How can you start communicating with a guy you like? How to communicate with a guy to make him like you? Topics that guys like to talk about

Imagine that you like a young man, although you have no idea how to start communicating with him, so as not to seem too banal and the guy will certainly be offended by your message. After all, you won’t be limited to primitive phrases “Hello”, “How are you” here and won’t surprise a single guy. Acquaintance is the very first, initial stage in communication, at which it is necessary to make a special impression on the gentleman.

How to properly communicate with a guy on the Internet? - illustrative examples

Girls always have a question: “Where should you start communicating with an unfamiliar guy on the Internet?” Now we will try to answer it for you.

  • For example, you can start with the following phrases: “Knock-knock, can I come to you...”, “Hello. You have such a cool photo,” or simply start the conversation with an emoticon, which is not such a bad start, even because you will no longer receive an “okay” answer, which in itself can lead to a stupor in further dialogue. Emotionally charged conversation is an unavoidably important attribute. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to convey all your emotions in virtual correspondence, but they can easily be replaced with emoticons. Don't forget about this important point.
  • Also one of the important aspects is the interests of your interlocutor. If the topic does not cause much delight in the guy, change the topic, don’t delay it until the guy loses his enthusiasm for communication! Among other things, you shouldn’t be very intrusive and immediately hint about dating, as this can scare off your chosen one, even if at first glance, he seems desperate and completely brave.
  • Ask as many questions as possible, try to answer in two or three sentences. With this you will demonstrate to the young man that you are in no way bored with him and you are not going to interrupt or stop communicating with him. A good addition to your dialogue could be a few anecdotes related to the topic of your conversation with him.
  • Tell us more about yourself. Any interesting facts from your life that would be interesting to him, in your opinion. It is quite possible that this will be a funny story from your childhood, or it will just be information about your hobbies. It would not hurt to talk and discuss such abstract abstract topics as special places in your city, the hometown of your interlocutor, remember pleasant moments of relaxation, and review the news with him, be it sports or political news. Many guys follow the news and love to be aware of all the events.

  • Also, do not be too intrusive and ask the young man too many questions about his personal life. If he has such a desire, he will personally tell you about everything.
  • There is no need to fantasize and embellish yourself. In any case, during the dialogue, he will find out the truth, and all your efforts have every chance of going down the drain.
  • You don't need to talk too often. More precisely, keep the conversation going often, but at least not every day. After all, after a while you will get tired of such communication and it will simply not be interesting to talk with each other.
  • And never forget to say goodbye gracefully. There is no need to skimp on farewell words or good night wishes. It will be necessary to end the conversation even before you realize that he is tired of your questions. If the guy answered several messages in a row in monosyllables, and, in turn, did not ask you anything, then, alas, your interlocutor is already fed up with you.

These are, perhaps, the basic rules for being the first to communicate with a stranger on the Internet.

Let us give you one piece of advice: if, while communicating with a guy on the Internet, you realize that you like this person, do not delay in setting up a real meeting, because the ultimate goal of every acquaintance on the Internet, especially on dating sites, is to find your soul mate. Especially important is the first meeting, where you will have the opportunity to get to know your new friend more thoroughly, and perhaps even have the opportunity to flirt with him a little.

We have already written about how to flirt correctly and you can learn about it from the article: “How - 6 rules for flirting with men.”

The main thing is to remember that young men are also worried and think about what they can talk about. Alternatively, you can imagine that you are communicating with your old friend, then the communication will be easy and relaxed. Don't worry, just be yourself.

And you won’t even think about how to properly communicate with a guy on the Internet; the dialogue will flow like a stream. Communication on dating websites should be enjoyable, this is how you will have the opportunity to find interesting topics for conversation and interest a guy. It is extremely important to remain sincere, then the dialogue will be very easy, and what’s more, it will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions to both interlocutors.

You don't know how to approach a cute guy and start a conversation with him? Don't have enough courage? Here are some simple tips on how to do this.


How to start a conversation

    Introduce yourself. The most direct way to start a conversation with a young man is to approach him and introduce himself. It doesn't matter if he's the new guy at work, a cute student in a lecture hall, or a handsome stranger in a cafe - square your shoulders, smile and approach him with confidence. Say “Hi,” then introduce yourself and ask his name.

    • Once you know the guy's name, try to use it often in conversation. People like to hear their name. It also makes the conversation more personal and creates a feeling of intimacy between you.
    • Tell him something like: “Hi! My name is Olya, what’s yours?” Simple and effective!
  1. Take advantage of the circumstances around you. One of the easiest ways to start a conversation is to take advantage of the circumstances around you. It could be anything: the weather, a class schedule, the result of a sports game. You can ask him what he thinks about, for example, heavy rain or an extra couple, or comment on the situation yourself and wait for his answer.

    • Talking about the weather may seem like a casual conversation starter, but it works. Try saying something like "What a great day, huh?" The purpose of this phrase is simple - to start a conversation. Once you start talking to each other, start discussing more interesting topics.
    • If you are sitting next to a cute guy on a train or bus, try sighing and talking, as if to yourself, about the delay of transport or ticket prices. If he is interested in you, he will take this as an invitation to talk and agree with you. The main thing is to attract his attention.
  2. Contact him for help. Men love to help women. They are biologically wired for this. So a little game of “girl urgently needs help” can help you start a conversation. Invoking his masculinity and muscle strength will boost his confidence and make him feel more comfortable with you, allowing the conversation to flow more freely.

    • If you're struggling with a heavy stack of files or a bulky box, ask him to help you. Tell him you can't open a can of coffee or unscrew the cap of a water bottle.
    • Don't forget to smile and thank him after he helps you. Everyone wants to hear gratitude when they do a good deed.
    • One warning: don't overdo it. You just want his attention, so don't play the “girl who needs help” game too often.
  3. Praise him. Guys love compliments just as much as girls. Be sincere. Giving him a compliment will be the best way to start a conversation. What compliment to give depends on how confident you feel.

    • If you're feeling confident, compliment his amazing eyes or his Brad Pitt-like smile. He'll realize that you find him physically attractive, which is something all guys like.
    • If you want to be a little less obvious, then compliment his suit, tie, or cologne. Thus, you will praise its excellent taste.
    • Praise his work or play on the sports field. Tell him that he did a good job on his presentation or that he played great. He will know that you paid special attention to him.
    • Also, if you run into him on the street walking his dog, praise the dog. Or tell him you approve of his choice of sandwich for lunch. Any situation that gets him talking will do.
  4. Ask him a question. Questions are great for starting conversations, especially if you're feeling a little awkward. The questions themselves can be simple, but try to avoid questions that can be answered with a short “yes” or “no.” Everyone may feel awkward and the conversation may simply fizzle out.

    • Ask questions in such a way that he is forced to think about how to answer you, or at least gives more than a one-word answer. Men can sometimes be a little slow, so try to help them a little. He will soon realize that you are more interested in him than in how to get to Red Square.
    • Ask him for a pen for a minute or ask him if he watched a football game last night. You need his attention to start a conversation, so don't worry about not knowing anything about football.

How to get him to continue the conversation

  1. Find a common interest. Finding common interests is the basis of dialogue. If you find a topic that you both enjoy talking about, the conversation will flow much more easily. Even if you don't know something, show your interest by asking him questions and letting him talk.

    • For example, if you both love Russian rock, then find out his favorite band, favorite guitarist, etc. We are sure that you will not be able to stop him, and he will probably think that you are a pretty cool girl since you are interested in this.
    • His clothes, objects on his desk, books will hint to you about his interests. If he has a photo on his monitor where he is holding a pike in his hands, then it is likely that he loves fishing. Pay attention to small details that will help you choose the right topic for conversation.
  2. Ask him open-ended questions. They are needed to continue the conversation. Avoid questions that can be answered in one word, or that he will answer automatically without thinking.

    • For example, don't start a conversation with the phrase "How are you?" to which he will probably respond reflexively with "Okay." Instead, ask him what he did last weekend, or what he thinks about the new boss. Such questions will force him to think about the answer.
    • Plus, you can ask him an either/or question to start a fun discussion. Ask him whether he prefers “Real Boys” or “Univer”, rock or hip-hop, an English or computer science teacher. Try playfully reproaching him for his choice to make him laugh.
  3. Listen more than you talk. Conversational etiquette requires that you listen more than you talk. That's why you have two ears and only one mouth, right? Therefore, when talking, try to really listen to him. By the way, if you've never noticed it, guys tend to like the sound of their own voice.

    • Even when you are silent, let him know that you are interested. Show this with a smile, nod, or gesture.
    • If you are a good listener during a conversation, you will do two things: first, you will make a good impression on the guy, and second, you will see if he is really worth your time.
    • By listening to what he says, you can get a pretty good idea of ​​his personality. You can then decide whether it’s worth meeting him further. If you don't find it interesting now, you won't find it any more interesting later.
  4. Ask him interesting questions. So that he does not consider you uninteresting, ask him questions that will be interesting to him and make him think. From such questions, he will start thinking about you long before the end of the conversation.

    • For example, ask him questions such as “If you could visit anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?” or “If there was a fire in your house, what three things would you save?” or “If you were a fictional character, who would you be?” These questions will make him smile, and his answers will better reveal his inner world.
    • Or you can get serious and ask him questions like “Have you ever been in love?” or “What is your biggest regret?”
    • Keep in mind that these are not the questions you ask when you approach and start a conversation, otherwise the young man will think that you are some kind of crazy. These questions are best left for later, after the initial awkwardness has passed, perhaps after a few drinks.
  5. Discuss pop culture. Discussing popular culture is an old and reliable way to keep the conversation going. Every person, regardless of their interests, will have something to say about movies, music, television shows, books, or the names that crazy celebrities give their children. Once you've got an idea of ​​what his interests are, you can ask him what he thought of a movie, if he's read a certain book, or if he's heard the new album of a popular band.

    • Also ask his opinion on an aspect of pop culture in which he considers himself an expert. Guys love to show off their vast knowledge, especially to an interested audience.
    • For example, if he loves Woody Allen's films, and you have never seen any of his films, then ask the young man which film is best for you to start getting acquainted with the work of this director. Or maybe it would be better for you to watch this film together?
    • Or maybe both of you are interested in something that not everyone is interested in. Impress him with your knowledge of French punk rock bands from the 70s or by beating a popular computer game. He may begin to think that you are the one he has been looking for all his life.
  6. End on a high note. You need to know when to bow out gracefully. Always leave him wanting more. After a particularly funny joke or story, you have to say goodbye to him. Tell him you need to get back to work or be home already. We hope he will be sad to see you go and will look forward to another opportunity to talk to you.

    • If you feel like everything went well and you really like this guy (even more than before), then ask him to meet him sometime after work for a cup of coffee. If you're embarrassed to say it out loud, then do what the girls do in the movies - give him your number written on a piece of paper.
    • Before you leave, you should look the guy straight in the eyes, smile and say, “It was nice talking to you, ______ (insert his name here).” He will remember this phrase much better than “See you later.”

Give the right signals

  1. Smile and laugh. Guys are more attracted to happy, laughing and smiling girls than gloomy and frowning divas. And that's a fact. The young man will feel more comfortable around you and will be more willing to open up to you. Laughing at his jokes will greatly boost his ego, which in turn will make him feel good about himself and make you look even more attractive.

Of course, a girl should not take the initiative in a relationship. Her lot is to wait faithfully for her “prince.” But following this theory, you can remain in standby mode for the rest of your life. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know exactly how to start a conversation with a guy you like. Knowing how to correctly apply this skill, you will quickly gain the favor of a young man without losing your feminine pride.

How to start a conversation with a stranger you like?

If you don’t know the guy yet, then you should use your sense of smell and... Watch him and decide in advance how you can start the conversation. The conversation starter could be:

  • A banal “hello”;
  • The detached question “What time is it”;
  • Question of interest “What is your dog’s name”;
  • An unobtrusive remark such as “Oh, it’s cold today”;
  • A comment about a guy's appearance or preferences.

In this case, the question or word should not sound informational. Otherwise, you will receive a banal, informative answer. You should smile and hint with your whole appearance that you are interested in him.

If a young man is even the slightest bit inclined to get closer, he will start asking questions himself, trying to talk to you. If this does not happen, then calmly retreat. Don't be embarrassed. Try it another time and you will succeed.

How to start a conversation with a guy you know?

If you like a guy you know, then things are much simpler. You can quickly figure out what he might be talking about and start a conversation with:

  • Mentions of mutual friends;
  • Memories of something;
  • Talking about your teachers;
  • Talking about some new things at school;
  • Questions about business;
  • Any question.

But you shouldn’t overact, pretending to be a friendly dialogue. Otherwise, he will begin to perceive you as a friend. It is necessary to be determined so that he himself begins to take the initiative in the future.

You must make him think that he himself has begun to court you. Then everything will work out. If he decides that you are hanging on to him, then this will push him away.

Finding a moment to start a conversation

To ensure a good result, you need to choose the right situation to start a conversation. Pick a moment when the guy is most relaxed.

This could be a walk with the dog. In such a situation, you can talk about his pet. He will definitely have something to tell, and the conversation will begin. And this is the way to his heart.

You can approach him when he is waiting for friends, walking alone, doing something not too tiring, or sitting in a cafe. You can use some advice as a topic for conversation. Guys love to give advice to ladies. They can spend hours teaching the weaker sex.

You can also ask for help. For example, ask him to understand the phone settings. Just don’t try this trick with strangers, otherwise you might end up without a smartphone.

Every person loves when his opinion is important to someone. This means you can simply ask him what he thinks about something. So, he will express his opinion, then you will do it. And then you can go on a date.

What mistakes should you avoid?

Do not be afraid. This is immediately visible from the outside and is terribly repulsive. You're just trying to talk to a person. There is nothing criminal about this. And don't care what others think.

If a guy shows sympathy for you, do not rush to reveal all your cards. If you start inviting him on a date (to bed, down the aisle), then he will begin to manipulate you. Your task is to show that you are not averse to it. That's all.

Look at the situation. Don't use advice from friends or informational articles as specific recipes. No templates. After all, in life everything can go differently, and you will find yourself confused.

To freely start a conversation with a guy you like, you should study him thoroughly. Think over not only the first words, but also the subsequent development of the dialogue. Then you can easily achieve the object of your attention. And he won’t understand anything.

Dating on social networks is becoming increasingly popular every day. It’s much easier to conduct a dialogue on the Internet - you have time to think about what was said, draw conclusions and write a response. The VKontakte network gives its users unlimited opportunities for new acquaintances; a girl can easily narrow down the search for candidates for the role of a soul mate using well-chosen filters - city, age, etc. Choosing is not a problem, but tactfully starting a conversation with a guy is an impossible task for many ladies.
When dating on the Internet, a girl must adhere to the main rule - be herself and talk about what is interesting not only to the guy, but also to herself.

Where to start the conversation?

You need to start a conversation simply and unobtrusively. You can simply ask how he is doing, his mood, what the weather is like outside his window, what he is doing at the moment, etc. If a guy is interested in starting a new relationship, he will take the initiative into his own hands and will ask questions of a random stranger with interest. If a male representative is not very talkative, it is better to choose some neutral topic to continue communication. For example, if he puts the question bluntly and wants to know the purpose of adding as a friend, you can divert the topic into the direction of distributing goods or services, apologize for the concern and plunge into new searches.
If the guy is in no hurry to make an appointment first, the girl can take the initiative into her own hands. If mutual interest is shown, a first date will soon take place.

How to continue communication?

If the first dialogue with him went well, and in the future the girl is going to correspond with him, you should definitely ask about his personal life. It happens that guys make several acquaintances, hiding their marital status. In order not to fall for such a trick, you need to ask when he had his last serious relationship, why he broke up with his chosen one, etc. It would be a good idea to look through his photographs and wall posts to study his communication style and lifestyle. It’s also not worth talking a lot about the guy’s past; perhaps this is a painful topic for him. Long-term relationships on a social network usually end with meetings in real life. It is better for the first date to take place in a crowded place, for example, in a cafe or cinema. This will make young people feel relaxed and at ease.

Communication on the Internet has long become everyday life for modern youth. But not everyone can get to know social networks correctly. What questions should you ask and what should you focus on when building a dialogue?

How to start communication?

It is better to start communicating on social networks in a standard way. Simple questions “how are you”, “what are you doing” and so on have long been outdated. Moreover, they should be asked to the person with whom contact has already been established. What to talk about with a guy on VK if the girl doesn’t know him?

First, you should explain to yourself the reason for communication, for example, it could be love or the prospect of a future relationship. A girl can also be added as a friend for the sake of simple friendly communication. If the young man makes contact, then you can continue to build a dialogue.

To do this, you just need to start a conversation on a specific topic, for example, about interests in life. A man can list several of his own interests, for example, football, technology, music, cinema, and the girl should choose what is close to her and continue to develop the dialogue. For example, she can delve into the topic of what kind of music a man likes, what specific style attracts him most, and for what reason. A conversation on this topic does not oblige you to anything, which means it evokes only positive emotions.

How to communicate with a guy in contact who is not in the mood for dialogue? In fact, all it takes is giving a man a few compliments to make him want to talk. Men are very susceptible to flattery, and this method will help start a dialogue with absolutely any representative of the stronger sex. For example, a girl can say that a man has very beautiful photos on social networks and ask if he makes money from this? This will start a conversation, and maybe even set up a meeting.

What to talk about with a guy on the Internet if he has no special interests? In this case, you can always discuss studies, work, or current political and sporting events. Communication on the Internet is advantageous in the sense that you do not have to see your interlocutor. Because of this, people experience much less embarrassment and make contact with each other much easier. As a result, productive communication can be built in a shorter period of time. At the same time, the young man will obviously be pleased that he now has such a good, interesting and attractive interlocutor, capable of maintaining a dialogue on a variety of topics. After all, many men like just such girls.

The question of what to talk about with a guy on the Internet does not arise for every girl. Many of the fairer sex have no problems finding interlocutors and topics for communication. They build dialogue on the Internet on a variety of, sometimes even frank, topics.

Inappropriate topics for dialogue

What to talk about with a guy in contact if communication doesn’t go well at all? If a man begins to be rude, then you should not react to his provocation. Most likely, he simply is not in the mood, and that is why he behaves so rudely. It is better for the girl to retreat for a while and continue communication the next day. If she now begins to find out the reasons for such aggressive behavior, she may encounter an even more violent reaction, which will definitely not be pleasant for anyone.

Also, you should not ask too much about a man’s income, his financial capabilities, the availability of an apartment and a car. If people have just met, such questions cause inappropriate reactions. Most likely, a man may think that the girl only needs his money and nothing more. No one will want to communicate with such a special person.

What to talk about with a guy on VK if a girl wants to immediately find out his financial viability? In this case, it is necessary to start a conversation about the man’s place of residence or profession. As soon as he begins to answer questions about his occupation, you should subtly hint to him about the size of his salary. You should not ask directly, because, most likely, the reaction will not be the best.

Also, a girl can start a conversation about cars if this topic is interesting to a man. Next, you should compliment that the guy is well versed in technology and find out if he has his own car. This way, you can simply and easily start a dialogue and learn a lot of interesting things about your new acquaintance.

By the way, dialogue can be built on more abstract topics. For example, talk about the sights of the city where the man lives, about the weather and pastimes. Such topics are already considered classic, and it is much easier to build communication here. Of course, dialogue will only go well when both people want to talk and are on the same wavelength. Then any topic will seem simple and easy.

What to talk about with a guy in contact if he is weak in making contact? Here it is important to interest the conversation, to tell something unusual and original. In this case, no man can resist a productive conversation.

It is interesting to note that now many couples meet on the Internet. This is almost the easiest way to find your soulmate. The most important thing is not to be shy, and in this case you will be able to easily build a dialogue with the man the girl likes.

Communication with young people in contact should be exclusively pleasure. This is the only way a girl will be able to find topics for conversation and interest a guy. It is important to be sincere, then the conversation will be very simple, delivering a lot of pleasure.
