How to determine if you are pregnant at home. How to detect pregnancy using soda

Every woman interested in this question wants to find an answer to it as soon as possible. And everyone has their own reasons for this: some wait with trepidation and hope for even the slightest hint of pregnancy, while others are shocked by the mere thought or suspicion of it. Fortunately for both, there are many ways to find out if you are pregnant and confirm your guesses. The most reliable, fast and quite reliable of them is. They are easy to use, inexpensive, available in every pharmacy and simply amaze with their variety: electronic, interactive and the simplest test strips.

How to accurately determine pregnancy without a test?

If you don’t have the test with you, but want to find out as early as possible, start measuring your basal temperature (during pregnancy it exceeds 37 degrees for about two weeks and beyond). This method is even more reliable than testing, so you can even start with it. The main thing is to carry out measurements correctly so that the results are as reliable as possible. And also keep in mind that the method of measuring basal temperature may only be valid for women with a regular menstrual cycle and good reproductive health (if there are no inflammatory and chronic processes in the pelvic organs).

More precisely, the question of whether you are pregnant or not can be answered by a gynecologist after an examination in a gynecological chair. And they are unlikely to make a mistake (especially in the early stages) - clinical methods for diagnosing pregnancy: a blood test for hCG and ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor.

How to determine pregnancy at home without a test

However, what to do when neither a pharmacy, nor a test, much less a gynecologist (there is no need to talk about a laboratory) is at hand? To do this, take a closer look at yourself, at all the changes occurring in the body (if any). The first signs of pregnancy - and signs of pregnancy in the first month - will help you find the answer to the exciting question on your own at home: does life exist inside you? Among the earliest, pregnant women with experience and doctors name a feeling of malaise, fatigue, drowsiness, a cold-like state, increased urination, minor pain in the lower abdomen, increased vaginal discharge, engorgement of the mammary glands and increased breast sensitivity, changes in taste preferences and even the nature of stool (may constipation or diarrhea will begin). Just keep in mind that all these are only indirect symptoms and should not be taken as a final verdict. Many of these signs may accompany some painful conditions or be a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

And finally. If you observe absolutely no signs of pregnancy, and it is not possible to check using any of the methods mentioned, but you still suspect that fertilization has occurred, you can try your grandmother’s old methods. To do this, you may need simple improvised means, which are almost always found in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet in any home, and sometimes you can determine pregnancy without a test without any special devices or substances at all:

  • Method 1: you need to lie on your back on a flat surface, relax and, placing your finger on the navel (and according to some sources, 7-8 centimeters below its level), feel if there is a pulse. If you feel a pulsation inside your navel, then you are pregnant, and, accordingly, if you don’t feel anything, then you are not.
  • Method 2: Collect the urine according to all the rules in a clean vessel and carefully drop iodine onto its surface. If the drop lingers for some time, the test should be taken as positive, and if there is no pregnancy, the iodine will immediately dissolve in the urine.
  • Method 3: soak a piece of paper in your own urine and drop a drop of the same iodine onto the sheet - and analyze the result. A change in color to blue indicates the absence of pregnancy, and the test should be considered positive if the color changes to lilac or purple.
  • Method 4: prepare a “cocktail” from your own urine and natural wine. Thank God, you won’t need to drink it, but you will have to consider the reaction. If the final product of your experiment is cloudy or curdled, then you are unlikely to be pregnant. Otherwise, the mixture of urine and wine remains clear. If you consider such a “test” to be a perversion, then you simply don’t know what else you can do to determine pregnancy at home without a test! Get ready...
  • Method 5: cook the previously collected urine according to all the rules, bringing it to a boil. Then pour it into a transparent container and take a closer look. During pregnancy, a flaky sediment forms in it after this, and in the absence of pregnancy, the urine will remain light and transparent. Naturally, there is no guarantee that the resulting flakes are not the protein present in the urine. But in general, none of the described methods can be considered reliable.

Whether you believe such popular diagnostics or not is up to you to decide. But you can check it out - it’s at least funny.

The question of how to determine pregnancy without a test interests many girls. Sometimes it happens that there is no opportunity to use a rapid test or undergo an ultrasound examination. There are several effective methods on how to check whether pregnancy has occurred or not without such strips.

Sometimes women, due to various circumstances, do not have the opportunity to check whether a child has been conceived or not. It is quite possible to establish pregnancy without a test, but such methods do not guarantee a 100 percent result. But at the same time, they will certainly help you draw a final conclusion and make a decision about a visit to the doctor.

Checking without a basal temperature test

One of the most common ways to determine conception without a test. By basal temperature I mean the temperature measured in the anus. It is believed that if the basal temperature remains at 37-37.5°C for 2-3 weeks, then you can think about pregnancy.

The most accurate results are considered to be cyclically obtained data. So, it is recommended for a woman to keep a calendar on which she will mark her basal temperature.

Rectal temperature is measured in the morning, while the woman has not yet gotten out of bed. Moreover, it is recommended to take measurements every day at the same time.

The method of measuring BT involves maintaining a calendar for several months. This is the only way to track the dynamics of changes in rectal temperature and compare it with the onset of ovulation and menstruation.

Before ovulation and after fertilization, BT will increase by 1-1.2°C.

Early signs of conception

How else can you determine pregnancy without a test? During conception and in the early stages of bearing a child, global changes occur in a woman’s body, which may be accompanied by some symptoms.

Some women notice these changes and can recognize pregnancy symptoms, while others do not feel them.

The first signs of conception include:

  • decreased sexual desire due to the body's production of progesterone;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • tingling pain in the uterine area;
  • breast swelling and increased sensitivity;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of mucous, colorless vaginal discharge;
  • change in gastronomic preferences;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • constant desire to sleep.

The symptoms described above have some similarities with the signs of PMS, and some of them can occur during poisoning. So how can a hedgehog determine that the changes and symptoms that are occurring indicate pregnancy?

First of all, doctors recommend keeping a calendar on which the menstrual cycle will be noted. This makes it easier to determine the fertile phase and, accordingly, will become a kind of hint that the changes occurring in the body certainly do not foreshadow ovulation.

Traditional methods of early pregnancy testing

Traditional methods are an unconventional option for how to test for pregnancy at home. And, despite the fact that he does not give a 100% guarantee, they are still capable of showing that some changes are taking place in a woman’s body.

Home methods for determining the onset of pregnancy were used several decades, and even centuries, ago. And, relying on reviews, some of them showed a positive result, which was soon confirmed during the examination.

So, how did successful conception used to be determined without tests?

Iodine test

Important! The editors do not consider this method confirmed by scientific experiments, therefore they present it for informational purposes only!

One of the most common popular pregnancy tests. This method is as follows: urine is collected in a container, it can be a clean glass or jar, and a few drops of iodine are dropped into the biomaterial.

How to understand that a woman is pregnant? If the iodine drops completely dissolved and spread in the urine, then conception did not take place. When the iodine drop continues to float on the surface of the urine in the form of a small spot, then the likelihood that pregnancy has occurred is very high.

The accuracy of the iodine test will be higher if you adhere to several unspoken rules:

  1. It is better to take urine in the morning.
  2. Before collecting biomaterial, you must wash yourself without using any products.
  3. It is advisable to drip iodine using a pipette.

There is also a second option for a pregnancy test using iodine. To do this, you need to take a small strip of paper, dip it in urine and drop a drop of iodine on it. If the color of the drop changes to purple or blue, then conception is possible.

Using soda

This method of determining pregnancy without an express test works on the following principle: after conception, changes in the chemical composition and acid-base balance occur in urine. And if you add a little soda to a container with urine, then if pregnancy occurs, it will settle to the bottom in the form of a white sediment. If a woman is not pregnant, then when soda is added to urine, a chemical reaction will begin, accompanied by hissing and bubbling.

The only drawback of this method is the reaction to existing kidney infections, diarrhea and an excess of vegetables in a woman’s diet. In such cases, soda will also settle to the bottom of the urine container.

Potassium permangantsovka

Another option is to check whether conception has taken place or not. The test is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, we need to get a solution with potassium permanganate. It should be light pink in color. To do this, fill a clean jar or any other container with warm water and dilute the manganese until the required shade is obtained.
  2. After this, urine is added to the resulting solution. If it becomes a little lighter, or acquires a pale yellow tint, then the pregnancy has not taken place. When the solution has not changed its color, and a sediment appears in the form of flakes, then the probability of conceiving a child is very high.

Bottom line

Summarizing all of the above, let's summarize:

  1. It is indeed possible to establish an existing pregnancy without a test at home, you just need to know proven methods. But you need to understand that home pregnancy tests do not give a 100% result, so you should not rely on them entirely.
  2. The results of home tests are influenced by the woman's health status. So, taking into account that all methods are based on the use of urine, it is necessary to take into account that the presence of any diseases of the genitourinary system can distort the result of the procedure.

Have you or someone you know ever done similar tests? If so, did the obtained result coincide with reality? Share your experiences and opinions with us and our readers by leaving comments at the end of the post.

Pregnancy is perhaps exactly the condition that every woman awaits with trepidation. It’s simply amazing when you know and feel how a little person, or, but already loved and desired, is growing inside.

For many, this is such a long-awaited moment that, almost immediately after conception, they begin to listen to the behavior of their body in order to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in time.

But it is unlikely that such a condition can be recognized literally in the first days.

It should take at least a week for early signs to appear.

But even in this case, this will not be a 100% guarantee of a positive result. Only a gynecologist can give a more accurate answer after a delay in menstruation, and not earlier than 4-5 weeks, as a result of a full examination.

There are several signs by which pregnancy can be determined.

They are divided into:

  1. doubtful, i.e. not giving any guarantee, but taking place,
  2. probable, which the doctor takes into account,
  3. reliable, confirmed by diagnostics.

Symptoms of pregnancy are characterized by a combination of certain physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body.

Often, for many, even in the early stages, you can see the first signs that conception has occurred.

Questionable signs

  1. Sudden mood swings. Nervousness. Irritability. Even before the delay of menstruation, hormonal changes begin to occur in the female body, becoming the cause of this condition. The girl perfectly understands and is aware of her actions, but is unable to control them. Sometimes there are outbursts of rage that are in many ways superior to those during PMS.
  2. Nausea. The phenomenon is referred to as early toxicosis, the degree of its manifestation is quite different. Nausea can be pronounced, i.e. with vomiting, disgust, fainting, or may pass as if feeling unwell with slight dizziness. Basically, this symptom is observed at the same period of time, most often in the morning.
  3. Breast augmentation. It usually appears in late pregnancy, but there are exceptional cases when swelling of the mammary glands becomes noticeable literally after 1-2 weeks. Often such symptoms can occur if a woman has given birth before.
  4. Increased craving for salty foods. It’s worth noting right away that not everyone can become the owner of this trait. This addiction is explained by the fact that during changes in a woman’s body, the usual perception of food is disrupted. So, it begins to be fresh and under-salted, leading to an additional need for a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is pickled cucumbers or tomatoes that seem to be the most suitable saviors at such a moment.
  5. Special perception of smells. During pregnancy, as mentioned earlier, hormonal changes occur, during which some smells can attract, while others, previously so beloved and alluring, cause complete disgust. This also applies to food preferences.
  6. Microflora of the internal genital organs. Some women with the onset of pregnancy, almost in the first days, experience abundant flaky white discharge from the vagina.
  7. Drowsiness and fatigue. It is in the early stages that problems with sleep often begin: lack of sleep or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness. A feeling of fatigue and apathy sets in very quickly.
  8. Increased appetite. The body begins to expend quite a large amount of energy and, in order to restore strength, it sends a signal to the brain about the necessary saturation.
  9. Frequent urination.
  10. Swelling. An optional occurrence. But in some cases, unusual, previously uncharacteristic swelling of the arms and legs is observed.
  11. And finally, delay of menstruation. The most obvious sign of the above. But, it is valid only if the menstrual cycle is constant and no delays occur.

Intuitive pregnancy

These symptoms are optional or, as they are also called, specific, because in the first days pregnancy is quite difficult to determine.

In the early stages, the fertilized egg slowly but moves through the fallopian tubes. The embryo is the size of a pea, which will attach to the walls of the uterus only after a week.

Therefore, pregnancy itself can only be felt on an intuitive level.

And not all young girls are able to do this at such an early stage.

Another way to help your intuition is by measuring your basal temperature. As a result of conception, it rises and remains at 37°. Even after the second week of conception, nagging pain in the lower back and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen sometimes occur.

As a result of a delay in menstruation, the sensitivity and some soreness of the breast may increase, in some cases with the release of colostrum when pressed. But all these symptoms are not accurate, because... The female body is quite complex and individual, often subject to the actions of hormones.

"False" pregnancy

Due to certain circumstances, it happens: a woman wants a child with such desire that sometimes she comes up with these symptoms and believes in them fully.

The reason for this condition is mainly psychological. This is due to long and unsuccessful attempts, or an increased desire to bring the magical phenomenon closer.

Therefore, often the first, supposedly appearing symptoms are passed off as real.

Dangerous symptoms

Immediately after the delay, you should carefully listen to your body. Any changes that raise doubts or suspicions of an unfavorable outcome must be checked.

So, in the first period there may be obvious symptoms of pregnancy, only ectopic, which is very dangerous for the woman’s health. They are characterized by acute and severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes.

In this case, you urgently need to consult a doctor for a full diagnosis.

It happens that after a delay, with a regular menstrual cycle, obvious signs of the onset of menstruation appear, and the most serious consequences can occur even in the first weeks, creating a threat of termination of pregnancy.

An ambulance must be called immediately so that it is possible to provide timely medical assistance to save the fetus.

In order not to confuse them with regular periods: such bleeding does not have to be profuse, but can be accompanied by either severe or unusual nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Reliable signs

If you look at all these signs together, you can confidently conclude: the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages are very similar to a cold.

Therefore, in the first days of conception, it is quite difficult to determine most accurately whether a woman is in an interesting position. But how can you find out about conception even before your period is missed, in the early stages?

  • A blood test for hCG can help with this.

It shows results already in the first 10 days, because... this hormone begins to be produced only after the embryo has fixed on the wall of the uterus.

  • After some time after the delay, test strips may be a more reliable method.

Today they are so improved: some of them can show results with a small level

Is it possible and, if so, how can I find out if I’m pregnant or not without a test before the delay? What methods are there for this? They really are. Accurate - with the help of analyses. And not accurate - subjective. These are the sensations of women, some slightly painful sensations, the absence of signs characteristic of the imminent onset of menstruation. Let's look at how to understand that you are pregnant without a pregnancy test in more detail.


This hormone begins to be produced after implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus or other organ (during an ectopic pregnancy). You can determine pregnancy without a test using this test as early as 5-6 days before the expected start (or delay) of menstruation. This is the case with a regular menstrual cycle. Sometimes this test can be false negative. If ovulation was late. That is, it turns out that the analysis was done a little ahead of time. When hCG has not yet begun to be produced.
This analysis can be done for a fee (cost 350-500 rubles) in any paid laboratory or clinical laboratory of clinics. The result is provided within 1-2 days.


Usually in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, if there was ovulation, the woman’s mammary glands swell, slightly increase in size and become painful. You can find out that you are pregnant without tests by the fact that after the start of a missed period or on the eve of its start, the breasts continue to remain tense and painful. The fact is that before the onset of menstruation, 1-2 days before, the hormone progesterone, which also affects the mammary glands, drops sharply. And the chest returns to normal. During pregnancy, progesterone remains high and even increases. This means that my chest continues to hurt.

However, this is still a subjective sign. Some women report that their breasts were quite calm in the first trimester.

Basal temperature

Progesterone begins to decrease shortly before the onset of menstruation, and if conception has not occurred, the basal temperature will be less than 37 degrees. If pregnancy occurs, then 37-37.5. However, modern doctors do not seriously consider basal temperature, not as a sign of pregnancy, nor as a diagnosis of gynecological diseases. Since very often there are irregularities in measurements, and not all women have basal temperature that is informative.


Some women regularly feel the cervix on their own. It is believed that during pregnancy it is closed, dense and deviated posteriorly. But doctors do not recommend conducting such experiments. After all, you can easily get hurt or get an infection. And if everything were so easy, then doctors would be able to diagnose pregnancy during an examination even before the start of a missed period. But no. This means that the method is not only potentially hazardous to health, but also uninformative.


How can you find out if you are pregnant or not at home without an early pregnancy test based on how you feel? Many expectant mothers experience the following signs at the beginning of the first trimester.

1. Frequent urination. Because of the hormone progesterone. This is especially noticeable at night. If a woman previously did not get up to go to the toilet during a night’s sleep, now she can do this 2 or 3 times. But this normal condition for a pregnant woman must be distinguished from the pathological one - cystitis. With this disease, urination is not only frequent, but also painful.

2. Low blood pressure. And as a result of this, fatigue, fatigue, poor health, low performance. A cup of tea or coffee helps you recover.

3. Nausea. In some women, toxicosis begins even before the onset of delayed menstruation. Of course it won't be painful. But it is quite possible to wake up at night from nausea a few days after egg implantation.

4. Pain in the lower abdomen, uterine tone. If there is no threat of miscarriage, then the stomach should be calm. This is true for almost all expectant mothers. But on the eve of the start of menstruation, the tummy, on the contrary, begins to ache. Shooting pains may appear in the anus area.

Bloody issues

They can be about a week before the expected start date of menstruation. Indicates implantation bleeding. However, when such discharge is abundant, it is most likely a sign of gynecological pathology. And if spotting appeared 2-3 days before the critical days, then this most likely indicates their onset rather than pregnancy.

From grandmothers

There are also ways to find out that you are pregnant using soda and iodine, although its information content is very low. Doctors don’t even want to hear about such children’s experiments. But if you are interested, here are the instructions.

1. You need to add iodine to your urine. If it remains in the form of a spot, you are pregnant.
2. Add 5 grams of soda to the container with urine. If bubbles appear, the result is negative. If the soda precipitates, the result is positive. Apparently, the author of this technique was somehow guided by the acidity of urine.

These are the ways to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. There are women who literally immediately notice changes in their bodies. Usually these are those who are planning a child. If the pregnancy is unplanned, and the woman herself is not very organized and does not monitor the regularity of menstruation, then an interesting situation may go unnoticed for a long time.

A woman may suspect pregnancy based on her own feelings. Pregnancy is a special state of the female body, and during this period many changes occur, both physical and psychological. In order to determine pregnancy without a test at home, a woman should simply observe her body.

Home tests

If you suspect pregnancy, you can buy a special test. And 3-5 minutes after it is carried out, the final result will be available. A home pregnancy test is based on detecting the hormone hCG in the urine. In a pregnant woman, the concentration of this hormone is very high, and, accordingly, the reagent on the test strip reacts with it. With a high concentration of hCG, 2 stripes appear.

How at home? If it is impossible to buy a test at the moment, then you should conduct other tests without leaving your home. This is due to chemical reactions of certain elements that are present in urine.

Basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature is a long-known way to determine pregnancy at home. It is measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth. It is better to measure it in the rectum (rectal temperature), as this gives the most accurate readings.

Regular measurements will help a woman determine when ovulation or pregnancy has occurred. During ovulation, it is 37.2-37.5 C. This is due to hormonal changes.

Such indicators for a woman last about a week, and then decrease to normal 36.4-36.8 C. The decrease occurs several days before the start of menstruation.

If, during the cycle, 2-3 days before menstruation, the temperature remains at the same level, that is, does not decrease, this means that the woman is pregnant. And then if there is a delay and an increased basal temperature, there is a very high probability that conception has occurred.

But, it is important to note that all people are individual, and in order to determine pregnancy in this way, you need to know exactly your basal temperature.

Therefore, this method is more suitable for those who have been monitoring this indicator for at least 2 months. And also if the menstrual cycle is regular.

Symptoms and signs

The main sign of pregnancy for any woman is a delay in menstruation. Of course, this is only appropriate if the cycle is regular.

If bleeding does not start at the appointed time, then there is a high probability that the woman is pregnant.

In order to determine early pregnancy at home, you should feel the pulse in your stomach. You need to place your fingers below the navel a few centimeters (7-8 cm).

The direction of the hand is downwards with the pads of the fingers. In this case, a uniform pulsation will be felt. This can be explained by the fact that blood supply to the pelvis improves.

How to determine pregnancy at home? If a woman suspects that she is pregnant, then first of all you should pay attention to the signals of your body:
