Why blondes are considered stupid ipb. Why are blondes considered stupid?

Men have their own scores to settle with blondes. They are stupid, greedy, and frivolous. We've collected seven myths about blondes and easily dispelled them. And now we can say with full responsibility: all this was invented by notorious men and evil women who envy other people's beauty.

Myth one. Blondes are stupid

Let's not argue with men who consider the joke about the blonde silly woman to be the height of wit. Just a reminder that:

  • At age 13, natural blonde Sharon Stone had an IQ of 154. The adult Einstein had the same one.
  • In 2006, writer JK Rowling received the title of the highest paid writer in the world, and in 2007 she was recognized as the smartest blonde of the year.
  • Scientists have NOT proven that hair color - natural or acquired - affects mental abilities.
  • Russian scientists believe that blondes owe their tarnished intellectual reputation... to their paradoxical thinking. The fact is that “due to hormonal differences, they have a more clearly expressed pure feminine logic" This, by the way, was written by a man.

Myth two. Blondes are terrible spenders

Not a single woman (blonde, brunette, redhead, or even blue-haired) would call a purchase a “pointless waste.” new handbag, a bottle of perfume or a scarf. But for some reason, it is blond girls that men accuse of having a frivolous attitude towards money. It turns out that fair-haired women really spend more than 300 euros a month on spontaneous purchases of all kinds of “trinkets” (we are talking about English women). And do you know why? Yes, because blondes simply earn more! Their monthly income is about 1,200 euros after deducting all taxes, brunettes earn approximately 1,120 euros, and redheads - no more than 1,070 euros. This study was conducted by a website that specializes in personal finance management.

Myth three. A blonde driving is funny and dangerous

It’s no secret that men treat women drivers with disdain, to put it mildly. And the blond girl driving a small red car is the object of endless ridicule. Of course, it is difficult for representatives of the stronger sex to admit that someone other than them can control three pedals with two legs, but, alas, such acrobatic performances are not uncommon. Proof? Please! Did you know that even 9 women took part in Formula 1 racing? And one of them - Italian Giovanna Amati - was blonde. True, she didn’t win, but she upheld the honor of all fair-haired women behind the wheel. In Moscow, by the way, there are several specialized taxi companies where women work as drivers, and there are significantly fewer complaints about their work than about the work of male taxi drivers.

Myth four. Blondes are frivolous and accessible

Only very insecure individuals of the stronger sex consider blondes to be tireless “sexual maniacs.” And, naturally, women with such an active personal life are bypassed. However, scientists have proven that in this category, fair-haired women are inferior to red-haired women, who actually change partners very often. Blonde beauties, on the contrary, are distinguished by loyalty and constancy.

Myth fifth. Blondes are weak and helpless

A gentle, defenseless blond beauty is, of course, the dream of every man. But are blondes really more defenseless than women with other hair colors? It is enough to turn on the TV in the evening to refute this statement. One can hardly call Yulia Tymoshenko or Elena Baturina, Ksenia Sobchak, Ella Panfilova or Valentina Matvienko helpless. By the way, “ The Iron Lady“Margaret Thatcher dyed her hair blonde precisely at those moments when she had to make unpopular and tough political decisions.

Myth six. A blonde will not marry a poor man

For some reason, it is believed that millionaires go to the registry office only with fair hair. But that's not true. One of the dating sites analyzed the hair color of 100 wives richest men peace. It turned out that only 16% of millionaires chose blondes. This means that there are millions of unmarried blond beauties in the world and at least several thousand of them are ready to connect their lives with a simple engineer or manager.

Myth seventh. In 200 years, blondes (and blondes) will be extinct

IN last years only a very lazy journalist did not write about this tragic event that awaits humanity in just a couple of hundred years. The inevitable disappearance of blond people is explained by the fact that the sign of blond hair is recessive, which means that the person of the future will be dark-skinned and dark-haired. But all these statements contradict the Hardy-Weinberg genetic law (we will not explain its action; for the smartest, the formula is: p² + 2pq + q² = 1). But she spoke best about this problem World organization Health, which said it had "no opinion on whether blondes will exist in the future."

There are many different rumors among people about blondes. funny stories and jokes. However, this fact does not play into the hands of fair-haired ladies; rather, on the contrary, it does them Why is this so? Let's try to figure it out.

About the concept

Today, the concept of “blonde” is often something of a label. And women are mostly to blame for this. “Here I am, a stupid blonde!” - you can hear from the lips of a lady who wants to reproach or scold herself. Why is this happening? This question may concern most people, and especially those representatives of the fair sex who have blond hair.

Option 1. Barbie

So why are blondes stupid? It is worth looking back at the childhood of many girls, and only from this can we draw certain conclusions. So, the most favorite doll of the majority is Barbie. What is she like? This is a white-haired beauty who often changes outfits and chills in the company of Ken. And willy-nilly, the girl develops a special worldview, where the main function of a lady is to dress up, be beautiful, and look for her macho man. But the intellectual component in this version remains somewhere behind, often being simply unnecessary and unnoticed. Well, if a woman perceives herself In a similar way, a man will perceive her the same way. That's it, a vicious circle.

Option 2. Daddy

There is also an explanation for why blondes are “blondes”, i.e. narrow-minded beauties. This image is also formed by the mass media, when a blond, long-legged lady is often a beautiful addition to a pot-bellied businessman who maintains this girl. How will society react to this? Of course it's negative. And slowly but surely an opinion will form: fair-haired beautiful girls created only to satisfy the needs of rich guys. And you don’t need any special intelligence for this.

Option 3. Cool

The next answer to the question of why blondes are “blondes”, i.e. very stupid ladies. The formation of such ideas was helped great amount various jokes and anecdotes about fair-haired ladies that can be found on the Internet. Often blondes appear far from being better light, which once again proves to the public how stupid they all are.

Option 4. Envy

Also, why are blondes “blondes”? People may have a negative attitude towards such girls simply out of envy. Again, television and other media did a lot for this. Often such girls are not just fair-haired: they are beautiful and even successful in business. Well, this can cause envy in the eyes of not only women, but also men. What kind of guy likes to look from the bus window at a beautiful Mercedes, driven by a cute blonde? So they begin to figure out how she, such a silly girl, got it. Well, off we go. It is worth saying that among blondes there are a lot of smart girls who can not only support any conversation, but also outshine the first smart guy they come across.

About beauty

I also want to figure out why blondes are better than brunettes. By the way, you can hear many different debates about this. So, it is worth saying that there is an eternal struggle between dark-haired and fair-haired ladies. No one will say when and why it arose, but all the girls participate in it, divided into two huge camps. It is impossible to judge unequivocally who wins this fight. Judging by the fact that more and more successful blondes are appearing on TV screens, it becomes clear that so far they have the upper hand. Well, it helps that blondes are talked about more and more often than brunettes. Even if in a negative context, fair-haired ladies are always popular.

About preferences

Again, it is worth saying that the image of a blonde, created by television and other means mass media, very often attracts many girls. After all, everyone wants to be successful, especially at the expense of others. That's why many ladies dye their hair light color to be more vibrant and noticeable. This often gives positive effect, the girl gets her way.

Why do guys like blondes? This is because men love with their eyes. To allow yourself to be a blonde, you need to have perfect skin. This is also a huge plus for a lady's appearance. Often such girls try to adhere to different fashionable images, which is what attracts representatives of the stronger sex.


What can be said as a conclusion, understanding why blondes are “blondes”, i.e. Are most of them narrow-minded girls? Often it is simply an image created by the media that is diligently imposed on society. Often fair-haired ladies are very smart and well-read, but no one talks about it. So it’s up to each person to decide whether it’s true or not. However, it is important to remember that in any judgment you need to be objective and not believe everything that is written or what others say.

Why are blondes considered stupid? Why do some people think blondes are narrow-minded? This question torments many, especially the owners of strikingly attractive hair color. They are close to us very often, they even love us. We treat them warmly or, on the contrary, we hate some of them. They can inspire and lower us into the abyss of experiences. They awaken love in our hearts.

"STUPID!!!" – another representative of the stronger sex continues to repeat after the graceful blonde floating away into the distance. And at the same time in the best educational establishments More and more charming blondes are arriving, they are defending their candidacy and even entering the political arena. The problems of blondes are hushed up and ridiculed in jokes. Why?

Men, in their most immodest fantasies, play out more and more new roles for themselves in this world. Smart women do the same, only their desires often fall into the sphere of desires of oppressive men. This is how the most significant struggle for humanity develops. It represents a daring war of our desires with the desires of the opposite sex. The blondes in this battle are armed with enormous potential, the nature of which they have an extremely vague idea of.

Whether you are a man or a woman, the subconscious completely controls your desires, behavior, and actions. freedom of choice sexual partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, mistress - an illusion, no matter how much we would like to deny this principle. Modern research human intellectual activity are sweeping aside all doubts in this area with increasing intensity.

However, we control our subconscious only to the extent that we can imagine the essence of its activity. To understand what motivates people when they unconsciously (we are talking about this level of assessment) judge their state of intelligence and moral principles by their hair means getting to know yourself better. Let's try to understand the fair beauties.


In fact, we are accustomed to unconsciously underestimating the intelligence of blondes due to the fact that in our subconscious there lives a special archetype (prototype) of the color white on a woman’s head. This can be tested, for example, through dreams or hypnosis. The white color on a girl’s head is a signal to our subconscious. He tells the man the following: “This is a very SMART (!) girl in front of you.” This is not a typo. At the subconscious level, blondes and blondes are initially perceived by us, unconsciously, as intellectually gifted.

The contradictions that some may perceive here are illusory. In fact, the prototype of the white color on the head was passed down to us from our ancestors. Its origin is explained by the fact that the formula was reflected in the collective subconscious of people: a person with white hair is more likely to be wise than stupid. The secret is very simple - people with gray hair have gray hair. great experience, which our ancestors have observed for thousands of years.


We have inherited the idea of ​​hair color as a special signal. Subconsciously, we are preparing to perceive the blonde as a kind of intellectual center, no matter how funny it may sound. In fact, the blondes with whom we communicate at that age when our individual idea of ​​them settles into the personal unconscious do not look like gray-haired elders. They practically cannot correspond to the historically established subconscious idea of ​​themselves as super-smart people.

Simply put, many men imagine blondes as stupid due to the fact that our ancestors were accustomed to considering blondes wise. As a result of the discrepancy between information in the personal and individual subconscious, an unbalanced state arises that attracts the attention of our consciousness. THIS IS WHERE THE INTEGRATIVE SEXUAL INTEREST IN BLONDES ACTUALLY COME FROM on the part of men.


It is a well-known fact that blondes with light hair are considered not particularly advanced in terms of mental activity. Anecdotes about blondes driving, visiting, at home, and anywhere else in general are an inexhaustible source of positivity and positive emotions. At the same time, few people wonder why they? Aren't there stupid brunettes? There are, of course, but for some reason there are many more of them among fair-haired ladies.

From a scientific point of view

Our human subconscious is a mystery to ourselves. We don't really understand how it works, and we have even less control over it. But it is precisely what happens in our head that provides the background to many actions and behavior in general. So, White color perceived human brain, as something open and understandable, something that is not scary at all. It is our consciousness, perverted by life and other factors, that interprets this fact as a sign of a small amount of intelligence.


Moreover, scientists have found that on a deep, again subconscious level, blondes are perceived as smarter than brunettes. This is the so-called archetype or, more simply, a prototype. And the white color here symbolizes intelligence. But here it turns on because of the banal human envy. Who wants to accept the fact that someone is already smarter than him from birth? That's right, no one. Thus, people are accustomed to scold and revile, even disdain, those who are smarter than them. Hence the spread of the opinion that blondes are stupid. Women consider blondes stupid out of envy, and men because of the eternal desire for superiority.

Habit, as they say, is second nature, which is why the opinion is already so ingrained, and no one really wants to get into the background, that fair-haired young ladies were simply branded by default as stupid and narrow-minded, which is absolutely not true.

IN modern world, when after an hour of certain manipulations at home or going to beauty salon any woman can become a blonde, brunette, redhead or any other, judge her and her intellectual abilities It’s even more impossible based on hair color.

According to Freud


Any man subconsciously, and partly consciously, strives to be superior to a woman. And in a modern civilized society, where physical strength is not a decisive factor, demonstrate your physical advantage somehow not relevant. At the same time, the desire to lead has not gone away. So it turns out that all that remains is to show your superiority in terms of mental abilities. Thus, it is difficult for any representative of the stronger sex to come to terms with the games of their own subconscious, which tells that a woman who has blonde hair, smarter than him. This causes rejection and neglect. As a result, all blondes are considered stupid.

Why are blondes considered stupid? More than once, representatives of the fair sex with luxurious light curls, ask themselves this question. How many jokes have been written about blondes, how many funny situations, most often invented, are told about them, and yet people really believe that blondes have a rather meager mind. In fact, all this is a lie, multiplied by stereotypes, and hair color plays absolutely no role in the indicator of intelligence.

Although we deny it, many men very often in their fantasies, draw one or another seductive scenes with blondes, think about them, dream, make some unrealistic plans (well, at least admit it to yourself). Blondes, no matter what we consider them to be, know that they have power over men, so they often use their blond curls and innocent face for their own, sometimes selfish, purposes. But to understand this, you still need to have intelligence, so you can’t say that blondes are stupid. Of course, not all girls act “stupid” and prefer to act smart rather than pretend to be stupid. This is as true as the fact that not all men prefer “simple girls,” especially in our time, where most often men choose based on their intelligence, and not on hair color.

Very often, blondes themselves do things so that they are considered narrow-minded. And it’s not the hair color at all, but the opinion that it makes them cute and charming. They believe that men do not love very much smart women, therefore they behave accordingly and manipulate the stronger sex, which considers them stupid. Isn't this an indicator of intelligence and feminine cunning?! And you still think they are stupid?

Prejudice about the stupidity of blondes does not decrease, despite the fact that many of them occupy the highest official ranks in politics and business, they enter the best educational institutions and graduate with honors. Why are blondes considered stupid, although they can be far superior in intelligence not only to dark-haired beauties, but also to most men? It's very simple, the point is that In their intelligence, blondes do not correspond to our subconscious expectations. Let's try to justify this answer, and protect the fair sex once and for all.

In order not to be unfounded, we will give a simple example from life. I have a friend, a blonde, who works as a practicing psychologist at a center for combating child abuse. Not only does this unique woman (I respect her very much!) help children who are victims domestic violence, she also teaches at the university, wrote a book, runs her own Internet page, helping and advising other people. At the age of 40 she has a Doctor of Science degree, great family, career and Good friends. And she natural blonde. Still want to say that all blondes are stupid? This is wrong. Therefore, before you talk about someone's stupidity, think about your intelligence . Good luck!

In the USSR they joked about the Chukchi and Rabinovich, in the dashing 90s - about the new Russians in crimson jackets, and now every fifth joke is about a blonde. The unfortunate fair-haired creature became synonymous with narrow-mindedness and stupidity. Moreover, this stereotype appeared relatively recently - total “blondism” is no more than 10 years old. The question is, where? It couldn’t have happened that all the golden-haired girls suddenly became stupid at once and for this received a carriage and a small cart of jokes addressed to them. Moreover, even a honors diploma from a technical university does not give reason to doubt the stupidity of its owner: they say, we know how you got it. So how long will they actually offend poor girls, and most importantly, where did this offensive stereotype come from? Journalist website (by the way, the owner of not the most dark hair) decided to look into this issue and collected the following hypotheses.

Hypothesis No. 1: Jokes about blondes are made up by wounded men

The point is this: in times Soviet Union women, of course, flew into space and were bosses, but the percentage of these was negligible. Most showed their talents in the kitchen and at the cradle. And this is ours strong men satisfied. But over time, women became more and more bold: they entered technical universities, settled on high paying job, more and more often became bosses, top managers, heads of companies, and some (an unprecedented thing!) and presidents of countries! At the same time, it was no longer shameful that they didn’t know how to cook, didn’t want to have children, and all they needed was a career, money and independence. And for poor men, who believed that a woman should live in the kitchen, being subordinate to her was quite humiliating. So they had fun, coming up with obscene jokes about smart people strong women. Why did they treat blondes? It's simple: firstly, the Slavs most often have fair-haired or light brown color hair, and secondly, blondes for a long time were very fashionable and fair half I willingly repainted myself in them.

Hypothesis No. 2: Brunettes come up with jokes about blondes on long lonely evenings

Since we’ve taken up the stereotype that all blondes are stupid, then let’s stick to another one: “gentlemen prefer blondes.” In other words, blondes are more attractive and, as a result, more successful in their personal lives. It is worth saying that this statement has a basis. Blondes are record holders for the production of female sex hormones estrogen, and this will never escape a man; he, like a predatory animal, senses these hormones and begins to hunt for their owners. This is why blondes are so popular. And an attempt to ridicule and humiliate them in jokes is nothing more than a way to assert oneself and cover up the envy that comes through all the cracks.

Hypothesis #3: Jokes about stupid blondes invented by smart blondes

They say that the main feminine wisdom in female stupidity. One fine day, girls suddenly realized that they could “speculate” on hair color and, thus, manipulate men. Tired of fighting with them for equality and foaming at the mouth to prove that they know how to calculate the discriminant, the blondes realized the meaning of the idiom “like peas against a wall” and changed tactics. They realized that it was stupid to refuse God's gift and began to use it to its fullest. "You're so clever! Please reinstall Windows for me,” or “I’m so crooked, I’ll never draw a cross-section of this gear!”, or “I don’t understand at all how to hold this hammer in my hands. Please hang this picture for me.” The result is clear: all the work is done by the strong and smart men, and our blonde with an untouched manicure only admires it. And he does the right thing! After all, a man, having driven in this unfortunate nail, feels like at least a superman and Alexander Druz at the same time, and, at a maximum, the Lord God. And everyone is fine.

Hypothesis No. 4: Jokes about blondes were invented by Hollywood

In the last 10-20 years, so-called “dumb American comedies” with simple plots and obscene jokes have literally poured into us from Hollywood. Most of them are youth, about high school students and college students. And not a single one of these films was complete without big-breasted, painted students, whose intelligence was comparable only to that of a seashell, on whose stupid antics the humor was based. Need I mention that they were all blondes? This is the American dream: the captain of the cheerleading team with a magnificent figure and a charming emptiness in his head. By the way, the “progenitor” of the cinematic silly blonde was the great Marilyn Monroe, who played her in the cult films “Some Like It Hot” and “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”

Hypothesis #5: It's all Barbie's fault!

The most popular doll in the world may also be involved in offensive jokes. Now there are many varieties of this doll - Barbie has all hair colors and all skin colors, but in classic version she is always blonde. In addition, all the attributes of Barbie’s life - pink houses with swimming pools, cars, outfits - make one think of a rather idle life. And many girls, consciously or not, copy the image of this famous doll, for which they get the first number, because, if you figure it out, where does the doll get its brains?

Hypothesis #6: Blondes are really stupid

We have to come to terms with the fact that there really are quite a lot of stupid girls: blondes, brunettes, redheads, and bald ones. And there's nothing you can do about it. But why do only goldilocks take the rap for everyone? Maybe because they are more noticeable? Plus, the generalization mechanism necessarily works: if a man in his lifetime has encountered at least two not so smart blondes(and for most, even one is enough), then from now on he will talk from the height of his “experience” that “well, they are all so stupid.” Even if he met stupid brunettes more often. And trying to convince him is pointless and useless. They also say: “If you call a person a pig for a long time, sooner or later he will grunt.” So maybe by labeling each and every blonde as “dumb” we are making them that way?

To summarize, I would like to say: judging a person by his hair color is a sign of narrow-mindedness, and sometimes arrogance, herd instinct, or simply bad upbringing. Each person is very individual. For example, the IQ of the blond Hollywood actress Sharon Stone is 154, while the norm is an IQ of 98, and only 2% of the world's population can boast an IQ above 130. And natural blonde JK Rowling is now the highest paid writer after Dan Brown, but Paris Hilton cannot be called a model of intelligence and sanity. As for jokes, this is a transitory topic: not today, tomorrow they will find a new character. Besides, jokes about blondes have become so common that only people with bad feeling humor. Be witty!
