Juno asteroid in synastry. Juno in the houses of the natal chart

What to pay attention to first of all?

Any harmonious aspect between sun one card and moon the other, between Venus one and Mars the other attracts partners, strengthens their connection. Aspects work the same way. Sun-Mars And Venus-Moon, and in some cases Sun-Venus. On the contrary, the absence of such aspects indicates a weak connection between partners, of course, if there are no aspects between the 1st and 7th houses and their rulers.

Of great importance is the location of these planets at the corners of the partner's chart. They strongly attract two people. For example, a feminine Venus on a masculine Ascendant or Descendant, a masculine Mars on a feminine Descendant, the Moon of one on the Ascendant or IC of another, etc. However, the Mars or Sun of one on the Ascendant of the other often speaks of rivalry.

If the aspects of these planets are inharmonious (square or quincunx), then these people will often conflict with each other. Quadrature usually means a conflict of equals, and quincunx - suppression of one by the other according to the functions of the planets along the signs (for example, a planet in Aries suppresses a planet in Virgo, if they are in quincunx, a planet in Virgo - a planet in Aquarius, etc.).

Semi-sextile - also an unequal aspect, but here it is more likely that the first along the signs urges the second. The second for the first is an object of application of energy, while the first may seem mysterious and incomprehensible to the second.

Also inharmonious semi-square And one and a half square . Here, especially in the first case, there may not be an open conflict, but there is an internal tension.

Opposition - a special case. In relationships, this strong aspect in some cases acts as a tense, blocking one, and in others (two Ascendants, two Venuses) as harmonious.

"Green", creative aspects ( quintiles , biquintiles ) open up new, unusual facets in relationships, more often it is a creative and spiritual connection. If there are no major aspects, then the quintiles are not enough for ordinary relationships, at the physical and social level.

The most hopeless for a relationship is if there are no strong and sufficiently accurate aspects at all. In these cases, people simply will not be together, will not be interested in each other.

About orbs of aspects in the synastry. It is always necessary to take into account major aspects with an orb up to 3-4 degrees. An aspect with an orb of 5-6 degrees is already much weaker, rather symbolic, but sometimes it can be taken into account. For minor aspects - an orbis of 1 degree (quincunx - up to two).

If there are a lot of exact major aspects, minor ones can be ignored, but if there are few major ones, then minor ones should also be taken into account. They are even more important if they form closed figures in the cards of the partners, which are not in the individual cards.

It is important to pay attention to the position of the Ascendant-Descendant axes in two horoscopes (for this, of course, you need to know the time of birth of both partners), to see how one partner corresponds to the image of the 7th house of the other. For example, the Mars of one in the 7th house, the other in the 1st house (or the Ascendant of the other in Aries, or his Sun in Aries, or his Mars in the handle of the Basket, Sling). There is a correspondence, and hence mutual attraction.

But the correspondence can be one-sided. Suppose the first partner has Jupiter in the 7th house, and the second Sagittarius on the Ascendant, and even Jupiter in the 1st house - a complete correspondence. But the second Descendant is in Gemini, and the first may not have anything twin and mercurial, and it will not correspond to the second. Thus, astrology can explain unrequited love, when the first likes the second, and the second does not.

The symbolic correspondence of a partner to the 7th house gives only interest and attraction, but for real, any strong relationships, mutual aspects are needed, and the more precisely, the better, nothing will work without them.

With normal, honest relationships, all participants win, the energy balance of each normalizes. For example, an active “fiery” person dumps excess energy for his own benefit (he will quickly recover it). The earthly lacked energy, the fiery lacked orderliness, but together they have both.

There are two principles: 1) like with like and 2) similar with opposite.

A person is attracted, firstly, to his own kind (common interests, temperament, habits, mentality), while the amount of homogeneous energy increases and, secondly, to people who are complementary, opposite (by temperament, activity, skills and abilities), to find the second pole, to balance the energy through exchange, to get the missing types of energy by giving the partner those that he has in excess.

Aspects work on the principle of similarity connections , trine , to some extent sextile . This is an interaction in one element, as well as the relationship of the sign with the corresponding house (for example, Leo with the 5th house). Aspect works on the principle of opposites opposition and everything that is connected with him in the zodiac and the system of houses.

People who have the Sun in the same element converge well with each other - the principle of similarity. The same is true for the Moon, Venus, Mars. And for Ascendants - then the grids of houses are close or coincide.

The principle of opposition works on the Ascendant-Descendant axis, along the 1-7th houses, especially if there are planets in opposition, in pairs of planets Sun-Moon, Venus-Mars. Ascendants in opposite signs give a strong attraction, for them opposition is more preferable than conjunction. Two Suns in opposition can also attract, although there is already more tension. The sun still loves the likeness more, the moon even more so. Venuses are well combined in one element, and in opposition.

In general, the relationship of opposites is more intense than the relationship of similarity, but they are also more intense, saturated, they can give a lot to both, they teach you to respect the interests of a partner who is not like you.

It is best if in the horoscopes of partners some elements are in a relationship of similarity, others in a relationship of opposites. That is, there are mutual connections, and trines (sextiles), and oppositions.

Consider other planets. Mercury helps to communicate. Harmonious aspects of Mercury with other personal planets and the corners of the chart contribute to easy acquaintance, information exchange, and business relations. However, if the strings of two cards are only on Mercury, then the relationship can only be businesslike and not necessarily long-term.

Of great importance are Jupiter And Saturn. Jupiter is expanding. If a partner's active personal planet or Ascendant falls on your Jupiter or his Jupiter on your planet, MC or Ascendant, then you will expand each other's views and spheres of action, learn something from each other, and can mutually contribute to success in society.

Saturn, on the contrary, limits, binds. If your Saturn is in conjunction with your partner's personal planet or Ascendant, then you are shackling him, or at least it may seem so to him. You, on the contrary, feel relief, support. It’s easier for you, you manage, dictate laws and rules, so the responsibility for relationships lies with you. If Saturn is in opposition to someone's planet, then he blocks it, if in a square - destroys its structure, in a sextile or trine - reinforces its action. For example, for marriage it is good if there is a harmonious aspect of Saturn of one of the spouses to the personal planet of the other.

When someone's Saturn aspects your personal planet, then in these relationships it is already difficult for you, the partner presses, calls for responsibility, he sets the framework for the relationship. If you are not ready for this, then you have to leave the relationship. However, if the partner uses his Saturn skillfully, without abuse, then together you can agree on the rules and framework of the relationship, although the decisions will be made by him.

Aspects uranium require relationships to be dynamic, creative, non-standard. They may not be formally fixed, and if a non-Uranian partner tries to fix them, to formalize them, the Uranian one can choose freedom. Squares and oppositions of Uranus often destroy the union of two people, and this can happen quickly, abruptly, suddenly.

Aspects Neptune obscure relationships, bring a lot of illusions. Ideal love is possible, as well as deceit and disappointment.

Aspects Pluto with personal planets can lead to intense energy metabolism, to problems of volitional control. The Plutonic partner can overwhelm the other, although in a different way than the Saturnian. Plutonic control is not explicit, not formal, but sometimes deeper, calling out fear from the other partner or his rebellion.

As practice shows, asteroids are of great importance in the synastry. Often in long and meaningful relationships, asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Vesta And Juno one of the partners form connections with important planets or corners of the other partner's chart or close important aspect configurations in his chart. So these four asteroids are useful to put on a chart when considering relationships.

At all closure of configurations of aspects by partner planets is an important point. With the help of a partner, a person receives a closed figure - a triangle or a polygon - in his map. He can realize himself according to these figures, reveal the energy of his planets next to his partner; without a partner, there are no figures and no implementation is carried out.

For example, in a chart there was an opposition between planets in the 1st and 7th houses, which did not form major aspects with other planets. When the planets of the partner turned this opposition into a Tau square, a relationship arose in which the first of them realized his planet in the 7th house in a new way. Or a girl with an unaspected Mars in her chart could perceive as men only those in whose charts the planets had aspects to her Mars.

First of all, of course, it is necessary to consider major aspects, especially connections. If two charts contain fairly close (with an orb up to 3 degrees) or, moreover, exact conjunctions of a planet with a planet or a planet with an angle, then this is the most important factor in the relationship.

The connection of someone's planet with your Sun or Ascendant means the influence of a partner on your personality, your life in a complex. And your Sun or Ascendant will activate mainly that area of ​​your partner's life for which this planet is responsible in his horoscope.

After connections, we study other major aspects, first exact, then with an orb up to 3 degrees, and if there are few of them, then with an orb up to 5-6 degrees, but no more.

We look at what figures are already in the cards of the first and second partners, what is missing for their closure, and what new figures were formed when the cards were combined.

Minor aspects, and even more so aspects of the quintile group, are considered only if there are few or no major ones, or when minor aspects close important changes in the partner's chart. It is better not to pay attention to septiles and nonagons, otherwise we will not see the main thing, we will get confused in the "levels of initiation", and the partner will misunderstand us or even run away.

Only after analyzing the aspects, we look at which houses of your chart the partner’s planets fall into, activating certain areas of your life. If the Sun, Moon, Ascendant partner fall into your 11th house, then you perceive him as a friend, if in the 5th - as a lover or entertainment partner, if in the 6th - as your employee, subordinate, performing some then the specific function you need.

Your partner's Saturn in your chart determines the area of ​​your life that your partner limits and structures. If we look at where the Jupiter of the partner has landed, then it expands this area of ​​your life.

If your partner's planet is aspected to the top of your 2nd house, or their planet is in your 2nd house, then your partner will help you make money. Otherwise, when your planet and his 2nd house are involved, you will help him earn. Moreover, you will help, and not just give money.

It is also necessary to look at which house the planet involved in the synastric aspect controls in its chart. If, for example, she rules the 9th house, then a joint journey is possible.

Pay attention to the gender of partners. The connection of Venus of one with Mars of another often gives love, erotic interest. What if the partners are of the same sex? Of course, "blue" or "pink" love is possible. According to American astrologers, who have had many such clients, the patterns in homosexual couples are the same as in heterosexual ones. But if we consider such a connection in the charts of people of the same sex who do not show any inclinations towards homosexuality, then the aspect will show a different kind of energy exchange, for example, associated with money. So, the Venusian partner can receive material benefit from the activity of the Martian partner. The houses that these Venus and Mars rule in their charts can also be included. There may be situations of jealousy, competition, for example, two men for one woman they like, etc. That is, there may be several specific manifestations of the aspect, depending on the situation.

For living in the same house, it is important to have compatible moons. They must be in the same sign, in the same element, or at least in compatible elements. It is best if there is a harmonious aspect between the Moons, and it is bad when the quadrature or quincunx. If the partners do not live together, then the inconsistency of their moons can be overcome if everyone controls their emotions.

However, we note that it is usually more difficult to control one's lunar manifestations than the more "conscious" solar ones. So the dissimilarity of the sun signs in itself is more surmountable. But again, with quadrature or quincunx, this will require effort. Only other strong binding factors can save here.

It is useful to find leading themes, motives in the relationship of two people. If in their cards some element is repeated two or more times, then this topic will be one of the main ones in the relationship. For example, one Venus in Capricorn, the other Venus in aspect with Saturn. Or one has the Sun in the 2nd house, the other has the Moon in Taurus and in the 2nd house. The first has a Descendant in Sagittarius, the second has the 9th house filled and both have aspects of Jupiter to the partner's personal planets. Or his Sun square her Saturn and her Sun trine his Saturn. Such common motives bind people.

Astrologically, Juno symbolizes the principle of relationship and is thus associated with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. Juno's pathologies are jealousy, infidelity, enslavement, possessiveness, betrayal and leaving (abandonment). Juno cares about the fullness of marriage and describes a deep and true relationship as well as the suffering that occurs if this union does not occur. Through transits, Juno governs the emergence of relationships, courtship, marriage, separation, divorce. In the synastry, this is an indicator of compatibility and karmic connection, which works like the Moon and Venus in the traditional interpretation.

Juno in the horoscope indicates how to improve the quality of relationships. She controls female beauty and attractiveness (clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics), the instinct of style, the ability to create a harmonious and pleasant home. Knowledge of the art of hospitality makes her a charming hostess. A person with a strong Juno in the horoscope has the ability to improve and strengthen relationships, bringing beauty, harmony and pleasure to the union. Juno is a defender of women's rights.

In occult terms, marriage is a path of transcendence that transforms the separateness of the ego into a larger whole. The marriage ceremony is a sacred ritual that fuses individuals into a third substance, and, like many chemical reactions, this process is irreversible. The spiritual gift of Juno allows each partner to use the marriage union as a way of entering into the divine Love that pervades everywhere.

Juno is associated with atmospheric phenomena: weather, climate, meteorology, storms, clean air. She also shows a creative talent in the art of performance (imaging, dance, drama, vocals). It determines the ability for meaningful relationships and the degree of understanding and expression of our feelings that we carry to another person.

In personal relationships and marriage, it is important for you to prove yourself, if this fails, irritation arises. You are attracted to open and bright people, in whom you can see allies in the struggle. Independence and freedom in relationships, irascibility, anger and headaches if suppressed. Attract self-confident and dominant personalities.

Juno in Taurus

You have a need for a stable personal relationship with a partner and a marriage that would provide you with a secure position in life. The need for stability and solidity of relationships. The partner must be there. From the fear of being abandoned and the lack of a sense of security comes the need to tangibly own it. The ability to attract partners who express dissatisfaction with the existing reality.

Juno in Gemini

You have a need for constant communication with your partner. Your compatibility is built on participating in numerous relationships. There may be a need for verbal stimulation of relationships. Desire to discuss a variety of cases in which partners should participate together. The lack of daily communication leads to nervous tension, imaginary dialogues in private with oneself and prolonged verbiage. There may be a desire to have more than one partner and have multiple interactions.

Juno in Cancer

You have a need for an intimate and familial relationship with a partner that provides emotional closeness, caring for each other, and a sense of security. An essential ritual of a relationship is eating together. If these needs are not met, the result is a bad mood, clinging to a partner, and withdrawing into oneself.

Juno in Leo

You have a need for a worthy relationship with a partner that serves as a source of inspiration in life's creativity. Your compatibility is based on mutual respect and love. You need admiration, romantic courtship rituals and the opportunity to be proud of your partner. Ignoring you can lead to self-centeredness and a desire to attract attention to yourself in an inappropriate way.

Juno in Virgo

You strive to achieve perfection in relationships with a partner, which can take on a businesslike character and set you up for a joint adjustment of life habits. Analyzing daily functioning and adjusting habits gives the relationship a business touch. If the partner does not want to be included in this correction, this leads to criticism and a search for flaws.

Juno and Libra

You have a need to feel equal in relationships and marriage, although you need constant advice and approval from your partner. If there is no equality, there is a desire for competition, sometimes turning into a real fight.

Juno in Scorpio

You have a desire to attract the exclusive attention of a partner and control his energy potential, which can manifest itself as jealousy. You need the emotional and sexual intensity of the relationship. There is a tendency to establish control over a partner or a desire to attract his exclusive attention. If this fails, jealousy and sexual withdrawal follow.

Juno in Sagittarius

In personal relationships and marriage, you are aimed at ideological and socially significant interaction with a partner who could share your views and aspirations. If the partner does not share the views, this can lead to a fanatical insistence on his worldview.

Juno in Capricorn

You strive for long-term, serious personal relationships, exemplary behavior and compatibility in marriage, capable of providing your couple with high status and respect. If stability is threatened, you tend to take control and demand obedience.

Juno in Aquarius

You have a need to find new forms of marriage and personal relationships in which you value friendship above all else. You feel like having freedom and your own life, as well as the opportunity to experiment with reversing roles in a relationship. If your partner denies your freedom, this can lead to unexpected actions and anarchic behavior.

Juno in Pisces

Your personal relationships are built on the basis of deep emotional mutual influence. You need a sympathetic and committed partner. You strive for complete trust and commitment that gives value and meaning to relationships. If these idealistic desires are not satisfied, there may be disappointment, the role of a victim, or withdrawal into fantasy.

Chiron's connections increase romantic attraction and interest. They also enhance harmony, trust and mutual understanding. These connections speak of the compatibility of partners and are a necessary prerequisite for lasting love between two people.

Most importantly, these bonds create such a strong NEED for each other, and only for each other, that the relationship tends towards marriage. Most married couples form a super bond that includes the Chiron bond. People who break up without getting married usually don't have romantic super-connections.

Chiron connection- this is a favorable interaspect (interaspect 0 °, 120 °, 150 °, parallel or contra-parallel), formed between Chiron of one partner and the main planet of the other. It is Chiron's connection that creates maximum attractiveness, attraction and mutual interest.

Superconnection Chiron is the most reliable astrological sign indicating marriage.

Superlink Chiron- This is a three-planet configuration, one of the planets of which is Chiron. We call such a superconnection a romantic superconnection. And such a super connection is by far the most reliable astrological sign indicating marriage. Chiron is the very component that speaks of the possibility of marriage.

The Chiron Superlink can be formed by at least three planets in the following cases:

  1. One partner has a natal aspect to Chiron (any 30 degree aspect, parallel or contra-parallel), and any of the planets of the second partner is in connection (positive aspect - 0°, 120°, 150°, // or) with this Chiron.
  2. One partner has some 30-degree natal aspect, and Chiron of the second partner is in connection (0°, 120°, 150°, // or) with one of the planets of this natal aspect.

Possible planets in a romantic superconnection:

  • Sun, Earth, Moon (if you work with exact birth time and coordinates)
  • Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (with reservations, see below)
  • Venus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron (without Chiron there can be no romantic super connection)
  • be one of the three planets of the romantic super-connection.

It should be remembered that:

  • A romantic super bond always includes the Chiron bond, but not the activation of Chiron (90° or 180° interaspect).
  • All planets of a romantic super-connection should be different. For example, Venus-Jupiter-Chiron form a romantic super-connection, but Venus-Venus-Chiron does not.
  • Venus, Neptune, and Chiron are the strongest and the most romantic planets in superconnection. However, activations (negative aspects) with Chiron, even if they are part of a romantic super-connection, can be indicators of problems.
  • Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto in a romantic super-connection are also usually favorable.
  • Saturn in a romantic super-connection, it will bind partners to each other, but will not bring joy and happiness. It can bring difficulties.
  • In terms of activation (90°, 150°, 180°,) Saturn can bind a couple for years before ruining the relationship. However, all romantic super-connections must be carefully analyzed to assess the likely effect of Saturn.
  • Saturn can play a positive role in a romantic superconnection only if this superconnection is a Grand Trine or triple parallel.
  • can never be part of a romantic super-bond.
  • Uranus in a romantic super connection adds inconstancy and increases the likelihood of cheating.
  • Mars can encourage hasty marriages. However, it adds trouble in the form of quarrels or rivalry between partners.

Courtesy of the Magi Society, Astronette.com
Astro Woman, ©
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If you are in a relationship and want to know what really connects you with a partner - only sex or there is true love between you, and whether marriage is possible between you, then you can order according to the method from an astrologer, a member of the international community of astrologers the Magi society.

Marianna Vergeles advises on the following topics:

  • Analysis of the natal chart of each of the partners: determination of the ability / predisposition to long-term relationships and marriage, the level of conflict, the ability to love and forgive, the tendency to cheat or relationships on the side;
  • Partner Compatibility: determining the presence in their combo card , which indicate the presence of true love between partners, actively contribute to marriage and make marriage long and stable; determination of the presence that create attraction, as well as that first bind you to each other, and then destroy your relationship and marriage; Shows the possibility of a long-term or lifelong relationship.
  • Analysis of the marriage card (or the day of acquaintance): determination at the time of marriage (acquaintance), as well as both partners on the day of registration; determination of the current transits of planets to the marriage chart; All this will allow you to understand the long-term and stability of marriage (partnership), and what period of your marriage (your relationship) you are experiencing at the moment, how likely it is that it will break up during this period;
  • Analysis of the current transits of each of the partners: determining the state and aspirations of each of the couple to understand the reasons for the behavior of each, as well as predicting his actions and further events;

Marianne Vergeles' consultation consists of two parts:

  1. You receive a description of your astrological situation in Word / Pdf format to your email
  2. Voice consultation for an hour by phone or messenger of your choice (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp), during which you can ask any questions on your topic.

Examples of partner compatibility analysis:

How to book a consultation:

You can order either one of the above tests or order a comprehensive consultation. For this, Please describe your situation and ask the question you want answered. To analyze your situation, you will need the following data:

  1. Dates of birth of each of the partners (time, place and day);
  2. Important dates of your relationship: acquaintance (time, place, day), first physical contact - handshake, kiss, intimacy (time, place, day), date of marriage (time, place and day).

Describe your situation, ask the question you want to get an answer to and send the data for analysis to your email [email protected] or by filling out the contact form below. After receiving your question and your astrological data for analysis, the astrologer will contact you by email and discuss with you the scope of work and its cost.

Cost of consultation

The cost of the consultation depends on the amount of work that the astrologer will need to do to answer your question. The minimum cost of an astrological consultation is 1,000 rubles.
Analysis of your astrological situation is carried out only after 100% prepayment, after receipt of the money transfer to the account.

How to pay for a consultation:

Money transfer can be made using the international secure payment system PayPal, or to the current account of Sberbank, or Raffeisen Bank, or to the card number of Sberbank. Details will be indicated by email.

Security and guarantees:

Marianne Vergeles predicts the most likely events to happen with 99.9% accuracy. In the event that for some reason you are still dissatisfied with the service provided, the money will be returned to you upon request.
All transfers are made officially through bank payment systems and are protected.

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!Also important: so that Marianne Vergeles' response to your application does not fall into spam, please add her address [email protected] to the wish list in your mail server settings.

Sun conjunct Juno

Harmonious interaction with others is the most important sphere of life. Sensitivity to the other and the gift of developing harmony and intimacy in relationships. The desire to improve relationships, as well as support for the individuality of the partner.

Sun in harmonious aspect with Juno

Sensitivity to the other and the gift of developing harmony and intimacy in relationships. The desire to improve relationships, as well as support for the individuality of the partner.

Sun in hard aspect to Juno

Conflict between relationship and identity. Restriction in individual expression or unwillingness to participate in the interaction. The problem of a lifetime in the latter case may be the search for meaningful relationships. There may be jealousy, distrust and a power struggle with a partner. Solving the problem in developing relationships based on equality, honesty and mutual support.

There may be an attraction to people of the solar type.

Moon - Juno

Moon conjunct Juno

Emotional responsibility, the need for spiritual connections. Ability to provide, support and understand partners. Often advisors and actors who can feel the emotions of others and respond to them.

Moon in harmonious aspect with Juno

Ability to provide, support and understand partners. Often advisors and actors who can feel the emotions of others and respond to them.

Moon in hard aspect with Juno

The tendency to project unconscious needs onto a partner or become a reflection of his desires. Feelings of insecurity, which may erupt into emotions, crying, or temper tantrums. The solution to the problem is to ensure their emotional security.

Perhaps attraction to the lunar type of people.

Mercury - Juno

Mercury conjunct Juno

The importance of mental communication in relationships. The ability to formulate ideas, concepts and feelings of a partner. Clarity of relationship. A wonderful aspect for people of intermediary professions.

Mercury in harmonious aspect with Juno

The ability to formulate ideas, concepts and feelings of a partner. Clarity of relationship. A wonderful aspect for people of intermediary professions.

Mercury in hard aspect with Juno

Indicates potential communication difficulties between partners, which may result in arguments and mental games. Problems of communication in daily communication. Sometimes words are used to manipulate others. Learn to listen without making judgments. Then you will clearly and calmly express your opinion and a conversation will begin that makes sense.

Attracts intellectual type of people.

Venus - Juno

Venus conjunct Juno

Strengthening the romantic and aesthetic side of the relationship. The ability to make oneself aesthetically and sexually attractive, to arouse love and bring beauty into relationships. Maybe an artistically productive marriage.

Attracts artistic and sensual type of people

Venus in harmonious aspect with Juno

The ability to make oneself aesthetically and sexually attractive, to arouse love and bring beauty into relationships. Maybe an artistically productive marriage.

Venus in hard aspect with Juno

It is difficult to live with those you love, fruitless attempts to create an attractive image. There may be fear of rivalry or sexual betrayal. The solution to the problem lies in the development of an inner vision of beauty and self-worth, which does not depend on the opinions of others.

Attracts artistic and sensual type of people.

Mars - Juno

Mars conjunct Juno

Enhances the competitive aspect of relationships. Energy, dynamism and productivity of the union. Strong passion can contribute to the completeness of the relationship. The desire to protect the partner and patronize him.

Mars in harmonious aspect with Juno

Energy, dynamism and productivity of the union. Strong passion can contribute to the completeness of the relationship. The desire to protect the partner and patronize him.

Attracts energetic type of people.

Mars in hard aspect with Juno

The problem of dominance-submission in marriage. Anger, aggression and insensitivity in relationships. The need to prove one's manhood through sexual manifestations. The solution to the problem lies in the transformation of the propensity to compete in cooperation.

Attracts energetic type of people.

Jupiter - Juno

Jupiter conjunct Juno

The perfect married couple. Searching for truth and meaning through relationships. The need for complete understanding in the mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual life. Working with a partner in a philosophical, educational, or religious belief system.

Jupiter in harmonious aspect with Juno

Searching for truth and meaning through relationships. The need for complete understanding in the mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual life. Working with a partner in a philosophical, educational, or religious belief system. (Washington, conjunction in Libra, Lincoln - in Pisces, Shah of Iran - in Leo; Eva Braun - in Sagittarius)

Attract people of a philosophical warehouse and adventurers.

Jupiter in hard aspect with Juno

Potential conflict between ideal and reality (in the horoscope of the formation of the USSR). Troubles in marriage and the desire to restore justice. Exaggerating the importance of relationships. The solution to the problem is to develop a moral and philosophical code that would help balance the relationship. For the health of the planet, this balance must exist between all men and women.

Attract people of a philosophical warehouse and adventurers.

Saturn - Juno

Saturn conjunct Juno

A solid realistic approach to relationships. Loyal relationships, ability for business cooperation and financial affairs. The duration of the relationship.

Saturn in harmonious aspect with Juno

Loyal relationships, ability for business cooperation and financial affairs. The duration of the relationship.

Serious, older people are attracted, who can provide a sense of security.

Saturn in hard aspect with Juno

Fear of responsibility can prevent you from creating meaningful interactions or connecting with an indebted partner. The solution to the problem is in practical measures to create safe relationships that support the development of each of the partners. It may be necessary to transform your limited ideas about interaction (J. Sand, in Pisces, in I, in opposition to Saturn in VII).

Serious, older people are attracted, who can provide a sense of security.

Uranus - Juno

Uranus conjunct Juno

The potential to revolutionize traditional relationships to include all kinds of interactions.

Uranus in Aspect Juno

The ability to bring a new formulation of roles and functions into relationships, create change, enhance the individual freedom of partners. Unusual relationship.

Attract original and rebellious people.

Uranus in hard aspect with Juno

Fear of limitations causes relationship breakdown. Difficulty conforming to traditional social norms. The solution to the problem is a combination of individuality and independence with a responsible approach to marriage.

Attract original and rebellious people.

Neptune - Juno

Neptune conjunct Juno

Psychic sensitivity and idealism in relationships. Empathy and the ability to telepathic relationships. Desire for a mystical spiritual union, or dedication of the union to social purposes. Harmonious work with other people in the artistic field, and the ability to bring fantasy and imagination into relationships.

Neptune in harmonious aspect with Juno

Empathy and the ability to telepathic relationships. Desire for a mystical spiritual union, or dedication of the union to social purposes. Harmonious work with other people in the artistic field, and the ability to bring fantasy and imagination into relationships.

Attracts artistic, mystical and poetic type of people.

Neptune in hard aspect with Juno

Divergence between ideal and reality. Disappointment and unnecessary sacrifices. The solution to the problem lies in the search for certain real forms of spiritual union.

Attracts artistic, mystical and poetic type of people.

Pluto - Juno

Pluto conjunct Juno

Personal and social transformations of relationships and roles. The ability to change dramatically through interaction. Using the intensity of the interaction for healing and self-healing. Strong influence on other people. Extreme relationship experience.

Pluto in harmonious aspect with Juno

The ability to change dramatically through interaction. Using the intensity of the interaction for healing and self-healing. Strong influence on other people. Extreme relationship experience.

Attract people of a tense, secretive and domineering type.

Pluto in hard aspect with Juno

A power struggle that can lead to dominance over a partner or destructive consequences. Deep feelings can remain long after the relationship has ended. Sexual difficulties, jealousy or excessive affection. The solution to the problem lies in the combination of personal power with mutual trust, the ability to forgive yourself and your partner. Attract people of a tense, secretive and domineering type.

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