Restoring a person’s internal energy. Examples of energy waste at the physical level

For every life event that once happened to us and caused negative emotions, we spent some part of our life force.

Many people have a reasonable question: how to return the energy given to a person in the past, is it possible to do this at all, and if so, why? Let's look at such a return and find out how the energy costs for events of the past differ from the costs for love affairs that have already ended.

How past events consume our energy

The life of each of us is filled with many different events, colored in bright and not so bright colors. And each of them left some kind of response in our soul. When we experience grievances, quarrels, disappointments, leave some things unfinished and periodically return mentally to those distant times, our energy continues to go there.

If an event in our memory still causes strong negative feelings and periodically makes itself felt, in the present we get discomfort, bad mood, illness and depression. To stop suffering and stop the outflow of vitality into the past, which is long gone, you can try to “pull” your energy out of there.

Technique for returning your energy from the past

You need to choose the right time when nothing and no one can distract you. Take a comfortable position in which you can fully relax: lie on the bed or sit in a comfortable favorite chair and plunge into a meditative state in any way suitable for you.

You can turn on unobtrusive relaxing music or sounds of nature, or you can remain in complete silence - it all depends on what helps you more to escape from the outside world. As you enter a state of altered consciousness, think about the areas of your life that cause you discomfort.

Perhaps you are worried about problems in your marriage, sad about a lost friendship, or simply miss your old apartment and your new home does not bring you the same joy. You need to discover all the situations that still make you suffer, worry, sad or angry. You need to work with each of them separately.

Select one of the situations that worries you and mentally ask yourself what event or chain of events preceded this state and directly influenced it. After you remember this, try to mentally transport yourself to the place where these disturbing events took place. But remember that you must imagine these places as they are now, in the present.

If you remember a house or some building that no longer exists, mentally imagine what is now in that place. You don’t need to think about the people who live or work there now, your task is to find your own energy that remains in this place. She can hide anywhere: in the grass, on a tree branch, stones on the ruins of a building, on a fence or in shards of broken glass.

Your energy can be in absolutely any form: it can resemble a cobweb, a bunch of dry grass, a small cloud, a dried autumn leaf and anything you like.

You will certainly recognize it: it will definitely turn out to be abandoned, old, but very familiar to you, exactly yours!

Your task is to collect all the clots of your energy in the place where the traumatic memories took place. If you take a closer look at each of them, you can determine what emotions or specific events are hidden in these energy clots. But don’t try to plunge into the past for a long time - you don’t need to relive it all again, but only collect what is left there.

Slowly walk around the place where you find yourself, inspect all its corners so that not a single clot goes unnoticed. When you collect all these “grains of the past,” mentally roll them into one big lump, place it on your solar plexus and breathe it deeply into yourself.

If you don’t really like the inhalation technique, you can use another technique: imagine that you are collecting all the lost energy clots into a large bowl. Let it be the shape and color that you like best. When you put all the items you find into it, just touch this cup with your lips and drink its contents.

When you inhale or “drink” your forgotten energy, the events in which you once left it will no longer cause a strong emotional response in your soul. You will feel how the anxiety, resentment, anger, fear or any other emotion that you felt every time you thought about this event goes away and is replaced by calm and indifference.

This happens because you have found what you lost a long time ago and now everything has returned to its place.

Don’t be surprised if you don’t feel a surge of vitality after this procedure immediately, but only after a few days - it will take a little time for the energy of the past to mix with your present.

This simple technique will not affect cause-and-effect relationships in any way, it will not destroy your past, but will only allow you to live today with a light heart and an open soul, forgetting about the negativity that was once present in your life and left its mark on it .

If you imagine your life as an electric garland with many lights, going forward into infinity, then disturbing events at one end will flash, distracting attention from those lamps that are closer to you. Using the technique of collecting your energy, you simply de-energize those fragments of the chain that prevent you from living in the present, but at the same time the past itself does not disappear.

Energy of lost love

Bioenergetics experts say that a woman’s subtle body stores memories of her former sexual partners for seven whole years, even if it was not a serious relationship, but an intimate relationship for just one night. And while these memories remain in the aura, part of a woman’s vital energy will invariably flow to past partners.

If a representative of the fair sex has a lot of energy by nature, and at the same time she has had few sexual contacts in the past, she may not even feel that her life force is flowing to former lovers. But if she is not too picky about connections or (even worse) works in the “intimate field,” she will not be able to avoid the feeling of energetic emptiness.

And even after seven years, the energetic connection with men from the past does not disappear anywhere; it only gradually, every year, becomes less strong. Where does this energy go? She spends her time maintaining the vitality of those same former partners: it is she who helps them realize themselves, achieve goals, experience inspiration and joy for life.

But not every woman wants to so easily give her power to someone with whom she has diverged, because this energy can be used in much better ways - for example, giving it to your current man or spending it on your own personal growth and fulfillment of your desires! Let's look at how to pull your energy out of another person if you have been dealt such a difficult female lot.

How to return the energy given during past contacts

The technique of cleansing energy attachments will help you with this. The most common way is to call upon the energy elements for help. You can choose one of them, your favorite, or turn to several - it all depends solely on your desire, this will not affect the quality of the ritual.

Choose a suitable time and place for the magical ritual, where nothing can disturb or distract you. Take a relaxing pose, enter a meditative state, and then mentally call the man with whom you want to break the energetic connection.

Visualize very carefully: you should see it very clearly, and upon closer examination you will even be able to see the luminous threads, chains and ropes that connect you - these are the energetic connections through which your energy flows.

If you have been close to a person for a long time, then the connections will be stronger and more noticeable; if it was a chance meeting, then they will be barely visible, very thin, like a cobweb. Energy connections can connect your and his heart, your groin or throat chakras - it all depends on the nature of your past relationships.

Connections at the heart level speak about strong feelings, at the level of the throat chakras - about the pleasant communication that once united you, at the level of the groin chakras - about a strong sexual desire that took place between you in the past.

Then you need to imagine one or more elements that you are going to call for help (water, fire, air, earth) and ask it (or them) to perform a cleansing ritual from past connections. Visually imagine how you enter one of the elements (or all of them in turn) and your energetic connection with your ex-man is destroyed.

If you chose water, you can imagine a powerful whirlpool or stream of water that breaks the threads or chains connecting you, if fire - imagine how it burns these energy ropes, if air - how a powerful stream of wind breaks the contact between you, if earth - like connecting your links dissolve into the ground.

Don't forget to sincerely thank your ex-partner for being with you for some time and teaching you something, because no relationship is given to us just like that. After breaking ties with the help of the elements, take a close look at the man from the past and ask him to leave.

It is important to visualize how he turns his back to you and leaves, and his appearance gradually becomes less and less clear and, finally, disappears completely - only then the ritual is considered carried out correctly.

Now look at yourself, freed from unnecessary connections, feel how, through the places to which the energy channels were “attached,” your body is filled with shining and pure light, how you feel light, warm and comfortable.

Now that you can breathe deeply and feel a surge of vitality, thank your elements or all of them for the magical cleansing of your biofield.

You can use the power of the elements not only in your imagination, but also in reality. So, for example, a cleansing ritual with water can be performed while standing in the shower or in the rain, with earth - while walking barefoot or lying on the ground, with air - by going out into a strong wind, and with fire - by meditating on the flame of a fire.

Now that you know how to return the energy given to another person, you need to perform such a magical ritual for each of your former partners. You can perform several rituals in one day, or one partner per day - act as you wish. The main thing is to cut off all, all, all energetic ties with past men, so that all the energy you spent comes back and no longer flows away from you in an unnecessary direction.

Restoring strength and energy

It is possible to restore strength and energy instantly! By devoting just 15 minutes a day to very simple exercises, you will get immediate tangible results. You will be surprised by the strength and energy that you will feel in your body after completing this complex. They have their origins in ancient art that was often kept secret. After a few minutes, stop and feel the movement of this energy through your body and the restoration of strength. A very important condition is to concentrate on performing the exercises correctly. Do these exercises for 15 minutes to gain inner strength and access your inner potential. This energy is called Qi and is often translated as the breath of life.

Feel it right now! Do the first exercise and already feel the energy flowing through your body and a surge of fresh strength.

Exercises to Increase Energy and Vitality

1.0 exercise

Extend your arms, bent at the elbows, in front of you. Bend your palms inward and vigorously rub your nails together. This activates your internal energy, which the ancients called Qi, the life force. Your inner strength and your inner potential depend on it. Take a deep breath and rub your nails together vigorously. Feel this energy. Continue doing this for a minute. Now place your palms with your hands facing each other. Hold them like this and feel the pulsating energy, this is Qi energy, life force.

Place your hands on top of each other in your lower abdomen. Inhale while slightly inflating your belly. As you exhale, press your stomach slightly toward your back, exhaling completely. Relax a little. Repeat several times and feel your mind relax, feel the energy in the center of your body. This way, your diaphragm will lower and your chest will relax, releasing tension in your chest and heart. This will help you feel emotional balance and calm your mind.

3.0 exercise 3.1. exercise

"Vertebral breathing" - breathing in motion. It helps relieve stress, tension in the nervous system and develops back flexibility. Place your hands at shoulder level. Breathe in. Look up. Straighten your shoulders and open your chest. Then round your back, lowering your tailbone and bringing your chin closer to your chest. Take a nice deep breath as you rise and straighten up. Inhale - look up. Exhale – round your back. After several repetitions, speed up the execution by synchronizing the movements. This exercise is good to do at any time of the day to add flexibility to your back and the body as a whole. Every time you need to recharge, you need to practice spinal breathing.

4.0 exercise

Activation points

Points on which pressure activates the internal energy of the body.

Lung point. After a deep breath. It is located directly under the collarbone. Tapping this point helps the lungs work efficiently, helping them to better convert oxygen into vital force. Then we will move along the meridians, energy channels to the hands and you will feel an electric tingling in the hands.

Take a nice deep breath, tapping the point of your lungs, and as you exhale, open your hand and tap your arm with your other hand, moving down to your wrist. Then, patting your palm on the other, outer side of your arm, move up to your shoulder and neck. Do this three times. And then do the same on the other side of the body.

Now keep your palms at chest level, without touching, maintaining a distance of a few centimeters. Close your eyes and feel the electrical pulsation between your chest, lungs and arms. Pay attention to the sensations in your body after doing this exercise.

We have begun to awaken the internal energy of your body. It doesn’t take much time to discover this magical power that you have inside.

Now let's do stretching that will eliminate tension in the neck and shoulders. Spread your arms out to the sides, pointing them down with your palms facing away from you. Spread your fingers. Point your shoulders down, too, and your sides. If you tuck your chin in at the same time, you are using the so-called tension lines, areas that are characterized by chronic tension. This is an excellent preventive exercise if you work at the computer for a long time, against neck tension, headaches, mental stress and any hand problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tilt your head to the side, pressing your ear to your shoulder. At the same time, you should feel a pleasant stretch in your other hand. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, simply allow your head to slowly roll to the back of your shoulder, and then to the front of your shoulder. Repeat this movement several times in both directions, thereby getting rid of stress, stiffness and tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck. It is a long exhalation that helps to get rid of tension in this area. Now lower your arms and relax them completely. Close your eyes. Pay attention to the sensations in your body. Feel improved energy circulation. From the neck it goes to the shoulders, down to the hands and rolls to the fingertips. If you feel warmth, pulsation or tingling in your palms, this is life force, Qi energy, circulating in your body.

Extend your arms forward, palms up, and lightly tap your wrists together. On the inside of the wrist there are acupuncture points that are responsible for emotional balance, quality of sleep, and prevention of insomnia. These points can also be used to avoid taking on other people’s energy. You just need to tap these points. Palms facing your face. Slap the points on the inside of the wrist of one hand with the outside of the wrist of the other hand. After this exercise, you will feel more vitality, more Qi energy appearing in your hands. Clap your wrists together for emotional balance and cleanse your chest of negative energy and anxiety. Take a deep breath, relax. When you lower your hands, feel that these points are active. You have awakened this electrical energy, this life force, and it flows in your hands. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.

After just a few minutes of this practice, you will feel the circulation and flow of vitality.

Smooth movements increase vitality and also help calm the mind. They are sometimes called movement meditation. They bring clarity to your consciousness and charge your body with vitality.

7.0 exercise

Raise your arms, inhale, spread your arms out to the sides, straighten your chest, rotate and

point your palms up and exhale, smoothly returning your arms forward. Pause briefly at the peak of your inhalation. Think about stagnant or old energy leaving your body as you bring your hands together. And when you spread your arms, imagine that you are receiving new energy to recharge and refresh your body. When you inhale, you breathe in life, new sensations, and as you inhale

get rid of old energy, let go of the past. Let's refresh ourselves and recharge with energy. Now we move our hands as if holding a ball. Pay attention to the sensations on the surface of your palms. Move your palms slightly so that there is 8-10 centimeters between them, close your eyes and try to feel the energy between your hands. Your body is full of electromagnetic energy. When you do these

exercises, they activate your inner potential, and you feel, contain and radiate more energy from your hands and whole body. Slightly reduce the distance between your hands, and then smoothly spread them, bring them together again. Pay attention to the sensations. Inhale as you bring your palms together

exhale as you open. Your hands feel warm and like two magnets, they attract and then repel. This is your life force. It is not always located in the shell of your body; it can also be located outside the body. When you perform such movements, you feel a current between your palms. Put your hands down. And now, we take all this energy accumulated in our hands and envelop our entire body with it. This technique is called "dropping the palate." Inhale, slowly raise your arms. Exhale, slowly lower your arms. Feel pleasant waves of relaxing energy flowing from your head down through your entire body. If you need additional healing energy, deeper relaxation, simply open yourself to it while doing this exercise. Whatever energy you need, have the intention to receive it, be it abundance, creativity, clarity of thought, well-being or a sense of balance and harmony in everything.

Place your hands on your lower abdomen. We end the full cycle of exercises with the same thing we started with. Breathe deeply and listen to the sensations in your body. Do you feel different before doing the exercises? Your consciousness is calmer, more relaxed, you feel electrical energy, this new power that you have discovered in yourself. Close your eyes. Take a few more deep breaths. Listen to the sensations of your body. You don't need to imagine anything, just feel it. Allow yourself to be in the present moment and completely relaxed. Put your hands down and relax.

Hurry up to complete simple exercises, make sure they are effective and start using them in your life to restore strength and energy!

Loss of vitality can be caused by various reasons. If you know why you stopped enjoying the new day, it will be easier to solve the problem. What if there is less and less strength left, and why is this happening, you have no idea? There are 2 options here. You can determine the cause of the loss of strength and eliminate it, or strike on all fronts at once, carrying out preventive work in each area. The choice is yours. Start with something simple: pay attention to the subheadings of the article, perhaps you will find out the reason that led you to a state of apathy.


Nutrition is a way of eating behavior that we automatically adhere to. If you have managed to become a lover of healthy lifestyle, you eat according to the rules every day and do not feel discomfort. The same goes for fast food lovers - since you are used to chewing fried food, you do it all the time. But the body, although it supports your habits, remains dissatisfied. Determine if your diet is affecting your well-being.

There are several ways. The first is called “American”. American researchers recommend eating red meat no more than once a week, as it is difficult to digest. If you are a vegetarian, make up for the lack of protein by eating beans and lentils. Even in the USA, it is recommended to exclude fast food or eat French fries and hamburgers no more than once a month.

According to Japanese rules, you need to act differently. Japanese doctor and scientist Michio Kushi suggests restoring strength and love of life using the way Japanese monks eat. Their life lasts 90-97 years, and their health is strong. Monks give up meat, milk and sugar. They eat vegetables and grains, as well as fish and seafood (once or twice a week). How do you like this option?

Changing eating habits is difficult. Start gradually. Stop eating meat every day, reduce the amount of sugar and forget about some dairy products. Over time, you will accept the new way of life. Remember the movie "Kill Bill 2"? There, Uma Thurman climbed the steps, broke her fingers into blood and carried water to the monk. And it saved her life.

Personal life

What condition is she in? There can be many options here, the main thing is that none of them is drawn out or “zombie-like”. You may be in a romantic stage of communication, a long-term relationship with your other half, or a period of separation or conflict. All options are possible. But if you have been unsuccessfully searching for love on social networks for three years or continue to cling to relationships that are destroying you, you should think about it. It will help you to ask yourself: can I be in this situation all my life? If the answer is “no,” then you need to change at least something through an effort of will. Otherwise you will find yourself in an energy vacuum.

Physical activity

Sedentary work and lying down on weekends are the best way to lose energy. Psychologists know why you don’t move: when you remember the gym, physical education and running, you feel bad. But the choice of exercise is up to you. If you are not a fan of activities, choose the load option that you can handle. Do something nice for yourself: go to the pool, yoga, Pilates, tennis. Master the sport you've always dreamed of.

The only danger is that your optimistic mood will be replaced by disappointment when you don’t find time to exercise: an hour to train, an hour to travel, an hour to get ready. Keep this in mind right away: to gain energy, you need to sacrifice time.


How long has it been since you made something with your own hands? Are you creative in your free time? Is there something that distracts you from routine and bustle? Each of us should have a “strength exercise.” Don't take advice lightly. If you want the energy to return, return your individuality. Just don't limit yourself to stamps: cross stitch, applique, knitting. You can breed bugs, photograph cats, write ten-word stories, play the harmonica. As long as you like it. An additional bonus will be joint activities in interest groups. There you can share your successes, participate in competitions, and communicate.


We are used to thinking that work is a way to be left without strength and energy. Don't forget that apathy and fatigue are two different things. You may not have any strength left, you may be squeezed like a lemon, but at the same time you are satisfied with yourself and energetic. What situations at work lead to loss of energy?

  • Lack of encouragement and constructive criticism from management
  • Uninteresting matter
  • Responsibilities that are annoying
  • Unfriendly staff
  • Lack of prospects
  • Routine

If some points are about you, you need to change the situation. You can talk to management, set up a team, and see prospects. Much depends on you. Energy is not only the amount of your strength, but also your mood, desire, motivation. If you feel like you are stuck in your job and nothing can be changed, change it. It is important to make such decisions consciously. Start by writing a resume and searching for a vacant position. It is better not to take sudden steps. Assess your abilities objectively: what can you offer an employer? How relevant is your knowledge in this or that area? Once a new location is found, you can leave. The energy will return with new challenges and adequate leadership.


In communication, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. How often do we wait until the interlocutor completes his remark in order to speak out ourselves and demonstrate our knowledge of all issues! More like a way of self-affirmation. How do you communicate with loved ones, friends, strangers in line or service staff? All these people want sincere attention.

Do you think there are many people who completely understand you? To the smallest detail? Until slight changes in mood? Probably a little. But you understand everyone. You “know” “what he was thinking”, “what’s on her mind” and “why they do this”. This approach prevents people from truly getting close. Everyone puts a stamp and asks “how are you?” for show and imposes his vision of the world.

Try to change your personal attitude towards people. Find something interesting, unusual in them, something you haven’t noticed before. Only ask questions to which you do not know the answer. Then you will be interested in listening to your interlocutor and he will feel it.

Exercise: remember those situations that can be called the happiest and brightest in your life. They may be related to childhood or events that happened a week ago. Imagine them in detail. Surely during these states the energy was with you. And this energy was enough. Now answer the question: were these events connected with other people? Probably yes. After all, endorphins are produced at the moment when something unites you with other people. And endorphins are also energy.

Psychological condition

Energy is the desire to do something, motivation, desire, a feeling of life inside. If the energy is gone, it could be depression. Depression is a defense mechanism that limits your desires in order to protect you “from the outside world.” You are sitting at home sad, but safe and sound. This reaction may occur in response to stress or mental trauma. If all of the above tips do not help, contact a professional psychologist. But first you should try to change your habits - start right now.

In our lives, success in any area of ​​life depends on the energy of our body, which is influenced by many factors, ranging from thoughts to celestial bodies.

Previously, in one of our articles, we wrote to you about how to get rid of a bad streak in life. The fact is that sometimes it seems to us that the whole Universe is set up against us, so nothing works out and luck slips away. This is to blame for the body’s poor energy, which depends on the settings of the communication channel with the Universe. In this article we will tell you how to learn to use the gifts of space.

Three steps to restoring energy balance

Step one: identifying and eliminating energy funnels. Simply put, the first step is to identify the reasons why you suffer from imbalance. Your luck, mood and positivity flow into these funnels. Think carefully about what exactly takes away your strength. Don't turn away from the problem, but look it in the face. The main thing is don’t be afraid.

Once you have determined what is bothering you, evaluate the possibility of solving the problem. Think maybe you need help? Maybe you can't solve this alone? If so, then find the strength to ask friends or loved ones to solve the problem.

Step two: energy boost. The fact is that energy is constantly circulating around us, but many places simply reject it. To better understand the philosophy of interacting with energy, turn to Feng Shui. This is an Eastern teaching on how to attract Qi energy through the proper arrangement of your home. Feng Shui includes a lot of important points, but in one of our previous articles we collected for you 10 main rules for creating the right atmosphere at home. Get a cat, throw away everything old and unnecessary to feed on positive energy that will fill your apartment or other living space.

Also, to establish an energy channel of communication with the Universe, you will need to practice affirmations, meditation and exercise. The first will put your thoughts in order, the second will teach you to relax, and the third will simply improve your well-being, because, as they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Step three: managing and directing energy in the right direction. Listen to the voice of your heart and don't give up. Everything you have in mind will come true. Problems will gradually go away, clearing space for victories and achievements. Just try not to be discouraged and not afraid of anything new in your life.

Solving problems and new victories will not only restore your vitality, but will also make you believe that you can do absolutely anything in the world. Stop putting your happiness and bright future away. Start thinking about yourself now, because life is what happens to you at this second, not in the future or in the past.

Each of us is an individual, but the real world dictates to us the same rules that equalize us. The only thing that distinguishes all people in the modern world is their intentions and ideals. Create an ideal world for yourself, but start with your thoughts. First, an image and projection is created in the head, and then it is transferred to the canvas of life. Do not forget to use the help of affirmations to fulfill your desires, which will make you believe in yourself. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The fast pace of life leads to exhaustion, both physical and emotional. We are constantly in motion, tense, and very rarely relax. The feeling of fatigue that occurs at the end of the working day is a completely normal state for most people. But, if a person feels loss of strength and fatigue in the morning, the alarm should be sounded. The body requires urgent resuscitation. It is important to learn how to feel energetic in the morning. This will be discussed in the article.

So, how can you quickly restore strength and regain energy?

Restoring vital energy after illness

How to quickly restore strength after illness? Disease is the final signal to the body about failures or excessive stress. The disease does not appear in an hour, it “starts” long ago and manifests itself only after a certain time. Any disease is accompanied by a temporary decrease in activity, this gives us the opportunity to rethink our actions, thoughts, goals, and attitudes.

You can quickly restore physical strength using the following methods:

  • Taking vitamins.
  • Eating fruits and vegetables, honey, herbs and decoctions, spices and dietary supplements.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Gymnastics classes.

To restore mental balance, experts advise:

  • Admire the beauty of nature, paintings by artists.
  • Listen to pleasant melodies, prayers, meditations, sounds of nature.
  • Communicate with animals.

Restoring the body after hard work

With excessive workload, the supply of vital energy and strength is depleted. Constantly living at this pace means gradually accumulating physical fatigue. There will come a time when the body begins to give signals that the rhythm should be changed.

The following methods of physical recovery will help:

  • Cold and hot shower. Water “washes away” fatigue from the body and “takes away” all negative thoughts from the head.
  • Walking through a coniferous forest saturates the body with oxygen and relieves fatigue.
  • Full sleep.
  • Fruit juices.
  • Massage.
  • Meditation helps you relax and relieve stress.
  • A glass of clean drinking water.

Restoring mental and physical strength during stress

Stress leaves its mark in the life of every person and takes away strength. But you need to learn to lift yourself out of depression on your own or with the help of positively minded people.

It happens that a person does not see a way out. The problem consumes him so much that the world loses its joy and brightness. What can you do for yourself in this case? How to restore strength and energy yourself? If you are overcome by depression, you should:

  • Walk for several hours, preferably near a pond.
  • Leave the city for a while.
  • Visit the temple.
  • Perform an aromatherapy ritual.
  • Buy yourself things that you have long wanted to buy.
  • Change your style, hairstyle.

If the situation is very difficult and you cannot cope alone, you should contact a psychologist or spiritual mentor. You can do something that you have long dreamed of, but put off for some reason, for example, go on a trip.

Recovery from mental stress

Unlike physical fatigue, which occurs due to overstrain and overwork of muscles, mental fatigue is provoked by prolonged exercise. People believe that after working with your head, you need to work with your hands.

Mental fatigue occurs:

  • general,
  • chronic,
  • local,
  • periodic.

There are various methods for returning strength after mental work:

  • Fresh air - a walk or an open window in the bedroom.
  • Sunlight.
  • Sports training - dancing, yoga, swimming pool, gymnastics.
  • Hobby.
  • Good dream.
  • Hiking.
  • Vacation planning.

Vitamins that will help you recover

Physical exhaustion of the body is provided for by nature, but we also accelerate this process with exhaustive work and excessive loads, plus poor quality nutrition, non-compliance with the drinking regime, and vitamin deficiency.

In case of increased physical activity, nutritionists advise increasing the amount of foods that contain vitamins. Among them:

  • To restore the nervous system and muscle tone - vitamin B.
  • For health and vitality - vitamin C.
  • For the brain and eyes - vitamin A.
  • For youth and beauty - vitamin E.
  • For strong bones - vitamin D.

Iron helps with depression, in addition, fish oil is needed for the brain, magnesium and calcium for tissues, and folic acid to regulate metabolic processes.


The best way to regain strength is during rest. This is the golden rule that has been used by humanity since time immemorial.

But as the pace of life accelerates, there is less and less time for rest. It is necessary to organize your routine in such a way as to intelligently combine time for rest and active activity, so as not to bring yourself to extreme fatigue.

Fatigue manifests itself in the physical, emotional or psychological sphere. In addition, psychologists also identify spiritual fatigue, which manifests itself in complete disappointment in life, spiritual exhaustion.

Methods of restoring strength for all are passive and active.

Active methods are methods that involve changing the type of activity, for example:

  • Dance.
  • A walk in the park.
  • Jogging.

Passive methods include:

  • Daytime sleep.
  • Tea party.
  • Sunbathing.
  • Conversation with a friend.
  • View funny photos, videos.

Products for recovery

Lifestyle is reflected in nutrition, which is getting worse and worse. Food is not only the nutrition of body cells, but also the nutrition of our subtle structures. Very often, when you are very tired, there is a need to eat something specific.

But what foods do you need to eat to regain your strength? Nutritionists recommend:

  • Drink a glass of warm water.
  • Eat a banana or citrus.
  • Drink a cup of hot chocolate.
  • Nuts, honey, dried fruits.
  • Green beans.


You can restore strength naturally through sleep. The stronger it is, the better a person feels after waking up.

For sleep to be as effective, restorative, and therapeutic as possible, you need to:

  • Walk half an hour before him.
  • Constantly ventilate the room.
  • Maintain a constant room temperature (approximately 21 °C).
  • Take your last meal a few hours before bedtime, and in small quantities.
  • Falling asleep between 22:00 and 23:00 is believed to be the best way for our organs to recover.
  • Take a bath or shower before bed.
  • Drink herbal tea or a mug of milk with honey.
  • Position the bed in the bedroom so that your head is facing east or north.

It is important to calm down as much as possible before going to bed.


Healing music helps restore strength. But it affects our body differently. For example, the sounds of nature relax, fill the body with strength and energy. Music played in public places is usually designed to excite and activate all systems of our body. Therefore, to recuperate, you should choose melodies that bring peace and relaxation. Suitable for these purposes:

  • Classical music.
  • Sounds of nature.
  • Meditation music.
  • Mantras.
  • Organ records.

Science has proven that such music has a creative effect and distracts from negative thoughts.

Folk remedies for restoring energy and strength

After mental, physical labor or a long illness, folk remedies will help restore strength. Here are some tips:

  • Eat less sugar.
  • Do not heat food in the microwave.
  • Drink rosehip infusion.
  • Take a bath with pine tree decoction.
  • It is useful to take a mixture of garlic or onion with honey and lemon before bed.
  • You can drink Tibetan tea. To prepare it you will need: 50 g of green tea, a glass of boiled milk, 1 teaspoon of butter, a pinch of barley flour. This drink will fill the body with energy, strength and vitamins.


Before you start to deal with the problem, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. It is enough to analyze the events that have occurred recently. A person feels overwhelmed and tired after excessive workload at work, in the gym, or after emotional, spiritual or psychological exhaustion. The cause of fatigue may be a previous illness.

How to restore strength and energy? You need to fill yourself with positive emotions, throw away old things, take a walk in the park, think about a proper and healthy diet, throw negative thoughts out of your head, go swimming, exercise, go to bed and wake up at the same time. To restore your strength, you need to pamper yourself from time to time with various pleasant little things and acquisitions.
