How do contractions begin in first-time women? Signs and sensations during the first birth. Contractions before childbirth - what they look like, sensations, symptoms

The closer the day of birth gets, the more excited the expectant mother is in her soul and the more scared she is from the thought that contractions will soon begin. There are a lot of questions in my head and complete uncertainty: what, when and how?

Don't panic; contractions in anticipation of labor
Expectant mother detention
Symptoms of false contractions Support

When contractions begin, there is no need to panic. First of all, you need to calm down, take a deep breath and figure out whether these are contractions before childbirth or whether they are false. In order to understand exactly what is happening to you, you should remember the signs of contractions before childbirth, and then calculate the interval between them, since “false pains” differ from pain before childbirth.

Signs of this feature

First, let's get acquainted with the symptoms of contractions before childbirth.

  1. A week or two before giving birth, most women experience what is called “abdominal prolapse.” At the same time, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe, her gait changes, and sitting becomes uncomfortable.
  2. One of the main signs of contractions before childbirth is the release of the mucus plug - this is a discharge that can be copious or not very abundant, leave at once or over a period of time. They resemble mucus in consistency, as the name implies.
  3. The sensations during labor contractions are different from “false” sensations. In the first case, the pain will only intensify over time, and in the second, it may remain the same and then disappear altogether.
  4. The frequency of contractions should be measured, that is, the frequency with which they recur. Only during labor contractions will the frequency strictly decrease over time. With a false variant, the time between abdominal contractions may either increase or decrease.
  5. You should calculate the interval, that is, the period of time that the contraction itself, the spasm itself, lasts. At the very beginning, contractions before childbirth last a few seconds, eventually reaching 1-2 minutes, while false ones usually do not increase over time.

Don't panic during contractions

Below is a small sign that will help distinguish false contractions from labor ones.

ContractionsHow do they proceedInterval
FalseStretching in the lower abdomen, often without back pain. The grip may occur with the same force or become weaker, and then disappear completely.There is no clear interval between contractions: it can remain the same, then shorten, and then lengthen again. The setting itself lasts for varying amounts of time, without lengthening.
GenericThey begin with slight pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Over time, the pain increases and does not disappear until childbirth, unless anesthesia is administered.The interval is clear, gradually decreasing. The contraction itself lasts less than a minute, and over time this figure only increases. At some point, contractions last longer than the breaks between them.

How to relieve pain?

Below are simple but effective ways to help you ease your contractions in the run-up to labor.

  1. You shouldn't be left alone in terms of moral support. If your husband is not at home and cannot come home soon, call your mother. If mom can’t do it either, then don’t hesitate to invite friends, other relatives, even neighbors, if you have a good relationship with them. The main thing is that you feel comfortable with this person.
  2. You shouldn't be alone in terms of help. When you determine that contractions have begun before childbirth, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital. Here you will need help carrying the package to the car or even just getting your jacket and boots on.
  3. Need to move more. You shouldn’t lie down, much less sit on the sofa and endure, you won’t be able to sleep anyway. You will have to endure it for a long time, so it is better to mind your own business in between seizures. While grasping, you should try to find a comfortable body position, and wait out the subsequent pain in this position.
  4. Ask someone nearby to massage your back—lower back massage helps many people.
  5. Breathing is a very long topic to think about. You can attend courses, watch videos of what contractions look like before labor begins, listen to stories from friends. Most likely, before giving birth you will only remember how to recognize contractions, and forget everything else. So just breathe, don’t hold your breath and try not to focus on it.
  6. A warm shower or bath will help you relax and get some rest. The main thing is not to miss when your water breaks.
  7. Some women find that swinging on a fitball helps.
  8. During grasping, there is no need to restrain your emotions and be ashamed of anything. This is your day: if you want to cry - cry, scream - scream, take a shower 5 times - go.

As a rule, doctors advise coming to the maternity hospital when the interval between contractions is 10 minutes, and the duration of the seizure is about 1 minute. This applies to first-time mothers. If you are worried or afraid, then it is better to go right away, since it is strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to be nervous.

It's time to give birth

It is better for multiparous women to go earlier, since all processes proceed faster for them. If you have the strength, then it is better to carry out some hygiene procedures at home yourself. As soon as your water breaks, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Things for the maternity hospital should be collected in advance. It is better to prepare 3 packages: you will take one with you to the maternity hospital immediately, the second one will be brought to you by relatives or friends after the baby is born, and the third one you will need only before discharge.

What is grasping?

Probably all expectant mothers are interested in how contractions occur, what sensations does a woman experience before giving birth? We can safely say that absolutely all births and contractions are different. Even for one woman, the first and second pregnancies will be different, as will the birth.

Let's try to describe what a woman experiences during contractions before childbirth.

  1. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Nagging pain in the lumbar region, sometimes spreading throughout the entire back.
  3. Pain in the coccyx area.
  4. During the break between seizures, pain may be absent altogether, or may be insignificant.
  5. At first, when the interval between contractions reaches 20-30 minutes, the woman can go about her business, pausing for contractions, but the pain is very slight. At this stage you will not need any special posture or breathing.
  6. Each contraction becomes a little more painful. After 2-3 hours the pain is already significant and you won’t be able to just wait it out. You can breathe, sit down or bend over, depending on what position you choose.
  7. At some point, the clutching will develop into pushing. During this period, the woman really wants to push, but this cannot be done without the doctor’s permission. It’s really difficult to restrain yourself, but you have to try really hard.
  8. The attempts don't last long. On the one hand, you experience relief after contractions, since the sensations are less painful and completely different, on the other hand, it is really very difficult to restrain the desire to push.
  9. When the doctor allows you to push, know that if everything goes well, it will soon be over and your baby will be next to you.
  10. The process of giving birth to a baby is the shortest in labor, often taking 10-30 minutes, while the period of contractions can last up to 20 hours.

On the eve of childbirth

Methods for inducing seizures

Sometimes doctors have to specifically induce contractions. Here are some ways they can use.

  1. Give an injection of a drug that relaxes the muscles.
  2. Offer a no-shpa tablet, which also relaxes the muscles.
  3. Offer you physical activity, if time allows: walking up the stairs, stretching up with your arms raised to the sky, or driving a car along a bumpy road.

Almost every woman goes through this entire journey at least once in her life. There is no need to be afraid of childbirth and labor; it is better to prepare for them, both mentally and physically. Over time, they are remembered as something good and bright, which was only the threshold of the birth of your baby.

Find out and also the truth about

Real contractions before childbirth are involuntary contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. During contractions, not only the baby is pushed out, but also the birth canal is prepared. At this time, the cervix smoothes out and gradually expands to a diameter of 10-12 cm. There are real contractions before childbirth and false, or training ones. The latter occur in the second half of pregnancy and represent contractions of the uterus, during which it prepares for labor. In this article you will learn how contractions begin before childbirth, what contractions look like, and how to distinguish real contractions from false ones.

How to recognize contractions before childbirth?

Mostly during the first birth, pregnant women wonder how to recognize contractions before childbirth. Quite often, even before contractions begin, women intuitively feel that labor will soon begin. During contractions, pain does not appear immediately; it usually begins with a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen or lower back; some women experience pain similar to menstrual pain. Gradually, these sensations become stronger, spreading to the entire abdomen and lower back, pain appears, which can vary from quite strong pressure to twitching sensations.

The pain during contractions is paroxysmal, its occurrence, intensification, reaching a peak and gradual decrease are clearly felt, then a period without pain begins. At first, contractions before childbirth occur with an interval of 15-30 minutes and last 5-10 seconds. The first few hours they bring minor discomfort rather than pain. Gradually, the duration and strength of contractions increase, and the intervals decrease.

Even before contractions begin, the baby begins to move less. If he moves very actively during contractions, this indicates fetal hypoxia. You need to tell your doctor about this.

Before childbirth, bloody discharge appears - this is how the mucus plug comes off. It should not be bright red with a lot of blood. The plug may come off before contractions begin. Sometimes the water breaks before the contractions begin.

Just before the birth of the child, contractions become so frequent that they turn into one another almost without intervals. Then they are joined by pushing - contractions of the muscles of the uterus, abdominal wall and perineum. At this time, the child presses his head on the small pelvis, and the woman in labor has a desire to push, and the pain moves to the perineum. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, labor begins.

How do contractions occur?

Contractions before childbirth develop gradually, so three stages can be distinguished:

  • The first stage is the initial stage, lasting 7-8 hours. At this time, contractions occur with an interval of approximately 5 minutes, and their duration is 30-45 seconds.
  • The second phase is active. Its duration is about 5 hours, uterine contractions become more frequent and last longer - with an interval of 2-4 minutes, the duration of contractions reaches 60 seconds.
  • The last, transitional phase is from half an hour to 1.5 hours long. Contractions become even more frequent and last longer. They can occur at intervals of a minute and last from 70 to 90 seconds.

If the birth is not the first, the process goes faster.

How to distinguish real contractions from false ones?

False or training contractions, also called Braxton-Hicks contractions, are contractions of the uterus, as a result of which the cervix does not open. They occur long before birth and, unlike real ones, are irregular.

Not every woman feels false contractions; everything is individual - both their presence and absence is a variant of the norm. They are painless, but bring discomfort.

Training contractions are called because during them the uterus prepares for contractions during childbirth. Also, during false contractions, blood rushes to the placenta, which is good for the fetus. False contractions are normal for pregnancy and do not pose any danger. False contractions begin around the 20th week.

Women who are expecting a baby for the first time are often afraid of confusing false contractions with the real beginning of labor. What is the difference between training and real contractions?

  1. False contractions can occur from several times a day to six times an hour. At the same time, they are non-rhythmic, and the intensity gradually decreases. Real contractions before childbirth are regular and repeat at smaller intervals and with greater intensity, and their duration also increases gradually.
  2. The length of actual contractions may vary, but the intervals between them are almost always equal.
  3. False contractions are painless; they cause a feeling of compression in some part of the abdomen or groin. With real pain, sensations spread to the entire abdomen and hip joints.
  4. During real contractions before childbirth, other symptoms are observed: breaking of water, mucus plug, pain in the lower back, diarrhea.

What to do when contractions start?

The start time of contractions, their duration and the size of the intervals between them should be recorded. This information will be useful to obstetricians; in addition, taking notes will help you calm down and take your mind off pain.

You can safely get ready for the maternity hospital. If contractions repeat after 15-20 minutes, the birth of the baby will not happen soon. If there are no pathologies, the pregnancy is not multiple, it is better to spend this period at home: a familiar environment will help you relax better. You can do pleasant things: listen to music, watch a movie. If you don't have a caesarean section, you can have something light to eat.

During contractions before childbirth, it is useful to move. This reduces pain, allows the baby to take a comfortable position in the uterus, and prevents fetal hypoxia. It is useful not only to walk, but also to make swaying movements with your hips. Thus, blood circulation improves, muscles relax, and pain decreases.

When uterine contractions become more frequent and intensified, the first thing a woman needs to do is take a comfortable position and relax. Then the pain will be less. Real contractions before childbirth become increasingly longer, and the intervals between them become shorter. The pain spreads from the abdomen to the lower back and does not subside when changing body position.

Signs of pathology during contractions

Sometimes, for various reasons, labor can be slowed down. The first contractions will not necessarily be followed by labor - uterine contractions may become regular only after a few days. This happens more often in primiparous women. In such cases, the maternity hospital resorts to stimulation of labor.

When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

If real contractions begin before childbirth, it means that labor is approaching. Don't worry, you have time to calmly collect yourself while contractions occur at intervals of 20-30 minutes. Of course, it is advisable that the bag with things is already collected in advance.

Pregnant women anticipate and at the same time are very worried before the moment the baby is born. The main fear of the third trimester is the onset of labor. How can you tell when contractions have started? The main sign of contractions is periodic nagging pain, indicating that labor is close.

What is this feeling? What are contractions like? To maintain composure in the face of such a critical situation, it is important for the expectant mother to know the answers to these questions.

What are contractions and why do they occur?

During the first pregnancy, a woman is incredibly afraid of contractions and tries not to think about the beginning of this process for as long as possible. However, contractions are very important in labor, and a child cannot be born naturally without them.

Contractions are contractions of the uterus that are regular.

Contractions at the last stage of labor are accompanied by pushing, which help the baby to be born as soon as possible. Contractions occur due to the activity of the placenta and pituitary gland of the baby, which contribute to the opening of the cervix. The beginning of contractions opens the uterine pharynx up to 3 cm. At the end of labor, the norm is to open the cervix by 12 cm. It is with this opening that the baby will be able to pass through the birth canal without causing injury to the woman’s genitals.

The role of contractions in the birth process is great, so it is important to identify their symptoms in a timely manner.

How do you know when birth is near?

In most cases, when heading to the maternity hospital, a pregnant woman knows basic information about what awaits her in the delivery room. This knowledge gives a woman peace of mind and control over the situation. Knowing the specifics of the birth process, a young mother better accepts the advice of a doctor and midwife, and the birth of the baby takes place in more favorable conditions.

Understanding the first stage of labor, namely the beginning of contractions, is no less important, because basically this process finds the pregnant woman at home. There are no doctors here who can check the condition of the expectant mother, so you need to rely only on yourself and your feelings.

Main signs of contractions:

Do not panic or worry excessively when symptoms of contractions appear, because several hours may pass from their onset to the birth itself.

If the tugging feeling is weak, there is still time to rest and gain strength, which will be so useful during childbirth. However, if the sensations become intense and intensifying, you should immediately pack the last of your things into a bag prepared for the maternity hospital and go to the hospital.

Real and false contractions

The question of what month of pregnancy contractions can begin is logical, because there are false contractions, which are like “training” before childbirth. To understand when and how contractions begin, it is important to be able to distinguish between them.

During false contractions, the expectant mother's uterus tenses, and the woman feels cramps in the lower abdomen. The spasms are similar in nature to pain during menstruation. There is a feeling that the uterus hardens for a few seconds and returns to its original state.

Training, or false, contractions can appear at any month of pregnancy, or may be completely absent.

This is due to different sensitivity thresholds. Not all expectant mothers notice uterine spasms that are not directly related to childbirth. However, there are women who are acutely aware of false contractions and even confuse them with real ones, rushing to the maternity hospital. To avoid unnecessary worries during pregnancy, it is important to determine what non-labor contractions are like and recognize them.

Symptoms of training cramping sensations:

  1. The pregnancy has reached 5 months.
  2. Lack of periodicity in sensations.
  3. The onset of contractions occurs in the evening and night hours.
  4. The duration of spasms is no more than two minutes, regardless of the month of pregnancy.
  5. Painless spasms.

Training contractions can intensify a month before giving birth, and this is the norm. You should not worry about their occurrence, because they play an important role in preparing for childbirth.

Real contractions should be expected starting from the 9th month of pregnancy. Most often they occur at 38 weeks of gestation.

By this time, the pregnant woman needs to acquire a watch with an arrow or a stopwatch. To recognize real contractions, special applications for phones or computers with time sensors have been created for expectant mothers.

Such services allow you to determine not only the duration of a contraction, but also the period of time before the onset of a new spasm.

Whatever the month of pregnancy, if contractions begin and occur in a certain cycle, it’s time to take action.

What to do if it starts?

Contractions during the first and subsequent births occur differently, therefore the algorithm of actions is individual for each woman, depending on her condition.

Before the first birth, the onset of contractions in the last month of pregnancy does not cause women much pain or discomfort. Doctors recommend resting during this period, counting the intervals between spasms and taking a warm shower. It would be useful to remember all the breathing and relaxation techniques during labor. There is no need to start breathing using any specific technique at the beginning of contractions - you can get tired and not have enough strength for the final stage of labor.

If symptoms continue to worsen during this time, you should:

Before the second and subsequent births, the cervix dilates much faster than during the first pregnancy. In this case, when the first symptoms of labor appear, it is important to go to the maternity hospital, because contractions will intensify very soon.

If strong contractions catch a pregnant woman at home or on the road, there is no need to rush to the maternity hospital, as there is a possibility of not making it in time.

In case of severe and intense pain, which means that labor is beginning, you should call your husband or another close relative. It is necessary for your loved one to come without delay. Also call an ambulance and report your condition.

You should have clean diapers or sheets, a terry towel or a baby blanket on hand. A call to the maternity hospital will be useful, because specialists will be able to explain how to behave and what to do. In such prepared conditions, the emergency doctors who arrive will help the baby be born even at home.

If you feel constant cramps and pulling sensations radiating to the lower back at 9 months of pregnancy, calm down and smile, because soon you will be able to hug your baby for the first time. Contractions are an inevitable process when a long-awaited baby is born, so there is no point in panicking and experiencing fears.

Contractions are involuntary contractions of the myometrium that occur during the first stage of labor. True contractions help open the cervix and move the fetus toward the pelvic outlet. Women who have given birth describe this process as an unforgettable experience. They say that it is impossible to confuse contractions with something else - and share their feelings with inexperienced expectant mothers. Let's take a closer look at how to recognize contractions during the first birth and how to live this period with maximum comfort.

Signs of approaching labor

Contractions during pregnancy do not occur suddenly. Only in feature films can a woman suddenly clutch her stomach and give birth to a child in just ten minutes. According to the laws of the genre, all events take place in an elevator, a burning house, on an airplane at high altitude - where it is quite difficult to provide assistance to a woman in labor. In practice, everything happens quite differently. Gynecologists are familiar with rapid labor, but even with it, most women feel certain precursors - signs of imminent contractions.

Signs of imminent labor:

False (preparatory) contractions

Not all contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus can be called true contractions. Often in the second half of pregnancy, expectant mothers feel light stretching in the lower abdomen and lower back. Unpleasant sensations are vaguely similar to contractions, but have their own characteristics:

  • occur at different intervals and are irregular;
  • last 15-20 seconds, after which they subside;
  • are felt as mild or moderate nagging pain above the pubis or in the lumbar region, discomfort or tension in the lower abdomen;
  • do not increase over time.

We are talking about false contractions - a natural stage of the body’s preparation for the upcoming birth. Such contractions of the uterus do not lead to the opening of its pharynx and do not contribute to the birth of a child - and this is fundamentally different from the real ones. The degree of dilation of the cervix can be determined during a gynecological examination.

The time of occurrence of false contractions is not regulated. They occur in the second half of pregnancy, most often at 28-32 weeks. Some women talk about the appearance of false contractions already at the end of the second trimester, others do not notice anything special until the very birth. Often such contractions of the uterus lead to the start of full labor. The absence of preparatory contractions is also considered normal.

Important! At up to 37 weeks, the appearance of false contractions is not considered a sign of imminent labor. There should be no dilatation of the cervix during this period. At 37-40 weeks, preparatory contractions can turn into true contractions at any time, and labor will begin.

Opening of the amniotic sac

The rupture of amniotic fluid during a full-term pregnancy clearly indicates that labor will soon begin and contractions will begin. Amniotic fluid is released when the membranes rupture. The volume of water can be different - from 50 ml or more. The liquid from the opened bubble can come out entirely at once or be released drop by drop. Often the water breaks only during childbirth - several hours after the start of contractions. There are cases when a child is born “in a shirt” - in an unopened amniotic sac, and the amniotic fluid is poured out only after the baby is born.

Important! The rupture of amniotic fluid before 37 weeks is an alarming symptom. The amniotic sac should remain intact until the baby is fully mature. If your water breaks prematurely and contractions have not started, you should consult a doctor.

Removal of the mucus plug

Throughout pregnancy, the mucus plug blocks the exit from the uterus. It prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and protects the fetus from infection. Before approaching contractions, the mucus plug comes out of the vagina - either entirely or in parts. It is not known exactly when the matchmaking will begin after the cork is removed. For some women, it takes a day from the release of mucus to the onset of labor, for others it takes 2-4 weeks. There is an opinion that during the first birth the plug comes off earlier, but no reliable evidence of this theory has been found.

True contractions: how it should be

Women giving birth for the first time are concerned about the following questions:

How to understand that contractions have already begun?

Women who have experienced childbirth describe their feelings in different ways:

  • Weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen without clear localization. The sensation is similar to pain during menstruation.
  • Aching pain in the lumbar region. The sensations are similar to those that occur during exacerbation of osteochondrosis or after significant physical activity.
  • Cramping pain starting from the lower back, covering the groin area and extending down to the womb.
  • Cramping pain, squeezing the abdomen in a ring.

At the very beginning of labor, the cervix opens at a low speed, and contractions are not too strong. They occur every 20-30 minutes and last no more than 10-15 seconds. The pain during this period is quite tolerable; pain relief is not required. A woman can do her usual activities and even sleep.

How to understand that false contractions have turned into true ones?

Real contractions have their own characteristic features:

  • The intensity of the sensations gradually increases, the pain becomes stronger.
  • The interval between contractions is shortened.
  • The duration of each contraction increases.

You can determine the time of contractions and the interval between them using a stopwatch. To do this, you need to turn on the timer at the moment the pain appears and note how many seconds the discomfort lasts. All data is entered into a notebook, where the time of occurrence of each contraction and its duration is noted. This approach allows you to clearly see how the rhythm of contractions changes and realize that labor has begun.

How will the pace of contractions change throughout labor?

In primiparous women, contractions last from 6 to 18 hours. If the first stage of labor is reduced to 5 hours or less, they speak of rapid labor. If the process drags on for more than 18 hours, it is considered protracted. Throughout the first stage of labor, contractions will increase, and their pace can only be assessed with constant observation.

In the first two hours, contractions do not last long - 5-15 seconds. The interval between contractions is about 20-30 minutes. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back does not cause serious discomfort and does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle. In the vast majority of cases, contractions begin at night, which is explained by the daily rhythm of hormone production.

In the following hours, the intensity of contractions will gradually increase. Muscle contractions will be felt every 20-15-10 minutes. Contractions will last for 10-20-30 seconds. The pain will intensify. By the end of the latent phase of labor, the cervix dilates by 4 cm, and after this the woman will no longer be able to ignore the contractions or mistake them for preparatory ones.

During the active phase of labor, the cervix dilates from 4 to 8 cm. The interval between contractions is decreasing more and more rapidly. The pain is felt in the lower abdomen and lower back, occurs every 7-10 minutes, lasts up to 35-45 seconds. At this time, the amniotic sac may rupture. After the water breaks, labor accelerates.

At the end of the first stage of labor, contractions last 50-60 seconds and occur every 2-3 minutes. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen and perineum. It seems that the contractions go on almost continuously, replacing each other with an almost imperceptible respite. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the second stage of labor begins - expulsion of the fetus, and contractions turn into pushing.

How do sensations change during one contraction?

The intensity of pain increases gradually. In the first seconds the sensations are quite tolerable. In the middle of the fight they reach their peak and immediately decline. The decrease in pain intensity is also gradual. There is no pain between contractions.

What to do when contractions occur?

  • Find a comfortable position in which it is easier to experience contractions.
  • Sleep if your condition allows, and contractions occur at large intervals.
  • Drink water, fruit juice or herbal tea.
  • Eat simple, light food (only during the latent phase of labor, while contractions occur in 15-30 minutes).
  • Take a warm shower or bath. Water procedures help relax muscles and relieve pain.
  • Do self-massage of the lower back (you can ask for help from your partner present at the birth)
  • Practice breathing exercises.
  • Turn on some nice relaxing music.
  • Set yourself in a positive mood. It is important to remember that no contraction lasts forever, and sooner or later childbirth will come to its logical conclusion.
  • Drink carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.
  • Take a shower or bath after opening the amniotic sac and releasing amniotic fluid.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

A first-time mother can stay at home during labor if the following conditions are met:

  • The pregnancy is normal and there are no serious complications.
  • Fetal development corresponds to gestational age.
  • A natural birth is planned (there are no indications for cesarean section).
  • Labor starts at full-term pregnancy (37-41 weeks).
  • Stable blood pressure and pulse.

You should go to the maternity hospital during the active phase of labor - when contractions last 30-40 seconds every 10-15 minutes. At this time, uterine contractions will increase rapidly, and the period of pushing may come unexpectedly for an inexperienced woman in labor. To prevent emergency doctors from having to deliver a baby in a car, you should get ready for the hospital in advance.

Alarming symptoms that should not be delayed:

  • The appearance of strong unbearable contractions.
  • A sharp increase in contractions and a reduction in the interval between them.
  • Slowing down labor.
  • Fetal movements are too vigorous.
  • Lack of fetal movement for three hours or more.
  • Excess of yellowish-green or brown amniotic fluid.
  • The appearance of profuse bleeding from the genital tract.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Increased heart rate and breathing.
  • Any significant deterioration in the health of the mother in labor.

The appearance of these symptoms during contractions indicates the development of complications. Urgent hospitalization to a maternity hospital is required. Further tactics will depend on the stage of the labor process and the woman’s condition.

True contractions are contractions of the uterus, which lead to the opening of the cervix and promote the movement of the fetus along the birth canal. That is, labor activity. Its onset is often confused with preparatory or training contractions. We will talk about how to distinguish true contractions from false ones, when you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital and briefly about how to behave during childbirth.

Labor can begin not only with contractions, but also with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Moreover, if the amniotic sac ruptures in the upper part, then the water will only leak. And if in the lower part, then the water recedes almost completely in a few minutes. But both situations require medical intervention. If real contractions do not start soon and the baby is not born within the next 12 hours, the woman will most likely have a caesarean section. After all, rupture of the membranes provokes the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the child. In no case should you douche or take a bath after your water breaks; it is undesirable to shave your perineum yourself or do an enema. Also, you should not drink or eat a lot, as there is a possibility of surgery, which means anesthesia. Well, before the operation the stomach must be empty in order to avoid unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. You especially need to hurry if the color of the amniotic fluid is green or brown, this is a symptom indicating fetal hypoxia.

Symptoms of true contractions- this is pain, tension in the abdomen, which usually begins in its upper part, then spreads down and throughout the lower back. Such sensations appear every 20-30 minutes, and the intervals become shorter. And the pain usually increases quickly too. When the intervals become less than 10 minutes, it’s time to go to the hospital. The passage of a mucus plug is not a reason for emergency hospitalization. But you should immediately call an ambulance if there is bloody discharge from the genital tract, blood pressure has increased, the child moves very often or, conversely, has become quiet, has a headache, or spots are flashing before the eyes, convulsions have begun, and other severe neurological symptoms have appeared.

After active true or labor contractions have begun, it is not advisable for a woman to sit down. This is because in this position there will be strong pressure on the child’s head. And the woman herself can try different ways to speed up labor and relieve pain from contractions. For example, you can and should walk if your strength allows. When a woman walks, the cervix dilates much faster. This is especially important before the contractions gain strength. That is, the intervals between them are long. And it’s better not to lie down at this time. Massage of the sacrum and proper, calm breathing are also good for pain relief.

Often true contractions begin after false ones, which do not lead to dilatation of the cervix. And in this case, it’s bad if the uterine training was long and literally exhausted the woman psychologically and physically. Because of this, real contractions may not be strong enough, and doctors will have to stimulate labor with medications.

Sometimes doctors cannot understand true and false contractions according to the description. A vaginal examination and monitoring of the woman over time is necessary. The cervix should first be completely effaced and then begin to dilate. Along with this, the mucus plug usually comes off.

If there is no dilation, the woman is given antispasmodics. Although in many cases, to relieve discomfort, it is enough to sleep, take a bath and a couple of valerian tablets.
