How to do shellac manicure yourself. How to use shellac at home

Manicure with Shellac is a practical, convenient option that lasts a long time and does not wear off in aggressive environments. The method of applying Shellac may seem complicated at first glance, but this is not at all the case. Practice, the right tools and materials, a few professional secrets - and everything will work out.

What is Shellac and what are its advantages?

Shellac is a coating that combines gel and polish "2 in 1". In contrast to the independent use of its components, Shellac has a number of significant advantageous features and properties.

This is a unique modern coating

  • has no smell, which makes its use possible for anyone who is allergic to strong odors;
  • easy to apply, lays down in an even layer, dries quickly, is easy to wash and lasts a long time on nails (for two to three weeks);
  • is a good defense from the influence of external factors: damage, shock, contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • does not contain toluene and formaldehyde, being safe for health.

Shellac coated manicure tools

Before you start using Shellac at home, you need to prepare a certain list of necessary tools:

  • disinfectant, dehydrator, sticky layer remover, primer, base, Shellac gel polish, top coat agent. Moreover, the disinfectant and primer can be neglected, but the remaining products must be available.
  • UV device or special LED lamp.
  • manicure set: nailfile; buff used for polishing and grinding; orange sticks.
  • Primer is a material applied as a primer before the base coat. Performs a number of functions: protecting the nail plate from delamination, microorganisms and stains; provides better adhesion to the nail of subsequent layers of manicure.

    Shellac application technique

    The process of applying Shellac requires care when performing step-by-step sequential actions. If everything is done without errors, then the coating will delight you for a long time.

    Shellac can be applied for any nails(extended, natural or coated with biogel), however, when using it on existing coatings, you should be more careful, since incorrect actions can lead to peeling of Shellac.

    Stages of applying Shellac

    Exist single-phase gel polishes, the application procedure of which is much simpler and more suitable for use at home. When using a single-phase coating, manicure will be carried out in the same way as when using three-phase compositions (points 1 to 5).

    As for the rest, a manicure with a single-phase coating is distinguished by its simplicity: you need to apply one or two layers of varnish, polymerizing each under an ICE or UV device and remove the sticky layer.

    Watch the step-by-step tutorial on how to apply Shellac:

    • Fine treat cuticles, this will ensure the evenness of the coating and the aesthetics of its shape.
    • Thoroughly degrease nail plate and side folds.
    • Do not apply gel polish for all fingers simultaneously, start from the big finger and, following the sequence, move to the little finger.
    • Applying shellac to your nails, beware get by means on the cuticle or side bolsters.
    • To ensure that the gel polish does not spread and is streak-free, you need observe strictly technique his application and do not violate the order of applying layers.
    • Beware of getting wet fingers within 2 hours after a manicure.
    • Give your nails a rest between using Shellac, in between, treat them using the IBX system or other means.

    If you want to use Shellac yourself, then you should purchase a UV lamp or LED dryer, tools, gel polishes, study the technology of applying this coating and professional tricks. By doing everything right, you will definitely enjoy the beauty and strength of your nails.

    Shellac instantly established itself in the fashion world, and therefore women still do not stop asking questions about what it is and how to properly cover their nails. This is a durable composition that guarantees that your nails will retain their original color and shine for several weeks; using it is not at all difficult if you have the skill. The growth of the nail plate is the only inconvenience that forces you to remove shellac, otherwise you could wear it throughout your life, it is so tightly fixed on the surface of the nail.

    Instant application of shellac, which can be done step by step at home, is another unconditional convenience that attracts women. Now painting your nails won’t seem like a problem like before, because you’ve found a way to deal with chipped nail polish! Try working with shellac to make your manicure enjoyable. Step-by-step instructions and useful advice from the master are the best training in this matter, you will find all this in the article below.

    What you need: tools, materials

    The description presented specific materials for applying shellac, and the photo shows a complete set that every woman should have.

    • Shellac. A simple application technology will allow you to do a manicure yourself very quickly, and a large color palette will meet the requirements of the most demanding fashionistas. A combination of two or more colors in one manicure will look especially impressive.
    • Base coat. Protects nails and promotes their high-quality adhesion to colored varnish.
    • Top coating. Gives nails a healthy shine and ensures that the coating lasts for two weeks without cracks or chips.
    • UV lamp. Allows any gel-based composition to dry instantly. Recommended power is at least 36 watts.
    • Buff. Eliminates micro-cracks and allows excess skin to come off freely.
    • Degreaser. Eliminates excess oil from nails. After applying this composition, it is strictly forbidden to touch it with your hands, otherwise applying shellac at home will be useless.

    That's all you need for homemade shellac!

    How to properly prepare your nails

    Sometimes nail preparation takes much longer than the polish application steps themselves. A woman who takes care of her hands every week will complete the preparatory steps with pleasure.

    If you are wondering where to start, it is important to know that before each manicure you should steam the skin of your hands, which is done in warm water with the addition of any soap-based cosmetic product. The addition of any strengthening oil that protects the nail plate and stimulates its growth is welcome.

    Push back the cuticles with an orange stick or a metal pusher. Preference should be given to wooden tools that scratch the nail plate less. After this, the steamed cuticle can be easily cut with tongs and does not spoil the appearance of the nails.

    Give your nails the same shape. The varnish looks good on both square and rounded shapes.

    Try to avoid clippers and scissors and use a nail file to avoid damaging the nail plate.

    Polish your nails. All irregularities can be eliminated with a soft nail file. The buff, by the way, helps remove excess fat and makes the nail plate matte. By following this order, you will prepare your nails for high-quality shellac, which will last on your nails for at least two weeks.

    Also see a very good video about preparation, the steps here are slightly different from the ones above, and they complement each other:

    Proper application of shellac at home in 5 steps

    The application technology is a simple procedure, but very important, because if you skip at least one step, the manicure can be considered spoiled. Shellac is applied at home to prepared nails of equal length, with as little free edge as possible. A visual photo will demonstrate how to make shellac, and the detailed description below will tell you about all the nuances.

    5 stages of application. Click to enlarge photo instructions.

    Step 1: Apply degreaser to your nails using a cotton pad. If you do not have a special composition available, you can get by with alcohol, which has a similar property.

    Step 2: Cover your nails with base coat. As a rule, it is applied in one thin layer and fixed in a UV lamp for 10-20 seconds. It is important to “seal” each layer of the next coating, that is, paint over the top of the nail so that the manicure lasts longer.

    Step 3: Apply shellac color coat. One layer for a bright and rich manicure will not be enough, but you should not overuse and apply more than three layers, otherwise the coating will seem unnaturally thick. Each coating is dried in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

    Step 4: Apply top coat. One layer will be enough for the varnish to retain its deep color and give the nail a natural shine that will not disappear under the influence of water and sun.

    Step 5: Apply cuticle oil. It strengthens nails and stimulates their growth.

    As you can see, the step-by-step procedure is much easier to complete than you thought. If the description was not enough for you, in the video you can learn how to properly learn how to make shellac yourself and remove it without leaving your home:

    Secrets of the master

    Advantages of shellac over other coatings

    Shellac, of course, has a significant advantage over other products due to its long-lasting and rich color, but this is not its only advantage. If you decide that shellac is just what you need, read the full characteristics of this product, which will answer the most important question - “how to make the coating more durable?”

    • Protects nails and prevents them from peeling, allowing them to grow back in a few weeks. This is the perfect way to maintain your natural length.
    • Does not react with chemicals. Having applied shellac to your nails, you can do any work with your hands for the entire time, including hand washing, because the unique coating technique will allow your nails to last as long as possible.
    • Does not contain formaldehyde. Shellac consists exclusively of harmless products, which means it can be used by women with a high level of sensitivity, including pregnant women.
    • Easy to apply. With this coating you can once and for all forget the problems associated with careful application. Shellac resembles a gel, so you can make any movements on the nail with a brush - the product will not dry out.
    • You can remove it yourself. If you are tired of manicures or your nails are already quite old, you can remove the coating at home without spending money on a trip to the salon.

    Parting words

    Shellac has received the best properties of ordinary polish and gel polish, and in order to appreciate this coating, you should experiment and create a bright design on your nails.

    In order to get a unique color, you can apply multi-colored layers and dry each of them in a UV lamp, and also experiment with rhinestones and other decorations. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the number of layers, otherwise the shellac will last less on your nails than you want. Experts have found that this way you can create hundreds of unique color combinations!

    If you still think that three-phase shellac, which involves the use of three products (base, color coating and top) is too long a procedure, try purchasing single-phase shellac so that the perfect manicure is ready in 20 minutes, while the sequence of application is disrupted. As you can see, even an inexperienced craftswoman can apply shellac manicure at home, since working with it is much more pleasant than with regular varnish! Use our recommendations and step-by-step photos - we make the shellac application procedure easier for you!

    Another video on how to properly apply shellac!

    In contact with

    Shellac nail coating has become very popular lately.

    It makes it possible to create long lasting manicure, which will delight the owner for at least two weeks, allows you to experiment with design and simply looks amazing.

    You can go to a salon or see a specialist, or you can make shellac at home.

    To cover your nails with shellac, you need to prepare a fairly impressive list of necessary tools and materials, which you will need for this:

    • Special set to make hygienic manicure. Typically includes files, tweezers, a cuticle remover, a spatula, a buff, a pusher, a stick, and a brush for removing dirt from the nails.
    • Products intended for disinfection.
    • Primer (nail degreasing agent).
    • Gel polishes – base, color and top coat.
    • Ultraviolet lamp with a power of at least 36 W.
    • Soaking liquid.
    • A special product that removes the sticky layer from nails.
    • Napkins (they should not have lint).
    • Foil and sponges.

    If you plan to do a manicure with nail design, you will need at least two or three color coatings.

    Sequins, stones and other decorative elements will also come in handy.

    If you plan a manicure with a pattern, consider the rules for color combinations. It is better not to combine warm and cold tones side by side, and a delicate, almost transparent coating should not be complemented with a dense one.

    Preparing nails for manicure

    For the coating to be durable and attractive, you need. It includes the following measures:

    • The cuticle is trimmed and the nails are given the desired length and shape;
    • Using a special file, the surface is polished - this helps remove excess shine from the surface of the nails;
    • The marigolds are treated, for which any antibacterial drug can be used;
    • Nail surface treated with alcohol.

    Applying shellac

    • First, the prepared nails need to be thinned cover with a base coat. Afterwards, you need to hold the marigolds in an ultraviolet lamp. After the nails are coated, you need to dry them for two minutes each time, and there is no need to remove the sticky layer that may remain.

    The drying lamp should ideally have power 36 W. The good thing about using it is that all nails can be dried in just one use of the device, which saves time. A 9W lamp will also dry your nails, but then you won't be able to dry everything at once.

    • Apply on top of the base layer with a brush from the bottle. shellac base color. It is recommended to cover your nails in two layers, a third is also acceptable. Dry each layer for two minutes.
    • At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a fixing finishing coat. Its thickness will be greater than the previous layers. You need to apply it cleanly and without streaks, and then brush the edge of the nail over its entire area with a pressed brush. The coating should cover the entire nail.
    • The last layer is also needed Withsuture for two minutes. Be careful that the finishing base does not affect the cuticle and area near the nails, as this will damage the integrity of the coating.
    • Using a lint-free cloth pre-moistened with isopropyl alcohol, remove excess layer from the sealer.
    • Apply nourishing oil to the cuticle. You can also do a gentle massage in the area around the nail.

    Drawing on shellac

    First you need to figure out how to apply a design using shellac on nails that are covered with the same material. This quite a simple way, and it is also suitable for those whose artistic talents are small, but, nevertheless, they want to transform their nails with the help of an original design.

    After applying the gel polish and drying it with a lamp, a slightly sticky layer will remain on the nails. If we talk about the drawing, there is no need to remove this layer, since it can provide the correct smooth brush strokes.

    You will need a kolinsky brush and a dots (a small manicure stick with a tip). Consider that the main color is good combined with the shades of the picture. Do not combine two dark and light colors, otherwise the manicure will be faded.

    To get beautiful patterns and swirls, initially apply dots using dots. Then use a brush to pull the polish away from the point in the direction you want.

    We must also not forget that the gel polish itself has a fairly liquid consistency, and in order for the strokes to be clear and look attractive, certain practical skills are needed.

    It wouldn’t hurt to first practice applying the pattern with gel polishes on plastic tips. The completed drawing needs to be dried in a lamp and apply topcoat, then dry again.

    Drawings on shellac with acrylic paints

    Painting with acrylic paints differs in that it requires a surface which has no fat. Therefore, after the base coating has dried, remove the sticky layer with acetone or a liquid specially designed for this purpose. Then you can start drawing.

    Make sure that the paints are not excessively diluted with water, as otherwise the excess moisture will prevent the finish from drying properly.

    Also, you don’t need to put a lot of paint on the brush, because otherwise under the finishing coat it may appear. cracks and chips.

    There are materials that cannot be used to apply designs to gel polish. These are gouache and watercolor paints, as well as regular nail polishes. They are incompatible with the structure of gel polish, in which case your time and materials will be wasted.

    Drawing is not so difficult. Even if you don’t have much imagination, it’s not a big deal, because on the Internet you can find a lot of ideas for shellac nail designs and even special training videos.

    Features of removing shellac

    In order to remove the applied coating, you will need such materials:

    • 10 special patches or sponges;
    • orange or wooden stick;
    • a special product that dissolves manicure - gel polish remover, varnish with acetone or isopropyl alcohol.

    You need to wrap each nail with a sponge well soaked in liquid. The finger can be sealed, so to speak, prepared foil.

    Recently, shellac has gained incredible popularity among girls who dream of a long-lasting and beautiful manicure. Is it possible to create a design using shellac at home, and what will you need for this? We tell you in our article.

    The advantages of such a manicure

    Shellac at home is a procedure that seems simple only at first glance. In fact, due to the density and stickiness of the product itself, not every girl can cope with its application the first time.

    Shellac itself is a universal and durable coating that helps create a spectacular manicure that lasts on the nails for at least three weeks. What advantages of such a procedure can we safely name?

    1. The durability of the coating allows you to maintain a spectacular design for several weeks, significantly saving time.
    2. Shellac is considered absolutely safe for nails, and therefore the risk of any problems with the plates is extremely low.
    3. Shellac can be removed quite easily using a nail file or special plastic sticks.
    4. The variety of shades of this coating guarantees a fairly wide selection of designs and ideas for manicure.

    Of course, the main advantage of such a procedure is the durability of the manicure. Due to the fact that shellac stays on the nails for a very long time without correction, the manicure looks fresh and beautiful even 10-15 days after application.

    Nowadays you can find a wide variety of shellac shades in specialized stores. Even for a French manicure, there are several decoration options. For example, for the hole you can use lighter or darker shades, or use colored varnish.

    Experts advise beginners to first master monochromatic coloring, and only then move on to experiments with various patterns and jackets. Otherwise, the procedure for creating a beautiful drawing may take a whole day, and the result will be dubious.

    But to create such a design, desire and shellac itself are not enough, because you will have to purchase a series of additional devices.

    What do you need for shellac at home?

    What is needed for such a manicure is a fairly common question. The thing is that inexperienced ladies first try to apply shellac like regular varnish, and encounter a number of problems.

    That is why, before an independent procedure, many are recommended to visit a professional master to see how he works with this composition and how he applies it.

    To properly apply this product to your nails, you will need the following equipment:

    A shellac kit is usually available in any specialized store, and there are no problems purchasing it. Experts also recommend stocking up on cotton pads and wet wipes, which can be used to remove any remaining polish that accidentally gets on the surface of the skin or cuticle.

    When performing such a manicure, it is important to adhere to the instructions that have long become familiar to a professional. It is impossible to apply base, shellac and fixative at random, since the quality of the final manicure depends on the sequence of actions.

    Step-by-step instructions for working with shellac

    Performing such a manicure step by step is always convenient and simple, because the girl can notice any shortcomings of the procedure and eliminate them in the future. In addition, the step-by-step instructions prevent any risk of damage to the nails, which means you can apply shellac without unnecessary worries about the condition of your own nail plates. So, what stages of the procedure can be distinguished?

    1. Putting nails in order, removing cuticles and removing the shiny layer from the plates using a nail file.
    2. Surface preparation using degreaser and primer.
    3. Applying the base layer and then drying it.
    4. Applying the shellac itself.
    5. Applying a finishing coat to secure the entire manicure.
    6. Final degreasing of the nail and application of special nourishing oil to the cuticle.

    Of course, all this work seems very complicated to beginners, but in reality it only takes a professional a couple of hours. The first thing you need to do is get your own nails in order. The cuticle is carefully removed, the nails are given the desired shape using a nail file, and the top shiny layer of the plate is also removed. This is necessary because shellac lasts less on the shiny layer, which means the manicure itself will not last longer than a few days.

    The first stages of work are carried out without a lamp. For example, the primer applied to the surface of the plate must dry naturally. It is better to dry the base layer using a UV lamp, as this will significantly speed up the work. After the base has dried, it is necessary to apply the first layer of shellac, without sealing the ends of the nail. Once the shellac has dried, apply a second coat to make the color more intense and opaque.

    Next, all that remains is to carry out the finishing work of removing the sticky layer of shellac using a regular napkin with a drop of acetone. This must be done so that the manicure looks more impressive and lasts longer. After the final degreasing, you can consider the manicure done.

    Experts advise beginners not to worry about drawings and complex designs, because first they need to master the procedure itself. Everything you need for shellac can be found in specialized stores, but only with patience and considerable desire can a person complete the procedure.

    Is it possible to work with shellac without an ultraviolet lamp?

    You can buy everything you need for shellac yourself, but such materials cost a lot. After spending on a variety of beginner kits, a woman is faced with the prospect of buying a special lamp for drying her nails. Professionals say that without such a device it is almost impossible to achieve a spectacular and long-lasting manicure. The following alternatives exist:

    • purchase a special lamp (average cost is about 2000–3000 rubles) and dry the shellac with its help;
    • try to carry out the procedure without the help of such a device, having prepared in advance for the fact that the manicure will be short-lived;
    • use a special varnish with a gel coating effect instead of shellac, since it does not require special drying.

    It is still preferable to purchase a cnd shellac kit with a lamp, since this will simplify the procedure for applying all the necessary coatings and improve the durability of the manicure. When drying shellac naturally, the lady will have to wait about an hour until the layer dries, and its durability will be questionable.

    An alternative, of course, could be a special varnish with a gel coating effect, but its durability is also a concern. Typically, such a manicure looks shabby after just a week.

    Working with the lamp is quite simple, because it dries shellac in just 3-5 minutes. If during the process the girl feels a strong burning sensation, she should remove her fingers from the device, blow on them, and then send them back.

    Nowadays they even sell special starter kits for shellac with a lamp that has low power and a fairly low price. But in the future, if a girl decides to do manicures not only for herself, but also for her many girlfriends, the lamp will have to be changed, because insufficient power will noticeably reduce the speed of the master’s work.

    The cnd shellac kit helps in the early stages to more effectively apply several layers of various coatings to the nails. This procedure may seem complicated at first, but gradually you can get used to it. In addition, a spectacular and long-lasting manicure will be a wonderful reward for all the time spent!

    Shellac is a beautiful and durable nail coating that can be applied at home. The product appeared on the cosmetics market relatively recently, but has already won the sympathy of the fair sex. A high-quality coating provides a woman with three weeks of flawless manicure.

    How to make shellac at home: video instructions and useful tips

    Many girls are interested in the question of how to make shellac at home. Carrying out the entire procedure yourself saves both money and time. The coating is harmless to nails, provides them with protection while maintaining the flexibility of the plate. It is worth considering the process step by step.

    Step 1: treatment of the nail plate

    Before doing this, you need to prepare your nails. The cuticle is removed extremely carefully, without using any special means. Residues of any liquid, especially oil-containing ones, will subsequently ruin your manicure.

    After processing the cuticle, the nail is given the desired shape and the plate is carefully sanded until the shine disappears. The product lasts longer on such a surface. All accumulated dust is carefully removed with a dry brush.

    Step 2: Preparing the Nail Surface

    To ensure that the product adheres better, the nail plate is degreased and then a primer is applied. This is a special substance that improves the adhesion of shellac. You need to apply the primer along the edge of the nail and wait for it to dry naturally (without a lamp).

    Step 3: Base

    The technique of applying the base layer is similar to coating the nail plate with ordinary decorative varnish. The only difference is that the layer must be sealed. To do this, coat the end of the nail with a well-wrung out brush.

    The base layer is dried under an ultraviolet lamp at a power of 36 W. Exposure time is about 2 minutes. At the end of polymerization, a sticky layer remains on the surface of the nail - this is normal, there is no need to remove it.

    Step 4: Color Layer

    A thin layer of colored shellac is applied to the sticky base. Sealed and dried in a UV lamp for two minutes. Then this procedure must be repeated. The result is a durable two-layer color coating. If you complete the manicure with a single color application, the shade of the nails will be translucent. You can find a suitable shellac nail design; photos are available on the Internet and in nail salons.

    Step 5: Consolidation

    The final fixing layer (top) is slightly thicker than the previous ones. The coating is applied to the entire painted surface and sealed. Stains and cloudy areas on the finish coating are not allowed. This will ruin the appearance of the entire manicure.

    Step 6: Finish

    The top sticky layer is removed using a degreaser, and nourishing oil is applied to the cuticle. If everything is done correctly, the coating will not wrinkle or burst.

    Nail technicians recommend using gel polish or shellac for a long-lasting manicure; a specialist will explain the differences between these products. He can also tell you how to apply shellac correctly; the technology for applying it at home is slightly different from the salon procedure.

    What do you need for shellac?

    Many who are already familiar with shellac recommend going to a salon and doing the first procedure there before experimenting on your own. By observing the work of an experienced master, you can notice important nuances and avoid mistakes in the future. Applying the coating at home requires some preparation. This concerns the acquisition of a set of tools and necessary tools:

    • — a set of devices for dry manicure;
    • - means for the base layer;
    • - shellac of the desired color;
    • — fixing coating;
    • - ultraviolet lamp for drying (it’s better to ask your specialist which lamp is needed);
    • — a means for removing the sticky layer after polymerization (degreaser);
    • - shellac remover.

    Shellac is resistant to regular nail polish removers. The procedure for removing it is also quite complex and multi-step. It is worth stocking up on foil, cotton pads, acetone and plastic sticks in advance. Sometimes it is not possible to remove shellac using solvents (if the coatings were too thick). Then it is simply sawed off with a file.

    How to make French shellac

    The shellac series has special shades for French manicure. You can paint your smile with the pale and calm tone of Stidio White, or you can highlight it with the brighter and richer Cream Puff. The second shade contains white pigment in high concentration and is used for classic French manicure.

    The main tone for nails is presented in a wider color palette. This includes transparent shellac, milky pink, and a product with small glitter. Shades are selected based on personal preferences.

    The difference between a French manicure and a regular one is that the main tone is applied in one layer, and the smile is drawn twice. After each application, shellac is polymerized in a lamp.

    Underwater rocks

    Despite the apparent ease, applying and covering with shellac at home is a rather complex and painstaking procedure. Here are some disadvantages of home manicure:

    1. 1. High adhesion of the products makes application difficult. It is very difficult to achieve a coating that is even in tone and uniform in thickness for bright colors. Colored shellac is sticky and requires extreme concentration. It is a little easier to work with a base layer, top coat and color compositions in light pastel shades.
    2. 2. For an amateur, the procedure for applying shellac can take several hours. Moreover, even such a long effort does not guarantee an ideal result. At the end of the procedure, your nails may look unpredictable.
    3. 3. Shellac can only be applied twice. After this, it is recommended to take a break of 20-25 days to give the nail a “rest.” For those who are not used to waiting, it is better to consult a specialist: shellac or biogel, which is better for permanent use.
    4. 4. Periodically, nails have to be restored. Despite the relative harmlessness of the products, the plates still deteriorate a little and become brittle. But they are treated quickly.
    5. 5. If you want to get rid of your manicure, you will have to work hard and spend a lot of time.

    Otherwise, covering your nails with shellac has a lot of advantages. If you have self-confidence and free time, you can master this art yourself and do a long-lasting manicure at home.
