What nickname to give a dachshund: the name matters. How to choose a beautiful name for a baby dachshund

Choosing a nickname for a dog, the owners pay attention to a variety of factors. It can be, for example, the habits of a puppy, its appearance or addictions. Dachshund is one of the most popular breeds. These animals are small, but very self-sufficient and proud. Therefore, they should choose their nickname as carefully as possible. There are many dog ​​names suitable for puppies of this breed. Further in the article, we will figure out which nicknames are most suitable for dachshund boys and how to choose them correctly.

The best names

The dachshund breed belongs to the group of burrows. It was bred specifically to drive small wild animals. It is on this factor that you should focus in the first place, choosing nicknames. For the dachshund breed (or rather, for its representatives), as for an unusually inquisitive, lively and active, hunting names are very suitable.

The main features of such dog names are sonority, brevity and simplicity. After all, the success of any hunt depends, among other things, on the speed of the dog's reaction to the orders and call of the owner. There are a variety of short and capacious Dachshunds (Russian names for such puppies are chosen, by the way, very often) - the breed is small. And therefore, its representatives are usually called, for example:

  • Fox;
  • Dodger;
  • cunning;
  • rogue;
  • Lucky.

Of course, it is not necessary to give your nimble pet a Russian hunting nickname. You can come up with a foreign original name for him from this series. Very good, for example, such hunting nicknames for dachshund boys as Buzzy, Antonio, Colt, Rich or Ashley are suitable.

How to choose a name based on the appearance of the dog

A hunting nickname can suit a dachshund very well. But such dog names are usually only liked by men. If the dog belongs to a woman or a girl, it is better for him to choose a name, focusing on his exterior.

Finding a dachshund in appearance will be completely easy. After all, the physique of puppies of this breed is very unusual. Just great for dachshund boys, for example, playful names such as Hotdog, Lanky or Shorty are suitable. You can also think about choosing a puppy and a foreign nickname indicating his small stature. For example, such dogs are often called Lengsy (long) or Pudge (short).

Short-legged, of course, is not the only characteristic feature of this breed. Often the names for such dogs are chosen, focusing on the color of the coat. Very brown for a dachshund boy, for example, it is Brown, Porter (dark beer), Tan, Peanut or Amber. A black puppy can be given a beautiful name Black.

Today, many dog ​​breeders keep dachshunds not only in traditional colors. There are representatives of this breed white, spotted and even striped. The names Domino or Ditto are perfect for such dogs. Pockmarked in this case is also a very suitable nickname for a dachshund boy. The black-and-red classic color, however, is found in dogs of this breed, of course, most often. For such a dog, a nickname like Tan is perfect.

Choosing a name based on personality

Without exception, all dachshunds are purposeful, courageous and even a little stubborn animals. Therefore, such names as the Brave, the Bandit, the Devil, etc. are very well suited for them. You can give the dachshund boy and some sports nickname. It is worth considering, for example, naming your pet Poker, Spartak or Boxer.

Individual character traits are also what people often pay attention to when choosing nicknames for the dachshund breed. The boy can be called, for example, Sly or Trick. Names such as Nimble (nimble), Quick (quick) or Caning (quirky) are also good for these dogs.

What other nicknames are

Any dog ​​is not only a hunting companion or a tireless watchman. This is also a true friend, and in most cases even a family member. If the puppy is kept in an apartment, and not in a suburban area, you can think about choosing for him and some kind of home “warm” name. For example, Minion, Maly, Shnyr or Dyundik are very good nicknames for dog boys. Dachshunds are cute animals, such names harmonize well with their appearance. You can even pick up some unusual modern nickname for a dog of this breed, for example, Google, iPhone or Chip.

Most Common Names

Many owners of dachshund boys prefer not to bother with a nickname for their pet and simply give him one of the most popular. Such a decision can also be quite successful. The most common dachshund names are Jerry, Black, Fart, Tim, Zeus, Poof, Dale, and Max. But when choosing a popular nickname for a dog, it should be borne in mind that when walking, other people's pets of this breed may also begin to respond to it.

How to come up with a name yourself: the basic rule

All the above nicknames for dachshund boys fit just fine. However, it is possible that the owners of such dogs, guided by the recommendations given in the article, will want to come up with some other, completely original name for their pet. When choosing a nickname for a dog, in this case one very important factor should be taken into account.

Dachshunds, like all animals, are very susceptible to sound vibrations. Therefore, the chosen name must necessarily be harmonious and pleasing to the ear. Experienced zoopsychologists believe that the nickname given to the puppy will definitely affect its character in the future. Therefore, in the event that the owners want to see an obedient kind dog in the house, it is worth giving it, for example, the name Minion or Small. The dachshund boy, named, for example, Earl or Lord, will behave accordingly in the future - proudly and rather imposingly. And the point here, rather, is not in the puppy itself, but in the subconscious attitude of its owners towards it.

The nickname for a dachshund boy should be selected with a sufficiently sharp and clear sound. In the future, this will help, including in the upbringing of a pet. Animal psychologists have noticed that dogs respond best to sounds such as "sh", "h", "s" and "k". Also, nicknames ending in vowels are very suitable for dogs. For example, such as Valko, Berry, etc. Giving dachshunds names that begin with a vowel is acceptable, but undesirable. It is noticed that dogs respond less willingly to such nicknames.

The name chosen for the dachshund boy should not have more than two syllables. Of course, a thoroughbred dog can also be given a long official nickname. But in this case, you should still think about choosing a name that can be shortened as much as possible for use at home.

Experienced cynologists highly advise against giving dogs, including dachshund boys, human names. Indeed, in this case, you can even get into an awkward situation. If the owner of a puppy bearing, for example, the names of Kolya and Vasya, calls him on the street, one of the passers-by may also respond to the call.

You should also not choose nicknames for dachshund boys that look like any team. This can also lead to misunderstanding. The fact is that dogs are not very good at distinguishing similar sounds. And so they can respond to the name as a command. An example is the nickname Seth, similar to the word "no".

It is highly undesirable to give a new puppy the same name that was previously living in the family, but a deceased or missing pet. Such a nickname already, by definition, carries a negative charge. It is better to come up with your own unique name for the dog. If the dachshund was taken from friends or relatives and she already has a nickname, it should not be changed in any case. After all, the dog will already experience stress, getting used to new conditions. Changing her nickname will make her even more nervous.

When coming up with a name for your pet, it is worth considering that in the future it will be pronounced in public places. Perhaps some intimate nickname important for this particular family will sound good at home, but in the conditions of, for example, a veterinary clinic, it may turn out to be completely inappropriate.

What are the names of champions

Some owners of dachshund boys give them the nicknames of the best representatives of the breed. This can also be considered a very good solution. It is worth thinking, for example, about naming your pet:

  1. Boomerang. This is the name of the dachshund that won the title of world champion at an exhibition held in April 2004 in Brazil.
  2. Baskerville. This nickname belongs to the Dachshund, who became the champion of Russia in 2003.
  3. Factorial. That was the name of the male who earned the title of world champion in 1995.

Also "champion" are the names of dachshunds Don Juan, Venator, Paradox, Amaretto, Amphitrion.

Instead of a conclusion

In our time, the dachshund is considered, of course, not a hunting dog, but mostly a decorative dog. However, despite the small size of the representatives of this breed, giving them frivolous or stupid names, of course, is not worth it. It is necessary to choose euphonious, memorable and interesting Dachshund - an unusually cute, active and devoted animal. Therefore, her name should be beautiful, accurate and surrounded by an exceptionally positive aura.

The smallest of the hunting dogs. But she, like her big brothers, is smart, passionate, noble, devoted. In addition, this baby is distinguished by intelligence, playfulness, and some stubbornness. Despite the traits characteristic of the entire breed, for each dog there are individual character traits, including those that depend from the floor. Help to highlight them nicknames for dachshunds, suitable for your four-legged friend.

Sometimes it's hard to decide what how to name a dachshund girl or a boy. I want the name to be beautiful, sonorous, and at the same time suitable for a cheerful and inquisitive baby. We bring to your attention a few recommendations on what it makes sense to pay attention to, determining whether how to name a dachshund dog .

Appearance. The extraordinary appearance and features of the breed often reflect some character traits. AND change for dachshunds, selected in accordance with them, emphasize their unusualness.

In addition, it is known that a long-haired beauty with soft hair is more accommodating, good-natured. Excellent name for dachshund girl in this case, Adela, Vesta. Wirehaired boy - reserved representative of the breed Lord or Earl will do.

Interesting nicknames for dachshunds can be matched by coat color, for example, Amber or Brown.

Character. Dogs of this breed have a pronounced personality. Choosing names for dachshunds, focused on her, it is worth emphasizing the best qualities of your pet. Zoopsychologists assure that the nickname will further affect the character. For example, such name for dachshund boy, as a Baron, will contribute to the manifestation of qualities corresponding to the title - pride and aristocracy.

Habits and Habits. The hunting dog is characterized by excitement, intelligence and curiosity. The hunting spirit can be reflected in the name of the pet, . Good nicknames for dogs boys dachshunds in this version - Colt, Fox, Bagheera.

Sounds. It is believed that the dog best perceives the first syllable of the nickname. So it's good to names for dachshunds were short and sonorous, for example, containing "R" or the letter combination "J": Bruno, Jud. Nicknames for dachshund girls in this case it could be Rada or Gypsy.

Making a decision how to name a dachshund remember that it is not recommended to give nicknames that begin with a vowel: pets respond less readily to them.

Good to have chosen nicknames for dachshunds was understandable: do not call them by names similar to commands or like people, as the dog can be confused and less responsive. It is also important that they are easy to pronounce. Indistinct, each time a new pronunciation, for example, Radegunda, will also confuse the dog.

If you really want to give a noble long nickname, you can indulge in this pleasure and make it official. But at the same time, make homework easier. For example, such nicknames for dachshund boy , like Antoine or Antony in the passport, may well be reduced to Tony in everyday life.

A name from mythology or literature is especially suitable for a proud thoroughbred dog. Tur, Perseus, Mars, Tristan and others are both harmonious and bright, and will subtly emphasize the special qualities of your pet. Nicknames for dogs girls dachshunds with that choice, it could be Flora, Terry.

Choosing what to call a dachshund boy or a girl , remember that a dog of this breed is a very loving, proud and intelligent four-legged friend. Therefore, the nickname should be a match for her. Respect your pet, and in return you will receive no less love and devotion.

When a cute Dachshund puppy appears in your house, the first thing you will have to do is come up with a name for the baby. How best to name a new family member and what nicknames for Dachshunds will best reflect their character - you will find out right now!

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Name Variations

Dachshunds often get names based on their appearance. And the exterior of the dogs is special: a long body, large ears, short legs - they are not like any other breed. And experienced breeders of Dachshunds and those who took such a baby for the first time can opt for such nicknames as Long (long), Straight (straight), Lengsy - names that emphasize the "lankyness" of dogs.

However, appearance is often not the main thing - character can be much more eloquent. Most Dachshunds have such distinctive character traits as courage, curiosity, activity, affection for the owner, some come across quite aggressive kids. All this can be reflected in the pet's nickname and choose one of these: Sly (cunning), Quick (fast), Nimble (nimble), Cunning, Trick. I remember my neighbor's Dachshund, the boy's name was Topik, because, according to the owner, the kid stomped quite loudly. This is such a cute feature of a particular dog and can form the basis of a nickname for her.

According to pedigree

Dachshund is almost always a thoroughbred dog, and therefore the cliques of Bug or Bobik are hardly considered for her. If you buy a breeding animal in a kennel club, then most likely you will get a named pet. Another thing is that the name required by the pedigree is often long and tricky, so you can’t do without a home nickname. According to the rules, all puppies of the same litter will have to have a nickname starting with the same letter.

In this case, the nickname will have to have a prefix indicating the "producers" of the puppy and consisting of a maximum of 15 characters, and the name itself.

All together - the name and prefix should be no more than 40 characters with spaces. In the same cattery, names can be repeated only after 30 years.

Therefore, when buying a thoroughbred puppy, you can also trace the pet's pedigree to at least the third generation.

By color

The color of the Dachshund is an important characteristic for a dog. There are babies of a rich black color, there are with tan, and there are funny mushrooms with a color of different saturation. The black dachshund can be called Black, Coal, Brunet; black with red tan - Tan. For brown dogs, the nicknames Porter, Amber, Tan, Choco, Bronze, Brown are suitable. For those whose fur coat is also brown, but lighter, you can consider the following options: Peanuts, Champagne, Milagro.

The nature

We have already suggested several names for Dachshunds, depending on their nature. For most of us, the Dachshund is an excellent hunter, playful naughty and a real guard, even despite its modest dimensions. Therefore, for such “serious” characteristics and names, it is advised to choose more serious ones, almost like for large dogs. For example, such: Theodore, Jeffrey, Gray, Milan, Count.

However, some Dachshund boys are very calm and friendly companions, not striving to realize their hunting instinct. For them, the names are chosen softer: Pete, Denis, Dale, Max, Chip, Poof, Tim, Fred. But Dachshunds girls, according to owners, are almost all more affectionate than the strong half of the breed. Therefore, they are called very kindly: Bunny, Weasel, Paw, Button, or Josie, Veta, Vicki.

Popular nicknames

The most common nickname for Dachshunds, which fully reflects the nature of this pet, is the nickname Dexter.

In principle, Dachshund can fit almost any name. They do not advise overly cute names suitable for other small breeds, because after all, this is a hunter. And, on the contrary, polar strict - after all, the hunter is too small. Popular names for Taxi are: Max, Charlie, Toby, Cooper, Booster, Tucker, Teddy, Oscar, Baxter. For girls, these are Emma, ​​Lucy, Molly, Sophie, Lady, Stella.

funny names

From time to time, Dachshunds get funny names. For the most part, they get them for their longevity. It is highly likely that the owner will want to give the pet a playful name if the dog has an interesting anatomical feature. For example, too long a body, too big ears or disproportionately short legs. In this case, we can meet a Dachshund named Dagger, Shorty, Hot Dog or Macaroni.

Not only appearance, but also character can be emphasized by a humorous nickname. Umnik, Artist, Kisel, Idol, General, Dodger, Gopher, Freud and even Polygraph Poligrafovich - what inventive dog lovers can't come up with!

Names from mythology and literature

And here, too, there is plenty to choose from. As you know, people attributed their unique qualities to each mythical creature. So if your dog also has them, you can borrow the "divine" name. Apollo, Ares, Achilles, Bacchus, Veles, Hymen, Dionysus, Loki, Mars, Perseus, Sylvanus, Phoenix - all these are names from mythology.

Also, given the German origins of the Dachshunds, you can look to German and Celtic legends. And, of course, do not disregard literature, including German: Hildebrant, Georg, Albrecht, Tristan, Walter - tricky, but original!

List of names

Some more naming options to help you name your dog are shown in the table below.

LetterName for a girlName for a boy
AAdele, AgathaAlfie, Antonio
BBelle, BabyBuzzy, Brooks
INVivien, VestaWillie, wind
GGreta, GerdaHenry, Harry
DDaphne, DeborahJem, Danny
WZito, ZadorMarshmallow
I, YYvonIriska, Irma
TOCooper, KramerKira, Kandy
LLinda, LucyLucky, Luke
MMartha, MollyMike, Martin
HNora, NaiadNorton, Neville
ABOUTOphelia, OrchidOliver, Oscar
PPetsy, PixiePaul, Patrick
RRosie, RosemaryRandy, Rich
WITHCindy, SarahSimon, Slick
TTina, TraceyTwister, Terrell
AtUlinaWilber, Winston
FfionaFalcon, Frank
CCeri, TzaraTsar
HChappie, CherieChamp, Charles
W, WShelby, SugaSherlock, Elton
EElsaAndy, Eston
YUUtah, YumaJulius, Juventus
IJava, YasminJanis

Video "What name did Dachshund get?"

The video in which the Dachshund puppy got his name is offered at the end of our article! We hope that now your dog will find a nickname for life!

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A well-chosen nickname is one that fully reflects the personality of your pet.

The nickname of a dog is scientifically called a “zoonym”.

Like people, dogs have their own destiny, and the nickname is its mirror. Therefore, you have a serious choice.

Dogs are able to perceive a range of sounds, just like humans, but they also recognize higher sounds that are inaccessible to human hearing. If you choose the right nickname, then the pet will hear, even if you do not raise your voice.

Each dog has its own characteristics, it depends on the breed. At birth and up to two weeks, the puppy does not hear anything. Every day, hearing becomes sensitive, and after a month the puppy distinguishes between voiced and vowel sounds of human speech.

Already an adult dog perceives all sounds. Some words are easy to understand, while others are harder. It depends on the stress and construction of words.

Important! When choosing a nickname, try to correctly use a combination of voiced sounds and consonants.

A big mistake is the choice of a nickname from several words or a complex one. As practice shows, many owners reduce the zooname to 4-3 letters. For example, Mariella becomes Marie in life, and Archibald becomes Archie.

Advice! The nickname is given to the pet for life, and you do not need to name it in honor of relatives or heroes of famous films. Remember, fashion and emotions change, but the nickname remains.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a nickname?

belongs to the category of smart, swift, kind, responsive dogs, who, in all situations and in spite of everything, remain devoted to their masters. Therefore, in gratitude, it is worth choosing names for them that will be beautiful and harmonious.

What is the correct name? To do this, there are generally accepted norms that will help you deal with this issue. The first step is to focus on the nature and appearance of the pet.

Since you have a purebred pet, do not call him Bobik, Sharik, Druzhok or Bug. It is better to choose a sonorous short nickname, which will consist of no more than two syllables. As scientific studies have shown, dogs pick up only the first sounds. Do not call the dog by obscure nicknames for auditory perception. If you decide to name a zoonym of foreign origin, then be sure to find out how it is translated. Keep your sense of humor in mind and don't overdo it. Name it so that you are not ashamed to call your pet later in public places.

Also refrain from human names.

If your pet has a peculiar appearance, then you should not focus on this. If your pet is lame, then you should not call him Chromuley. It is better to choose a zoonym that will emphasize its inner beauty and character.

If you have an active pet, then it is better to use voiced consonants in his zoonym, for example: “z”, “g”, “j”, “dz”.

Do not call a threatening or intimidating zoonym, after all, the title of an aggressive dog was already attached to the dachshund.

Consider 5 basic rules when choosing a nickname for your pet.

  1. Pronunciation. Very often, cynologists note the moment that the character of the dog is influenced by the letter set in the zoonym. If there are hard letters, then the dog will be tougher in character. To some extent they are right. Let's compare two nicknames - Dir and Vlas. When pronouncing the first, a certain rigidity is felt, and when the second is pronounced, tenderness and affection.
  2. Character. Each dog has its own heredity and upbringing, so watch your pet for several weeks before choosing a zoonym. After all, it would be wrong to call an affectionate and gentle puppy, for example, Thunderstorm. If you notice the seriousness, perseverance and severity behind your dog, then it is better to choose a serious name. And if you notice that at the sight of strangers your dog is afraid and hides for you, then it is better to choose a softer nickname.
  3. We call it by looks. For example, you can name by the color of wool: white - Snow White or White (from English White is translated as white); black - Night or Black (from English Black translates as black); white and black - Charlie; brown - Bark. If there are any interesting spots on the body, then you can focus on this.

What names are suitable for a dachshund - a girl and a boy?

The nickname for the Dachshund dog breed is selected in such a way that it helps display his courage, strength, perseverance, devotion and appearance.

It is with this criterion that many nicknames. For example, you can call: Gray, Earl, Tyson, Cupid, Zeus, Amethyst, Roy, Pete, Archie, Dany, Chuck and Bucks.

Attention! When choosing a name, focus on the nobility and aristocracy of your puppy's family. Despite their simplicity, dachshunds are quite brave and bold.

Dachshund bitch is distinguished by kindness, tenderness and affection, Therefore, it is worth choosing beautiful, homely nicknames. Name the puppy after the heroine of the book or the actress, because they are quite plastic and artistic. You can call them, for example, Agatha, Gina, Josie, Adele, Mink, Della, Martha, Shelley, Kira, Linda, Tina, Yuza.

Russian nicknames

Russian nicknames are suitable for absolutely everyone. Such zoonyms are suitable for small, large, thoroughbred, mongrels, hereditary "nobles" and exotic breeds.

To some extent, Russian nicknames are considered universal.

With the help of melodious sounds, emphasize the various qualities of the pet. Old names with their own meaning and energy are suitable. So, name your pet Bayan, Bogolep, Boris, Branibor, Valdai, Vlas, Gleb, Martyn, Udaly, Lut and Yar.

For the smart ones: Rus, Daniel, Mind, Stavr, Holy, Trezor.

Among the comic nicknames for dogs, as an option: Vanka, Kolka, Parsley, Shurka, Tolya, Romka.

Among Russian nicknames, it should be noted: Miracle, Humor, Peace, Lai, Wind, Howl, Beetle, Cupcake.

For a bitch, you can choose old nicknames, after all, the Russian language is incredibly beautiful, and the old name in the name sounds like a fabulous spell.

Among the Russians one can note, for example: Zlata, Dolyana, Lelya, Mlada, Joy and Joy.

Larger puppies can be called Vlasta, Bogdana, Darina, Yarina, Rada and Gordeya.

Comic zoonyms include: Valka, Mashka, Dunka, Zhenya, Vaska and Alka.

According to individual characteristics, a puppy can be called: Butterfly, Squirrel, Wax, Witch, Freckle, Fork, Button, Bug, Sloth, Umka, Seagull, Gypsy, Berry.

Known Kindred

In the XIV-XVI centuries, dachshunds were bred to participate in Catholic ceremonies. This breed was popular with generals, nobles and kings.

Napoleon was considered an avid lover of dachshunds. Napoleon's love for such a breed was observed from childhood. And after their death, he was very worried. He did not take them into battle with him, because he did not imagine that at least one of his favorites would fall into enemy captivity. Before his death, he ordered that the pets be buried next to him after death. So they did. The most famous pets were the long-haired dachshund Grenville and red Fauzetta.

Also, A.P. Chekhov was strongly attached to such a breed. He always claimed that they were crooked and unprepossessing, but at the same time quite smart and quick-witted.

In 1972, the Weidi Dachshund became the first Olympic mascot. She was given her own cry and she became the only pet among the Olympic mascots.

In 2014, Winnie the dog was cloned. It was the first time in history. Thus, scientists have proved that love is stronger than death.

The famous artist and sculptor also could not resist the charm of the breed. Dogs were present at the writing of the most famous paintings.

How to come up with a name for your pet yourself?

It is important that the pet's zoonym is positive and has an attractive sound. So the dog's life will be more fun.

If you want the dog to be individual, then choose your own nickname. For example, make a name by the first letters of family members.

You can let the dog choose his own name. Choose a dozen interesting names and put in front of him, let him choose

The size, color and character of your dog are secondary points when choosing a zoonym. The main thing is to keep it short and clear. It should not be difficult for you to pronounce it, and the pet should be easy to perceive. Cynologists say that you should not change the zoonym with an affectionate variation. If you named the puppy Tim, then you do not need to call Timka, Timosha, etc. The puppy should get used to one nickname.

Don't be afraid - choosing the right nickname is not as difficult as it seems. Sometimes, only at the first meeting with a puppy, a nickname already suggests itself.

First of all, you, of course, decide to come up with a name for him, because this is not only necessary, but also an exciting activity. Sometimes you want to “stand out from the crowd”, compose something original or, on the contrary, simple, but there is not a single idea in your head. We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting nicknames for dogs. Now it will be easier for you to decide how to name a dachshund a girl or a boy.

What should be considered when choosing a name?

Many people think that choosing a nickname for a dog is a simple matter. It is enough to decide which word, combination of syllables or the name of something you like best and that's it - it's done. But in fact, choosing a name is a very responsible process.

How to choose the right nickname for a puppy?

Nicknames for dachshund boys

A wonderful puppy has appeared in your house - a short-haired, long-haired or wire-haired taxi driver. Let's say you decide to opt for a boy. Maybe because males don't have heat, or maybe you just like male dogs more. How to call this long, but still small creature - a dachshund boy?

There are many names that are suitable for a male of this breed. There are enough options - from those that directly indicate the character and appearance of the dog, to those that have complex meanings and are completely independent of the breed. The puppy can be called Black, Lucky, Myth, Ted, Ray, Bass, Rich and many other names. Let's take a closer look at the nicknames that matter.

Deciphering the values

  • German is a great name for dachshunds. The breed was bred in the country of the Germans, and therefore the nickname formed from the name "Germany" would be a good option for a dog.
  • The nickname "Golden", which means "golden" in translation, should not be worn by dogs of only a red color. After all, you can understand the name and as a character trait of the animal.
  • The nickname "John" is derived from the Hebrew name John, which translates as "Gift of God." It is possible that your puppy is the very gift of fate that you dreamed about. Also, do not forget that "whatever you call a ship, so it will float." That is why the dachshund boy may well bear this name, which will leave a certain imprint on his character.
  • Jul - translates as "treasure". Of course, why not call the dachshund that way, because one day it became a very dear creature to you.
  • The fox is a cunning animal that lives in a hole. A dachshund is a burrowing hunting dog. Why not call her Fox, especially if she is red?
  • Milan is an Italian city. And Italians are a hot nation, however, like dachshunds.
  • Everyone associates an Oscar with a film award, something beautiful, spectacular and memorable. You can call a dachshund boy with this nickname. From ancient Germanic, the name translates as "god" or "spear".
  • Glad, Radik - a derivative of the word "joy". Indeed, how not to experience positive emotions when a dachshund lives in your house!
  • The lion is the king of animals, but Rex is the king of dogs. The simplest and most famous nickname for an animal. It is derived from the Latin word meaning "king".
  • Hut, Hart is translated from English as "heart". Many say that the dog settled right in their soul, captured their hearts. So it’s quite possible for a dachshund to bear such a sincere and warm name.

Nicknames for dachshund girls

A dachshund girl can also pick up a completely worthy nickname, which will have a certain meaning.

Deciphering the values

  • "Ada" was born from a Hebrew word meaning "decoration". Dachshund girl may well decorate not only your life, but also you. People, especially of the opposite sex, are often attracted to small dogs.
  • Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and therefore it is believed that dogs with this name will be leaders, because they are “first”. It is quite suitable for small active dachshunds who certainly do not want to be the last ones anywhere.
  • “Gloria – in Russian it means “glory” – there is such a line in a poem by the Russian poet Boris Slutsky. It is quite possible that this nickname will bring luck to the dachshund at exhibitions.
  • The name "Jessica" is translated from the Hebrew language as "God is watching." Dachshund is a very attentive breed of dog, nothing can be hidden from her gaze, as well as from the gaze of creatures, if their existence is allowed. A dog bearing this name will be the most attentive.
  • Nessie is the name of the Loch Ness monster, which, according to legend, lives in the lake of the same name in Scotland. It has a long neck and an elongated body, so the name is perfect for dachshund sausages.
  • Elbe is the name of a river flowing in Poland. Did you already get the hint? The long body of dachshunds and the long river - they have something in common.
  • Unita, Yuna - a word derived from the English "consent, unity." If you call a dachshund girl by this name, then she will be a very obedient pet.

Perhaps your baby will tell you his name?

Do not get hung up only on nicknames - famous names or famous names. It is quite possible that it will be enough just to watch the pet, and a sonorous and beautiful name for the dog will be born by itself.

Look at the appearance of the dog. The Dachshund is a short-legged, squat dog with a long body. These characteristics can be taken as the basis for the idea for a nickname. Long, which means "long", Straight - "straight", Pudge - "short". These and other names are the best suited for dachshunds.

Also, do not forget about the color of the dog. Black (black), Red (red), Pyatnash (for spotted dogs), Bronze, Coffee and so on - they all characterize the shade of the coat.

Let's take into account temperament

Also, when choosing names for dachshunds, you can focus on the character and temperament of animals. Although representatives of this breed are usually quite active and mobile, it is quite possible that you will get a calm puppy. Then it can be called Spike or Slow, which translates from English as "calm" and "slow." For dachshund girls with such a character, the nicknames Tisha, Mira are suitable.

And for active puppies, a great option for a name would be Hot, Hotdog, Active, Risk, Frisky, Sprint, Trick, Quickie, Feint and others like that. The main idea is that they reflect the mobility and agility of dachshunds.

His funny habits will give a hint

It may well be that, after observing the puppy, you will notice interesting habits in him. For example, when yawning, "hiccup", sleep a lot or stand "in a column" in front of you. In the first case, the baby can be called Ike, in the second - Sleepy, and in the third - Bunny.

A puppy that loves to cuddle and caress can be called a Lizun, and a puppy that is constantly itching - Itchi ("Chesun"). A kid scratching everything around with his claws, christen Bandit or Scratch. Maybe the name Turnball would suit him if he does some unusual tricks.

We monitor the reaction of the puppy to different nicknames

So, you have chosen several options for dog names, but you can’t finally decide which one to choose. Then it's time to involve the dog itself in choosing the name.

Call the puppy all of the nicknames you choose. It happens that the animal will not react at all to some name, to another it will wag its tail or look back at you. But on the third, the dachshund will definitely run up and fawn.

It may very well be that she will have pleasant associations with the chosen nickname. Then everything is simple - stop at this name. The dog will be doubly pleased to run up to the owner if she likes her nickname herself.
