Poems in the preschool educational institution, a holiday calendar for kindergarten. Project "calendar of interesting dates" in kindergarten

Educators often have to think about what else interesting and new they can come up with to please the kids.Creatively working teachers of one of the capital's kindergartens found a way out by looking at our Calendar of significant events and memorable dates. After all, in addition to well-known holidays, there are a lot of interesting dates that can become an occasion for educational leisure activities and joint projects for adults and preschoolers.

About the teaching staff of the Child Development Center

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2333" has been operating for 12 years. From the first day of opening, it has been an experimental platform for the environmental education of preschoolers under the program of N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature". The institution is actively engaged in innovative activities: it develops and implements new technologies, such as an integrated method of teaching preschoolers, design and research activities, and work with gifted children in kindergarten.

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In September 2008, the project "Calendar of interesting dates" began in our institution. The project was based on the heading "Calendar of Significant Events and Memorable Dates" of the magazine "Reference Book of the Senior Educator of a Preschool Institution" (starting with No. 2 for 2007) with a selection of international and Russian holidays, including a holiday for knowledge in preschool educational institutions. It turned out that in the world every day there are many reasons to create a joyful, festive mood. All together - pupils, parents, teachers - from a large number of events they chose those that seemed to them the most interesting.

To meet modern requirements for the DOE team is not only to keep up with the times, but also to work ahead of schedule, see the future, constantly update, be the initiators of the new, interesting. It is in this that the staff of the State Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2333" sees its main task.

One of the distinguishing features of our institution is the search for and use of innovative approaches to work, including:

  • uniting the efforts of the entire team in order to develop new effective educational technologies;
  • updating the content of education, an integrated approach to conducting classes;
  • the formation in preschoolers of the desire and ability to independently search, collect information;
  • support for innovative activity of teachers;
  • active in the pedagogical process.

Communication with parents is the key to the success of the preschool educational institution

Communication with parents, in our opinion, is especially important. , to convince them, to captivate with interesting innovations - the key to the successful operation of the preschool educational institution.

The team itself should also be adjusted accordingly, adhering to the rule: do nothing "for show", because any work should bring a sense of satisfaction and joy. Only thanks to such a position of the team and parents do we manage to come up with and implement something new in our work with pupils.

In our preschool educational institution, traditional events are also held annually: these are sports competitions jointly with parents in each group of the kindergarten, monthly Game Days, leisure activities dedicated to state and folk holidays, and much more. Their main purpose is to create a positive emotional mood in preschoolers, a sense of joy and, ultimately, a beneficial effect on the personality of the child.

This fact, as well as the intense rhythm of the life of modern preschoolers and the need for active recreation, contributed to the fact that the creative group of teachers and parents decided to hold small holidays and entertainment for children on a regular basis.

Our "Calendar of interesting dates"

Thus, along with the traditional holidays - state and folk - our calendar includes the following:

  • World Beauty Day (September);
  • World Maritime Day (September);
  • International Heart Day (September);
  • International Animal Day (October);
  • All-Russian day of gymnastics (October);
  • Sinichkin holiday (November);
  • World Hello Day (November);
  • Pet Day (November);
  • World Children's Television Day (December);
  • Day of Nahum the Literate (December);
  • World Thank You Day (January);
  • International Hug Day (January);
  • Week of Science for Preschool Children (February);
  • International Monument Day (April);
  • World Children's Day (June);
  • International Friends Day (June).

Organization of the preparation of the holiday

Each holiday is organized together with parents and kids. All suggestions and wishes are accepted, after which an action plan is developed. At the same time, one must adhere to the main principle - respect for a sense of proportion. That is, the event should organically fit into the educational process and in sensitive moments, be interesting for both pupils and adults, and the prepared scenarios should be diverse, easily implemented and meet the goals of the project.

In order for the children to be joyful and cheerful from the very morning, the holiday should begin with a bright performance at the entrance to the kindergarten and the group.

The hallmark of each celebration was a colorful poster-announcement in the hall on the first floor at the entrance to the institution. A colored sheet of A4 format contains the name of the holiday, the date of its holding, a picture (a photo of our children, an illustration from the drawing sites of the Internet or an application from magazines) and brief information about the event being celebrated, which we also found in the magazine "Reference book of the senior preschool teacher" .

Holiday forms

Design in groups, paraphernalia, creative tasks and presentation of information based on the results of the search activities of the project participants are individual for each holiday. Great importance is attached to how modern and rich the professional and creative level of the teaching staff is in the life of the kindergarten.
Holidays can take a variety of forms.
For example, on World Beauty Day, a demonstration of elegant clothes, a fashion show and a children's photo session were arranged.

On World Maritime Day, an exhibition of marine painters was organized in the kindergarten, information about the Russian seas was searched for and compiled, and a photo vernissage "I visited the seas" was organized.

World Greetings Day was marked by morning greetings with warm wishes for everyone on the radio, the decoration of the hall at the entrance to the kindergarten with multi-colored colored cardboard balloons with greetings used in our country. The guys conducted a search activity "How different animals greet each other" and came up with greetings for phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

For World Children's Television Day, children together with their parents prepared videos "Me and my family", "My favorite band".

On the International Hug Day, the white bear cub Elka came to visit the children with interesting games, warm hugs with each child and delicious ice cubes.

On International Monument Day, a competition was held for the most "Original Monument".

On November 12, as part of the "Calendar of Interesting Dates" project, we celebrated " Titmouse Day". This holiday has been known in Russia for a long time. On this day, people fix feeders on trees, scatter seeds and grains, hang pieces of bacon outside the window. The people said: "The titmouse bird is not great, but even then it knows its own holiday." We also decided to celebrate this wonderful day.The parents were given homework in advance - to make feeders together with the children.

The fantasies of parents and children pleasantly surprised us, which was not there: wooden palaces, colored box houses, plastic baskets, cones in sugar glaze, hangers strung with pieces of cheese and lard.

Teachers in groups told the children about this holiday, and during the walk we all went out together to hang our wonderful crafts. Each child himself chose a place for his feeder, poured grains, bread crumbs, seeds there. And when birds began to flock to the feeders, children's joy and delight knew no bounds. It's also nice that children still bring treats for the birds and take care of them.

Immediately after the holiday, the wall newspaper "Eco-news" was published. In it, we placed photographs of children, expressed gratitude to parents and educators for their help in holding this interesting and necessary celebration.

We celebrate November 30th. Unfortunately, in our country it is not officially celebrated. But we decided that this is a very kind, home holiday, which must be celebrated. Moreover, in many families there is some kind of animal.

The children were given the task in advance, together with their parents, to prepare a short story about their pet and bring a photo of it.

The idea was received with enthusiasm. The children were happy to talk about their pets: what are their names, what do they like to play, what do they eat, etc. It turned out that many families have several types of pets, and they coexist very peacefully. Reading children's stories about their pets, we were once again convinced that by instilling love for our smaller brothers from early childhood, we cultivate such qualities as kindness, empathy, and respect for all living things. After all, we ourselves are a particle of all life that inhabits our wonderful planet called Earth.

With great interest, the children received information about the ancient holiday Day of Naum the Literate, celebrated on December 14th. The educators told them about the folk rituals that existed in Rus', that in ancient times, it was from that day that children were sent to study. They also learned where and how they studied then, what teachers were like. The children got acquainted with proverbs and sayings dedicated to the mind: “Prophet Naum - will guide the mind”, “Learning to learn is always useful”, “Saint Naum sharpens the mind”, etc.

On the Day of Nahum the Literate, the institution held a literacy Olympiad among children aged 5-6 and 6-7 years in a solemn atmosphere. Joint event with parents in kindergarten was organized with all the attributes of a real Olympiad: the participants were offered tasks not only to apply the acquired knowledge, but also to develop the child in kindergarten and his horizons, imagination, ingenuity, quick wits and resourcefulness.

Our children really liked the exciting tasks of the intellectual direction. According to the results of the Olympiad, the winners received the honorary title of Naum-literate and were awarded with certificates and prizes.

On the Week of Letters and Mail, a joint excursion was organized for older preschoolers and their parents to the post office, where the children visited different departments, watching the dispatch of letters and parcels, sorting newspapers and magazines, and got acquainted with the work of the postman. The preschoolers had an amazing opportunity to try on some attributes of the postman's clothes, which caused them strong emotions.

And most importantly, on this day, our kindergarten sent five parcels with children's things, toys and books to the addresses of families living in Russia who were in a difficult life situation.

All week, children and adults wrote each other letters, postcards, sent parcels, dropping them into a mailbox on the first floor of the kindergarten. Children-postmen sorted the correspondence and delivered it to the addressees.

On the radio, it was announced the opening of a branch of the editorial office of the Elka magazine in our preschool educational institution. Children alone or together with their parents and teachers wrote letters, drew for their beloved teddy bear and his friends. A few days later, Elka sent a letter in response, in which he promised to come to visit us for the "Hug Day", and he fulfilled his promise.

Goals of the project "Calendar of interesting dates"

We involve our pupils in the implementation of the planned plan for the holidays, support the creative activity of children, create conditions that allow them to independently determine the content of the upcoming activities. The game form of the project implementation introduces the children to various types of creative activity, contributes to the formation of various competencies, self-confidence, a positive attitude towards the world around them, the development of patriotic feelings, moral qualities of the individual.

Our project is being successfully implemented, everyone liked it, and most importantly, it has the prospect of further development. This academic year, we are getting acquainted with the holidays that have already been officially announced - this is the goal of our annual project. In the next academic year, we will have our own "Center Holiday Calendar" - celebrations that we will come up with for ourselves - this is a huge field for creativity for both children and adults.

Project "Calendar of interesting dates":

  • expands children's ideas about international and all-Russian holidays;
  • develops the emotional sphere, tolerance, a sense of belonging to national celebrations;
  • attracts children to active participation in the preparation and holding of the holiday;
  • creates an atmosphere of joy and fun.

We made feeders.
Birds are invited!
Birds flew in - lively titmouse.
pecked treat
And softly sang:
"Ding, ding, ding,
What a holiday!
What a day!
What a miracle - kindergarten,
Raised these kids!
They were not at all lazy
On our holiday - Sinichkin day
Make feeders
Birdies for a feast!"

Such a calendar can be made colorful, in the form of an album or in the form of a presentation. Each kindergarten has its own traditions - these are special, "own" holidays and, of course, common for everyone. In the calendar for each month, you can insert photos from the holidays. Such a calendar can be used every year, replacing photos and (sometimes) dates of holidays that are not among them, for example, Easter.

Poems. Festive events in kindergarten.


January 1.2
New Year.
January 7 - Christmas.
From January 7 to January 19 - Christmas time.
January 14 is the old New Year.

Open the calendar - January begins.
We are half a month, oh-oh! Let's vacation with the family!
Christmas and New Year, Christmas time, the old year will come!
Fine! Beauty! We love to relax! Yes!


February 23
Defender of the Fatherland Day.
It takes a lot of work for kids. In February-
Papa's holiday. On this day, we are not too lazy to read poetry!
Let's sing and dance! Impossible to resist!
We need to say goodbye to winter and ride horses,


March 8 -
International Women's Day.
March 13Maslenitsa.
- The sun will warm warmer, we will all be happier.
Mom's holiday is celebrated with all the heart kids!
Happy faces everywhere! Let's not stop having fun!
Well! In honor of mom, kids, let's shout loud: "Hurrah!"
We need to say goodbye to winter and ride horses.
We will eat pancakes together, wait for the appearance of spring!


April 30 is the birthday of the kindergarten.
We will have to celebrate the birthday of the kindergarten!
The kindergarten has been around for many years, we will wait for greetings from everyone!
We will congratulate the kindergarten, celebrate the birthday!


May 1 - Easter.
May 9 - Victory Day.
May 30 - graduation ball.
- “Christ is risen!”, - we will say, we will bring testicles to the kindergarten,
And on Easter, the performance will surprise everyone!
We are going to celebrate Victory Day again1
We will go to the obelisk and carry flowers
- And we have graduation, such a joyful holiday!
Escort the elders to school, give them instructions:
So that they get fives and know about everything in the world!


June 1 - Children's Day.
June 12 - Day of Russia.
- All Children's Day! Sing more fun!
The sun is shining! So warm - this summer has come to us!
- Russia has a birthday, what a wonderful mood.
We'll take flags and balloons, we'll all go to the parade!


We need to close the kindergarten, paint everything, whiten it,
To change floors and frames, dads and moms will help us.
And our kindergarten will shine with beauty again!


Day for the Prevention of Children's Road Traffic Injuries.
The traffic light will call us on an amazing trip.
We'll go by car, on studded tires,
We will teach the rules how to walk the road.
We all need to show our knowledge here again!


1 September is the day of knowledge.
Knowledge Day is in September. There will be autumn in the yard.
Taking briefcases, knapsacks, books, kids will run to school.
Yes, and we will start doing everything on an autumn day.


Autumn gives us fruits, fruits, berries, mushrooms.
And the autumn round dance will call us to the holiday!
Let's invite guests to our place, it's definitely more fun with them !!!


November 29 - Mother's Day.
In November, Mothers' Day is celebrated here and there.
We are very happy to congratulate our beloved mothers again!


December 31 New Year.
We will celebrate the New Year, we will not forget about the guests.
Santa Claus will come to us, bring a cartload of gifts!
Carnival in the morning! Happy New Year, kids!!

Title: Poems in preschool. Holiday calendar for kindergarten.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, others

Position: music director of the highest category
Place of employment: MKDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Kostroma region, Kostroma district, Shunga village

23-07-2014, 12:36

In every public institution there is a mandatory series of holidays celebrated from year to year. In kindergarten, children's holidays are also celebrated. Only at school is, for example, a light; in college or university - a party, but in kindergarten what? - that's right - mornings.

And so, what do the children say?

New Year. Perhaps the most popular holiday in kindergarten. The Christmas tree is dressing up, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to visit, gifts are given. A holiday for all ages!

At the end of the New Year, the kids go on vacation just like adults in Russia.
Further, a little less significant, February 23rd and March 8th are celebrated. These holidays are on the list of state holidays and, of course, we will be happy to congratulate little boys and girls, adult dads and moms.

in May, children's celebrations are not celebrated very often. But it is important that May 9 is not an empty phrase for children. It reflects a significant period of the annals of the country, which must be taught from an early age. You can organize a thematic day where educators will talk about the significance of Victory Day, or make an event for veterans, invite them to kindergarten.

It would seem that here you can complete the holidays in kindergarten. But no! There are many holidays that we do not know about. Almost every day, in Russia and in the world, something is celebrated. Holidays worth celebrating depend on caregivers and parents. The following are the holidays that can be distinguished in kindergarten.

February 8th - Science Day. Children are still far from such a concept, but the holiday can be used to instill a craving for knowledge.
. March 21st is Poetry Day. A great reason to start learning poetry is the most common number at the holiday.
. March 27th is theater day. Holidays stand side by side, therefore, it is easy to combine them into one. As a result, performance and poetry go in art.
. April 1st is the day of laughter. The best occasion for drawings and contests.
. April 2nd is Children's Book Day. We instill in our children the love of reading.
. In the summer, everyone scatters for the holidays, and for those who stayed in the summer group - June 1st - Children's Day. Paths in kindergarten can be painted with crayons and a competition for the best drawing can be organized.
. June 5th - Environment Day. Children need to be taught how to protect nature.
. After the summer holidays, we can celebrate the holiday of the kindergarten - September 27th - the day of the educator. The Parents' Committee will be able to organize gifts for educators, and the pupils will be able to prepare a short performance.
. October 1st - Music Day. It's time for a musical holiday, with fun songs and dances.
. October 5th - teacher's day. If there is a teacher in the institution (of English, music, physical education, drawing, etc.), it would be appropriate to arrange a holiday for him as well. The best gift is the achievements of children in his profile.

And, of course, do not forget about the birthday. Everyone wants a holiday on their birthday, you can do it "according to the seasons": autumn birthdays, winter, spring and summer.

As in any public institution, various holidays are also celebrated in kindergarten. Only if at school it is a light, at the institute it is a party, they are called matinees. What do our children celebrate?

Firstly, New Year. This is perhaps the largest and most famous holiday in kindergarten. The Christmas tree is dressed up, Santa Claus comes, gifts are given. A holiday for everyone and for everyone, a sea of ​​​​pleasure, laughter and entertainment. After the New Year, children go on vacations invented by the state on an equal basis with everyone else.

Further, slightly less significant February 23 and March 8. These holidays in kindergarten can be celebrated purely symbolically, simply because they are on the list of public holidays, and despite their name, these days it is customary to congratulate men (boys) and women (girls), respectively.

May holidays in kindergarten are rarely celebrated, because it is not entirely clear who and what to congratulate. Indeed, it is very important that Victory Day was not an empty phrase for the guys. This holiday reflects an important stage in the history of our country, which can be taught from a young age. You can arrange a theme day in kindergarten, where the teacher will talk about the significance of this holiday, or organize an event for veterans, if any, among the grandparents of the pupils.

It would seem that on this note you can finish with the holidays in kindergarten. But no! There are so many holidays that few people know about. Almost every day in our country, and in the world, something is celebrated, and it does not have to be a red day of the calendar. What holidays should be celebrated especially in kindergarten (organize matinees, give gifts) depends directly on the teacher and parents. Below are the holidays that can be made a red day on the calendar specifically for your kindergarten.

February 8 is the day of Russian science. Little pupils are still far from this concept, but the holiday can be fully used to instill in children a craving for knowledge already in kindergarten.

March 21 is World Poetry Day. Where else, if not in kindergarten, do children begin to learn poetry by heart? This is the most common performance at any holiday.

March 27 is International Theater Day. Since these two holidays are side by side, they can be combined into one matinee in kindergarten. Ultimately, staging and poetry go hand in hand in art.

April 1 is International Laughter Day. Or, as it is also called, April Fool's Day. The best holiday for all kinds of drawings, contests and puzzles. And literally the next day, April 2, you can celebrate International Children's Book Day. There is no better holiday to instill a love of reading in kindergarten children. Especially in our time, when the TV and computer cover the book.

In the summer, usually everyone goes on vacation, but if suddenly someone stayed in the summer group, then June 1 is the most children's holiday! All paths in kindergarten can be decorated with crayons and a competition for the best drawing can be arranged.

It makes sense to celebrate the International Environment Day, which falls on June 5th. Now, when the environment is getting worse every year, it is simply necessary to teach children to take care and protect our nature. And it’s better to start right from the preschool, kindergarten.

Having rested after the summer holidays, groups can inspire to celebrate the professional holiday of the kindergarten - the day of the educator and preschool worker, which falls on September 27th. On this day, the parent committee can organize gifts for all those who work with their children from morning to evening five days a week, and pupils can prepare a short speech of gratitude to their mentors.

October 1 is International Music Day. If the kindergarten has a musical bias, then it's time to arrange a holiday, reinforcing it with cheerful songs, which will be very useful on this day.

October 5th is known as Teacher's Day. If there is a teacher in the kindergarten (music, drawing, physical education, English, etc.), then it would be very appropriate to arrange a holiday for him, like an educational one. The best gift for a teacher will be the achievements of the children in his profile.

And of course, do not forget about the birthdays of the children and kindergarten teachers. Perhaps not everyone wants a theatrical matinee, but everyone definitely wants a holiday on their birthday!

Imagine - every day in Russia another holiday, event, date is celebrated, and as a rule, more than one. Personal experience tells us that it is incredibly difficult to remember all the holidays of the year, but common sense whispers that it is not necessary. And indeed, why remember church holidays, state, professional, and it’s still worth adding personal dates to them, such as the birthdays of relatives and a couple of dozen friends, wedding anniversaries, and others. Therefore, the calendar created by SuperTosty for every day will solve the problem of remembering dates and events for you, remind you of Orthodox holidays, holidays in Russia, celebrated professional dates and other equally significant holidays. With personal events, what can you do, you will have to deal with them yourself, fortunately, it is also enough to write them down in a notebook, or rather a mobile phone, where you can turn on a reminder - the twenty-first century is in the yard after all!
Our calendar reflects all the holidays of winter, spring, summer and autumn. For each holiday, we have selected congratulations, toasts, greeting cards and SMS. Now not a single holiday of the year will pass you by, you will be aware of the events in Russia, its dates, you will be able to congratulate colleagues and friends on their working and professional holidays in time. Indeed, all year round, every day hundreds of events are celebrated, dates dedicated to teachers, doctors, and other professions, church holidays, city days, military glory and other equally interesting holidays.

Holidays, dates and events of the year

Holiday calendar for January

January- (lat. Januarius), according to legend, he received his name from the Roman king Numa Pompilius in honor of the Roman god Janus, personifying the beginning of the two-faced god, who looks into the past with one face, and the future with the other. Janus was also dedicated to the first day of January. January was introduced as one of the months in ancient Rome around 700 BC. e., in 46 BC. e. Julius Caesar set the beginning of the year on January 1st.
The Slavic name prosinets - apparently from the increase in the day, the addition of heavenly blue.
January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter, the grandfather of spring.
January holidays:

February holiday calendar

February- (lat. Februarius), named after the ancient Greek god of the underworld Februus or Febra.
There is another version - in ancient times, February was the last of the year. In ancient Rome, for example, in February they tried to cleanse themselves of all the bad things that had accumulated over the year. Hence, its name - according to the name of the rite of cult cleansing from sins, repentance in Dr. Rome - februarius (lat. - cleansing), in those days February was the last month of the year.
In addition to the official, there are a number of popular names: "snezhen", "kruten", "zimobor", "bokogrey", "krivodororog", "kazibrod", "kazidoroga".
Slavic names - cut (cf. Ukrainian sichen - January) (according to the text of the Vologda Gospel), snow (according to the text of the Polotsk Gospel). Other Slavic names for the month: fierce, velcha, candlestick, druinik (that is, the second, candle). Bokogrey - cattle in the sun goes out to bask. It was also called "low water" (between winter and spring). In the annals, it was called wedding, from winter weddings performed from the day of the Epiphany to Maslenitsa.

Holiday calendar for March

March- (lat. Martius). In the ancient Roman calendar, the year began with the month in which the vernal equinox fell. It was called primidilis - according to its serial number.
After the reform of this calendar, the first month of the year and spring became Martus (lat. Mars), in honor of the ancient Roman god Mars, the father of Romulus. Mars was the god of war, but at the same time, and in its more ancient meaning, he was the god of the tillers, rural workers.
The modern name of March came to us from Byzantium. And before that, in Ancient Rus' it was called "breezen" - evil for birches, flowed like this month they burned birch on coals.
In the Russian folk calendar, March is called protalnik. Melt water - "snow", according to popular belief, is healing. She washed the floors in the house, watered the flowers, washed the linen taken from sick people in it. And the walls of the house were renewed, domestic plants gained strength, and thinness, twigs left a sick person. Other names of this month associated with natural phenomena are also known: zimobor, kaplyuzhnik, dry (from winds that dry up moisture), berezol or berezozol, flying - spring began from this month, a harbinger of summer. Although March itself is not spring, but pre-spring.
March holidays:

Holiday calendar for April

April- (lat. Aprilis), named after the goddess Venus, more precisely - her Greek counterpart Aphrodite. Other options: from lat. apricus - "warmed by the sun, located in the sun" or aperio - "to open", i.e. month, when shoots appear, buds open.
The Slavic name is berezol, another - pollen coincides with Ukrainian. kviten.
The common Russian name - play ravines, speaks of streams from melting snow.
Other names: snegogon, berezozol, pollen, light the snow.
April holidays:

floating dates

  • 1st Sunday of April - (Date for 2018 is April 1st)
  • Week before Easter - (April 1 - date for 2018)
  • Thursday before Easter (April 5 - date for 2018)
  • 2 Sunday of April - (Date for 2018 is April 8th)
  • The first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover - (Celebration date for 2018 is April 8th)
  • 1 Sunday after Easter - (April 15 - date for 2018)
  • 9th day from Easter - (April 17 - date for 2018)
  • Saturday, falling in the time interval from mid-April to mid-May, and closest to the day when the Moon is visible in the phase of the first quarter - (Date for 2018 is 21 April)
  • Wednesday of the last full week of April - (Date for 2018 is April 25th)
  • Last Sunday in April - (April 29 - date for 2018)
  • Holiday calendar for May

    May- (lat. Majus), named after the Roman goddess Maya, the mother of Mercury, who personified the blossoming nature and fertility. There is also a version that the name is based not on the Roman, but on the Greek Maya - the goddess of the mountains, which at that time are covered with greenery. The Anglo-Saxons called May "trimilk" - since May, cows began to be milked three times a day. The Danes - "bloomand".
    Slavic and Ukrainian the name is grass. The Slavs also called him flying. Other names: herbalist, herbal, svetozarnik, rose flower, rose flower, pollen, daylight, bird whistle, nightingale month, quern, rose flower, rose flower, great grass, shevoy or shviban, May. There was another name - yarets (in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila).
    May is considered unlucky by the people. This is a bad month for weddings. "To marry in May is to toil for a century." "I would be glad to marry, but May does not order."
    Most often, colds occur during the flowering of bird cherry (from May 4). They say: "When bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives." The cold in May is called "cheremkhovy".
    May holidays:

    Holiday calendar for June

    June- (lat. Junius), named after the goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter, the goddess of fertility, the mistress of rain and the guardian of marriage. According to another version, the name of the month goes back to the word "junior", which means "young", "younger".
    June is the month of the radiant sun, the longest days and white nights, the brightest month of the year - milky. And June is also a songful and fertile month, grain-growing and hoarding, grain-growing, it accumulates crops for the whole year, enriches our house. June and the blush of the year, and the first grass, and the ant. The time of tall grasses and hayfields, bright flowers was also called multi-colored, retail, strawberry.
    If the nights are warm in June - to an abundance of fruits.
    What is June - such is the hay.
    Strong dews - to fertility, and frequent fogs promise a harvest of mushrooms.
    June holidays:

    Holiday calendar for July

    July- (lat. Julius, named after Julius Caesar. Before that - Quintilis). Slavic names - lipets (Ukrainian name - linden), from the time of linden flowering; senozarnik ("hay" and "to ripen") and senostav reflected the maturation of hay and its stacking in haystacks; The Russian name "cherven" comes from the old Russian word "scarlet", i.e. red, beautiful. July is called the beauty of summer, its hope, the middle of the color. They call it the green feast of the year, the month of fragrant berries, honey herbs, a generous sweet tooth, exuberant, lush and multi-colored.
    July is popularly called senostav, zharnik, senozarnik, sickle, pribirikha and sufferer. Due to frequent heavy rains and thunderstorms, July was called a thunderstorm and a thunderstorm. It is not for nothing that people say that July throws lightning, cripples oaks. July is also a kosen and a kosach, a haymaker and a haymaker, a green harvest and a minion of sudden and transient rains. July is the central month of summer, the zenith of heat, radiant beauty. People talked about July: since July looked into the yard, it's time to cram the sickles; Harvest is precious time, there is no peace for anyone here. With the strongest heat, zazhinki began, they knitted the first, zazhin-night sheaf.
    If July is hot, then December will be frosty. In July, the clouds stretch across the sky in stripes - it will rain. The greenish color of the puddle is a sign of the onset of a severe drought. In the morning fog spreads over the grass - the weather will be fine. If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain by night.

    Holiday calendar for august

    August- (lat. Augustus). Named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. Eighth month of the year. The name is not Russian; it came to our fathers from Byzantium. The indigenous, Slavic names of this month were different.
    Other names: serpen (from the word "sickle", harvest time), glow (from the radiance of lightning), gustar (everything is plentiful, densely eaten), zhench, zhneiska, prashnik, great-serpen, osemnik (eighth), madam, great-meshnyak, Kimovets, kolovots, zornnik.
    Depending on the customs, a wide variety of rituals are held on Zarev (among which are all three Spas - apple, honey, nut).
    Proverbs and sayings about August: August does not order to walk. In August, the sickles are warm, the water is cold. Look at oats and flax in August, earlier they are unreliable. A peasant has three worries in August: to mow, to plow, and to sow. August crushes, but after that it amuses. August is hard labor, but after that there will be a mint. August cabbage, and March sturgeon. Baam in August is a holiday, harvest, and from September and Indian summer. August gather or store.
    August holidays:

    Holiday calendar for september

    September(lat. September) - the first month of autumn. Leaf guide. Pensive. Howler. Fieldfare. Veresen. Zorevnik. Frowning. Sentemary. Ruen. Ryuin. End of summer.
    The name of the month reflects the autumn season: Howler - it's raining, bad weather; Frowning - fading sunlight, gloomy sky; Ruen - the yellow color of autumn; Ryuin - the roar of deer.
    In September, it is customary to finish the field work, and it is no coincidence that it was once the first month of the year: the old year ended and the year of the new harvest began. In September, in the 2nd half, the color of the leaves of maple, linden, oak, and birch changes. From the end of the first decade, linden, elm, warty birch leaves drop; the crowns of hawthorn, maple, bird cherry, aspen, ash, red elderberry, and oak are thinning. Linden and poplar begin leaf fall from below; elm, hazel ash - from above.
    Signs of September: Thunder in September portends a warm autumn. Until the cherry leaf has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk" - there will be a good autumn. The web spreads over the plants - to heat.
    September holidays:

    Holiday calendar for october

    October- (lat. October). The old Russian name for the month of October, October. Dirty. Leaf fall. Podzimnik. Pozimnik. Wedding attendant. Pazdernik. Zazimye. Measure. Measured. Praise month. The names of the month of October are mostly borrowed from the Middle Greek language. October is the late period of autumn. The norm of sunshine is 80 hours. The weather is very changeable. The day decreases by 2 hours 10 minutes.
    The eighth month of the old Roman year, beginning before Caesar's reform in March. It got its name from lat. octo - eight. Due to the transition to winter time, it is the longest month of the year (745 hours).
    October will cover the earth, where with a leaf, where with a snowball. In October, neither on wheels nor on sleds. October took everyone, but the peasant has no move. In October, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above, it sweeps from below. Late leaf fall - for a difficult year.
    October holidays:

    Holiday calendar for november

    November- English. November - from lat. novem "nine", such was the number of the Romans;
    The ancient Russian name chest, from "heap" - frozen earth in piles, not covered with snow, in Old Russian, for example. Nestor the chronicler has a winter road in general. Ukrainian name for leaf fall. Other names for November: Leafy. Leafy. Leafy. Breast. Leden. Freeze up. Poluzimnik. Winter chant. Winter gate. Wedding attendant. Last month of autumn.
    The foggiest month of the year. November is the gate of winter. November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. November is the twilight of the year. In November, winter fights with autumn. In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh. November nights are dark before the snow. In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive. Everything in November in a crowd - and on the table, and on the ground, and on the water. It also gives generously, in autumn November. But the road is potholes, between the villages - confusion. Do not pass, do not pass.
    November holidays:

    Holiday calendar for december

    December(lat. December) - the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. The tenth month of the old Roman year, beginning before Caesar's reform in March. It got its name from lat. decem - ten. After shifting the beginning of the year to January, it became the twelfth and last month of the year.
    The ancient Russian name is winter road, jelly, cold, cold. Ukrainian name breast. December is popularly called the gates of winter. It is time to protect the peasant's good from severe frosts, from scarcity, to see that in the grain bins the satisfying spirit does not die, does not dry out, does not freeze the grain. In December they said: "heat flows from the eyes", i.e. frost breaks to tears.
    Folk signs: If December is dry, spring and summer will be dry. If this month is cold, snowy, with frost and winds, there will be a harvest.
    December holidays: