Events dedicated to the day of sobriety. Various events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety were held in the district libraries

Classroom script for 9th grade students. Classroom script for 10th grade students. Classroom script for 11th grade students. Classroom script for high school students. The main purpose of this class hour is to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Scenario class hour on the topic "Drunkenness and alcoholism"

Classroom goals

1. Provide students with information about the dangers of alcohol.

2. Deal with the reasons leading to the use of alcohol.

3. Encourage students to stop drinking alcohol.

Preliminary preparation

1. Message material given to two students.

2. Broom or mop for the game.

4. The distribution of the roles of the scene between students.


The teacher shows videos with any advertisement.

■ Is the product information conveyed in the advertisement always true? (If possible, give examples).

■ How does a person feel when they discover that the quality of the product does not match what was promised by the advertisement? (Disappointment).

■ Any advertising tends to colorfully describe the product, showing it only from the best side. How can you know if an advertisement is true or not? Lead to the answer: to find out whether an advertisement is true or not, you need to find reliable information about the product.

Today at the class hour we will consider a well-known topic - alcohol.

Main part of class

1. What is alcohol and what is its effect on a person.

Alcohol brings a lot of trouble to people. Many of you have faced this problem in your life. Many families suffer from the drinking of one or more of their members. Have you seen drunk people? Have you seen any of your relatives or friends drunk? In fact, nowadays it is very difficult to find young people who have not experienced the influence of alcohol. But do we know the truth about alcohol and its effect on us? What do you know?

Student responses. This is followed by a presentation by one of the students.

Message 1. What is alcohol, its effect on a person.

The use of alcohol has been known since ancient times. Fruit juices, honey and even milk, after standing in the sun, acquired properties that people, having drunk such drinks, could not but notice: they caused gaiety, lightness, excitement, etc. It is known from literary sources that drunkenness flourished widely in Ancient the world. It is also mentioned in all myths and legends. Even the gods, according to the ideas of people, indulged in revelry under the influence of wine and other alcoholic beverages. From the same sources we learn that drunken revelry has always been accompanied by debauchery and crime, as well as illness.

So what is alcohol that offers joy and misfortune at the same time?

The basis of any alcoholic beverage is ethyl alcohol.

Physiological influence. Getting into the stomach and intestines, alcohol is absorbed into the blood within 5-10 minutes after ingestion. Through the blood vessels, alcohol is carried throughout the human body. If you look at the cells into which it enters under a microscope, you can see how they shrivel, cease to function normally. If alcohol enters the cell repeatedly, it soon dies. This is how the organs begin to collapse: the liver, heart, kidneys. The tissue of blood vessels is reborn, the functioning of the whole organism as a whole is disturbed. Thus, intoxication, in fact, is a poisoning of the body with alcohol.

Brain cells are the first to suffer from alcohol. And the harm done to them is irreparable. With a powerful blood stream, alcohol is delivered to the brain, its higher parts, affecting nerve cells. As a result, the connection between different parts of the brain is destroyed.

Alcohol that has entered the human body is excreted from there within a few days. Especially harmful is the effect of alcohol on a young organism, which, during the period of growth and development, is very susceptible to all narcotic substances. Boys and girls who drink alcohol endanger all their organs, especially the central nervous system. As a result, memory is greatly reduced, mental problems arise, and behavior deteriorates sharply.

In alcoholic beverages, the presence of carcinogenic substances that lead to the occurrence of malignant tumors was revealed. The risk of cancer is especially high in boys and girls who abuse alcohol. So, according to statistics, the risk of oral cancer in young people increases 10 times. And if at the same time they not only drink alcohol, but also smoke, the risk increases 15 times compared to non-drinking youth.

Influence on offspring. Alcohol produces a destructive effect in cells, including at the genetic level. This negatively affects the offspring. Children are born handicapped, with congenital diseases.

In young men who abuse alcohol, sexual potency is weakened. In girls, the process of producing sex hormones and maturation of the egg is disrupted. People who abuse alcohol can remain childless.

Influence on behavior. The blood vessels dilate under the influence of alcohol, which increases the flow of blood to the brain. The turbulent flow of blood saturated with alcohol leads to an increase in the excitation of the nerve centers. This causes a slight euphoria and gaiety. However, after that, changes occur in the work of the brain. Higher departments loosen control over lower departments. As a result, a person in a state of intoxication ceases to control his behavior, speech. His actions become cheeky. A person begins to say things that he would never say in a sober state.

The more a person gets drunk, the more his nerve centers that control the work of the excited parts of the brain are paralyzed. A person stops thinking about the consequences of his actions and words. Secret passions and vicious inclinations that a person hides in the depths of his soul come out, which leads to evil actions. Good manners and modesty step aside, giving way to frivolity and impudence. A person becomes inattentive, careless, can tell all the secrets.

Women under the influence of alcohol become cheeky in their behavior, lose their shame, do not follow the norms of behavior. Drunk women lose their dignity, become promiscuous, tend to casual sex. The result is often unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Influence on will. Under the influence of alcohol, the will of a person weakens, and instincts get more freedom. As a result, a person cannot control himself and does things that he would not want to do, following reason. But a person begins to follow inner impulses, unable to resist them. This leads to a feeling of regret and remorse for the offenses and mistakes committed. These feelings torment a person, but do not change him.

Development of addiction. Alcohol creates the effect of high spirits. This feeling of joyful excitement is pleasant to the person and encourages him to use alcohol again and again. With the constant use of alcohol, general poisoning of the body and degeneration of tissues occur. Cells begin to draw energy not so much from substances obtained from food as from alcohol. Chemical dependency develops. This is a serious tragic disease, from which it is almost impossible to recover.

If boys and girls are exposed to alcohol, they develop addiction 4 times faster than adults. At this age, the formation of personality has not yet been completed, so she also experiences the destructive effects of alcohol.

We are high school students. We are almost adults. It is in our power to choose friends. Only we ourselves decide whether to drink alcoholic beverages or refuse them. We are not children and are already strong enough to find the courage to resist any attempts to persuade us to drink alcohol, even if they are our closest friends. Let's avoid parties where young people gather who are not at all able to have fun and enjoy life without drinking. We are youth. The future is in our hands. Let's have a sober outlook on life.

Four boys are chosen for the game. They take turns holding a broom or a mop in their hands, placed in the direction of the chin. At the same time, participants should look at the ceiling. In this position, they need to make thirty revolutions around the broom or mop as a spinning axis. The time limit for completing the task is 45 seconds.

The one who coped with this task should put a broom or mop on the floor in front of him and try to step over it back and forth. If someone copes with the second task, he receives a big prize (chocolate, a bottle of lemonade, etc.). Usually, most of the participants cannot cope even with the first task.

Teacher: So, we will continue our conversation. Although the game brought joy, it had a noticeable effect on physical abilities. Due to the impact on the brain, coordination of movements was disturbed. The same thing happens when drinking alcohol. It has a destructive effect on the brain and its functions. But why do people, knowing about the harmful effects on the body, still not find the strength to refuse the pleasure offered by alcohol?

First question for discussion

What happens to people when they get drunk?

Possible answers: joyful euphoria, headache, depression, weakness, obscene behavior, loquacity, unpleasant smell, draws on frank conversations, fear, persecution mania, etc.

Second question for discussion

And what, in your opinion, are the reasons forcing young people to drink alcoholic beverages?

Possible answers: to improve mood, to “get high”, to please friends, for courage before something (especially if it concerns girls), to drown out feelings of loneliness, despair, disappointment, guilt, to reduce feelings of rejection, for fighting depression, etc.

This is followed by a performance by the student who reads the poem.

The English poet Robert Burns wrote these lines:

There are several reasons for drunkenness:

Wake, holiday, meeting, seeing off,

Christening, marriage and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

recovery, housewarming,

Success, reward, new rank,

And just drinking for no reason.

Message 2. Causes and effects of alcohol abuse.

Causes. They may be different. Here, for example, are the reasons that may encourage adults to reach for a bottle. So, for example, some people try to cope with stressful situations that arise in their lives in this way. They think that drinking will make their problems easier, give them the strength to endure difficult circumstances, to withstand pressure, the press.

Others resort to drinking for social reasons. For example, if a person grew up in a dysfunctional family. Or life does not add up, there is not enough money for a normal existence, it is broken. Perhaps at work every week a booze that is difficult to refuse - you will find yourself an outsider. Or neighbors constantly drink and treat.

There are ritual reasons when drinking is treated as an obligatory action: at a holiday, a party, a meeting, chatting with friends. It becomes a ritual that cannot be abandoned, otherwise you will have to leave, sometimes even break off relations.

Young people mainly start drinking because of conformity, that is, for the company. Many cannot refuse an offer because everyone in their group does. They are afraid of being branded as a "white crow".

Another common cause of alcoholism among young people is the bad example of close relatives. When a family drinks, children get involved in this addiction very early. They have the temptation and the opportunity to try to find out if drinking is really so pleasant that their parents are ready to do anything for the sake of this pleasure. Life in a dysfunctional family is a tragedy in itself, which one wants to alleviate somehow. Having experienced joyful oblivion from the first glasses, the young man begins to be drawn to this method of solving problems. Then he can't stop.

Some young boys and girls start drinking out of curiosity. They are interested to know what constitutes a state of intoxication, how he or she will behave in this state.

Some guys resort to drinking to become more free and bold in dealing with girls, to impress them, to please them. Girls do not refuse the beer or wine offered by the guy they like, so as not to push him away from themselves.

Often young people resort to alcohol because of unhappy love, loneliness, rejection. Thus, they struggle with negative emotional feelings, trying to artificially cheer themselves up.

Consequences. The consequences of drinking alcohol are internal emptiness, loss of orientation in life, loss of vital interest, lack of willpower, destruction of personality, mental disorders, and rejection of moral principles.

Some use alcohol leads to breaking the law, committing a crime. Many juvenile delinquents become juvenile delinquents as a result of alcohol consumption. Crimes committed by drunk people are very cruel and are severely punished by law. Many murders, thefts and hooligan attacks are committed while intoxicated. Many accidents on the roads with tragic consequences have been caused by drunk drivers.

Alcohol consumption provokes domestic violence. Alcoholism leads to a descent down the social ladder to the very bottom - drunkards often remain without housing, work, family, friends, become homeless, live on the street, in basements. They become socially outcast people and can no longer return to normal life due to irreparable mental changes.

If you decide to try to alleviate your state of mind with the help of alcohol, then think: will this really help you? Does drinking really relieve pressure and solve problems, or does it only mask them, obscure them? Will drinking alcohol help you change the reality around you, or will it take you away from reality? So should you surround yourself with an artificial Reality, or should you think and accept life as it is?

Then the class teacher or one of the students reads an excerpt from Antoine Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince, ch. XII:

“There was a drunkard on the next planet. The little prince stayed with him for a very short time, but after that he became very unhappy.

When he came to this planet, the drunkard sat silently and looked at the hordes of bottles lined up in front of him - empty and full.

— What are you doing? asked the little prince.

“I drink,” the drunkard answered gloomily.

— To forget.

- What to forget? asked the little prince; he felt sorry for the drunkard.

"I want to forget that I'm ashamed," the drunk admitted, and hung his head.

- Why are you ashamed? asked the Little Prince, very eager to help the poor fellow.

- Feel free to drink! the drunkard explained, and no more could be obtained from him.

“Yes, really, adults are very, very strange people,” he thought, continuing on his way.

What can be learned from this passage about drunkards?

1. This passage describes a vicious cycle that addicts get into and cannot get out of.

2. Psychological dependence is well described: any drunkard believes that he can quit if he wants, the whole problem is that he will never want to, even if his conscience torments him - the attraction to alcohol is stronger.

Third question for discussion

■ Does alcohol really help solve problems?

In the form of a discussion, discuss with the class the question of whether drinking alcohol helps to cope with stress, relax, solve difficult issues, or vice versa.

Fourth question for discussion

■ Am I doing the right thing by drinking alcohol?

Practicing refusal skills. How can I protect myself from the harmful effects of alcohol? How to refuse those who offer to try? What if they are my close friends?

A student comes out and reads a poem:

Among the various traditions

There is a difficult one

If a meeting, if a holiday,

So, drink and drink to the bottom!

Drink one and drink another

and seventh and eighth

They ask, press, press "friends"!

Well, if I can't

Well, what if I can't?

Well, if there is a reason

Tomorrow morning be in shape

Tell me how should I be?

To drink alcohol or not to drink?

How would you answer this question? What should a young man do in such a situation? Refuse? But how? Now we'll see how you know how to say "no."

The teacher divides the class into groups. Each group is given leaflets describing situations in which a young person is offered to drink an alcoholic drink. The students should discuss the situation and then role-play it, while showing how to refuse the offer.

Task for the first group. The guy fell in love with a girl from a neighboring yard. Friends advised her to come up and confess her feelings to her, but before that, drink for courage.

Task for the second group. Two friends are walking in the park. Guys come up to them to get to know each other. To start a conversation, they offer the girls to treat them to beer.

Task for the third group. One of the guys brought a bottle of vodka to the disco and offers his company a drink to cheer up.

Task for the fourth group. The girl likes the young guy. He invites her on a date and takes her to a cafe. Here he invites her to order an alcoholic drink.



It is difficult to find a youth group that has not experienced the influence of alcohol. If an anonymous survey were conducted at a school on the use of alcoholic beverages, many would answer that they drink more or less of them. Surely, having tried alcohol for the first time, the teenager did not look for information about the benefits or harms of this drink, did not consult with knowledgeable people, but is it worth continuing to do this, did not start looking for articles on the Internet about the problem of drunkenness and alcoholism. Many teenagers do not even think about the impact and consequences of alcohol consumption on their health, personality, life. They just drink. “A bottle of beer - what's wrong with that? Everyone is doing it!” And they do not notice how they are addicted. Don't be flippant. Remember the consequences.

On the day of the name day, or maybe the birth

The Hare was invited to the Hedgehog for a treat.

In a circle of friends, in a noisy conversation,

Wine flowed like a river. Neighbor watered neighbor.

And our Hare, as he sat down,

So, without leaving the place, so numb,

That, falling off the table with difficulty,

Said, "Come on home!" —

"Will you find a home? —

The hospitable Hedgehog asked. —

Come on, how good you are!

I should have gone to bed better before I sobered up!

In the forest alone you will be lost:

Everyone says that the Lion has shown up in the district!

What to convince the Hare? The bunny got drunk.

“Yes, what is Leo to me! - shouts. —

Should I be afraid of him!

I didn't eat it myself!

Yes, I'll pull down seven skins from him

And I'll let you go naked to Africa! .. "

Leaving the noisy house, staggering between the trunks,

Like between tables

Goes oblique, rustling through the forest on a dark night:

“We saw animals in the forests cleaner than lions,

Shreds flew from them! .. "

The lion woke up, hearing a drunken cry, -

Our Hare at that moment was tearing through the thicket.

Lion - tsap his collar!

“So that’s who got into my clutches!

So you were the one making the noise, you idiot?

Wait, yes, I see you are drunk -

Some rubbish got drunk!"

All the hops from the head of the Hare went out!

He began to seek salvation from trouble:

“Yes, I ... Yes, you ... Yes, we ...

Let me explain!

Have mercy on me! I was visiting now.

There was more than enough. But everything is for you!

For your cubs! For your Lioness!

Well, how could you not get drunk here ?!

And, picking up his claws, the Lion let Gossy go.

Our braggart was saved!

The lion did not tolerate drunks,

he himself did not take drunkenness in his mouth,

Few people have heard about the Day of Sobriety in Russia, although the history of the holiday goes back more than 100 years. Sobriety Day in Russia is celebrated on September 11th. In 2016, on this day, many cities and entire regions hold various actions and events dedicated to the Day of Sobriety and the fight against alcoholism.

All-Russian Day of Sobriety September 11: the origins and history of the holiday

For the holiday, the date of September 11 was not chosen by chance. It is on this day that the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the Beheading of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, on which Christians observe strict fasting.

The first Day of Sobriety in Russia was held in 1911 in St. Petersburg. His slogan was the phrase "In sobriety, the happiness of the people." And in 1913, Sobriety Day became an official holiday supported by the Church.

In Russia, every year on the Day of Sobriety, the sale of alcohol was stopped. And 2016 is no exception. Processions were organized in the churches and prayers were held to John the Baptist. On this holiday, everyone could give a dinner of sobriety and receive the blessing of the priest.

However, with the emergence of the Soviet Union, Sobriety Day was no longer celebrated, since the holiday had religious origins. Sobriety Day was revived only in 2005.

In 2016, the holiday dedicated to the fight against alcoholism has not lost its relevance. Statistics report that the level of alcohol consumption over the past 100 years has increased by more than 4 times. Alcoholism in Russia has become a serious problem that worsens the social, cultural, economic and demographic situation in the country.

Events on the Day of sobriety in the cities of Russia: in Penza, Yakutsk, Saratov, Murmansk

By September 11, 2016, on the Day of Sobriety, various thematic actions, exhibitions and flash mobs are carried out. Events for the All-Russian Day of Sobriety in 2016 are held in many cities. For example, on the eve of the holiday on September 7, Penza hosted the “Say NO to alcohol” action dedicated to the fight against alcoholism, within which the residents of Penza were offered high-quality drinking water.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Sobriety Day will be celebrated on September 9th. The head of the republic signed a Decree, according to which, on September 9, 2016, all organizations selling alcohol are recommended to suspend the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

In the Saratov region, the current regional legislation considers the day of a complete ban on the sale of alcohol not only the Day of Sobriety - September 11, but also the Day of Knowledge - September 1.

In the Murmansk region, September 1 became the Day of Sobriety. Local authorities on this day also imposed a ban on the retail sale of alcohol. Interestingly, this is not the only day in the Murmansk region when it is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages. Days of sobriety in the region are also defined on May 25, June 1 and June 27.

Sobriety Day is a holiday dedicated to the fight against alcoholism. This day reminds us that sobriety of mind should become the natural state of every person. After all, only a sober person is able to become healthy, happy, have a strong family and respect in society.

- show the benefits of a sober lifestyle, awaken civic initiative and responsibility in confronting addictions,
- contribute to the revival of the traditions of the holiday that existed in Russia in 1912-1917,
- start participation in the Competition of classes free of smoking,
- create conditions for the development of speech and the development of mental processes of students,
- to promote the development of effective communication.

Members: jury, hosts, 6th grade team, 7th grade team, 8th grade team,

- holiday competition
- historical competition
- proverb competition
- juice tasting
- project competition

Implementation plan.

1. Preparatory stage: informing the school administration, teachers, participants, developing competitions, homework for teams and a system of points, awards and incentives.
2. Writing a script
3. Organizational preparation
4. Approximate dates: from 11 to 13 September.
5. Summing up: the resource circle of teachers after the event, the resource circle of students in a week.
Holiday script

Presenter: Good afternoon I really love holidays. And you? Let's remember at least a few holidays in which you took part. Team 5-6 grades (children call)- Fine. 7th grade team (children name another holiday)- Fine. 8th grade team (they call another holiday)- Fine. There are many holidays in our life. There are state holidays, there are folk holidays, there are also family holidays. Today we have gathered for a school holiday. Now I will name a few holidays, and you will say which holidays they can be attributed to:

Victory Day (teams answer, name the date of the holiday, in honor of what event it is held and what - state, folk, religious, etc. - it is. For the answer - points),
Trinity (answer)
wedding (answer)
teacher's Day (answer)
birthday (answer).

Leading: Some holidays are common for a whole nation, others are common for a group of people, there are holidays that are celebrated only within their family. There are holidays old and new. Some have existed for a long time, others have arisen recently, the third holidays once existed, and then disappeared, were forgotten. Today we will try to revive one long-forgotten holiday and see if it is necessary to revive it, whether we need it or not. I don't know how to do it. Let's think together. Do you agree? (answer)

Presenter: This holiday was held in Russia annually from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. Our relatives who participated in it are our great-grandfathers. These are the grandparents of our parents - our very near ancestors. They called their holiday the Day of Sobriety. Why this holiday arose and was celebrated on this particular day, how it passed, will tell ... ( prepare one of the high school students or invite a student). Listen carefully, then we will ask you some questions and the jury will determine which team is the best at listening and thinking. Prizes await the winners.


The history of the holiday of sobriety in Russia.

John the Baptist, the events of his life and death.

Presenter: Such is the history of the holiday. If you have listened carefully, you will be able to answer our questions. Answer briefly. After writing the answer, raise the sheet with the answer. So, we begin the historical competition.



When did the Sobriety Day begin?

Participants discuss the answers in a team, write down on multi-colored pieces of paper. Assistants collect leaflets and pass them to the jury

Presenter: correct answer (

Leading: you have dictionaries on the tables. Look up the word "SOBRIETY" in the dictionary.

The team that first found the word "SOBRIETY" in the dictionary read out the definition.


Participants discuss the answers in a team, write down on multi-colored pieces of paper. Assistants collect leaflets and pass them to the jury.

Leading: correct answer ( read the correct answer).


- What was the name of the king during whose time the events of this holiday took place?
- How did his niece Salome please King Herod at his birthday?
- What did the maiden Salome ask her uncle - King Herod - for pleasing him and the guests?

After each question, the teams answer and the facilitators read out the correct answer.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I will give you the last task. On your result in the historical competition, its implementation will not matter, because only everyone can win it together. So! Remember, under what motto were the holidays of sobriety held in Russia? Let me remind you that the motto of the holiday consisted of three words. Now each team will get a set of letters to make one word. Then, from the words you have compiled, we will collect the entire motto. Get started.

(Gives out a set of letters, from which each team must make up its own word:

1 team - sobriety
2nd team - happy
3 team - people

Teams make up their word, then determine the order of words in the phrase, read loudly, in turn, their word. Then all participants read the whole motto in unison.

Presenter: And now we give the floor to the members of the jury.
Jury member: 1st place in the historical competition was taken by a team of ______ class. The team is awarded __________________.

Presenter: The next contest is a proverb contest. A proverb is a folk wisdom in which a deep thought is briefly and clearly expressed. Usually the proverb is easily divided into 2 parts, the second part rhymes with the first. Sheets will be given to you with the endings of proverbs, all the same.


Dare to work... (be smart and have fun).
Drink vodka - ... (destroy yourself).
In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes are drowning).
Walk, dance , ... (don't kill the soul).
Loved the wine... (ruined the family).
Who revels in brew, ... (he washes himself with tears).
Drink and walk - ... (no good to see).
Drunkard among the people... (like a weed in a garden).
The river starts from a stream... (and drunkenness from a glass).
Enough wine - ... (there was no young man).
Who knows how to have fun... (that grief is not afraid of).

Presenter: I ask the jury to sum up the results of the proverb contest.

Jury member:announces the winning team, rewards the team with prizes

Presenter: The next contest is juice tasting.

WITH Now each team will receive 3 boxes of juice and straws. The boxes are sealed with colored paper. Your task is to determine which juice is in each box and write the name right on the box. We start only on my command. The jury will evaluate not only the correctness, but also the speed, and, most importantly, the consistency of your actions.

Distributes boxes, tubes and gives the command to start tasting.

As soon as the teams are ready, the assistants collect the boxes and hand them over to the jury.

Leading: I ask the jury to summarize the results of the competition and award the winner.

Jury member:announces the result of the competition and awards the winning team.

Leading: and now the main competition of our holiday, checking homework - presenting projects for a family holiday and holding one fun game with the audience.

The 6th grade team presents their project of a family holiday and the game.
Students present the project and play with the audience.

Presenter: The next family holiday project is presented by the 7th grade team.

Presenter: the last project of a family holiday will be shown to us by the senior team - grade 8.
Team presents the project and conducts a game with the audience.

Presenter: while the jury is summing up the results, the Alkostop propaganda team will perform in front of you

Leading: The jury is ready to sum up the results of the contest of home projects.

Presenter: This concludes our holiday. But before we leave, I would like to hear your opinion on whether we need such a holiday today, what you liked, especially remembered, maybe surprised, or your suggestion on how to spend it next time. I ask each team to express their opinion.

Statements of team representatives

Leaders are grateful for the answers.

(It is desirable that different representatives speak from each team - from one student, from the other - the class teacher, from the other - the parent, if they are present)

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Novomelovatskaya secondary school

"September 11 - All-Russian
Sobriety Day"
Compiled by: Primary school teacher
Kaplina L.P., VKK

The purpose of the event: to draw public attention to the need
maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.
Event objectives:
formation of a negative attitude towards the use of various types
psychoactive substances;
promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Introductory words of the teacher:
Event progress:
We urge you to be imbued with the threat that is approaching our Motherland,
pay attention to a huge social problem, on the solution of which depends
the fate of Russia. The alcoholization of the Russian people has assumed alarming proportions.
The President of Russia stated that “alcoholism has acquired a character in our country
national disaster”, and called for decisive action to correct
Let's look at the statistics:
Every third man of working age suffers from excessive
drinking alcohol. The scale of its per capita consumption reached the milestone of 18
liters per year for every Russian - an old man and a baby - and are currently
moment the main cause of the demographic crisis, rapid extinction
our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. For 10 years of war in Afghanistan
14,000 of our compatriots died. According to the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the first
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health N.F.
Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia takes at least one million human
lives per year.
The age at which adolescents begin to drink alcohol has decreased over the past twenty years.
from 16 to 13 years old. 80% of minors in Russia constantly drink alcohol, and
33% of boys and 20% of girls use it daily. It undermines the physical and
mental health, mental development of the younger generation. Russia
ranks first in child alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people,
broken families are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change,
our country has no future. We've reached the point where only sobriety can
stop our swift run to inevitable death! After all, alcohol is worse and
more insidious than any of the most merciless enemy, it is a weapon of mass destruction.

The tradition of holding the Day of sobriety is being revived today in order to
designate sobriety in the public mind as a social norm of life, as
the natural state of man.
All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a mass cultural event,
aiming to show the benefits of a sober lifestyle, to awaken civil
initiative and unite society in opposition to addictions.
The date of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety is September 11, 2016.
And now guys, I will read the beginning of the proverb, and you must lift up
sheets with an ending and finish it in chorus. So, listen!
proverb competition
Know how to work, ... (be able to have fun).
Drink vodka - ... (destroy yourself).
In a puddle of vodka ... (and the heroes drown).
Walk, dance, ... (don't kill the soul).
He fell in love with wine - ... (ruined his family).
Who revels in mash, ... (he washes himself with tears).
Drink and walk - ... (no good to be seen).
A drunkard among the people, ... (what a weed in the garden).
The river begins with a stream, ... (and drunkenness from a glass).
Enough wine - ... (there was no good fellow).
Well done! Now, let's answer the questions:
1. You can't buy it for any money? (health)
2. What gives a person energy? (food)

3. A person who smokes and takes alcohol is extremely susceptible to any
infectious diseases. What body system is affected? (About
immune system)
4. Training the body with cold. (hardening)
5. The smallest organism that carries the infection. (bacterium)
6. How does smoking affect the heart? (makes heart beat faster)
7. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (lungs' cancer)
8. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to treat colds? (raspberries,
lemon, garlic, linden)
9. What is the best time of year to start hardening? (in summer)
10. What is the name of the people who swim in the ice hole in winter? ("walruses")
11. Name winter sports.
12. Name summer sports.
13. The leaves of which plants are used for bruises, scratches? (plantain, burdock)
14. Why can't you drink water from a puddle? (dirty water contains various microbes,
causing dangerous diseases)
15. The science of cleanliness of the body. (hygiene).
And now, I propose to play the game "I believe it or not." If you agree with me and
If you believe this, then raise your two hands, and if you don't agree, put your hands down.
Competition "I believe not believe"
(agree - raise two hands, disagree - lower your hands)
Do you believe that
… is exercise a source of vitality and health? (Yes)
…chewing gum saves teeth? (No)
...carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)
…there are harmless drugs? (No)
... in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

… to keep your teeth healthy, you need to eat a lot of sweets? (No)
… to keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day? (Yes)
…drinking ice water on a hot day is hardening? (No)
... to save your eyes, you need to read lying down? (No) protect ourselves from germs, we should not wash vegetables and fruits before
use? (No)
… mobile, active lifestyle promotes health or not? (Yes)
This is the end of our class today. Please tell me what
did you find out today and what conclusions did you draw from this? What surprised you from today?
you the most?
Student answers: …………………………….
: Some people have written wonderful propaganda lines
teacher's word

healthy lifestyle. I propose to help students in our school to think about
problem that has arisen in society, pay attention to it and abandon harmful,
bad habits. Let's put up flyers so everyone can see
read and make the right choice.
(students read poems and hang them throughout the school).

Annex 1
The man who conquered the sky
Inventing the miracle of technology
Indulge in bad habits
He forgets about his health.
Is this drink really that good?
Think, teenager, what are you drinking?
After all, beer does not do honor to adults either.
Let's think about it together.

From September 8th to 14th, the public libraries of the municipal district Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan held events within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. The purpose of the events carried out is to provide warning information and save the younger generation from harm, to provide a convincing explanation of the consequences of abuse for one's own health.

These days, such events were held as the oral magazine "Life for a glass" (Ilyino-Polyanskaya rural library), the review-informin "Live soberly - do not grieve for a century!" (Osipovskaya village library), information hour “STOP!!! - Alcohol" (Udelno-Duvaney rural library), informational and competitive program "In sobriety - strength" (Novonadezhdinskaya rural library), conversations "All-Russian Day of sobriety" (Bedeyevo-Polyanskaya and Sanninskaya rural libraries), "Early alcoholism" (Akhlystinskaya rural library), “Personality and Alcohol” (Ilikovskaya Rural Library), an hour of prevention “Alcohol Syndrome” (Staronadezhdinskaya Rural Library), a sports program for the prevention of alcoholism “Sport - Yes! No alcohol! (Volkovskaya rural library).

Biblio-actions of protest have become an effective form of work with teenage and youth audiences. With the participation of librarians of the Central District Library of the MBUK MCB, students of the Multidisciplinary Professional College, teachers, an anti-alcohol campaign "Sober City" was held.

11 events were held, 248 people became participants in the events.

Oral magazine "Life for a glass" / 09/09/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Ilyina Polyana named after. AND I. Nelyubina.

In order to prevent alcoholism among adolescents, to form students' ideas about how alcohol affects the body and human health, to promote a negative attitude towards alcohol consumption, to promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, for students 9-10 classes, the librarian of the Ilyino-Polyanskaya rural library of the MBUK MCB conducted an oral magazine "Life for a glass."

Using the slide presentation "Your health and alcohol", the librarian tried to show the harmful effects of alcohol, as well as its effects on the young body. Schoolchildren were provided with information about per capita alcohol consumption statistics in the Russian Federation, as well as about judicial practice, which shows that alcohol abuse is associated with half of fatal traffic accidents and half of all murders. The facilitator of the event informed the students that, according to the World Health Organization, alcohol abuse leads to death and disability relatively earlier in life. Among people aged 20-39 years, approximately 25% of all deaths are related to alcohol. Further, the teacher of chemistry of the MOBU secondary school of the village of Ilyina Polyana named after. AND I. Nelyubina conducted a survey-discussion "Your attitude to alcohol" among students in order to identify the level of awareness and representation of the harm from alcohol abuse.

The organizers of the event and the participants believe that sobriety is the norm of life. Physical culture, sports, classes in circles, visits to libraries, the proper organization of free time, interesting and meaningful recreation - all this opposes the development of bad habits, and, above all, habits of drinking alcohol.

Conversation "Personality and alcohol" / 09/09/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Staroilikovo.

Problems of teenage alcoholism cause public concern. In order to prevent teenage alcoholism and popularize a sober lifestyle, promote sports and a healthy lifestyle, the Ilikovskaya rural library of the MBUK MCB conducted a conversation “Personality and Alcohol” for students of the secondary school of the village of Staroilikov.

The host of the event began the conversation by telling the story of the emergence of a monopoly on alcohol in our country and what losses our country experienced after that. She spoke in detail about the effect of alcohol on the body of children and adolescents. She told about the changes taking place in the character of a person and about the irreversible consequences of damage to the human brain. The most terrible consequence and damage is caused by alcohol to the human embryo. And the worst crime is to drink during pregnancy. At the end of the event, all participants received memos.

The information hour helped children understand the consequences of alcoholism for the younger generation.

Review - informina "Live soberly - do not grieve for a century" / 09/09/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Osipovka.

The Osipovskaya rural library of the MBUK MCB for students of the MOBU secondary school conducted a review - the informin "Live soberly - do not grieve for a century", aimed at anti-alcohol education of the younger generation. First, the guys heard the history of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. Then the guys got acquainted with the articles of periodicals collected in the thematic folder “Alcohol, how to resist it?”, They heard what consequences can be in the human body when drinking alcohol.

The next part of the event was built on a competitive basis: 3 teams performed various tasks.

At the end of the event, we once again discussed the information received and concluded that friendship with alcohol will only bring pain, suffering to loved ones, and deprive them of health.

Alcoholism Prevention Hour "Alcohol Syndrome" / 09/09/2016 - Parent meeting in the kindergarten in the village of Staronadezhdino.

As part of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, in order to prevent a healthy and predominantly sober lifestyle, to promote the social movement of sobriety, the librarian of the Staronadezhdinskaya rural library of the MBUK MCB informed the assembled parents about the medical statistics of surrogate alcohol poisoning in Russia, Bashkortostan. He argued the benefits of a sober lifestyle for a family with children, the harmfulness of drunkenness for women. The kindergarten teacher drew the attention of parents to the harmful effects of alcohol on offspring born with alcohol syndrome.

The assembled parents were handed out leaflets “It is more useful to live without alcohol”.

Sports program for the prevention of alcoholism "Sport - yes!" No alcohol! / 10.09. 2016 - the gym of the secondary school in the village of Volkovo.

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle and conduct explanatory work among the population about the dangers of alcohol, the librarian of the Volkovskaya rural library of the MBUK MCB and the methodologist of the village club conducted a sports program for the prevention of alcoholism, dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety.

FAP worker with. Volkovo spoke about bad habits, emphasizing that alcohol abuse, directly or indirectly, is one of the most important causes of high mortality. Therefore, everyone should think about their health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The hosts of the event invited the audience to become participants in the sports program.

Information and competition program "In sobriety - strength" / 09/10/2016 - Novonadezhda rural library MBUK MCB.

The All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a good tradition, which began in the last century. Few people know that Russia was one of the least drinking countries in Europe. According to the average annual per capita alcohol consumption in 1906-1910. it ranked 13th out of 15 European countries counted. It consumed only 3.4 liters of absolute alcohol per capita.

The Novonadezhdinskaya rural library did not stand aside from this event - on September 10, 2016, an information and competitive program "In sobriety is strength" was held in the library for students of the 7th grade.

The purpose of the event: to instill in students an interest in maintaining their own health. The first competition is "Holidays". There are many holidays in our life. There are state holidays, there are folk holidays, there are also family holidays. The presenter names several holidays, and the audience answers which holidays they can be attributed to, names the date of the holiday, in honor of what event it is held and how it is state, folk, religious, family. During the "Historical" competition - the participants not only answered the questions of the quiz, but also got acquainted with the history of the holiday. The next contest is a proverb contest. A proverb is a folk wisdom in which a deep thought is briefly and clearly expressed. Usually the proverb is easily divided into 2 parts, the second part is the logical ending of the first. The librarian suggested that the audience pick up the endings for the initial phrases of proverbs about alcoholism.

The event was accompanied by a presentation on the dangers of alcoholism.

Conversation "All-Russian Day of Sobriety" / 09/10/2016 - Sanninsky SDK.

On the eve of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, a conversation was held for the population, aimed at informing residents of the population about bad habits and their consequences.

The librarian of the Sannin rural library of the MBUK MCB and the methodologist of the Sannin SDK spoke about the dangers of drinking alcohol among minors and the adult population of our country. Sad statistics from the World Health Organization were cited. Much has been said about the fact that in our country every third man of working age suffers from excessive drinking. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached the milestone of 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is currently the main cause of the demographic crisis, the rapid extinction of our people. The fact that during the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan 14,000 of our compatriots died, and alcohol in Russia claims at least one million human lives a year.

Leading events called on young people to lead a healthy lifestyle, organize their leisure time by attending events held by the village club, and also become an active reader of the village library.

Conversation "Early alcoholism" / 09/10/2016 - MOBU secondary school in the village of Staronadezhdino.

The librarian of the Akhlystinsky rural library of the MBUK MCB conducted a conversation dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety among students of the MOBU secondary school in the village of Staronadezhdino.

At the beginning of the event, the audience was shown a video film about the harm caused by alcohol to the human body. Then a conversation was held on the topic "Early alcoholism". During the conversation, the guys answered the question: “Why do children and teenagers drink alcohol?”. The librarian described four groups of people with different dynamics in the development of alcoholism. We also talked about the consequences associated with alcohol intake.

During the conversation, the teenagers once again heard the harm that alcohol brings to humanity. A reasonable and conscious choice of a sober lifestyle is one of the main tasks facing modern society.

Information hour "STOP!!! - Alcohol" / 09/10/2016 - Udelno-Duvaneyskaya rural library MBUK MCB.

On September 10, 2016, the librarian of the Udelno-Duvaney rural library of the MBUK MCB, together with the leading methodologist of the SDK, organized and conducted an information hour “STOP!!! - Alcohol" as part of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, aimed at promoting a sober lifestyle.

Teenagers learned about the dangers of alcohol, about the problems that drunkenness brings, and they were also offered questions for discussion. The presenters said that the promotion of a healthy lifestyle is one of the important areas in the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.

As part of this event, an information stand “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” was designed in the library, containing statistical information on the relationship of alcohol consumption with an increase in mortality, mental disorders and the number of road accidents. Also, all the children received memos "On the dangers of alcohol."

At the end of the conversation, it was concluded that our health is in our own hands. This should become a conviction for everyone, which will help maintain health for many years, physical activity and ability to work.

Conversation "All-Russian Day of Sobriety" / 09/13/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Bedeeva Polyana.

Some holidays are common - for the people, others - for some group of people, and this holiday was held in Russia annually from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. Sobriety Day was revived quite recently and is celebrated on September 11th.

Why this holiday arose, how it was held before and how it is currently celebrated - this was told by the librarian of the Bedeevo-Polyana rural library of the MBUK MCB during a conversation with the students of the secondary school of the village of Bedeeva Polyana. The main goal of the event is to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

The event continued with a competition of proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of drunkenness and alcoholism.

Should we revive such holidays or not? Teenagers talked about this and many other things, but everyone agreed that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading methodologist T.A. Permina
