Homemade paper making. Reed option

You will need

  • - black leaf tea;
  • - instant coffee;
  • - hot water;
  • - milk;
  • - iron;
  • - matches or lighter.


One of the most popular techniques is soaking paper in tea leaves. Pour 5 tablespoons of black leaf tea into a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Instead of tea, you can use coffee in the following ratio: 10 teaspoons of instant coffee per glass boiled water. The more saturated the solution, the darker the paper will be. Strain the infusion and pour the resulting liquid into the bath. Place a piece of paper there. It can be pre-crumpled to give your work greater historical authenticity. After five minutes, remove the paper from the bath and place it to dry on a flat surface. To speed up the drying process, it is recommended to iron the sheet.

You can age paper using milk. To do this, apply milk to the sheet on both sides with a cotton swab. After it has dried a little, gently iron it. If you hold the resulting paper over a hot stove, you can get very picturesque scorch marks that will give your product special chic. When working with an open flame, remember to take safety precautions.

A very effective, but longer-lasting method is the method of aging paper by the sun. To do this, place required amount sheets opposite straight lines sun rays. In a few days your paper naturally will turn yellow and take on the appearance of a rare document.

After you have received old paper, you can give it an even more believable look. To do this, rub the leaf in several places with coffee granules. This will make its coloring uneven. Then carefully burn the edges using matches or a lighter.

If desired, you can age the book using any of the proposed options. To do this, you need to immerse each page in the solution and iron it. Only after the sheet has completely dried can you proceed to the next one. The process will take quite a long time, but you can become the owner of a rare book edition.


  • How to effectively age paper
  • how to make antique paper

If you share the passion for hand-made, which has become truly widespread, then you probably know that choosing consumables is already half the battle. But it is not always possible to find ones that are suitable in design, quality and price. For example, handmade paper is very expensive, and its range is often limited. These problems can be solved by again turning to “homemade” creativity - paper yourself.

You will need

  • Herbarium of flowers and leaves, old newspapers, napkins, PVA glue, mixer, mosquito net/gauze, tray, towel, foam sponge, iron


Take as a basis for new napkin, or written sheets. Tear it into small pieces. You can use different napkins to get desired shade. For the same purpose, you can add water-soluble paints, tea or coffee.

Place the paper in a pan and fill it with warm water. Grind the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

Add a teaspoon of PVA glue to the resulting “gruel”. You can add blades of grass or cereal at the same time for a decorative effect. The consistency of the mixture should resemble sour cream. If it turns out too much, dilute with warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly again.

Line a tray with three layers of fine mosquito cloth or cheesecloth. Pour the contents of the pan onto a tray and distribute evenly. The thinner the layer, the thinner the paper will be. Level the mass and place flower petals, leaves or any other filler on it.

Cover the top of the tray with three more layers of mesh/gauze. Use foam rubber to begin watering the surface. Move from the center to the edges. Continue the procedure until the water stops being absorbed into the sponge. At this point, cover the tray. cotton fabric and press it gently. Wait until the fabric absorbs the remaining moisture.

Cover the tray with a board or stiff cardboard. Turn the tray over so that the paper is on the board. Carefully remove the mosquito net. Take another board, cover it with a cotton cloth, and place the fabric side on the paper. Turn over again. Remove the mesh and cover this side with a cloth. Iron this entire structure with an iron. Iron until the paper is dry. Place the finished sheet under the press.

Video on the topic


Flowers are best gift on March 8th. We suggest doing beautiful bouquet from paper tulips. We will need multi-colored paper. And it is desirable that it is not very thin. But wait, we’ll tell you how to make vases from scrap materials some other time. Now we are figuring out how to make paper flowers. Step 1. Take a square piece of paper.

Helpful advice

Flowers are given good mood and joy. Daffodils made from paper turn out just as good as real ones. They can not only decorate the interior, but also give them as gifts to family and friends. Take corrugated paper yellow color to make the middle of the flower. Use scissors to cut a circle with a diameter of 5 cm. Place a pencil in the center of the circle and crimp the paper blank around it. Glue the resulting cap to the center of the daffodil.

For design work, you may need sheets of aged paper. You can print a photo on this paper to make it more original. You can make cards or invitations on old sheets, write a menu on them festive dinner.

You will need

  • Paper aged by tea leaves.
  • - black tea for brewing (10 teaspoons)
  • - hot water (500 ml)
  • - wide flat basin
  • - wooden pie board
  • - French press or teapot
  • - fine-grained sandpaper
  • Aging paper sheets with the help of coffee.
  • - ground coffee (5 tbsp)
  • - boiling water (500 ml)
  • - wide basin
  • - White paper for printer
  • - French press
  • Aging with cream.
  • - cream (10% or 22%)
  • - wide brush
  • - a sheet of white printer paper
  • - candle


Cut out a dragonfly from cardboard, color it with pencils, markers or paints as you wish. Turn the dragonfly over with the painted side down, take two pushpins and pin them to the ends of the wings, turn the dragonfly over and fold them over sharp ends buttons Take a pencil with a flat end, place the dragonfly on it, finding the center of balance experimentally.

Dragonfly made of colored paper

Take a sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half, draw on the wings (the fold is the base of the wings), cut it out, unfold it. Take an A4 sheet of a different color, bend it in half, glue the fold of the wings to the fold of the sheet, press the wings to the sheet, step back 1.5-2 centimeters from the edge of the wings and trace the outline of the wings, maintaining this indentation. Cut out the second pair of wings (you should get 8 wings - 4 large lower ones and 4 upper ones of the same shape, but smaller size).

Take the third A4 sheet and cut it out big triangle(base – short side of the leaf) - this will be the body. Fold in half, connecting the corners of the base, unfold, fold again in the same direction so that the right and left corners of the base “meet” at the central fold, you should get only three folds - the central one and two parallel to it, one on the right, the other on the left.

Apply glue to the inside of the far right sector (up to the right fold) and glue it to the outside of the opposite left sector, it should look like an elongated pyramid. Take scraps of the paper that was used for the body and wings, fold a sheet of one color in half, cut out two large circles, from a sheet of a different color - two circles half the size, and from a sheet of a third color - two more circles, very small.

Make two eyes by gluing circles on top of each other: stick the middle one on the largest one, small ones on the middle one, do the same with the remaining three circles. Glue the eyes on the wide part of the body, and the wings on top in the first third of the body.

Video on the topic


  • Craft "Dragonfly" in 2019

Who said hats have to last for years? To prevent a variety of hats and caps from becoming boring, you can make them with your own hands and use them 1-2 times on occasion. For example, homemade paper cap You can wear it in the summer at the dacha or make it an element of a carnival costume.

You will need

  • - tape measure;
  • - paper;
  • - PVA glue.


Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your head at the level of the brim of your cap. Have someone help you measure to ensure the tape is exactly parallel to the floor.

Raise the tape 2.5 cm above the previous level, write down the girth result. Take the same measurements, each time raising the centimeter the same distance, and record all the results on paper.

On a sheet paper draw a rectangle. Its length should be equal to the sum of 3 cm from the largest circumference of the head, and its width should be 6 cm. Fold the strip in three horizontally. Smooth the fold lines with your finger. Step back 1.5 cm from each edge of the strip, mark this distance and coat it with PVA glue. Align the ends and wait for the glue to dry. Place the resulting hoop on your head.

Using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the edge of the hoop on your face to the edge on the back of your head. Take similar measurements, each time moving the tape to the right by 2.5 cm. Write down all the results.

Make stripes paper for each horizontal level of the cap. Their length must correspond to the circumference of the head at a certain height, taking into account an allowance of 3 cm. The width of all blanks is the same - 6 cm. Roll each of them lengthwise, like a part for a base rim, then glue it into a ring. Also prepare the strips based on the results of vertical measurements (there is no need to glue them together).

Place the base of the cap on a round object of suitable diameter. Thread all the rings one by one. TO wrong side attach a vertical strip to the bottom ring. Pass it through all the horizontal rows, passing it alternately under and over the rings. In a similar way“weave” the entire hat.

Cut out the visor for the cap from cardboard. Measure the distance between the ends of your eyebrows. This is the width of the visor. Determine the length as desired. Draw a line parallel to the wide edge of the part, moving 3 cm from the edge. Cut this section of cardboard, making notches at the same distance. Bend the resulting flaps at an angle of 90°, lubricate them with PVA and glue them to the cap. Ready product color it acrylic paints.

Thermal Effect of a thermodynamic system appears due to the occurrence of a chemical reaction in it, but is not one of its characteristics. This value can only be determined if certain conditions are met.


The concept of thermal a is closely related to the concept of enthalpy of a thermodynamic system. This thermal energy, which can be converted into heat when a certain temperature and pressure are reached. This value characterizes the state of equilibrium of the system.

Any one is always accompanied by the release or absorption of some amount of heat. IN in this case By reaction we mean the effect of reagents on the products of the system. This creates thermal Effect, which is associated with a change in the enthalpy of the system, and its products take on the temperature imparted by the reactants.

Under ideal thermal conditions Effect depends only on the nature of the chemical. These are conditions under which it is assumed that the system does not do any work except the work of expansion, and the temperatures of it and the acting reagents are equal.

There are two types of chemical reactions: isochoric (at constant volume) and isobaric (at constant pressure). Thermal formula Effect and looks like this: dQ = dU + PdV, where U is the energy of the system, P is pressure, V is volume.

In an isochoric process, the term PdV becomes zero, since the volume does not change, which means that the system does not expand, therefore dQ = dU. In an isobaric process, the pressure is constant and the volume increases, so that the system performs expansion work. Therefore, when calculating thermal Effect and to the change in the energy of the system itself is added the energy spent on doing this work: dQ = dU + PdV.

PdV is a constant quantity, so it can be entered under the differential sign, therefore dQ = d(U + PV). The sum U + PV fully reflects the state of the thermodynamic system and also corresponds to the state of enthalpy. Thus, consumed when expanding the system.

The most commonly calculated thermal Effect two types of reactions - formation and combustion. The heat of combustion or formation is a tabular value, therefore the thermal Effect reactions in general case can be calculated by summing the heats of all substances involved in it.

Video on the topic

Paper flowers are a popular element of room decoration, festive tables, carnival costumes. To create a chrysanthemum, corrugated or floral paper is suitable. You can also use the most ordinary napkins, since the choice of them in stores is quite large. Paper chrysanthemum can be done in several ways.

You will need

  • - floral or corrugated paper;
  • - napkins;
  • - a piece of cardboard or ruler;
  • - scissors;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - green tape;
  • - thin flexible wire.


Cut out several identical strips of approximately 25x7 cm from floral paper. A set of floral paper usually consists of separate sheets, rolled up. In this case, you can not measure anything using a ruler, but simply fold the sheet in half lengthwise, then in half again, and then cut it into strips.

Fold the rectangles together and bend a strip 1.5-2 cm wide from one of the long edges. This is best done using a ruler or a strip of hard cardboard. Starting from the other edge, make an accordion cut across all layers up to the fold line.

Roll the strips into a tight roll. Wrap the edge where there are no cuts with green tape. Spread the petals. You can twist them slightly onto a pencil. The flower can be placed on a wire wrapped in green paper and placed in a paper vase. If you want to make a garland, make several flowers, use an awl to pierce strips wrapped in tape, and thread thin wire or strong thread through the holes.

A chrysanthemum can also be made from several napkins. As a rule, they are sold folded in four. Fold 2-3 napkins together. They can be either absolutely identical or multi-colored. Combinations can also be anything. For example, chrysanthemums made from dark pink and light pink paper look good, but you can also use napkins contrasting colors. The second option looks even more interesting. Trim the corners to make a circle. This can be done with regular or curly scissors. Find the middle and fasten the layers with a couple of drops of glue or a regular paper clip, which is usually used for stitching school notebooks.

Make long cuts in a circle, not reaching the center 2-2.5 cm. The width of the petals is approximately 0.7-1 cm. If you make them narrower, you will get an aster.

Fold the circle into quarters along the same lines along which the napkin was folded. Then fold it in half again. Squeeze the uncut part tightly and wrap it with tape. Spread the flower and give it the required form.

In the same way you can make chrysanthemums from foil. Oddly enough, rolled food foil is most suitable for such purposes. Without unfolding sharp knife cut the roll into two small ones, and then proceed as indicated in the description of the first flower.

Sometimes it takes a lot of time, materials and effort to make something yourself. But there is also a simple way to please your restless child and keep him busy for a while. For example, teach him to make a crossbow out of paper.

What do you need to make a crossbow?

To make a paper crossbow you will need:
- 10 sheets of A4 paper;
- scotch;
- pencil;
- ice cream sticks;
- scissors;
- thick strong thread.

First of all, you need to make a crossbow body, which consists of:
- shoulders;
- the main part, which is called the bed;
- trigger mechanism.

Below you will learn crossbow. If you want to see this process clearly, after reading the instructions, look at how to make this craft.

Stage one: making the shoulders

Take four sheets of paper, fold them in half along the long side and cut along this fold. Now take one half consisting of four cut sheets. Very carefully roll them into a tube around the pencil, and secure the edge with tape so that it cannot unwind. It's best if you wrap the tape in the middle first and then around the edges.

Take the rest of the cut paper and roll the tube again. To make this easier, place the pencil away from the edge, fold the paper around the pencil, and leave some paper to place under the pencil. Start rolling a tight and even tube.

Next, measure four centimeters at the ice cream stick and on the resulting tubes. Now insert the sticks into the tubes up to the mark and break off the rest along the mark. Now take two more sticks and insert them into the tubes on the other side, perpendicular to the already inserted sticks. Then wrap it with tape paper straws, so that they cannot break or unwind. This will also give them some springiness, which will help your arrows fly. After this, bend the tubes at the four centimeter mark.

Stage two: making the bed

You will need five sheets of A4 paper. They need to be twisted along the short side. To make this easier, use a pencil again. Then secure the edge of the tube with tape.

Now connect the shoulders and the stock. To do this, one end of the large tube needs to be made flatter. Then take the bent tubes and attach them to the flattened end. It's best to take one at a time and secure them with tape so that nothing falls apart. Do not skimp on the tape in this place, as this is the most movable part of the crossbow.

It is necessary that the thread does not dangle, but, on the contrary, attracts the shoulders of the crossbow to each other.

Stretch the bowstring, to do this, tie one end of the thread to one shoulder of the crossbow, then leave the length from one end to the other plus two centimeters and tie it to the second shoulder. Thus you have a crossbow mask.

Stage three: making the trigger mechanism

Pull the string down to form a square and mark this area with a pencil. Then use a paper knife or other sharp object to cut through a small hole where the mark is located. It is necessary that the slot on the bottom side be slightly larger than on the top so that the trigger has movement.

It is worth considering that an older child (school student) can use a crossbow.

Make the trigger itself from a small stick, which you insert into the slot; there should be a small tip on top, and a larger one on the bottom, so that it is convenient for you to move it. You need to make two more small tubes and secure them on top next to the trigger so that arrows can be inserted there. Insert an arrow (pencil) and check the resulting crossbow. Be careful: Just like archery, you need to be careful with a crossbow to avoid the possibility of injury. Before using it, be sure to explain the rules safe use to your child.

How to make paper with your own hands at home?

    It is unlikely that at home we can get the same paper that is produced using machine manufacturing, its properties will be much worse, since it will be uneven and unsuitable for printing... But it will not have one outstanding quality - its uniqueness ))). No matter how we try to achieve this, we will not be able to make two completely identical sheets, as in paper production. This means that such homemade paper is somewhat exclusive.

    In order to attempt production own paper, we may need the following items:

    • paper
    • textile
    • newspapers
    • mesh screen
    • sponge

    First, we make a screen for paper or, in order to save time, we buy a ready-made one from a craft store. To do this, we need to find a metal mesh suitable for our purposes, with a cell width of up to two centimeters, and another mesh with even smaller cells - the smaller the better, you can even use a mosquito net. So, we cut out two equal-sized pieces from mosquito and metal mesh. Now we put a mesh with smaller cells on top of the metal one and smooth out the edges, after which we cover the entire mesh along the edges with adhesive tape.

    Now we turn unnecessary paper scraps into pulp. A regular kitchen blender is ideal for this purpose. The bowl is filled with water a little more than half the volume. Cut the paper into pieces two to three centimeters in size. By the way, you can also use colored paper, as a result we get designer paper of a unique color)). Now, having the required amount of paper, turn on the blender and mix, gradually adding paper until we get a homogeneous cellulose mass.

    Now pour the contents of the blender into a bowl. If the mass is too thick, you can further dilute it with warm water and mix well again. Now we are checking whether it is possible to collect cellulose with the screen if we lower it into the solution. If we see that the cellulose mass is stuck to the screen, we immerse the screen, shaking it several times to evenly distribute the mass, after which we tilt the screen, allowing the water to drain.

    We spread our prepared fabric on a very flat surface and turn it over onto a screen with cellulose, and then carefully blot the back side with a sponge, removing excess moisture. Now we separate our screen from the cellulose mass, after which we cover the resulting paper with newspaper or other fabric and place it under some kind of press, for example, a heavy book or any other suitable object. After this, separate the paper from the fabric and let it dry completely.

    Our homemade paper is ready.

    How correctly you noted, Alexander, in your answer: paper produced at home has a unique structure and quality. There is a way (tested personally) to make paper that in itself will be a piece of art.

    Everything begins with the preparation of paper pulp: paper of different types is torn into small pieces and immersed in a container with water. The water should slightly hide the pieces of paper. Paper can be different: newsprint, cigarette paper, office paper, scraps of colored paper, school notebook paper, etc. I’ll let the paper soak well (2-3 hours), after which we add a few drops of PVA glue to the mass, and with a blender we turn it into a creamy state, and move on to art :) We throw particles of dried herbs, flowers and plants into the paper mass, you can add small pieces colored threads.

    Using a plastic card, we level the paper mass to a uniform thickness, not too thick, but not too thin (the end result is thin cardboard). We dry the paper in the sun for 3-4 hours, after which we peel it off from the sheet with a knife or thin spatula. Then iron the paper.

    Done :) A homemade (hand-made) greeting card will look cool on this paper.

    You take a meat grinder and grind sticks the size of toothpicks. Then you grind it in a hand mill. You collect the resulting dust, mix it with glue and roll it out with a rolling pin on a surface that is not glued with this glue. After drying, paper is obtained.

    If you don't like it yellow paper, before gluing, you can decolorize it with perhydrol ( concentrated solution H2O2) and dry.

We will show this with the help of a video lesson at the end of the article - and suggest how the results of your work can be applied in practice.

Homemade paper and its uses are many and varied. Basically, almost anywhere paper is used, homemade paper can be used. But with a few nuances. So, homemade paper is different from paper regular topic that she:

  • thicker,
  • less smooth
  • less smooth
  • sometimes a little less durable,
  • more beautiful,
  • more pleasant to the touch,
  • much more unusual than regular paper.

Thus, if you want to achieve the described advantages, then let’s start making homemade paper.

Homemade paper is very easy to make.

The main stages of making homemade paper:

  1. Prepare cellulose mass.
  2. Add adhesive and plasticizing substances to the mixture.
  3. Add decorative elements to the mixture.
  4. Form a sheet of paper.
  5. Add decorative elements(other).
  6. Dry the sheet of paper.
  7. Apply the received homemade paper.

Well, now let’s go through each stage in more detail. And at the end we’ll talk about using homemade paper.

Preparation of pulp for homemade paper.

The main idea of ​​the preparation is to make a paste of as small pieces of cellulose mixed with water as possible. Suitable sources of cellulose are:

  • paper napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper egg cartons;
  • newspapers;
  • shoe wrapping paper;
  • Plain white printer paper.

They say that even old waste fabric is used to make paper. That is, there is also cotton paper. In theory, the procedure with it is the same as with regular paper - divide it into fibers and form a sheet. But there are no practical results on the Internet yet, so we will limit ourselves to what we have - homemade paper made from paper.

The paper for making paper needs to be torn into small pieces (the smaller the better) and soaked for a while - from 1 hour to a day, as long as you have enough patience. By the way, you don’t have to use one color of paper, you can make multi-colored ones designer paper from multicolored paper for applique. Cellulose does not dissolve in water, so over-wetting will do no good. The purpose of soaking is to make the torn pieces of paper saturated with water and swell, further disintegrating into fibers, which is what we want to achieve. But in fact, you can do without soaking.

Now you need to turn the scraps of paper into pulp. A regular kitchen blender works well for this. Beat the mixture for about 5 minutes. Take a wide container, a regular basin will do, and pour in the contents of the blender. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with warm water and mix thoroughly. If the mass turns out to be too liquid, place it in a colander and let the excess water drain (you can press down if necessary). The consistency of the resulting cellulose should resemble sour cream.

And now, having prepared the cellulose mass, you can proceed to adding additives to it.

Adding additives to pulp for paper making.

The first thing you need to add to the present cellulose mass is PVA glue. Without this agent, the paper will be very brittle. It must also be taken into account that too a large number of PVA glue will make the paper look like oilcloth, with a smooth surface made of dried PVA glue. But it will be durable :) In fact, you choose the right proportion experimentally - the more glue, the more it is visible, and the more stronger paper. And vice versa. Depending on how durable or textured you want your products to be.

But there is also a general proportion: for a sheet of A5 paper you need about half a teaspoon of PVA glue. Well, or a whole teaspoon.

In addition, starch and/or detergent- so that the cellulose fibers slide more easily relative to each other, and the paper is formed with fewer lumps and mounds. But, on the other hand, lumps and mounds give the paper texture - so adding or not adding plasticizers is at your discretion.

Next, what can be added to the pulp at this stage are decorative elements. The simplest decorative elements are the strongest black tea or very strong coffee. In addition to color, these additives also add flavor to the paper. You can also paint paper with any water-soluble paints.

In addition to tea and coffee, you can add

  • various grains,
  • foil,
  • wool,
  • pieces of bark,
  • twigs,
  • threads,
  • beads,
  • chopped straw
  • and so on

- anything small enough to form beautiful inclusions.

Forming a sheet of homemade paper.

In order for paper to be made from the resulting and decorated cellulose mass, it needs to be formed—to make flat sheets. Well, a variety of devices are used for this. What almost all devices have in common is gauze or a mosquito net. That is, a barrier with the smallest possible cell size. Since it is difficult to hold gauze or mosquito net suspended while creating a sheet of paper, they need a backing - something that has large holes and is at the same time durable. The variety of substrates is great. It can be:

  • special frames with metal mesh
  • hoop
  • cat litter box
  • just fabric and newspapers.

The main rule when forming a sheet of homemade paper is simple: put gauze / mosquito net on the backing, put a little cellulose mass on top, distribute evenly by shaking or pressing with your hands. You also need to remove excess water. In principle, you don’t have to do this, but then the drying process will take longer. And to remove excess water, you can blot the layer of mass with a sponge until it remains dry. Take your time during the making process. When separating the base from the paper, do not make sudden jerks. If the base does not come off, continue to remove moisture with a sponge.

Well, then you need to put a press on top of the prototype sheet of paper. First, the prototype sheet must be removed from the base - otherwise the cells of the sheet will be imprinted on the paper when it lies under the press. Although it may be beautiful :)

A rule when forming a sheet: the thicker you pour the layer of cellulose, the more your paper will turn into designer cardboard. So you need to take into account the required layer thickness. By the way, before putting the paper under the press, on its surface you can throw:

  • corn,
  • leaves
  • flower petals,
  • glitter
  • hearts
  • etc.

During drying, these additional decorations will be slightly pressed into the paper and stick to it. So the paper will turn out even more unusual and even more creative than if this stage had not taken place.

So, we formed a sheet of paper and put it to dry under a press. Drying takes a day or two. If you are in a hurry, you can iron a slightly dried sheet of paper through the fabric.

By the way, there is also an alternative way to form a paper sheet.

This alternative way occurs without gauze, without a backing - only with cloth and newspapers. This method is also suitable when you need to make a lot of paper sheets at one time.

So, lay out a large piece of polyethylene on the bathroom floor, a stack of old newspapers on it, and a cotton rag on top. And place a wad of paper pulp on the rag. Level the mixture with your fingers so that it lies in an even thin layer. The smoother and thinner you lay it out, the better the paper will be. Then pat the surface with your palm or roll it a little with a rolling pin.

Next, wrap the fabric so that it completely covers the layer of paper pulp. Place another piece of cotton rag on top and repeat the operation - spread, level, cover. And so on until you run out of cellulose mass.

Cover the resulting stack (newspapers, layers of paper pulp, fabric) with a board on top and place a weight on it. Use a sponge to remove any excess water. Leave it all to dry overnight. In the morning, unwrap our “sandwich” and carefully place the finished pieces of homemade paper on a dry surface. Wait until the paper is completely dry.

Well, now it’s time to move on to the next stage promised at the beginning:

Using homemade paper.

Homemade paper can be used wherever decoration using paper is needed. So, you can make many versions of such paper, and then use it to paste a photo album, folder, gift box. That is, homemade paper can be used in such a well-known technique as. That is, where the pasting of paper and fabric is used, and where an unexpected texture or color is exactly what was missing to complete the composition. In addition, homemade paper is great for creating one of the types of applique. Collage It will be more alive and more beautiful if you use homemade paper when creating it. Just applique It will also be more noticeable and more creative if there are moments from homemade paper.

The second point where homemade paper can be used is decoupage(covered in more detail in the article “Decoupage technique on furniture”). And in this case, homemade paper, just like with appliqué, serves as separate accents.

But there is an area where homemade paper is the basis of the basics, and does not serve as an accent, in small quantities, but is presented precisely as a main course. This area is scrapbooking. Scrapbooking (English scrapbooking, from English scrapbook: scrap - scrapping, book - book, literally "book of scrapbooks") is a type of handicraft art that consists of making and decorating family or personal photo albums. This type of creativity is a way of storing personal and family history in the form of photographs, newspaper clippings, drawings, notes and other memorabilia, using a unique way of preserving and communicating individual stories using special visual and tactile techniques instead of the usual story.

Well, an excellent basis for gluing photographs, casts, clippings, and so on is nothing more than homemade paper. Agree, it’s one thing when the story is told on an ordinary photo album. And it’s completely different - when for personal history a special, beautiful and hand-made album from homemade paper is highlighted.

Accordingly, in addition to the album, you can use homemade paper to make a book, notebook, envelope, letter, invitation - anything made of paper that needs to be highlighted in comparison with other similar items.

And finally, another large area where homemade paper can be used is. You can also draw on plain paper...But when drawing happens on designer, homemade paper - the drawing itself becomes different. And graphic techniques look completely different when the background is not ordinary smooth paper, but corrugated, textured paper, with the addition of various inclusions and blotches (which can not just play the role of a background, but also act as parts of the picture).

That is, when drawing on homemade paper, the range of possibilities for drawing expands.

And finally, a short one on the topic of how to make homemade paper (by the way, there great way make a frame with steel mesh; and the procedure itself is slightly different from the one described in the article):

Thus, it is easy to make homemade paper, as well as to use it for a variety of decorative purposes.

Based on materials from http://doll-as-art.livejournal.com/5999.html and http://stranamasterov.ru/node/2770

Paper is usually made from wood. It's not that difficult to make it at home from other natural materials. Paper production will become interesting activity Together with your children, while working, you can explain to them how materials are recycled and why it is worth saving nature and trees.

Try making Chinese rice paper first. For this you will need flour and salt. Sift first rice flour and make sure it is properly cleaned. Then mix it with salt and add water. Knead this mixture for about ten minutes until it forms a lump-free dough. Place the mixture in a cup and leave it for half an hour. After this, place the dough on wooden board and roll it out so that it is as thin as possible. The board should be sprinkled with flour to prevent it from sticking to the dough. When the thin dough is dry, cut it into sheets. This kind of paper is not very thick and can tear easily, so for the production of notebooks in which you are going to write important information, she won't fit. It is best used for storing food and making burritos. Craftswomen often use this paper for decoupage.

This is what production looks like rice paper in factory conditions:

Making papyrus will be a more difficult task. Take unwanted waste paper and tear it into very small pieces. You can recycle scribbled paper from old children's notebooks. Blackened pieces of paper can be cleaned with hair bleach. Add finely chopped thread scraps to the paper. In Egypt, almost anything is added to papyrus, even particles of foil, dead insects and dried plants. After you try making standard papyrus for the first time, you can experiment with exotic ingredients. However, you don’t have to stoop to insects. Place the paper and thread in a bowl and fill with water. A thick mass should form. Let it soak and sit for a day. If you boil the bowl, the base of the paper mixture will form faster. The next day, add glue and starch, they will serve as a binding base for the paper pulp. Stir the contents of the bowl with a mixer and pour the unnecessary water through a sieve, leaving only the paper raw material.

Take a mixer and mix everything well, or knead it with your hands to get a homogeneous mass. Squeeze the resulting lump from the water. Place it on the table terry towel and carefully spread the paper pulp over it. Cover with another towel and place a stack of large, heavy books as a press. It will take several days for the mixture to turn into a full-fledged papyrus. Change wet towels to dry ones every day. Ready paper should be ironed.

If you want something truly original, then make paper from leaves. You will need paper napkins, a blender, plastic panel with holes from a children's mosaic, two towels and gauze. Gather the leaves and iron them. Tear paper towels and place in blender. Fill it there hot water and mix until a thick substance is formed. How less water, the thicker the paper will be. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, add PVA glue and starch. Place the mosaic panel in a basin, covering the top with gauze.

Pour the mixture onto the panel and smooth it out to the desired paper thickness. Place well-ironed leaves on top of the layer of paper pulp and cover with gauze. Blot the gauze with a sponge and wring it out until it absorbs most of the moisture from the paper pulp. Then carefully lift the paper along with the gauze and place it on ironing board and dry with an iron. Under steam pressure, the leaves will mix with the paper pulp and after a couple of days the paper can be used. This paper is good for decorative crafts and greeting cards.

I’m not a fan of watching TV series, but recently my nephew recommended a simple series for relaxation after a hectic working day. It’s called “Supernatural”. A fairy tale for adults... There are two brothers (Dean and Sam, named Winchesters) killing all sorts of evil things - vampires, werewolves, demons and other crap. In general, the series turns out to be very popular among young people, but I like it because it doesn’t overload the brain—you don’t need to think too much about the plot. It’s perfect for relaxing after work...
But I didn’t want to say about the series. It’s just that in season 5, episode 4, episode 27, 40 p., one of the heroes, Chuck, says to Dean, who finds himself in an apocalyptic future, in 2014:
-So you’re from 2009, right???
-I'm afraid so.
-Want free advice? When you come back, stock up toilet paper! PACK WELL! KEEP HER LIKE THE APPLE OF YOUR EYE! FOR SHE IS PRICELESS!
-Thank you, Chuck.
- Believe me, you will still remember me with a kind word...
In general, I don’t know how I will find pricelessness, but I decided to try to master the paper trade...
Once upon a time on the site, on the owl’s blog:

there was information about making paper from waste paper. But after digging around there thoroughly, I saw that the owners had deleted the reports about this, unfortunately... I had to surf the Internet.
I won’t copy-paste. Here, IMHO, is a very good overview of making paper at home from waste paper:
There are plenty of similar methods on the internet! But what to do when the waste paper runs out??? And it will definitely end!!! My grandfather told me that during the Second World War, the Fritz’s advertisements were posted on poles to “smoke.” Not to mention the newspapers...
In general, I’m sharing information that is not available on the internet, or almost none...
1. To make paper, we take pine or spruce sawdust. Fill them with water and let them cook for a day. (Looking ahead, I’ll say that I couldn’t stand it for a day, since they need to be stirred so that they don’t “climb” out of the pan all the time .And I wanted to sleep at night. So I cooked them for about 10 hours).

2. It is recommended to add caustic soda to the solution. But at that time, I didn’t get one. Therefore, I added food grade. I think potash would also work. But, judging by observations, this is not the main thing in the process. The main thing is the cooking time (preferably at least a day) and the size of the resulting particles by output (the finer the details, the better!)

3. As I wrote above, during the cooking process, it is very important to ensure that the sawdust does not bulge or fall out of the pan; they must be stirred sestimatically.

4. While the sawdust is boiling, prepare a deep bath (I took a baking sheet) and make a frame with gauze stretched over it (I must say that the further I go, the more I am convinced that in the PM a piece of gauze and a pestle with a mortar will not be superfluous - IMHO of course).

5.When the cooking process is completed, take the duster, the same gauze, rinse the sawdust from soda and squeeze it out.

6.Next, pour them back into the pan, add half a glass of starch (I used the starch I just got from potatoes:)
, fill it with water (1:1) and put it back on the fire.

7.After boiling, the sawdust grinding process begins. Without the benefits of civilization, this is done with a pestle in a mortar (large ones). But until the BP came, I used a mixer and a blender attachment.
Ideally, the output should be a homogeneous, porridge-like mass. But for my first time, the sawdust turned out to be a little large.

8.Then everything is the same as with waste paper. Pour the mass into a frame mold.

9. Soak it with something (any moisture-absorbing material, even sphagnum moss). I took old newspapers with printing ink.

10. Turn over and carefully separate the sheet from the frame.

11. Cover it with newspaper on both sides. Place it between two boards. And press for 3-5 minutes. I used myself as a press...

12.Next, carefully lay the sheet on foil (another material) and dry it in a way available to us (sun, radiator, oven, iron). I dried it in the oven.

13. The first result was not very successful. The paper turned out to be thick and tight. And even though I added starch, it bent very weakly. But taking into account the mistakes, I am moving towards better results.

14. Of course, it won’t fit into a toilet, but you can try to write a chronicle on it.)
