How to clean natural nubuck boots. Home cleaning products

Fashionable and beautiful nubuck material is very capricious in operation. In order for nubuck shoes to serve their owners for a long time, it is very important to take good care of them. Daily care and cleaning as it gets dirty will help not to lose visual appeal and extend the life of your favorite boots.

Nubuck is the processed skin of cattle, more often calves. It is distinguished from smooth skin by a fine-haired surface. Compared to suede, another finished leather option, nubuck is soft and gentle. Not only shoes are made from it, but also handbags, belts, outerwear, they even fit furniture.

Nubuck shoes look presentable and expensive, are environmentally friendly, and also warm and breathable, which is why this material is so popular among fashionistas and fashionistas.

Cleaning nubuck is a very troublesome task, so you should try to avoid soiling your shoes. Rainy weather, dirt, dampness will completely ruin the shoes, as nubuck does not like moisture. If special shoe polishes are used, they should be for nubuck only. Means that clean the skin will not work. In the shoe departments there are tools and brushes suitable specifically for nubuck.

Wet shoes cannot be cleaned, so they must be dried before cleaning. After that, all dirt is removed with a special brush, the soles and heels are wiped with a damp soft cloth or sponge. After cleaning, an impregnating agent of a characteristic color with a water-repellent effect must be applied. All movements must be careful, delicate, as there is a risk of removing dirt, but damaging the delicate surface.

Improvised means for cleaning nubuck

In addition to professional nubuck care products, which will be discussed later, improvised home remedies are also used. They can be used when dirty spots appear on shoes. By the way, it is very easy to stain nubuck shoes: it is enough to go outside in wet weather and dirt and water droplets will remain on the surface. Water, having dried, will leave salt stains, which are clearly visible on nubuck.


Only dry shoes can be treated with this agent, otherwise the stain will be smeared and deeply absorbed under the influence of moisture. Before cleaning, shoes are cleaned with a brush from dust. Then 10% ammonia is diluted in clean cold water in a ratio of 1 to 3. With a cotton swab dipped in the solution, the contaminated area is wiped. As necessary, a dirty swab is replaced with a clean one. In the absence of ammonia, ordinary vodka is used.


It is undesirable to clean nubuck with salt, as stains remain from it. But if a greasy stain is planted on the shoes, then this remedy will effectively cope with it. Sprinkle a little salt on the surface and leave for several hours. The salt will absorb the fat. No need to rub the substance, after the time has elapsed, just gently remove it from the surface. Treat the stain with ammonia, water or vinegar.


Vinegar solution is used to remove stains. Table vinegar is diluted in water (one tablespoon of the product per liter of water). A cotton pad or soft cloth is wetted in the solution, problem areas are rubbed off with it. As in other cases, shoes must be completely dry and free from dust.

When cleaning nubuck, movements should be directed in the direction of the pile, and then vice versa.

Professional nubuck cleaners

Improvised means for cleaning nubuck are not always suitable. Moreover, such shoes need daily care, and it can only be done with the help of special tools. A set of the entire arsenal of care will cost, perhaps not cheap, but it will last a long time. Otherwise, you will have to buy other shoes, which are much more expensive.

The following brands are most in demand in the shoe market:

  • SALAMANDER (Spain);
  • TARRAGO (Spain);
  • COLLONIL (Germany);
  • SALTON (Czech Republic).

The following products are always useful for care and cleaning:

For daily care and protection Brushes with metal bristles
Wet wipes
Waterproof spray
Shoe deodorant
Impregnation agent
Shoe Shine Special rubber eraser
Foam shampoo
Stain remover
Liquid cleaner
For surface painting Spray dye

In addition, soft cloths or sponges will be needed to clean shoes.

When choosing a nubuck care product, be sure to read the instructions for use, storage conditions and expiration dates.

How to clean nubuck: video

Useful information on how to care for nubuck shoes can be found here:

By watching the video, viewers will learn how to:

  • Properly care for nubuck with the help of special tools;
  • Carry out daily shoe care;
  • Clean from dust and dirt;
  • Clean heavily soiled areas;
  • Protect from moisture;
  • Restore shine and elasticity.

How to clean white nubuck shoes

Not everyone will dare to buy shoes made of light, and even more so, white nubuck, because they need careful care. Most often, people buy such shoes for going out, but even after wearing them once, you can put a stain on them. If the stain is too deep and noticeable, it will be possible to get rid of it, but it is unlikely to return the original color. To clean light nubuck, use:

  • Soft stationery eraser. They can remove surface contaminants that are not deeply ingrained. It is necessary to gently, without strong pressure, rub the problem area. Then shake off the remaining dirt with a damp cloth.
  • Nail file for manicure. If a stain appears, rub gently over this place.
  • Talc or chalk. With these products, you can clean greasy stains on nubuck of any color. The powder is applied to the stain and left for half an hour. After that, it is gently swept away with a brush, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Steam processing. Hold the shoes over a container of boiling water for one minute. Then rub the contaminated area with a brush and dry.

Do not dry nubuck shoes with a hairdryer, iron or near the battery! Nubuck is a treated leather that can shrink when exposed to heat.

How to process new shoes

Care for nubuck shoes begins the day you buy them. Proper processing is the key to the excellent condition of shoes for all periods of wearing. According to the instructions, new boots, boots or shoes are treated three times with a waterproof spray. After each application, the shoes should be dried. When processing shoes, place them on a piece of maple or paper to avoid getting aerosol on the floor or furniture.

Features of the daily care of nubuck shoes

Regular daily care can extend the life of nubuck shoes. Caring for nubuck is not at all difficult, the main thing is to make the following actions a habit:

  • After wearing shoes, you need to immediately dry it, clean it from dust and dirt with napkins and a brush, and then treat it with special means;
  • Completely clean shoes are treated daily with a water-repellent aerosol, and then dried;
  • You can not treat shoes with a product just before going out;
  • Winter shoes need to be treated with aerosol and impregnation at the same time, this will protect the boots from getting wet;
  • Every day you need to comb the pile with a special brush;
  • No need to use shoes during rain or snow;
  • You need to store shoes in a cardboard box or in a textile case in a dry place;
  • If the shoes have not been worn for some time, periodically you need to take them out of the box, take them out into the fresh air for a couple of hours, dry them with clumps of newspapers placed inside;
  • Drivers of cars should use the auto-heel.
  • Use ointment or shoe polish;
  • Wash the product under tap water;
  • Use soap or detergent when cleaning;
  • Store shoes in plastic bags without air access.

Usually people think that nubuck and suede are the same material, and therefore you can use the same care products. This is not true. Nubuck is a very delicate material compared to suede and some products will only harm it.

How to restore "killed" shoes

Nubuck shoes lose their attractiveness and presentability when fading and the formation of so-called bald patches - scuffs. Update the appearance of shoes with special dye sprays of the appropriate color. If the shoes look too “killed”, try dyeing the nubuck a shade darker than the color of the shoes.

You can straighten the pile and restore elasticity by holding the shoes over boiling water for several minutes. The color of dark shoes returns after rubbing them with a crust of bread. Brown shoes can be freshened up by rubbing the problem areas with coffee grounds. Scuffs are eliminated after manipulation with a rubber eraser, a toothbrush or a piece of pumice stone.

It must be remembered that movements and pressures must be very delicate. If this does not help, it remains only to hand over the shoes to the restoration workshop.

Nubuck shoes on the foot look chic. But this chic is achieved through regular and careful care of capricious material. Therefore, if you are not ready to take care of your shoes daily, then it is better to opt for less whimsical suede or leather.

Updated: 10/18/2018

Nubuck shoes are a stylish and comfortable addition to any look. But the process of caring for her often raises questions. The main thing to understand is that the service life of your favorite pair depends on how correctly and regularly you clean the nubuck from dirt. Washing leather shoes is easy, but how to wash nubuck, how often to care for it, how to quickly get rid of dirt - look for answers to all these and other questions in the article.

This natural material is a fine-haired leather. It takes on this appearance by going through a chrome tanning process and abrading the surface with a finely abrasive material (such as sand). As a result, nubuck boasts the following advantages:

  • Shoes made from it allow the skin to "breathe". Therefore, the legs will not sweat in the summer and freeze in the cold season.
  • The material is durable and strong and you will carry your favorite pair for many years. But only if you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home.

So, you have made up your mind and purchased brand new boots or shoes from this wonderful material.

What to do after purchase

Cleaning nubuck shoes before the first exit in it is a must. Your main task is to protect the material from moisture. The first cleaning includes three impregnation treatments. But between each of them there should be a break. It must be done so that the product is normally absorbed. Ideally, the impregnation is applied outdoors.

With the first exit, everything is clear, but how to clean nubuck shoes at home every day?

Getting rid of dirt: a quick guide

First of all, the purchase of shoes or boots made of this material also involves the purchase of various care products. These include:

  • Ointments and creams with a water-repellent effect.
  • Shampoos.
  • Foams, sprays and aerosols.
  • Means for coloring the product.
  • Special erasers.
  • Brushes (the material from which they are made and the degree of stiffness of the bristles differ). Ideally, you need to buy a brush that combines the presence of a pile of metal and a rubber surface.

So, you are caught in the rain and you need to understand if you can wash your shoes. Your actions should include the following steps:

  1. Drying without the use of heat appliances. Use newspapers and dry a pair of shoes outdoors. Only now can you move on to the next step.
  2. Heels and soles are cleaned with ordinary wet wipes. Washing shoes is not recommended.
  3. The upper part (dry) is treated with a special brush, and then with a specific coloring agent (this can be a cream, aerosol, etc.). And it is not recommended to change coloring agents, give preference to one manufacturer and tone.
  4. After the base coat dries, you can use a water repellent.

Complex spots are a separate topic for conversation. These are usually salty white stains. It is difficult to clean nubuck shoes at home because of them, but it is possible. Just use a special "eraser": rub the material with it without being too zealous. After that, you should treat the problem area with a brush and comb the villi with cloves. And the color of the product is easily restored with the help of a coloring agent. Instead of an "eraser" you can use a special cleansing shampoo.

Folk remedies: effective cleaning recipes

And how to restore nubuck shoes if they are badly worn out? It is best to entrust this matter to dry cleaning. Professionals know exactly how to do everything correctly and accurately. In case everything is not so bad, you can try cleaning nubuck shoes at home.

Folk recipes to help you: in most cases they turn out to be quite effective:

  • Use of ammonia. This is the best remedy for salt stains in winter. The proportion of alcohol with water is 1:4. Soak a sponge in this solution. Then wipe the problem area with it, dry the shoes and apply paint. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when handling ammonia to protect your hands. Carry out the cleaning procedure in a well-ventilated area.
  • The use of vinegar will refresh delicate material. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tsp. vinegar. Moisten a cosmetic pad and wipe the stain with it. After drying, you need to treat the surface with a brush and paint.
  • Try regular table salt. This is an excellent remedy for greasy stains and stains. Apply a little salt to the problematic part. After it should be rubbed with a soft sponge. Then wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth, dry and brush with a metal brush.
  • Use the bread crust to get rid of dirt. It performs the function of a special "eraser".
  • You can also restore color using "grandmother's" methods: black - with carbon paper, brown - with ordinary coffee grounds.

A list of simple rules will get rid of problems

The general principles of how to clean nubuck shoes at home are clear. But there are elementary rules, remembering which, you definitely will not make mistakes in caring for boots or shoes made of this material:

  • No water! These shoes must not be washed.
  • "Not!" care products for normal, smooth skin.
  • Soap cannot be used.
  • All care procedures are for DRY shoes only.
  • Only constant care, not when you remember.

Storage rules: educational program for dummies

It is not enough just to carry out correct cleaning during operation. It is also very important to follow the storage rules:

  • Before you send your favorite boots to the closet until the next season, it is important to thoroughly clean them from dirt and dust. Be sure to wash the sole.
  • Forget plastic bags. They give off an unpleasant odor.
  • Since nubuck is a “breathable” material, products made from it must also “breathe” during storage. Cardboard boxes are great. However, you can use just a spacious locker.
  • Don't forget to use an impregnation agent.

Now you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home. Regular care only seems to be a complicated procedure. With a minimum of effort, you can give your favorite couple a chance for a long life.

Nubuck is a material of natural origin. It is not only attractive in appearance, but also very comfortable to wear. Nevertheless, nubuck is significantly inferior in demand to its competitors - suede and leather. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that not all people are aware of how and how to properly care for such shoes.

In fact, there are several life hacks that will help keep products made from this material in great shape and extend their life. But how to clean nubuck shoes at home?

Most buyers are mistaken, confusing nubuck with suede. Some are sure that this material is fabric. This is due to the recent start of the use of nubuck in footwear production.

It gained its popularity a few years ago. In fact, this material is unique in its composition and properties.

First of all, nubuck is leather. However, its tanning is carried out in a slightly different way than the skin that we are used to seeing everywhere. Each tanning method determines the final price of the original product. It can be carried out using fats, salts, wood extracts. Masters hide their secrets from publicity and universal accessibility.

So what is the difference between nubuck and suede? The latter is made from the skin of small horned representatives of the animal world, and for nubuck, the skin of cattle is used. These are deer, moose, yaks. Since these types of animals are quite rare, shoes made from their skin are much higher in price.

Suede is produced on the basis of compounds of fats or fats with formaldehydes. In the production of nubuck, mineral salts are used, which makes the final material malleable and wear-resistant, but at the same time very capricious.

Capriciousness lies in the increased requirements for environmental conditions and careful care. But this does not prevent nubuck shoes from looking elegant and flawlessly combined with any wardrobe.

Important rules for cleaning nubuck shoes

It is necessary to clean any shoes at home in compliance with the rules and recommendations used in specialized dry cleaners. The most important of them:

  • clean only completely dried shoes;
  • do not wash shoes under running water;
  • if you use stain removers or other products, apply them after the dry brushing procedure;
  • in the care of nubuck shoes, use only special shampoos and other products designed specifically for such shoes;
  • do not dry such products near radiators or electric heaters. Otherwise, the couple will become rough;
  • do not apply cleaning products directly to the surface of boots or boots. Use a sponge;
  • after wet cleaning, dry the shoes well, and then “comb” them with a dry brush to restore the crushed pile;
  • for the result to be successful, fix it: for this, treat the surface of the shoe with a special impregnation with moisture-repellent properties.

Since nubuck shoes need regular care, it will not be superfluous to purchase a kit that includes all the necessary tools and materials at hand.

It is important to clean nubuck shoes every morning and evening. It is not worth using universal means for these procedures. Not only will they not bring the desired effect, but they can ruin the couple.

How do you clean nubuck shoes then? It is worth buying in addition to the purchase of the product all the resources you may need.

  1. Impregnation in the form of an aerosol. It is applied at the final stage of work, preventing moisture from settling on the shoes.
  2. Cleanser (foam).
  3. Spray paint specifically for nubuck shoes.
  4. An eraser with which you will remove visible dirt.
  5. Brush for such surfaces.
  6. Shoe deodorant. It will eliminate unpleasant odors from the inside.

All of the above funds can be purchased individually or in a comprehensive set, which are offered by almost all shoe stores. They may include sprays, deodorants with an antibacterial effect, protective elements that fix the color of the insoles, which will prevent the shoes from staining the socks. Brushes also come in different shapes and with excellent pile.

When buying funds, pay attention to the fact that they are all intended specifically for nubuck shoes.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home?

How to clean with purchased products at home? Here basic moments.

  • When you return home, immediately try to wash the soles of your shoes from dust, dirt, and foreign objects stuck to them. Be careful not to get water on the nubuck surface.
  • Dry the couple well. If you don’t have a special dryer, then old newspapers that need to be tightly laid in shoes will help a lot.
  • If your boots have pinpoint, noticeable stains of dirt or dust, an eraser will help to deal with them. In the case when he is powerless against pollution, you can apply a more aggressive effect using shampoo. It will not only remove dirt, but also wash away salt stains and white streaks.
  • As already noted, washing nubuck shoes under running water is not recommended, so use a solution of one part shampoo and two parts warm water. Soak a sponge in it and treat the surface. Remove the remains of the product with a soft cloth moistened with water and well wrung out.
  • Wait for the shoes to dry and move on to the next step of care.
  • If the shoes have lost their color, spray paint from a spray can that will refresh the product. In order to protect all decorative elements, use adhesive tape to cover buttons, laces, key rings and other decorations, if any.
  • The result of the work carried out should be the impregnation of the pair with a special water-repellent spray. Do not be lazy to carefully carry out the work. The better the application, the better the protective shell on the surface of the boots will become.

In addition to professional products, at home you can also use proven effective methods that will not harm the shoes, but will make them cleaner and more well-groomed.

It will not work to paint nubuck shoes with folk remedies. Only special cosmetics are suitable for these purposes. It will also protect the couple from moisture.

Wash off dirt or oil stains will help next way.

  1. Dry your shoes.
  2. Walk along its surface with a rubber brush.
  3. Make a solution: pour ¼ cup of ammonia into a glass of water (it can be replaced with table vinegar. In this case, one teaspoon of vinegar will be needed per liter of water).
  4. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution and wipe any visible dirt with it.
  5. Treat the removed stains with a sponge dipped in clean water.
  6. Spray paint or spray on dried shoes.

If you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home, you won’t have to spend time and money going to the dry cleaners. The main thing is to observe one important rule: the regularity of procedures.

Updated: 12/23/2018

Shoes are not just a convenient accessory. This is a sign of your taste, an indicator of fashion preferences. And choosing it, you need to understand that it will last as long as possible only if you know how to clean your shoes every day. This is especially true for models made from natural materials.

Leather shoes need your care and timely care. It is easy to do it at home. It is enough just to understand how to wash and clean leather shoes step by step.

Only models made from natural materials can really claim to be called high-quality and durable. Leather boots or shoes are more expensive than those made from artificial leather or any other non-natural fabrics. But they have many advantages that you can appreciate in the process of operation.

Regularly cleaning leather shoes is not a panacea for the fact that they will not lose their appearance and deteriorate. It is also necessary not to make mistakes in the process of leaving. It is impossible, for example, to dry it using heating appliances. No hot batteries and electric dryers! If your favorite pair gets wet in rainy weather, just leave it to dry at room temperature. You can put crumpled paper inside it.

Do not wear shoes if they are not dry. Do not store them in a damp room. The structure of leather shoe models does not tolerate high levels of humidity. If you treat your beloved couple so inattentively and carelessly, it can stretch, deform, become moldy and lose its aesthetic appearance.

Never use bleach, petrol, or acetone on leather goods. It will not benefit the material.

As a rule, we deal with genuine leather and shoes from it in the off-season - that is, when there is a high probability of rain. And it takes 24 hours to dry completely. Therefore, you need to have at least two, and preferably 3-4 pairs of leather shoes in your wardrobe.

Never put off cleaning until later. After a while, pollution will be difficult or even impossible to remove. When you get home, start the procedure right away. If less than 4 hours are left before the departure, do not apply cleaning products to the surface of the shoes. It is best to do this at night.

Storage of a leather product has its own nuances and requirements. If you're hiding boots or boots until next season, be sure to clean them and stuff them with crumpled paper. Any type of footwear made from this material is recommended to be treated with special means before storage.

Can leather shoes be washed?

If you are wondering if leather shoes can be washed, then the only answer is no, it is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the material does not tolerate moisture. It is also forbidden to use washing powder, special stain removers, bleaching agents. Therefore, the correct answer to the question how to wash leather shoes - only by hand.

You need to clean leather shoes at home, based on what type they belong to. After all, each has its own special properties and characteristics. Therefore, the features of cleaning will be their own:

  • Finished models. It is understood that after making a pair, it is processed with various waxes, oils, sprays - at the discretion of the manufacturer. This procedure leaves a layer on the leather product that gives shine and the ability to preserve the properties of the material for as long as possible. Such models are more resistant to moisture than others, so they can be washed during the care process.
  • Models without finishing. How to clean shoes in this case? It is capricious, so only special cleaning products are suitable. This is the only way to keep its functionality and perfect appearance.
  • Lacquered models. The shine of leather shoes in this case is noticeable from afar. This is a special type; the manufacturer uses artificial and natural resins to create it. In this case, with your favorite couple, you need to be extremely careful. One wrong cleaning is enough, and the product will be irretrievably damaged.
  • Color models. To give the product the necessary bright shade, dyes are added to the leather at the stage of leather processing. Improper care can bring all the efforts of the manufacturer to nothing. You can clean shoes of different colors only with the help of the appropriate shade.
  • White models. White leather shoes are the hardest to clean. Any speck on its surface is very noticeable and poorly displayed. And incorrect and thoughtless manipulations with a material of this color can significantly change the shade.

Now let's talk in more detail about how to clean different types of leather shoes.

Finished leather shoes

These products are the most commonly found in stores. It is best to ask the seller when buying whether a particular pair of shoes has been finished. This is written on the packaging or on the insert that is inside the box.

How to clean leather shoes? Have water, a soft brush and a soft cloth ready. Dry the pair completely if it has gotten wet before. Now with a soft brush, treat the entire surface in order to remove the dirt that has stuck on the street. Now wipe the product with a dry cloth. Next, you need to wet the material and squeeze. Wipe your boots or shoes with a damp cloth. If stains remain on the surface of the shoe, you can wipe it with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions.

Place your favorite pair to dry in a well-ventilated area.

Now you can continue the maintenance procedure. How to restore the color and put the shoes in order? You need to take a soft brush, a cloth and a cream of the shade you need. You need to carry out this procedure every day. Apply the cream on a cloth, gently spread the entire surface of the product, allow time for the cream to dry. After that, you need to polish the shoes with a brush.

Leather shoes without finishing

How to wash leather shoes and put them in order in this case? For models without finishing, only special tools should be used. Only they can preserve the quality of the skin.

Clean it first with a soft brush, then wipe with a damp cloth. If there are old dirt, you can treat them with saddle soap (mix it with water until a foam forms). Foam is applied to stains and then washed off with water. This will help rid the shoes of the old cream and just dirt. Such shoes, in addition to cream, must be treated with a water-repellent agent.

How to clean patent leather shoes

How to clean patent leather shoes? Such models are made using synthetic and natural resins. The quality of a particular pair depends on the raw materials used for varnishing. But you need to take care of her anyway. If you are thinking about how to clean patent leather shoes, you should remember that you cannot wash them. It can be removed with a soft sponge and water. It needs to be slightly wetted, then wipe the surface of the shoe with light movements, but do not be zealous.

Lacquered material is easy to deform and scratch. Now you can wipe the pair with a dry cloth. Ideally, this should be a piece of velvet fabric. If patent leather is stiff after brushing, try rubbing it with castor oil.

Colored leather shoes

How to wash leather shoes and clean them if different shades of material are used. In stores you can often find orange, red, green models. This is made possible by the use of different dyes at the manufacturing stage. Caring for such couples does not stand out from the rest. The main thing is to choose the right shade of cream.

How to clean white leather shoes

Light-colored leather shoes should be cleaned especially carefully. It is more than the rest, prone to the formation of dirt and stains. You will need a sponge, water and soap. It is necessary to mix water with soap (you can use shampoo instead). Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the surface of the shoes. After that, it is impossible to dry the couple in the sun, as yellow spots may form on the skin.

At the end, you need to apply a colorless aerosol or spray. White skin should not be treated with dyes. You can use toothpaste if there are scuffs. Blood from light-colored leather shoes is more difficult to remove than from a dark pair. This should be done immediately after contamination.

The choice of protective composition and polishing

How to restore the skin on shoes, so as not to spoil its appearance? You need to know how to properly select a protective composition. If your favorite pair serves you for everyday use, it is best to buy creams made with an organic solvent. It is this cream that will have good water-repellent properties. And the leather product will be perfectly protected from dirt and dust. Ordinary cream can be completely replaced with liquid formulations. Effective and cream-wax and talc.

For products of different colors should be a separate brush.

The cream is recommended to be applied with a brush. After the cream, wax or aerosol is applied. Now you need to leave a couple for about 10 hours so that a protective film forms on the surface. That is why morning cleaning will not be as effective as possible.

At the polishing stage (it is he who tells you how to restore the shine of shoes), use a brush made of fine horsehair. Once the boots have dried after applying the cream, polish them with light movements. At the end, for a shine, rub them with a velvet cloth.

Cleaning nubuck and suede shoes

How to remove stains from this type of leather shoes? You can use milk (for light products), bread crumb, peroxide, coffee grounds, even refined gasoline. Such recipes will tell you how to remove a greasy stain from leather shoes or nubuck products.

As for daily care, it is a little different from cleaning leather shoes. The surface can only be cleaned after the steam has dried completely. It is recommended to dry it naturally, stuffing it with paper beforehand. Be sure to buy a special brush designed to care for nubuck products. Don't forget to apply a water-repellent spray every time you're going outside - about a couple of hours before you go out.

How to clean shoes from the inside

Tidying up leather shoes on the outside is not too difficult. But to clean it from the inside, you have to try. If you use the following tips, everything will turn out quickly and without problems:

  • It will take toothbrush and a solution of washing powder with water. With their help, cleaning the insoles is not difficult.
  • About once a week you should wipe your favorite pair from the inside ammonia(dilute it with water in the proportion of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water). This will help to overcome the unpleasant odor.
  • If you need to clean insoles that are made of thin leather, use baby cream. Wipe them first with a damp cloth. And then apply baby cream to the contaminated places and rub it in. After drying, the inside of the shoes will be clean and soft.
  • If the inner surface is made of textile, it will help shaving foam. After applying it, you need to wait half an hour, and then remove the contaminated foam with a piece of cloth.
  • With the formation of stubborn dirt inside the shoes will help you carpet cleaner. After you process the insoles with it, do not forget to lubricate the surface with baby cream to soften the surface.
  • You can buy special foam for suede and leather and treat the inside of the shoe with it.

So that your favorite pair does not get so dirty, be sure to take care of your feet in a timely manner.

Eliminate bad smell from shoes

Even in high-quality shoes made of genuine leather, an unpleasant odor can appear. This is due to several factors. The reason may be the wrong choice of shoes - they should not be too tight. If you have a problem such as hyperhidrosis and your feet sweat a lot, this also causes an unpleasant smell in your shoes. And, of course, you need to select models from high-quality materials so that later there are no such problems.

If there is already an unpleasant odor, you can take some measures:

  • Ventilate leather shoes more often.
  • After wearing shoes, it is important to dry them naturally.
  • Periodically treat the inner surface with hydrogen peroxide. You can use ordinary vinegar or a weak solution of manganese for this.
  • For drying, it is very convenient to use ultraviolet dryers - they also get rid of fungus and bacteria.
  • Choose models that are made of genuine leather. If this is not possible, then at least buy shoes that have an inner part made of natural material.
  • Avoid synthetic socks. Only natural materials.
  • Use shoe deodorant regularly. They can get rid of the bad smell.

It is not enough just to know how to properly clean shoes, how to remove wax, how to remove stains and get rid of the smell inside. It is also necessary to properly store leather models in the off-season. Do not pack them in plastic bags. This is fraught with mold. If the outer surface is still affected by it, you can use the following recipe: mix water, vinegar and kerosene (equal proportions) and rub a couple. After that, treat the surface with castor oil or petroleum jelly.

Cleaning shoes from their skin is not a difficult, but mandatory process. Only in this way will it be possible to preserve its aesthetic appearance and wear it for a long time and with pleasure.

Are you hesitant to buy today's fashionable nubuck shoes just because you don't know how to clean nubuck correctly? It is a pity that you have deprived your feet of the pleasure of being in boots or shoes made of comfortable natural material.

But on the other hand: it will be very unpleasant to spoil them on the very first day of wearing if water or dirt gets on the pile. You have purchased nubuck shoes, how to care for them so that they please you for more than one season?

Constant care, the use of special tools, preparation for the first exit to the street - it seems that it will be incredibly difficult. But it is a very small effort to have beautiful shoes in which the feet will never sweat in summer and never freeze in winter.

Nubuck care - primary and daily

It is not difficult to clean nubuck at home, the main thing: do it carefully so as not to spray paint on wallpaper or furniture. If possible, it is better to go to the balcony or to a room that is well ventilated. Complaints that the nubuck gets wet indicate that the owner of such things does not care about them, did not impregnate the shoes before the first exit to the street.

The first cleaning will be the most thorough and will ensure that your boots last longer thanks to the resulting water repellency.

Take the purchased impregnation, carefully read the instructions for use. Treat your shoes with it three times. Between each application, take a break until the previous layer is completely absorbed. The same thorough treatment should be repeated during rains and snowfalls.

So the nubuck was originally cleaned, how to take care now constantly? With a damp cloth, dirt is removed from the sole and heel. Shoes are cleaned with a brush from dust, debris and impregnation is applied, but now only once. Do not forget a very important point: such shoes are only cleaned dry.

If you drive a car, always use a pad (auto-heel) to prevent soiling or abrasion of the nap. Ideally, if these actions are daily, if boots or shoes made of nubuck, suede are worn everyday.

It is best to do this with aerosols, but you can apply paint on a special sponge and walk along the pile with it. The tool will be colorless or with the shade you need - it's up to you if there is no obvious problem of discoloration. It is preferable to take each next can of the same company, if it doesn’t work out, it is important that the color matches.

Special products for nubuck

Nubuck should be cleaned regularly. Conventional products used for smooth skin will not work for this. In order for your shoes to keep a good appearance for a long time, you need to purchase not only a special tool, but also an appropriate brush.

Shops offer a lot of different impregnations: aerosols, sprays, cream paints. Please note that there is a note on the packaging that this is an impregnation for nubuck.

Do not spare money for the purchase of care products. When purchasing shoes, immediately ask the seller: what brush for nubuck is on sale. They are three-sided, four-sided, where synthetic and metal piles are combined, there is a convenient rib with which it is very easy to clean the welts and seams of your shoes.

If the wallet allows, then it would be good to buy a kit that has everything for caring for products made of nubuck, velor, suede. Not only shoes, but also nubuck bags can be put in order with the help of such household chemicals.

Which brand should you prefer? Manufacturers guarantee that shoes will last a long time if you apply only certified brand name products to them. These are All Combi, Collonil, Salton Professional and others.

What is in the kit for cleaning, protecting and restoring nubuck products? For example, the Collonil Nubuk + Velours Set, beautifully folded into a handbag, includes the following products:

  1. Protective aerosol - 200 ml can of Collonil Nubuk + Velours with a specific color (colorless, black, different shades of brown, blue tone). This is a paint for nubuck, which will help renew the faded color, remove stains, but most importantly, it is a reliable protection against dirt and water.
  2. Collonil Shampoo is a shampoo that will get rid of salt stains, especially difficult cases with ingrained dirt. After using this drug, shoes look like in the first days after purchase.
  3. Collonil Nubuk Textile is suitable for textiles, nubuck, suede, gives a tinting effect.
  4. A wonderful assistant is the Collonil Cleaner universal brush for nubuck.
  5. Brush for cleaning delicate suede products.
  6. Eraser Collonil Cleaner - with its help, any stains are removed quickly and without any effort.
  7. Collonil Cool'n'Fresh will never be superfluous - deodorant for shoes, it will not only get rid of unwanted odors, but will also be an excellent antibacterial agent.
  8. Standard size metal horn.

How to clean nubuck in mud and wet

Dry clean only. Wait until the shoes dry naturally or use shoe dryers. You should not put it near heat sources, but you can fill it with old newspapers to quickly remove moisture.

Always comb the pile so that it does not cake, but do this with a special brush. Stains can also be removed with a regular stationery eraser.

How to clean nubuck if it is heavily soiled?

It is impossible to wash such shoes in a typewriter machine and generally wash them in any way. In rare cases, you can dilute ammonia in water and treat a persistent dirty stain with this solution. The consequence of exposure to water is, as it were, gluing the villi.

Heavily worn shoes can be restored by holding them over a jet of steam. The pile will turn out to be “tousled” if, after drying, you walk along it with the metal side of the brush. Modern dry cleaners provide services for the restoration of nubuck items.

Any cleaning must be completed with impregnation. Your favorite shoes will last a long time if you remember to take care of them. Pay attention to the nuances of how to clean nubuck shoes: in no case should ordinary shoe creams be used; white stains should be removed immediately with a special preparation or a slightly damp cloth.

Nubuck shoes should be stored in loose, well-ventilated boxes and should always be well brushed and protected before shipping.
