What a real man should have. What should be a real man

In this article we will talk about how a real man should be. There are many myths about this. And it's time to dispel them. In our world, there are both real men and weaklings. The former are in demand among girls, the latter are not needed by anyone. I would be glad if you supplement this article with your opinion in the comments under the article. If you are a woman or a guy, write down your attributes of masculinity.

What should be a real man in the eyes of a woman?

Unfortunately, public opinion makes men not men. All films, songs, all sorts of groups on social networks say that a real man must forgive insults. That is, if a girl insulted a man, then in ten minutes he must forgive her for this. Do you think such behavior makes a man into a real man?

If a man does not talk to a woman because she is guilty, then he behaves like a woman. That's what my brother's girlfriend thinks. That is, if she offended him, and then he does not get in touch for a long time, then he is also offended, and behaves like a woman. Actually it is not. If my brother does not communicate with his Natasha, then this means that he simply does not want to communicate with her.

I agree that those men who are offended are not real men. Now there are plenty of them. The men became like girls. If they are not pleased, then they pout, get angry and even act up. But, if a man does not go first to reconciliation, this does not mean at all that he puffed out his lips. Some guys raise their women this way. Below I will explain this in more detail.

It is believed that the guy should please the girl, give her gifts, fulfill all her desires and whims. This is the hardest lie that can only be. Those guys who behave like this are not popular with women. Sexual attraction to them is lost instantly. No woman wants to let a weakling near her body. And this behavior exposes the guy just like that. A real man knows his own worth, and will not do what he does not want.

Good! And then what should be a real man? A real man always exudes confidence. This is the confidence women seek. It is always pleasant to be behind the back of a reliable and strong man. Women really miss this. Recently I asked my friend: "What should be your real man?". She said that he should be mentally stronger than her.

That is, if something happens in life, then a real man should put his shoulder. He should say: "Everything will be fine, we'll manage". That is, where a woman feels her powerlessness, he must show his strength. A man should lead a woman, and not vice versa. This is what all the fair sex wants. They want to feel weak, next to real men.

A real man must be reliable. This may or may not be explained. It is desirable that all people in this world be reliable. Any man paints purposefulness. A purposeful man is a successful man. His busyness always attracts girls. He knows how to overcome difficulties and solve problems. And women need it. This shows their strength.

Nobody likes couch men who only watch TV and drink beer. A real man must possess, which will help him, doubts and difficulties. Whatever happens in life, it is important to be able to control yourself. Unfortunately, many men deflate and start drinking. This often happens in families. Women have to take the role of a man and solve life's problems. They need it the least.

Therefore, many girls check their guys for reliability. They arrange all sorts of checks to see if the man is strong or just another weakling. Checks are different. Girls begin to behave provocatively in order to check whether the guy will bend under her or not. And those men who follow the lead are left without sex and further relationships.

That is why you should not try to please women, go to reconciliation first, give gifts, confess your love. This shows your neediness and dependence on it. If a girl feels this, then the desire to have sex with you will drag on, or even disappear altogether. A real man understands this and is ready to challenge her. He is not afraid to lose her, and he shows it openly to her.

To create a quality relationship, you will have to risk it one way or another. If you hand over the reins to her, then you will never look like a real man in her eyes. A real man is always in charge in a relationship. All women dream about it. The henpecked ones are already boring them to death. So make sure you dominate the relationship. But don't overdo it.

A real man should be caring towards a girl. Yes, it should, but not too much. She deserves your care. If you continue to drag her breakfast to bed when she sent you three letters yesterday, thereby trying to make peace with her, then you automatically become a weakling in her eyes. Control in the relationship shifts to her, sexual attraction to you is lost immediately. A real man takes care of a girl only when there are good reasons for it. A girl should also strive to ensure that her man desires her. It's a whole lot of work.

A real man should have a toned body. In general, the physical form speaks about the relationship of a person to himself. Inflated men take care of themselves, they love themselves and take care of their health. Women like fit guys, as this indicates that they are in good health. Going to the gym three times a week is a big deal. Whoever does this is unlikely to suffer from laziness. So take care of yourself.

A real man should be able to. The ability to defend your rights, both in relationships and in business, is an important skill of a real man. A real man can always stand up for himself and his girlfriend. The ability to give in the nose separates real men from weaklings. But you need to know when and under what conditions to give in the face. Sometimes the word is everything.

All women will say that a real man should earn a lot. In fact, this statement can be simplified: all men should provide for their families. Nature so ordered that men are the breadwinners, not women. There is no need to explain here, you yourself understand everything.

The ability to take responsibility is another sign of a strong man. Now more and more women are doing it. Some men whine, complain about life, in general, behave like girls. A responsible man is a confident man who is capable, for the sake of the preservation and safety of his family.

There are many qualities that separate real men from effeminate ones. It's better for you to write the answer to the question below in the comments: "What should be a real man in the eyes of a woman?". I wish you all the best.

What should be a real man


Despite the fact that each representative of the weaker sex has her own requirements and tastes, it is still possible to single out a number of “distinguishing features”. By the way, knowing about the preferences of a lady, you can understand how to become a real man faster and easier. And this is only for men! Therefore, our article will be not only interesting, but also useful for both women and all future "macho".

Key qualities of a "real man"

Answering the question: “what is a real man like?”, we will give characteristic features that are 100% consistent with him, that very real one. 2 main points are usually responsible for "realness":

  • Realization in work;
  • Fulfillment in the family.

At the same time, a real man in each of the spheres.

What should be a real man

  1. A real man does not count on help "from the outside."

    He is confident in his own abilities. Ideas about what a real man should be in women's society change regularly. However, the ladies are convinced "both then and now" that he should rely only on himself. In order to be considered successful, the representative of the stronger sex must really be strong and held in all respects.

    Now we are talking about the fact that girls, girls and even adult women can easily afford to live, for example, at the expense of rich parents. But for a guy this is unacceptable - the ability to be independent and independent is highly valued;

  2. Self-sufficiency.

    Also included in our list called "real man - what is he?". We are sure that a guy should not solve problems at the expense of friends, relatives, dads and moms. And even more so, he will not involve a woman in his own problems.

  3. Independence.

    It is important for women, but, first of all, it should be different for the stronger sex. Unfortunately, in the modern world we can talk about dependence not only on the “mother's skirt”, but also on bad habits, addictions. Smoking, alcohol, drugs - if a guy is attached to all this, he will not be able to become a real man. Independence should be manifested in any area: in decision-making, in one's own choice, in material and financial matters.

    Parents reading a note about what qualities of a real man are important for women, remember: a tendency to addiction is most often. Total control, distrust, lack of support will help you raise not a “defender of the fatherland”, but a person with psychological problems.

  4. Not looking for help.

    Only the most extreme case can be the reason that a man with a capital "M" turned to you with a request. To live, relying on other people, he will not.

  5. He is intolerant of compromise.

    If the job does not suit him, he changes it. If the woman he loves has cheated on him, he leaves her and does not look for ways to return. He does not rush between relatives, friends and wife. He does not adapt to situations and specific people. to the detriment of your desires.

  6. He is not accustomed to compare.

    At the biological level, a person is arranged in such a way that he compares "everything and with everyone." But if a man is confident and successful, he will be able to control himself and his behavioral factors. The only objects for his comparisons can only be "himself" and "he in the past." And then only to praise yourself and motivate for further growth.

    In other words, a true "man" will not delve into himself and worry that a year ago he received a thousand rubles more at his previous job. He will look at the prospects and say to himself: "My success is undeniable, I have gained invaluable professional experience."

  7. He knows who he is and accepts himself as such.

    What should be a real man? Satisfied and satisfied with himself and his current position. Understand that "rest on your laurels" can not only be a lazy loser. But also the one who has already achieved a lot or is simply confident in his abilities.

    In order for you not to get confused in terms, consider a simple example. Next to you is a guy who constantly grumbles that he "needs to pump up urgently." What is the result of such whining? In the end - your spoiled nerves, nothing more. As a rule, they do not take any real action, and only pester about their problems.

    What will happen if you suddenly find yourself with a man of a similar build. But which accepts both its weight and its figure? You will walk next to a self-confident person, satisfied with himself, and therefore, with the world around him, including you.

  8. Running after women's skirts is not his favorite hobby.

    If a guy really took place and is confident in himself, he will not humiliate himself in front of a girl. Yes, sometimes the most incredible situations happen in life. But still, we argue that if a woman rejected a real man, then he will not come back to her.

    Self-destruction and love are two different things. And you should never confuse the concepts of "courtship" and "humiliation". “Not responding to my persistent (within reason, not to be confused with obsessive) attention? Then I will find another,” such a motto would be true;

  9. The midlife crisis passed painlessly or did not touch him at all.

    Considering the question of what qualities of a real man are most important, this moment cannot be missed. Even if HE meets all the above qualities, but at the same time he is ready to leave his wife and children for the sake of “another skirt or a younger one,” he cannot be called a real man.

  10. He treats women with respect.

    Appreciates her and perceives her as an equal, but in need of love and care. If it seems to you that a real man can look down on a girl as a “lower being”, laughs when he sees her driving or in a leadership position, you are mistaken. Do not forget that in the vast majority of cases, such injections and ridicule are just an excuse to assert yourself at the expense of others. What, as we said above, a Man should not need.

    He not only respects and appreciates his woman, but also treats others with care. He will not fail to turn to a specialist with a serious question, despite the fact that this is a woman, and will not laugh at "women's gatherings."

Summing up how to become a real man

Men, do you want to get better? It's never late. We have given recommendations, then it is your turn to act. Women, looking for a real man? Then do not settle for life with someone who cannot boast of having these qualities.

In this article, you will learn the most important points of what a real man should be, regardless of where he lives and what he does at the moment of his life. These rules are universal, that is, applicable at any time and in any place.

This article, of course, is intended for men, so there will be a separate request for women: if you suddenly study this article and want your husband to become the same, then God forbid you start talking to your husband about this or reproaching him for not being the same as they say here.

This approach does not work and it is best for us to change ourselves, thus setting an example for a loved one and inspiring him to change. I believe that you are a wise and reasonable person.

What is a real man?

Answering the question about real men, I immediately want to note that a man should not allow himself to relax completely in any of the areas of life, otherwise he loses himself.

This applies to everything: daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, relationships with people, work, leisure, etc. A man in life needs to find a mentor who will teach him to be a man, if he has not become one so far.

It can be both a father and a trainer in the martial arts section. Incredible luck if fate sends a spiritual teacher to a man, but it is not so easy to deserve it.

In a nutshell, a real man is a person who has the following qualities: fearlessness, selflessness, generosity, justice, honesty, genuine humility, non-attachment, practicality, responsibility, purposefulness, asceticism, self-control, discipline and others.

I understand that a simple enumeration of male qualities will not give you anything. Therefore, below we will analyze some points in more detail.

What should a man really be like?

  • A real man strives to be strong, above his feelings and desires.

A man must learn to force himself to do the right actions and deeds. Correct actions and deeds often do not mean generally accepted norms of behavior in modern society.

Cheating, a lot of bad habits - these are not signs of a real man, but an indicator of his weakness. A man must fight with himself and with his weaknesses. He needs to constantly show will and achieve something.

  • He understands what he should do in life and strives to realize himself in this activity in society.

Each of us has a purpose in our activity or, in other words, a mission. And it is only in this activity that a man can be truly happy, satisfied and successful. Therefore, it is important for him to start developing in it.

To do this, he needs to work on himself, on his qualities of character, habits, etc.

If a man by the age of 20-25 has not understood where he should work, then he needs to go where there is work. Otherwise, he will never understand what to do.

  • He should strive to occupy a certain place in society in accordance with his destiny.

This is necessary not to show off and use it, but in order to become yourself. Such is the male nature - to constantly achieve something in society. Thus, he will realize himself as a man.

Any normal man, at least within himself, wants to achieve something high and big. Moreover, having found himself in activity and developed in it, he will be able to benefit others, which is very valuable and important. This is what a real man should be.

  • A real man is a self-sufficient person who does not look for a woman, thinking that she will make him happy.

In our time, the passion for women among men is a real scourge. A real man is self-sufficient and does not run after every skirt. If a man depends on women (primarily mentally), then he falls into one of two traps:

  • he relaxes next to a woman and becomes a "rag"
  • he becomes very proud, tyrant, hurts a woman

In the first and second cases, a man loses himself as a person and degrades. Therefore, it is important for him to learn to draw happiness from within himself, which is possible, first of all, with the help of deep spiritual practice. He also needs to engage in self-development and develop in activities. All this will make him an internally satisfied and self-sufficient person.

And only then can a man be ready to create a family, and not when he is at a low level of development of consciousness, has no goals in life and behaves like a teenager.

  • A man must endure women's emotions (VERY IMPORTANT)

You need to understand that a woman is always emotional, and mentally stronger than a man. If he cannot bear the emotions of a woman, he cannot marry, but he needs to work on himself.

Only a man with a strong mind and understanding of the psychology of relationships will be able to reasonably build relationships within the family. It is very difficult, and often impossible, to endure the emotions of a woman, simply by wanting it. To do this, you need to develop as a person and devote a lot of time to self-education.

  • He studies the laws of life, the laws of happiness and prosperity

Most people now live without knowing either the laws of life or the meaning of life in general. They just live and everything, being under the full influence of their fate.

But this world has its own laws, human life has its own meaning. A man must seek answers to these questions, otherwise everything else will be meaningless. He also needs to study the laws of happiness and prosperity, how everything works in this world, and much more.

What else should be a real man? Now let's go over the shortcomings of men.

  • A real man must overcome his addictions to alcohol, smoking and other drugs

A purposeful and reasonable man will not allow himself this. Such hobbies carry great harm and come from a lack of basic knowledge. For example, any alcohol in any quantity is a poison, and millions of people drink it.

That is why every real man should receive knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, implement them in his life and engage in self-development in general.

Read more about why men drink alcohol

  • He is engaged in self-development in all important areas of life.

Working on yourself is one of the most important areas in a man's life. If you paid attention, then this has already been said several times throughout this article.

  • A real man knows how not to fall under the influence of female energy

He must learn to distance himself from the action of female energy, from various temptations associated with women. A real man should be able to control himself.

If a man is strongly influenced by women, then he has no power over himself..

He cannot fight bad habits, mentally resist difficulties. He becomes a selfish person in this case.

It's all a sign of a man's weakness. The strength of a man lies in the ability to control his behavior, fight against manifestations of character, with his habits.

With an excessive passion for women, a man loses himself, while a woman loses herself with an excessive passion for money. A real man should not be a womanizer. If, then internally women will never respect him.

  • Raising a son in a family, a man can do this only by his example, and not by word.

It is so arranged that children, first of all, take an example from us, and do not listen to what we say. Therefore, the only true way to educate children is to start educating yourself and set an example of a worthy and correct life.

As for the upbringing of his son, the boy understands only actions, he does not need to be brought up with words. Only a man, a father, should punish him, but it is not advisable to beat him, as this is an ignorant way of education.

  • From childhood, a man needs to be educated with strong-willed qualities.

Both men and women need to be educated from childhood. If you miss these important years from the point of view of education, then it will be too late and the person will develop himself at best.

Now most guys do not even know what a real man should be. There are no subjects at school or at the institute on how to be a normal reasonable person, a real man or woman. Such is the influence of our time.

It is effective to bring up strong-willed qualities in a boy with the help of sports sections. With the help of cramming mathematics, physics, etc. A boy does not make a real man.

If a man becomes strong as a person, then happiness and success await him both in the family and in his work.

Watch a video about real men and find out their main features:

320 640 Sergei Yuriev http://website/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergei Yuriev 2013-11-23 15:46:29 2018-09-19 14:40:42 What should be a real man at all times?

The site team congratulates on Family Day and wishes that your home is always warm and comfortable, and adversity bypasses relatives. On this occasion, we propose to discuss the current topic - what should be a man in a family? Why exactly this one? Because the personal qualities of a man determine the present and future of the family.

What should be a real man?

Some questions remain eternal, and this one is one of them. There is no specific answer to it, since for each person the qualities that define a real man are different. However, there are signs that most people will agree with. So the man must be:

  1. Courageous.

Being masculine does not mean wearing a beard, riding a bike and listening to heavy music. Courage is the ability to endure even strong blows of fate, not to fall into hysterics, huddled in a corner. This means taking responsible steps, solving problems, ignoring fear.

Courage is to admit your mistakes; courage - to protect the family; courage - to leave a stable job for the sake of your own business; courage is to move to another country where there are no friends or acquaintances. They say about such men that they have a core.

  1. Strong physically and spiritually.

Physical strength is not as important as it was in the wild. However, a pumped-up man in society is perceived with more respect than a frail one. A guy with an athletic build looks healthy, which means he is attractive to women.

In addition to physical strength, mental strength is important. Don't shy away from problems. To be able to sacrifice something for the sake of a higher goal. A morally weak man eventually turns into a weakling. It is easy for them to push around, inspire something or deceive.

  1. Reliable.

The word of a real man is as hard as steel. You can rely on him. He is honest with himself and those around him. With a reliable person, they are more willing to do business and entrust responsible tasks. Such people move up the career ladder faster, even without sufficient competence.

  1. Kind to family and friends.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to show kindness to everyone around. The world is sometimes cruel, and if you are always kind, you will not survive. However, to give love to the dearest and closest is the sacred duty of a man.

It is not difficult to support relatives with pleasant words. It strengthens friendships and family relationships. Of course, there will not be enough time to listen to everyone on any occasion, but it is quite possible to be attentive to the important life moments of loved ones.

  1. Don't be afraid to take risks.

The propensity to take risks is at the heart of the psychology of a man. However, thoughtless risk hurts. A real man takes risks when there is an opportunity to get something better than there is at the moment. It takes into account the chances of success. Putting all the money in roulette on "zero" is not a virtue, but stupidity.

A good example of justified risk is changing jobs in order to find a better job. A person may not join the team, not pull the volume of tasks, or simply not find anything better. A man is aware of this and yet will leave his familiar place for the sake of professional development.

What should be a man for a woman?

The qualities listed above characterize a man in everyday life. But in the eyes of a woman, this is not enough to create a strong family. For most girls, the following qualities of a real man are important:

  1. Attentiveness.

It is important for a woman that a man hears her, and does not pretend. Sometimes the girl is worried, and the guy does not attach any importance to this. It turns out that by indifference to the problem, a man offends his other half.

Suppose a man and a woman were looked askance at. The guy, most likely, will not think about it for a second, and the girl’s thoughts will be occupied with this moment all day. For him, this is not a problem. Why discuss it then? This is the case when the guy does not understand what she was offended by.

A girl may think that a man is indifferent to her feelings. It may seem silly, but even in situations that are not worth a damn, find a couple of words to calm and support your loved one.

  1. A responsibility.

This quality distinguishes a man from a boy. An adult self-sufficient person is responsible for the life and well-being of loved ones. A real man is aware that action or inaction will affect not only him. Behind him is a family: a wife, children and elderly parents who need to be taken care of.

Anyone who is aware of the responsibility for the family tries to earn more to ensure the proper level of comfort. In addition, growing children need to be educated and helped to get on their feet. Therefore, before doing something, a man takes into account the interests of the family.

  1. Devotion to one woman.

A real man does not cheat on his wife because he respects his choice. Once he liked a girl. Having made an offer, the man considered her worthy to become the mother of their children. Therefore, going left is like spitting in your face.

Sometimes cheating is the result of a bad relationship. Of course, this is not an option, but this can still be understood. Another thing is when the cause of the collapse of the family is betrayal. In any case, this is a shame, so you need to maintain good relationships with all your might.

  1. Look after yourself.

Few people like sloppy people, especially girls. A man must take care of himself. No, this does not mean that it is necessary to spend more time in front of the mirror than a woman. It is enough to wash your hair on time, monitor the condition of the skin, nails and teeth. A big plus is good posture.

Women appreciate men with a sense of style. It is not necessary to go only in branded things. The main thing is that the men's wardrobe should be neat and not worn to holes. Pay special attention to shoes: girls often pay attention to them.

  1. Sense of humor.

When asked what a man should be in a relationship, most girls talk about a sense of humor. Family life is not only overcoming difficulties and dedication. You need to find a place for joy and laughter, and without a sense of humor this is impossible.

A man with a sharp mind can always cheer up a woman, no matter how gloomy she is. Yes, and in everyday life without a well-timed joke anywhere. Often it helps to smooth corners and suppresses conflicts at the inception stage.

  1. Purposefulness.

A man without a goal does not live, but exists. It is problematic to build a relationship with him, because, as they say, "any wind is fair to a ship without a course."

A real man knows what he wants and where he is going. He knows how to set and achieve goals. Women are looking for a husband among passionate people. It can be business, creative, physical or spiritual development.

The future of his relatives and friends depends on what a man will be in the family, what qualities he possesses. However, even the strongest and most responsible man will not build good relationships without a loving and faithful woman. She must support her husband in everything, help in difficult moments, believe in him. Only then will prosperity reign in the family. Love each other!

If you read Dmitry Bykov's biographical books about Pasternak, Mayakovsky, Dmitry Bykov's book about Okudzhava, you can say with absolute certainty that these sophisticated creative people had the confident status of real men. In his books, Dmitry Bykov does not discuss gender issues, however, as the host of one of the episodes of the Oil Painting program dedicated to the film What Men Talk About, he expressed a noteworthy point of view.

Social stereotypes drove the heroes of the film into a corner - Slava, Kamil, Sasha and Lesha, trying to meet the expectations of others, lost the "war of the sexes". They passed all tests for real men with excellent marks - they have good positions, apartments, cars, families, but are they happy?

Who is he, Real Man?

It is well known what activities for real men were valued in primitive times. Everyone who could get food and not become a dinner for wild animals had the status of a real man. In those days, strength, physical endurance, dexterity and constant readiness to fight the forces of nature, fellow tribesmen and wild animals were highly valued. These were kind of tests for real men: if he passed all the tests successfully, then the woman and his family will be full. Married women in those distant times were not tormented by questions about how to please a man: being pregnant for almost their entire adult life, they could only cook food obtained by a man and give birth to children.

On a note: But hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have passed. The answer to the question of what a real man and a real woman should be has changed dramatically.

Even over the past 20 years, Dmitry Bykov and many other authors write in their books, women have become more independent.

What is happening today? What should a real man be like, and who is the real woman that he dreams of in the 21st century? How to please a man and how to defeat a woman?

It does not matter what kind of person has a social status: a real man can hold different positions and play different roles in companies.

On a note: We no longer live in the Stone Age. Social roles, the qualities of a real man and woman have changed dramatically even over the past half century - in the 60s in the USA, for example, it was impossible to imagine a woman wearing trousers. And today, many wear tight-fitting jeans - and there is nothing wrong with that. The same is true with men: to achieve success and the status of a real man, it is not necessary to run fast, have broad shoulders and poured muscles.

Modern qualities of a real man

On the Internet and in the press, there are often tests for real men, after passing which, almost everyone can say with satisfaction “I am a real man!”. Unlike written tests for real men, where you can easily manipulate answers, in real life tests for real men are much more difficult.

A responsibility.

Despite his position and status, a real man takes responsibility for any of his actions on himself, without shifting the blame to others.

clear life goals.

A man who knows what he wants from life is rapidly moving forward. The profession and status of a real man can be different - from an installer to the director of a large organization - the strength of mind and the desire to move forward must be unshakable.


To help carry a heavy bag or give a hand when leaving the car - it would seem, trifles, but this is not at all the case. Gallantry is a manifestation of upbringing and respect for a woman. This is what is needed to maintain the status of a man in society.

The ability to admit your mistake.

Not everyone can sincerely admit their mistakes. Sincerely admitting “I was wrong” or saying “I'm sorry” are some kind of tests for real men. And no other test for a real man will show more accurately the strength of mind than the ability to admit a mistake.

The ability to compromise.

Among the qualities of a real man, flexibility in a dispute is also important. The principle “there is my opinion, and it is the only true one” is useless in real life and leads to useless quarrels. Disagreements are obstacles on the way to the goal, and a real man should be able to overcome them without resting his forehead against the wall.


A real man should be honest both with himself and his loved ones.

Courage and bravery.

Almost every woman wants her man to be able to enter the bullring and protect him from hooligans. Such tests for real men can not always be carried out, and it is not necessary. A modern real man must be bold in making decisions, responsible, courageous in the face of troubles and problems.


Some houses behave as if the main activity for real men is to lie on the couch and drink beer in clubs, pubs or cafes. But a person who has not found himself in this society degrades sooner or later. Not helping loved ones, not having an interesting activity, not having an activity at all, and not making enough effort to find it, many become drunkards. Can a potential alcoholic be called a real man?


The manifestation of emotions is the lot of the strong. An insensitive pragmatist who is afraid to give vent to his feelings will not be able to make his beloved and children happy.

In his book, Dmitry Bykov described the life of the great poet Boris Pasternak. The sensitivity and emotionality that all people of creative professions are gifted with did not at all prevent Pasternak from being a real man.

But you should not conduct a test for the “realness” of a man: turn on tearful melodramas to your beloved or wait for his tears of happiness after viewing friends’ wedding photos. Many men believe that they should not show emotions, and are used to restraining themselves, so they will fail miserably in such “tests” for real men.

Be a support for your family.

Many men think that responsibility lies in the financial support of the family, and at the same time they forget about other aspects. Being a protector for the woman you love means not just protecting her from hooligans. A real man should be moral, emotional, physical and spiritual support for his beloved and his family.

A real man is betrayed by a happy girl next to him. Near such a man, every woman will say "I am loved, desired, beautiful, in demand and just happy." But meeting such a man is not enough - he still needs to like him.

In search of an answer to the question of what a real man should be, women give different answers. Having met a man, women even sometimes arrange a kind of test for him - is a real man in front of her or not.

Many women believe that a real man should be as hard as a rock and harsh as frost at the North Pole. And as it is sung in the famous song “so that you don’t drink, don’t smoke, and bring flowers home”, but this is more an image of an ideal man than a real one.

So imperceptibly for ourselves, we replace the qualities of a real man with an ideal image of a man.

The most common misconceptions about the habits and qualities of real men

Real men don't cry.

It is a common misconception that tears and crying are not an occupation for real men, but the lot of the weak. If a man does not cry during terrible scenes in films, does not cry after a girl leaving him - these are not tests for real men.

Nature decreed that the lacrimal glands are in both the male and female bodies. She foresaw everything: if for some reason men should not cry, they would not have these glands.

On a note: Tears are the same manifestation of emotions as, for example, laughter or an angry cry, and certainly not a sign of weakness of the spirit. By suppressing emotions, a person closes in on himself (and after that we accuse men of being insensitive chumps).

Scientists are sure that, on average, men live less than women, including because social stereotypes make them suppress emotions.

A real man is silent.

If a woman sneaks into a purely male company and hears everything that men say, this stereotype will collapse like a house of cards. Among successful men there are many politicians, announcers, journalists and other professionals who are masters of the word.

A real man always drinks (vodka / beer / ... - underline or add as necessary).

In companies, you can often hear inviting cries of “Come with us, be a man!”. And it seems that a real man will pass this test without any problems with excellent marks, having drunk with everyone. But do you really need to have some outstanding qualities in order to pour a glass of alcohol into yourself.

There is a heated debate among sociologists about where this idea of ​​“drinking means a man” came from. In the meantime, they are trying to understand how this unsupported thought penetrated into the mass consciousness, thousands of people around the world die because of alcohol, thousands of handicapped children are born, hundreds of thousands are forced to live with serious diseases caused by alcohol, and feel practically disabled. . Today, fortunately, this stereotype is gradually being replaced by common sense.

Real men don't dance.

Apparently, this stereotype “dancing is not an occupation for real men” was invented by men who cannot dance. There is no other explanation - many successful businessmen, managers, specialists in various fields, who have reached professional heights and recognition, are happy to relax in the evenings in clubs and parties, dancing with or without their companions.

Many confuse total control with influence, believing that a male leader has the right and even should control others. In fact, a real man should be fair, not authoritarian. Control can be different, and authoritarianism is an example of poor quality control.

What kind of women do men like?

Not only women, but also men have their own ideals. Knowing which women the representatives of the stronger sex prefer, the question of how to please a man can be easily solved.

Appearance. For a real woman, as well as for a real man, hair color or an extra 2 cm at the waist do not really matter. But this is only later, when you become not just loved, but almost native. But at the first meeting and choosing a companion, they “meet by clothes”. More precisely, also in hair, grooming hands, skin, make-up. Do you want to interest the man you like? You must look the part.

The main thing in the appearance of a real woman, as in a real man, is grooming and harmony of the image. Not knowing how to please a man, women sometimes begin to abuse short skirts. Examine yourself in the mirror critically: if you have even a shadow of doubt that your legs look stunning, find a longer skirt or dress.

Mind. Only a smart woman will please a man and be able to win his love. She is able to be interesting and a companion and a wise friend. No diagnostic tests are needed for a real man: he will immediately feel that there is something to talk about with you.

Equilibrium. Do you think a quarrelsome, grouchy and nervous woman can please a man? Women who raise a scandal over trifles, “saw” their beloved with or without cause, do not arouse in men the desire to protect and protect them. Regardless of what social status a real man occupies in society and at work, be a support and support for him.

The image of a bitch, which has been so cultivated in recent years, is suitable for a relationship without obligations, but not for a serious relationship. What real man wants to build a lasting alliance with a woman who constantly lies and cannot be relied upon?

Independence. A real woman, like a real man, must be self-sufficient and strong. Such a woman will find something to do in the absence of her beloved, without calling him a hundred times a day. Dependent on men, dependent women eventually become a burden.

Men like self-sufficient women: they do not bother themselves or their loved ones with fictitious problems, rivals, extra pounds and so on.

Sociability. A kind of test for a real man will be how his beloved leads in the company of his friends. It is very important to join his social circle and be interesting.

Sexuality. Where without her?! Men like relaxed women who know what they want in bed and are not shy about experimenting.

We have already figured out how to please a man, but what to do if a little future man is waiting for you at home? How to educate him?

What qualities of a real man can be brought up in a boy?

Many parents ask themselves: “What qualities of a real man can be brought up in a boy from an early age?”. The answer is simple: absolutely all the qualities of a real man are laid down in childhood.

Many parents pay attention to what toys their child prefers to play with - dolls or soldiers. These are some kind of tests for real men - boys. Moms and dads start to worry if the kid picks up gnomes more often than cars, likes to comb dolls' hair and, in their opinion, does not play recklessly on the railway. There is no need to worry about this: children learn the world, and what kind of toys a child chooses is absolutely not the basis for any far-reaching conclusions. If he likes dolls and satisfies his curiosity, there will be no harm.

To raise a real man:

  • teach him to admit his mistakes;
  • let's have more independence;
  • accustom to responsibility - let him have duties around the house;
  • write him down for a sports section or dance, where they bring up fortitude and discipline;
  • invite the child to make his own choice;
  • don't be afraid to hug him and tell him how much you love him.

In most cases, the cause of problems with children is their parents. And you need to educate not only the child, but also yourself. A child, like a sponge, absorbs everything it sees. Including how the mother relates to the father, and the father to the mother. And what he sees is remembered much more strongly than beautiful, but unsupported words.

Proper upbringing of a son will help him at school and university, and then at work, to get the status of a real man.
