How to restore old mascara. How to dilute dried mascara

Mascara can dry out at the most inopportune moment. Moreover, this annoying nuisance can happen to her long before the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the drying of this cosmetic product. However, you can try to return it to its previous consistency.

Before diluting mascara, remember that the substance with which you are going to do this must meet two criteria:

  • be safe for the eyes;
  • do not cause allergic reactions and irritations.

6 actual ways

So, what to do if the mascara is dry? We suggest using one of the following methods.

  1. Water. If paraffin is present in the product, dip the tube for 10-15 minutes in a container of warm water, and then shake well. After such manipulation, the ink will acquire its original qualities. If you need to revive dried mascara that does not contain paraffin, add a few drops of distilled water directly into the bottle and shake well. It is important to remember that water can cause the development of pathogenic microflora.. That is why you can dilute mascara with it only if you are not prone to allergies. Also keep in mind that the more water you add to the mascara, the faster it will lose its consistency and become unusable.
  2. Eye drops . Drop 2-3 drops of "Vizin" or other means to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes into a tube with dried mascara. Unlike the option with water, drops will not provoke allergies. They can also help dilute waterproof mascara.
  3. Liquid for storing contact lenses. The contact lens solution has properties similar to eye drops and does not cause allergic reactions. Important! Care should be taken when using lens storage liquid and eye drops for mascara resuscitation. Such drugs have quite serious side effects. And to conduct a sensitivity test in front of the eyes, alas, is not possible.
  4. Strong tea . Yes, yes, tea! Brew strong black tea, sweeten it well and stir. Add a few drops to the tube, and also dip the pre-washed brush to apply the product into the container with tea.
  5. Eye make-up remover. It is important to use a product that does not contain alcohol. It is better if it is a product of the same manufacturer as the mascara.
  6. Peach kernel, jojoba or almond oils also help to dilute the mascara if it is dry. One or two drops of oil added to the tube will return it to its original consistency.

You can also mix dried mascara with fresh mascara. Some manufacturers offer replacement tubes without a brush.

Before you make a choice how to dilute mascara, you can resort to a little trick. Traditionally, the tube has a kind of stopper. This is a small ring on the neck, which is installed to remove excess product from the brush. Remove it and mix the contents of the tube. After a day, the tool can be used again.

What can't be used

It is strictly forbidden to reanimate mascara in the following ways. They will not help restore the previous qualities and consistency, but they can also cause significant harm to eye health.

  • Saliva . As you know, human saliva contains a large number of bacteria. By moistening the brush with saliva and dipping it into the tube, you run the risk of provoking the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which can cause allergies.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Experts categorically prohibit the use of peroxide to dilute any cosmetics for the eyes. You can get a serious burn of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Alcohol-based lotions. When looking for something to dilute dried mascara, you should also avoid using alcohol-based lotions. By adding a few drops to the bottle, you will restore the consistency of the product, but you can no longer paint it, as this can provoke irritation and allergies.
  • Vegetable oil. Adding oil will cause the carcass to roll into lumps and make it unusable.
  • Alcohol . Do not use cognac, perfume or cologne to dilute any eye makeup. This will not help restore the consistency, but can cause irritation, burns and inflammation of the mucosa.

Is it worth it to breed dried mascara

After three months, after the opening of a new carcass, it is not suitable. Moreover, the period does not depend on whether you dyed your eyelashes daily or used cosmetics only “on holidays”. If you do not want to risk the health and beauty of your eyes, do not wonder how to restore mascara, but buy a new one.

Which of the ways to restore the carcass would you prefer, first of all, think about your health. If after the expiration date the mascara has dried up, you know what to do - get rid of it without regret!

Mascara is an integral part of makeup, gives expressiveness to the look. Even the ancient Egyptians came up with the idea of ​​applying a coloring composition to the eyelashes, but then they thought more not about beauty, but about saving the soul from evil spirits. The Egyptians believed that the eyes were the gates for evil spirits. Modern ink appeared in the middle of the 19th century, but was popularized in the 20s of the last century thanks to cinema. With the advent of mascara in tubes, women faced a problem - what to do if the mascara dried up?

The sealed mascara has a shelf life of one year. So much it is stored in the store, without use. Cosmetics may have an expiration date instead of a manufacturing date.
From the moment the lid is unscrewed, its shelf life is three months, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. Manufacturers' recommendations - use cosmetics for no more than 1.5 months. It is dangerous to neglect this.

The composition of the dry hard carcass includes artificial waxes, mineral oil, petrolatum (a mixture of soft paraffin with petroleum oil), isopropyl myristate (colorless oil), dyes and pigments. This mascara has an impeccable reputation and is now rarely seen on sale. Initially produced in dry form and for use it must be dissolved in water.

To release liquid ink in tubes, water or a special solvent is used. The content of water or hydrocarbon solvent in it is not less than 55%. When you open the tube, the water evaporates over time, so dried mascara is not uncommon. Also, mascara can thicken over time - you will find 3 ways to deal with this.

  • Loosely screwed tube
  • Pouring lumps of ink on the threads of the tube, which again leads to loose screwing;
  • Rare use of brasmatic
  • Incorrect store storage
  • Poor quality cosmetics

The main reason for the mascara to dry in the tube is the ingress of a large amount of air into it. Do not try to shake the mascara with a brush!

The brush should enter the inside of the tube in a smooth, circular motion to prevent too much air from getting in.

Top 5 Ways to Repair Dried Mascara

To understand how to dilute mascara, it is advisable to know the reasons for its drying and composition. Different manufacturers have different mascara textures. It usually consists of 50% purified water, oils, waxes, dyes and fragrances. When it dries out, most often water escapes. Sometimes the wax or oil dries out. Based on the composition of the carcass, you can understand how it is best to dilute it.

Dried mascara can be diluted in different ways, even with a spit. But will it be right? There are five main ways to safely restore a carcass.

Distilled water or mineral table water

A few drops of warm purified water can be used to soften dried-on water-based cosmetics. In emergency cases, boiled or distilled water can be used.

Do not use tap water. Chlorine is used to disinfect water, which is very irritating to the eyes. After diluting with water, store the tube in the refrigerator.

Eye drops

Oftagel, Vizin, Sofradex are made on the basis of water for injection and sedatives that relieve inflammation and swelling.

A few eye drops are applied to the brush, the tube is twisted and after a few minutes the cosmetics can be used.

Strong black tea

A few drops of freshly brewed tea will restore consistency without altering properties or harming the eyes. Tea has a beneficial effect on the eyes. With a decoction of tea, the eyes are washed with inflammation and suppuration.

Makeup remover

Refilling the tube with an alcohol-free or oil-free product will help bring back the desired thickness if the eyes are very sensitive or irritated.

Salt-based contact lens storage solution

Similar in composition to lacrimal fluid. In addition to water, the product contains disinfectants that destroy microorganisms and hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for moisturizing the lenses. But the composition includes substances such as soap, cleaning the lens of dirt. Therefore, a few drops of such a remedy is an emergency, but the best dilution option.

Duraline cosmetic product

Recently, a new cosmetic product from INGLOT - Duraline - has appeared on sale. It is an anhydrous transparent liquid containing a silicone polymer. The tool is intended for breeding and fixing dry shadows, blush, dry pigments, eyeliners and mascara.

While all mascara thinners are harmless, interactions with cosmetic ingredients are unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the restored mascara carefully. At the first sign of skin or eye irritation, use should be discontinued.

The composition of waterproof cosmetics is dominated by waxes, which cannot be dissolved with water. Most cosmetic manufacturers produce special thinners that are similar in composition to mascara and perfectly restore it. At home, you can try two methods.

  1. Warming up in hot water. Dip the tightly closed tube into hot water for 2-3 minutes. Paraffin or wax, which is part of cosmetics, will warm up under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Makeup remover. Specially formulated mascara removers that are alcohol-free or oil-free will help dissolve thick build-up.


Poor-quality cosmetics can be recognized by several signs.

  • Heterogeneous composition
  • Bad smell
  • Instability on the skin
  • Changed consistency

Mascara is stored at room temperature, away from the rays of the hot sun or humid air in the bathroom. If a certain brand of mascara always dries out before the expiration date, this indicates a poor quality product.

Do not dilute cosmetics with the following products

  • Hydrogen peroxide, which can cause eye burns
  • Alcohol-containing substances, they strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the eye
  • Vegetable oils, mascara sticks together and becomes unsuitable for application

Remember! It is better to use cheap, but fresh cosmetics, than expensive, but already expired. No one will use missing food for food and wear faded clothes. Cosmetics do not change their appearance after the expiration date. But it changes its composition, it ceases to be safe. Manufacturers take care of their customers, indicating the terms of use. It remains to take care of themselves and use high-quality and safe cosmetics.

Mascara is one of the most essential tools for everyday makeup. With its help, the eyelashes become longer and thicker, and the look is more expressive. But, like any product, over time it loses its original properties, dries out, and it is impossible to use it. If the mascara has dried up, and there is no extra money or time to buy a new one, then you can try one of the ways to restore it at home.

Causes of drying

Before reanimating the mascara, you should understand the reason why it dried up. It could be:

  • Expired or nearly expired. The average life of eyelash products is three months, no matter how often you use it. By the end of this period, it ends and dries up, in which case it is useless to use any restorative methods, and it is better to simply throw away such a remedy so as not to harm your eyes.
  • Failure to comply with storage conditions also contributes to a reduction in the service life. If the tube was periodically exposed to direct sunlight, near hot objects (for example, stoves or batteries), or, conversely, was at too low temperatures, it is not surprising that the original properties of its contents have changed.

  • Incorrect use. The component that additionally contributes to drying is air. You should not pull the brush out of the tube with sharp movements, jerks, and also do not put it back, no matter how much time is left before the exit. The brush should be carefully unscrewed and also carefully screwed into the bottle, thereby minimizing the amount of oxygen entering inside. Also, do not forget to close the bottle tightly and do not leave the mascara open for a long time, otherwise it will dry out very quickly.
  • Poor neck shape. Before buying a product, carefully look at the diameter of the hole for the brush - the narrower it is, the less air will enter the tube and, therefore, the longer it will last.

Previously, there was a theory in everyday life, according to which, if you remove the mascara limiter from the tube, then it will last longer. This legend has nothing to do with reality for several reasons. Firstly, having released the bottle from the limiter, it will be difficult to use the mascara, since the excess amount on the brush will need to be manually removed with a napkin. Secondly, the absence of a narrow limiter will lead to an increase in the amount of air penetrating into the tube, which, on the contrary, will lead to an even faster drying of the product.

In what cases can dried ink be reanimated?

If the reason for the drying of the carcass is not the expiration date, then it is quite possible to try to return it to its original properties and dilute it. After all, the reason for drying lies in the evaporation of moisture, and therefore, in order to save the carcass, they are trying to restore this moisture. It should be noted that the methods below are intended mainly for single use and if the mascara dries again after one of the restoration methods, then there is nothing more to do with it, except to throw it away and buy a new one.

Effective ways to recover at home

There are several ways to restore dry or old mascara. Before using any of the solvents, it should be remembered that it must be non-allergic and clean so as not to harm the eyes.

Before embarking on restorative procedures, carefully study the composition of the carcass, since it depends on which method is suitable. Depending on the composition, the agent may be:

  1. Based on paraffin or wax. In such a case, the best way is to use hot water as a medium to heat the tube.
  2. Water based. Here are safe ways that can restore water balance: distilled water, soothing eye drops, lens fluid, make-up remover, hot tea.
  3. Waterproof mascaras. They cannot be restored with water, as this contradicts the very name of the remedy. For products of this type, heating, adding a remover for waterproof cosmetics will help.

Let's take a closer look at these methods:

Hot water

Water is the very first dilution agent that comes to mind. As you know, it is a universal solvent, therefore, by adding a couple of drops to the tube (it is better to do this with a pipette so as not to overdo it with the amount of water), closing it tightly and shaking it well, you can achieve a good effect. But it is worth remembering the nuances associated with its use:

  • this method is contraindicated for waterproof and alcohol-based mascara due to their special composition;
  • plain water contains many bacteria, which can adversely affect the condition of the eyes. Therefore, it will be better to use distilled water;
  • when diluted with water, the consistency of the product is likely to be heterogeneous, with lumps, and applying it can be uncomfortable;
  • water evaporates pretty quickly and soon the mascara may become even thicker than it was, then it will definitely have to be replaced;
  • shortly after applying plain boiled water, the carcass may develop an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of swamp mud.

Before adding water, study the composition of the mascara on the bottle. If paraffin is present in it, then it will not be difficult to revive it - just place the tube in hot water for a few minutes - the paraffin will melt, and the mascara will again be suitable for use.

Eye drops

Eye drops are one of the safest methods for the eyes, as their composition is specially designed for contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. It is necessary to distinguish between the purpose of a drop - drugs or hormones are often added to the therapeutic composition, so they should not be used. And moisturizers, for example, Vizin or Artificial Tear, can perfectly renew the dry composition and will not harm the eyes and skin around them even after long contact. Carefully look at the expiration date of a drop after opening the package - for some companies it is no more than two weeks.

Lens fluid

Lens fluid, as well as drops, is one of the safest means with which you can not worry about the effect that a diluted product will have on your eyes. Just carefully study its composition - new brands can add cleansers or lubricating components, they can harm the skin and eyelashes. Its only drawback is that it is not available in every home, but only in those who, accordingly, use contact lenses, so this method is not available to everyone.

Strong tea

No matter how strange it may sound, strong tea can refresh old mascara, and besides, unlike the same liquid for lenses, it is available to everyone. Just add a couple of drops with a pipette to the bottle or dip the mascara wand into the tea itself (previously rinsing it well), then close the tube tightly and shake. The main thing in this method is to use only natural black leaf tea, without the addition of flavorings and other chemicals, since it is not known how this will affect the eyes. And in no case do not add sugar - this is a solution that is favorable for the multiplication of many types of bacteria and, in addition, it will glue the eyelashes.

Eau de toilette or perfume

Favorite perfumes can also act as a reducing agent if they are made on an alcohol-free basis, since alcohol will have a very bad effect on the condition of the eyes and can lead to burns. Spray 1-2 times into the tube and shake well. Apply the resulting mascara carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin around the eyes, and do not keep it on the eyelashes for more than three to four hours.

Castor, almond or burdock oil

Safe way to dilute: add a drop of castor, almond, burdock and some other oils. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the consistency will become viscous, and the mascara will leave marks on the eyelids and under the eyes.

Eye makeup remover

Eye makeup remover is also a good option for mascara that has become too thick. You can use different types - cream, tonic, milk, it is only desirable that the mascara and the product have the same manufacturer, and that there is no alcohol in the composition, of course. This method has several advantages - it will not harm the eyes, it will extend the life of the mascara up to several weeks, and it is suitable even for waterproof mascara.

Milk or facial cleanser

Facial cleansing milk or cream, as well as eye makeup remover, can effectively bring mascara back to life. Here you can give some advice: choose a product that does not cause allergies and does not contain alcohol, and do not overdo it with the amount so as not to get too liquid product.

Please note that mascara can only be diluted in one of the above ways, they cannot be combined - for example, by applying lens liquid on one day, adding eye makeup remover on the other, and black sweet tea on the third. And, if possible, you should not breed it more than once - it is better to buy a new one.

When applying any restorative agent, it is very important not to overdo it with the dosage - most often, the reason that the mascara has irrevocably deteriorated is the addition of too much water or an eye drop.

It is also important to remember that for various reasons, it is possible that none of the above methods will help bring mascara back to life. It depends both on its composition and on the characteristics of storage and use. In this case, you just have to throw it away without regret - she served as much as she could.

Alcohol-based products are good solvents, but in this case it is absolutely impossible to use them - they will lead to allergies, irritation, redness of the eyes and other problems. It will also negatively affect the eyelashes - will lead to increased loss.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is the most dangerous carcass thinner and should never be used. If it gets into the eyes, it can cause severe burns, inflammation of the eye ducts, and even lead to a decrease in vision.

Vegetable oil

The consistency of the oil will cause the mascara to clump and become unusable. In addition, the oil will stick the eyelashes together, and the mascara will flow, and you still won’t be able to make up your eyes beautifully.

How to extend the service life?

Sooner or later, any cosmetic product ends, and mascara is no exception. To use its capabilities to the maximum and not throw it away ahead of time, you need to know some simple secrets that can extend the life of your favorite product:

  1. When picking up mascara on a brush, you should not drive it back and forth in a bottle, otherwise, excess air will enter inside, which will lead to early drying.
  2. Open and close the tube carefully, twisting and twisting movements, in a spiral - this will also protect against air ingress.
  3. After staining the eyelashes, close the package tightly. Also monitor the condition of the neck: over time, carcass residues accumulate on it, which can interfere with tight closure - they can be easily removed with a cotton swab.
  4. Observe storage conditions. Do not leave it in the open sun and near very hot objects, protect it from sudden changes in temperature in winter. The optimum temperature is from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius.
  5. Check the condition of the brush. Periodically, dust or dried particles of carcass may collect on it, so it must be washed.
  6. If you pry off the ring to remove the remnants of the carcass on the neck, then you can also find a certain amount of funds there, which can be very helpful in an emergency.

Many girls know that at any, the most unexpected moment, mascara can dry out. Therefore, many people often think about what to do if such a situation arises, because often mascara can dry out before its expiration date, which means it will not last the specified time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this, but you can try to return the liquid consistency of the mascara.

Methods that tell you what to do if your mascara is dry

Before restoring mascara in a bottle, you need to check that the product used for this has two important characteristics:

  1. Eye safety.
  2. Hypoallergenic (it should not provoke irritation).

There are six effective methods applied if the mascara has dried up. What to do and use in this situation:

In addition to unusual ways to reanimate dried carcasses, you can use a small amount of fresh carcass for this. There are companies that produce cosmetics, supply tubes of spare parts to stores. Ink from them can easily be placed in an old case.

Before deciding what to do if your mascara has dried up, you need to use a little trick. Almost all mascara cases are equipped with a limiter - a small short tube in the neck of the tube. It is placed to remove excess mascara from the brush.

The limiter must be removed and the accumulated mass under it mixed. After a day, the mascara will acquire a homogeneous structure, and it can be used further.

Products not suitable for thinning mascara

There are several ways that are absolutely not suitable for resuscitation of dried mascara, but not all girls know about it. In addition to the fact that they are not able to restore its lost qualities and structure, these drugs can cause serious damage to the health of the eyes.

Do you already know the best cosmetics for women Libriderm?

Substances that can not be used to restore the carcass:

It is important to know! Three months after opening the package, the mascara becomes unusable.

The shelf life of a cosmetic product does not depend on the frequency of use, since harmful microorganisms still begin to multiply in the paint.

Therefore, in order not to risk the beauty and health of the eyes in cases where the expiration date has already expired, you do not need to think about what to do if the mascara has dried up. It's safer to buy a new tube.

Whatever method of diluting the mascara is chosen, when the expiration date has expired and the mascara has dried up, it must be thrown away.

The question of how to dilute mascara if it is dry becomes especially relevant when urgent makeup is needed. Even more common is an unfortunate accident when the mascara is new and has a long shelf life, but in fact, after opening, it is too thick and dried up. What should I do if my mascara is dry? How to dilute it without harm to health?

If the mascara dries up in a new, unopened tube, it can be returned to the store. And it does not matter that the package is opened and is not subject to further use. The product is defective, so it must be replaced. It's another matter if you need to give your eyes charm immediately, momentarily. Improvised means will come to the rescue.

Safe ways to "revive" mascara

The source of life is water. But in order to revive your favorite cosmetic, you will need more than just tap liquid, as it contains a lot of heavy elements, harmful chlorine and, possibly, bacteria. It is better to use boiled water, which should be cooled first. The best option is to take distilled water. If the mascara has thickened a little, one drop of water will be enough, you can measure it with a pipette. In case of a strong change in the properties of the product, you will have to remove the “spill-proof” from the tube and add up to 5 drops of water. After that, the “fuse” is inserted into place and the tube is intensively turned over and rolled in the palms. You can't shake her! This will cause the product to separate or create a lot of bubbles, which in turn will make the mascara application uneven.

The water dilution method only works with regular mascara. If you have a waterproof representative, then you will not be able to restore it with a simple liquid. The fact is that, in addition to the usual “fatty” ingredients such as paraffin, wax and essential oils, it usually contains silicones. It is their task to create an indelible, water-repellent protective layer, and it is they who will not allow ordinary water to dilute mascara. Waterproof mascara can only be diluted with a product containing a “solvent” for it. These special products include a waterproof eye makeup remover. A couple of drops in a tube will be able to cope with the task, but it is important that the remedy is hypoallergenic.

The way to quickly restore dried up mascara is to heat the tube. If in the process of applying makeup you realize that the mascara is crumbling, uneven or stretches excessively - in general, it is inconvenient and unpleasant to use it, take a glass of boiling water and immerse a tightly closed tube of mascara into it. After 10-20 seconds, boiling water will do its job: paraffin and silicones will acquire a liquid consistency, and the mascara will be applied easily, like new. But this option has several nuances. Firstly, strong heating of the plastic tube will cause the particles that make up its composition to be in the carcass components. At the same time, prolonged heating at 60°C will not solve the problem in full. Secondly, the method is effective only as an emergency. After cooling, the mascara will return to its original state, and it will have to be diluted again.

Options to consider wisely

The alternative to dilute dried mascara with eye drops isn't the safest, but it's not terrible either. All preparations of this series are produced in sterile packaging, so the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the tube is practically excluded. But it should be understood that drugs have a number of side effects, and it is not a fact that they will not harm. Some of them increase eye pressure, some constrict blood vessels (Vizin), some leave a white coating after drying, so you can use pharmacy products only if you are sure of them. Extreme caution should be taken with available and seemingly safe albucid. It is an antimicrobial agent with bacteriostatic properties. It pinches very strongly, getting into the eyes, penetrates into the bloodstream, and with frequent unreasonable use, it loses its effectiveness against microorganisms.

Moisturizing eye drops, such as those used with contact lenses, are a great option. They may contain hyaluronic acid, which will have a positive effect on eyelash growth.

What not to do if the mascara is dry

Under no circumstances do not use the old grandmother's secrets - "spitting". From a medical point of view, saliva is an excellent antiseptic. But only in theory this anatomical fluid is so safe, in practice it contains a lot of microbes and pathogens of unpleasant diseases. And given that almost 50% of people have certain problems with their teeth and oral mucosa, then their transfer to the eyelids and conjunctiva is simply ensured. Even if nothing happens the first time, the evil bacteria will develop in the tube and do their job.

If you decide to prolong the life of your mascara with contact lens solution, then this is a very bad idea. Almost all modern solutions contain enzymes - enzymes that dissolve protein deposits on lenses. And what will they do with your eyelashes with prolonged application?

If the mascara is dry, do not add oils or paraffin to it. The first do not freeze even when frozen, so the paint diluted in this way will drain from the eyelashes. Paraffin, on the contrary, very quickly turns into a thick mass and prevents even application of the composition.

It should be understood that any resuscitation work on mascara is a temporary help. It won't be possible to revive it forever. Moreover, frequent dilution with foreign substances, included or not included in the composition, will lead to a change in the original formula. The result of this will be completely different properties of the product, and the ink will begin to crumble, imprint, it will no longer “hold water”.

Therefore, if possible, it is much more effective and safer to abandon the use of dried mascara and buy a new one. After all, you definitely deserve it!
