Why are women afraid of relationships with strong men. Why are women afraid of strong men?

Since ancient times, men and women have been divided into unequal representatives. Men were assigned to stronger sex, and women - to the weak. What was said here? About physical strength. By nature, men are indeed stronger in physical parameters than women. However, if we talk about the strength of the spirit on the women's site, then more often women are stronger than men. And many modern men afraid of strong women.

Before feminine power suppressed by the propaganda that she was weak, that she would be loved only if she was weak, as well as by the way of life when she had to obey her husband. Now the woman has become equal to the man, which allowed her to show her full potential.

Men are still physically strong. However, the mind and spirit began to rule the world, which is quite strongly developed in the female half.

Why can't a modern woman be weak?

dreaming about beautiful women, men constantly say that they are looking for weakness, vulnerability, tenderness in them. In many people's minds, being weak means being helpless, needy, and unable to stand your ground. When a woman has her own opinion and defends it, she no longer seems weak. When she does not need help, then it is read strong. It turns out that in order to achieve perfect image, which many men dream of, a woman needs to become unable to cope with life situations without their help. The lack of your own opinion, the strength to solve the issue and cope with the problems yourself is.

beautiful half you need to give up the knowledge and skills that she has been developing since birth in order to become the one that men dream of. This generally becomes an impossible phenomenon, since every lady goes through an educational and educational process, where it is already prepared in advance to be able to resolve any issues.

Thus, the first interfering factor due to which modern woman cannot be weak - this is her upbringing and education.

The second factor can be called the realities of life. While a woman is alone (she does not have a partner), she is forced to play a male role in order to feed herself, provide everything necessary, protect, etc. She simply cannot be weak a priori if she does not want to die in the realities of a harsh world. Either she becomes strong, develops some masculine habits, or dies.

Beautiful ladies no longer pass from the hands of the father to the hands of the husband. A modern representative often finds herself in a situation of independent “swimming”, when she has already left her parental home, but still has not found a faithful companion. How can she survive? It is necessary to perform both female and male roles. And this requires strength, knowledge, determination and other things.

The third factor is the man himself, who finally appears in the life of a woman. The modern gentleman is not so gentle and loving to give the lady the conditions in which she will already be protected and provided. Firstly, many men cannot provide for women, therefore, ladies must be strong in order to work, earn money and take on part of men's duties. Secondly, many men criticize, judge, beat, insult or belittle women. The natural reaction of any living being to attacks from the outside world is the desire to defend itself. A woman must be strong in order to be able to repel attacks from her beloved man.

Image weak woman is a myth that is unrealistic in terms of modern world. The fair sex a priori cannot be weak, otherwise they will die either from the cruelty of the world or from aggression own men. If the gentlemen want to have weak ladies, then they themselves must create such conditions in which the partners will not be forced to defend themselves. And first of all, men must protect women from themselves: from selfishness, criticism, condemnation, betrayal, beatings and other things. Woman is the same creature like a man. Everyone is guided by the desire to survive and protect themselves from adversity, which requires strength.

Who is afraid of strong women?

So, a woman cannot afford to be weak until she has a strong life partner. Even then, she faces a choice. If her man is weak and unable to cope with all life and domestic problems, then the woman is forced to remain strong. If a man can provide everything for a woman and turn her life into a carefree existence, then she can become weak.

Who in this case is afraid of strong women? Conventionally, men can also be divided into strong and weak. And the criterion of strength here will be singled out not physical abilities, data from nature, and the level of knowledge, material wealth, social status, level of happiness, opportunities and prospects, etc.

In fact, not all men are strong. There are representatives who can rightly be called weak. Women love to insult men by calling them weak. But are women really wrong? If you look closely, it turns out that men have actually become weak. Physical strength from nature is transferred to them. But at the psychological level, at the level of duties and mutual assistance, they are much weaker than women.

  • How strong is a man when his woman goes shopping on her own while he stays at home?
  • How strong is the one who makes a woman work?
  • How strong is a man who complains to a woman about his problems and waits for her to help him?
  • How strong is the one who goes to deceit to fool a woman and get his own from her?

A woman gives, helps, does everything herself. How strong is the man who, by his inaction, makes her behave this way?

Men love to talk about their strength. But as it turns out, the only thing in which many men are strong is only in the physical strength that is given to them by nature. You just need to be born a man to gain this power. And in all other respects, most men are weak. Men lie on sofas, do not help women with housework, do not work in such a way as to earn a lot of money (“bring a mammoth to the cave, and not just a chicken or goat”), whine and wash down their grief with alcohol. How strong are these men? But there are a lot of such representatives.

Is it any wonder that next to such men, women become courageous and unhappy? If one of the partners is weak, then the second a priori needs to become strong so as not to die. So it turns out that men become feminine, and women become masculine. And how can you still be happy? A woman cannot be herself, which deprives her of happiness.

Who is afraid of a strong woman? Only a weak man. Since he subconsciously understands his worthlessness compared to a strong woman, he is afraid of her so that other people would not notice this worthlessness against her background.

Often a weak man chooses the same weak friends. He exhibits the following qualities:

  1. stinging.
  2. Humiliation of the weak.
  3. Lack of personal interest.
  4. The desire to spoil.
  5. The desire to flatter, fawn before strong personalities, and speak nasty things behind their eyes.

How to behave a strong woman with men?

Since there are a lot of weak men, a woman sometimes falls into despair and already begins to think about giving up her strength in order to at least build a relationship with someone. This approach, according to psychologists, is erroneous. In the person of a weak man, you can get an alcoholic, a parasite, a henpecked person, or some other nonentity. Becoming weak, happiness cannot be found. How in this case a strong woman to behave with men?

Answer: continue to show your strength and tough temper. Naturally, all weak men will immediately scatter. For some time, the woman will even be alone. However, why not hide your strength and show it clearly? To meet a man who can accept a woman like that and even love her for her strength.

The most important thing here is that when a relationship with a man begins, a strong woman should stop demonstrating her strength. Now it should become a little softer and more docile. We do not refuse strength, but we should not constantly fight with a man, since such relationships will not last long.

As a rule, strong women are avoided by men who are not confident in themselves. AT modern society more and more weak men. And since they cannot handle a strong woman, they need to propagate the idea that a woman should be weak.

But a woman should not be weak! If a woman is strong, then why shouldn't she be one?! Let a weak woman be weak, and a strong woman be strong. And this is already a problem for weak men who do not try to develop their fortitude and confidence in order to allow themselves to have relationships with strong ladies.

A strong woman does not need to be broken, she needs to be loved and understood needs, to be protected. A woman needs the same basic feelings and needs as a man. But if a man cannot give her all this, then he will not be able to have a relationship with a confident and successful beauty. As a woman works to be happy in life, so a man should strive for this. That is why a strong woman will not choose a weak man for herself, unless her need is the expression of a motherly instinct. She will look for an accomplished man (if not rich, then at least strong in spirit, confident and purposeful).

Successful men are interested in accomplished women, because only with them they see the point in creating serious relationship. You see, as it turns out, even strong men do not want to take on weak partners. And why do they need them? Wipe snot, constantly solve their problems, soothe? It only takes energy and time. For a successful man need the same successful woman. Let her not reach the heights that he reached, but at least sees in her those qualities and the character that he himself possesses.

Strong women and successful men are drawn to each other. This is a union of two equal people. Therefore, women have the opportunity to develop their fortitude, and men should not oppress the weaker sex, but engage in self-development so that they become so strong that even strong women seem weak.


The woman has always been strong psychologically. A man will always be physically strong. However, strength is not given just like that, it is developed. Everyone, regardless of gender, can become strong. And for real strong man It is always interesting to have relationships with strong partners. And the weak will always reach out to the weak, so that in the end they appear strong against their background.

You think that the fact that most men are afraid of strong women is a stereotype. Maybe so, but the stronger sex becomes not so strong when a woman is nearby, whose spirit and will can be envied. She is independent, successful, oblivious to public opinion, can provide for itself and is not afraid of difficulties. Many men are still afraid of this explosive mixture.

1. Strong woman knows exactly who he wants to see next to him
A self-confident woman knows her own worth, remembers how much effort she spent in order to achieve a certain result. She will definitely not waste time thinking too long and making decisions too slowly. If she likes a man, she will take the initiative. Of course, such pressure and determination often frighten men, because such women seem to be " iron lady”, which are scary to approach, let alone build relationships. But if such a woman is next to you, she will become a real fighting friend both in joy and in sorrow, she will be faithful and caring.

2. There are no taboos and prohibitions for a strong woman, even in intimate life.
If a man is afraid frank conversations He really doesn't belong with a strong woman. She will always tell you what is wrong, what she would like, because she believes that she has the same right to experience pleasure. A strong woman is always aware of her femininity and what effect she has on men, so she dreams of having someone next to her who can share a bed with her and will be ready to constantly prove that she is the best. Of course, many men cannot afford such a burden.

3. A strong woman will choose a man with an inner core.
Many men are afraid that they will not be able to meet the expectations of a strong woman, because they want to be around assertive man who does not rush from side to side, not knowing what to do with himself. Her man always knows what he wants. She will always respect such a man. She will not tolerate fickle or indecisive personalities nearby.

4. Strong women have good intuition so feel good about lies
One of the reasons men avoid strong women is their natural ability to sense lies. Because of good intuition, they feel it perfectly. Therefore, if you do not plan to have a woman honest relationship You may not even start them.

5. A self-confident woman lives here and now, not postponing life for later.
Some men think that they will not master the demands of a strong woman. The fact is that a woman with character does not put off life for later, therefore, if she wants something, she gets it now. Life's difficulties only harden her, many men are not ready for this.

6. A strong woman knows how to make her man feel loved.
It would seem that this is bad. In fact, the love of a strong woman is all-encompassing and all-consuming. Worshiping her lover, she knows how to make him feel loved. Many do not withstand such an pressure of love and sincerity, because this must be answered with the same reciprocity.

7. A strong woman won't waste time on an indecisive man.
Waiting for the weather by the sea is the lot of dreamy natures. If a man slows down the relationship, a strong woman will look for someone who is easy-going, motivated and ready to conquer the world with her. She will not waste time waiting for a illusory future.

8. A strong woman is not afraid of male honesty and vulnerability.
Of course, a strong woman will not tolerate a weak man next to her, but with pleasure and understanding she will support the one who hides a vulnerable nature behind her strength and outward calm. Strong women value trust very much, so they will be happy to see a real man nearby who is not afraid to take off his mask in front of her and show himself real. If you dare to open up, you can be sure that you will receive 100% support in return.

9. Failing to admit your shortcomings
Often, next to such a beloved, a man opens with negative side, because he does not know how to accept his shortcomings, and his beloved will indicate what needs to be corrected, and also help to deal with internal problems. But not everyone knows how to admit their shortcomings, so some of the men eschew such women.

10. A strong woman doesn't need a protector.
This is the most main reason: a strong woman does not need a protector, she is a “stone wall”, support, etc. for herself. Next to such a woman, a man can lose faith in himself, if he is not strong enough himself, he will feel failed and inferior. But, as they say, if you apply, you must comply.

And for the sake of completeness, I will make the following remark.

I don’t know how many such men, but I’m definitely among those who are annoyed when conditionally strong the woman is literally chanting the hateful slogans "a woman's strength is in her weakness" and "I want to be weak." (I see you have already picked up a cobblestone and want to throw a stone at me, but listen to the thought to the end) Not only is it an explosive mixture, but in addition to men, these chants will not make it easier. Weak it cannot be with a weak man, and the point, perhaps, is far from the complexion here. After all, allegedly, “again I will be left alone, a strong woman is crying at the window,” as Alla Pugacheva sang. And the binarity of male and female genders does not imply either a neutral state or a universal state (androgyny is a person both strong and weak at the same time). In the end it smells sexism, the essence of which can be exaggerated to “I can be anything, but a man should not be weak” and from which he reduces his teeth, because a man is alienated from his gender and the necessary role model is imposed. And we're already under a lot of pressure due to the rise of machismo. First, roll out the eggs and make them sparkle and be strong, and then we'll see if you are worthy of being a man. A certain percentage of men are tired of rattling their biceps and sticking out sacred power in 24/7 mode. In relationship I don’t want to compete with ambitions, I want a truce, harmony, comfort, compromise. And not ultimatum modalities based on what a man has between his legs.

“Compared to women, men have a significantly lower degree of social support, That is significant factor risk in male suicide. Surveys of men who have tried to say goodbye to life show that social stress - the destruction of the family, overwork, problems with employment - often combined with alcohol or drug abuse - is an understudied component in male suicides. Also, some studies suggest that occupational stress in the case of male suicide plays a more significant role than in women,” write Canadian scientists Dan Bilsker and Jennifer White.

The inability to find work for men, who are traditionally perceived as the breadwinners of the family and perceive themselves as such, turns into a whole avalanche of problems. Lack of money, debts, falling living standards, alcohol, problems in the family, divorce, difficulties in socialization - some difficulties are superimposed on others and entail even more serious consequences.

Based on this, the researchers point to the deep archaism of the former male gender roles in the modern world. Following these roles, a man can find himself in a stalemate, and in the end, commit the irreparable.

You expect that a strong and independent lady will be less demanding and show more leniency, but it turns out that you should be at least equal. And not in terms of mentality or worldview, temperament or empathy. In the spring, my cat died, with whom I lived for almost ten years, I posted a sad post on Facebook. And he received a predictable comment: "Maxim, there are so many weak cats around who need a strong man." From a girl with a higher education and managing a branch of a small federal company. Do you want to be different, multifaceted and natural, because a living person, and not a silent idol, not a walking showcase of something and not a vulgar lump of malice for the whole world. This also includes the ever-memorable bride, organized by parents for the matchmaking of their unlucky offspring. Which (bride) usually end in embarrassment or an attack of hatred for one of the sexes. The type given in the question is also found at these “summits”. “This is Lena, she is 2…/3…”, followed by an unpretentious set of petty-bourgeois happiness, which the woman has already managed to acquire, listing her merits and merits, ingratiating “what about your [fiancé] what?”. (It also happens the other way around when daring fellow they also pick up a spouse at such "summits", personally deciding that "she is not a match for him.") This fate, praise the gods, has passed me for the time being, but you will not envy those who are a little less fortunate.

Although from two very independent girls I such heard that the ears wither. Contempt for yourself and for men, unworthy even of her little finger, which you can’t brag about in front of your friends / followers on instagram and which can drag a woman down. (Not) dependent, huh. Free.

On the one hand, it is a pity that they do not understand either the advantages of their current position (or pretend that they do not understand), or the limitations of the ideal they are dreaming of; that they exhaust themselves.

However, everything seems to rest on the fact that "this is not a woman's business" eggs grow, while a man has no more than testicles.

It fraps. For it is pronounced with aplomb, as if a nuclear war has begun.
- I'm tired, I want to handle.
- Let me help you to the best of my ability, listen, support, protect, as best I can, develop together.
- You understand, I need [at least half a real ™] the male .

Finding out that you are not dominant enough is the hardest blow to male pride. This is all the more surprising that a strong lady, it would seem, can afford to be above gender fuss.

Women buy new foreign cars, reach some heights in the professional sense, travel, enjoy life, take promenades along hometown hanging in art spaces or bars, and you still must .

At least, correspond. Regardless of whether you like it or not.

There is an obsessive impression that women themselves use their independence / self-sufficiency as subject of bargaining.

As a result, some men are afraid of such ladies, the second ones simply avoid them, the third ones really try to win their favor.


I refer to the opinion of an expert:

- Russia now ranks first in the world in terms of divorce rates. UN experts say double burden is the cause Russian women[in the family and at work], what do you think?
- I think that the basis of the increased divorce rate is the growth of women's demands. The older we get, the more we want. Our women, on average, are well educated throughout the country. The wider the circle of knowledge and experience, the higher the demand for a smart-understanding-with humor-provided-caring. Men do not have time to grow up so quickly and fully comply. Abroad, it is different: there, far from all women strive for higher education, self-realization (if we are not talking about urban intellectuals), they also have different needs. And the demands of our women are quite high: both in what they wear, and in how they take care of themselves, what they eat, what they can do.

Russian women quickly master everything new, through social networks compare themselves with others, and then turn to men with these claims. And we, of course, the number of divorces is terribly growing. And the number of singles. I see another reason as a specialist in family history: in Russia, people traditionally get married very early, instead of living first civil marriage how the whole of Europe lives. In Austria and Germany, the situation is as follows: many women would like to consolidate relationships, but men, knowing the law and their responsibility in the event of a divorce, try to avoid this. They marry less and less often, and they begin to study family life - life with a partner apart from their parents - earlier than we do. And they end up with fewer divorces. We can marry several times in a lifetime, and Europeans are prone to consistent monogamy: he lived with one chosen one for three years, with another for five years, without registering a relationship. We also have this now, and I think there is nothing wrong with it.

In general, strong (with an inner core), really an independent and beautiful woman is delightful by definition, an adult and sane man is unlikely to be her afraid. Personally, I am in favor of increasing the number of self-sufficient ladies with all parts of the body, including mustaches, paws and tail. I am sure that men are much more comfortable with them, more at ease, etc., if you do not take into account the opinion of the faction of traditionalists and adherents of machismo. The strength (more precisely, wisdom) of a man lies in giving in at least occasionally and expelling complexes from himself.

P.S. By the way, oh male fears and women's fears about their intelligence:

As I understand it.

There is a gender stereotype of an ordinary "weak" woman who cuts in emotions and relationships at the level of "God" and always adapts to her partner, because this is directly very important to her.

This stereotype draws in all women for whom a relationship with a man is a high priority, who are emotionally comfortable and easily adjusted.

Because of this, the “strong woman” stereotype includes very different people:

1. Those for whom relationships are not in the first place, because something else comes first, for example, a career.

2. Those who do not want to conform all the time can demand respect for their position and take appropriate action if their demands are not met.

3. Those who have an independent and self-sufficient character, regardless of the position on the relationship.

4. And those who are just very emotionally uncomfortable because they don’t know how to communicate, are prone to trust issues and intimophobia (in an emotional sense, if for someone this is an ambiguous term) or in general to the position of an emotional abuser.

And all these different representatives of the "strong woman" stereotype different men shunned by different reasons. Some perceive all the signs of a "strong woman" as a signal that they have to adjust too much, and someone - as a sign of potentially too strong emotional problems.

In addition, a certain paradox can sometimes be observed: those people who are perceived by a large number of people as very attractive receive fewer proposals for relationships than those who are perceived by the majority as "attractive, but not overwhelming." To the most attractive people afraid to approach because of fear of competition.

No one is afraid of beautiful women - they run after them in droves.
As for the strong women - here it all depends on what is meant by this concept.
If a strong personality means a responsible, purposeful and strong-willed person, I don’t know who wouldn’t like such personalities. These are the most interesting people. Around them, too, there are always a lot of people, they literally attract to themselves.
And if beauty and a strong personality are together, then there is generally a nuclear mixture.

Often strong personality confused with bad temper and workaholism. With a very modest appearance.
A sort of Lyudmila Prokofievna from the movie "Office Romance". =)
Nobody likes these.
Who would want to enter into a relationship with such a person?) Relationships should bring joy, not strain.

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency Me and You, a psychologist and consultant on interpersonal relationships, talks about typical male fears of “queens”.

According to Kuznetsova, beautiful women only 100% males accept and conquer. Those who are weaker, beautiful women are really afraid, because they do not want to hear a refusal. But if suddenly to the beauty and failed, he will endow the lady with mass negative qualities. So, for example, many believe that all beautiful women are spoiled, mercantile and stupid. Of course, this statement is false, but some weak men it's easier to think that way. This formula perfectly explains all their amorous defeats.

"If the beauty did not look at me, then she is a fool." This is a great position for an ambitious and moderate aggressive man who cannot even admit to himself that he is not worthy of a beautiful woman, and that he is a loser for her, ”says the psychologist.

Another reason why men bypass a beautiful woman is the stereotype that all beauties are not free. , representatives of the opposite sex believe, cannot be alone, and avoid courtship. In this case, the psychologist gives advice to lonely beautiful women like this: you should not lower the bar and make yourself an ugly woman in order to. Perhaps you should just soften your eyes and show that you can be approached to get acquainted. On the other hand, Kuznetsova emphasizes, “to Caesar - Caesar’s”: if beautiful, then she simply does not want to pay attention to those men who are next to her.

“Men may simply not be suitable for such a woman in status. Of course, they may like her, but at the same time they themselves “do not reach” required level. The lady understands this and prefers to be alone, ”explains an interpersonal relationship consultant.

The third reason that men bypass beauty is the stereotype that beautiful women can. And a man with an average income simply will not "pull" the beauty financially.

Unfortunately, such men's fears are not in vain. As Elena Kuznetsova says, such mercantile attitudes are now determined by time. If , she has model appearance, and she attracts the attention of the opposite sex, then she will look for a rich man. Society dictates the rules that a beauty should have everything. Now, unfortunately, you will not see a single beautiful woman who would not be at least a little materialistic, the psychologist notes.

Fourth reason. The man fears that a beautiful woman, being paired with him, will still look around and around.

These fears do not always have real grounds, because a lot depends on the upbringing and level of culture of a woman. If she clean water a consumer who thinks only about money, then really. But there is also smart women who know how to appreciate their man, who creates coziness and comfort. In response, such women surround their partner with care and attention and provide him with a strong rear.

Fifth reason. Some men explain to themselves their fear of beautiful women by the fact that beauties are likely to have a bad temper, or they are bad housewives. In a word, representatives of the stronger sex believe that it is some kind of flaw. However, men are often mistaken in this. The beauties who loving parents brought up as harmonious personality, can also have an excellent character and be no less good housewives than women with an ordinary appearance.

Useful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35. Call on weekdays from 11:00 to 19:00.

In addition, as Elena Kuznetsova notes, thoughts of “compensation” never arise in male brain at the stage. If a self-confident man sees an attractive young lady, he rushes to the attack and begins to conquer her, and not talk about how well the lady cooks. Bad temper or mismanagement can “crawl out” and become a stumbling block already in the process of developing relations. But at first, a man doesn’t even think about anything like that, but “goes for beauty.”

If you want to suggest your topics related to interpersonal relationships, write to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .


Men are afraid of strong women since antiquity. In primitive times, cavemen lived in tribes, and there was a strict hierarchy in the tribes. There was a leader to whom everyone unquestioningly obeyed, there were hunters, there were gatherers. The leader was the strongest, the smartest, the most cunning, the most dexterous. Below him on the social ladder were hunters, even lower - gatherers (hereinafter - gardeners). Women did not participate in this hierarchy. It could not be said that they were worse than gatherers or better hunters. They were just different. But a lot depended on women. They supported the fire, cooked food, cleaned the house and, of course, gave birth to children.

Time passed, the structure of society became more complex, rules of etiquette, laws and much more appeared. And what is even more interesting, strength, intelligence and dexterity have ceased to play a key role in a man's life. Very often, in order to achieve success, it was enough to subdue pride and fawn, lie, flatter. And those professions for which it was necessary physical strength, ceased to arouse admiration in people. It so happened that those people who were responsible for the world were below the waterline, and those who, by and large, were absolutely useless for society bathed in the rays of light. This order, with minor changes, reigned in Europe from the Middle Ages until the 19th century. In this (secular) society, a cult of female beauty was formed.

For the aristocracy, a woman ceased to be the keeper of the hearth (after all, there were servants for this) and became an object of passion and worship. However, the personality of the woman played a small role here. For knights and gentlemen, women were more beautiful dolls, which they proudly showed each other (remember, for example, the attitude of Mr. Dombey to his wife in Dickens' novel "Dombey Trading House and Son"). And in the lower circles, the woman remained the keeper of the hearth. But something has changed. If in ancient times a man could get food or take it away, steal it on any day, then with the advent of civilization and commodity-money relations, it became not so easy to feed a family. If a man earned too little, or could not find a job at all, then his wife went to work. Gradually, female labor became the norm. Women worked equally with men, and thus fell one of the barriers to gender equality.

Then came emancipation. Now, at last, women's rights have been legalized. Women were declared the same citizens as men. The last bastions have fallen. At the same time, for the umpteenth time, the model of society has changed. The nobility, as such, no longer exists. Capitalism came to Europe, and socialism came to Russian soil. Both here and there women enjoyed absolute equality with men.

What kind of women are men afraid of?

This is where it is worth starting a conversation about strong ladies. Men are afraid of women for a reason. There were also such girls who with might and main twisted husbands (and not only husbands) in their own interests. But only with the advent of equality, the type of a strong woman unfolded in full force, that is, ceased to be an exception to the rule. Men began to understand that women can in some way and surpass them. That it is no longer enough to be born with primary sexual characteristics, one must constantly confirm one's courage.

Nevertheless, at the genetic level, men have the memory that a woman is a second-class creature. Therefore, she must be completely dependent on the man. A strong, strong-willed woman can stand up for herself. Can challenge the decision of a man, expose him to ridicule. Who wants to be funny? Nobody. That is why men avoid strong women and it is precisely such women that men are afraid of.

Perestroika, which went through our country like a steamroller, turned a lot of things upside down. The USSR was a young but stable state, and what happened in the early 1990s was like the end of the world for the vast majority of people. The reactions of men and women were very different. It is far from without reason that many “children of perestroika” grew up without fathers. Men who had the ground cut out from under their feet panicked and abandoned their families. Some ended up committing suicide. What about women? They, for the most part, held out. They broke all the principles in themselves and set a goal: to survive and feed their children at any cost. It was thanks to their maternal instincts and attachment to the hearth that the country survived these years. The men bent under the blow and fled, but the women became a wall and stood. This, of course, affected social psychology. Now strong in character women saw what the title of a man is worth in practice. On the other hand, more than one generation of children raised by single mothers has grown up. These young men and men did not know what a father was, and, therefore, they took information about this from books, films. They understood that something was wrong in their family. They understood that the mother should not take care of them alone. And, somewhere in the subconscious, they understood that the mother became strong not of her own free will, but because she was forced to become so. The ideal of these men is a sweet, fragile girl who needs to be taken care of, for whom her chosen one will be an ideal, a hero. And, of course, the type of a strong woman is unpleasant for them (although there is also a reverse trend: the desire of a man to find a copy of his mother).

So what, a strong woman is doomed to loneliness? Alas, but by and large it is. At all times, men are afraid of strong women. There are two ways to arrange family life. The first is to find a strong (equal or stronger) man. But this is a rarity these days, there are not enough of them for everyone. And they themselves often prefer more docile women. The second option is to become a “replacement” of a mother for a weaker man. Strong women do not like this option.

And for those who have already arranged their lives, advice: educate girls to be gentle and economic, boys to be brave and responsible. If everyone does this, then life will gradually become more correct.

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