Options for a teenage boy's room. Room design for a teenager - stylish solutions for a modern interior

Personal space is very important during adolescence, so you should be patient and give your child the opportunity to decorate the room the way he likes. A teenager’s self-expression may frighten you somewhat, for example, with numerous posters, figurines that are incomprehensible to you, and much more, but you must understand that this is your child’s choice, which you need to come to terms with, without imposing your opinion and without dictating your own tastes.

Sleeping place - sweet dreams

When choosing a sleeping place, you need to focus on the area of ​​the room. If it’s large, don’t hesitate to install a double bed, but if it’s smaller, you can get by with a more modest bed. A good option for a teenager's room is a folding sofa. It should be comfortable not only when unfolded, but also when folded, so that during the day the child can relax, read a book or chat with friends on the sofa.

Comfortable work area

A common problem for parents is to force their child to do his homework. With the purchase of comfortable furniture, this will become much easier. It is worth setting aside a cozy corner for a desk and a soft chair, where the child will not only play computer games, but also do homework and prepare for entering university.

Transformable furniture - creating additional space

It is very important that a teenager’s room is multifunctional, but the furniture does not take up much space. Therefore, take a closer look at folding tables, all kinds of retractable shelves and other new transformable furniture.

Great lighting - good mood

In poor lighting, the child's vision will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary that the teenager’s room has diffused light that can be adjusted, and the workplace must be equipped with additional lighting.

A place for the soul

Every person is unique, including a teenager. He has hobbies and passions, so it’s worth setting aside a corner for the soul. If it's a sport, install a wall bars; if it's reading, install a soft corner.

Alone with yourself

His own room is one of the few places where a child feels free and relaxed. Here he keeps his secrets and just dreams. If a child asks to install a door with a lock, meet him halfway and try to understand.

Soundproofing, or How to save parents' nerves

Perhaps this rule is more suitable for parents. Since the child’s hobbies are varied, you should install soundproofing, unless, of course, you want to listen to loud music that is not always clear to you or playing the guitar and other instruments.

For parents, sooner or later the time will come when their children grow up, turning from little pranksters into fairly mature and independent teenagers. Boys at this age no longer need toy cars, hares and bears, and the concept of designing a children's room for a teenager is completely changing, even for parents.

The entire design and design of a room for teenage boys is radically changing: it’s time to change the furniture of the room from a child’s room to something that will be comfortable for a teenager during this period of his life.

To make the room comfortable for the young man and meet the wishes of the parents, you need to do everything possible and achieve the desired result. In principle, this is not difficult to achieve; you just need to listen to the wishes of the teenager.

You should definitely consult with him, because it is he who will spend most of the time here. All parents need to do is point their child in the right direction and help with advice.

Room for a teenage boy 12 years old, photo

Repair and design: where to start?

When thinking about renovating a teenage room for a boy, you should decide on the sequence of stages in the work:

  • design;
  • interior (furniture, textiles, etc.);
  • accessories and decor;
  • lighting;
  • arrangement of places for recreation, hobbies and entertainment.

For each of the above points, you will have to write down what will need to be replaced, corrected, altered or added during further development.

Firstly, you will need to find common ground when decorating the room, furnishing it and determining the color scheme. Secondly, when choosing a bed and mattress on which a teenager will sleep, you should listen to the advice of experts. Thirdly, decide on the place where the closet for storing things will be located.

Great attention should also be paid to the correct location of the desk.

Modern design concept

The first part of your plan should be the overall design of a room for a teenage boy. The style in a room for a teenager 14 years or older can be mixed, since in adolescence there is a certain fluctuation between childishness and maturity.

Often teenagers use a more strict style to decorate their personal space, but at the same time they willingly add individual bright elements to the interior.

Curtains for a teenage boy's room, photo

It would be better if the young man chooses the color scheme that he prefers for his room. If the colors are too bright or too dark, try to discuss this.

It is worth arguing that the shades he has chosen will quickly become boring over time and will constantly strain his nervous system. And in the future, this can lead to a nervous breakdown, because in a room with such a design it will be difficult to fully relax and fully relax.

You can also make a proposal to adjust the design if you cannot convince the boy. To do this, you can introduce contrasts with the colors of the decor. As an alternative to solving this problem, agree to make only one of the walls contrasting.

When choosing a cabinet for storing things, you should pay attention to small options that are compact in size.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex have few things, because they prefer to have only the essentials.

Children's room for a teenage boy: design, photo

Important! If the room is small, the ideal option would be a built-in wardrobe in the wall. This will be practical and economical in terms of space planning.

In most cases, teenagers prefer chests of drawers in their rooms. Unlike cabinets that take up space, such furniture fits neatly into the interior. It is worth paying attention to the racks. The teenager will be able to place gifts and awards on them, or decorate them with interesting figures and simply decorate them in his own style.

When choosing a table, you should start from its level of comfort. The young man will spend most of his time at the computer, so its proper location and good lighting are of great importance.

Advice! The light should come from the front, so the ideal table location is by the window. If such conditions cannot be created, then light from the left side would also be a good option.

Selection of furniture for interior design

Most men resort to minimalism when decorating their interiors. Teenage boys are no exception to this. A minimum amount of furniture is enough for them, and it should not clutter up the space.

What you should pay attention to? Of course, on materials from which structural elements of furniture will be made. Metal and wood are usually preferred, so it would be useful to consider their pros and cons.

Design of a teenage room for a boy, photo


  • metal- long service life, increased strength, fire resistance. There is no need for impregnation and coating with chemical material. You can wash it every day without deteriorating the appearance;
  • tree- not subject to corrosion. If the surface is accidentally damaged mechanically, for example, a scratch appears, then you can easily restore its beauty by simply painting the product. Great looks.


  • metal– a lot of weight, creating difficulties when rearranging around the room. Cold surface;
  • tree– difficulty during assembly.

Read about how and which one to choose: tips, ideas for arranging and completing the best furnishings for your son’s room.

Read about 3D photo wallpapers that expand space: it’s now much easier to make any room lighter and more spacious with such canvases.

You can see photos of wall sconces in the bedroom at:

Knowing all the pros and cons, you can now easily choose the material that fits perfectly.

Choosing a bed

When choosing a mattress, you should opt for orthopedic models, with the help of which you can correct the posture of even a 16-year-old boy in his room. By and large, such mattresses have a positive effect on a person’s posture and general condition, regardless of age, so they are recommended to everyone.

Children's room for a teenager: design, photo

You should choose a bed very carefully, because a place to sleep is a space where your child will rest and gain strength. The most important aspects have already been mentioned above. You can also supplement them with the fact that in order to save space, it would be better to choose a bed with drawers that can be pulled out: you can store some things in them or fold bed linen.

Such beds are especially relevant when creating a room design for two teenage boys.

Teenage room for a boy, photo

A place for relaxation and entertainment

If you need to design a spacious room for a teenager, you should definitely consider a place where your son can spend time with friends. In this case, due to the sufficient area of ​​​​the room, it is possible and necessary to build on the preferences of the son.

For example, if your teenager likes to play the console, designate an area for such activities in front of the TV. Position chairs so that they are at a safe viewing distance.

If there is no space for such furniture, you can purchase popular bean bags that will help save space and give the room even more home comfort.

Children's room for a teenage boy, photo

Focusing on the interests of the owner of the room, set aside a place for his favorite activities, which could be music, modeling, design, drawing, and the like. You should also take care of proper lighting. First of all, the room should have a large window.

Window decoration and lighting

It is better to choose plain and neutral curtains for a boy’s teenage room, because if his interests change, you will not need to completely buy other accessories. With beautiful curtains, any style of room will look good.

There is never too much light in a teenager's room. In addition to additional lighting in the form of a chandelier or spotlight, do not forget about lamps or floor lamps. The lamp should be on the desktop, and you can also install lamps above the bed to make it more convenient for a teenager to read or do his own business and do it in the right lighting.

Curtains for a boy's teenage room, photo

Helping a teenager decorate their room

When decorating a teenage room for a boy, you should create a design according to his interests. Encourage him to use a photo wallpaper of his favorite sports game or hang a guitar on the wall. You can decorate your room in a nautical style using blue tones, themed elements and accessories.

Room for a teenage boy 16 years old, photo

During this period, it is especially important for boys to surround themselves with the attributes of their own hobbies in order to feel confident. When a guy independently surrounds himself with things to his liking, he will feel the responsibility and independence that you can provide him.

You, as parents, should be prepared for the fact that the design of a teenage boy’s room can be the most unusual, since it is during this period of life that the desire to express oneself appears and the search for one’s uniqueness begins.

Room design for two teenage boys, photo

Many teenagers like to decorate their walls in their own way, using banners and posters. In order not to spoil the wallpaper, given the changeability of tastes, it is worth taking chipboard or a sheet of plywood and covering it with self-adhesive film. The child will be able to hang whatever he wants on it and easily change posters, photographs and inserts from magazines. In any case, this method will be less expensive than replacing wallpaper.

When creating a teenage room design, think first of all about the convenience of the guy himself, who will spend a lot of time here. You should not bring your personal ideas to life without consulting your son. This situation does not accept surprises, since the boy may not appreciate the design to your taste.

In order not to create conflict situations, it is best to give him, as the owner of the room, the opportunity to decorate it himself, naturally, helping him with this and suggesting what is better to choose and why.

What else could a room design be like for teenage boys: see photos of original interiors below.

Do you want to learn how to properly create the interior of a room for your teenage son or daughter - so that it suits both his and your interests, and also does not require remodeling in the next few years? Our new guide will give you a lot of practical ideas with lots of cool and fashionable solutions.

Teenagers are notoriously difficult to please. And it’s not even that his interests change more often than the seasons. Often the younger generation has completely different ideas about beauty than we do. But they all invariably want it to be bright, cool and “not like everyone else.” This is where the conflict between “fathers and sons” begins - what the parents offer seems boring to the teenager. And what he wants - sometimes he himself doesn’t know...

We will not claim that we know the tastes of all teenagers in the world. But the younger generation has something in common. Everyone strives to stand out. Everyone first of all discards everything that seems to them a relic of the past - and for many this is the interior of their nursery. And almost everyone wants brightness. Is it possible to combine this without getting bad taste at the end?

We answer with confidence: you can! And today we will tell you how. Especially for teenagers and their caring parents, we have put together a collection of ideas for a teenager's room. Here are fashionable color combinations that are popular among teenagers, decor and other small secrets that will appeal to any (or almost any) teenager. And your task is to choose what your son or daughter will “appreciate”.


12 of the most fashionable color combinations for a teenager's room

Teens love to experiment with color contrasts, so why not give them a try? Here's what we can offer them - the top list of the most fashionable youth combinations.

1. Orange + black (gray, brown, khaki).

An active and fashionable color that stimulates creativity and brain activity in general. It also charges you with a good mood and invigorates you from the very morning.

This is not necessarily a room in which everything is orange from floor to ceiling. A few accents are enough: a wall, furniture, lamps, a rug... A couple of orange objects will be enough. Brightness is to the taste of the young owner (from muted to juicy). Ideal combinations are with black, gray, brown, khaki.

If you are unlucky with the size of the room, they will enliven a small space and distract attention from a small area.

2. Orange + red.

An even more energetic combination. Therefore, the smaller the teenager’s room, the more local the bright accents of these tones should be.

One section of the wall, a small piece of furniture, bed linen, a poster - the colors can be “mixed” in the pattern or located close to each other (plain objects). The optimal combination is with white walls.

3. Fuchsia + green apple.

Pink is known to be a “girly” color, and your daughter is no longer a child (at least that’s what she thinks). So create a worthy environment for this blooming flower.

The combination of fuchsia and green will cope with this task perfectly. This duet is both girly and fresh. Just what a young girl who follows fashion and current trends needs.

Two or three large accents will cope with the task: furniture, carpet or bedspread. But these colors are fully revealed next to lighter and darker shades. White walls are an excellent backdrop.

4. Green + black + gray.

At first glance, this combination is not very suitable for a bedroom. But no one says that the whole room needs to be done in such colors. For example, the following scheme would be suitable: black (gray) furniture + green pillows (chairs, poufs, carpet, etc.) + something else black and white.

A sofa or bed is the ideal furniture for such an experiment. By the way, it’s even easier to choose decor for such an interior - any photographs and paintings that have grass or leaves.

5. Chartreuse + white (coral).

Are you afraid that in combination with black, green will lose its charm and make the room uncomfortable? Choose for individual accents: paintings, pillows, cabinet fronts - and feel how the room has been transformed! Looks especially good on white.

However, you can choose chartreuse for the walls, and white and coral as additions. It looks cozier and very fashionable.

6. Red + white + black.

7. Red + gray.

The combination of red and gray is always a fashionable and relevant combination for both boys and girls. And these colors certainly cannot be called too childish (and teenagers often worry whether their room will look like it was made for their younger brother).

At the same time, they do not seem gloomy, since the colors in this duet balance each other. If you want the room to look more spacious, actively add white.

8. Yellow + gray.

A popular combination both in youth clothing for advanced teenagers and in youth interiors. Drops of yellow enhance the optimistic perception of the world, and gray balances this picture in a completely adult way.

9. Yellow + black.

This combination is borrowed from nature. Surely, when traveling out of town, you noticed bright fields of sunflowers - amazing flowers with a black center and sunny petals... If your daughter likes these flowers more than all others, invite her to decorate the interior according to the same principle: yellow base - black accents.

10. Yellow + lilac + dark gray.

A curious and unusual combination that can vary in shades depending on who the owner of the room is - a girl or a guy. Young ladies usually prefer bright yellow in combination with lilac and light gray. Young men - ocher-yellow (closer to orange) in alliance with blue-violet and dark gray.

By the way, the more yellow there is in this combination, the sunny the interior of a teenager’s room looks (especially true for northern and eastern window orientations).

11. Purple + white.

An excellent alternative to boring pink is purple. Incredibly luxurious, noble and mystical color. Tell your daughter that purple has been the color of kings since time immemorial - and you can be sure that she will immediately want a purple bedroom.

Just don’t forget: there shouldn’t be too much of this color (especially dark shades), otherwise it will be depressing. A great option is to combine several shades (from light to rich) in one interior.

12. Black + light wood (coffee).

It looks quite extreme if there is a lot of black. As a rule, teenage boys like it. Black stickers look especially impressive on white walls in combination with furniture in shades of light wood. Another option is a slate board (see below for more details).

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6 Hot Themes for Cool Teens' Rooms

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list; someday we will look at the topic in more detail. But there are some things that are sure to catch the attention of your young daughter or teenage son. See some interesting fashion themed ideas for different characters and youth hobbies.

1. Eco style.

Light shades, natural materials, plenty of free space - and this is not a complete list of the delights of eco-style.

Is your teen overthinking and disliked by distractions? In this case, an eco-style room will be the ideal solution. Eco is also fashionable.

2. Black and white cinema.

Comics and big cities, especially in black and white, are very fashionable topics for teenagers. From paper publications and travel brochures, these stories have long migrated to designer fabrics.

All you have to do is choose which interior elements to use with your favorite illustrations: curtains, an armchair, bed linen, or limit yourself to pillows.

By the way, with black and white inscriptions, stylized as a notebook with sketches, you can decorate completely unexpected furniture - for example, the end of a shelving unit (just make decoupage, for example, from newspapers).

3. Loft.

A fashionable theme that young people (and older people) all over the world are in love with. Industrial hangars converted into housing, the romance of garages and metropolitan streets. And, of course, the most current finish is exposed brick walls. An excellent addition to them are city panoramas, road signs, as well as posters of your favorite musical groups and sports clubs.

4. Graffiti.

Graffiti is popular with many teenagers. And this is understandable, because among street art there are also real paintings. Perhaps the walls of a room are not the best place to practice your artistic skills, but stickers will always come to the rescue. By the way, a large graffiti sticker is an excellent replacement for a headboard.

5. Slate board.

A fashionable theme for those who want to express themselves with the help of constantly changing inscriptions and drawings. A real school board is “resting.” You can be sophisticated in a new way every day - from expressing any emotions to large-scale graffiti.

6. Letters and words.

Another topic that is fashionable not only among teenagers, but also among older people. The specific embodiment of this original decor idea usually depends on the wallpaper that you can find. Most of them are designer, one roll will be enough.

However, those who want to be as creative as possible can make an original layout, and then take it to large-format printing (the result will be something like custom-made photo wallpaper). Of course, the development of the layout can be entrusted to the owner of the room - a teenager, most likely, will cope with this task better than a “hired” designer (after all, he is doing it for himself!).


what else to think of for the interior of a teenager’s room

And a few additional ideas that will help you, parents, in arranging the interior of a room for a teenage child.

If your child gets (or plans to or likes) a room with white walls, this is not a reason for frustration, but a huge space of options. You will see some of them right now.

1. Bright accents.

A white room may seem too boring - so add a new ingredient to this homogeneous mass! For example, a bright sofa or carpet. And emphasize it with appropriate decor - say, a painting with similar colors.

Look for shades for fashionable accents in the first section of this guide, “12 color combinations.”

2. Ceiling and floor.

White walls, light floors... also a white ceiling! Agree, such sterility is not conducive to comfort.

Banish this monotony in a non-standard way, for example, paint... the ceiling! Draw something bright on it, add the same bright original chandelier - and your child’s morning will become much kinder.

Or - lay a huge carpet with a fashionable geometric pattern on the floor.

AND a few more ideas for the interior, taking into account the current interests of a teenager.

3. Hidden lighting.

Darkness, as you know, is the friend of youth. But that doesn't mean she doesn't need light! When planning lighting for a teenager's room, don't limit yourself to just one chandelier. Curtain lighting (white or colored, and possibly with a color switch on the remote control) is an ideal option for night vigils at the computer or those same youth parties in the dark.

4. Seats for guests.

It doesn’t matter how many friends your teenage child has - two or one hundred and two - these guests need a place for comfortable communication.

Poufs, bean bags (bean bags), a podium with pillows or any other informal (!) seating areas are something that your teenager will certainly be delighted with and will raise their authority among their peers.

5. Smart storage of things.

The younger generation needs free space, not a room with closets to the ceiling. Take note of this and move some of the things onto the shelves together. There will be much more free space, and breathing will be easier.

6. Effective zoning.

A teenager needs personal space, which means special care should be taken about zoning his room. After all, the interior of a teenager’s room should perform a lot of functions - study and relaxation, communication with friends and storage of things.

What can be done? For example, turn the desk around so that the workplace is fenced off (and the “ancestors” do not look over your shoulder).

Or fence off the bed, turning the closet into a headboard (and show the owner of the room that the free back walls and ends are an excellent field for decorating to his taste).

A low podium is another interesting possibility (at least by 1 step); it can be used as a lounge area when friends visit.

If rearrangement is impossible, at least make visual zoning - with the color of the walls or the carpet.

We hope our guide to creating a room for a teenager will inspire you to come up with interesting solutions that your son or daughter will love. And you (in addition to certainty about the situation) will also receive a reason for “respect” on his part.

A person in adolescence, like a child at any period of his life, needs individual space. The ideal option for a boy is a private room. Making it truly modern, choosing the right design style, taking into account the teenager’s preferences is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible.

Modern interior styles for a teenage boy's room

Time dictates special conditions for decorating a room for a boy entering adulthood. Teenagers need proper organization of their workplace. Everything should be in its place - a comfortable table, a chair, a computer.

A sleeping place is an indispensable attribute for a good rest. What else and in what manner can be installed in the room of a modern teenager? The answer to this difficult question must be found taking into account the opinion of the boy himself, his parents and professional designers.

Under no circumstances should parents dictate to a future man which design style to prefer; they can guide and advise. When starting repairs, do not forget about:

  • son's favorite activities;
  • the age of the child;
  • room size;
  • their material capabilities.

How to choose a room style depending on your hobbies

The choice of design solution for a teenager’s room directly depends on his life’s hobbies. Active boys will be pleased if the room is decorated in an avant-garde and constructivist style. Creative people will like kitsch and loft. Future computer geniuses will be delighted with high-tech.

For teenagers who dream of the sea and adventure, you can suggest using appropriate motifs or a “safari” style. The boy will feel like a captain or a hunter on the prairie.

If a young man is interested in philosophy, then offer him a design a la the East. Who knows, perhaps, immersed in such an environment, your child will be able to become a wise and thinking person.

Hobbies and, therefore, the style of decoration of a young man’s room can reflect such topics as sports, art, cinema, music, astronomy, computer “heroes” of games, etc.

Age trends

Agree that a 12-year-old and a 16-year-old teenager are completely different “planets,” so you need to take this fact into account when choosing a room design style.

The beginning of growing up (12–13 years old) can be reflected in the design of the room by placing emphasis on the boy’s favorite hobbies. These could be cars, football, computers, etc. Design wallpaper, furniture, work and sleeping space, taking into account the child’s preferences, and thereby support your son’s interest in a particular topic.

Boys 14–15 years old are characterized by “idolatry.” Take note of this and place posters with photos of idols on the walls. Then your boy’s friends will not take him away from home; on the contrary, they will love to come and visit you. Your son's room will be the center of meetings and discussions, and you will find peace of mind, because your growing child is nearby.

At the age of sixteen, a young man can be given more independence in decorating a room, let him show his imagination and even try to do something without your help.

How does the size of a room affect the design of a room?

A teenager’s room should be designed taking into account its size. It is not always possible to “turn around” and use all the components of a particular style if the dimensions of the room do not allow this.

In this case, you can resort to some design tricks that can preserve the chosen style and expand the space:

  1. Using light wallpaper.
  2. The use of a large number of mirrors and similar surfaces.
  3. Well-crafted lighting.
  4. Pasting photo wallpapers (depicting perspectives, seascapes, large open spaces, etc.).
  5. Multifunctionality of interior items.
  6. Replacing some traditional elements with more modern ones (for example, light pillows can be used instead of chairs).
  7. Using built-in technology.

When filling the interior of a teenage room with size restrictions, do not forget that all furniture must correspond to the height of the teenager.

In small rooms, combine several zones into one. For example, the sleeping area may consist of a bunk bed, the upper part of which is used for its intended purpose (sleeping), and the lower tier of the bed can be converted into a work area with a computer and desk.

Teenager's room in high-tech style

High-tech can please young men who do not look back, but strive for everything new and modern. Ultra-novelty can be reflected in the use of the most advanced building materials, the minimum amount of furniture, and the functionality of any piece of furniture.

Plastic, glass, metal elements are the most suitable in this style. It is also possible to use artificial stone. Natural materials are too expensive and not entirely appropriate in a teenager’s room.

Color preferences - different tones with the addition of a metallic shade (black, white, blue, green, red, yellow). Contrasting combinations are desirable; smooth flows of one color scheme into another are unusual for the high-tech style.

There is no need for extra furniture in a teenager’s room, especially in this style direction.

Lighting fixtures are unpretentious, simple and mostly built into the ceiling. No chandeliers or lamps with outdated decor.

High-tech almost does not welcome decorative elements. This is very suitable for teenage schoolchildren, who, unlike girls, are not attached to trifles.

Wall decoration is most often done not with wallpaper, but with paint in suitable tones. In addition to metallic shades, cream, white, and the color of sea sand are suitable.

Teenagers will love the high-tech ceiling made of plasterboard panels mounted at different levels. It looks stylish with various lighting placed in prepared niches.

Young men will gladly accept the high-tech design of the floor. It is allowed to use only modern materials, for example, linoleum and tiles. A teenager who likes to stay on the floor for a long time will like an artificial carpet with a long pile.

Everything in such a room should be subordinated to the principles of minimalism and functionality, but sports equipment that will help the growing boy be in shape will be a useful attribute.

One of the advantages of a teenager’s room in a high-tech style is the ease of cleaning it, because there is a lot of free space and a minimal number of decorative elements.

Photo gallery: high-tech in a teenager's room

Proper lighting plays a big role in this design.
A large toy bear emphasizes that a guy who recently said goodbye to childhood lives here
Strictness and moderation can be seen in all interior items

Gray-black-white color can be diluted with bright “spots” on the carpet and shelf elements
The high-tech design does not imply anything superfluous, only the essentials
Urban motifs can be placed on the walls in the form of photo wallpapers or special stickers

Minimalism in a young man's room

Simple, functional design with plenty of space - this is how you can briefly describe a teenager’s room in the minimalist style.

It suits boys who are pedantic and neat. Such a design can also become an educational measure - reckless and sloppy children will have to keep order, because in a room with minimalism, any chaos immediately catches the eye.

Design in this style is characterized by the use of natural but inexpensive materials: glass, wood, concrete, metal. The use of artificial analogues is not prohibited if they are skillfully selected.

When buying furniture, you should give preference to compact and multifunctional items. This is especially true if the room area is no more than ten meters. Furniture that can easily transform from one state to another will fit well into such a design. Large, solid sofas, tables and cabinets will “feel” uncomfortable in such a room. Beds without a tatami-type headboard and platforms (with space for storing bedding) are more suitable.

For older teenagers, pieces of furniture with a glass or mirror surface will be in demand: countertops, wall shelves, mirrored cabinet doors. It is stylish, beautiful, and gives the space even more freedom and relaxation, which is very important for young men of this age.

Simple bedside tables would be appropriate near the bed, and you can also add a table, wardrobe or chest of drawers to the room.

A large flow of natural light penetrating through a large window is one of the conditions for maintaining a minimalist style. You should not hang heavy curtains or drapes on them; it is better to limit yourself to Roman shades or blinds. Artificial lighting is diffused and calm, without excesses.

To decorate walls and ceilings, preference should be given to light colors. The minimalist color palette is white, gray, black, but you can not limit yourself to this set by adding his favorite items of other colors to your teenager’s room.

A suspended ceiling with LEDs is an excellent solution for a young man’s room in a minimalist style. You should not use multi-colored materials on the floor; only restraint and conciseness are the main friends of minimalism in all constituent elements of the interior.

Photo gallery: minimalism in a teenager's room

The minimalist style may appeal to teenagers who strive for order in everything.
Bright artificial light, a mirrored cabinet door, a glass chair - everything is designed in a minimalist style
Laconic forms, absence of unnecessary things - quite suitable for minimalist design

A large amount of white color significantly expands the space, and light green spots add freshness.
Despite the “sparseness” of interior items, there was room for boyish hobbies: balls and darts
The minimalist style is very rich and does not tolerate anything superfluous.

Ecostyle is the right choice for future men

The growing and developing body of a teenager will benefit from proximity to interior items made from natural materials. Ecostyle will provide such an opportunity.

Materials that are applicable in an eco-oriented boy’s room:

  1. Tree. This material can be used for window framing and furniture. The floor, walls, and ceiling can also be decorated using wood.
  2. Wool. Carpets, bedspreads, rugs, and window curtains should contain a high content of this component.
  3. Cotton and linen are suitable for windows and all textiles used in the interior of a teenage boy. Such fabrics will not cause allergies; they are multifunctional and attractive in appearance.
  4. Bamboo, rattan, jute. They can be used for mats, furniture, and decorative items.

But not only natural materials dictate their rules to adherents of eco-style. Young men will be comfortable in a room with wallpaper made from natural fabrics or using eco-friendly materials (bamboo, for example). The walls can also be decorated with natural stone, brick, wood.

An excellent option for the floor is parquet or wooden boards, and the ceiling will be in the theme of ecology if you install wooden beams or make it from natural materials.

Images of nature in the form of photo wallpapers, carpets imitating grass, jute decor, rattan furniture - all this is within the framework of eco-style.

The color trends of this design are the entire palette of natural nature with green, beige, brown, blue filling. The choice of one color or another should exactly correspond to the theme of ecology: the blue of the sky, the lush green of the grass, the beige of a sandy path, etc.

Of course, using natural materials is an expensive pleasure, but eco-style can be maintained by adding a large amount of decor:

  • paintings made from natural materials;
  • wicker panel made of jute (using the macrame technique);
  • ceramic vases;
  • pillows made of cotton, linen.

Photo gallery: using eco-style in a teenager's room

Commitment to eco-design can be seen in all objects and interior details
Living green plants, a suspended ceiling depicting nature cozily coexist with a real boyish attribute - a wall bars and childhood memories - favorite toys
In this room there was a place for a large green tree, a carpet that imitates grass, bamboo wallpaper and a favorite toy from childhood.

This design will appeal to boys who love nature.
Classic color combinations, the predominance of fresh green colors are in tune with eco-style design
To embody an eco-style, you don’t have to go to the village; you can do this in an ordinary city apartment

Compliance with eco-style is carried out through the use of decorative interior items

Pop art - for rebel youths

The random use of paintings, posters and other interior items depicting your child’s idols can be channeled into a design direction if you apply the pop art style.

A young man’s room in the pop art style can look original, bright, with subtle taste and a commitment to modernity. The use of deliberately flashy elements will not be bad taste, but an indicator of the chosen design.

A synthesis of hippies, rock, bikers and punks - this is what pop art might look like in the room of a future man. Everything that is considered non-format in the usual understanding of the average person will feel quite comfortable here.

This style is especially relevant for decorating small rooms.

So, what is typical for pop art in a teenager’s room:

The most important characteristic of this style is the use of paintings, posters, and advertising posters. The image of the “idol” can be everywhere: on the walls, shelves, pillows, blankets.

The main thing is not to overdo it, stop in time and maintain a fine line between the style of pop art and the random arrangement of photos and drawings of your favorite person.

Photo gallery: elements of pop art

The obligatory presence of bright and contrasting colors in the design of the room will be appreciated by the young man and his friends
Stylish, bright, modern
Among today's young men there are sure to be fans of Marilyn Monroe.

The desire to love and be loved, heightened in adolescents. reflected in the bright painting on the wall
White classic color goes well with the colorful paintings on the wall and bright spots on the blanket
A minimum of furniture, a large window opening, a painting on the wall - all these are elements of the pop art style

An interesting solution for the bedspread immediately creates the mood inherent in pop art.

Avant-garde style in design

This style perfectly matches the inner state of a teenager, in which hormones are seething and they are looking for a way out of any resistance. Avant-garde design can become a natural counterpoint for this age to the classics, as well as to everything that is established and solid.

No decorating elements, calm tones or classic furniture! The young man, who gave preference to the avant-garde, is ready for experiments and the embodiment of originality.

Richness, contrasting colors, the obligatory contrast of the palette of shades can be safely used to decorate walls, ceilings, furniture, and decor. Walls painted in different colors, the predominance of brightness in red, green, yellow, black and white - this is the color scheme for a teenager’s room in an avant-garde style.

For the ceiling and floor, calmer tones are suitable, without challenge, but also rich and rich - white, black. The main thing is to maintain contrast with walls, furniture or other interior items.

The materials that are used to decorate the avant-garde will appeal to boys, because there is no pomp in them, they are modern and relevant - plastic, metal, glass, brick (or their imitation).

Furniture of non-standard shapes and designs will fit very organically into an avant-garde interior and will delight teenagers (hanging chairs, beds, furniture without a frame, etc.).

Any non-standard solutions for decorating a teenager’s room will fit into the avant-garde style if they are safe and interesting. Will surprise and at the same time delight future men:

  • a ceiling that can rotate;
  • a chair that hangs in the air and lowers for the child to sit in;
  • reversible shelves;
  • shapeless and “soft” furniture.

The center of the room with sports equipment will look very stylish and completely on theme.

No small details, only large geometric shapes, the absence of “sugary” decor - characteristics of avant-garde design for a teenage boy’s room.

Photo gallery: avant-garde style in interior design

A teenager will really like this interior. passionate about cars
Unusual designs of lamps and chandeliers, an original carpet on the floor, an interesting solution in the design of the walls - all this is within the boundaries of style
Sports equipment takes a central place in a teenager’s room, because he so wants to be strong and beautiful
Unusual, sometimes whimsical forms of the avant-garde are perfectly combined with bright wall decorations and textiles in the pop art style
Such a room for a growing boy looks stylish, beautiful and at the same time comfortable.

Video: how to make a den room with your own hands

Adding modernity to the interior

What to do if, for objective or subjective reasons, it is not possible to completely change the style of a teenager’s room? What ways will help make the room where the young man lives more modern and stylish?

Take advantage of useful tips on this matter.

Adding Thematic Elements

You can bring novelty and a breath of modernity into a growing boy’s room by creating accents on his favorite themes. They should reflect the interests and preferences of the child:

  1. Computer geniuses or computer game characters. You can order posters, bed linen and other decorative elements with the desired image.
  2. Heroes of your favorite films. Photo wallpapers, posters, pillows with modern idols will help your son feel their real presence and will significantly change the “boring” interior.
  3. Favorite athletes, musicians, actors, etc. Sports and musical paraphernalia will be a wonderful inspiring moment for a teenage boy. and if you manage to get a ball, scarf or other item with the “idol’s” autograph, there will be no end to the teenager’s happiness.
  4. Scientific topics or other passions (space, physics, chemistry, natural environment). Installing a suspended ceiling with cosmic bodies, the periodic chemical table on the wall or on a favorite bedspread, adding a modern landscape indoor fountain are simple but working details for transforming a teenager’s room. Agree that in such a room a teenager will not only be comfortable, but also interested. The rock theme can not only scream, it can be expressed in calm and discreet tones. When examining the room, it is immediately clear that its owner is a passionate skateboarder

    Division into zones

    A sign of modern design of residential premises is zoning.

    Here are the areas that need to be highlighted:

    • educational;
    • for relaxation day and night;
    • wardrobe;
    • guest room (can be combined with a sleeping area).

    As a divider, you can use different wall finishes, carpets, stationary cabinets or portable partitions.

    Multifunctional furniture

    Heavy, solid pieces of furniture are becoming a thing of the past; they are being replaced by elements that can transform from one position to another.

    Safety and ease of use are the main characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing transformable furniture.

    A two-tier sleeping complex can consist of two functional floors:

    • the first - with a retractable sleeping platform, a computer and a modern TV;
    • You can arrange an excellent sleeping place in the closet niche


      Of course, the spirit of modernity cannot be felt without the presence of the most modern technological achievements in the young man’s room:

      • ultra-new TVs;
      • computers;
      • consoles.

      The design of a teenage boy's room in a modern style requires careful consideration.

      Before you start decorating a teenage boy’s room, do not rush to start rebuilding his home, but try to take into account all the nuances: the child’s interests, his preferences, craving for a certain design style. Only a joint decision can bring joy to your son.

When it comes to a child's room, parents always pay attention to the gender of the child. Girl? Pink. Boy? Of course, blue.

This timeless classic will never go out of style, so why break tradition? Introducing 30 amazing ideas for decorating a boy's bedroom in masculine shades.

There are many ways to decorate your interior in heavenly shades. After all, there is simply a huge range of them! From soft blue to sapphire. Don't be afraid to experiment and combine colors. Remember that it is best to combine blue with white, ash gray or beige.

Stylish, flexible and modern

The main advantage of this color is its design flexibility. You will not have to significantly change the interior as your child grows up. In addition, it is very practical and resistant to stains, which is important for parents of a hyperactive tomboy. And blue will never go out of style and will look fresh and modern even after 10 years.

Due to its excessive hardness and coldness, it is better to combine it with soft neutral shades. It is better to place emphasis on decor or textiles. For example, bright pillows, upholstered furniture or paintings will look much more beautiful than dark walls and ceilings.

Stars, sports and the deep blue sea

For a teenager’s room, not only the color scheme is very important, but also the thematic design of the bedroom. If he is drawn to sports or martial arts, try to support his aspirations with appropriate interior design. Also, don’t forget about the most common ideas for themed bedrooms: space, sea, pirates and airplanes. It is noteworthy that in all these options blue and light blue motifs slip through.

Whether he's interested in the stars in the sky, or maybe sports stars, no other color scheme will provide you with such a wide range of shades and themed ideas for decorating a boy's bedroom.

Feeling calm and confident

Blue symbolizes intelligence, calm and balance. It is ideal for your child's room as it will promote good behavior and academic success. It is bright enough to please the eye and attract attention, but at the same time it is very soft and does not greatly excite the nervous system.

Combining it with white or red, you will get a stylish and modern interior design. And in the company of beige tones and golden yellow, the room will take on a sophisticated and elegant hue.


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