How to recognize a karmic connection. Karmic marriage - greetings from the past

What binds us karmically: children, loved ones, spouses, parents, friends, passers-by?

Any meeting in life is karmic. Each for something and for some reason is given to you. Each leaves its mark on your destiny. According to the Law of karmic connections, all meetings in life are conditionally divided into nine categories according to the degree of influence on the fate of a person and the degree of approach of karmic connections:

1. Children (they are the closest and most important people for our karma in life);
2. Favorite;
3. Spouses;
4. Parents, brothers and sisters;
5. Relatives;
6. Friends;
7. Colleagues;
8. Acquaintances;
9. Random passers-by.

A close karmic connection means that we met more than once in our past incarnations, were in close relationships and, perhaps, were to blame for something before the person or he before us. Perhaps we caused great misfortunes for him in the past and now we are paying for our cruel mistakes by being forced to serve this person, fulfill his whims, listen to claims. If we are placed by fate in such circumstances, then there is a reason for this.

The greater the remoteness of the karmic connection, the less we met and had energy contacts in the past, and also the less we will have in our present life.

It is believed that we go from incarnation to incarnation in "packs" or, better, "baskets", like chickens of one brood. "Baskets" differ from each other in vibrations. According to these vibrations, we recognize a person from our “basket”, no matter how fate scattered us. "Unexpectedly" meeting, we immediately understand each other perfectly.

This does not mean that we do not have relationships with people from other baskets. There are very complex and difficult karmic connections with them, but we are comfortable only with our own. It happens that karma causes us to be lonely all our lives and not meet any of our own. Well then, we deserve it.
Let's start with the most distant category that affects us the most weakly, it includes people with whom we have the most minimal karmic connections.


We do not give everything to the first comers to the penny and do not go to the ends of the world. With random passers-by, having only contacts that correspond to this karmic category will be more sense. The main way of interacting with a passerby is an equal exchange, which is an indicator of our benevolent attitude towards the world.

If you need to make some decision about the person you are seeing for the first time, such as whether to provide the help you are asked for, whether to buy the things that are offered to you, listen to your feelings. Try to understand whether a pleasant or unpleasant energy impulse comes from a person and how this impulse responds to you. For example, from those who impose their product on the street, there is often a good energy impulse (they specifically learn this), but if you listen to yourself, then a vague unpleasant sensation arises.


These are people with whom we often or not very often, but meet in life. We cannot write them down in the category of friends, because we do not feel very close to them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are to us, other than just acquaintances.

These are friends, neighbors, a permanent hairdresser, a bathhouse attendant, our children's school teachers and parents of our children's school friends. This category is the most extensive in our life. And how differently we behave in the bath and at the parent meeting, so differently we build our energy relationships with different acquaintances.

All of us, the inhabitants of the Earth, are united and similar, and we have common tasks. The life of society as a whole, and, therefore, of each of us, depends on how each person lives.
Energy interaction with the category of acquaintances is the most diverse. We can perceive acquaintances as very close and pleasant people, love them more than relatives, be spiritually united with them, or we can even perceive one of them with hostility. Depending on this, we build our relationship with them.


People connected with us on business are karmically closer than just acquaintances. But in no case should they be confused with friends and relatives. Otherwise, business relations, both friendly and related, may suffer greatly. Not to mention that the case itself can crumble to dust. Interaction with colleagues can only go on an equal exchange.

A respectable lady, the director of a shoe store, "out of friendship" takes the daughter of her school friend to work. By a strange coincidence, the girl finds herself in a situation where she becomes the cause of huge trouble. The store manager almost gets sued. Everyone is in shock. School friend goes into the category of hated enemies. And meanwhile, only the respectable lady herself is to blame. Business relations should be built only on a business basis. But the lady did not fully understand her mistake, because the conclusion that she learned from the lesson was: do not do good to people.


The karmic category of friends opens a series of close and dear people. And with them, relationships are built in a completely different way. In the three previous categories, relations were built on the basis of mutually beneficial exchanges. The karmic relationships of friends involve selfless support, help without regard to what you get in return.

Why does fate bring us together? Why, when we meet one person among thousands of people, do we suddenly feel the kinship of our souls? Because this relationship really exists. We do not always remember and understand this, but we always feel that we are chickens from the same basket. We understand each other, we think alike, we have the same life values. We are cosmically from one basket. How and why does this happen? The question is for tomorrow.

There is an ancient truth: it is better to be deceived by friends than not to trust them all your life. If your friends deceived you, well, then you made a mistake and mistook the wrong people for your friends. Only you are to blame. Learn to distinguish karmic categories!


We did not come into this World by chance, but according to cosmic laws, which we are not given to fully comprehend. We are a part of the whole society of the planet Earth, therefore the state of the whole society as a whole depends on the state of our soul.

Directly and directly, this is expressed in the fact that we "purify" the karma of our kind. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of our family, help relatives, accumulate the positive energy of the family, freeing subsequent generations from birth diseases and karmic problems.
The genus into which we have come interacts with us in different ways. He is given to one as a guardian. The family protects from adversity, helps on the path of life, guides and gives strength in difficult times. So, we somehow deserve such support! Such roots must be preserved, passed on by inheritance, multiplying traditions.
The genus is given to others as a test. In overcoming generic problems, and sometimes the curses that lie on him, the soul grows stronger, tempers, gains strength and thereby cleanses the roots, because the person himself is a particle of the family. Overcoming the negative in himself, he thereby purifies the race as a whole.

However, there are people who depend very little on the karma of their kind. Apparently, because they have a very serious personal task and a difficult life purpose according to their own karma. Such people leave their parental shelter early, move far from home, quickly acquire independence and independence, and maintain very weak communication even with close relatives. They often have a difficult life path, and usually they have big complex cases ahead of them.

Unfortunately, too many people, playing on kindred feelings, are ready to morally destroy their loved ones and not even feel that they did it wrong. These are energetic "vampires", you should close yourself from them. And yet, be that as it may, if even the most distant relative turns to you with a request - do not refuse, do everything in your power. This is your family structure, your children and grandchildren will carry it, it depends on you how pure, favorable and strong roots they will get.

With relatives, an equivalent energy exchange is rarely possible. Either we use their energy, or we give them our own. Often we recycle each other's negatives. Sometimes you have to close. And all this is normal for this category of relations due to the specificity of generic energy processes.


The relationships that you develop with your closest relatives are the most striking indicator of your attitude to tribal karma. If there are several children in a family, then each of them may have their own relationship with the family and, therefore, their own indicator of connection with tribal karma.

This is how our world works, that one of the children can be a full bearer of the father's karma, the other - the mother's karma, and the third remains clean from these debts. Much more complex interweaving of karmic family lines between brothers and sisters is also possible. Two daughters can carry the mother's karma, and the father passes on a pure genetic line to his grandson. Brother and sister inherit their father's problems, and the mother passes on her creative talents to her grandson. There are as many options as there are families in the world.

Favorable relations between brothers and sisters, disinterested and benevolent, are a great gift of fate and invaluable support given by heaven.
But if the relationship develops badly and even very badly, let us not forget even then that these are our brothers and sisters, given to us from above. And no matter what happens, we must humbly accept what is given to us. We will be reasonable support for our loved ones - this is our karma, what we owe them somewhere and now we give it back.

If an alcoholic brother asks for money to drink it, our duty is not to give him everything we have, but to do everything to save him. However, not against his will. Everything that is done against the will of man is done for evil.

If there was a quarrel between sisters and brothers, forgive the offenders, we deserve these insults, maybe we are more to blame for our mutual misunderstanding of each other. Let's give in and go to reconciliation - this is working out the karma of the family. Working off karma, we will clear the way for our children and grandchildren.

No matter how our relationship with our parents develops, we will forgive them and ask for forgiveness for not understanding them. Whatever it is, these people are given to us by God - therefore, we deserved this and must humbly accept what is given.


Marriages are made in heaven. Spouses are people who have to build their own destiny together. Karmic dependence on a spouse is much greater than dependence on parents. Failure in marriage is often experienced much harder than a “difficult” childhood. It is perceived as the collapse of the plans and hopes of youth. Not everyone manages to find the strength to start all over again, sometimes not at a young age. Joint children continue to bind spouses even in divorce.

You have chosen a person as your spouse, and now he (or she) categorically does not suit you. But you yourself chose - so this person corresponded to something? It turns out that you chose what you yourself corresponded to at that moment! Now you need to figure out why fate brought you together. What do you have to give each other, what to teach and learn through your meeting.

Energy relationships between spouses know no boundaries. It is almost impossible to “close” from a spouse. The karma of two grows together and becomes common. The energy of a harmonious married couple is so great that they are practically invulnerable. Alien, disharmonious influences can only interfere for a while, the energy of two displaces everything that interferes, destroys all negatives. But if on the second day or the second year after the wedding you find a serious disharmony in your relationship with your spouse, then your task is to do everything so that they become as harmonious as possible. You can't just pick up and leave. The spouse is not a random passerby. This is another level of karmic relationships. Fate provoked you to karmic work.

When you answer all your questions and do all the difficult mental work, you will have a feeling of emptiness. There will be no irritation, no annoyance, no resentment, you will know that you yourself are to blame for everything. Then you will become free, you will have the right to make a choice, the right to break relationships that bring no joy to anyone. But your karmic work must be done "one hundred percent", you cannot deceive yourself. The problem is solved when emotions go away and a reasonable, bright attitude to everything that happens remains.

Marriage is an experience of service to another person. This is a test of the ability to love and empathize, the ability to accept someone else's point of view, to listen to it, despite any difference in views.

How much your soul gains if you serve diligently and unselfishly, with humility and love for man. How happy people are when, having eaten a pound of salt together, they finally harmoniously grow into each other, accepting their spouse as he is, loving with all their hearts his virtues and his shortcomings. No need to think that this is a simple humility before life or fear of it. If people achieve harmony, it is always the result of a huge inner work of both.


It is good when loved ones and spouses coincide in one person. It is more difficult when they are different people. Relationships with loved ones are built in much the same way as with spouses. But if marriage can be a complex karma, love is always happiness, and it is given as a reward, apparently, for the good work off of one's karmic debts, it must be protected as a priceless gift.

If true love is not mutual, it gives us even higher states of soul, when we are able to wish our beloved happiness with another, with the one she loves.

There can be only one energy interaction between lovers - a gift. To give the whole world, to give yourself, to give every drop of your energy. To feel how with each new breath the priceless gift does not disappear, but only multiplies, grows, acquiring new strength.


The main karmic duty of a person living on Earth is a duty to a child. Concepts about the World, Good and Evil are usually assimilated from parental submission, they are absorbed somewhere deep, on sensations even when it is not spoken about aloud.

What way of interacting with a child you choose is a matter of your taste, character, education, but most importantly, ask yourself more often: “What am I stimulating in him with this action, with this specific word?”
You punished your child - what did you show him? An example of cruelty, the firmness of a hand that has power, or how you need to be free and take responsibility for your actions? How much sensitivity, how much subtlety a parent needs to feel what exactly responds in a small person in response to the actions and words of adults. Only the infinite energy of love for a child can help in this difficult, sometimes intuitive work of the soul.

In conclusion, we can say that such a division into karmic categories is very conditional. One and the same person can be for us in one case a colleague, in another case - a friend, in the third - a loved one, relative, brother. It's not about labeling each individual as a "passer-by" or "the most beloved of all loved ones." The task is to understand at the moments of communication every time what is happening, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable with a given person in a given situation.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog. Throughout life, we get to know a lot of people: some disappear quickly and without a trace, others evoke passion and love at first sight, others torment and do not leave us alone. If you have ever felt a strong, unreasonable attachment to a person, despite all his shortcomings, or experienced a burning hatred, it is likely that fate itself intervened. To understand this, it is enough to calculate what the karmic connection will be according to the date of birth. The resulting number will show whether your souls met in past lives, tell you how to break invisible bonds and avoid the mistakes of the past.

12 signs

Karmic relationships between a man and a woman can be of two types. A healing connection is extremely rare. These are two kindred spirits who have been together for many lives. They help and support each other, know how to trust, forgive and selflessly love.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman

A destructive relationship is built on reproaches, conflicts, overcoming difficulties. These relationships are very difficult to break. Their essence is that two souls could correct the mistakes of past lives and with dignity accept the punishment for all misdeeds and atrocities.

Interesting. If in a past life you were not distinguished by devotion, get ready for the fact that in your current incarnation you will suffer from betrayals and betrayals.

To understand if you have a karmic relationship, you should pay attention to 12 main signs:

  1. Feeling of old acquaintance. It is as if you have known a person for 100 years, although you met him only recently.
  2. You are strongly attached to each other, but at the same time they are absolutely different. You have a different social and financial status, religion, hobbies, worldview, goals, aspirations.
  3. Uncontrollable physical attraction.
  4. Rapid and too rapid development of relations.
  5. With the advent of a partner, your environment changes dramatically. You can move to another city or country, stop communicating with relatives and friends, or completely isolate yourself from any social contacts.
  6. Serious trials after several years of a prosperous and joyful life together.
  7. Inability to have children.
  8. Constant struggle and conflicts with a partner. Relationships are devastating and exhausting, but there is no strength to leave.
  9. Feeling of deja vu.
  10. Even if you broke up, the partner continues to appear to you in dreams.
  11. After the end of a relationship, you constantly see signs that remind you of a once loved one: you hear his favorite songs, change the channel and find that his favorite movie is on, and so on.
  12. In a relationship, you have lost a part of yourself and are no longer able to make decisions or manage your own life without the approval of your partner.

A karmic connection can also be with the mother. The soul itself chooses parents based on the main tasks that need to be completed in the current incarnation in order to step over to the next stage of development. Know that personal karma is always connected with the karma of the family and your soul takes over from your mother's baton.

Looking at the closest person, analyzing his life and actions, you can understand what mistakes were made and try to build your life in a completely different way.

Karmic connection by date of birth: zodiac signs

In astrology, there are 4 types of karma that correlate with the elements:

  • Earth signs carry habitual karma. This means that in this life they will not be able to correct anything and will make the same mistakes again;
  • the burden of dying (last) karma presses on the Air signs. It is determined by the actions that Aquarius, Gemini and Libra committed on their deathbed. Fate gives them a chance to become a completely different person;
  • Water signs have residual karma. Thanks to calmness and the ability to control their actions, the past life did not affect the current one. They have practically no sins, so there is nothing to work out;
  • weighty karma controls the fate of the Fire signs. In past incarnations, they were too active, and their actions were reflected in the world around them. In this life, it is necessary to clearly understand that any action has serious, and not always positive, consequences.

People of habitual karma have a very strong influence on the life of residual karma. But astrologers advise them to associate fate with the person of the last karma.

Fact. It is easy for dying karma to go through life with a person of residual or habitual karma.

Significant karma affects all people, but receives much less return. It is almost impossible to influence her.

Working out karmic connections

Now let's move on to one of the main questions: how to work off bad karma. At the same time, it is important to determine how to restore peace to the soul and allow it to move to a higher level.

In relationships between partners, there are two ways that will help break the karmic connection:

  1. Patiently work off the debt with joint efforts, accept all the shortcomings of a loved one, fulfill obligations.
  2. Forgive, no matter how hard it is.

To work out karma faster, try not to deceive a loved one and help people in need. Realize your mistakes, correct flaws, respect the decision of the second half and accept it as it is. Stop teaching, pointing, urging. It is better to show care and support in the most difficult situations.

Important. The karmic connection will be reset if there are no conflicts, quarrels, abuse, revenge, envy, jealousy in your relationship.

How to know that the karmic connection is broken? You can easily part with the once beloved person, and he, in turn, will let you go without hindrance. You will learn a painful, difficult, but important lesson and never repeat the same mistakes.

Or you can stay together. Only now the relationship will be full of peace, harmony, love, mutual respect and support.

How to calculate the number of karmic relationships

If you want to know if your relationship is karmic, you can calculate compatibility. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth and your partner's birthday.

For example:

Marina 12/20/1985: 2+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=28

Stanislav 12/24/1982: 2+4+1+2+1+9+8+2=29

Now subtract 22: 57-22=35

Subtract until the difference is less than 22: 35-22=13

The resulting figure determines your karmic relationship. It remains to study the interpretation:

  • 1 - complex relationships in which partners are fighting for leadership. If a girl shows wisdom and gentleness, tries to accept the point of view of her man, the union will be successful and very interesting;
  • 2 - a very harmonious couple with the same characters, worldview, ideals. They are the whole universe for each other;
  • 3 - strong and stable relationships in which there will be everything - from love and mutual understanding to material well-being. The main thing is to protect your family from the interference of friends and close relatives, especially mothers;
  • 4 - a passionate relationship filled with strong, sometimes uncontrollable feelings. It is important not to believe gossip and pacify jealousy;
  • 5 - relationships with a person will play a huge role in your destiny. He will become a teacher and mentor. Having received the necessary lessons, you will part, due to differences in views, interests or social status;
  • 6 - you are two halves of a single whole that will love and support each other throughout life. Try to endure all the difficulties at the very beginning of the relationship in order to build a strong family;
  • 7 - there is a high probability that the connection will not be long. However, the short time that you spend nearby will be filled with a lot of travel, cardinal changes and pleasant emotions;
  • 8 is the number of karma. Most likely, in past lives you were guilty of something in front of each other. It's time to answer for your wrongdoings and correct your mistakes. Don't try to change your partner. Look for a compromise, improve yourself, get rid of vices and change for the better;
  • 9 - the union of two people who do not hear and do not listen to their partner. The constant feeling of loneliness, the inability to rely on a loved one and get support from him, will ultimately lead to separation;
  • 10 - you were connected in heaven. At first, the union can be built on material gain. But over time, feelings will be overwhelmed by a wave, and a happy family life will last for many years;
  • 11 - excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere. Everyday life will be filled with disagreements and struggle for supremacy. There is a possibility of cheating. It is important to learn how to make concessions and find a compromise. Otherwise, the relationship will fall apart;
  • 12 is the number of karmic relationships. Cheating, misunderstandings, resentment, mutual accusations are possible. Such a connection will certainly leave a deep imprint in life. But remember that you can overcome any troubles thanks to love;
  • 13 is a karmic relationship, but, alas, there will be no happy ending in this life. Communication is complex, short-lived, in some way even dangerous;
  • 14 is one of the best compatibility options that will allow you to build a strong family. Partners know how to find a common language, they have the same goals and aspirations;
  • 15 - you should not even start such a relationship. It will be built on the strong intimate dependence of one of the partners and constant manipulation;
  • 16 - you are not suitable for each other on a spiritual level. Relationships will end sooner or later. Communication will devastate, take away all the strength, but will have a strong influence on later life;
    17 - a wonderful future awaits the couple, filled with harmony, love, happiness and joint creativity;
  • 18 - incomprehensible and strange relationships in which both partners cannot consider the very essence of a loved one. High probability of betrayal and immoral lifestyle;
  • 19 - a harmonious, strong union, built on mutual respect and love;
  • 20 - good compatibility. However, the partners will have to adapt to each other. Then they will be bound not only by love, but also by strong friendship;
  • 21 - partners are ideally suited at an energy level. There is every chance to build a happy family;
  • 22 - extremely unstable, karmic relationships in which one of the partners strives for freedom. Passionate quarrels and violent reconciliations, complete disregard and violent jealousy. Great efforts will have to be made to achieve stability. There is a risk of divorce.

You can also karmic relationships with your former partners to see patterns and understand your own mistakes.

Now you know everything about the karmic connection by date of birth. Open yourself to your destiny and do not be afraid to learn its lessons in order to reach a new level of spiritual development.

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"Like the right and left hand -
Your soul is close to my soul.

We are adjacent, blissfully and warmly,
Like right and left wings.

But the whirlwind rises - and the abyss lies
From the right to the left wing!

Marina Tsvetaeva

Numerous customer examples inspired this blog.

How often do we see examples of relationships in which there is passion, an inexplicable attraction, often at first sight, a literal “kinship of souls”, but at the same time terrible conflicts, misunderstanding, lack of prospects and development, the inability to be together and constant suffering.

Participants in such relationships are regular customers (more often clients) of this site. Requests to return, hold, tie, bewitch, etc. from this opera. But is it really necessary to “bind” in such cases?

A karmic relationship is a union of two people who were closely acquainted in a past life (husband and wife, relatives, lovers or enemies), but they still have some debts to each other (unresolved situations, emotions and feelings that have not found a way out) . In the present incarnation, fate brings these people together again to give them the opportunity to work out this karma (to atone for guilt, correct mistakes, give vent to feelings, live through the situations that were given in the previous incarnation), which is usually accompanied by causing pain and negativity to a partner.

So, for example, if in a past incarnation a man was madly in love with you, but you left him, betrayed him, deceived him, thereby accumulating negative karma, there is no doubt that this situation will repeat in subsequent incarnations.

Any karmic relationship needs to be worked out, conscious actions, wiser behavior, aimed at otherwise getting out of a similar situation. The purpose of such a relationship on a spiritual level is a different choice than was made in a past life.

The most convenient option for redeeming karmic debts is a love relationship, where each of their participants can change themselves, their worldview, undergo purification and transformation.

Such relationships are distinguished by certain signs (almost all of them interfere with love; it is not necessary that all signs be present in the aggregate, but a combination of several of them may indicate a karmic connection):

    a big difference in age (over 5 years - already the probability of a karmic connection). An age difference of 15 years or more characterizes a very strong karmic attraction. It is very difficult to break such a connection, while relationships are always very difficult and either help the partner choose their true path in life, or, on the contrary, lead them astray, increasing karmic debts in the future;

    the speed of occurrence (love at first sight, the rapid beginning and development of relationships almost immediately after they met, the partners do not doubt and do not analyze the reasons for their actions, acting as if on a whim, on impulses and under the influence of inexplicable forces);

    distance (different cities or even countries) or moving together after the start of a relationship;

    the marriage of one of the partners, the presence of a love triangle in a different form;

    complete opposite, incompatibility of characters;

    mismatch of temperaments of partners;

    different social and financial status;

    fatality (inevitability, predestination): fate seems to bring people together, but the development of their relationship often follows a predetermined negative scenario;

    situations of love-hate, when partners are in a state of eternal confrontation, irritate each other and yet are unhappy apart;

    the inability to have children (a sign that the relationship in this incarnation has exhausted itself);

    unforeseen situations and other obstacles (forced separation, alcoholism, drug addiction or a serious illness of one of the partners).

Not all karmic relationships are inherently destructive.

There are cases healing karmic relationships, when the main task is to gain unity, freedom and peace. Such love can last forever without trying to change a partner, it is distinguished by the emotional independence of partners, the ability to understand and forgive, and the introduction of a new, important, significant into the life of another. But such cases are quite rare. More common destructive relationships that characterize pain, suffering, tears, strong emotions. They need to be properly terminated.

Reasonable arguments at the very beginning of such a connection prevent it from continuing, but a blind and very strong passion, coupled with psychological dependence and a fairly frequent feeling that you have already met this person and you are one with him, literally paralyzes the mind. Having met a karmic partner, you are irresistibly attracted to him, you feel a desire to get closer, and after a certain time, 2 scenarios are possible:

        partners continue to play the emotional role from the previous incarnation;

        partners switch roles in a new incarnation. So, for example, in the past, a girl did not receive reciprocity in response to her selfless and selfless love, but in a new incarnation (or later in this life, which also happens very often), a mirror situation occurs: a man loves her, and she leaves him, thereby providing an opportunity to experience what it means to be abandoned and not experience negative feelings at the same time.

A strong mutual attraction often develops into love, and here a complete dissimilarity of partners is revealed, discontent, and it turns out to be almost impossible to end these relationships: neither quarrels, nor endless pain and tears allow them to part, as if some irresistible force keeps them together.

Such relationships often lead to love addiction (“it’s bad with him, and it’s impossible without him”). In its action, a karmic connection resembles a love spell. The stages of attraction - conflict - alienation - new attraction constantly alternate, creating a vicious circle. A person commits illogical, unusual actions for him, but it is with this partner that he cannot do otherwise.

It must be remembered that strong emotions often relate to suffering, and not mutual love, but breaking up such relationships without working through karmic debts can result in unpredictable consequences. In the case when the relationship is destructive, the karmic lesson is to let go without guilt and regret, to stop experiencing negativity, hatred. The thirst for revenge, hatred, negativity of a different kind will lead to the emergence of new karmic connections, and the necessary lesson will not be learned. Escape from such love is useless - such a connection will overtake again. Karmic relationships will be repeated with this or another person until the lessons are learned and the only right decision is made. The denouement of the karmic knot will be the absence of claims against the partner, negative intentions and thoughts about him - you need to learn to forgive and accept a person as he is, either letting him go or practicing karmic lessons together. As a result, you should feel a state of peace, relaxation, harmony, contentment. By correctly untying the karmic knot, you can even be cured of a serious illness.

What to do in order not to burden karma further, you can write endlessly.

At a minimum, it is necessary to get out of all conflict situations by forgiving. The stronger the unreleased negative emotions, the more likely the accumulated karmic connection will be. The ability to “let go” of negative emotions will lead to the fact that further collisions with this person will not bring torment.

I will focus on the two most serious mistakes: 1) abortion, 2) relationship with a married man, especially if there are children in the family.

Communication with a married man can deprive a woman of normal relations with a free man in the future. The invasion of the energy of the family is punished by endless tears, heartache, possible infertility, the inability to create a family, problems with women's health, and also aggravates the karma of a woman's future children, especially girls. In such a relationship, love is a poison that deprives a woman of the opportunity to create her own family. Undoubtedly, a man also makes a mistake by cheating on his missus, but the karmic consequences in this case are much more serious for a woman.

It is clear that everyone wants love. For a woman, this desire is exacerbated by the biological timing of the birth of children, the established public opinion about the need to get married as soon as possible, the example of married girlfriends, pressure from relatives, but this is not a reason to consider a person obviously unsuitable, not free as a life partner.

Remember that we come into the world in order to improve. In order to meet a person with whom you will live together for many years in love and harmony, love truly and mutually, without trying to change your partner, you need to go through all karmic tests, work out lessons, correct previous mistakes, eradicate negative qualities in yourself, learn accept and forgive. You need serious work on yourself, the ability to go through life with an open heart, love yourself and give this love. Then Happiness will surely come and be yours, not stolen.

Be happy and loved!

Ellen, thank you for your feedback!
As for the destructive and healing (creative), I indicated. And I did not attack, but the laws of life show that a woman who invades a family is unhappy.
Yes, love is not eternal, but family ties that cement two or more (if there are children) family members still remain and are protected from intrusion by what is not subject to us. He broke his family - he earned negative karma in any case. And in a woman's body and at her energy level, everything is too subtle, so women suffer more from such actions.
It happens that after working off people stay together, I do not deny this, although the percentage of such cases is extremely small.

Psychologists say that only those relationships in which there is no need to grind will develop harmoniously. It’s easy in them from the very beginning, as if people have known each other for many years, they know each other’s pain points perfectly, skillfully bypass “sharp corners”. It happens differently: it is difficult for partners to find a common language, but some inexplicable force keeps them close. Perhaps such meetings are predetermined by fate?

What is a karmic relationship?

Why do men and women get into a relationship? This is understandable - to be with your loved ones every minute, to create a happy couple, to give birth to children. Over time, many ask themselves the question: did I make a mistake with the choice?

Why does a smart, sweet woman meet on the way lovers of drinking and dragging behind every skirt, and a successful businessman - stupid beauties, ready for anything, just to get the next new thing and a ring with a scattering of diamonds.

A person understands that he is not the right one, but he cannot do anything. This phenomenon is called "karmic relationship between a man and a woman." The origins of choice lie outside of conscious reality. How to recognize a fateful meeting?

Karma refers to the influence of the past on a person's life. To believe or not in such astrological things is a personal matter for everyone. There is no doubt that additional knowledge has not prevented anyone from becoming happy.

What is a karmic connection and how can it manifest itself? A striking example is the following situation: the spouses decided to leave, love is gone, the children have grown up, there are fewer and fewer points of contact.

However, on the way to the gap, obstacles arise all the time that the couple is forced to overcome together - illnesses of parents, problems of children, neighbors flood their apartment, and robbers enter the country house. The situation lasts indefinitely, deliverance will not come until the debts of the past are worked off.

A karmic connection arises for a reason - the souls of people were familiar in the past, they are connected at the mental level. They were given a new chance to find happiness or, breaking the vicious circle, to leave forever.

Connections arise as a result of the concluded karmic agreements. For example, a man and a woman met and fell madly in love. Both are bound by marriage, out of respect for the spouses, they cannot leave the family.

The attraction between the souls is so strong that they agree to meet again in a future life. The energy tension in such couples is incredible, even after saying goodbye, they do not find the strength to remain at a distance. People quarrel, suffer, but do not find the strength to stop and get out of the relationship.

How to recognize them?

A meeting with a karmic partner always causes unreasonably strong emotional outbursts. In his presence, you are unable to control your feelings, overreact or, on the contrary, fall into a stupor.

With a closer acquaintance, you understand that relations do not add up, disputes and conflicts arise for any reason, no one wants to give in, it is almost impossible to reach a compromise, but none of the two dare to break the connection. If we imagine energy connections in the form of threads connecting a couple, then it will be entangled by them from head to toe. Communication cannot be stopped.

Love at first sight? Not at all, love from the past. When a karmic partner is nearby, something inexplicable happens. Your moral principles did not allow you to meet with a married man, acquiring the status of a mistress?

And now, after the first informal communication, you do not let go of the phone, forget to eat, waiting for a call, cancel important things for the sake of a date with him. By no effort of will you are able to get rid of the obsession.

Sometimes there is a poorly logical irrational craving for a complete stranger. They made eye contact on the subway, exchanged a few words on vacation, exchanged posts on social networks, and both cannot stop thinking about a stranger, they are attracted by an unknown force. Getting to know each other closer, you never cease to be surprised, every word, habit, gesture falls on the soul, like relatives.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman, the main signs:

  • uncontrollable physical attraction;
  • inexplicable trust in a stranger;
  • the rapid development of relations;
  • crazy intensity of emotions - jealousy, passion, endless showdown;
  • powerful emotional attachments, a love triangle gives rise to a strong sense of guilt;
  • a marriage union in which one of the spouses is an alcoholic, drug addict, not quite healthy mentally or physically;
  • a large age difference, a multiple of 5 years;
  • absence of children in marriage.

Karmic scenarios

The reason for the karmic connection is unfulfilled promises that leave a mark on the energy shell. The following situations can be a manifestation of the relationship:

  1. Unrequited love. You understand that there is no chance, but you can not get rid of attraction. What does it mean? In the past, a person took an oath of allegiance to another partner.
  2. Insurmountable barriers to marriage. The reason is the same.
  3. The inability to love. An unfulfilled promise to consecrate oneself to God.
  4. Aggression born of guilt.
  5. Communication with a person suffering from a harmful addiction. His partner needs to eradicate the role of the victim in himself.

Types of karmic relationships

Experts distinguish between two types of karmic relationships:

  1. Healing. Having met, people complement each other, respect and care, without trying to change the partner. Their compatibility is perfect. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding between them, but such situations do not degenerate into a conflict, but are resolved easily and quickly.
  2. Destructive. New relationship seems perfect? Do not hurry. Over time, unresolved problems of the past will certainly come out, the lesson will have to be worked out. Strong suffering most often has nothing to do with true love, emotions are exhausting, but painful addiction is very difficult to break. All this will last until you find reasonable arguments for leaving the relationship. Hoping that everything will eventually change is useless. Some women whose husbands drink heavily are not going to leave and break the connection, they are sure that they must stay close, such is their fate.

How long do karmic relationships last

The duration of karmic relationships depends on the type of connection. No reason can separate a couple if they have healing bonds, people have already become so close that they have become one. Such couples can be happy in several lives.

A destructive relationship will last until the partners get tired and find the strength to understand that the connection between them only causes suffering. It's time to untie the knot.

Prospects for karmic relationships

A couple in a karmic relationship has three paths:

  • admit that both have exhausted their resource of patience, make a decision to leave;
  • discuss problems, understand that it is possible to maintain relationships and break out of the vicious circle, outline ways, agree to take good care of each other, and act in accordance with the plan, without stepping aside;
  • act on a whim, continuing to go with the flow, maintaining a position that is obviously losing from the point of view of psychology.

How to calculate karmic relationships by dates of birth?

Entering into a new relationship, people are on the rise of emotions, no one thinks about the bad. However, when concluding a marriage union, it would not hurt to make a horoscope and try to determine the compatibility of the couple.

Karmic marriages, in the presence of a healing connection, are considered the most durable. People are united not only by feelings, but also supported by higher powers. Deciphering astrological charts, compiled according to the signs of the zodiac, allows you to determine the prospects for the harmony of relationships.

Numerology comes to the rescue, providing the opportunity to calculate according to the dates of birth of partners, and to understand whether they have a karmic relationship. The calculation method is quite simple. All the digits of the date of birth of a man and a woman are added up, and then the amounts are compared.

  • For example. The man was born on 21.12. 1970. Determine the sum 2+1+1+2+1+9+7+0=23.
  • Date of birth of a woman 02/01/1973. 0+1+0+2+1+9+7+3=23.
  • 23=23 - karmic connection. The resulting amount is significant. For these people, the cycle between fateful events will be 23 years, it is also called the age of change.

If there is a ten in the date of birth - a day or a month -, it is added in full, this is important. The mismatch of the amounts does not mean at all that the marriage will be unhappy.

Numerological calculation allows you to look into the future of karmic relationships by the dates of birth of partners. It is required to sum the numbers in the dates of birth of a man and a woman, as in the previous example, with the only difference that all zeros are not taken into account: 10=1 and 01=1.

  • 2+1+1+2+1+9+7+0+0+1+0+2+1+9+7+3=46. subtract the karmic number 22 so many times to get a number less than 22.
  • In our case 46-22-24, 24-22=2. We are looking for the number 2 in the table for decoding karmic connections.

The roots of your connection come from the depths of the past. The union will be filled with romance, mysticism and many secrets. However, do not lose touch with reality. Pretty positive omen. Is not it? If the prophecy turns out to be filled with many warnings and promises misfortune, perhaps it makes sense to look for another chosen one?

How to end a karmic connection

No one will live your life, only you yourself can untie the karmic knot. How to break the karmic connection with a man? This will happen when the mind takes over the feelings. You will receive incredible relief and will not be able to find reasonable explanations why you did not decide on this earlier, which made you suffer, endure pain and humiliation.

It’s like a stone will fall from your soul, and when you remember the person with whom you have been connected with invisible threads for so long, nothing will respond in your soul, only a feeling of gratitude for science, happy moments that, no doubt, were.

There is nothing holding you against his will. You are not interested in sorting things out with him, your mind is able to listen. You can talk about anything, laugh, you are not drawn to him, the painful addiction is defeated. With a light heart, you wish your ex-partner happiness.

At this point, it's safe to say: "happy ending to the story." All the best in your life is yet to come!

People meet, get acquainted, communicate, make friends, fall in love, marry, divorce, while remembering each other all their lives and all because there are no random meetings in principle. All of them are participants in one big action called life, in other words - , whose relationship roots originate in their previous lives, based either on positive or negative actions or events that took place there. This, in short, is how a karmic connection is manifested not only between a man and a woman, but also between people in general.

And now more about this. Do people understand, and to the end, so to speak, to the full depth, everything that happens at the life stage with them? Most often not. So, for example, a man and a woman, having met each other, usually say - is this fate or, on the contrary, not fate, what is it? You can certainly say that this is a fateful combination of circumstances. Then it is worth asking the question - why did she bring these people together in one place, at the same time? What unites them or, on the contrary, separates them? Why are they destined to go through life hand in hand or side by side? What should they understand and do, what should they refuse and gain wisdom, for what should they thank and forgive themselves, people and ask for forgiveness from God?

I would like to remind you that not every person knows that any relationship without applying the law of the pendulum, i.e. in the absence of an even state in the middle between the two poles of human passions plus and minus, both in the past and in the present, when thereby diametrically opposite feelings and affections are created - whether it is all-encompassing love or all-consuming hatred, etc., always lead to the creation of karmic relationships. These are universal laws and they work flawlessly.

It should be noted that the karmic connection can be not only between a man and a woman. The children born by them are the same comrades-in-arms in the painstaking work of liberating the soul from the burdensome sins of man, the meetings with which are by no means accidental. And here we do not mean specifically the physical plan of the meeting, it is rather a statement of fact. If someone thinks that, then he is very deeply mistaken. Even as they choose, with the same thoroughness, finding in their new parents those sins and karmas, the strings of which are consonant with their own. They come hoping in close tandem with you to work out everything that prevents their soul from becoming purer and freer, to get out of the vicious circle of repeated meetings again and again, differing only in the change of times and the level of incarnations.

Often we follow each other from life to life, experiencing sensations at the first meeting with a person of that same inexplicably familiar feeling of complete acceptance, love, or, in contrast, rejection. The soul usually suggests that we have known each other for more than one life, which does not mean at all that short human age that we usually consider, and the subconscious mind echoes it - it is, giving out pictures of our past through clairvoyance. Someone dismisses this, someone seriously thinks about how this is possible, trying to find ways for personal development and opportunities with which he can consider and understand this kaleidoscope of karmic connections.

One of the most striking examples is the frequently occurring situation when relations between a man and a woman are built according to the scheme: we can’t work together, and we can’t work apart. Moving away from each other, being at a distance, they constantly scroll through the image of each other in their heads, they are drawn to each other like a magnet. Once near, they are not able to understand what is happening, they try to move away from the recently so desired meeting. This is because at the level of their deep memory those situations and events emerge, in which they were together when their “hooks” were hooked. Unable to understand this, while constantly observing their imperfection in the mirror reflection of their partner, they try to escape from this zone of discomfort, which by no means solves the issue, only aggravating it.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman, the opinion of a parapsychologist

To understand how the karmic connection between a man and a woman manifests itself, the strength of their relationship in modern society leaves much to be desired, it is worth a lot. Therefore, the topic we touched upon today is very interesting, it attracts with its unexploredness and mystery, and working with it requires a serious approach under the guidance of a professional in this field, whose opinion we offer in continuation of our discussion:

How is the karmic connection between a man and a woman manifested?

The teacher answers Schools of parapsychology Elena Nikolaevna Kuzmina (0:03:56):

There can be many manifestations of karmic connections between a man and a woman, depending on what kind of karma exists between this couple. Most often, these people must meet in their lives, they must either stay together for life, or go through some part of it. If in this life they are husband and wife, you can see, having certain knowledge and skills, whether they will be married in the next life. It's also karma from life to life to be husband and wife.

Or, for example, father and daughter, who alternate roles from life to life, in one of them being father and daughter, and in the other son and mother. Moreover, such relationships are quite common.

It should be clarified that karmic heroes do not meet regularly from life to life, i.e. this does not happen in every lifetime. Because this is a very subtle game, which does not always work out so that all the necessary puzzles come together and they are born at a certain time.

Usually karmic heroes meet either very well or very badly, there are no other meetings. If you work out some kind of negative connection in this life in relation to a man or a woman, and bring it to neutral through forgiveness or gratitude, then this karma crumbles.

The main goal of every person in life is to bring all their relationships to neutral. Because when a person is free from karmas, then in the next life or after one, he has the right to choose his path at his own discretion and desire. Karmic relationships oblige him to meet this or that person on his life path. The less karmic relationships in your life, the more it is in a state of freedom.

Remember that your relationship should not be overly emotional, whether it be jealousy or deception in relation to a man or woman, in which one or another person will suffer, and this is already a bad zone and inevitably entails the emergence of some kind of karma. So, a new meeting again will be inevitable. Strive to ensure that your relationship is smooth and respectful.

There can be many manifestations of a karmic connection between a man and a woman, they are always different, and they always concern your unworked karmas. Everything that is worked out just goes away and every student has such an opportunity, which is what we wish you.
