Why are girls such dumb creatures. Why are pretty girls dumb? Scientists' opinion

1. She believes that you owe her everything, and she owes you nothing.

2. Does not tolerate any criticism in his address.

3. Believes that a woman has the right to beat a man with impunity, and that he supposedly will never dare to raise a hand against her in response.

4. Thinks it's okay to talk about you with her girlfriends, but gets hysterical if she finds out you've talked about her with anyone.

5. Loves when strangers pay attention to her; hate when stranger women pay attention to you.

6. Tries to teach you about life, becomes furious if anyone tries to teach her.

7. “The Devil Wears Prada” for her is not the title of a work, but a life postulate.

8. The expediency of fulfilling her whims is substantiated by the phrase “if you a real man then do it for me!”

9. He considers buying beer a much more wasteful waste of money than paying for the services of a fortune teller or a psychic.

10. Believes that all the wars on the planet are due to men. And that if women were given power, then peace and harmony would reign on earth ...

If a girl is beautiful, then she is stupid. And if, in addition, she is young, and even a blonde, then she is a dummy.Where did the stereotype about the stupidity of beauties come from, and is it true? No wonder they say: "do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." Bright appearance interferes both in a career and in personal life, but from hung labels and greasy male views not so easy to get rid of. What do psychologists say about this?

Sometimes attractive girls they deliberately build bunches on their heads, put on glasses just to “pass for smart” and once again not draw attention to their appearance.

Angelina, 26 years old: “There was a period when I could not get a job for six months. Everywhere they refused, citing either age, non-core education, or lack of experience. This is despite the fact that I had a red diploma in my hands, albeit after the “correspondence”. Money was tight - I almost died of hunger. She lost weight, but at the same time, as luck would have it, she looked good. It was written on the faces of the employers that my model texture was alarming them. One said: “We have a publishing house here, not a beauty salon. Are you able to come to work by 10 in the morning?” And in the eyes of mockery, they say, where are you going.

Are employers really biased towards girls with a “model texture” and are they more willing to give vacancies to owners of a dull appearance? Here are firsthand opinions.

Valentin, director of sales: “If you choose between a smart ugly woman and a smart beauty, I will focus on the first one. To in work time people were engaged in business, and not shura-mura bred.

Leonid, manager of a chain of stores: “You can’t judge by external data. Adequacy, liveliness of mind, the ability to conduct a conversation - that's what is important. Spectacular woman I remember visually - this is the only advantage. Otherwise, the beauty has the same chances as the “gray mouse”. Other things being equal, I will hire a beautiful woman. This has a good effect on the image of the company as a whole.”

Mikhail, manager of a PR agency: “Only women work for me. Judging by the fact that we are still afloat, they are all smart. And try, tell me that they are not beautiful! They'll eat it! So smart and beautiful at the same time - these are very valuable and rare specimens, and they all already work for me.

As you can see, opinions vary. Not all employers believe that the mind and spectacular appearance- Things are mutually exclusive. They are only concerned that the thoughts of employees contemplating girlish charms during working hours can be directed in a “non-working” direction. But this is the subject of another discussion.

Where did the image of a silly beauty come from then? We asked this question to women - young, beautiful and successful.

Lilia, 32, lawyer: “Beauty and intelligence have nothing to do with each other. A person with the same success can have both, and maybe none of this. True, there are times when a beautiful girl believes that appearance is her trump card, except for which she no longer needs anything in life. She believes that all the happiness of the world will fall at her feet anyway. But there is another option, when people develop a prejudice against beauties, they are considered narrow-minded and frivolous. It's a kind of public envy."

Sofia, 26, director of a PR agency: “There are more and more smart beauties every day! Maybe indigo children are growing up, or maybe just beauty has become available to everyone!

Vera, 24, journalist: “They usually make fun of blondes, because girls with blonde hair were originally considered sexy and associated with something extremely pleasant. But thinking about work or the fate of the world, looking at them, never occurred to anyone. And so it went ... "

Ekaterina, 29, HR manager: “This is a stupid stereotype, which is convenient to support both for girls who are not brilliant with their minds (they say, but they are beautiful), and for men who are not seven spans in their foreheads and are simply cowardly. With beautiful and narrow-minded young ladies - it's simple. No need to strain to achieve their location, it is easy to feel like a giant of thought. For male self-esteem it is very important. With smart, but ugly, it’s also not difficult - they are not spoiled male attention. But with a smart and even beautiful woman, it’s difficult: she knows her own worth, and a man must match her. The bar is high. That is why it is more difficult for smart and beautiful women to find a worthy mate than just beautiful ones. Among these, there are more often lonely, waiting for their "prince".

Maria, 34, radio host: “They are jealous! Well, seriously, even from a physiological point of view, how can appearance affect the mind and desire to develop as a person? Once I was faced with a situation where a girl tried to point out to me that I was beautiful, but at the same time stupid. To be honest, it was flattering! After all, in fact, she admitted that she was much inferior to me. Therefore, I believe that the myth of stupid beauties is just an "excuse". But not for girls who do not sparkle with intelligence, but, on the contrary, for those who do not sparkle with beauty.

Opinion psychologist

“There are some grounds for this stereotype. Young girls tend to be less intelligent than beautiful. Moreover, there is a pattern male psyche: if he likes a woman, he wants her to be a little dumber than him. Means, beautiful women a priori stupid, - explains psychologist Irina Tseytina. - And another moment: a woman, trying to please, instinctively accepts the role of weak and stupid. And the easier she manages to play, the smarter and wiser she actually is in life.



She watches "House 2", loves the series "Sex in big city”, and her mindset is like that of a 16-year-old. We understand the longing in your eyes. Your girlfriend turned out to be a fool, what to do?

- And then I'll rape you with a spelling dictionary.
- Do you promise?
- Twice.

Six months ago you met a beautiful, cheerful and charming girl. This is a dream girl: she has easy temper, she loves to laugh at your jokes, she doesn't try to put herself above you. You think she's smart enough to seem a little dumber to men. But six months later, you realize that behind this childish spontaneity and naivety lies not a smart girl, but a complete fool. It's a complete fool. She doesn’t understand a damn thing about life, she has no idea about generally accepted truths and knowledge.

Asking the question: “My girlfriend is a fool, what should I do now?” We have come to an optimistic conclusion. You have three exits!

1. What if the girl is a fool? She can be thrown

If your girlfriend is not older than 16-18 years old, then it is too early to draw any conclusions. If she is 25 years old, and her mind is 16, then everything is sadder. Sooner or later, you will get tired of her stupidity and begin to annoy. All yours, as well as her acquaintances, will make fun of her "smartness". She can't be trusted to do anything, let alone rely on her. It's horrible.

Some men have not dated smart and quick-witted girls. It is such a girl who will be able to maintain your interest in her throughout the whole time, keep you in suspense, help out with advice in difficult time and will run the family household without instructions. What if the girl is stupid? Maybe it's better to leave her and find a normal one?

2. What if the girl is a fool? Love her for who she is

The girl, though a fool, but she is a sweet and accommodating fool. Do you like something about her? Maybe it's just that she's not trying to be smarter than you, to become the main one in a couple and try to remake you? With stupid women, a man can feel calmer. It's like a cozy bed, which is always glad to see you. Why have a very smart girlfriend or wife at home? Do you miss bitchy and insightful women - careerists at work? Home is your castle. A stupid girl will feed, drink and put to bed without asking unnecessary questions and without disturbing over trifles. But with kids you'll have to do homework himself. (see When a woman is a fool)

Let the girl be a fool, but maybe that's why you love her? She is your favorite fool.

3. What if the girl is a fool? Bring her up yourself

This is the most difficult case. If you love her, but do not want to put up with her stupidity, then take her education into your own hands. Your very first idea was to tie it to a chair and read aloud Mikhail Bulgakov, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Alexandre Dumas. Education recognized classics. But it's a bit rude, cruel and inefficient. It is worth acting differently.

3.1 Change of girlfriend's environment

You should start with her environment. Her girlfriends are also stupid and maybe even whores, from your point of view. Even sophisticated and rare flower can be killed by weeds. Get rid of her friends.

Borrow it all free time your girlfriend, let her not be up to them. Make her jealous of her prettier friends, become her best friend, quarrel them, move to another area of ​​the city.

3.2. Bring on the girl good taste and thinking

She watches "House 2", loves the TV series "Sex and the City", and her thinking is like that of a 16-year-old fool. We understand the longing in your eyes. Watch science and adventure channels together. Good films, theater, opera, museums and interesting exhibitions will give it a new impetus to development.

3.3. Fools need education

Education does not so much give knowledge as it teaches to think. If she lacked one, let her get another one or go to language courses. Keep her willing to learn, that should help.

How can you tell if a girl is stupid?

Especially for you, we reviewed the film "Closed Spaces", in which main character Venya arranged a test for an unfamiliar but pretty pizzeria courier. The captive Vika was forced to undergo tests, according to the results of which, for each unsuccessful answer, the girl removed one part of the wardrobe. Shake on your mustache how to do tests for girls! A successful answer freed her from captivity. But we hasten to assure you that this is not a thriller, but rather a funny movie.

Don't forget to set "correct" conditions for incorrect answers. (see How to get a girl to have sex)

Dictation to test a girl

Dictate to her just one sentence:

“On a boardwalk terrace near a juniper, sitting on an ottoman, freckled Agrippina Savvishna surreptitiously regaled collegiate assessor Philip Apollinarevich with vinaigrette and other dishes to the accompaniment of cello and accordion.”

Math to check girl

It's uncomplicated mathematical problem and ask the girl to solve it:

“You ordered three pizzas. Pizzas are different, for a total of 250 rubles. You brought the order and you see three young people. Each of the guys first gave you 100 rubles. You return ten, and they ask you to keep twenty rubles as a tip! At first, each gave a hundred. In total - three hundred. You return ten, total - thirty. So? And twenty rubles tip remains with you. Question! Where are ten more rubles?

These tests are tricky. If your girlfriend answered the questions correctly, but she is definitely not a fool. But on the other hand, if she answered incorrectly, that's fine too. She's already taken off two pieces of her wardrobe. She stands without a dress and a bra! Maybe it's even better that she's a fool?! Or maybe she is very, very smart and plays giveaway?

I want to tell my story from that life when I was still a schoolboy. When they grow up, everyone begins to realize for the first time what love is, the first kisses, the first meetings. Goodbye, and everything connected with it. For many, this process proceeds safely, but not for everyone. It is precisely for this “not for everyone” that I would like to tell you now. We had a girl a year younger than me. You know, very beautiful, slim. Well, just a girl. I would even say that the dream of any kid. It turned out that she did not pass me by either. I felt sympathy for her for about half a year. And not so weak. I also tried to roll up to her in different ways, and so, and so. But nothing worked. But I didn't feel particularly sad. Probably because all the same, he did not take it so seriously to his heart. But the conversation will not be about me. She began to meet with our student. Who is a year older than me. Well, their relationship didn't last long enough. Then she started dating someone not from our school, and it looks like the kid took her seriously. Then you will understand what I mean. Well, they dated for about a year. I was in 10th grade at the time and she was in 9th grade. And then another Monday morning came. Everyone came to the lessons, climbed into the Internet on their phones. And at that time we had only one provider, and most people sat stupidly on its local portal. Because and the speed there is faster, and everything is done wisely and interestingly. In general, climbed. And everyone was shocked by what they saw. And they saw this very girl, in various poses, just in shorts. No bra. In general, the boys began to copy these photos to themselves faster. At the next break, these photos were not enough that every first grader has. Probably already half of the city is for sure. Because this thought scattered in an hour to all friends, comrades, etc. Well, everything is as expected, that girl in hysterical tears. Then she went home. She was not seen at school for about a month. The teacher told us that her mother came to school. And she said that her daughter was just afraid to leave the house. There was always a crowd of boys who were waiting for her after such photos. Well, you understand why they were waiting for her. So she didn't leave the house for a month. Then the investigation began, they filed a complaint with the police. The police did not look for this guy for a long time. Found almost immediately. He was already a student. They took him to the office. Everything went to court. And then out of nowhere they let him go. As explained by the lack of evidence proving his crime. Well, he allegedly deleted all the photos, publicly apologized to that girl. And that is all. Then he lived as before. And now the question is, how much did his parents pay to the police. Because the article is pretty serious. And it was possible to fly into the colony for 2-5 years. The girl also turned out to be stupid, who scatters such things to their guys. It’s a pity for her, of course, in our city they remembered her for a long time, but probably even now if they see her, they will start poking her fingers at her.

Hello guys! My question is: why are women dumber than men?


Counter question: why is it so clear? Not all women are stupid, and there are plenty of stupid men. Even you, asking such a question, do not show yourself as an intellectual. (No offense man, but what's the question?) But after a little thought, we decided to answer it anyway.

It's not that I stand up for women, I just want to believe that not all girls have logical thinking. I would not say that they are all stupid, but we are so smart. We just think differently. I'm sure they often think we're stupid ourselves. And for sure, they even told you this, you just didn’t pay attention.

For example, girls believe that we are dependent, that we will never stop being children. They think that we are stupid enough in everyday matters. After all, for some reason, we still don’t understand that we shouldn’t eat a sandwich without a plate, we shouldn’t throw dirty things to clean ones, and we shouldn’t act like an asshole in bed.

We like to express ourselves in terms that are incomprehensible to them, in order to once again show who is a know-it-all in a relationship and who is a dumbass. We are apparently subconsciously trying to prove to ourselves that we are the rulers of the world, and women are pawns. It seems to me that it is dangerous to live with such a cliché. It's just that the women have already figured out that they are always considered stupid, and this is dangerous for us. Somehow we forget about how cunning they are. A woman will reproach you later at every opportunity, if you suddenly freeze nonsense.

The women were able to promote feminism, so you can expect anything from them. Please don't forget about it. You yourself are sometimes hard stupid. Every time you go to her place, you ask her to cook something tasty. And then at dinner you accidentally blurt out that yesterday you made meat in French or some other delicious thing. All! Now every time she cooks, she will reproach you with this.

All men are jealous fools. However, if a woman rejoices in the jealousy of a man, she is no less stupid than he. So men and women are equally stupid.

If you think women are dumb, chances are you haven't met any smart ones. Apparently, in such an environment you communicate. And some women pretend to be stupid, but for themselves and their girlfriends, they are very smart. You've probably heard of the term " female logic"? Call it what you want, but IT really exists. You simply perceive and reproduce information differently, which is why it is so difficult to understand each other. And there is nothing fatal. Just learn to live with it: you still won’t retrain your girlfriend, and it’s not her fault.

It turns out that your brain is "single-tasking." This means that when solving a problem, you will put everything on the shelves and will lead the thread from the first to the second, from the second to the third ... That is, you will not give an instant and unreasonable answer, unlike your girlfriend. The fact is that it is her brain that “multitasks”. Complete chaos reigns in her head, in which a couple of cockroaches have long been confused and died. Because of this, she will solve the problem inconsistently and, most likely, will not even be able to explain why she came to this conclusion.

Once again I will repeat that women are insidious, and one cannot fully believe in their stupidity. Probably, this characteristic stuck to them, because most often they themselves try to seem not smart enough. Especially in romantic relationship. “Buy me an ice cream, put on my panties, meet me after work…” - they got used to the role of a little girl, from which they see no reason to leave.
I'm not saying women don't have logic. Yes, it's just awkward to use. They find men to let them solve these "difficult" and unpleasant tasks.

In general, dude, appreciate in women what is good in them: boobs, for example. If you only come across stupid ones, then maybe they are at least beautiful or funny.
