Congratulations on the school evening of meetings. Alumni Meeting Day - congratulations in verse, short SMS and prose

Alumni Reunion Day, traditionally held on the first Saturday of February, is both very joyful and a little sad holiday. Joyful from the fact that, seeing the faces that have become familiar over many years of study, you return with your soul to childhood and adolescence. And he is sad because time flies inexorably fast, and with each subsequent meeting it is felt more strongly. In any educational institution usually have their own holiday traditions. Already in weeks and even months begins active training to meetings, seething social media, searches for friends-classmates are organized. It seems that childhood itself, somewhere in the corners of the heart, freezes in anticipation of a meeting with the past. And the charge of fun, optimism and energy that such meetings give gives you strength, makes you strive for new heights and remains a bright and pleasant impression in your memory for a long time.

Show congratulations

On the day of the meeting of graduates, we wish you to meet with childhood, touch it and plunge into it with your head. May joy and pleasant experience from this long-awaited meeting charge you with cheerfulness and positive and give you a feeling of happiness!


Today is the day when it is customary for graduates to meet and remember those distant days when they studied together. May each such meeting evoke only pleasant and cheerful memories of the times when everything in the world was simpler and better.


Happy Alumni Day! With day happy memories, serene childish joy and unrestrained fun. We wish that each of our new meeting became a celebration of remarkable achievements and many hopes that came true!


Alumni Reunion Day - bright event, these are memories of school pranks and strong friendship, the first teacher and the first call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet classmates and tell news about yourself. Congratulations on this great opportunity!


The school walls made us related, the school family rallied us ... How wonderful it is to return to our Alma mater in a year, to the place where we grew up, rejoicing at the first successes, grieving because of what seemed to be big failures. Today is the Day of the meeting - the day of memories, the day of returned youth. Congratulate everyone former graduates. Let us be brought together only by such wonderful and fun activities. Happy holiday everyone!

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. I always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, made friends, grew up and fell in love. It is immutable in our memory. I wish you the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness in the present. Let what has not yet been achieved, be sure to move towards you.

Dear friends! How joyful it is in our souls from our meeting. Let us have matured and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at their desks, learned something new together, experienced, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that we all have it easy, happy, full of only good events and people, and that every year, when we get together, we always have something to tell each other and something to rejoice about together!

On this February evening, inspired by the memories of wonderful years school life, I wish you to plunge back into those carefree days when you were children, forget for a while about your age, regalia, status, social position, remember the wonderful moments of first love and carefree youth!

Guys, I congratulate everyone on the Day of the meeting of graduates. Once upon a time, we all ran along the corridors of this school, teased each other, read novels. Now, each of us follows our own path, moves towards our goals, strives for our dreams. I am very happy that we met, that today we can share with each other all the news and pleasant events that have happened in the life of each of us. I want to wish everyone good health and the same enthusiasm of the soul, as in school years.

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I wish you to forget about your age at least for these couple of hours and relive all those feelings that have already been forgotten. May this day truly gather all those who were bound long time. I just want to enjoy the conversation and warm memories!

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, instead of funny braids with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair on their hair - these are my dear classmates. It's good that we've gathered here, putting aside all our affairs for later, temporarily resigning our duties as responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, bogged down in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only such meetings give us the opportunity to remember the carefree school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health on long years. Live positively, always smile and let the news from you that reach us always be kind and wonderful.

A beautiful bright day has come, the day of meetings of graduates. Today you can immerse yourself in happy academic years and warm memories, to regain youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Do not pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, do not compare yourself with solid bellies and statuses, just return to your childhood on this day and become as happy as in your wonderful school years.

Today old friends got together again! To talk about life and tell who is capable of what, what he has achieved, tell about his life, find out what's new with friends and remember the days of old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that only faithful friends and sympathetic people, everything that was conceived was embodied and reality, and what was dreamed of came true. And let the spark of those pleasant joint memories of long-standing events always burn in all your hearts. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful kids.

Alumni Reunion Day is a bright event. These are memories of school pranks and strong friendships, the first teacher and the first call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet classmates and tell news about yourself. Congratulations on this great opportunity!

Dear classmates, we have been together for so many years! All these years we have had fun and wonderful! Our meeting over the years speaks of our friendship and solidarity! All health, success in business and great human happiness!

We left the school walls
The last bell has rung
And life swirled us as adults:
Career, family, many things.

Faithful school comrades,
Let's walk today
All our pranks and pranks
Passing years to remember.

We return to our childhood
And in the youth that quickly passed,
We are all happy to meet again
Throwing away all our affairs.

It's like they never parted.
Years come to mind
When we studied, we talked,
As a child, life was simple.

There are a lot of other worries now.
I want everyone to move forward
Without losing enthusiasm and gunpowder,
I want to find happiness.

Good luck to everyone in business, in a career,
And in the personal life of warmth.
Let the doors open for you
All your old dreams.

Are you going to a meeting?
Haven't seen your friends in years?
Drive away doubts
Thoughts keep coming and going...

What if no one remembers me?
What if I changed a lot?
And suddenly I'm not needed there at all -
Alien at the feast of their lives?

And suddenly I forgot all the faces,
Will my memory fail me?
Will there be relatives?
It's hard to imagine them now...

And so they gathered ... So many years, like an abyss,
which closed under their feet,
And the memory gets from the bowels of such
Something we didn't even think about.

All the same faces - close, dear,
Their time has not spoiled at all,
Although fate was made adjustments
And the crisis, and the war, and perestroika.

What a pity that not everyone gathered,
You can't tell everything over the internet.
Let's drive away worries and fatigue,
Let's meet in another five years!

We've gathered today
To refresh the memory
And happy time
Resurrect moments!

Let everything be great
As in school years:
Easy, fresh and young -
We are always seventeen!

Let everything work out in life
And success awaits us all.
Let a happy occasion
Everyone is waiting for us!

All of us health, wisdom,
Money, love, kindness!
May all wishes come true
And in our honor - Hurray!

A short

Let him give you an evening of meeting
A lot of warm memories;
And remind everyone of this evening
About that wonderful time: meetings, love and dreams!

“Do you remember your school days?
And our native, beloved class?
We have been graduates for so many years
And we're just here now!

I want everyone to have fun
Remember the past times
And enjoy the nostalgia
After all, we only have one memory!

Let's go to this meeting
Now let's all drink a little,
For this warm, bright evening,
For times that can not be returned!

Our long-awaited meeting
We did not gather for the first time
And we have one task
Remember our mischievous class.

Who studied for five
Someone just didn't go
Someone was hiding behind the curtains
In general, he did a good job.

Each one was especially precious.
Without confessions and names.
We were friends without a showdown -
Someone stupid or smart.

Learned fun together
Knowing all around.
When we grew up, we parted
Forgetting about the past.

Let's wish each other
Do not forget your glorious class.
Thank you all for the service
For the meeting that connected us.

Time changes our lives.
But at heart we are the same children.
The evening gathers again
classmates around the world.

The years flew by quickly
The last call rang out.
From foreman to minister.
Everyone is at the next table.

Everything they could, they did.
Who is in a career, who is on maternity leave.
Remember what you dreamed about
Are we ever at dawn?

Grow up, change.
Everyone has chosen a path
So much together we learned
And they grew up little by little.

Let everyone remember today
What I dreamed about at the desk,
Did not work out? So it does not matter.
Let today be the start.

These years are gone
Gathered at this place.
We were scattered through life
And now we're together again.
Our graduation class is fun
Let's never forget
And of course our school
We will always remember.

Time is running steadily
Flows like water
We are gathered here today
Remember your school years.

How to study, how to fall in love,
How naughty we sometimes
It's good that everyone got there
Meet the class now!

The years are running, we are older every year.
But how long will I live
Just find myself under the bright school vault,
I remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.
So many different people communicates
How much more will be online
Someone is already dating
Someone wants to find me
This school bell from past
Touched my soul to tears
We had a good time
And I can't believe it's serious

Waiting at the desks for kids
And now we are friends
Odnoklassniki dot ru…
All met expectations
Surprise has no limits
My friend lives in Germany
Recognizable from hundreds of faces
And the girl from the next street
With a golden braid to toe
In the stands now flaunts -
State Deputy
I remember the school bell from the past
It's like I'm watching a movie
All good things are remembered
What was not so long ago
This school bell was yesterday
Waiting at the desks for kids
And now we are friends
Odnoklassniki dot ru

School is like a bouquet of flowers
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it be for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The scene will light up.
This evening we are all waiting
AT school hall invariably.

We keep traditions.
Graduation day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments
Meeting night!

Let's look at each other, brothers!
How many years have passed since then
How could we all get together
For the last school gathering?
You must be surprised:
We are all over forty
But nothing has changed
Just improved a little:
So why be sad about the past?
I propose to drink now
All for what is impossible
Forget the school years!

How inexorable time is fleeting
Suddenly they realized when they came to the evening of the meeting.
Teachers, once, in our childhood, young,
They met us again at the entrance, but already gray-haired.
All the same sparkle in the eyes, all the same tone, -
It’s like we are back in the classroom, gaining knowledge.
Teachers! From all students bow to the earth!
Let belatedly, we express our recognition to you!

It's always a little exciting
To meet with the past.
What if you can’t recognize Seryozha
And talk to him.
And suddenly, we have changed a lot,
Can't find the words?
And from such excitement
Suddenly dizzy,
Treacherously protect the heart
And it becomes hard to breathe...
And the sign hangs on the door
That the release is already 25!
Although what got excited!
We have something to talk about,
We are young at heart,
It's not 25 anymore though.
Everyone has children, grandchildren even,
And many different achievements!
And every path will now tell
How many wonderful things there were!
Let's go on this wonderful evening
We will raise a glass for the meeting,
And the whole company is big
Let's rest our souls!

Amid the turmoil of endless everyday life,
Among the important things and petty troubles
To the world to return carefree youth
Gives a chance to our school meeting evening.
Come to school - the school is waiting!

Let us open our feast with a reminder:
if we get lost at the table, meet under it!

Today classmates
We gladly welcome
For this you have to drink!
And we don't mind!
The years go by fast
But we don't count them.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
We didn't see each other for a long time
But we all remember, we know
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
Many heights have been reached
But don't forget the class.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
Favorite teachers
We often remember.
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!
For our strong friendship
Get up and pour
For this you need to drink
And we don't mind!

Today the occasion is just class!
You have a good meeting.
…. your years have passed
How did you leave school?
Divorced you all roads:
Some are seamstresses, some are teachers.
Someone in business
Who where!
Well, let's go, gentlemen!
For this warm evening
For this miracle meeting!

Please put down your spoons!
I want to ask you:
Answer me, yes, quickly
How many guys were in the class?
You have not forgotten, friends,
What was the name of the Russian language teacher?
Which one of you sitting here
Did you graduate from college?
Let's remember about love affairs,
Which of you had your first wedding?
And you probably didn't forget
How did you study and make friends?
And now I ask you to give a detailed answer,
How did you live…..(10,20,30)….. years?


In the life of each of us
It was the first step and the first class,
Lessons in a motley sequence,
And the first waltz, and graduation ...
How carefree we all lived,
How funny we were! -
Fooling around at change
They wrote graffiti on the walls.
Now, of course, we are different,
Solid and business
But all we know and can do
From you, of course, we have!
We were not always obedient
It even happened that they were stubborn,
But you for your kindness
Often compared to my mother.
After all, you always understood us,
Sometimes forgetting about family
Gave a piece of my heart
For all the leprosy, forgiving us.
Thank you for everything, folks
For teaching us.
And let the kids be different
Of course also love you!

February is coming (.or the month of your meeting) - the time of joyful meetings,
Helping to save the memory of our youth.
After all, once together they not only studied,
But often we walked and had fun.
Remembering curiosities, we will laugh out loud.
We don't have to be afraid of the director anymore!
We grow up, grow wiser, of course, not in vain
Beloved teachers tried.
Let's for the school, for us and our class
We will certainly raise a toast now!

Tonight we meet at our school.
The hubbub in the corridor will not stop for a long time.
From different corners rush here
Meet teachers and friends
Those who have long since ceased to be children,
Who many years ago left these walls.

Only once a year we can meet
Under the school roof to talk again.
In your former class let's go in. Everything is native here
Familiar and yet… so distant.
All the same board, desks by the window. And here is mine...
We'll sit down for a bit.

We will remember our golden childhood...
As a crowd went to school and from school ...
Riding down the mountain on an old briefcase,
And the films “under 16” that we watched in the club ...

We will remember how worrying, passed the exams,
And how they helped each other with one cheat sheet ...
We will remember how furtively, until we were seen,
We wrote names under the cover of the table.

(What names are just not gathered here.
Here are ours, look! They didn't get lost!)

School is like a bouquet of flowers
Waiting for the meeting time.
So let it be for many years
We will remember this evening.
In a few minutes
The scene will light up.
This evening we are all waiting
In the school hall invariably.

Hello, hello meeting night!
We keep traditions.
Graduation day today
And we are talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations, compliments
Meeting night!

Why do alumni meet?
From nostalgia or longing?
Who do they want to see and why?
What do they want to talk about and with whom?
Someone in this life is lucky:
Though late, he was recognized.
And someone hides an unlucky look:
All talk is unnecessary nonsense for him.
Someone managed not to lose their appearance -
It's nice to shine among classmates.
Someone has nothing to say, not life is a shame.
What is the use of empty talk about it.
We were all young thirty years ago.
In our eyes then shone the excitement of fate.
It seemed that everyone could conquer the mountains
And fast rivers to cross calmly ...
But everyone is rewarded with their own destiny.
Perhaps there is nothing to brag about them in front of you.
Not everyone came to the school meeting,
Perhaps they did not find the strength in themselves for this

Look back for a moment...
What is there behind us?
There swallows curl
Above the old school wall.

There are children's quarrels
happy days succession
There are clear eyes
Nobody will let you in.
We are all beautiful there.
When looking from current years,
But we are all powerless

As you know, January and February are winter and cold months. But it is these months that are the “hottest” in terms of meeting school graduates with their classmates. Some meet for the first time a year after graduation. Someone after 5 or 10 years. And for someone it has already been 15, 20 and even 25 years since graduation from school. And usually for such round dates invite and former teachers. We have prepared for you the words of gratitude to the teachers, which you can say at the evening of the reunion of the graduates. Interesting and touching words thanks in prose The best way say something that you could not or did not have time to say then at school.

Dear our teachers! You are our favorite teachers!
Back then, at school, we were just kids. And we didn't realize how much you did for us. And at that time you did for us, not a lot, not a little - our life! You tried to give us an education with which it would be easier for us to live on. You did everything to make us smart, educated people. You did your job every day, and we, because of our youth, prevented you from doing it well. But, nevertheless, we were able to finish school, we were able to settle in adult life. Who are we as adults? what have we achieved? Have we succeeded? Did we meet your expectations? Judge only you!
And we, in turn, want to tell you - thanks a lot! Thank you for not throwing us in difficult situations. Thank you for the fact that, despite your problems, you solved our problems and taught us! We are sincerely grateful to you, and if it were possible, then each of us would again like to be in our home school and get knowledge from you again!

It's been quite a few years since we left school. And more passed more years from the day we first came to school. We don't really remember you, our teachers. But you remember our every day in your class. You remember and will always remember us.
We want to thank you for what you have done for us. And you have done a lot for us. After all, it was you who gave us knowledge, gave us education, and with it opened the way to adult life. Thanks to your daily efforts, we got the foundation that helps us live to this day.
Everything that we were able to achieve in life, everything that we did, all this is only because you were with us all the years of our school life. Thanks to you, we have become who we are! Thank you for everything!

If it was possible to return something back, then I would return my school years without doubt and hesitation!
After all, these were the best and most happy years in our life! School is a great memory. it beautiful days and years. School is teachers!
You are our teachers. You are our teachers forever! Unfortunately, we are only now realizing what you have done for us. After all, having given us knowledge, having taught us the basics of life, you gave us a start in life. You gave us a ticket to life and we were able to use it in full! Look what we've become. Some of us are engineers, some work in business, some do art, some help people. We have all become human beings, we have become part of modern society.
Now we want our children to become the same as we are. We want you to teach our children. After all, you are the best thing we had. As parents, we want the best for our children!
