allows you to achieve your goals. Let the words come to you with
late, but sincerely and with all my heart.

With the past

I send you poems
And happy birthday
(Although with the past, unfortunately,
For this I apologize.)
Yes, the birthday is over,
But the feeling of celebration remains!
Look at life more cheerfully,
Find friends everywhere
May only joy await you!

I congratulate you
Happy belated birthday,
I wish you love
AND super mood,
Success and good luck,
And devoted friends
And on top of everything
Ferrari and Harley.

My friend, believe me, I haven’t forgotten,
That it was your birthday
Things took a lot of energy,
But I'll make things right
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Health and success to you!
Live in love and joy,
Without knowing grief and prohibitions!

Sorry, friend, why congratulate
I didn't have time to right time.
I want to erase my guilt
A bouquet of pleasant phrases:
I wish you joy to drink,
And feel full of happiness.
I wish you to be free, like a bird,
And young as spring!

Happy belated birthday!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Under the spring sun
Blossom with happiness!
Let with a gentle hand
Fate leads ahead
And a smooth path
Will lead to success!

I congratulate you with impatience,
Happy belated birthday.
Let cherished desires
Come true without delay!
I wish you many, many good things,
Be strong, strong and healthy,
Be happy female cause,
In short, always be a Man!

For a woman with past BD
You appeared - the sky became
Richer new star!
Let the congratulations be late,
But your holiday will be eternal!
You are a woman, and for a man
You are the guiding star
Let there be reasons for resentment,
But always be happy!
Love, be loved in return,
Take everything from life to the fullest,
Let life be uniquely intoxicating,
Like a cup full of wine!

Happy belated birthday friend
Do you remember, without a doubt,
Mine last day birth.
It happened so, it started to spin and away we go -
There was no time to congratulate him.
Accept, albeit later, but sincerely
Wishes for health in written form,
Happiness, money, laughter and love -
Catch virtual kisses!

The birthday has passed
Congratulations on him!
We wish you to find
Your treasured genie of luck.
We wish you better days
Feel the warmth and tenderness.
Let life become brighter,
Let serenity rejoice.

Birthday somehow quickly
Yours rushed this time:
I will only remember the sparks -
Fireworks and from the eyes.
To leave in memory,
That he was still glorious,
I want to congratulate you
But now we’ll catch up!

Happy belated birthday greetings

Happy Birthday, Sunny!
An ocean of love and patience for you!
You shine for the joy of everyone - drive the clouds away,
And please forgive me for being late...
It's better late than never,
The snow will melt and there will be water:
Happy Birthday!
Don't be sad. I love. Hugs.

I congratulate you a little late,
After all, your birthday has recently passed.
But I still want to send a wish,
May everything be good in your life.
First of all, I wish you a lot of health,
Enough cash, secondly.
Luck always helps in business,
And the joyful laughter in your life did not subside.
So what if your birthday has passed!
Better late than never!
You will accept congratulations from us,
We always wish you happiness in life!
And the best health to you,
This is the most important thing in life!
And great and frequent success,
After all, in fact, we live for him!
My beloved friend,
Happy celebrated birthday!
Let your head spin with happiness,
And the heart of love is fire.
Let the holiday die down recently,
I wish you, belatedly
To achieve the main successes,
Only find positive things in fate.
Forgive me for being late,
Because I didn’t congratulate you on time,
Please accept my wishes today -
They are kept warm in these lines.
May everything always work out for you,
Health will never fail you
And may luck never end in life,
And let great love come!
The candles have gone out, the holiday is over -
Your birthday has passed.
How many different congratulations -
Catch more from me too.
Girlfriend, I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happy, carefree days.
So that there is enough money and love,
The world around you has become kinder.
Happy belated birthday, friend,
Congratulations to you today.
Let the whole world around please you,
Fortune is kind.
Let trouble not touch you,
Your income will multiply a hundredfold.
And happiness and love are always
Let them make you happy.
Congratulations to you, my friend!
Let troubles pass by.
We often look for happiness in the wrong places:
It’s like a shadow – behind your back.
Happy belated birthday!
Friends have been with you for so many years!
You are neither a saint nor a sinner,
Let everything be with you!
Your birthday has passed
My friend, don't be offended,
That I didn't find the time
Congratulations to you. Show off!
Today I will congratulate
And I'll drink to your health,
I want to wish you good luck,
And live in harmony with love!
Sorry, dear friend,
I'm sorry for being late!
Congratulations to you today
Happy birthday to me. Punishment
You can put forward anything
I am ready to fulfill it.
I will give a gift today -
Gifts are still better than words!
Your birthday has passed
Girlfriend, believe the words -
Congratulations are good
Not only on holiday itself.
A spoon is on its way to dinner -
I won't forget again
Your birthday is never
I will wish you good health!
Sorry I'm late with congratulations
And only now I send congratulations.
What I didn’t have time to say on your birthday,
What I remember, understand and love.
Forgive me for this delay,
How else could it be?
I wish you a bright life!
Without troubles and sorrows
And accept gifts
Not just on your birthday!
Author: Tosya777 Happy belated holiday to you,
Wish long life years and happiness.
May there always be dawn for you,
On the way to escape from bad weather at night.
So that there are no enemies, and so that there is no evil,
So that you don't know about your unhappy life.
Let the power of fire not go out in your eyes,
And there were only bright thoughts.
Author: Paladinodin Hello! Belated, but from the heart
Congratulations! Read it, don't rush.
On your birthday I want to wish:
Shine a happy smile more often,
It’s easy and beautiful to go through life,
You will definitely find the way to your dream!
Be strong, successful - in everything and everywhere.
I wish you mutual love!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva The birthday has passed, so what -
I hasten to congratulate you!
Be lucky, brave and daring,
So that you can take from life what you want!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva My congratulations were a little delayed on the way. It's like good wine
has gained aging to please you with its subtle, delicate taste!
Let everything be just as you wish! Always!
Author: Lyudmila Nikulina Happy wonderful, bright Birthday to you
Congratulations on the delay, sorry
But I sincerely wish you inspiration,
Good luck, bright joys, love!
And I wish you fabulous moments,
Flowers, gifts in life, compliments!
Author: Olga Fursova Forgive me for this delay,
I can’t help but congratulate you!
May your wishes come true on your birthday,
And heaven will make your dream come true!
Author: Olga Fursova Better late, as they say!
Happy belated birthday!
Let it sparkle in your eyes
Fire from pleasure!
I wish to immerse myself
Only in the joy of the moment!
Author: Tudan Alena Don’t be angry, what about the wonderful
You might have forgotten the holiday!
We wanted, let's be honest,
Birthday extend.
Weekends and weekdays dear
That's how we want to wish,
So that there is time in the morning
An extra hour of sleep!
Author: Olga Naumova Sorry, I forgot about your birthday, but that’s only because you
you don't age at all. I wish you to always look as young as you are
by the year!
Author: Evgenia Klade Birthday came and went,
But I still want to congratulate you!
Wishes of joy and success
I'm in a hurry to send it to you!
Author: Yulia Timofeeva

Congratulations on your belated birthday - to a woman, girlfriend, man, boyfriend, girlfriend

I annually on this date
I take a red pencil.
Everyone makes mistakes sometime
And this is not an empty whim -
Your birthday is in the red circle.
Out of network range
All thoughts are congratulations to my friend.
Sorry for being late!

Forgive me, I'm writing late.
It happens in life, I didn’t have time,
I'll tell you the most important thing:
About what I really wanted to say.
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And it doesn't matter at all that I'm late,
The main thing is that I haven’t forgotten
The main thing is that he said it after all!
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to wish you a lot
Happiness, joy, success, strength
And if there is no light, then light a candle!

Hello my dear friend!
Come with me into the warm hall;
Yes... There will be day and there will be food -
I'm late with congratulations.
Please accept this gift with all your heart,
May he always protect you;
May your every day be bright
Be strong like granite.
We all run the risk of running
And the dates are important for us
They can be erased from memory;
You thought: “Tomorrow”, no - now.
Accept, my friend, a modest gift
And don't look sleepy;
He is small on the outside, huge on the inside,
Which will certainly surprise you.

With work, with affairs and with vanity,
I completely forgot to congratulate you.
The other day we celebrated our birthday,
I want to correct the mistake now.
I wish you Siberian health,
The soul never grows old.
The family supported you so that you will always be dear,
In business, undertakings - to succeed in everything.

It happened, unfortunately
I was late for my birthday.
I didn’t have time to say a toast,
I didn't eat the cream from the cake.
Well, why were you in a hurry -
Born ahead of time?
Belated congratulations
I sincerely wish
So that you can live in peace,
I was healthy, I dreamed, I loved,
And made my wishes come true
All yours... without delay.

I apologize for the late bows,
But I wrote congratulations on feelings,
And there will be a ton of wishes,
So I'll forgive you for being late,
After all, with a kind word it’s never too late,
So let me wish you happiness,
And without health it is also impossible,
You won't have to wait long for prosperity.

Please accept my slightly belated congratulations,
I really hope that it won’t darken
A slightly confused confession,
In love, in my soul sits,
With an unhappy face, a hefty wine,
She gnaws at my troubled conscience
But, I pray, believe that I have one,
In the world you are the only story.
In which there is only one story with you,
And the main events and nights,
Well, I didn’t have time, the whole world again,
He can’t live without me, by the way.

Happy belated birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Forgive me for this
And don’t rush to get angry!
I have things to do, worries,
A swarm of questions swirled,
I apologize again
And a gift for me.

Sorry, I got very confused
Things to do, things to do - just vanity,
I managed to forget your birthday,
Well, you see, this is how the card fell!
But now I congratulate you,
You are so beautiful, in general, the best
With all my heart I wish you happiness,
So that the cheerful ringing laughter does not stop!
I want to be loved for a reason,
And my beloved, there is only one in the world,
Immensely, amazingly happy,
I also want to be with you all the time!

Accept an apology
With a bouquet Red roses,
Please accept my congratulations,
We tried, and still...
A little late
All nice words,
But don't let it stop
Good luck streak.
And there will be a lot of happiness,
Luck, love,
And they make you happy more often
Good days.

With the past

Belated congratulations

"Better late than never…"
Needless to say that
Is it incredibly pleasant to receive gifts on your birthday? In general, DR without
doubts the holiday is important, only New Year can compare with it,
but it doesn’t count, because it’s a universal holiday - that’s one and two -
people often congratulate each other “automatically”, that is, you go along
street and to the right and to the left “Happy New Year!” - “And you!” Or one SMS
I compiled it for everyone and sent it out according to the contact list. Fast, efficient. A
if you didn’t congratulate anyone, I forgot, then in a couple of days you can congratulate
bravely with the coming. But on his birthday, accuracy and
timeliness matters. Especially as we grow older, we understand the cost.
attention, gifts are nothing, but what they remember you is
worth a lot. Relatives, relatives, colleagues congratulated - and immediately
the soul is warmer. But it’s doubly nice if you received congratulations from those
someone you see rarely, once a year, or even less often. And now here
you understand - they remember, they haven’t forgotten!
Unfortunately, we all once
we forget something, we are late for something, and birthdays are no exception,
You can get yourself a notebook and write down all the holidays and days
births of relatives up to the fifth generation, friends, their children, anniversaries
weddings and a bunch of other dates, but this does not give an absolute guarantee that
don't forget to look in your notebook.
Therefore, since it is so
happened - I was late with congratulations, then it’s worth taking care of
justification, and as an apology offer congratulations on
lateness in poetry. In other matters, whether it is in prose or poetry, it plays a big role
of course he won’t play, the main thing is from the heart, with feeling, investing in
Congratulations to a piece of yourself! Soulless words can often have
the opposite effect. Below is a selection of late congratulations with apologies.

Sorry, I didn’t have time -
I was running around, I was exhausted;
Now I want to correct myself:
Here, I'm stocked up on toast,
To sprinkle them without shame
And without prejudice:
Now I'll remember it forever!
Happy belated birthday!

Belated congratulations
Happy Birthday!
Sorry for the delay,
I'm ready to atone for the guilt
Drink a fine glass.
Let them give gifts every day,
They cherish, pamper and promote!
Let happiness be overflowing,
And in your personal life - personal paradise!

Happy belated birthday
Don't be angry, even if it's late,
I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
For kind words and words of confession
May all your days be good!
Be happier every month
And every year you get younger.
The goodness of your beautiful soul
Blooms and makes people happy!

I can’t catch up with your birthday...
Let the fanfare already sound,
They will sound from me late.
The main thing is that there is no sadness.
Be healthy and lucky, stay strong along the way,
Receive only good news.
Let the fanfare sound without ending for the rest of your life.
Well, life goes on like a song!

Happy belated holiday to you!
Forgive me for being late.
I wish you, lovingly,
May your wishes come true!
Let your health not be foolish,
And life will be like a show program.
I wish you to feel happiness
And relax in the Bahamas!

Congratulations on your belated birthday
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Let it be with the past, but from the heart!
Sorry, please, for being late.
Congratulations are always good!
Let it happen again, but I wish
Happiness in life, health, love!
This is the most important value
Although these words are very simple!
And I also wish you
Laughter, cheerfulness and kindness,
And, of course, let them be fulfilled
All your wishes and dreams!

How could we allow
How was your birthday?
You can safely beat us,
Just calmly, without frenzy.
They're spinning, you understand.
It's a pity that it doesn't happen to anyone.
We fill glasses
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Don't get sick and be happy
Do something important
And may you be lucky in business!

Happy belated birthday!
Just a little out of time,
But in late congratulations
Special essence!
The gifts have already been folded, all the words have been said,
Just a little bit more, my head isn’t back to normal because of the holidays!
And it seems that your holiday will come only in a year,
How suddenly my message will bring him back again!

Neither flowers nor gifts,
They won't help me now
Neither peonies nor violets,
Nor the floridness of phrases.
They won't help because
I suddenly forgot to congratulate...
Orally, in writing, by mail,
Happy birthday, friend!
I may be a little late
Congratulations and surprise,
But accept my confessions
In friendship, loyalty in life.

It's nice to receive congratulations again
Happy personal name day, which has already passed!
No, this is not insanity, not the end of the world:
I’ll start now, and you’ll feel good!
Please don't misunderstand me now
And reverently listen to my in simple words:
I would like to please you once again!
How to understand me? And here it’s up to you to decide!

Belated birthday greetings to a man

You are a man anywhere, and as beautiful as God,
I saved my birthday greetings for future use.
But I couldn’t come, I was late yesterday,
And now I’m the first to sign up for congratulations.
I wish that happiness always smiles,
So that everything in life is easy.
Good friends to be nearby,
Sorrows and troubles are far away.

Happy birthday,
I wish you everything you want,
Think of any whim,
And you will receive a surprise as a gift.
From myself I can say,
Strengthening the syllable with deeds,
To wish male friendship,
And love cannot be lost.
Remain a free eagle,
And in communication free,
And please forgive me,
And let go of the grudges.

The birthday has passed away, I forgot to congratulate,
Just don't take offense and don't scold me,
Now I agree to always be with you,
Neither bitterness nor trouble will come knocking on your door.
You remain a strong, real boy,
And celebrate your holiday by gathering your friends all over the house,
The birthday may be in the past, but it can be repeated,
For happiness and health, pour us some white water.

How could I not get this date out of my head?
And lose a friend’s birthday in notes,
Of course: it’s a shame, it’s a shame I shed tears at night,
I won’t calm down, I won’t forgive my mistake,
But there is a glimmer of hope that you will forgive me,
And again you will repeat the birthday for a friend,
I take all the expenses into my big pocket,
Man! - I promise, you will definitely be drunk,
You will remember this holiday, and you will remember,
How did you and I manage to catch up with your holiday?

Men value punctuality in people
And I always forget something,
I knew I had to write down my birthday,
Well, now we’ll have to congratulate you later.
But I see in my eyes that I’m not offended,
I always liked the company of a man,
I wish that they don’t part with you,
And sometimes we met from hour to hour.

There is no excuse for me, no matter how much you look for it,
I admit honestly, I missed the birthday,
Forgive me, dear, and wave your hand,
Please accept congratulations from me.
Happy birthday brother, don't blame me
With all my soul, I love you,
You have always been a smart, smart man,
And you don't have to waste a lot of words.

I promise that from now on I will never forget,
AND men's name days, I will always remember
We are the male half of the country's population,
Birthday dates are very, very important to us.
Birthday is a date, every year is like an anniversary,
You gather a cohort of your closest loved ones and friends,
Forgive me that this holiday, I forgot a little bit,
Don’t make things up in vain, I haven’t stopped loving you.

A man I know has a birthday,
I'm late and I apologize.
My belated wishes,
Very sincere and daring.
I wish you the simplest things
Good health, great happiness.
May all your dreams come true
And let life be a gift from fate.

Happy belated birthday my beloved man,
Congratulations are not at the right time, there is a reason for this.
I sincerely wish you happiness and goodness,
Love, health, luck and warmth.
May you have a lot of luck and success,
They always help along the way.
More mood and laughter for you,
And the best is still ahead of you.

Our dear colleague is celebrating his birthday,
I'm entitled to a free kick, that's without a doubt.
Without guilt, I'm guilty of being a little late,
I stood in a traffic jam for a day, the path let me down.
I want to raise a toast to you and drink this glass to the bottom,
Health, how many stars there are in the sky and happiness to you without a bottom.
May your dreams always come true,
And the path is illuminated by a lucky star.

It's a neighbor's birthday today,
Laughter, fun, congratulations all around.
I was invited, and I'm glad about it,
Plans changed quickly - I needed an outfit.
Happy belated birthday to you,
Good luck, happiness in life, neighbor, I wish you.
May only joy and success come to your home,
May there always be more happiness and warmth in him.

I congratulate my colleague on his belated birthday,
And I apologize generously,
That I couldn’t come to the holiday with everyone,
I was delayed a day on my way.
I wish you Siberian health,
Happiness, peace for centuries.
Let life pass warmed by love,
Friendship is reliable and family is strong.

Although it's late, but still congratulations
Happy birthday to me. I want to wish
So that life is so cheerful,
To allow all your dreams to come true.

Life is filled with health and good luck.
All days are fun, peace and goodness.
Let life be like this, and not otherwise,
And let anyone be lucky in business.

Let the guardian angel protect
And there will be an ocean of pleasures.
Let friends raise your spirits,
And the money just jumps into your pocket!

Although belatedly
Please accept our wishes:
Achieve success
Rise higher and higher
Achieve your dreams
With fortune, be on your own.
Happy belated birthday!
Smiles, mood!

Please accept congratulations, although belated, but sincere and from the bottom of my heart. May the sun always shine brightly in your life, may luck smile, may your home be calm and cozy! All the best and positive wishes to you. Happy birthday!

I forgot, I apologize
Happy belated birthday!
May everyone's dreams come true
And everything you wish for.

May every day bring happiness
Bad weather will not visit your house.
Let me belatedly congratulate you,
But I only wish the best!

Happy belated birthday!
I wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that the best moments
They didn't go through in a hurry.

So that life is like a fairy tale,
You are the queen in it.
Let there be affection in life,
Confessions and flowers.

Let the whirlwind of love swirl
You will become happy.
And let them come true
Cherished dreams!

Please forgive me for being late,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
May your cherished wishes come true,
May life give you wonderful moments!

I wish you to be the happiest person in the world,
Always move forward with a smile!
May a ray of good luck shine on you,
Which will lead you to your goals!

Happy birthday,
Sorry for the delay,
The wind of everyday life has confused the cards,
Mixed up my days.

I wish you in life
There's no way to know if you're late,
And always, in everything and everywhere
Be sure to keep up.

I wish you luck
I kept up with you
To decide on time
Everything happens on its own.

I wish you happiness
Belated, sorry
They'll be late, they won't make it in time
May only sorrow come to you.

May my congratulations
We were a little late on the way,
But they are still full of warmth
And bright, good wishes.

May your life be full
Love, success, inspiration.
May it bring happiness to your home
Happy holiday - birthday!

Forgive my forgetfulness
And please accept congratulations.
I want it right now
I congratulate you with all my heart.

Let the years not darken you,
Let them wait and welcome you at home.
And wherever you appear,
So that everyone just admires you.

May your world be in bright colors,
Dreams come true, like in fairy tales.
Health, joy, luck.
Happy birthday to you!

Who's late here?!
Not at all, I was vigilant and knew.
Maybe I'm in San Francisco
I celebrated your birthday.

I wish you good things, money,
Peace, all good things,
Every day to be stable
It was better than yesterday.

Happiness, personal plane,
From fate of all bounties,
Happy birthday
Be ready all year round.

Sorry for being late,
Things have dragged on so long
I'm sorry, congratulations
I'm belated!

But I wish from my heart
The gentle shores of goodness,
And let love flow peacefully
Like a clear river.

May your wishes
Heaven will suddenly hear
And they will be fulfilled
Overnight and all around!
