The first days after conception are sensations. How does pregnancy proceed in a healthy woman?

Those women who plan to become mothers take their feelings in the first days of pregnancy with great responsibility. Observing their body, they strive to see any signs of the birth of a new life.

Experts note that there are two stages of your pregnancy: obstetric term (counted from the first day of menstruation) and true term (counted from the day of conception). In most cases, it is very difficult to determine the exact day of conception, which is why antenatal clinics consider the first day of menstruation as the starting point. Today we will talk about the first signs of pregnancy according to the true term.

The first days of pregnancy after conception: what happens in the body

Turning to science, we note that the first week after conception cannot yet be called pregnancy. The fact is that a fertilized egg moves within 7-10 days to the place where it will be located and develop from an embryo into a fetus. Only after its attachment to the walls of the uterus can we talk about pregnancy. Menstruation occurs if this attachment does not occur, and then the woman does not even suspect that conception has occurred.

If the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, then it is implanted into the walls of the uterus (). After successful implantation, the umbilical cord and placenta begin to form. The first week after conception is very important in the period of conceiving a new life, since the woman’s body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries in every possible way to reject it, not allowing it to consolidate properly.

After successful implantation of the embryo, the first thing that happens in the body is hormonal changes . A woman begins to produce a special hormone that is responsible for the safety of the fetus in the female body in the early stages of pregnancy: known as hCG. The presence of this hormone in the blood gives a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Most doctors and women trust a blood test for hCG more than pregnancy tests in the early days, although the latter also react to the presence of the hormone.

The first days of pregnancy: how to recognize

For a healthy woman, the first sign of pregnancy is always a delay. But, if you do not monitor your general condition and do not plan your pregnancy, then the delay is determined when the pregnancy has already lasted 2-3 weeks. Several signs may indicate that in the first days after conception the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus.

1. Minor bleeding. On days 7-12 after conception, when the embryo implants into the walls of the uterus, a woman may experience slight bleeding (implantation bleeding). It may appear as several brownish or yellowish spots on underwear or paper. If pregnancy is not planned, then this phenomenon is often perceived as the beginning of menstruation. If such spots appear when pregnancy has already been accurately diagnosed, then this may be a signal of a threat of miscarriage, and requires urgent consultation with a doctor. This sign may be absent in the first days of pregnancy, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

2. Increased body temperature and basal temperature. When planning pregnancy, the method of measuring basal temperature is often used to determine the date of ovulation. When the egg is successfully fertilized, this temperature first drops and then rises. The decrease is due to two factors:

  • When pregnancy occurs, estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature;
  • Progesterone begins to be produced more strongly again, which increases the temperature.

Thus, by monitoring your basal temperature, when pregnancy is already confirmed, you can see a “hole” on the graph with a decrease in temperature. This decline lasts only 1 day, then the temperature rises. The norm is a basal temperature of 37 degrees, until the placenta begins to fully function (the first few weeks). If you do not notice a decline, then it is impossible not to notice an increased temperature for 2-3 weeks.

3. Feeling slightly unwell . A woman’s well-being may worsen in the first days of pregnancy. Drowsiness and weakness often appear. Many even become slightly ill, complaining of a sore throat and runny nose. This is all due to a decrease in immunity and the body’s struggle with the implanting embryo.

In the first trimester, body temperature is always elevated, but only slightly. Hence the general weakness. The main condition for the normal course of pregnancy with such ailment is not to be treated with medications that can harm the unborn child. When planning a pregnancy, it is generally better to refuse all medications unless they are absolutely necessary, and resort exclusively to folk remedies that are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is a feeling of apathy and fatigue. This is due not only to the general restructuring of the body, but also to the increased production of progesterone. These sensations may stop quickly, or may drag on until the 10th week of pregnancy, when more estrogen begins to be produced.

4. Breast tenderness . In the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts begin to swell, pain appears, that is, its sensitivity increases. Even the slightest touch can be painful.

Sometimes everything happens completely opposite. Previously, a woman experienced painful sensations before each period, but now she is surprised that her breasts do not hurt. Soon after an amazing moment, she learns that she is pregnant. Often, when pressing on the areola, colostrum can be released in early pregnancy.

5. Heaviness in the pelvic area . The manifestation of the first days of pregnancy may be a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. Many women begin to feel the uterus immediately after embryo implantation. The degree of this sensation is individual for each organism.

6. Tingling in the uterus . Also, an individual pregnancy rate can indicate not only successful conception and implantation.

7. Early toxicosis , accompanied by nausea and vomiting, along with others, is a sign of the first days of pregnancy. Toxicosis is also considered a special sensitivity to certain odors and foods. There may be a feeling of disgust for previously favorite foods.

In the early days of pregnancy, you may come to love things you previously hated. Also, the early stages are characterized by strange food combinations: herring with compote, ram with chocolate, pineapple with sausage. Those around them grimace at the sight of such food, and the pregnant woman experiences indescribable bliss.

The first days of pregnancy: false symptoms

Some of the above symptoms may indicate more than just pregnancy. They may indicate intestinal diseases, cervical erosion and other diseases of the female genital organs. Such symptoms include bleeding, nausea, increased urination, and breast swelling can also indicate not only the onset of pregnancy.

The first days of pregnancy: what to do

Any method of determining pregnancy begins to work only with the onset of a missed period. Even knowing the exact day of ovulation, no analysis or test will indicate pregnancy the day after fertilization. An hCG test, a pregnancy test, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs are best done in the first week of missed menstruation.

When planning a pregnancy and anticipating its occurrence, you should completely change your lifestyle even six months before conception. If the first symptoms of pregnancy are present, but they do not cause you any particular discomfort, then wait for the delay and the opportunity to do a test. A visit to the gynecologist in the first week after conception will not give any result other than a stack of referrals for tests.

During this period, you can read something useful and pleasant about pregnancy, inquire about upcoming courses for expectant mothers, take care of your body and start doing gymnastics for pregnant women (even if you are not pregnant, physical exercise never hurts).

Just spend this time with joy and pleasant impressions. Talk to the future dad about a possible miracle. You should go to the doctor after a positive pregnancy test, a 2-week delay in menstruation, or if you have gynecological problems.

If the symptoms manifest themselves very intensely and the malaise intensifies, then the visit to the doctor should be postponed to an earlier date. This is especially true for those who have previously had problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important. At this time, all the vital organs of the baby are formed. The very first days of pregnancy play a huge role in the onset of pregnancy in general.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in life! For a successful pregnancy, you need to lead the healthiest possible lifestyle. Adhering to a healthy lifestyle is important, since not only your well-being and mental state, but also the health of your unborn baby depends on it. Try to eat healthy, stay physically active, and take care of your emotional well-being. You may need to make certain changes to your lifestyle. By making these changes in your life, you will significantly improve your health and the health of your unborn child.


Follow your doctor's orders

    Choose the right doctor and clinic. Your doctor will monitor you throughout your pregnancy, so find a clinic and doctor that you like. Ask your physician or friends to recommend a good obstetrician-gynecologist. An obstetrician-gynecologist manages the pregnancy until the birth itself. And don’t think that you should be seen by the first doctor you make an appointment with. You can see one doctor and make an appointment with another for your next appointment. Choose the doctor with whom you feel more comfortable and in whom you are confident.

    • Ask your doctor about his experience and methods of pregnancy management used.
    • You can also choose a doula and midwife, especially if you are interested in home birth or a specific type of birth, such as water birth.
  1. Make sure you have regular prenatal care. Frequent and regular visits to your OB/GYN, family physician, or certified midwife will keep both you and your unborn baby safe throughout the pregnancy process. As soon as you find out you are pregnant, or suspect that you might be, start seeing a specialist. If pregnancy is confirmed (usually confirmed by ultrasound), your obstetrician-gynecologist will monitor you. You can start seeing your regular primary care physician, but as your pregnancy progresses, you will likely need to start seeing an OB/GYN. So, if your pregnancy is progressing normally (in the opinion of your doctor), your visits should be scheduled according to the following schedule:

    Make sure you get regular physical activity. It seems that with growing weight, morning sickness and muscle pain, it is very difficult to continue to lead an active lifestyle and exercise. However, by maintaining physical activity during pregnancy, you will ensure the health of not only yourself, but also your unborn baby. Regular exercise will promote an easier birth, help you lose weight faster after childbirth, recover faster physically, and stimulate the healthy growth of your baby in the womb. Try to do 30 minutes of light exercise every day, such as swimming, cycling, lifting light dumbbells and yoga. Walking can also be good exercise.

    Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep during pregnancy is essential for the full development and growth of the baby. Set a goal to get at least eight hours of sleep at night, and try to go to bed shortly after lunch. Going to bed at the same time every day (preferably before midnight) promotes deeper, more restful sleep.

    • Sleep on your left side to relieve pressure on your lower back. It is not recommended to sleep in other positions as you risk cutting off your circulation.
    • Do not use pregnancy pillows without consulting your doctor.
  2. Watch your weight. It's true that you will gain weight during pregnancy, but the weight gain can have a significant impact on your health and the health of your baby. Your individual weight gain will depend on your initial weight and BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy. To determine your ideal gain, you need to first calculate your BMI. Discuss with your doctor what weight gain is normal for you. Here are the approximate values ​​for what weight gain should be depending on BMI.

    Visit your dentist regularly. Dental care is especially important during pregnancy because the body produces more estrogen and progesterone than usual, each of which (at high levels) can cause gingivitis and gum disease, which causes gums to bleed, become sensitive, and become permanently swollen. Try to visit your dentist every 3-4 months during pregnancy to monitor your oral health. Take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly.

    Make sure you are getting enough iron. The body needs iron to make blood cells, both yours and your fetus's. Most prenatal supplements contain iron, but as with most nutrients, it is best to consume iron in its natural form, found in foods rather than in supplements.

    • Red meats, spinach, and iron-fortified whole grains (such as whole grain breads and cereals) are rich in iron. Try to eat at least one serving of these iron-rich foods every day.
  3. Take fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for baby's brain and eye development. Since omega-3 fatty acids are found in high amounts in fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon and anchovies, you can eat fish or take fish oil supplements to reduce your intake of mercury, which can accumulate in these types of fish. You can take up to 300 mg of fish oil daily.

Avoid unhealthy foods and drinks

    Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol is strictly prohibited for pregnant women, since its consumption entails a whole range of congenital malformations and complications. Alcohol consumption significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, increases the likelihood that the baby will later have developmental disabilities, and leads to fetal alcohol syndrome. Avoid alcohol completely during pregnancy to avoid these risks, and if necessary, if you experience alcohol dependence, consult a specialist or psychologist.

    • If you drank alcohol without knowing you were pregnant, don't worry - the sooner you give up this bad habit, the less likely you are to experience the complications described above.
    • Some doctors and women believe that it is acceptable to drink one small glass of alcoholic beverage occasionally. Discuss this issue with your doctor.
  1. Limit your caffeine intake. You may love coffee, tea and sodas, but if they contain caffeine, they can be harmful to the developing fetus. Research shows that consuming caffeine during pregnancy is associated with a higher chance of miscarriage and complications during childbirth.

    • It's best to eliminate caffeine from your life altogether, but some doctors believe that consumption of up to 200 mg (equivalent to one cup of coffee) per day is safe.
    • Whenever possible, try to drink decaffeinated coffee, tea, and soda. Products containing caffeine (such as chocolate) are okay in moderation as the levels are low.
  2. Avoid eating raw or semi-cooked foods. Several foodborne illnesses, including toxoplasmosis and listeriosis, are often found in raw and undercooked meats. These diseases can be quite dangerous for the developing fetus, so it is better to avoid foods that may contain them.

    • Try to avoid shellfish, raw fish (such as sushi or sashimi), raw or cured meats, and raw eggs.
  3. Don't eat fish, which accumulate mercury. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead are incredibly harmful to the fetus and can even cause death in large enough quantities. Some types of fish are particularly high in mercury, making them dangerous to eat during pregnancy. These include swordfish, shark, king mackerel, tuna and tilefish. However, fish such as canned tuna, salmon, halibut and cod are safe to eat during pregnancy.

    • During pregnancy, limit your consumption of all types of fish - even safe ones - to once or twice a week.
  4. Avoid unpasteurized cheeses. Although a dish of soft cheeses may seem attractive, unpasteurized cheeses can contain bacteria, which can lead to a number of birth complications. As a result, it is better for pregnant women to abstain from them altogether.

    • Some of the most well-known unpasteurized fresh cheeses include brie, feta, goat cheese, camembert and blue cheese. Hard cheeses, such as cheddar, Swiss and Havarti, are safe to eat.

Change your lifestyle

  1. Try to get all the necessary vaccinations before conception. If you are planning a pregnancy, get all the necessary vaccinations in advance. It is recommended to do this at the clinic to which you are prescribed - they will probably have a history of the vaccinations you have had. This way, your doctor can determine whether you need vaccinations and, if so, which ones.

    • Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella, as well as vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (DTP) must be given strictly before pregnancy.
    • You can also get vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy.
    • If you have any questions or concerns about immunizations, talk to your doctor.
  2. Quit smoking. It is generally recommended to avoid any kind of smoking as it is harmful to the lungs. This is especially true for pregnant women - whatever you smoke ends up in your baby. Nicotine and tobacco enter the bloodstream, thereby increasing the likelihood of stillbirth, miscarriage or prematurity. Eliminate all types of smoking from your life, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes and cigars.

    • Some studies show that babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy grow up to be chronic smokers themselves.
    • Also avoid secondhand smoke.
  3. Stay away from all illegal drugs. Drugs in any form - especially street drugs - are incredibly dangerous for a developing fetus. Using recreational drugs is almost 100% guaranteed that your child will have a birth defect or condition, as they significantly affect your body and brain function, and therefore your child. In addition, mothers who are addicted to drugs and continue to use drugs during pregnancy may actually pass on their addiction to their child. Then the newborn becomes drug dependent and also suffers from withdrawal symptoms, just like an adult.

    • If you suffer from drug addiction, then find out about addiction recovery programs and consult a narcologist for advice.
    • Continue to live drug-free after the birth of your child for the sake of your own health and the health of your child.
  4. Try not to visit saunas, baths or steam rooms. An increase in body temperature to very high levels can be dangerous for the fetus; studies show the relationship between high body temperature and developmental disorders and defects. While warm showers and baths are fine, spending longer periods of time in too hot conditions can cause serious problems, especially in the first trimester.

    • Avoid any place where the temperature reaches above 38 degrees Celsius, and if you must be there, limit your stay to 10 minutes and no more.
  5. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins. Exposure to certain chemicals and toxins is especially dangerous for pregnant women, even if they pose no risk to non-pregnant women. Cleaning solvents, strong chemicals, heavy metals (like mercury and lead) and some biological substances (like asbestos) are associated with complications and birth defects.

The process of giving birth to a new life can only be compared to magic. A woman feels such transformations only during a special period. Not only her body and feelings change, but also her awareness of the whole world. Together with the child, the expectant mother goes through a huge stage from the appearance of one cell to the birth of a new inhabitant of the planet.

Pregnancy week by week, the development of the fetus and the woman’s sensations will allow us to understand the changes that occur at the physiological and psychological level. The entire period will last 40 weeks, or 10 lunar months, each of which has 28 days (a full cycle).

1 week pregnant

According to obstetric terms, the first week is considered to be the last day of menstruation. Conception does not necessarily occur during this period; it can occur after 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the time of ovulation. You can find out about the onset of the long-awaited state only by measuring your basal temperature. At this time, home tests or blood donation for hCG will not show the true result. There are no obvious signs, the woman is still active, her body is still just going through the preparatory stages.


The fusion of the egg and sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. As soon as fertilization has occurred, one main cell is formed - the zygote. It is this that is the basis of all systems and organs that will be laid down and formed over the course of 9 months. The first violent chemical reactions begin, increased synthesis of special hCG hormones is observed on days 5-6. This will reduce the immune defense of the maternal body in order to preserve the embryo.

  • get rid of bad habits, smoking, alcohol;
  • start eating right; your body should receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1:1:4, respectively;
  • Avoid medical procedures involving radiation; when taking medications, you should consult a doctor;
  • You may need multivitamins that include folic acid; it is advisable for the expectant mother to start the course at the pre-planning stage.

The woman’s feelings are no different, she leads a normal lifestyle, physiological changes will come a little later. But some mothers, with very developed intuition and sensitivity, can determine the exact onset of conception without tests or analyses.

2 weeks pregnant

According to obstetric dates, this is the time of ovulation. During this period after the end of menstruation, the body is actively preparing for reproductive function. The ovaries release an egg, and if there are several, a multiple pregnancy can occur. Through the abdominal cavity it is sent to the fallopian tube, the whole process is controlled by the hypothalamus. The egg awaits conception throughout the day. The sperm has a higher viability up to 5 days.

The time of ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle; if it consists of 28 days, then on the 14th day the egg matures. If conception does not happen, then after 2 weeks the unfertilized female cell is excreted during menstruation.

Woman's feelings:

  • hormonal levels change, sensitivity to odors may appear;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • increased libido, development of sensuality and sexuality.

You can calculate the moment of ovulation using special pharmacy tests, or by measuring basal temperature!

These are optional symptoms; more often than not, women do not notice such subtle processes that prepare her body for motherhood.

3 weeks pregnant

In fact, this is the first week of the birth of future life. Conception occurs as follows. The most active and strong sperm reach the egg 1-2 hours, the rest are destroyed by the protective cells of the female reproductive system. The egg is many times larger than the sperm and consists of several membranes. The strongest and fastest penetrates inside, and fusion begins, forming a unique set of chromosomes. The remaining sperm die.

The resulting zygote moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. At this time, it is nourished by protein compounds of tissues, as well as internal reserves. As soon as it is fixed on the walls of the uterus, the process of preparing the maternal body begins. Embryo implantation may be accompanied by scanty spotting, and sometimes a woman simply does not notice it.

A woman’s sensations depend on her sensitivity. Some experience nausea, weakness, and dizziness. The most important thing at this stage is to ensure sufficient intake of protein, folic acid, calcium and iron. Therefore, it is worth adjusting your diet and daily routine; overwork and stress can have a detrimental effect on the course of development.

4 weeks pregnant

During this period, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to form, they will provide the baby with vital functions. In addition, the head appears, 3 main layers are also laid, after which systems and organs will develop. Paternal genes are responsible for their formation.

Appearance of the embryo:

  • ectoderm – formation of the brain;
  • endoderm – organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, liver;
  • mesoderm – musculoskeletal and circulatory system.

Mom's feelings:

  • there is a sharp change in mood, drowsiness, or vice versa – a surge of energy;
  • increased irritability to smells and tastes;
  • nausea in the morning, dizziness;
  • The breasts may already become larger and the sensitivity of the nipples will increase.

Pregnancy can be determined using a test or ultrasound. During this period, it is necessary to provide adequate nutrition and a gentle regime. It is important to take care of your immunity, avoid attending public events and contact with sick people.

5th week of pregnancy

The expectant mother is already beginning to suspect a new condition, because menstruation should have happened a week ago. In addition to psycho-emotional moments, there are other signs of conception.

Physiological changes in a woman:

  • the amount of discharge increases, normally it resembles mucus, like chicken protein, at this time a plug is formed that protects the fetus from infections until the moment of birth;
  • heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen may signal the development of a threat, or be part of a natural process; in any case, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary;
  • fainting and dizziness indicate sudden surges in sugar, so the entire daily diet should be divided into small portions, increasing the number of doses;
  • emotionally, there is instability, fears, doubts, and worries about the assigned responsibility appear.


The baby reaches a size of 1.7-2 cm, with a large head and small body resembling a tadpole. This is a very important period, as the formation of the spinal cord and brain occurs. The small heart beats and the blood circulates. At this time, it is important for the mother to continue taking folic acid for the normal development of the nervous system and to ensure adequate sleep and rest.

6th week of pregnancy

This week you can use ultrasound to measure the CTE (coccygeal-parietal size), its norm of 5-6 mm indicates correct development. In addition, in the photographs you will be able to see the tubercles of the arms and legs, the formation of fingers is beginning, and soon they will become full-fledged limbs. In the meantime, the formation of the mouth, chin, and cheeks is underway.

Changes in the expectant mother:

  • hormonal changes begin to affect eating habits, you constantly feel hungry, or vice versa, foods cause nausea;
  • weight gain is not yet happening, if there is toxicosis, the woman may even lose weight;
  • if the discharge changes, is accompanied by a specific odor and discomfort, you need to urgently consult a doctor, the risk of fungal diseases is high;
  • The area in the lower abdomen may increase, which is easy to detect by clothing; the lack of muscle tone of the uterus gives this effect.

Avoid any contact with chemicals, detergents, tobacco smoke. You should also not visit bathhouses, beaches, solariums, and swimming pools.

7 weeks pregnant

The main feature is the replacement of the corpus luteum with the placenta, which by this time should be fully formed and perform its nutritional and protective functions. The risk is present if previous infections have led to abnormalities.

Fetal development by week of pregnancy description with photo:

  • grows by leaps and bounds, reaching a size of 1.8 cm and a weight of 2 grams;
  • Both hemispheres of the brain have already been formed, the construction of the nervous system continues;
  • the body is exactly the same size as the head, there is also a small tail on the tailbone;
  • blood circulation is completely improved, the placenta now supplies oxygen, nutrients, and protects against toxins, infections, and pathogenic microflora;
  • the musculoskeletal system continues to form, fingers are visible, skeletal tissue turns into bone tissue, the embryo can bend its elbows and knees;
  • the heart already consists of 4 chambers, pumps blood throughout the small body;
  • a nose appears on the face, with nostrils, as well as an upper lip, the auditory system is formed, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the mouth;
  • the integument already consists of 2 layers, the top one is the epidermis;
  • by the end of the seventh week, a mound appears between the limbs; a little later it will be possible to determine whether it is a boy or a girl.

The expectant mother is already beginning to feel all the difficulties of pregnancy. Toxicosis, nausea and drowsiness may be accompanied by swelling, frequent urination, gas formation and disturbances in the digestive system. The baby develops very quickly, and the uterus reaches the size of an orange, which is accompanied by heaviness and pressure in the lower abdomen. The areolas of the nipples darken, and a line is drawn along the lower abdomen to the navel.

8 weeks pregnant

The main symptoms clearly appear, by which inattentive women, forgetting about the delay, can accurately guess their situation.

Main features:

  • the woman’s silhouette is noticeably rounded in the area of ​​the abdomen, chest, hips, the gait becomes smooth and measured;
  • the condition of the skin will change, for the better or worse depending on individual characteristics, or rashes and redness will appear, or vice versa - the face will be clean, fresh, without a single spot;
  • taste preferences are quite original, the desire to eat something out of season arises very often, or a pregnant woman becomes selective in food, stopping at just a few products.

The baby continues to grow, reaching about 2 cm and weighing 2-3 grams. Almost all systems have been laid out, and their further development continues. The tail disappears, the ability to move his arms and legs chaotically appears, he unclenches his fingers. Bones and joints become stronger every day.

The visual system is formed, the embryo becomes less like an alien, the eyes are located closer to each other. On an ultrasound, you can see the ear canal; the face has a clearer contour with barely noticeable facial expressions. At this time, the baby can already respond to touch.

Week 9

This period is characterized by intensive growth and the transition from embryo to fetus. The head is still quite large and lies on the chest, the arms and legs are well formed. The baby can move through the amniotic fluid as long as its small size (about the size of a grape) allows it. The genital organs are indicated, but it cannot be determined by ultrasound yet; you need to take a blood test.

It is important for a woman to still monitor her health; if bloody, yellow, or green discharge appears, she should consult a doctor. You should also be alert for pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. The doctor may recommend a consultation with a geneticist; if necessary, a chorionic villus biopsy is taken to identify developmental anomalies.

Fresh and high-quality products should prevail in the diet. If you suffer from heartburn, you should avoid hot spicy foods. Rosehip decoctions and green tea without sugar will ease toxicosis.

10 week

A calmer period begins, the expectant mother gets used to the new state, and the baby’s systems and organs are already formed, and the development of the brain continues. His weight is approaching 7 grams, his head gradually begins to rise from his chest. The most amazing thing at this time is the development of the brain. The process occurs at incredible speed, with new chains of neurons being formed every minute. The fingers continue to lengthen, but the membranes between them remain. The main organs - liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines - are positioned correctly and continue to improve. The synthesis of sex hormones begins, in girls - estrogen, in boys - testosterone.

The woman’s breasts become even larger and veins appear noticeably. The tummy is round enough to think about comfortable clothes. The uterus continues to grow along with the baby, so the pressure on the pelvic organs increases. It is important to maintain a positive attitude, treat yourself with gifts, and not worry about changing body shapes. It’s worth choosing beautiful underwear and clothes to continue to feel beautiful and happy.

11 week

The baby already weighs about 11 grams, and the size is about 5-6 cm; from the first ultrasound, you can determine the development of the fetus and its compliance with the norms. The heart beats very quickly - 140 beats per minute. The growth of blood vessels in the placenta is activated, the baby grows rapidly and requires more nutrients. The auricles are formed and hair follicles are formed.

For expectant mothers suffering from toxicosis, gradual relief occurs. By 14 weeks, morning discomfort should subside. Increased urination is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes. You need to drink clean water, as well as healthy drinks; it is better to limit products containing caffeine. You can also start (if there are no threats) to engage in fitness for pregnant women, and use oils for stretch marks; almond, sesame, and olive are considered the most effective.

12 week

The end of the 3rd month makes you forget about the risks that existed from the day the embryo was conceived. This is the time when a woman is already accustomed to the new state and can enjoy it. There are noticeable changes in appearance. The skin is fresher, more elastic, hair grows better, it has become thicker and silkier. Many pregnant women forget about a balanced diet, believing that during this period they can afford everything.

  • You should forget about unhealthy fast foods, snacks, street food; hot, spicy, fatty foods can lead to constipation and affect the baby’s condition;
  • do not overeat, trying to fulfill the norm for two; excess weight complicates the process of childbirth and subsequent rehabilitation;
  • you need to forget about your own taste preferences when eating cottage cheese, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

The fruit reaches 5 cm and weighs about 12-14 grams. The lungs are gradually strengthened, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved. The baby is trying to raise his head and can already suck his finger. Sensitivity to pain appears and reacts to sounds.

Week 13

The 2nd trimester begins, the same recommendations for nutrition and moderate physical activity remain. A woman may notice a completely blurred waistline, and her breasts have increased by several sizes. You need to choose special underwear; discharge is often observed from the nipples - this is colostrum. You can forget about frequent trips to the toilet; raising the uterus relieves discomfort. If you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should consult a gynecologist. Discharge normally remains white, transparent, without any pungent odors.

The child weighs from 15-20 grams, his height reaches 6-7 cm. The baby's sensitivity is rapidly developing. It can react to temperature changes, light, music, noise, pain.

Physiological development:

  • the eyes move closer and closer to each other;
  • bones continue to harden, and muscles grow and improve;
  • the ears take on their final shape;
  • a dream appears, it lasts only a few minutes;
  • motor activity includes various movements; in addition to bending, it can cross limbs and make chaotic swings.

Week 14

The expectant mother gradually passes all her fears and doubts. She learns to enjoy the harmony of life, and her priorities are reassessed. The uterus continues to rise and the breasts continue to grow. A woman already needs to choose looser and more comfortable clothes. At this time, you should not indulge yourself in sweets; it is better to provide your child with high-quality protein. The average weight gain rate is 1.5-2 kg from conception, it is important to watch the clock and not overeat.

The baby continues to develop rapidly, reaching a weight of 50 grams, with a height of 10 cm. Pronounced facial expressions appear, as well as sleep and wakefulness patterns. The respiratory system is trained, insulin production begins. Heart rate often depends on the behavior of the mother. Her bad habits and stress can lead to a noticeable increase in the fetal heart rate.

If you haven’t had an ultrasound yet, now is the time. The doctor can accurately measure the child’s parameters and determine compliance with standards.

Week 15

The expectant mother continues to lead an active lifestyle, not forgetting to monitor her health.

Discomfort may be associated with:

  • with the condition of your teeth, you definitely need to see a dentist to cure caries and bleeding gums in order to prevent infection;
  • reduced immunity leads to respiratory diseases, it is important to limit trips to public places; if symptoms appear, the doctor will advise safe medications;
  • weakness, the desire to rest, to get enough sleep - this is typical for such hormonal changes, you should not deny yourself, because when the baby is born, sleep will become a luxury;
  • if the veins become enlarged, you need to choose the right shoes; you may need light exercises to relieve fatigue;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is not always associated with abnormalities; the growth of the uterus is reflected in the stretching of muscles and ligaments.

The baby reaches the size of an apple, his movements are still active, and his sleep is short. The eyes are still closed, but the optic nerves are formed, the child can distinguish between light and shadow. The first hairs are emerging, the sweat glands are working.

Week 16

The fetus becomes more and more like a baby. His body is covered with light fluff, the skin is still thin, and blood vessels are visible. Height is 11-14 cm, and weight reaches 110 g. The chemical composition of the blood changes, red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes appear, and hemoglobin is synthesized. All features are already clearly expressed on the face, eyebrows and eyelashes emerge. The fetus is covered with a special white lubricant that protects the thin skin until the birth process.

The expectant mother continues to monitor her diet; sudden changes in weight will lead to dangerous changes in blood pressure. The gait becomes like that of a duck, and fatigue appears in the legs. If this is not your first pregnancy, you may already feel fetal movements.

Week 17

A woman's performance decreases. She needs the support of loved ones more than ever. Heaviness, pain in the sacrum, weight gain, affect the mother’s activity and her rapid fatigue. From time to time it can feel hot or cold, sudden changes in mood are characteristic of accumulated fatigue. The support of not only the husband, but also all relatives is important; someone can cook soup, someone can take documents to the hospital.

The baby reaches a height of 13 cm, sleeps most of the time, and then stretches and grimaces. Reacts well to sounds, sharp, loud ones are scary, but mom’s voice will calm him down. The pituitary gland and adrenal glands are actively working, and in girls the formation of internal reproductive organs begins.

Week 18

The tummy is quite pronounced and the mother has to choose sleeping positions; the left side is considered the most favorable for childbirth. A good appetite must be restrained; during this period, significant weight gain is observed. Carbonated drinks and large portion sizes can lead to constipation and bloating. A high need for calcium can affect the condition of teeth, so the diet must include fermented milk products. Breast sensitivity, darkening and expansion of the areola, increase in size, provoke depression. Don’t despair; after giving birth, if you follow a balanced diet, you will be able to quickly return to normal.

The child reaches 18 cm and weighs 200 g. It is important to talk to your baby, this stimulates the development of his central nervous system. Mom can feel the first tremors during the period of activity; the musculoskeletal system develops. Unique fingerprints have already appeared on the fingers.

Week 19

Toxicosis and heartburn have finally subsided, but a pregnant woman may be bothered by itching of the skin of her growing abdomen. It is worth using special creams or oils to reduce sensitivity. For fatigue and leg cramps, Magnesia preparations may be prescribed. Relaxing exercises will help you cope with back pain. It is important to alternate between activity and rest modes. If there are no threats or pathologies, you need to walk a lot and do feasible work. Self-prescribed bed rest can complicate the birth process due to muscle weakness.

The child reaches 220-250 g, sleeps most of the day, and while awake you can feel his movements. If the mother walks, the baby is rocked, but as soon as she lies down to rest, tremors are immediately felt. The sebaceous glands continue to produce white protective lubricant.

At this time, it is necessary to undergo a control urine test and a scheduled second ultrasound. On it you can already find out the gender and get a photo of the baby.

Week 20

A period of rest for the expectant mother, she enjoys her condition and blooming appearance. The tummy is small, neat, and does not interfere with movement and doing usual things. By her feelings, a woman can understand how the baby is developing. Strong intense tremors will signal a lack of oxygen; you need to go out into fresh air or ventilate the room. If this happens after physical activity, you need to lie down to rest, then the baby will calm down. It is recommended that a woman sleep on her side to avoid squeezing the veins. The basis of nutrition remains foods rich in calcium and iron - beef, buckwheat, cottage cheese, spinach, prunes.

The baby weighs about 280 grams, his height is 22-25 cm, he can not only yawn and tumble, but also play. The legs become longer and more proportional to the body, the head gradually becomes smaller. The skin thickens and already consists of 4 layers, protective lubricant continues to be produced. Nails appear on the arms and legs, and the first hairs appear on the head.

21 weeks

The most interesting thing at this stage is the mother’s opportunity to shape the child’s future taste preferences. If you eat hot, spicy, salty, sweet dishes, you will have to make a lot of effort to get your baby to try broccoli, buckwheat or carrots.

For the mother, problems remain with flatulence, strain on the veins and appetite control. Extra pounds can lead to a large fetus and complications during childbirth. Small portions and frequent meals will save you from feeling hungry. Nails and hair have significantly accelerated their growth, and their condition has also changed for the better.

The child reaches a height of 26 cm, weight – 330-350 g. Outwardly, he already looks like a newborn, all that remains is to gain kilograms and grow. Amniotic fluid allows the baby to know what mom ate for lunch. When the fetus moves, noticeable bumps may appear on the abdomen.

Week 22

At this time, the belly is already noticeable, even under outer clothing; if there are no medical prescriptions, the woman can continue to lead a normal life. The condition of the skin improves, the expectant mother blossoms. It is worth paying attention to swelling; if there is fluid retention, you need to reduce the amount of salt. If physiological anemia is detected, additional tests are performed to make an accurate diagnosis. You already need to undergo a routine ultrasound to determine the development of the fetus, as well as the condition of the placenta.

The child weighs about 410 grams, height - 28-30 cm. Large sizes make physical activity difficult; most of the time he is in a curled up position. The formation of the brain slows down, it is the turn of the nervous system to improve, and neurons are fully formed.

Week 23

You can still enjoy your rest period. Heartburn and toxicosis are a thing of the past, now the main thing is not to gain excess weight. On average, a woman gains 5-7 kg by this time. The belly rises higher, the expectant mother may feel tension and fatigue in the lower parts of the spine. If this period falls on a hot summer, swelling is difficult to avoid. It is worth slightly reducing the amount of liquid, and also avoiding salty foods; it is useful to put your feet on elevated surfaces - pillows - while resting. If cramps occur, you need to avoid walking shoes, and also enrich your diet with foods containing calcium and vitamin E.

Child development:

  • the weight has increased to 400-420 g, but the fruit itself looks wrinkled, soon it will accumulate subcutaneous fat and all wrinkles will disappear;
  • the main processes that the baby is engaged in are the absorption of nutrients in the liquid, and then excretion in the urine, due to the frequent change of amniotic fluid, this is not dangerous for the child;
  • the preparation of the respiratory organs begins, they are not yet fully formed, but the child is already doing the first test exercises;
  • He sleeps most of the day, he develops the REM sleep phase, which means he is able to dream.

Week 24

The baby grows along with the belly, this can lead to the appearance of stretch marks. They can upset women, especially bright red or brown ones. But after childbirth, with proper physical activity, you can return to your previous shape.

Expectant mothers feel great - the first dangerous trimester has passed, but childbirth is still far away. You can work, relax, chat with friends, go on picnics. Recommendations remain on nutrition, as well as the correct distribution of time - active mode and sleep.

  • if the doctor places the fetus in breech position, do not be upset; before birth, he will change his position;
  • the baby has grown to 25 cm and weighs about 500 grams;
  • inhales and exhales, but oxygen continues to flow through the umbilical cord;
  • further formation of the brain occurs, an increase in neural connections;
  • The baby can already play with the umbilical cord, grimace, frown, and suck his finger.

If you experience spotting blood, acute pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should urgently consult a doctor; hospitalization may be required to maintain it.

Week 25

Every woman's belly will look different, even though everyone's uterus becomes the size of a ball. There is pressure on the stomach, which often provokes heartburn. To avoid digestive problems, in particular constipation, it is recommended to include vegetables and cereals in the diet. If there is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, therapy with iron-containing drugs is prescribed. To reduce the load on your back, you can already start wearing a bandage.

Baby development:

  • in case of premature birth, the newborn will be viable, he will be placed in special conditions for maturity equal to 40 weeks;
  • weight becomes 700 g, height 30-35 cm;
  • The skeletal system is strengthened, muscles are improved, a grasping reflex appears, the baby clenches his hands into fists and determines whether his leading hand is right or left.

Week 26

The load on the female body increases every day. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are possible, so it’s time to think about maternity leave. Walking becomes more and more difficult, especially if you have gained excess weight, normal fluctuations are from 6-8 kg. When moving, tension may be felt in the lower back, and the gait approaches a pendulum gait. If there is uterine tone, it is important to monitor your condition and prefer bed rest. If contractions or bleeding occur, medical attention is urgently required.

  • the fetus already weighs about 1 kg, and its height is 33-35 cm;
  • pigmentation changes due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, the skin brightens;
  • the muscles become stronger; if the baby accidentally pushes the internal organs, the mother may feel painful discomfort.

To fill your life with exclusively pleasant emotions, do not forget about nutrition and exercise for pregnant women.

Week 27

It becomes more and more difficult for mom to do her usual things. Fatigue sets in quickly and you have to rest more. This is a natural process that allows a woman to take a short vacation. It is advisable to devote this period to your favorite activities and hobbies, because after the birth of the baby there will be no time for it. At week 27, you can begin to rapidly gain weight; it is important to control this process with the frequency and number of servings. Shortness of breath and heartburn appear, which is associated with enlargement and pressure of the uterus. Breasts become increasingly larger and change by 1-3 sizes during pregnancy.

Child development:

  • the brain grows and improves, the foundations of cognitive thinking are laid - memory, attention, and the main traits of temperament are also determined;
  • the need for calcium does not decrease, the final formation of bone tissue has not yet been completed;
  • there is further accumulation of subcutaneous fat and changes in skin pigmentation;
  • the placenta helps form the first immunity, which will protect the newborn for the first 6 months.

Week 28

For most mothers, maternity leave has already begun. Depending on the kilograms gained, the pregnant woman’s feelings also change. More than 9 make movements clumsy, provoke fatigue, drowsiness, and digestive problems.

It is worth listening to the doctor’s recommendations and organizing fasting days. By this time, the baby has already taken the correct position, the mother can even count the number of kicks; normally, about 10 should occur in 2 hours. Back pain will be relieved by a bandage and special gymnastics, which will also be useful during childbirth.

Child Formation:

  • accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin gradually brightens;
  • convolutions form in the brain, further growth and improvement of the rudiments of intelligence continues;
  • emotions appear; the baby may frown or react to any discomfort with movements of his limbs.

If there is a Rh conflict, immunoglobulin therapy may be required; this will not harm the child, but will only avoid the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Week 29

The baby is already feeling cramped and it seems to the mother that the baby has become stronger. In fact, his weight reaches 1.5 kg, his height is 36-40 cm. The optic nerves allow him to examine light more clearly and blink when its intensity changes. The child coughs and hiccups, and the mother feels it. The emotional sphere also does not stand still - the ability to cry appears. The internal organs are already formed. The muscles continue to grow, the respiratory system improves.

Woman's feelings:

  • if the expectant mother has not yet changed her wardrobe, it’s time to do this, don’t be upset about loose, loose-fitting styles, in a few months you’ll be able to get back into shape;
  • the condition of the skin changes, it becomes drier, pigmentation appears;
  • in order to learn how to control your body during childbirth, it is advisable to master Kegel exercises; if there are no contraindications, yoga classes are useful;
  • irritation and fatigue increase, the stomach becomes larger, the load when walking increases, sleep only on the side.

Week 30

The growth of the abdomen also stretches the skin, it becomes thinner. Stretch marks also appear in the hip area. Constipation and swelling can be corrected with proper nutrition. If the mother experiences dizziness and weakness, it is worth increasing the rest time. It is important to learn relaxation techniques during this period; they will help cope with insomnia and accumulated fatigue.

Child development:

  • the process of interaction with his mother is improving, he calms down when his belly is stroked, he reacts violently in an uncomfortable environment - a stuffy room, tobacco smoke;
  • small hairs – lanugo – that covered the baby’s body gradually disappear, but in some cases, the newborn may appear with it;
  • The brain continues to grow rapidly, the number of convolutions and grooves increases.

31 weeks

At this time, all previous discomfort sensations intensify. The uterus has displaced all the internal organs, so shortness of breath becomes more frequent and breathing becomes difficult. Cramps, swelling, and back pain interfere not only during the day, but also at night, causing insomnia. A positive attitude, a relaxing massage, and yoga classes will help you cope. It is worth reducing the amount of fluid, urination occurs very often, and the woman may even limit her walks. Such sacrifices are not necessary, you need to stick to the right diet and not drink an hour before going out.

Child development:

  • height reached 35-43cm, weight – up to 1.6 kg;
  • trains control of the basic 5 senses;
  • neural connections grow at feverish speed;
  • The period of wakefulness increases, the baby is busy with his own business - breathing, looking, blinking, sucking a finger, clenching his fists, pushing.

Week 32

The body is gradually preparing for the process of childbirth. Some may even feel training contractions. The stomach is already big, it can pull, it’s worth wearing a bandage. The woman’s movements and gait have become clumsy, she is slower in performing usual tasks. You shouldn’t deny yourself the desire to sleep or buy new clothes, and you’ll have to forget about sweets and spicy dishes. It takes longer to choose a comfortable position, the tremors become more intense.

Child development:

  • height up to 46 cm, weight 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • the fetus is still in a breech position, but may already turn head down;
  • Brain development improves if you talk to your baby, read books, listen to music;
  • The muscular system continues to strengthen, movements are better coordinated.

It's time to undergo the 3rd planned ultrasound, you can find out not only the size and formation of the fetus, but also clearly see it on the screen. Information about the state of amniotic fluid, the uterus, and the maturity of the placenta will also become important.

Week 33

On average, a woman gained 10-12 kg during pregnancy. Hormonal levels increase, which can cause bleeding gums. Excessive irritability is caused by fear of the upcoming birth. It is important to maintain a positive attitude, fill life with joyful emotions, and communicate with pleasant people. It is worth remembering about feasible physical activity, it is necessary for muscle tone, otherwise it will be difficult to control your body during childbirth.

  • height - 40-46 cm, weight -2100-2300;
  • the child should already be in the desired position; if not, during childbirth this will require additional attention from the obstetrician;
  • the sucking reflex necessary for breastfeeding is improved;
  • The musculoskeletal system continues to develop, so cottage cheese is required throughout the gestation period;
  • The fetus already looks like a newborn; cheeks and folds appear on the arms and legs.

34 week

Hormonal changes allow the mother to be in a good mood. She's tired of the discomfort and can't wait for the baby to appear. The weight increases noticeably to 12-15 kg, and the breasts continue to grow. The line from the navel to the lower abdomen, as well as the areola of the nipples, darkens. The nesting instinct is at its peak, the expectant mother is busy with household chores.

Baby development:

  • height 41-47 cm, weight 2100-2400;
  • the skin of the fetus is light and smooth, it is covered with a protective lubricant that facilitates the passage of the birth canal;
  • When born at this stage, the child can breathe on his own and does not require intensive rehabilitation therapy.

Week 35

The most crucial moment begins, preparation for childbirth. It is useful for the expectant mother to take special courses in consultation. Choosing a partner for childbirth does not have to be your husband; a close person - a friend, mother - can support and reassure you. The bag for the maternity hospital should already be packed so that the woman does not get nervous about little things. The abdomen reaches its maximum size, fatigue sets in quickly when walking, and swelling appears. It is important not to overeat at this time, otherwise the baby will be large and the birth process will be more complicated.

Child development:

  • training of the respiratory system, sucking and swallowing reflex continues;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, which causes discomfort for the baby, the body reports that it is time to change living conditions;
  • the endocrine, nervous and immune systems continue to improve;
  • gradually the baby lowers, the mother can feel this in easier breathing and reduced pressure on the back.

36-40 weeks

Everything is ready for the long-awaited emergence of a new life. 2 weeks before giving birth, the stomach drops and becomes stiff - this is a signal that the uterus is becoming toned. Contractions, both training and real, can begin at any moment. The woman has already gained from 9 to 16 kg, immediately before giving birth, a slight decrease is observed. It is mandatory to attend a consultation once a week; the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus and heartbeat.

Signs of the onset of labor:

  • appetite increases;
  • discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen, after which it will turn into pain;
  • contractions begin in spasms with a frequency of 5 times per hour;
  • the body begins to cleanse itself - vomiting and diarrhea are possible;
  • the release of the mucus plug and the discharge of amniotic fluid is a direct signal of the onset of labor; immediate hospitalization is required.

The child reaches a size of 50-54 cm and weighs about 3-3.5 kg. He becomes very cramped in the mother's womb; all organs are formed and ready to support life after birth. The baby is sensitive to light, can distinguish colors, and very soon he will meet his mother. The female body also prepares - the joints become softer and more elastic. If necessary, you will need to undergo an ultrasound to determine the condition of the placenta and the location of the fetus. The child does not stop developing even after birth, the process continues only now he can feel the warmth of his mother’s hands.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The obstetrician method of calculating pregnancy by week differs from the usual one. A month consists of 28 days, not 30-31. As a rule, the gynecologist calculates the period from the first day of the last menstruation. The waiting period for a baby is only 40 obstetric weeks.

Let's look at how the fetus develops weekly, and also determine what mommy feels at all stages of pregnancy.

1 obstetric week

The fetus is a follicle that appears on the surface of the ovary. There is an egg inside it. The female body does not feel it, but only prepares for fertilization.

There are no symptoms of conception at 1 week of pregnancy. And all because the fetus does not manifest itself in any way. The expectant mother will not even notice the changes.

2 obstetric week

At this stage of development, ovulation occurs. As soon as the egg matures in the follicle, it is released from it and sent through the fallopian tube to the uterus itself. It is during this period that the sperm reaches her and merges together. This creates a small cell called a zygote. She already carries the genetic material of both parents, but does not express herself.

The body of the expectant mother may behave differently in the 2nd week after conception: signs of PMS may appear, her mood may change, she will want to eat more, or, on the contrary, she will be disgusted by food.

3 obstetric week

On days 14-21 of the menstrual cycle, the fertilized cell attaches to the uterine layer of the endometrium and is placed in a special water sac. The embryo in this period is very small - 0.1-0.2 mm. His placenta is forming.

During the 3rd week, a pregnant woman's hormonal levels change. Symptoms of PMS can be noticeably expressed: the breasts will begin to swell and ache, the lower abdomen will pull, and the mood will change. In addition, early toxicosis may occur.

But many women did not experience such signs at this stage of pregnancy.

4 obstetric week

At the 4th week of conception, the fetus establishes a connection with its mother - an umbilical cord is formed, through which the baby will feed for the entire 9 months. The embryo itself consists of 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The first, inner layer is responsible for the creation of further organs such as: liver, bladder, lungs, pancreas. The second, middle word is necessary to create the muscular system, heart, kidneys, circulatory system and gonads. The third, external one is responsible for the skin, hair, nails, teeth, eyes, ears.

The mother's body may experience malaise, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, soreness of the mammary glands, improved appetite, and increased temperature.

5 obstetric week

At this stage, the embryo develops some of the makings of the nervous and respiratory systems, and the heart and blood vessels also fully develop. The fetus weighs only 1 gram and its size is 1.5 mm. At 5 weeks after conception, the baby’s heart begins to beat!

Symptoms in a pregnant woman are as follows: morning sickness, breast enlargement and pain, fatigue, drowsiness, increased appetite, sensitivity to odors, dizziness.

6 obstetric week

Your baby's brain is forming, arms and legs, eye sockets appear, and folds appear in place of the nose and ears. Muscle tissue also develops, the embryo begins to feel and express itself. In addition, the rudiments of lungs, bone marrow, spleen, cartilage, intestines, and stomach are formed. At 6 weeks from conception, the fetus is the size of a pea.

Despite the fact that a third of pregnant women do not notice changes in the body, women may experience fatigue, frequent urination, toxicosis, abdominal pain, mood changes, and breast enlargement.

7 obstetric week

At this stage, the child develops very quickly. It weighs 3 g, and its size is 2 cm. Five parts of the brain are formed, the nervous system and organs develop (kidneys, lungs, bronchi, trachea, liver), optic nerves and the retina of the eyes are created, the ear and nostrils appear. Little by little, the baby develops a skeleton and the beginnings of teeth. By the way, the fetus has already developed a four-chambered heart and both atria are working.

In the second month of pregnancy, your mood also changes. The woman notices that she gets tired quickly and wants to sleep all the time. In addition, performance may decrease, toxicosis may appear, heartburn and bloating may occur. Many pregnant women experience low blood pressure during this period.

8 obstetric week

The baby already looks like a person. Its weight and size do not change. He's like a grape. On an ultrasound, you can already see the limbs and head. The baby actively expresses itself, rolls over, clenches and unclenches its arms, but the mother does not feel it. At 8 weeks after conception, all organs of the fetus are already formed, the nervous system is developed, and the rudiments of male and female genital organs appear.

A pregnant woman in the second month may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, as the uterus will increase and will be the size of an orange. In addition, toxicosis appears, appetite changes, mood changes, ability to work decreases, and frequent urination appears.

9 obstetric week

At the beginning of the third month of pregnancy, the cerebellar region is formed in the fetus, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. The child's muscle layer increases, the limbs thicken, the palms are formed, the genitals appear, the kidneys and liver begin to work actively, the back straightens and the tail disappears.

The expectant mother feels discomfort, also gets tired quickly, suffers from toxicosis, does not get enough sleep, but feels better than last week. During this period, the breasts increase sharply.

10 obstetric week

The size of the fetus is almost 3-3.5 cm. At the same time, it actively grows and develops. The baby develops chewing muscles, a neck and pharynx are formed, nerve endings, olfactory receptors, and taste buds on the tongue are created. Bone tissue also develops, replacing cartilage.

The pregnant woman also suffers from toxicosis and frequent urination. Weight may increase, pain in the groin and chest may occur, and sleep may be disturbed.

11 obstetric week

The embryo of this period is already clearly moving, it reacts to external stimuli (smell, food). He develops a digestive system and genitals. At 11 weeks from conception, rarely does anyone determine the sex of the baby. All other organs gain weight and develop further.

A woman may become upset for no reason, want to sleep, or refuse to eat. Many may suffer from toxicosis, constipation and heartburn. There should be no other unpleasant manifestations.

12 obstetric week

At the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, the internal organs of the small embryo were formed, its weight doubled, human features appeared on the face, nails appeared on the fingers, and the muscular system developed. The child already wrinkles his lips, opens and closes his mouth, clenches his fists and swallows food entering the body. The human brain is already divided into two hemispheres; in boys, testosterone is produced.

Mommy is starting to feel better. The feeling of malaise, fatigue, and running to the toilet go away less, but the change in mood also remains. There may be constipation.

13 obstetric week

At 4 months, the baby develops the brain, bone marrow, respiratory system, and thin skin appears. The baby feeds through the placenta; this week it has finally formed. The weight of the fruit is 20-30 g, and the size is 10-12 cm.

A woman at 13 weeks may suffer from constipation, cramps and changes in blood pressure. She feels better and is awake. Some people are left with morning sickness.

14 obstetric week

This week, the fetus is rapidly gaining weight, its organs and systems are improving. The baby weighs about the same as an apple - 43 g. It develops eyelashes, eyebrows, facial muscles and taste buds. The child begins to see and hear.

Mommy now eats with great pleasure, her appetite appears, her breasts and stomach are enlarged. But there are also unpleasant sensations - shortness of breath, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Stretch marks may appear.

15 obstetric week

At this stage, it is already possible to determine the sex - the fetus has formed genitals. The child develops legs and arms, ears, and the first hairs grow. The baby is gaining weight, his bones are getting stronger.

The expectant mother feels more cheerful, toxicosis and weakness disappear. But shortness of breath and abnormal bowel movements may remain. Blood pressure will be low. Dizziness will remain. Weight will increase by 2.5-3 kg.

16 obstetric week

At the end of 4 months, according to obstetric calculations, the fetus already weighs like an avocado and fits in your palm. His organs and especially his digestive system begin to work actively. He already reacts to voices, hears and feels, moves. Those mothers who are pregnant with their second child may feel movements in their tummy.

An expectant mother at 16 weeks may complain of pain in her legs. Mood and well-being improves. Skin pigmentation may change.

17 obstetric week

At the beginning of the 5th month, the baby becomes more like a newborn, as subcutaneous fatty tissue called brown fat is formed. It is responsible for heat exchange in the child's body. The fetus also gains weight. He can also eat about 400 g of amniotic fluid. He develops a swallowing reflex.

The mother can feel the baby's movements in her tummy, and the doctor can hear his heartbeat. The expectant mother at the 17th week of pregnancy will feel calm, happy and a little distracted. Some women will only be concerned about late toxicosis.

18 obstetric week

The fetus is actively developing, growing, moving, pushing. Fat folds form on the skin. In addition, the child begins not only to hear you, but also to distinguish between day and night. His retina becomes sensitive, and he understands when there is light outside his tummy and when it is dark. All organs, except the lungs, are functioning and falling into place.

At week 18, mommy’s weight should already increase by 4.5-5.5 kg. The appetite will increase, since the baby will also have to be fed. A pregnant woman may feel discomfort in the abdomen, and her vision may deteriorate. A midline will appear on your tummy.

19 obstetric week

At this time, the nervous system and brain of the fetus develops. The respiratory system and lungs are improving. His kidneys begin to work actively and excrete urine. The digestive system is also on the verge of completion. The child actively expresses himself, gives signals and gains weight.

The mother should not have any health problems. In rare cases, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, changes in blood pressure, cramps and chest discharge may occur.

20 obstetric week

The fetus also continues to develop - the immune system is formed, parts of the brain are improved, and the rudiments of molars appear. Doctors do not make mistakes when determining sex at this stage of pregnancy.

Half the term has passed. You should feel great. Some points may concern you: vision will deteriorate, shortness of breath, frequent urination, dizziness from low blood pressure, bleeding from the nose, swelling.

21 obstetric weeks

At the age of 6 months, all organs and systems have already been formed, but not all of them function as they should. The child already lives according to a sleep-wake schedule, swallows amniotic fluid, grows and gains weight. The pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, and spleen begin to work.

A pregnant woman at 21 weeks should feel well, but she may be bothered by pain in the abdomen and back. Shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling of the legs, frequent urination, stretch marks, and increased sweating may occur.

22 obstetric week

At this stage, the little man actively begins to tactilely explore his mother’s belly. He grabs the umbilical cord with his hands, plays with it, sucks his fingers, can roll over and respond to food, light, voice, music. The brain stops developing at 22 weeks, but neural connections are established.

Mom, as a rule, gets tired quickly and feels unwell. Since the baby is always moving, it is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position for rest. The pregnant woman becomes very sensitive, reacts to smells and food.

23 obstetric week

The child is also actively moving and gaining weight. The digestive system is so well developed that he already eats about 500 g of amniotic fluid. At week 23, the baby can already dream; doctors will record brain activity at your request. The child opens his eyes and looks at the light. He can even breathe - he usually takes 55 breaths per minute. But the breathing is still inconsistent. The lungs are developing.

A pregnant woman experiences contractions at 6 months. They are quite rare and appear as mild cramps in the uterus. Of course, a woman gains weight, and if she is in an uncomfortable position, she may feel pain in her back and stomach. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids may appear. Swelling, pigmentation and nausea will appear.

24 obstetric week

In a fetus of this age, the development of the respiratory system is completed. The oxygen that reaches the baby moves through the blood vessels. A baby born at 24 weeks can survive. The function of the fetus at 6 months is to gain weight. The future newborn also contacts the mother through pushes and movements.

The pregnant woman feels a surge of strength and suddenly gains weight. She may be worried about swelling of the face, legs, and the problem of heavy sweating. And, in general, I feel great.

25 obstetric week

At the 7th month, according to obstetric calculations, the fetus's bone and joint system is strengthened, and the bone marrow is finally improved. The baby already weighs 700 g, and his height is 32 cm. The baby’s skin acquires a light shade and becomes elastic. Surfactant accumulates in the lungs, which prevents the lungs from collapsing after the first breath.

A woman may suffer from the following troubles: heartburn, constipation, anemia, shortness of breath, swelling, abdominal or lower back pain.

26 obstetric week

The toddler gains weight, his muscles develop, and fat is deposited. The lungs are preparing to receive oxygen. The baby's body produces growth hormone. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear.

The skeletal system gets stronger. The child is already moving so much that it hurts the mother. Mommy also suffers from heartburn, shortness of breath, and lower back pain. Anemia, swelling, and vision problems may occur.

27 obstetric week

The belly dweller actively trains all organs and systems. Weighs about 1 kg and height is 35 cm. The baby also senses extraneous sounds, feels touch, and reacts to light. His swallowing and sucking reflexes are improving. When pushing, a mother may notice her baby's hand or foot.

The mother's health at 27 weeks should be good. She may be bothered by itching, anemia, cramps, changes in blood pressure, and sweating.

28 obstetric week

At the end of the second trimester, the fetus becomes even more mobile. His brain mass increases, a grasping and sucking reflex appears, and muscles are formed. A person lives according to a certain routine - he sleeps for about 20 hours and is awake for the remaining 4 hours. The baby's eye membrane disappears and he learns to blink.

At the end of the 7th month of pregnancy, the mother may experience itching, back pain, swelling of the legs, shortness of breath, and heartburn. Colostrum appears from the mammary glands. There may be stretch marks on the body.

29 obstetric week

The baby has already grown to 37 cm, his weight is 1250 g. The baby’s body can regulate its temperature, its immune system works perfectly. The child gets better, gains weight, accumulating white fat. The baby is almost ready to exist outside the mother’s belly, who feels every movement of the little man. In addition, a pregnant woman gets tired of pregnancy, gets tired quickly, her appetite improves, shortness of breath and attacks of urinary incontinence may occur.

30 obstetric week

At 8 months the child is already quite developed. He feels the world around him, listens to his mother's voice. The baby lives according to his own sleep and wakefulness schedule. His brain grows and develops. The fruit is very active. He can turn away from the bright light, push mommy from the inside. Because of this, the woman will feel slight pain in the abdomen, back, and lower back. The load also goes on your legs - they can swell. A pregnant woman may also experience shortness of breath, constipation, and bloating.

31 obstetric weeks

At this age, the baby’s lungs also improve. Nerve cells begin to act actively. The brain sends signals to organs. The liver lobules are completing their formation. The baby also grows and feels the world around him. His mommy gets tired faster now. She may be bothered by shortness of breath, swelling, late toxicosis and pain in the lower back and tummy.

32 obstetric week

There are no changes in fetal development. He is gaining weight and weighs 1.6 kg, and his height is already 40.5 cm. The child is also sensitive to smells, food, ambient sounds and light. And by the end of the 7th month, he is in the birth position. His skin takes on a light pink tint. The expectant mother may only complain of shortness of breath, frequent urination and swelling.

33 obstetric week

At 8 months of pregnancy, the baby performs an important function - gaining weight. Now he weighs 2 kg, and his height is 45 cm. The baby’s nervous system is developing, new connections are being formed. The immune system is also still developing. The baby becomes less mobile, as it takes up all the space in the mother’s uterus. A woman at 33 weeks feels good. She may suffer from shortness of breath, heartburn, leg cramps, back pain and itching.

34 obstetric week

The baby is ready to get out. He gains weight and becomes 500 g larger. Its organs and systems are trained to function before going out into the world. If the baby is born at 34 weeks, she will already be able to breathe on her own. And the belly takes calcium from the mother’s body and further builds bone tissue.

During this period, mommy may lose her appetite. You will experience back pain, shortness of breath, numbness, and swelling. Many women experience contractions, but the pain in the upper abdomen should subside.

35 obstetric week

No significant changes in fetal development are observed. All organs and systems are simply debugging their work. Completing processes occur in the nervous and genitourinary systems. Meconium accumulates in the intestines. Starting this week, the child sharply gains weight by 200-300 g. And his mother suffers from frequent urination, swelling, heartburn, shortness of breath, and insomnia. Contractions are also weakly expressed.

36 obstetric week

At the end of the 8th month, the placenta begins to wither. Its thickness is small, but it performs its functions. The baby is less active, sleeps more and gains strength before birth. Its systems and organs are developed. And the expectant mother may complain of feeling tired and possible contractions.

37 obstetric week

The baby is completely ready to be born this week. His vision and hearing have finally matured, and his body has formed. The child already looks like a newborn and is waiting in the wings. Mommy feels discomfort and pain. Contractions may occur more frequently. But it will become easier to breathe and eat. The stomach may drop. This phenomenon occurs several weeks before birth.

38 obstetric week

The baby's weight is 3.5-4 kg, and his height is 51 cm. The placenta, which connects the baby with the mother, ages and loses its plethora. The fetus stops growing because it receives less nutrients and oxygen. The baby moves down closer to the “exit” and eats through the mother’s placenta. He is already ready for independent life.

A pregnant woman feels heaviness in her lower abdomen. She may also be bothered by frequent urination and leg cramps.

39 obstetric week

The baby will be due on time this week. Girls are usually born earlier than boys. The baby is already viable. Mommy feels contractions. If they have not been observed, a woman should under no circumstances call them on her own. The expectant mother's mood changes, her appetite disappears, and she is bothered by frequent urination.

40 obstetric week

The child is also waiting to be born and is gaining strength. It can grow up to 52 cm and weigh about 4 kg. The belly moves little, but still reacts to mother’s mood. A pregnant woman, as a rule, is already ready to become a mother. She is worried about irritability, white-yellow discharge, pain throughout the body, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and, of course, contractions.

41-42 obstetric weeks

The child may be born later than expected. His bones will become stronger, his body weight and height will increase. He will feel great, but mom will feel constant discomfort. She may have a stomach ache due to the baby's movements. Constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, insomnia, and swelling will occur.
