Eco-leather - what kind of material is it with a photo. Properties and characteristics of eco-leather, how to distinguish from genuine leather

In recent years, a lot of synthetic materials have appeared in the world. Their main vocation is to replace natural leather whenever possible. Scientists have developed leatherette, leather substitutes, PVC. In this article we will try to find out what eco-leather is. We will also define the difference between this artificial and natural material. Interesting? Read on!

What is eco-leather

This fabric is a modern eco-material. So, what is eco-leather? Experts answer that the above matter is a high-quality artificial leather, which is comparable in its performance with natural.

Experiments on the manufacture of such material began back in 1963 in the United States. Scientists for quite a long time tried to invent an excellent quality analogue of natural leather. Their experiments ended in success. The new material, which was not inferior in quality to its original, began to bear the proud name of eco-leather.

Eco-leather production

The above matter is produced in special closed-type plants at modern enterprises of the chemical industry.

So, what is eco-leather? What does it consist of?

This artificial leather material is obtained synthetically by applying a microporous polyurethane film, which is a highly breathable material, to a woven base. The latter is made from polyester or cotton.

The quality of eco-leather depends on the thickness of the polyurethane film. The performance of the above fabric will be much higher if the "breathable" material is applied thicker. Experts note that the optimal thickness is selected depending on where it is planned to use the source material.

At the time of manufacture of eco-leather, when the layers of fabric and polypropylene are embossed, an excellent pattern comes out, such as that of genuine leather.

Features of eco-leather

The above material has several advantages:

  • the pattern is almost identical to natural leather (sometimes, in order to distinguish these two materials, you need to look inside out);
  • the manufacturing process of the above matter is less costly, environmentally much less dangerous, humane in relation to animals;
  • eco-leather fabric can be freely produced in a variety of sizes (this is especially beneficial in the manufacture of furniture, when you need a large solid piece);
  • has a low hygroscopicity, which improves the performance of finished leather products;
  • the presence of various color options (not only eco-leather white or black);
  • has excellent frost resistance, that is, it “does not tan” at sub-zero temperatures;
  • it is highly resistant to sunlight (for example, black eco-leather does not fade at all, even if it lies in the open sun);
  • has a remarkable pliability: it is cut without problems and easily sewn;
  • has good elasticity;
  • eco-leather - practical and durable matter;
  • This material has excellent abrasion resistance.
  • does not cause allergies at all.

Experts note that the above material has a stunning resemblance to genuine leather. The advantageous properties of eco-leather make it a very popular fabric.

The difference between the above material and natural leather

  1. The above materials are made from completely different raw materials: eco-leather - from polyurethane, natural leather - from the skin of an animal.
  2. Both of the above fabrics are warm to the touch. But if a person sits on products that are covered with eco-leather, his bare parts of the body will sweat less.
  3. Genuine leather can cause allergies in some people. Its artificial substitute is hypoallergenic and completely safe for any consumer.
  4. Eco-leather is very pleasant to the touch, unlike natural material, which is covered with acrylic emulsions. But if the leather has an aniline finish, then in this case an artificial substitute is inferior to it.
  5. Eco-leather has better breathability than natural material, which is covered with acrylic emulsions.

Experts note that both materials need to be well looked after and treated very carefully.

Where eco-leather is used

The above material is widely used in the following fields:

  • production of furniture covering;
  • production of bags;
  • sewing a variety of clothes (jackets, skirts, dresses, trousers, gloves) and shoes;
  • making car covers.

In addition, eco-leather is very often used as a decor for various interior elements by many designers in their collections. The combination of the above fabric with other materials allows you to create truly unique looks in a variety of options for all kinds of clothing.

How to properly care for the above material

Eco-leather, the photo of which is presented in the article, does not create any difficulties in care at all. Although it is very easy to use, you still need to remember a few simple rules that will help keep the above material in a beautiful form:

  1. It is desirable to clean this matter only with a soft cloth, which is intended for genuine leather. It can be moistened in a solution of special agents. Sometimes, if the stain is difficult to clean, experts advise wiping it with a solution of alcohol and water (taken in a ratio of 50:50).
  2. To prolong the service life of products made from the above material, they should be treated with special water-repellent agents.
  3. After cleaning this material, it must be wiped dry.
  4. In no case should you use products that contain chlorine to clean eco-leather.

Eco-leather: reviews

Consumers who use products from the above material leave only positive feedback about it. Things are worn well, look stylish for a long time, they are easy to care for. Buyers note: it is very pleasing that eco-leather does not cause allergies at all.

Leather furniture in the house is always beautiful. It emphasizes the status of the owner, looks very respectable and makes the room more comfortable. But genuine leather furniture is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. Therefore, two types of “leather-like” upholstery are presented on the furniture market: artificial leather and ecological leather (eco-leather).

Leather furniture at home or in the office has always been and is a certain indicator of status, because it is always expensive, elegant and beautiful.

Today, manufacturers offer the most diverse eco-leather, the price of which depends on production technologies.

Previously, leatherette was used in the manufacture of almost all types of products, since it is cheap and relatively durable. However, it has one significant drawback: leatherette is a fabric base on which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chemical additives are applied. In addition, it is not breathable and a sofa made of such artificial leather is unsafe for human health. Everything changed when leatherette was replaced by leather made of polyurethane with a cotton base, eco-leather.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the high cost that very few can afford furniture upholstered in genuine leather.

At the same time, in some of its characteristics, individual samples of this material are superior even to natural leather.

This is a new material, the manufacture of which uses 100% cotton, coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) without any harmful impurities. Eco-leather furniture, unlike artificial leather furniture, does not have an unpleasant odor, has excellent breathability (due to the large number of pores contained in the structure of the material itself), hygroscopicity and is absolutely hypoallergenic, so it is safe even for children. Eco-leather sofa does not get very hot in direct sunlight and does not freeze in the cold.

The most unpretentious material for upholstered furniture in care is eco-leather.

The material is durable, smooth and pleasant to the touch, so it is difficult to distinguish it from genuine leather. It does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in natural leather:

  • uneven thickness,
  • irregularity in color and texture,
  • minor flaws.

Thanks to modern technologies, eco-leather material has appeared today, which can be bought for upholstery of any furniture.

Therefore, it is worth buying it if you want to install upholstered furniture in the country, in the kitchen, in rooms where contamination is possible.

There are not many types of eco-leather on the market. The main ones are Oregon, Alba, Companion and Dollaro.

  1. Oregon: 70% cotton with high abrasion resistance. This is the most popular material among all types of ecological leather, has the best price-quality ratio and accurately reproduces the pattern of natural leather with a fine texture.

There are also varieties of Oregon: Oregon Antique (has a glossy surface) and Oregon Royal (the surface is even and shiny).

  1. Alba: also a fairly popular material that is able to perfectly pass air and steam. It is resistant to light, temperature changes, minor damage and wear.
  2. Companion: more wear-resistant and durable than Oregon, it also differs in its structure - PU film is applied on polyurethane foam with a pile fabric backing.
  3. Dollaro: very high quality eco-leather for furniture upholstery. It contains all the best qualities of eco-leather. Imitation of classic matte leather in different colors (a wide range of colors is presented: from emerald to scarlet).

Eco-leather combines the advantages of natural material - the ability to breathe, strength and durability, and the main advantage of artificial materials of the past generation - an acceptable price.

Thanks to unique technologies and innovative developments at the heart of production, these products have no analogues on the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-leather

Ecological leather upholstery, as an option to replace expensive natural and cheap leatherette, has both its pros and cons.

The pluses include

  1. High strength of the material to wear, abrasion, scratches and bends. Minor damage can easily be tightened due to the special arrangement of the polyurethane mesh cells.
  2. Environmentally friendly, absolutely hypoallergenic and safe for humans and pets.
  3. Almost indistinguishable both to the touch and visually from genuine leather, but the price of eco-leather is much lower.
  4. Good breathability and hygroscopicity due to the high pore density of the material and the breathable properties of cotton.
  5. Non-toxic and the complete absence of an unpleasant odor, which is characteristic of artificial leather.
  6. Simplicity and ease of care: to remove dirt from the surface of the eco-leather sofa, it is necessary to first wipe the stain with a wet cloth, and then quickly wipe it dry so that the dirt does not absorb.

Pleasant to the touch, it really looks like natural leather.

The surface material of eco-leather is polyurethane.

Such a number of advantages of eco-leather furniture over furniture made of artificial material is certainly impressive. But this type of upholstery has its drawbacks.

  1. This is still fake leather, although it is very close to it. So for those who want to emphasize the authenticity of the product in all respects, it is better to opt for genuine leather furniture.
  2. If there is a cat at home, then you should refrain from buying furniture made of ecological leather, since cat claws can penetrate the structure of the material so that the fabric base becomes visible, which then will not drag on.
  3. It gets dirty pretty quickly and it’s hard to remove marks from felt-tip pens, ink and gouache from its surface.
  4. Poor quality eco-leather is cold and heats up for a long time. In the cold season, such poor-quality upholstery will have to be covered with a bedspread so as not to freeze while sitting on the sofa.

So the composition of the base can include natural materials - cotton, genuine leather, or artificial polyester.

Looks very good.

Until recently, the only analogue for natural material was artificial leatherette, the external characteristics and performance properties of which left much to be desired.

How to choose the right eco-leather furniture

If all the pros and cons of this material have already been weighed and the go-ahead has been given to buy a sofa made of ecological leather, then the only problem remains in choosing it, because stores offer a huge amount of upholstered furniture of different textures and colors.

Additionally, in order to give external decorative effects or improve the properties of the material, an external coating is used, which is applied to the polyurethane surface of the eco-leather.

Not expensive compared to genuine leather.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and the reviews of other buyers about it. Indeed, in the store you can find many models at a similar or better price, which in fact will be ordinary fakes made of artificial leather, which will peel off after a year of continuous use. Since such interior items are not bought every year, you should opt for well-known stores, about which a lot of reviews have been written on the Internet.

Thanks to a special coating, eco-leather is resistant to direct sunlight, has water-repellent properties, while perfectly breathable.

The sofa looks expensive and prestigious.

Modern eco-leather has elasticity, color stability and does not crack.

This sofa would be great to have in a guest room.

Eco-leather sofas are a great inexpensive alternative to genuine leather sofas that will last for many years and will remain in the same condition as on the day of purchase.

In addition, it is the most practical and easy to care for and use material!

Increasingly, we began to meet eco-leather. Many do not immediately understand what is at stake. Confuses the prefix "eco". It seems that we are talking about some kind of environmentally friendly skin.

Maybe the animals from which it is made were grazed in exceptionally safe and unpolluted areas. Maybe no artificial materials were used in its processing. Maybe it's not bad for the atmosphere.

As you can see, there are many assumptions. But they are all wrong. Since eco-leather has absolutely nothing to do with natural leather. This is a completely man-made material. Therefore, when the desire arises to buy shoes, it is useful to know how eco-leather is different from leather. Especially if the naturalness of the material is a fundamental point.


Genuine leather is a specially processed skin of some animal. First, it is soaked in order to get rid of dirt, fats, salt. Then hair and epidermis are removed from the skin. Then comes the process of tanning and painting.

Eco-leather is a polyurethane film applied to a woven base. Since the latter is completely safe in operation, all material is called ecological. The basis is cotton fabric.


Both materials are quite comfortable to use, as they have the ability to pass air and moisture. In the skin, this is inherent in the natural origin. A cotton backing and porous top material provided similar properties to eco-leather.

However, the skin is more tolerant to various damages that occur in the process of wearing shoes. For example, unexpected scratches and defects are eliminated with the help of special tools. In eco-leather, it is almost impossible to eliminate them, since threads begin to peek out of the cuts. And if the base is also damaged, then it is very difficult to glue such material.

Temperature regime

Both the first and second material perfectly tolerate temperature changes. They miraculously demonstrate themselves in severe frosts: they do not tan, their surface does not crack or shrink.

Elasticity and strength

Leather is clearly in the lead here. Since it is able not only to take the shape of a person's foot, which increases the comfort of using shoes. She, if you let her stand and rest, returns to her original state. Of course, she herself will not be the same as in the window, but you can notice the changes by taking out the shoes that were worn last season.

In addition, genuine leather is more durable. Still, the skin of an animal is not a cotton base with a polyurethane coating.

Eco-leather is quite soft. High breathability (higher than natural leather) allows you to keep the original shape of the shoe for a long time.

Smell and allergies

Genuine leather has a specific aroma. It is by smell that many are able to distinguish this material. However, it is he who can provoke allergic reactions.

Eco-leather is absolutely hypoallergenic, since nothing stands out from it.

original form

Eco-leather is more convenient to manufacture. This is due to its perfectly flat surface and dimensions, limited only by the capabilities of the manufacturer.

And genuine leather has the form that nature gave it. Its size is limited by the parameters of the animal. In addition, traces of his life activity remain on the surface. All mechanical damage, wounds, injuries, protrusions on the body are clearly visible.


Naturally, by this parameter it is difficult to unambiguously determine what material is used in the production of shoes. However, you can try.

For example, bright, acidic shades are very difficult to obtain on natural leather. On synthetic materials, paint lays down much better, so the end result is more saturated.

Obviously, it looks very difficult distinguish genuine leather from eco-leather. Yes, and to the touch it is very problematic, since both materials heat up when touched.

Therefore, you should carefully study the sections. A woven base can only be in eco-leather.

Don't let yourself be fooled. Eco-leather does not carry anything bad, but it is unpleasant if it is passed off as natural.

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Are you familiar with the concept of eco-leather? What kind of material is it, its main differences from genuine leather, as well as the pros and cons, we will consider today with you. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates it, because they do not know about its qualities and virtues. So, let's figure out what kind of material Eco-leather is and is it genuine leather or not?

General information about the material

Genuine leather is a unique, flexible, durable and elastic material. It has been used since ancient times. People have always appreciated the protective properties of genuine leather, they made clothes, shoes, wrapped books, made bags and even made protective armor for battle.

Since many years and centuries ago, natural fabric was an expensive material, and nowadays everyone can afford it. Therefore, such an economical artificial material as eco was invented.

For the first time, eco-leather fabric was introduced by American scientists in 1963, and a year later, China introduced a similar technology to the market.

Eco-leather - what kind of leather?

Eco is a fabric consisting of two layers. The first layer is a fabric base on which a polymer is applied, after which it is dyed in the desired shade and attached. A polymer is a specific substance consisting of many organic and inorganic molecules. Eco-leather composition of polymers such as:

  • Polyethylene;
  • Protein;
  • Rubber;
  • Cellulose.

In recent years, polyurethane has been used as a covering for eco-leather. This is a very durable material that is not inferior even to metal. On its basis, soles for shoes are made, as well as tires for vehicles.

In most cases, two materials are used as the basis for eco-leather:

  • Cotton is a natural fabric.
  • Polyester is a synthetic fabric that can resemble wool or cotton in texture, depending on the type of production.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette?

Not many people know how eco-leather differs from artificial leather, since these are completely different materials. And what are the properties of these two materials.

  • Production technology. The basis of both of these materials is a fabric or synthetic fabric. However, leatherette is covered with a film coating, often polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and leatherette is covered with polyurethane.
  • Eco-leather and leatherette have low strength, in this regard, they can last no more than 1-2 years.
  • Leatherette does not allow air to pass through, while eco, on the contrary, is a breathable material.
  • Both materials do not absorb or pass moisture.
  • If we consider both options as upholstery for furniture, then leatherette is cold and unpleasant to the body, unlike the other, it is pleasant and not cold to sit on eco-leather white.
  • Leatherette is much rougher and more unpleasant to the touch than the second one.
  • Leatherette, in contact with the skin, can cause allergic reactions, unlike eco-leather.

What is the difference between leather and eco-leather?

When buying clothes or shoes, many people ask themselves the question: “What kind of leather is eco-leather and how can it be distinguished from natural?”. It is quite easy for even an inexperienced person to understand how to distinguish leather from eco-leather.

  • As mentioned earlier, eco material is made from polyurethane, while natural material is made from pre-treated animal skin.
  • If we compare these materials as furniture upholstery, then in this case, before distinguishing eco-leather from genuine leather, you should know that if you sit on natural leather, the body will start to sweat over time, on eco-leather, on the contrary, it is pleasant to sit on it.
  • In some people, natural material can cause an allergic reaction on the skin, as for synthetic material, it is hypoallergenic, thereby not causing any irritation.
  • But how to distinguish leather from eco-leather on a jacket? You should know that artificial material is much more pleasant to the touch than natural, since natural material is in most cases covered with acrylic emulsion, as a result of which the material becomes coarser.
  • Natural, unlike synthetic, has poor breathability, due to the same acrylic emulsion.
  • The disadvantage of eco-leather in comparison with genuine leather is its low strength. Natural material with proper care can last for many years, unlike the second type of matter.
  • Leather or eco-leather have a rather aesthetic appearance, and if the second material is processed correctly, it will be quite difficult to distinguish it from natural.

If you answer the question what is better leather or eco-leather? In this case, the answer will not be unambiguous, since both materials have a mass, both positive and negative qualities.

Eco-leather in the photo:

Eco-leather: pros and cons

Like any material, this one has both disadvantages and advantages that everyone should be aware of when purchasing a thing or shoes from this fabric.


  1. In appearance, eco fabric is very similar to natural and in some cases a person who is not experienced in this area may not even distinguish a fake.
  2. It perfectly passes air, and this is one of its most important advantages, since when purchasing products from this type of fabric, a person wants to feel comfortable and convenient.
  3. It is pleasant and soft to the touch.
  4. It is non-allergenic, so it is recommended to wear it to people suffering from various types of allergic reactions.
  5. What does eco-leather mean - it is an environmentally friendly material.
  6. This artificial material is often used to make bags and shoes, not to mention clothing. Since the fabric base allows you to realize a wide variety of design solutions, which cannot be said about natural material, which is rougher in its texture.


  1. Not as strong frost resistance as, for example, natural leather.
  2. Increased wear. With regular washing, the fabric begins to deteriorate and cracks appear on it. It is easily torn and damaged.
  3. In case of accidental damage, the lower part of the fabric, namely the cotton base, will be harmful.
  4. Another disadvantage is prestige. By purchasing products made of genuine leather, people feel more prestigious, which cannot be said about eco-leather. However, in recent years, eco-leather has been in great demand among all the world's famous fashion designers, therefore, based on this, it is difficult to call it a minus, but the opinions of all people are different.

Eco-leather care or how to clean eco-leather?

Not many people know how to clean eco-leather and how to care for it. Eco-leather is a very whimsical material and, as consumer reviews have shown, it is quite difficult to care for it. In no case should you wash this material, since as a result of washing, and we melt more in the machine, creases or even worse cracks may appear on the fabric.

If a stain appears on the surface, then you can remove it with a regular damp cloth. If the dirt is not removed in this way, then washing is possible at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees exclusively by hand.

When washing, it is not recommended to use washing powders, in this situation it is better to give preference to washing gels or soap. Heavily soiled garments should preferably be dry-cleaned, which will not harm them as much as washing in a drum machine.

Home furniture upholstered in eco-leather does not tolerate scratches from animal nails, as this will cause it to lose its appearance and, as a result, it will need to be replaced. Therefore, if there are pets in the house, then the first thing to do before buying this kind of furniture is to think carefully about what material is better to choose for this.

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The production of artificial leather is absolutely justified, because it saves the lives of innocent animals. The most perfect example of materials of this kind is eco-leather. What properties does it have, and how does eco-leather differ from artificial leather of other varieties? This is discussed below.

What do the materials look like?

The above-mentioned products are used for the manufacture of things for various purposes: upholstery for home furniture, car covers, clothing, as well as accessories in the form of handbags and wallets. An example of using eco-leather:

Eco-leather cases

And this product is made of fake leather of a different grade:

Leatherette jacket


The materials discussed are united by one characteristic - water resistance. They consist of a base, often fabric, and a polymer coating. This top layer determines the difference between eco-leather and artificial leather of other samples.

Eco-leather has a polyurethane film on the outside, which has a microporous structure. Therefore, such material "breathes". Other non-natural analogues have a coating that air does not pass through. In many cases it is polyvinyl chloride.

Ecological leather (expanded name) is so called because it does not contain components harmful to health. Polyurethane that does not emit toxins is safe for the environment. Produced things in this case do not have a sharp, unpleasant odor. In turn, there are some undesirable additives in the rest of the leather substitutes. They improve certain product properties.

However, despite the impurities, ordinary artificial leather has disadvantages, and significant ones. First of all, she's pretty rough. The contact of such material with open areas of the body is not very pleasant. This artificial leather does not tolerate stretching, and even without such an impact, it wears out relatively quickly. The coating begins to crack, fall off in pieces, untidy islands appear on the product.

Meanwhile, real eco-leather is elastic and retains its integrity for a long time. She feels warm. In addition, unlike other analogues, this material does not tan in the cold and does not become brittle from low temperatures. What is the difference between eco-leather and artificial leather of any other kind? The fact that it is closest to the product of natural origin, although it is cheaper compared to it.
