How to clean nubuck shoes at home. Removing dark marks from rag sports shoes

New suede shoes look expensive and stylish, and therefore can become the main decoration of any look. But if you do not take care of it properly, it will not last long and will very quickly turn into a worn-out pair. Find out right now how to clean suede shoes at home, and don't make blunders!

In order for suede shoes, boots or boots to retain their appearance, remember a couple of rules for daily care.

  1. Regularly clean suede shoes from dust and dirt with a special brush or a soft, dry cloth (flannel).
  2. Treat with a water repellent spray.
  3. Do not leave your shoes dirty - it will be very difficult to clean!
  4. Suede shoes can be washed. Make a soapy solution and add ammonia (just a few drops). Dip a brush in this mixture and scrub the suede thoroughly. Then repeat the process, but with clean water.
  5. Suede shoes should not be dried near heaters - they can be deformed under the influence of heat.
  6. Be sure to stuff wet boots with newspapers - paper absorbs moisture and allows you to keep their shape. But it is better not to wear them in rainy weather.
  7. Buy a separate brush for each shade of suede. Be especially careful with light-colored shoes - they can be easily stained with a dirty brush.
  8. To remove scuffs, move the brush back and forth, and to remove dirt, move in only one direction. Remember! Only dry suede can be cleaned! If there is no special brush, replace it with an elastic band, a crust of black bread or a matchbox (you need a side part).
  9. You can restore the color of suede with a special cream or spray paint. Brown suede can be cleaned well with drunk coffee grounds. It is enough to apply it on the surface of the shoe and rub it with a dry brush.
  10. To create a reliable protective layer that will resist dust, water and salt stains, treat the suede surface in advance, and not before going outside.

How to remove gloss on suede?

How to clean suede shoes if they are shiny? There are several options for this!

Method 1 - water vapor

Shiny shoes can be rubbed with an elastic band or held over steam - it will raise the pile.

Method 2 - ammonia

  • Mix 2 parts water with 1 part ammonia;
  • Soak a clean swab or gauze in this solution;
  • Wipe problem areas;
  • Wash them with clean water;
  • Treat the shoes with a brush dipped in a light solution of vinegar - 1 tsp for 1 liter of warm water. vinegar essence.

Method 3 - sandpaper

Another good way is to rub the worn area with fine sandpaper. But be very careful not to get too carried away or you will ruin your shoes!

How can you clean suede?

Quite often, different stains or stains from water appear on suede. To get rid of them and clean your shoes from salt, use our selection of simple but effective recipes.

Recipe 1 - talc and gasoline from greasy stains

  • Moisten the stain with gasoline and sprinkle it with talcum powder;
  • Let the gasoline soak in - to do this, set your shoes aside for less than 2 hours;
  • Walk over the surface with a stiff brush.

An excellent alternative for old greasy stains will be ordinary salt, tooth powder or crushed chalk. Sprinkle them with a dense layer, let the salt absorb the fat and repeat everything again. If you manage to stain from juice, wine or other drinks, wash suede shoes with a weak vinegar solution.

Recipe 2 - vinegar from salt stains

  • Clean the surface of the suede;
  • Dampen the brush in vinegar and go over the stains;
  • Wipe the treated area with a soft, damp cloth;
  • Dry the shoes completely and apply a water repellent;
  • Wait until it dries and brush again.

Recipe 3 - Stubborn Stain Cleaning Foam

  • Mix a glass of warm water with 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and liquid hand soap (some use washing powder);
  • Shake the mixture until foamy;
  • Dip a soft cloth into it and wipe suede shoes;
  • Rinse the surface with vinegar water.

How to clean light-colored shoes?

Light-colored suede shoes should be cleaned regularly to prolong their lifespan. If your favorite couple has lost its appearance, wipe the dirty areas with a gauze pad soaked in ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. The stronger the contamination, the stronger the solution should be. Use this tool no more than 1 time in two weeks!

You can also scrape off the salt with a stiff brush and a clean piece of rubber. If this does not help, use a vinegar solution. Then fluff the dried shoes well with a brush.

For cleaning light-colored suede shoes, milk, ammonia and soda are ideal:

  • Combine 1 tsp. baking soda, 100 grams of fresh milk and a few drops of ammonia;
  • Soak a clean rag or sponge in this solution and rub the stains well.

Now your suede shoes will look great even with active wear!

Fine-haired leather products require constant care and thorough cleaning. At the same time, the removal of contaminants should be delicate and careful. I will tell you about all the nuances of how to clean nubuck.

Nubuck cleaning

Rules for the care of fine-haired skin:

Image Instruction

Rule 1

Cleaning of nubuck shoes begins only after the surface has dried. Otherwise, the dirt will be deeply absorbed, and it will be extremely difficult to remove it.

Rule 2

It is impossible to wash off the dirt with running water, as the soaked skin will harden after drying.

Rule 3

Do not use products for smooth skin - they contain fatty ingredients that will stick the villi.

Use special ones, indicating "for suede and nubuck".

Rule 4

Dry brushing removes most of the dirt. Treat nubuck boots with special shampoos and stain removers after thorough brushing.

Rule 5

Dry at room temperature, not on radiators. The heat causes the skin to deform.

Rule 6

Apply cleaning products to a sponge, it absorbs excess. Then wipe the nubuck material with a sponge with your own hands without pressing.

Rule 7

After drying, go over with a brush to lift the fluff.

Rule 8

At the end, treat the skin with moisture-repellent impregnation. So save the product and facilitate the process of the next cleaning.

Cleaning products

Conventional detergents (soaps, powders) leave white stains on the surface. Therefore, purchase special products designed specifically for nubuck.

Tool Image Categories by nature of action

Remedy 1: shampoo (foam cleaner) for suede and nubuck.

It can be used periodically, only with significant pollution, salt stains, stains.


  • apply generously to the surface;
  • remove the foam with a brush without waiting for the moisture to be absorbed.

Remedy 2: spray paint.

Refreshes and restores color, paints over problem areas. Softens the skin.


  • spread evenly over a clean surface;
  • make sure that the layer is thin - immediately remove the excess.

If the color of the sole is different from nubuck, seal it around the edge with tape. So resistant paint is not absorbed into the sole.

Remedy 3: Nubuck Sponge.

For daily cleaning and maintenance. Softens the surface, refreshes the color, protects against moisture.

Application: walk the sponge over the entire dry surface.

Remedy 4: protective impregnation.

Protects in bad weather from dirt and moisture penetration.


  • spray on the surface;
  • rub the shoes with a dry brush.

You can purchase a set for nubuck. Each tool from it quickly copes with its task.

Nubuck brush

Using the universal combined instrument panel:

  • use a nubuck brush with regular bristles to sweep away dust before cleaning;
  • wipe dried dirt with a rubber pile;
  • with a selected edge with short thick bristles, treat glossy areas.

To get the best result from shoe cleaning, purchase a special double-sided eraser.

With it, you can significantly improve the appearance of the product:

  • clean out nubuck material;
  • smooth out the pile;
  • remove shiny spots.

Features and cleaning methods

The whole purification process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Product preparation (drying).
  2. Removal of dust, pollution.
  3. Applying a protective layer.

Surface preparation

Drying nubuck precedes cleaning actions:

Drying methods Description

At room temperature.

This is a long, but the most careful way.

Stuff your shoes with paper. It will speed up the process, as it absorbs moisture. At the same time, the shape of the product is preserved.

Electric dryers.

They create optimal temperature conditions and uniform drying.

Not recommended: drying on radiators.

The skin will lose its shape, harden, and the fine pile will become shiny.

Dry cleaning: express method

Cleaning dry material is the fastest and most delicate way.

Image Description

Stage 1.
  • Remove dirt from the sole without wetting the leather.
  • Walk the brush over the surface.

Stage 2.

Treat nubuck boots with a special sponge.

Wet cleaning: a method for heavily soiled

You can clean nubuck shoes at home using the wet method. So get rid of salt stains and dirt.

Tool Image Instruction

Method 1: steam application.

Steps on how to effectively clean nubuck from salt stains:

  • Stuff your shoes with paper.
  • Boil water.
  • Hold your shoes over the steam for about a minute.
  • Walk with a brush.

Method 2: treatment with 10% ammonia.

Steps on how to clean nubuck shoes at home from difficult stains:

  • Dilute alcohol in water (1:4).
  • Treat problem areas.
  • Wipe with a damp sponge, removing the alcohol solution.

Only light-coloured nubuck can be cleaned with this method, as the alcohol will lighten the surface.

Method 3: universal.

It is convenient to clean nubuck shoes with sponge shampoo:

  • Spread the shampoo evenly over the surface.
  • Scrub the dirty areas with a sponge.
  • Walk with a dry cloth.


Now, knowing how to clean nubuck shoes, you will keep their presentable appearance for a long time and extend their service life. Check out the video in this article for visual and helpful tips. And write your ideas and questions in the comments.

Many people like nubuck shoes. But in the process of wearing, the question necessarily arises: how to clean nubuck shoes at home? In shoe stores you will find all kinds of care products for this material. You just need to learn how to properly care for it and keep your shoes always clean. In this article, we will talk about how to clean nubuck shoes at home and how to care for them so that your favorite pair looks like new for a very long time.

What is nubuck?

Nubuck is a modern natural material. Fine-haired leather is produced in factory conditions using a special leather processing technology: by special dressing, undergoing chrome tanning and polishing. To obtain nubuck, only the skin of cattle is used.


  1. Being a natural material, it provides the “breathing” of the skin, which is a necessary condition for maintaining the beauty and health of your feet. In such shoes, the feet will never sweat in the summer and will always be warm in the winter.
  2. Shoes made of high-quality material correspond to high rates of durability and strength. Such shoes can maintain their performance characteristics for many years even with constant daily wear.

Basic rules for selection and care:

  1. In order for the shoes to serve you for a long time, you need to pay attention to the quality of the goods when buying. Try to buy only branded shoes, then you will not be disappointed in your choice.
  2. When buying shoes made of nubuck, you do not need to save on care products. You can't go wrong if you immediately buy an aerosol paint with a waterproof effect and a water-repellent impregnation. Special products for nubuck shoes will help to refresh it, protect it from dirt, and also mask scuffs.

If you plan to buy boots or shoes made of this material, be sure to read more about:

Nubuck boots: the first “going out”

Do I need to clean new nubuck shoes immediately after purchase before wearing them? The answer to this question is unambiguous and categorical - necessarily. Shoe care must be started on the day of purchase, immediately after returning from the store. Such skin does not tolerate moisture well, so the main task is to protect it from water.

It is the first preventive cleaning that will guarantee a happy and long “life” for your favorite shoes. The first cleaning should be the most abundant:

  • The product must be treated with a special impregnation three times.
  • Between each treatment, you need to take a break, allowing the product to completely absorb into the material. This will keep your shoes from getting wet in the future and make it easier to remove stains later.
  • The same plentiful treatment should be carried out during rain and when snow melts.

Important! Before processing, carefully read the instructions for use of the product. It is better to apply special impregnation in the fresh air, for example, on a balcony.

How to care for nubuck shoes at home? Daily routines

It is very important to take care of your nubuck shoes daily. Processing should be regular and of high quality.


  1. First of all, you need to remove dirt from the heel and sole with a damp cloth.
  2. Clean the shoes of debris and dust with a special brush.

Important! The product must be dry. Otherwise, you will rub dirt into the material.

  1. If the surface of the shoe is wet, dry your shoes or boots. To do this, you can stuff old newspapers inside or use a shoe dryer.
  1. After drying and cleaning, apply impregnation once. In this way, you will protect your favorite shoes from moisture, which can ruin them.

Important! Aerosol treatment should be done in advance. It is better to spend it in the evening, and not before you have to leave the house.

  1. It is better not to wear such shoes during wet weather when it rains. This may result in the loss of the beautiful appearance of the product.
  2. For those who drive a car, there are special pads “so-so”. They will protect the pile from rubbing and dirt.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home from heavy dirt?

If the shoes are heavily worn, then in order to restore their original appearance, we recommend contacting a dry cleaner for professional help. You can try to clean nubuck shoes at home. To do this, use one of the following tools.


Using the ammonia method, you can clean the white salt stains that often appear on shoes in the winter season.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a solution of water and ammonia in a ratio of 4: 1
  2. Dry the nubuck product thoroughly with a sponge dipped in the prepared solution.
  3. Dry the shoes well, then hold them over the steam to straighten the lint.
  4. Scrub the nubuck with a brush and apply paint.


Table liquid is also an excellent helper in cleaning shoes made from delicate natural materials.

Mode of application:

  1. Prepare a vinegar solution by mixing a teaspoon of vinegar and one liter of water.
  2. Wipe the dirty area with a cosmetic disc moistened with the solution.
  3. Dry the shoes well and hold them over the steam to straighten out the hairiness.
  4. Wipe with a brush and apply paint.

kitchen salt

To get rid of greasy stains, you can use ordinary table salt.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply a small pinch of salt to the place of contamination and gently rub with a sponge.
  2. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  3. Dry the shoes and carefully comb the surface with a metal nubuck brush.

Important! If heavily soiled, you can not wash nubuck shoes under running water, this can completely ruin it. Washing such shoes, as well as treating them with soap, is strictly prohibited.

To clean light-colored nubuck shoes, you can use all of the above methods. But keep in mind that the process will take a little more of your time. The same methods will come in handy if you wear other shoes made of fleecy leather. If you still do not fully understand the differences between these materials, read a comparative review about between them?

Cleaning nubuck shoes with folk methods

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a modern special care product for nubuck products, and you are afraid to try the above home cleaning products, then you can use folk methods:

  • You can clean suede products with a crust of stale bread and an ordinary stationery eraser.
  • To update the color and tint black shoes, our grandmothers used carbon paper.
  • To care for brown shoes, you can use coffee grounds.
  • If the pile is caked, it is necessary to wipe the problem area with fine sandpaper.
  • Greasy stains should be treated with gasoline and sprinkled with talc.

Special care for nubuck shoes

You can clean nubuck shoes yourself using special products. The modern market offers a wide range of nubuck care products, both in the form of aerosols and in the form of special paints that are applied with a sponge. But only the quality of aerosols or impregnations matters.

Rules for cleaning with special means:

  • When using special aerosols, safety rules must be observed.
  • When spraying a care product, be sure to take into account the distance to the wallpaper and furniture. Aerosol is a volatile substance that, moving, can settle on interior items and ruin them.
  • The next new cartridge must necessarily be identical in composition to the previous one and preferably from the same manufacturer.
  • Shoe care must be carried out with strict observance of the instructions for the use of special chemicals.
  • Spray chemical shoe care products in a well-ventilated area.
  • To cover up small scuffs, you can use various creams designed for this material.
  • Greasy areas need to be rubbed with a special eraser. If this does not help, hold it over the steam, and then straighten the villi with a brush.

Nubuck brush

To get the best cleaning result for shoes made of natural material, it is recommended to purchase a special brush for nubuck.

Brushes are of the following types:

  • with a selected edge;
  • tripartite and quadripartite;
  • with a combination of metal and synthetic pile.

Important! The most versatile appliances combine a rubber work surface and a metal pile. The use of such brushes helps not only to clean nubuck shoes from dirt, but also significantly improve the appearance of the material by smoothing out the pile.

“Express technology” for fast cleaning

There are situations when you need to give the shoes a “fresh” look very quickly. To do this, use "express technology" with the use of liquid water-repellent cream paint.

Important! It is a mistake to assume that ordinary paints and impregnations recommended for smooth leather can be used for this purpose.

Such a tool allows you to provide reliable protection against the adverse effects of environmental factors and allows you to instantly update the surface. The action of such products when painting over scratches and scuffs is absolutely harmless to the material. For uniform application of the caring cream, a convenient sponge applicator is provided.

There are also special sets for owners of shoes made of nubuck, suede and velor. The complete set assumes the presence of various means for cleaning and protecting nubuck products and instructions for restoring the beautiful appearance of shoes at home.

Collonil Nubuk+Velours Set

For example, the “Collonil Nubuk + Velours Set”, beautifully packaged in a purse, includes the following products:

  1. Protective aerosol. 200 ml bottle of Collonil Nubuk+Velours in a certain color (black, colorless, various shades of brown, blue). This nubuck paint will help you renew faded color, remove stains, and most importantly, protect the delicate surface of the shoe from dirt and water.
  2. Colonil Shampoo. Shampoo to remove salt stains and complex stains of well-absorbed dirt. After using this product, the shoes look like new.
  3. Collonil Nubuk Textile. Useful for products made of nubuck, textiles, suede. It has a coloring effect.
  4. An excellent assistant is the Collonil Cleaner universal brush for nubuck.
  5. Suede brush.
  6. Eraser Colonil Cleaner. With it, any stains can be removed quickly, without any extra effort.
  7. Collonil Cool'n'Fresh shoe deodorant is always useful. It will not only get rid of unpleasant odors, but is also an excellent antibacterial agent.
  8. Metal horn standard size.

Important! It is not recommended to apply care products (impregnations, creams, foams) directly on the surface of the product. These products are applied to a sponge or soft cloth, which is then carefully cleaned of contaminated areas or tinted.

Nubuck is a material that is made from the skin of cattle by tanning with mineral salts. It turns out strong fine-haired leather, not prone to stretching (unlike suede), so it goes to the manufacture of boots and boots. But still it is a capricious material that needs careful care. How to clean nubuck at home from dirt, dust and white stains?


Nubuck is quite capricious in care. Water is his main enemy. If you go out in nubuck boots without water-repellent impregnation in rain or snow, then the material will become rough, and its fibers will stick together. And if natural suede can be washed with water and washing powder, then nubuck, so similar to it, will be properly cleaned only with special products and only after thorough drying. It is permissible to wash only the lower part of the sole with water. The sidewall and heel can be cleaned of dirt with a damp cloth. Nubuck itself should not come into contact with water.

If you start work when the shoes are still damp, not only will you not get rid of the dirt, on the contrary, it will be absorbed deep into the pile, and the pile will become glossy. Therefore, if nubuck shoes get wet during a walk, first let it dry at home and only then clean it. Nubuck should not be dried on a battery, heater or under a hair dryer. You can speed up the process only by filling the shoes with a desiccant, for example, crumpled newspapers. They can be changed as we get wet.

Pollution cleaning

Before cleaning nubuck, it is advisable to purchase the following products:

  • 2 in 1 brush with metal bristles on one side and rubber insert on the other.
  • Shoe shampoo or foam cleaner, it is used 2-3 times a year for general cleaning of stubborn dirt. Shampoo Collonil, Twist, Tarrago, Saphir, Sitil brands are suitable.
  • The color restoring spray is used as needed. You can purchase Waterstop, Twist, Salamander, etc.

All this is applied depending on the degree and type of pollution. Dust and road grime can be brushed off with a 2-in-1 brush, but you need to do it right. First, go over the nubuck with the rubber side. Hold the brush at an angle to the material and brush in one direction - this way you can get rid of dirt, grease, refresh the appearance of the product. You can clean the joint between the nubuck and the sole with the side surface of the brush. Finish off with the bristle side of the boots. The nylon fibers will lift the lint and brush off the dust. Dry clean after each use of shoes.

More stubborn stains, as well as white stains on the surface, require the use of shoe shampoo or foam cleaner. Apply the product to the flannel fabric and treat the problem area with it. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for the composition to work. After that, remove the residue with a flannel cloth or other absorbent material. Then you can dry the shoes and comb the pile with the rubber side of the brush.

Dry clean after each use of shoes.

Grease stains can be removed with talcum powder. The tool will absorb grease, and the residue can be removed with a brush. At home, you can also try gentle methods - an aqueous solution of ammonia (1: 4) or vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Dip a cotton swab into the composition and rub it on the contaminated area. But remember that it is harmful for nubuck to be in contact with moisture for a long time, so after cleaning the shoes must be dried.

Old stains require the use of a solvent, but at home you will most likely ruin the nubuck. Therefore, such a stain is easier to mask than to remove. Comb the boots thoroughly with nylon bristles to lift the pile, and then spray-paint the stained area. After that, the shoes should dry out.

Creation of a protective coating

To create a protective coating, a water-repellent impregnation is required. The first time it should be applied immediately after buying shoes. As soon as you take the boots out of the box, apply the first coat of impregnation, after a few hours, when it is completely dry, apply the second coat, and then the third. In the future, a water-repellent composition is applied after each cleaning (in dry weather, it is enough to do this a couple of times a week).

Dazzling white stilettos, stylish sneakers or elegant milky ballet flats - the white color of shoes is always in trend. However, caring for her is quite difficult. And yet, it is much easier to clean a snow-white pair and keep it clean today, because professional foams, sprays and impregnations have successfully supplemented folk methods with egg white and milk.

How to tidy up a pair of smooth white leather at home

Products made from natural materials are especially whimsical in care, so their cleaning requires special knowledge. Store-bought products are the most effective for this. They are the best at removing the following most common impurities of white skin:

  • dustiness after going outside;
  • traces of dirty water after rain;
  • black stripes from the sole;
  • traces of engine oil from asphalt, etc.

Caring for white leather shoes should begin immediately after purchase. This will require specialized tools:

  • cream (colorless - for shine and protection from moisture, white - to hide small scratches) or wax;
  • cleaner for white skin in the form of shampoo, foam, cream soap;
  • conditioner (restores the material after the aggressive effects of cleaners, protects against moisture and pollution);
  • impregnation;
  • paint to update the color;
  • polish;
  • brushes and/or wipes.

Before wearing, shoes made of smooth leather are treated with impregnations based on wax, silicone or wood resins to prevent pollution and repel moisture. During operation, any contamination should be removed as soon as it appears.

Rules for daily skin care

After each return from the street, a white leather pair:

  • wipe from dust particles with a cloth made of woolen cloth;
  • treated with a colorless cream;
  • leave to stand for about half an hour;
  • wipe with a clean and dry woolen cloth.

A pair of buffed leather is cleaned with a crepe brush or eraser. Protective and cleansing substances, conditioners are rubbed with a napkin or sponge. It is not recommended to do this by hand, as stains will remain on the product. When dirt gets on the leather surface, special shampoos are used. They gently cleanse the skin without changing its color. Periodically (about every 4 socks) shoes should be polished:

  • the steam is cleaned of contaminants and dried naturally;
  • apply a small amount of cream and rub thoroughly;
  • after drying, polish with a soft brush or woolen cloth.

Annual intensive cleaning of white leather shoes

Once a year, deep cleaning of shoes is necessary.

  1. The pair is wiped with a damp cloth and dried well, then the shoes are cleaned with mild products for white skin (shampoo or foam).
  2. The product is dried.
  3. Using a sponge, apply a cream with a small amount of wax. It is better not to use a brush, because it does not allow you to adjust the amount of cream. The agent is rubbed into the skin until it is completely absorbed. In the absence of such impregnation, the skin will dry out and may become cracked.
  4. Then polish is applied to create a protective film. Using a soft cloth, rub the product with light circular movements, then polish the surface with a brush or nylon stocking.

Professional care products for natural white leather - photo gallery

Cream for white shoes will add shine to the skin and hide small defects. Cream soap is used to clean white shoes.
A quick and easy way to clean your shoes is to use wet wipes. Polish is commonly used on white patent leather.
Shoe paint will help refresh the color and hide surface imperfections.
Shampoos for cleaning white shoes will gently and efficiently remove dirt. Conditioner softens the skin and prevents it from drying out.

Video: protecting light-colored shoes from moisture and dirt with the help of impregnations

Folk remedies for the care of white leather shoes

If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase factory-made white shoe care products, the only alternative would be care and cleaning using folk remedies.

You can also wash white shoes with soda or vinegar. But these folk recipes are less effective.

Patent leather is easy to clean with soap

For care use special napkins and conditioner.

  1. Clean off dirt and dust with a soft brush.
  2. Moisten the cloth with soapy water and wipe the shoes from the outside.
  3. Polish the surface with a special cloth, then dry at room temperature for 24 hours.
  4. Apply shaving cream to the skin, and after it dries, remove the remnants with a dry rag.
  5. Treat shoes with a specialized conditioner that will protect them from fading, moisture and cracking.

To eliminate yellowness on white patent leather shoes, rub it with toothpaste without dyes and abrasive particles. Then remove the remaining paste with a soft cloth. Black marks on the product can be rubbed off with a colorless pencil eraser.

How to clean velor shoes

For such shoes, there are a lot of specialized tools, but sometimes it is not possible to purchase them and you have to use folk methods.

  • White velor cannot be cleaned of dirt when it is fresh. Already dried stains must be removed with a stiff shoe brush.
  • You can try to wipe the old stain with a cotton pad dipped in ammonia, but it's better not to risk it. Especially dangerous for velor is contact with chemical solvents like kerosene, gasoline. However, you can use a weak solution of vinegar (a teaspoon per glass of water). If the stain is very difficult, try wiping it with a swab dipped in alcohol.
  • With clearly visible greasy stains, you can use a stale bread crumb, intensively rubbing the fabric with it. After the procedure, walk along the velor with a hard shoe brush.
  • The appearance of shoes that have been exposed to the rain can be restored (fluff the pile of fabric) over the steam. To do this, it is dried and steamed over a heated kettle or iron. It is impossible to touch the velor with a hot surface!

White suede care

  1. Dry a couple well.
  2. Brush off dust and small dirt with a brush, and rub the greasy areas with a special device that looks like an elastic band.
  3. To clean strong dirt with a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon) and warm water (5 tablespoons). Then rinse the area treated with the solution with cold water (1 l) and vinegar (1 tsp).
  4. Buff the shoes with a soft, lint-free cloth and hold over the steam for a while to fluff up the suede.
  5. For bleaching, apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - 1 tbsp. water, take a teaspoon of alcohol and the same amount of peroxide.
  6. Dry cleaning of dust is carried out using talcum powder: pour it on shoes, and then wipe it with a suede brush and clean off the powder with it.

A proven means of cleansing such products is a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. milk. They are thoroughly mixed and moistened with a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the contaminated areas. Glossy places rub against the pile. After treatment, the shoes are wiped with a mixture of water (1 tbsp.) And vinegar (1 tsp.) And wiped with a dry cloth.

You can protect suede from the appearance of salt stains with glycerin (after cleaning dry shoes, wipe dry shoes with this product). And a solution of 1 tbsp will help remove them. water and 1 tsp. vinegar. You can also remove plaque by holding the suede over the steam, and then spraying it with a specialized spray for such shoes.

Photo gallery: care products for white suede shoes

Special brushes carefully and thoroughly care for white suede shoes Cleaner for suede shoes will gently get rid of heavy dirt Special paint will restore the flawless look of white suede shoes Impregnation to protect against moisture and dirt can significantly extend the life of shoes

We clean light nubuck with foams and powders of starch or talc

The most effective way to clean nubuck is to use specialized cleaning foams.

  1. Apply foam to the sponge.
  2. Wipe your shoes.
  3. Use a brush to remove any residue from the surface.

If the pollution is strong, the shoes should be held over the steam for half a minute, and then cleaned with a special brush. To refresh the nubuck, it is wiped with a solution of 10% ammonia (1 part) and water (4 parts) or vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Grease stains on white nubuck shoes can be removed with the help of starch and talc - they are sprinkled with pollution, and after 2-3 minutes they are brushed off.

Never clean nubuck shoes with soapy solutions, otherwise stains will remain.

To hide defects and frayed spots, to refresh the color, use protective and caring spray paints.

Photo gallery: care products for white nubuck shoes

Water-repellent to protect shoes in bad weather
Gently and thoroughly removes all impurities from nubuck special cleaner Special brushes are used to clean nubuck

How to clean a white sports pair

Shoes for sports especially suffer from pollution, because they don’t take care of them like a ceremonial weekend. Rag sneakers, leather sneakers and moccasins made of synthetic materials are cleaned in different ways.

Cleaning shoes made of cotton textiles (rag ballet flats, sneakers)

Cleaning white fabric shoes is done in the simplest way - with the help of laundry soap.

  1. Lather the product and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Wipe with a clothes brush.
  3. Wash your shoes well in water.

Soap is also great for removing stains. It will whiten ballet flats or sneakers, and save them from complex pollution.

Never soak textile shoes - water can break down the adhesive and leave a pair without a sole.

Grease stains should be washed off immediately with dish detergent. Engine oil is cleaned with chemical degreasers:

  • white spirit;
  • gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • kerosene.


  1. Moisten a cotton pad with the selected agent.
  2. Treat the surface.

A “compress” can be applied to very strong pollution: two cotton wool discs are moistened in the selected substance and attached to the outside and inside of the shoe, for example, with a clerical clip. After any treatment with strong-smelling chemicals, sneakers should be washed by hand in soapy water, stuffed with toilet paper and dried on the balcony. Shoes should be kept away from heaters and out of direct sunlight.

Video: how to clean white sneakers

Cleaning shoes made of artificial fabrics

You can clean such shoes with ordinary toothpaste. It is applied to a brush with medium or soft bristles and gently rubbed the contaminated areas of the sneakers. After the procedure, the paste is removed with a damp cloth.

To get rid of difficult stains make a mixture:

  • 1 st. l. washing powder;
  • 10 drops of vinegar;
  • 5-6 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Wet powder is used to clean sneakers with the same toothbrush. Do not use this composition on a mesh surface, otherwise it may be severely damaged.

If the methods described above do not help, various oxygen-based bleaches are used: powdered ones are diluted according to the instructions, and liquid ones are used immediately - moisten a soft cloth with liquid and wipe the shoes, and then wait for the result. After that, the sneakers are simply rinsed well in water and dried.

Washing sneakers or fabric shoes in the washing machine

If you do not want to spend time manually cleaning sports shoes, use a washing machine.

  1. Remove laces and insoles from shoes. They are washed separately and preferably by hand using powder or laundry soap.
  2. Carefully clean the dirt from the sole with a stick or under a strong stream of water.
  3. Sneakers or sneakers are wrapped in an old towel, tied or placed in a special bag and placed in the drum of the machine.
  4. Turn on the delicate mode - washing at 30 ° C or less, but without spinning and pre-soaking.
  5. After removing the shoes, they are dried in the most natural conditions, for example, on a balcony in the shade from the sun.

If the machine uses a delicate mode for soaking, the glue on the shoes may get wet and the sole will fall off, so washing will be done at your own peril and risk. The spin and / or dry mode must be turned off in advance so as not to break the machine and damage the shoes. Do not put more than one pair of shoes in the washing machine, otherwise your washing machine may lose the door glass.

Video: how to professionally wash white sneakers and remove stains from them

How to wash white leatherette and eco-leather

Approximately once a week, to protect against moisture, artificial leather products are wiped with a sponge lightly greased with glycerin. In case of severe contamination, use soap or hair shampoo.

  1. Remove dried-on dirt with a soft brush.
  2. Wipe the surface of the shoes with a cloth soaked in a solution of water (1 l) and hair shampoo (1 teaspoon).
  3. Dry the product in natural conditions.
  4. Treated with impregnation for leatherette shoes.

At the final stage of cleaning, eco-leather can be coated with antistatic so that it is less polluted.

Life hacks for white shoes and more

Little life tricks will allow you to quickly and easily put your favorite things in order.

How can you wipe off black (dark) stripes

Perfect for this purpose:

  • an ordinary eraser - they rub off black stripes and small black spots on shoes;
  • nail polish remover or solvent "647" - very quickly soaked with a white cloth soaked in them over the strips so as not to damage the paint layer.

Video: how to remove black stripes on light leather shoes

How to quickly clean white shoes at home without washing

  • Mix half a cup of vinegar and baking soda. Apply the foaming mixture to the steam, wait a couple of minutes and rub with a microfiber cloth.
  • Products made from natural materials should be treated with special cleaners. They are simply applied to the contaminated surface with a sponge or napkin and wipe the skin.
  • You can wipe the steam with a smooth surface from dust, and then dry it and apply a white emulsion or spray paint.

How to keep white for a long time

  • To preserve the whiteness of leather shoes, it is coated with water-repellent impregnation. The procedure is preferably carried out once a week. Thanks to this, the skin will remain white and elastic for a long time, it will repel dirt and moisture.
  • To refresh your white color and make your skin soft and shiny, mix half a cup of milk and one egg white. After thorough mixing, treat the surface of the couple with the mixture and rinse with cold water.
  • During care, use only very soft sponges and a non-rough cloth. It is strictly forbidden to wipe black and white pairs with the same rag!

Although white shoes are rather capricious in their care, even difficult dirt can be removed from products. To do this, you can use folk recipes or purchase special products for cleaning and eliminating defects - impregnations, wax, paints, shampoos, etc. With regular care, you will always enjoy the dazzling snow-white look of your favorite couple.
