Business salon of wedding dresses. Wedding business: how to make money on weddings

A step-by-step guide for those who decide to open a bridal salon. This manual will help you correctly calculate the initial investment, calculate the market capacity in a particular region, choose a room and assortment, and also effectively conduct an advertising campaign.

Stage 1. Analysis and study of market capacity

Before defining a business strategy and working out a detailed plan, you need to study the market in detail. This will allow you to identify the main competitors in the region, determine their weaknesses and choose the optimal location of the salon.

With market analysis, everything is simple: find competitors, contact them as a client and see what they offer, what conditions and prices. This will make it easier to get the information you need. You can also directly contact the director of a competitor salon. But we must understand that not everyone wants to reveal all their cards.

If we talk about the wedding market, then there is a place for start-up entrepreneurs. This is when it comes to clothing. And this despite the crisis, which now continues to gain momentum. On the example of the same Moscow, people organize weddings and are not shy about spending.

It can be difficult for a novice entrepreneur at first, because you need to do a serious analysis of the market you plan to enter. For example, before opening such a business, I went through more than one salon. In other words, I did some marketing research. And only then she opened her own salon.

Anna Zhebeleva - owner of the White Chicks wedding salon

You need to pay attention to the location of competitors. After all, starting from this, it will be possible to choose the most successful place for the salon.

As for the study, here it is necessary to analyze the data on the number of registered marriages per year in the region. Consider the example of Moscow.

In 2015, from January to December, about 85,000 pairs were registered in Moscow. Taking into account the capital's population of 16,800,000, it turns out that 1% of citizens play weddings a year. The average price of a wedding dress is 30,000 rubles. From this, preliminary calculations can be made.

16,800,000 x 1% x 30,000 rubles. = 5,040,000,000 rubles. The amount received is the total capacity of the Moscow market. Using this formula, you can calculate the capacity of any city. The data needed for the formula are the population and the number of marriages per year.

Stage 2. Calculation of initial investments

To open a wedding salon, you will need at least 700,000 rubles. On average, the amount of required capital is kept within 1,000,000 rubles.

Of the costs, it should be noted:

  • about 30,000 rubles / month for renting a room;
  • more than 100,000 rubles for the repair and arrangement of the premises;
  • 300,000 - 500,000 rubles. for the purchase of an assortment;
  • 50,000 - 70,000 rubles. for staff salaries;
  • from 25 000 rub. on signs, flyers, advertising posters and salon promotion.

We must remember about other investments, for example, the acquisition of mannequins, office equipment, shop windows, utility bills, the Internet, etc.

It is also worth considering that the size of the required initial capital will directly depend on the assortment and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

Stage 3. Business registration

You can register your future activity as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The most common form of organization is the sole proprietorship. In this case, it will be easier in terms of taxation, but at the same time, the director risks all the property of the salon in case of various troubles with government agencies. And LLC makes it possible to determine a specific capital for obligations.

Registration of any form of organization is carried out by the tax office.

For official registration of activity, the following package of documents will be required:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • application addressed to the manager;
  • certificate from the State Statistics Committee;
  • certificates from KKM;
  • documents for the lease of premises;
  • conclusions of the fire service and SES;
  • certificates of public services;
  • documents from BTI;
  • advertising documents;

Copies of the salon passport, certificate of individual entrepreneur or LLC, constituent and statutory documents will also be required.

Stage 4. Selection and design of the premises for the salon

For a wedding salon, the best option for a room with an area of ​​​​50-150 square meters. meters. It should be located mainly on the first floor of a large shopping center or on the main street with good traffic and a busy highway.

The room, both inside and outside, should be able to beautifully design the trading floor and shop windows. Particular attention should be paid to external storefronts, as they will attract potential customers.

In the trading floor, it is imperative to organize good and soft lighting. Only white color has more than 20 shades, and this difference should be noticeable to the naked eye of customers. For the design of the hall, it is better to use bedding materials. The presence of large mirrors in the cabin is a must.

Also in the hall it is necessary to allocate space for the “customer corner”. There it is desirable to put a comfortable sofa, a small table on which magazines and catalogs with an assortment of the salon will lie. You can please customers with free Wi-Fi.

Mannequins with dresses should stand so that they can be easily inspected from any side. Therefore, it is best to rent more space.

Stage 5. Selection and purchase of equipment and accessories

In the salon, you need to buy racks where all the dresses and mannequins will be placed to demonstrate the goods. Be sure to purchase several large mirrors up to 2 meters high.

You will also need materials with which the outfits will be adjusted to the figures of clients. It may be necessary to change something in the design of the dress according to the personal wishes of the bride, so additional materials should be required.

Otherwise, the selection of equipment and accessories is carried out at the discretion of the head of the salon and depending on the preferences of the target audience.

Stage 6. Definition with the goods and services of the salon

The assortment of a wedding salon should include an average of 25 different dresses and, in addition to this, several evening dresses, as well as 2-3 options for men's suits. The total number of goods of the establishment is up to 100 units. For all this, you will have to pay more than $10,000. Accessories for outfits will cost about $5,000.

Of the services, make-up artists, florists and hairdressers deserve special attention. These services will be in demand all year round. You can also purchase cars to provide customers with the opportunity to order a cartege for a celebration. It would not be superfluous to conclude an agreement with in order to expand the range of salon services.

Stage 7. Recruitment

For the normal operation of the salon you will need:

  • Administrator;
  • At least two sellers;
  • Accountant.

If there are additional services, then you will need to hire a makeup artist, florist, hairdressers and stylists. Any specialist should have vast experience in their field.

The cost of staff salaries is 60,000 - 80,000 rubles. per month.

Stage 8. Advertising, marketing, promotion

  • Leaflets, booklets;
  • Advertising in the media;
  • Advertising campaigns in the city;
  • Advertising on the Internet using the site.

You can choose any tools for advertising, focusing on the budget allocated for these purposes. But the site must be made, as 85% of potential customers surf the Internet every day. And in addition to the site, it is possible to order advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords. You can learn more about these ad networks on their official websites.

Properly thinking through and working through each step above, the wedding salon will bring great profits. But at the same time, one should not expect a quick payback, since its real period is from 2 to 6 years. Business profitability - 10%. Therefore, we must be prepared for the fact that the first few months will have to work seriously and hard, especially on promoting the business.

For start-up entrepreneurs, it can sometimes be very difficult to decide which business to give preference to. In such cases, experts advise you to engage in the direction in which you understand at least a little, but it’s better to understand it thoroughly. Many businessmen (and more often - business women) are seduced by the beauty of the fashion or wedding business, believing that it is easy to give people joy in their own salon. However, behind a small fraction of positive emotions is a lot of difficulties that you will have to face on the way to success and profit.

Be prepared for a lot of unexpected expenses and expenses, fierce competition, and in the end, the seasonality of this business: you will have to work hard just to stay afloat. But if you study the whole picture in advance, you can avoid unpleasant surprises, and with effort, you will realize yourself as a successful entrepreneur.

Ah, this wedding, wedding: features of doing business

A wedding celebration is a very expensive business, but young (and not only) people continue to get married, despite the economic or political situation in any country in the world. Based on this, your own wedding salon should bring a good income to its owner. However, not everything is so simple, so before you open a wedding salon from scratch, try to analyze all the features of this business:

  • evaluate the existing market, that is, collect all relevant information about such salons in your city (how many there are, what products and services they offer, whether there are additional interesting offers, what is in particular demand, and what is in short supply, etc. );
  • decide how or how you will attract customers and withstand competition (offer unique products or services, make additions in the form of bonuses or special offers, combine business with other related activities for profit, etc.);
  • decide how you will "survive" during the downturn of the wedding hype (out of season);
  • think about whether you can organize a business on your own, or whether you become a representative of some brand (store) that has already conquered the market, that is, you will work on a franchise;
  • it is also worth deciding how and from whom to purchase goods (bring ready-made dresses and accessories, choosing from a catalog, or sewing them on the spot, focusing on models, or modeling yourself, etc.).

These are just some of the questions you need to answer for yourself and make the appropriate decisions. Along the way, new, sometimes unforeseen circumstances will appear. However, you can prepare as much as possible for work. To do this, before you open a wedding salon, you need to draw up a clear and competent business plan. In it, you must make all the calculations (at least approximate), display the amounts of income and expenses, identify possible risks and ways out of them. This will avoid many unexpected difficulties.

  1. Drawing up your own strategy.
  2. Preparation of the necessary documents and the search for funds.
  3. Choice of premises and interior equipment.
  4. Range of services and goods.
  5. Personnel search.
  6. Promotion and advertising.
  7. Preparation for possible development prospects and start of work.

Experts advise trying to create a thematic online store first, where you can study in detail all the proposed products. Of course, in this industry, you can not do without a stationary store, because all newlyweds want careful and lengthy fittings before buying anything. But you will at least be guided by what is in demand, and will not invest in unprofitable goods.

Development of idea and strategy

The wedding business can be very diverse. This business has many prospects and opportunities for further development, but you will have to start small. An ordinary wedding salon, designed for the average man in the street (and the same profit), can offer the buyer only a dozen or two similar dresses. If you want your institution to be visited by elite clients, then this will require a different amount of investment and a different approach to work.

You need to decide how your salon will function (independent):

  • you just buy dresses (one brand or several) and sell them. This is the most common and most losing option. Firstly, in such a business you have many competitors who have been on the market for a long time (unlike you), and secondly, you will not be able to satisfy all the needs of the newlyweds and will quickly go at a loss due to non-repayment;
  • you have a minimum assortment (at least 30–40 models), and you bring the rest of the dresses under an individual order after pre-ordering from the catalog. You can also combine a salon with an atelier and make outfits yourself. True, for this you need to find real professionals. But even one or two seamstresses to fit ready-made dresses is very wonderful, because such a service is in great demand. Think about having your own designer to spruce up or slightly alter the outfit. This is often what brides ask for;
  • there are several ways to solve the problem with the seasonality of the business, for example, combine a wedding dress salon with evening or cocktail dresses (then you will be able to pick up outfits and bridesmaids for the wedding ceremony). Don't forget about men's suits. Beautiful clothes are suitable for any other celebrations and events that happen all the time, so you can save yourself from downtime. Think about it before opening just a small bridal salon;
  • decide whether you will only sell outfits or also rent them out. Very often, after the wedding, people don’t know what to do with a dress that they can’t wear anywhere else, so you can take them, assessing the condition, for future rental (if such a service is in demand);
  • consider adding some products or current offers to make your salon stand out from the rest. “Turnkey weddings” have been very popular lately, that is, you not only select a dress for the bride, but also provide her with shoes, jewelry, all the necessary accessories, help make a bouquet, order a cake, pick up wedding decorations for the hall, car, other attributes, give recommendations about transport companies, beauty salons, restaurants, etc. Many salons cooperate with holiday agencies and other companies that are able to provide the full range of required services. Bonuses with which you can provide a large purchase are very welcome.

Having decided on the idea and built a work strategy, you can proceed to the next step.

Legalization of business

You need to start a business correctly, that is, to formalize everything according to the law. First you will have to choose how to register a business: in the form of an individual entrepreneur () or (limited liability company). Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, but you need to proceed from your capabilities and plans. It is believed that an individual entrepreneur is preferable for a store, since this form has simplified accounting and tax accounting systems, as well as reduced tax payments.

  1. You become registered with the tax service and apply for registration. Within a few weeks, you should be registered and issued a package of documents (an extract from the unified register of individual entrepreneurs, a notice that you have been registered, a notice of registration with the Pension Fund, OGRNIP and a certificate from Rosstat on issuing statistics codes).
  2. After paying the state duty and choosing the form of taxation (single tax or simplified system -), you will also need to open your bank account and purchase a seal (already as an entrepreneur).
  3. Rospotrebnadzor must issue you the appropriate permits (for opening and placement, for a production control program, etc.).
  4. The selected premises must not only have all the necessary permits (a lease agreement or a sale and purchase agreement, coordination with the BTI of the entire design, including a sign), but also pass inspections from various services. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority will issue you a permit for the operation of the premises and for the assortment list of the goods sold. In addition, the inspection will be carried out by: fire supervision and municipal services of the city. With the latter, you will have to conclude contracts for the provision of a number of services (energy and water supply, heating, garbage collection and cleaning of the territory).
  5. Any additional service must be agreed with the relevant authorities, so think through everything in advance.

The financial side of the issue is very relative, since the amount will depend solely on your plans and strategy. However, the initial costs are usually very high, so try to attract investors, as a commercial loan in this case can be extremely unprofitable, and you should not count on a state loan.

Where to settle?

Choosing a location is a huge problem. The specifics of your business is such that you cannot start work somewhere in the yard in a residential area on the outskirts. The most important criteria for the location of the future salon should be:

  • high traffic, that is, a constant flow of people (this can be a central street, a separate store in a large shopping center, etc.);
  • spaciousness and spaciousness of the room (at least 30-40 sq. m., and the ideal option for a good salon is 100-150 sq. m.);
  • the ability to place glass windows around the perimeter and make the salon clearly visible from the street (to attract customers, you can put models on mannequins right in the windows, in addition, there should be spacious fitting rooms with large mirrors, it’s good if you can place a podium);
  • the selected premises must meet all the norms and requirements of the relevant state organizations

Of course, that the rent in such a place will cost a lot. It should also be borne in mind that opening a bridal salon in the capital and opening a bridal salon in a small town are completely different things. Financial costs will vary greatly. However, as well as development prospects.

Equipment and assortment

Having taken a room for rent, you should not invest in major repairs, because cosmetic repairs will be enough. You won’t need a special design either: in the decoration, opt for pastel and calm colors, as too bright flashy colors will simply distract visitors, and most importantly, take care of good and high-quality lighting (special devices, like halogen spotlights, which can focus on details and allow you to distinguish all shades of white).

You can predict the approximate amount of equipment and furniture based on the scale of your activity. Depending on the quantity and types of goods, you will need:

  • mannequins and racks for dresses;
  • racks for hangers (floor hangers);
  • built-in glass showcases (for jewelry, bijouterie or other accessories);
  • racks for shoes and other attributes (fur coats, capes, boleros, gloves, veils and other hats);
  • mirrors;
  • podium;
  • sofa or soft armchairs, table, chairs;
  • cash machine;
  • signboard.

If you have an atelier planned on site, then add all the necessary equipment for tailoring. The same goes for additional services of a florist, make-up artist, hairdresser, etc.

It is good if the store is spacious enough so that the bride can safely walk and inspect the models on the mannequins from all sides. Keep in mind that often clients do not come one by one, that is, parents or friends can drop by with the newlyweds. Calculate and design the interior of the hall so that it is comfortable and convenient.

Some nuances

You will not be able to please everyone and choose such a range of dresses that will suit every bride's taste. Conclusion: do not chase the number of models, but the demand for them. There are a lot of suppliers who are engaged in tailoring and selling dresses at wholesale prices. Stock up on catalogs and take a few outfits “to try”. After a while, you will see for yourself what customers prefer.

It is better to bring exclusive or unusual dresses (original style or color, as well as expensive models) by prior order.

Thanks to evening, cocktail and ball gowns, it will be possible not to notice the seasonality of the wedding salon (as a rule, wedding dresses are in demand from late spring to late autumn).

Keep an eye on the assortment. The outfits in the hall should be changed, and then stored in special cases or bags, since after a few fittings they still need to be taken to the dry cleaners. Pay attention to the “paid fitting” service, when the client is forced to pay for the fitting, but the money is returned to him upon purchase.


Almost half of sales depend on how competent and sociable your employees are. Before you open a bridal salon, think about who could work for you. Ideally, there should be two sales assistants and an administrator on one shift. That is, for the full state, multiply by two. You will also need a cleaning lady and an accountant (unless you do your own bookkeeping or use the services remotely). This is just for the store. The rest of the employees or involved masters - according to the situation.

Your employees must have a sense of tact and stress resistance, be polite, calm and patient, be well versed in all product categories and fashion in general.

Promotion and advertising

You can place advertisements about the opening in special publications, make booklets and business cards (leave them in various organizations, hairdressers, beauty salons, negotiate with the registry office, etc.). Create your own website and advertise yourself on social networks and forums. Volumetric luminous sign is also sure to draw attention to your salon.

Collaborate with restaurants and cafes, event companies, videographers who film wedding celebrations. Mutual advertising will benefit all parties.

Come up with interesting bonuses or package purchases (when buying a dress - photo and video shooting as a gift or any other).


According to experts, the profitability of this business is not very high - no more than 10%. However, for wedding goods, there is a fairly good margin - from 100% and above.

Approximate costs

(prices in rubles for a big city)

Don't forget about unexpected expenses, advertising costs, taxes, and utilities. That is, it is worth counting on the entry threshold of several million rubles. Of course, the amount will depend on the city in which you are going to open, and on the chosen location, and on many other factors. But the payback period for this business is several years (from 2 to 6).

By developing your own strategy and offering various additional services to clients, you can quickly win the attention and love of customers, which means that your salon will become successful and popular.

Financial market experts say that the wedding business can bring good income. This is a fairly profitable and successful line of business, which is perfect for both experienced entrepreneurs and beginners. In this article, we will tell you how to open a wedding salon from scratch and avoid mistakes at the stage of business formation.

Business features

If you have firmly decided that I want to open a wedding business, first of all you need to decide on the size of the initial investment. This is not easy to do. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to develop the idea of ​​a wedding business. The work of the salon should cover as many areas of activity as possible. Selling wedding dresses, suits and accessories will bring in a good profit, but if you want to earn decent money, you also need to offer customers services for decorating a banquet hall, providing various wedding attributes, and so on.

Before you open a wedding salon from scratch, you need to research the market and carefully analyze the work of competitors. It is desirable that in your salon there is something new and original that can intrigue customers, but at the same time it does not repeat what is in other stores operating nearby. A wedding is a very important event, so almost all newlyweds strive to create their own unique style both in clothes and in all other details. This very important point must not be overlooked.

After you study the work of other stores, based on the results, you can draw conclusions about what products you should not offer in your salon and what competitors' omissions you can use to your advantage. To attract as many customers as possible, you need to choose new, extraordinary models. If you decide to open a bridal salon business, be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly develop new ideas that attract customers like a magnet.

Wedding dresses and accessories are always in demand, even during the financial crisis. Experienced entrepreneurs who have managed to achieve great success in this area can tell you how to open a wedding business. But they are unlikely to share the intricacies of a commercial idea with newcomers. It is very good if you have some kind of base - your own room for a salon or a sewing workshop. But how to open a wedding dress salon from scratch? We will try to answer this question in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Demand for wedding dresses and accessories is constantly growing, as the number of people wishing to celebrate their marriage splendidly increases significantly. Any girl or woman wants to look irresistible on this solemn day. This is the reason for the advantages of the idea of ​​​​opening a wedding salon:
  • Stable demand for goods. Recently, the number of marriages in our country has increased significantly. The decline in sales volumes during the winter more than compensates for the annual summer wedding boom;
  • Wedding dresses are not cheap, so their sale is highly profitable;
  • Due to the high demand for products and not very large capital investments, all initial investments pay off in 6-8 months.


  • Recently, the wedding agency business has been very popular, so there is a high level of competition;
  • Sales volumes are affected by both the weather and the time of year. If you want to open a bridal salon in a small town, be prepared for the fact that in winter it will bring a small profit;
  • Due to seasonal sales and, accordingly, unstable profits, many banks refuse to lend to such a business, which significantly complicates its development;
  • Constant updating of assortment. If you do not follow fashion trends, the business will quickly go under.

Business plan

So, you have decided to open a wedding salon, a business plan is the most important document that will help you properly organize your work at the formation stage. To begin with, we will find out whether it is profitable to open a wedding salon and whether it is worth doing such a thing in our time. A ready-made wedding salon business plan, drawn up by experienced specialists, will help you with this. You must develop a development strategy, figure out how you can attract customers and decide how to “survive” in the off-season. Objectively assess your capabilities and think about whether you can independently organize such a business. A good option for beginners can be to buy a bridal salon franchise.

We bring to your attention an example of a business plan for a wedding salon:

  • Preparation of documents;
  • Finding suitable premises;
  • Registration of documents;
  • Payment of state duty;
  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises;
  • Development of a range of goods and services;
  • Purchase of equipment and goods;
  • Recruitment;
  • Advertising;
  • Search for partners;
  • Business operation control.

For each of these points, appropriate decisions need to be made. In the process of work, other, unforeseen circumstances may appear, but despite this, you must prepare as much as possible and act in accordance with the business plan you have drawn up for opening a wedding salon.

Before opening a wedding dress salon from scratch, you can try to create an online store to gain the necessary experience in this area. Of course, it is impossible to do without a stationary wedding salon in this business, since newlyweds usually buy outfits only after careful fitting. But thanks to trading on the Internet, you will be able to figure out which products are in great demand and will not invest in obviously unprofitable goods.

Development strategy

After you draw up a business plan for a wedding dress salon, you need to develop a competent strategy for developing your business. Despite the fact that this line of activity opens up wide prospects for beginners, you will have to start small. An ordinary wedding salon, designed for buyers with an average income, as a rule, offers customers no more than 10-20 different models of dresses and suits. If you are betting on solid wealthy visitors, serious financial investments will be required.

Before you open a bridal salon, you need to decide according to what scheme it will work:

  • You buy ready-made dresses in bulk and sell them at a higher price. This is the most convenient, but at the same time, a losing option. There is a high level of competition in this business. If you cannot satisfy all customer requests, the salon will become unprofitable;
  • The salon presents a minimum range (20-30 models). Other outfits customers can choose from the catalog and place an individual order. You can open a small atelier on the basis of the salon and sew dresses yourself, but for this you will need a good master. In addition, you need to keep a seamstress on staff, who will be engaged in fitting outfits according to the figure;
  • The problem of business seasonality can be solved by expanding the range. Add evening and cocktail dresses to wedding dresses. People buy beautiful clothes for various festive and festive events that take place at different times of the year. Thanks to this, your salon will work without downtime;
  • If you want to increase the profitability of your business, try custom-made wedding dresses. As a rule, such a service is in high demand;
  • Think about what you can offer clients to make your salon unique. Recently, many newlyweds order the organization of a turnkey wedding. This means that you will choose a wedding attire, as well as shoes, accessories, decorations for the banquet hall, cars for the wedding procession, and more.

Having decided on the development strategy, you can proceed to the next stage - the choice of premises for the salon.


Beginners are often interested in how to start opening a wedding salon? Of course, with the choice of location and premises. It must be sought in a place where there is a constant flow of people. Pay attention to the fact that glass showcases can be made indoors, which will be clearly visible from the street. The salon should be spacious so that many mannequins with different models of dresses and suits can be displayed in it.

The most demanded models should be in the center of the hall and in glass showcases. After you place the dummies, you need to allocate space for the fitting room. To do this, you will need 10-15 square meters. square meters, good lighting and a large mirror. It is best to open a wedding salon in a shopping mall or on one of the central streets of the city.


If you want to open a bridal salon, you can purchase the same equipment as for a clothing store. It is undesirable to do capital repairs in the rented premises. It is enough just to put it in order - paint the walls and change the flooring. The walls in the salon should not be too bright, so when choosing a color scheme, it is better to give preference to calm pastel colors. One of the most important requirements is high-quality lighting. White has over 20 different shades. You should provide lighting in the salon so that buyers can easily distinguish each of them.

If you decide to open a wedding dress salon in a rented room, it is unlikely that the owner will allow you to drill the walls and attach hangers to them, so it is better to purchase floor structures. For jewelry and accessories, you will need special showcases. Under the shoes you need to install separate racks. When choosing equipment, pay special attention to its functionality and quality. The best option is lightweight, but at the same time durable construction. The cost of purchasing equipment must be included in the business plan of the wedding salon.

Necessary types of commercial equipment in the wedding salon:

  • Mannequin - 6 thousand rubles (20 pieces);
  • Floor hanger - 10 thousand rubles (5 pieces);
  • Showcase for accessories - 15 thousand rubles (2 pieces);
  • Cash register - 40 thousand rubles (with registration with the tax office);
  • Fitting podium - 15 thousand rubles (2 pieces);
  • Armchairs for visitors - 5 thousand rubles (4 pieces);
  • Large mirrors - 10 thousand rubles (4 pieces);
  • Signboard - 50 thousand rubles.

You will spend 380 thousand rubles on the purchase of all the necessary equipment. Decide for yourself whether it is worth opening a bridal salon, but I would like to note that this is not too much start-up capital to start such a promising and profitable business.

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Financial investments and profit

Now let's try to find the answer to the most important question, how much does it cost to open a wedding salon? If you rent a building, you will need about 1 million rubles to decorate the trading floor and purchase the first batch of goods. These are approximate calculations, since the final amount of start-up capital largely depends on the location of the salon. In a small town, it will be much smaller. The most costly option is building or buying your own premises. In this case, you will have to shell out several million rubles.

When compiling a business plan for a wedding agency, do not forget to take into account the mandatory monthly expenses:

  • Taxes. For some reason, this item of expenditure is remembered last, but you will have to make deductions to the tax office on a monthly basis. In addition, you need to make contributions to various funds - pension, social, etc.;
  • Rent. The owner of the premises is not interested in how much money you earned last month and whether it is enough to pay the rent. If you do not transfer the agreed amount to his account, you will be asked to vacate the premises and pay a penalty;
  • Salary. It is unlikely that someone will want to work in your salon “for thanks”, therefore, an item should be included in the business plan of the wedding agency with calculations - the salary of employees.

Let's take a closer look at what you need to open a wedding salon:

  • Room rental - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • Repair - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 330 thousand rubles;
  • Goods - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Signboard - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 860 thousand rubles.

At the initial stage, you should not expect big profits. You will have to work hard to reach a normal level of profitability. Literally after 6 months of work, your business will begin to bear fruit. The monthly profit of an average salon can reach 200-250 thousand rubles. If you offer customers various additional services, the income will increase significantly.


Now you know how to start a wedding business. It's time to talk about its profitability. Its level, due to the large margin on products sold, is quite high. For wedding dresses, it is in the range of 85-200%, and for accessories - 110-520%.

For renting a room with an area of ​​25–50 sq. meters, the entrepreneur will pay about 50 thousand rubles. Even if you sell goods with a minimum markup of 100%, the monthly revenue of 100 thousand rubles will cover all these costs. One wedding dress costs 10-30 thousand rubles and more, so your salon can easily receive revenue of 100 thousand rubles. As you can see, even with such modest sales volumes, the entrepreneur remains in the black. The payback period of a business largely depends on the size of the initial investment. If you invest 300 thousand rubles in a wedding salon, your initial capital will return in 6-8 months.

Starting your own business is a step towards a prosperous future. Thanks to your own entrepreneurial niche, you can become a successful, wealthy and independent person. In this article we want to talk about the female version of business. We will tell you how to open a wedding salon from scratch, and we will also present a detailed business plan for a wedding salon with calculations so that you understand whether it is profitable to connect your life with such an entrepreneurial business in the locality where you live.

Business features

Let's start with the question of how to open a wedding salon:

  1. Consider the features of the locality in which you live. Analyze how developed the field of business activity related to the organization of romantic celebrations is in order to think over a strategy for how to attract clients to your future agency;
  2. Before opening a bridal salon business, also keep in mind that if you live in a provincial town, then most of your customers will be interested in high-quality discounted outfits. You will definitely need to carefully consider the promotion system in order to develop the wedding agency business. It should be such that you constantly have customers, and you do not work at a loss, and at the same time, so that the prices in your institution are lower than those of competitors;
  3. Holiday dresses in your boutique should be presented in a wide range so that brides can choose their dress at any time of the year. Keep in mind that in winter the demand for outfits will fall, but in summer and spring, on the contrary, it will increase. Therefore, if you are tormented by doubts whether it is profitable to open a wedding salon, stock up on fur coats and capes for the winter - they will be in high demand in the cold season. You can also expand the range of accessories for the holiday. Decorations for tuples, symbols, necessary items for rituals, and so on will be excellently sold;
  4. If you do not have time to deal with organizational issues related to the opening of a boutique or agency, you can buy a ready-made business. But before you buy a boutique from someone, check it carefully so that you don’t have problems in the future;
  5. If you do not want to bother with an advertising campaign, then it is easier for you to purchase a bridal salon franchise.

We will present you a detailed business plan on how to open a wedding dress salon from scratch. All calculations will be indicated only approximately. You can build on them when you plan a business plan for a wedding agency in your city or village.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a few more nuances that you need to open a wedding salon. You need to know not only about the absolute advantages of this entrepreneurial business, but also about its shortcomings. After all, it is not so difficult to open a wedding dress salon with documents, but when it comes to practical tasks, a number of difficulties arise.

The main advantage of the wedding business idea is its quick payback (it is possible to return the invested funds only for a year of fruitful work) and high profits, because brides do not have to buy dresses, it is more profitable to rent outfits.

Let's take a closer look at the disadvantages of entrepreneurship associated with the organization of marriage celebrations:

  • You will have to pay taxes every quarter not only for the boutique, but also for the employees who work for you. Well, if your business quickly unwinds and starts to make a profit right away, but if this does not happen? Therefore, when planning a business plan for a wedding salon, you will have to open all your financial reserves, multiply the resulting amount by two;
  • An important point will be the payment for the rent of the premises in which you will place your future boutique. Again, if you have no income, you will need to be prepared to pay the landlord's fee;
  • You will need to advertise the products of your suppliers so that it is their outfits that you rent or buy. This condition is mandatory stipulated in contracts with suppliers. If you do not do this, then the suppliers will simply terminate the contract with you;
  • Contract with dry cleaners and laundromats to restore the outfits and accessories that brides will rent from you. If you try to clean the outfit with your own hands, then it is unlikely that you will be able to return it to its former form, which means that the demand for it will fall or it will need to be discounted, and this can have a very negative impact on your income;
  • Keep in mind that bridal accessories are not as durable as dresses and will need to be replaced periodically. And these are additional costs that you should be prepared for;
  • You will find a constant struggle with competitors. They will constantly look at what you are doing in order to surpass you.

Of course, there are much more pitfalls in the matter of organizing wedding celebrations than we have listed, but if you cope with these, then you can solve all other problems quickly and efficiently.

Business plan

Now consider the question of how to draw up a business plan for a wedding agency with calculations. After all, a beginner who has just decided to do business is probably interested in the question of how much it costs to open a wedding salon. First, we will list the main points that should be included in it if you are going to open a wedding salon in a small town or even a metropolis:

  • The first item that needs to be included in the business plan is the lease of the premises. If you live in a small town, then renting the desired object will be cheaper than in a large settlement. To open a wedding business, you need to find a room with a total area of ​​​​about 40 m². It is desirable that it be located in the city center or not far from it;
  • The second point of the wedding salon business plan is the amount that you can spend on purchasing the necessary equipment for the boutique. You will need to buy some furniture, some cash registers, maybe a sewing machine, a surveillance camera, mannequins to hang holiday outfits on, and mirrors;
  • The next moment, where to start opening a wedding salon, is the development of its design. Clients will be very pleased to be in a beautiful room where a festive mood reigns. The room should be bright, it should have flowers, beautiful paintings on the walls. In general, it should be very comfortable in it;
  • An important point where to start a wedding business is the calculation of the amount for the repair of the premises. You will need beautiful wallpapers, signs, chandeliers and light curtains. All this can be ordered in special stores or ateliers;
  • A mandatory item in a business plan on how to open a wedding dress salon from scratch is the calculation of how much money you will need to spend on the assortment. Dresses must be ordered immediately. They should not only be beautiful, but also have an adequate price so that potential customers can buy or rent them from you. We do not recommend choosing the most expensive trendy dresses. Give preference to classic options, because they are always in demand. Pay close attention to sizing so that both obese girls and skinny girls find something to choose from in your boutique. Order dresses in bulk so that the supplier gives you discounts. In addition, buy also shoes and jewelry. Consider also holiday symbols as an option for sale or rent;
  • Consider such an important point in the business plan for opening a wedding salon as the salary of employees. For a small boutique, you will need to hire one consultant who will act as both an accountant and a cashier. It is also recommended to hire a seamstress who can hem outfits for each bride or sew dresses to order. If you don’t want to spend money on this, but you have the necessary skills, you can independently manage everything yourself;
  • Another mandatory item in the business plan for a wedding dress salon is investment in advertising. Without fail, you will need to create a boutique website, which must be constantly updated. You can promote this site through social networks. An important thing will also be ordering business cards for your romantic boutique, flyers and billboards.

Now let's look at a specific example of a business plan for a wedding salon with estimated calculations.

Salon location

If you want to open a bridal salon, you need to rent a space in a shopping center where a large number of people are constantly concentrated. This room will need to be renovated - to create a romantic atmosphere in it. For this, you need to prepare an amount, based on the fact that an amount of 3,000 rubles is needed for 1 m². That is, if you rented a room of 40 m², then set aside 120,000 rubles for repairs. This amount does not include work related to the installation of lighting fixtures. For these works, you will need 200,000 rubles for the entire room.


Now let's figure out what equipment a wedding salon needs for full-fledged work. We will give you a list of names of all types of commercial equipment in the wedding salon and immediately present its estimated cost:

  • 15 dummies for 5.5 thousand rubles - 82,500 rubles;
  • 3 hung 10,000 rubles each - 30,000 rubles;
  • 2 glass showcases for 15 thousand - 30,000 rubles;
  • 1 cash register for 40,000 rubles;
  • 4 mirrors for 9 00-36 thousand rubles;
  • A sign for 2,000 rubles.

This ready-made bridal salon business plan shows the average prices for the listed products. Tentatively, expect that you will have to spend 450-500,000 rubles on the purchase of equipment.

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Financial investments and profit

Now we give general calculations for opening a wedding salon from scratch:

  • It will take you 500,000 rubles for repair work;
  • You will spend at least 30,000 rubles per month on renting a room;
  • It will be necessary to spend 5,000,000 rubles on the purchase of goods for an institution for organizing marriage ceremonies;
  • On the payment of salaries to employees per month, you will need to spend 150,000 rubles;
  • For the development of advertising - 200,000 rubles;
  • On average, you will spend 30,000 rubles per month on administrative expenses.

Thus, a possible entrepreneurial brainchild will cost you 6,00,000 rubles in the first stages.

Business Profitability

Now we offer you a calculation of the profitability of a business, so that you yourself can evaluate whether it is worth opening a wedding salon. For a year of fruitful work, provided that you have a year-round flow of customers, you have a chance to return your investment. But since this business has such a feature as seasonality, it is more obvious that you will return the money to yourself only after 2 years.

After that, the average monthly net profit from the boutique will be 150,000 rubles and more. Here you will already have to work hard on advertising so that you have more customers than your competitors.


A wedding planner is a very beautiful, romantic and exciting business venture, but it requires a lot of effort on the part of the one who starts it. To succeed in it, you need to treat it with all responsibility - pay attention to the little things, constantly develop it, improve it, think over pricing policy, discounts and much more.
