Report "ICT in the process of development and education of young children". The use of modern technologies in the process of sensory development of young children The use of ICT in early age groups theory

The use of information technology in the development and education of young children

Teacher - psychologist MDOAU No. 17

Nepomnyashchaya Elena Vladimirovna

Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of education, in particular early learning. We believe that the possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child's abilities.

More and more families have the opportunity to purchase a computer and use this universal tool for teaching a child from birth or even earlier. The use of a computer for the education and development of young children can be roughly divided into the following areas:

Mediated learning: using a computer to prepare didactic material. The process of teaching young children (up to 3-5 years) has its own characteristics. The most technologically advanced process of teaching reading, mathematics and encyclopedic knowledge was developed at the Evan Thomas Institute. In the process of teaching reading, text or graphic editors free parents from the design of visual materials.

After two years, the period of intensive work of parents with methodological literature on the development of the child begins. But illustrations for classes, as a rule, are not enough. In the books they are black and white, small in size and sometimes of poor quality. This is where drawing libraries come in handy.

Computer for parents. The computer provides an invaluable service to adults: parents, educators, etc.: it allows you to make all kinds of plans, activities with the help of organizer programs, keep an individual diary of the child, record various data about him, test results, build graphs, and generally monitor the dynamics of the child's development.

But the most important thing, in our opinion, is maintaining a database of books. Today, a very large number of books on the upbringing and development of children have appeared, many books reflect integrated approaches to education, others reflect the development of a certain quality, differentiating age categories, etc. It is difficult to navigate the literature without a database.

The Internet is playing an ever-increasing role, where one can find information on the problems of early learning and development, about innovative schools, foreign institutes for early development, conferences, and establish contacts with leading experts in the field of education.

Especially communication problems arise in remote regions where there are not enough qualified specialists in the field of preschool education. It is necessary to create a family Internet club where online discussion is possible.

Direct learning: the use of the computer in the development of the child. In this age period (from one to five), the dominant activity of the child is play. But today there is not enough good computer programs that are designed for children of this age.

American experts identify a number of requirements that developmental programs for children must meet: exploratory nature, ease for the child to study independently, development of a wide range of skills and ideas, high technical level, age-appropriate, entertaining.

A feature of working at a computer for young children (up to 2-2.5 years old) is the inability to purposefully use the keyboard or mouse. Therefore, the main assistant should be an adult. His main task is to comment on his actions and events occurring on the screen, to help work with the mouse or keyboard.

Speaking about the use of a computer by young children, the question arises of maintaining health and vision. It is reasonable to make time limits for studying with a PC, but involuntary attention in children of this age is very small (10-15 minutes), therefore, as a rule, children cannot stay at the computer for a long time. A normally developing child at this age moves 70-80% of the time he is awake, so the question of "sitting" at the computer is not relevant yet.

I would especially like to note the period of "active" development of the computer by children whose age is 2.5-3.5 years. They already know how to purposefully use the mouse and call the desired program on the screen.

Unfortunately, we do not yet have a civilized market for educational programs for this age group. If a child is already studying foreign languages, then foreign programs are quite easy to master.

Let's try to classify training programs for a given age:
1. Interactive cartoons, "live" books in different languages.
2. Games for the development of memory, imagination, thinking, etc.
3. "Talking" dictionaries of foreign languages ​​with good animation.
4. Art studios, simple graphics

4. ART studios, the simplest graphic editors with libraries of drawings.
5. Games-travelling, "rpg".

6. The simplest programs for teaching reading, mathematics, etc.

So, the use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of a young child quite simple and effective, free from routine manual work, and open up new opportunities for early education.

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The use of ICT in the sensory development of young childrenGroup No. 1 Mayorova I.A. 2017 Sensory development is the development in a child of the processes of perception and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. For it to take place fully, purposeful sensory education is necessary. Sensory education serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The leading activity and the basis for the formation of a child under 3 years old is an object game. Games-classes are held with children of this age, in which the assimilation of any material proceeds imperceptibly for kids, in practical activities. about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space. Thanks to the multimedia method of presenting information, the following results are achieved: children learn the concepts of shape, color and size more easily; they comprehend the concepts of number and set more deeply; the ability to navigate in space and on a plane quickly arises; attention efficiency is trained; vocabulary is actively replenished; fine motor skills develop, the finest eye coordination; develops imagination and creativity. The advantages of ICT over traditional teaching aids: increasing the efficiency of the educational process; simultaneous use of graphic, textual, audiovisual information; the use of animation; the possibility of modeling life situations. In early childhood, the child is especially sensitive to sensory inputs. Omissions in the formation of the sensory sphere of the child in the early stages of his development are compensated with difficulty, and sometimes irreparable. Therefore, the importance of sensory development at an early age cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Let's get acquainted: Color: Shape: Yellow color Red color Blue color Green color Square Circle Triangle Didactic games: color Didactic games: form VALUE OF MOTOR CARTOID GAME SOUNDS Yellow color Red color Blue color Green color Didactic games1. Didactic game: "Decorate the Christmas tree." Purpose: - development of sensory perception in young children. Tasks: Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Game progress: Invite children to decorate the Christmas tree with red toys (yellow, blue, green) Correct answer Didactic game. Description: A lesson in distinguishing and naming qualities. Purpose: To teach children to select objects based on color, name them. Equipment: - homogeneous objects (balls, corks) of different colors (blue, yellow, red, green) - four boxes (buckets) under the color of the corks. The course of the game: Arrange the balls (corks) by color so that all the children can see, and say: "I will put a red ball in a red box, I will put a blue ball in a blue box!" And so on, until all the balls are laid out in boxes of the corresponding color. Children can first put the balls of one and then another color or lay them out randomly. Square Circle Triangle Didactic game:D. I. "Hide the mouse" Purpose: To develop the ability to correlate the shape, color and size of the slots and liners. Develop attention, thinking. Rules of the game: The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice settled. - The mice are now looking out the windows. The windows are different for everyone: round, square, triangular. The mice close these windows only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Close so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the lid, so that they are tightly closed. Morning has come, open the windows. But, here comes the cat. Hide the mice quickly so that the cat does not eat them. The cat left because she did not find a single mouse. The game is played 2-3 times.

The didactic game "Frames and Inserts" develops the ability to recognize and distinguish the shape of flat figures and their position on the plane (visually and by touch); introduces geometric terminology - the names of the figures. The game is a set of square frames-plates. In the center of each of them, a round, triangular, square hole is cut out, which is closed with an insert lid of the same shape and size, but of a different color. Studying the size. Stringing homogeneous objects of different sizes; laying out objects according to the “matryoshka” principle Improving fine motor skills Lacing; Games with clothespins; Mosaic; Finger theater. To develop hearing, you can use the following techniques: use various toys that make sounds to play: squeakers, rattles, plastic bottles filled with pasta or various cereals, buttons, etc.; walk with children in a group and focus on which objects make sounds (for example: a clock, a bell, the sound of water); while walking, also listen to birds singing, the noise of cars; listen to pleasant music with your child; play hide and seek using those objects that can make sounds; you can tell poems, fairy tales, sing lullabies. Thus, the child's phonemic hearing develops well; draw the child's attention to the sounds that are heard in the group room. Didactic game: "What sounds" Purpose: - Develop stable auditory attention, the ability to distinguish instruments by ear by their sound. - Develop the ability to switch auditory attention. Equipment: Drum, tambourine, pipe, bell. Game progress: The teacher shows the child musical instruments in turn, clarifies their names and introduces them to their sound. When the teacher is convinced that the baby has learned the name and remembered the sound of the instruments, the toys are removed behind the screen. The teacher repeats the game on different instruments there, and the kid tries to guess by the sound, "whose song is heard." Card file of didactic games on the sensory development of young children 1. "Find the same object" For the game, you will need several pairs of objects that are the same in shape, color and size. We offer the child to select identical copies. At first, things should be few, over time we increase their number. Helps stimulate attention and sensory abilities.2. “Spread by color” The game requires objects of different colors, for example, cubes, mosaics, Lego constructor. We offer the child to sort all these things by color. In the process, the baby gets acquainted with the concept of color and its diversity. 3. “What rang?” You will need various things, toys with which you can create sounds (paper, drum, bell, pipe, spoons, xylophone). We show the baby each object and reproduce its sound. Then we hide the toys behind the screen and make noise with one of the objects. We open the screen and offer to show what sounded. This fun stimulates auditory attention, and, consequently, musical ear. 4. "Paired pictures" The purpose of the game is to teach kids to compare the objects around them according to the totality of the distinguishing features, as well as according to their purpose. To do this, children are offered a special set of colorful paired pictures with attractive and varied content. The content of the pictures meets the natural need of children to join the surrounding reality - objective, natural and social.5. “Make pairs by color” Purpose: the ability to select pairs based on a similar sensory attribute; develop visual perception. 6. "Inserts" PURPOSE: to be able to perform actions with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), insert shapes, develop memory, thinking, attention. Guide: the game is played with a subgroup of children of 4-5 people. The teacher first shows geometric shapes, names them and shows the children how to insert them into stencils. During the game, constantly fix the name of the figures - a circle, a square, a triangle.7. “Find the same flower” Goal: continue to develop the sensory abilities of children, fix 4 primary colors, the ability to name flowers by showing. Guide: the game is played with 4-5 people. First, the teacher shows the children large illustrations of flowers of different colors. Children tell what color these flowers are. Then the teacher distributes 4 small cards to the children, having examined them, offers to show the same flower that the teacher shows. 8. "One - many" Purpose: To develop the first mathematical abilities, develop attention, thinking, the ability to distinguish the color of objects. Guide: Games are played with 2-3 children. The teacher shows pictures of toys on the magnetic board - one, many, fixes the color. Then he invites the children to find and attach the same pictures according to the show.9. “Multi-colored balls and clothespins” Purpose: To continue to develop the small muscles of the hands, consolidate knowledge of color, develop attention, imagination. Guide: The game is played with 2-3 people. The “grandmother” comes and complains that the kittens have unwound all the balls, invites the kids to wind up each ball, and then hang the clothespins on the handle of the basket. Engage children in ongoing activities. 10. "Big, smaller, small" Purpose: To continue to form the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes in size, develop speaking, thinking, memory, the ability to distinguish between primary colors. Guide: The game is played with 2 children. The teacher shows a set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) of different colors, and offers to show first a large figure, a smaller one, then a small one. You can complicate the game with questions: “Show a small red triangle”; "Big yellow circle"; “Smaller yellow square”, etc. at the discretion of the teacher's imagination.11. “Show the same” Purpose: To continue to consolidate the ability to find the desired geometric figure (circle, square, triangle), develop thinking, colloquial speech, the ability to name the color of the figure. Guide: The game is played with 2-3 people, as it is necessary to focus the attention of children. Bunny comes to visit and brings a box with geometric shapes, asks the children to tell what it is. First, the teacher separately shows the figure and its color. Then he distributes sets of figures to children and, according to his own show, asks to show the child, constantly involving him in speech activity. 12. "Red, yellow, blue, green" Purpose: To form the ability to distinguish, name and show pictures by the color of objects, to develop the sensory abilities of children. Each child has an image of objects on the table (toys, flowers, clothes of different colors). The teacher shows either a picture of a certain color or an object of the same color. The child must show his picture with the same image and color.13. “Find a bucket for a nesting doll” Purpose: continue to fix and name 4 primary colors, develop thinking, memory, speaking. Guide: The game is played with 2 children. A set of nesting dolls of red, green, blue color and, accordingly, the same color buckets are divided. First, the teacher shows which bucket each nesting doll needs. Then he invites the children to find a bucket for a nesting doll, to fix the name of the color of the nesting doll dress and bucket, to involve children in speech activity with various questions. 14. "Colored Dominoes" Purpose: To continue to develop the sensory abilities of toddlers by searching for an object of a given color, fixing 4 primary colors. Guide: The game is played with 4-5 children. 2-3 colored dominoes are distributed to everyone. It is suggested that the children lay out the path, looking for dominoes of the same color as the color of the dominoes that the previous child laid. 15. “Laying out homogeneous objects of different sizes” Purpose: To learn to find the same geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square), but of different sizes. Guide: The game is played with 4-5 children, each has planar images of a circle, triangle, square of different sizes and can be different colors. The teacher offers to pick up their geometric shapes according to the show.

Tatyana Kunygina
Methodological seminar "Formation of sensory perception using ICT"

« Formation of sensory perception in children with disabilities using ICT»

At preschool age, direct, sensory knowledge is the main source of knowledge about the environment. It is very important to take care of formation children have ideas about objects and things, about their existence sensory experience.

touch the development of children with mental retardation is significantly behind in time formation, passes unevenly and has its own peculiarities: they have difficulty examining items, highlighting the desired properties, in the designation of these properties, in a word. Processes their perceptions are slow, not selective enough, often fragmented and not generalized. Lack of processes perception delays the development of all cognitive activity of the child.

Relevance - on the slide.

So the topic formation and development of sensory perception occupies an important role in the cognitive development of children with mental retardation.

For example, I took the topic formation size ideas items, namely formation and consolidation of the concepts narrow - wide (narrower, wider).

Since the abbreviation ICT sounds in the topic of my speech, it is understood here use of interactive games. As a basis, I took games for the development of visual abilities developed by the Samara Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, and in particular Remezova and Bukovtsova. This developmental program was developed for children with visual impairment, but we adapted it for children with mental retardation, namely - use only the initial stages are in progress (games).

Completely, of course, this wonderful program cannot replace the entire process formation of sensory representations, but to play the role of a motivational and encouraging stimulus is quite.

But let's start in order.

Formation of sensory perception proceeds according to a certain plan, one might say, in stages.

At the very beginning, we select such didactic material, objects that would differ from each other in only one feature. Moreover, this sign should act in contrast. - We used bracelets, one color, one material - which accompanied the children for one week. (talk about bracelets)

Refinement or formation feature should take place on handouts, natural objects, and those in which this feature protrudes in relief and in which these items differ from each other (all other features are the same). For example, wide and narrow ruler (length, thickness are the same). We used scarves, rulers, pencil boxes (various in width).

Then a few more signs are added to the selected material, for example, a different color and an already fixed concept. (length). used visibility with subject images.

Use practical activities - Children are invited to color ( For example: paint a narrow scarf in blue, and a wide scarf in red, cut out narrow and wide strips of paper and, for example, lay out a fence.

It is very important to teach students to compare objects, applying them to each other or laying one on top of the other. - method applications and overlays.

It is equally important, I think, that it is necessary to create such a life situation, thanks to which the children would understand that they have objects of different sizes in front of them, and that this sign must be taken into account when solving a specific life task. For example, a river, two bridges - narrow and wide. Which bridge will the truck drive over? Of course, on a wide one, because if she goes over a narrow bridge, she will fall and the driver and the car will drown.

And, finally, we consolidate all the knowledge gained through an interactive game, observing, of course, the protective regime.

I use computer only in individual work with children.

They already know that at the end of the week they will consolidate the material covered either with using interactive games or interactive presentations.

Progress does not stand still and we, educators, must adapt to these conditions, to new devices and gadgets. But everything is within reason.

A little about the program - games.

You can run the game and show.

Can show video

At using this technology:

The motivation of children increases, all exercises are performed in an entertaining and playful way. form, and it is known that children with disabilities are characterized by rapid fatigue and exhaustion.

No need to produce a large amount of handouts;

The effectiveness of training increases, the time for completing tasks decreases.

Teach children to work according to the model, contribute to the development of observation;

May be used as a means of pedagogical diagnostics.

Thank you for your attention.

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Directly educational activities on the topic "Hedgehogs" for the sensory development of children of the first junior group using ICT

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna teacher of the first junior group
Municipal preschool autonomous educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 11 MO Korenovsky district

Synopsis of GCD sensory development "Hedgehogs" with children of the first junior group.


The task of the educator is to make the learning lesson an unforgettable interesting game. I bring to your attention an outline designed specifically for working with young children. This lesson is aimed at sensory education of children and will be useful for educators who work with children of early preschool age.

Preliminary work:

1 Reading fiction about hedgehogs.
2. Playing with clothespins
3. Reading nursery rhymes and riddles about hedgehogs
4.Finger games.1. To fix with children the main colors (red, yellow, green, blue)
2. Develop fine motor skills
3. Continue to learn to navigate the room.

Demo material:

1. Toy hedgehog (preferably plush)
2. Interactive whiteboard
3. Projector


1. For each child, a hedgehog toy
2. Clothespins of four primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue) will act as thorns
3. Hedgehogs of the same colors
4. Colored cardboard
Preparation for the lesson: The teacher arranges hedgehog toys in different secluded places according to the number of children in a group. On the tables are colored cardboard boxes and four clothespins of the same color as the cardboard box.

Lesson progress:

- Kids, I suggest you play with your fingers.
I met a hedgehog hedgehog:
“Hello, brother! How are you?"
There is a knock on the door

Let's go and see who's here
- Children, look what a hedgehog. Let's say hello to him.
Children greet, touch the hedgehog.
- It seems to me that our guest is sad, we should ask him what happened.
- The hedgehog says that he went to visit us with his friends, but on the way they got lost. Let's help him find hedgehog friends.
Children, together with the teacher, walk around the group and look for hedgehogs, when the children find all the hedgehogs, they sit down on the chairs.
Children's survey:
- Masha, what color hedgehog did you find?
- And Mira, what color did you find the hedgehog?
- Yellow and so all the children individually interrogate.
- It seems to me that our hedgehogs are missing something?
Children: - no thorns
- We need to help the hedgehogs and make them thorns, for this we will approach the tables.
- Look at the tables there are houses of hedgehogs, you need to find a house of the same color as the hedgehog.
- Sasha, what color is your hedgehog?
- Yellow
- So, go to the table and look for a house of the same color.
Then the teacher finds out with each child, and invites everyone to find a house. The children are seated at the tables.
- Children, look, there are lost needles near each house, let's attach them to each of the hedgehogs.
Children complete the task, and the teacher helps individually those children who find it difficult to attach clothespins.
- You guys did it all, now our hedgehogs have become like real ones, and they invite you to our magic window to see about hedgehogs.
Children sit down with hedgehogs, and the teacher shows an animated presentation about the life of hedgehogs in the forest.
- We are so great today, we helped the hedgehog find friends, found lost needles for hedgehogs, looked at how hedgehogs live in the forest. Let's pat ourselves. And now let's dance with the hedgehogs.
The teacher turns on cheerful rhythmic music, and the children dance.

At the present stage of the development of human civilization, ideas about the process of forming a person, the priorities of his personal qualities, attitudes and values ​​are changing significantly. The education system, through which almost the entire younger generation passes, is subject to qualitatively different requirements than in the past, in the light of which the pedagogical paradigm that has developed in the industrial era is increasingly revealing its inefficiency.
New educational technologies is the development and public examination of innovative practice-oriented educational programs designed to improve the efficiency of education and achieve state standards based on a variety of means of teaching and educating children with different educational needs and potentialities.
The search for new forms and methods of teaching in our time is not only a natural phenomenon, but also a necessary one.
The modern concept of the formation of a child's conscious and arbitrary attitude to reality highlights the idea that preschool education is an age period for the formation of figurative forms of consciousness. The main forms of consciousness that a child masters at this age are figurative means, sensory standards, various symbols and knowledge that are figurative in nature (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin).
One of the central places in the general system of upbringing and educational work at early preschool age is occupied by sensory development and the development of practical skills.
Sensory education is aimed at teaching children to accurately, fully perceive objects, their various properties and relationships between them (color, shape, size, location in space).
The value of sensory education was highly appreciated by prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy M. Montessori, E.I. Tikheeva, F. Froebel.
Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, and on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, school, and for subsequent active fruitful work. The significance of the child's sensory development in his future life puts before the theory and practice of preschool education the task of developing and using the most effective means and methods of sensory education in kindergarten.
The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception, the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.
The main direction of sensory education should be to equip the child with sensory culture. The concept of "sensory culture" entered preschool pedagogy thanks to the works of M. Montessori.
The sensory culture of a child is the result of his assimilation of sensory standards created by mankind. Mastering the sensory standard does not mean learning only to correctly name this or that property. The assimilation of sensory standards is their use as a kind of "units of measurement" in assessing the properties of substances.
Pedagogical research (O.P. Gavrilushkina, T.A. Dorofeeva, L.I. Plaksina, L.I. Rudakova and others) and practical experience of preschool educational institutions proved the need to include the sensory development of preschoolers in all types of children's activities. The level of sensory development is basic, it is one of the conditions for the success of any kind of activity and the formation of a personality.
In the studies of E.O. Smirnova, L.N. Galiguzova, T.V. Ermolova and S.Yu. Meshcheryakova shows that the ability to read and count acquired at an early age is not yet sufficient for the child to successfully master the school curriculum and mental development in general in the future. In addition, many children, from an early age focused on formal education, which replaces full-fledged development, at an older age turn out to be low-initiative, unsure of themselves, and are characterized by increased anxiety. A dangerous consequence of mental and physical overload caused by inadequate form and content of education may be the occurrence of neurotic diseases in a child (stuttering, obsessive movement syndrome, nervous tics, childhood fears, enuresis, etc.)
Modern scientific data, according to L.N. Galiguzova and K. Landers, testify that many methods and teaching methods that are used in working with schoolchildren are not applicable to young children: purely verbal explanations, instructions, frontal classes do not achieve their goal. For young children, special pedagogical influences are needed that meet their needs and capabilities and contribute to their full development.
The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. Professor N.M. Shchelovanov called early age the "golden time" of sensory education.
The topic of sensory development of young children is relevant for society as a whole, because at present the problem of the development of children of primary preschool age is increasingly of concern to psychologists, teachers, and parents.
Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of sensory development of children of early preschool age caused a number of contradictions:
1. The rapid development of modern educational technologies and the insufficient reflection of relevant innovations in the process of sensory development of young children.
2. The need to use new pedagogical technologies for the sensory development of early preschool age and the lack of knowledge of the features of activities that contribute to improving the efficiency of developing processes.
The need to find ways to overcome these contradictions determines the relevance of this work experience.
Purpose: sensory development of young children through the use of modern technologies.
1. Reveal the relevance and justify the ways of sensory development of young children using modern technologies.
2. To study the features of modern technologies and ways to achieve the sensory development of early age children.
3. Develop, test and determine the effectiveness of modern technologies that contribute to the sensory development of children of early preschool age.
4. Evaluate the effectiveness of working with young children and summarize work experience.
The process of sensory development of young children will be effective in the implementation of the following principles:
The first principle is based on the enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education, which implies the formation in children from an early age of a broad orientation in the subject environment, i.e. not only the traditional acquaintance with the color, shape and size of objects, but also the improvement of the sound analysis of speech, the formation of an ear for music, the development of muscle feeling, etc., taking into account the important role these processes play in the implementation of musical, visual activity, speech communication, simple labor operations, etc.
The second principle involves the combination of teaching sensory actions with various types of meaningful activities for children. In the process of these activities, the child is guided by the properties and qualities of objects, taking into account their importance in solving important life problems. In most cases, they do not act on their own, but as signs of more important qualities that cannot be observed (the size and color of the fruits are signals of their maturity). Therefore, the improvement of sensory education should be aimed at clarifying the meaning of the properties of objects and phenomena or clarifying their "signal meaning".
The third principle predetermines the communication to children of generalized knowledge and skills related to orientation in the surrounding reality. The properties and qualities of objects and phenomena are so diverse that it is impossible to familiarize a child with all of them without limitation, as well as to communicate to him knowledge about each of them separately. The correct orientation of children in the environment can be achieved as a result of specific actions to examine the size, shape, and color of objects. Of particular value are generalized methods for examining a certain kind of qualities that serve to solve a number of similar problems.
The fourth principle of sensory education involves the formation of systematized ideas about the properties and qualities, which are the basis - the standards for examining any subject, i.e. the child must correlate the information received with the knowledge and experience he already has. Very early, the child begins to use his knowledge as a means of perceiving and understanding a new subject.
The leading role of the teacher in mastering any activity is another principle. It should be emphasized that the main task of the teacher is to interest the child in some new and useful activity, to stimulate his own activity and emotional involvement in educational games, and in this sense to lead.
To resolve the indicated contradictions, new approaches to the search for effective means, methods, and pedagogical technologies are needed.
According to Russian and foreign teachers, one of such teaching aids at the present time is LEGO DACTA construction sets, which have a number of characteristics that significantly distinguish them from other construction sets, primarily a wide range of possibilities, versatility, modern technical and aesthetic characteristics, and their use in various gaming and educational purposes.
Let's designate what psychophysical characteristics develop in children of early preschool age in the process of learning using LEGO DACTA technology:
1. Development of mental processes:
- memory (didactic game "Remember and collect");
- attention (didactic game "What has changed");
2. Development of sensory standards:
- color (didactic game "Snake");
- form (didactic game "Twins");
- value (didactic games "Spin the top and choose", "Towers");
3. Development of speech:
- didactic games "Back to back", "Small projects", "Guess my model", "Fictions";
4. Acquaintance with the outside world:
- didactic games "Introduction to the rules of the road", "Introduction to architectural styles and building design".
As a result of activities using this type of constructor, children learn to connect constructor parts in various ways, read assembly diagrams and work on them, represent and protect their model.
In preschool pedagogy, L.G. Komarov. The teacher offers a system of work on the course "Modeling of objects of the real world by means of LEGO DACTA constructors".
The goal is to develop children's abilities for visual modeling.
Main tasks:
- development of the ability to analyze an object, that is, to highlight its characteristic features, functional main parts, to establish a connection between their purpose and structure;
- training in planning the process of creating your own model and a joint project;
- stimulation of constructive imagination when creating a building according to one's own design - on a proposed or free topic;
- familiarization with the surrounding reality;
- the formation of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher and convey the features of objects using the LEGO DACTA constructor;
- development of speech and communication skills.
Types of organization of activities:
- according to the sample;
- on cards with models that are attached to the LEGO DACTA constructor;
- by your own design.
Recommendations for using LEGO DACTA building sets:
1. First acquaintance and contact with the designers of LEGO DACTA. Children get acquainted with individual sets and the opportunities that these sets provide them.
2. Formulation of the problem. Children are given a task to solve with the help of a constructor. For example: "my house"; "my room"; various situational problems and phenomena that are related to the surrounding reality.
3. Completion of the task. Children have the opportunity to work individually and in a team, they ask themselves topics; they perform the task based on their own ideas, previous experience and knowledge.
4. Presentation of the results of the work. Children are given the opportunity to demonstrate their work. Success gives each child a positive motivation and has not only a positive impact on his knowledge, but also has an effect: there is a change in self-perception, awareness of one's own reserves.
The Sensory Room has the strongest influence on the process of sensory development in young children. Work in the sensory room is carried out both with a group of children and individually.
Purpose: development of cognitive activity, voluntary attention, emotions, verbal and non-verbal communication.
The sensory room allows you to expand the life experience of children, enrich their sensory world and gain self-confidence. The presence of a soft covering of the floor and walls of the room reduces the feeling of fear in children when falling. Classes in the Sensory Room help to improve active, independent motor skills, manipulative activity, mastering the body scheme, hand-eye coordination.
The method of work in the Sensory Room is based on the gradual inclusion of sensory sensations, the individual selection of exercises for the development of sensory skills.
Steps to work in the Sensory Room:
1. The development of tactile and kinesthetic sensations, since skin-kinesthetic sensitivity is the basis for the formation of visual and auditory perception. In addition, kinesthetic sensitivity is the basis of all types of movements.
2. Development of auditory, visual, olfactory, taste sensations.
In groups, work is carried out with the simultaneous participation of children and their parents. Situations are created when the child should be on a par with the mother or even help the mother in some activity. In subsequent activities, situations are played out when children are left alone, without parents.
In group activities, communication skills are developed. However, a child’s communication is not only the ability to make contact and conduct a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, use facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one’s thoughts, as well as awareness of the characteristics of oneself and other people and take them into account in the course of communication. .
All exercises in organized activities will be useful only when the child wants to do them.
Improving the activity of the sense organs, the accumulation of ideas about the world around young children is the result of the targeted use of modern technologies for sensory development.
Thus, the use of modern technologies contributes to the sensory development of young children and improves the efficiency of developmental processes.
