Wishes to colleagues at work in prose. Original congratulations on promotion in verse and prose

Career growth has always been the main incentive for most working people, so everyone strives to get promoted or promoted. Still, an increase in salary, and in some cases, subordination on the part of employees, has not yet been a burden to anyone! Such an event is always accompanied by wishes and parting words. Congratulating a person who has achieved a promotion, of course, is in a more demonstrative and bright form. You can read a comic order or write a collective congratulation in the form of a wall newspaper or poster. The main thing is that it should be from the heart and kindly, without envy and sarcasm.

Congratulations on your promotion!
You deserve it!
You can do anything, there is no doubt
Your dreams will come true!

Let the salary be reflected
Your new breakthrough in your career!
I want to work with pleasure
Problems without knowing and worries!

Taking off a career - isn't it a miracle?
How nice to know everything!
So people really appreciate you
Everything is fine. What more could you want?

Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug very warmly.
We wish new promotions.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!

Let the work move as it should,
And the authorities highly appreciate
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And it works simply and easily!

Congratulations on your promotion and I want to symbolically wish you to always remain a high-flying bird, never give up your dream. Success in your career, patience and confidence for bold steps forward! I wish you friendship in the team, peace of mind at work, an arithmetic progression in wages, round-the-clock good luck in life!

Congratulations on your promotion,
I want to reach all heights!
May work always bring you only joy
And it doesn't cause any trouble.

Let the rise not be the last,
Let everyone appreciate your work,
Away with all adversity, away with all doubts!
Congratulations heartily, my friend!

Congratulations on your promotion
I want everyone's respect!
I wish you patience and wisdom,
Grow further and further!

I wish you resounding success,
Bold and decisive actions
I wish you well, nobility,
Avoid the scrip and bankruptcy!

With a welcome promotion,
fair appointment,
We wish you victories
Triumphs for many years!

Swim like a fish in the water
Be on a horse
Move forward and true
And serve as another example!

Congratulations on your promotion
This can, of course, be considered
A real cool achievement!
You're a big lad! Keep it up!

Let success await you at work,
Do your duty well!
Raise yours on income
Let it reflect well!

With the rise of you
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
Creativity, inspiration
I wish at work.

I want to wish you
Achieve your goals
And up the career ladder
Climb to the top.

You can do anything and everything
Overcome all obstacles
True friends, colleagues
Let them walk beside you.

I congratulate you on your promotion
It's well deserved, there's no doubt about it
Step forward with a great mood
And achieve new victories in life!

Your perseverance will even carve a stone,
Peaks not taken will not be found,
Let all the strings lead you to success,
Luck accompanies on the way!

In career growth, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are extremely happy about this!
We wish you only shooting forward!
Not to stop on the road
Always strived upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one piece of advice -
Always hold on!

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you rarely went out with your friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

We wish you success in life today,
Less complaints and more praise
The road of life is more authentic
And a lot of joy on it.
May your every working day
Turn into a wonderful holiday
And never doubt a shadow
It won't show in your eyes.

Did you get a promotion for great merit?
For a simple attitude, for love for a great cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For aspiration and honesty, beauty and meekness of character, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

Dear (name), congratulations on another promotion at work! Let this be only a good start to your successful career growth! I wish to be the best, respected and competent employee! I know that you deserve it! Congratulations on your promotion!

You were promoted, than this is not a reason to get together, to celebrate.
Do not forget your colleagues, help, drag them through the ranks!
Your mind and luck can be envied.
After all, they are what you have achieved.
Don't step out of the way - there is only one way -
Forward in the office - to the director's chair !!!

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

It's done. you have been waiting for this for so long, you have slept with this thought for so long, cherished and shored. you did a lot to make it true. and now - your triumph. YOU are now the beginning! Congratulations. I wish you never forget about the subordinate that you were until recently. Let his image always remind you that you need to lead competently. Be a good, professional leader. With promotion!

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide something
Always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! Sea of ​​patience!
Do not scold subordinates
Don't forget about family.
Well, we always, than we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, always be stubborn,
Our dear mother!

Today we celebrate a new step in your life! Climbing the career ladder is a path that not everyone succeeds, but only worthy and hardworking people! Without a doubt, you are! So let this step be a wonderful reward for your merits!

Congratulations! As they say, a promotion is a proof of a person's professionalism, talent and skills. His ability to improve and go uphill. This is a proof of great trust on the part of colleagues, management, relatives!

You're not a big deal yet
But now it’s not a black man.
In such a position, brother,
You've never been before.

A car is waiting at the entrance
Money is in pockets
Subordinates are nerds
Silent as sheep.
And the boss is always drunk ...

A promotion is always an exciting and pleasant event. We wish that your worries were only pleasant, the work brought a stable income and moral satisfaction!

We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion. We wish you enthusiasm and inspiration. Develop creatively and never get upset over trifles!

No matter what the weather is outside, let it always be clear and sunny in the heart, warm and cozy in the family, and comfortable and safe at work. Let health allow you to work to the fullest, achieving excellent results!

Congratulations on promotion in prose

Well, you have achieved your goal, you have been promoted! Let me congratulate and rejoice with you. I would like to wish that the authorities would always appreciate your professionalism, relatives and friends would support and help you grow further in every possible way. So that you always go to work with pleasure, and from work with a sense of accomplishment. Let a good salary inspire you and allow you to spend unforgettable holidays in the most wonderful corners of our planet!

Someone will say that this is how fate decreed, but we know that your promotion is the result of fruitful work and extraordinary determination. We wish you not to lose your grip, to move on, conquering new peaks. Let inspiration never leave you for a minute, and your strong-willed character will never be broken by difficulties and obstacles. Only the best get a decent job. You are the best in your business! Congratulations!

With promotion! Be always optimistic and charismatic. Charge your colleagues with positive, please your bosses with new achievements. Health to you and prosperity.

It's nice when your irrepressible thirst for work, talent and perseverance are appreciated. Let this be only the first step of your career ladder. Fear and uncertainty are left far behind, and ahead are experience, success and new achievements. I wish you more such rapid rises.

Congratulations on your promotion. Let the work be a pleasure - easy and interesting, and pay - always on time and on top. Strive for new horizons, create and develop. I wish you patience, fortitude and eternal success on the way to your dream.

There is reason to congratulate you today. Finally, your painstaking, diligent and selfless work has borne its sweet fruits. Never rest on your laurels and boldly move forward, crushing all visible and invisible obstacles on your way.

Congratulations on entering a new serious chapter of your life - a new position. I hope this chapter will be the most exciting and interesting page in your life. Just do not linger on it for a long time, gain experience and boldly flip through to the next one. Let your self-improvement and self-development know no boundaries.

You have worked long and selflessly before achieving such a high result. And those who believe in themselves and work with such dedication cannot go unnoticed. I really want to congratulate you on your promotion and wish that this lightning-fast spurt was just a warm-up before a serious climb up the career ladder.

Happy holiday! I wish goodness reigned in thoughts and hearts, goals were easily achieved, money flowed like a river, health only increased, life had bright colors, like paintings by great artists. I wish that the piggy bank of pleasant memories is replenished day by day and never emptied!

Happy Birthday! I wish that inspiration never leaves you to live and create your life the way you want! So that work is always a joy, and luck always accompanies all endeavors. It is easy and bold to follow the path of life, to believe, to love and to be loved. May your happiness always be full and inexhaustible!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you success in your work and personal life! Merry holidays, interesting travels, loyal friends and always, always in a good mood and readiness for new exploits. May you meet people in your life who will appreciate and love you!

On your birthday, I would like to wish bright and colorful events that will consistently visit you all your life. A real big sincere feeling, indestructible by anyone and nothing! Ease of mind and an open smile. And may luck always choose you.

Let you have everything, like everyone else, but only better. A house is like a house, but wealth, luxury, happiness and comfort live in it. Let the work be ordinary, but successful, profitable, easy and fun. And may everything always be fine in your personal life. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, I want to wish you comfort in the house, warmth in your heart, creative ideas in your head, light and strength to solve problems in your soul, sparkling joy in your eyes, a happy smile on your lips, a crane and a tit in your hands and, of course, a huge happiness in life!

On this wonderful birthday, we want to wish you more health, insane happiness, endless love and impeccable victories. Let the expectations not be long, the road will be without obstacles, work is not a burden, but life is a pleasure!

With a bright holiday of children's dreams! Let there be a chic mood, harmony in the soul, warmth and light in the heart. No need to look high, because all the best and good is nearby. Successes in work, mutual understanding at work. May all dreams come true, may the bad be forgotten, and the best happen.

I wish that there is always balance in your soul, and harmony with the world around you makes your life easy and happy. Let the experiences be only love ones, and let suffering and disappointment not be present in your heart at all. I wish stability in life, so that prosperity, well-being, and happiness are constant in it. Let all the most cherished and sincerely desired come true and come true. Happy birthday!

I wish you that every new day begins with laughter and pleasant memories, that only the blue bird of good luck adorns your life path, that the circle of friends becomes closer and wider, and that all incredible plans come true!

Taking off a career - isn't it a miracle?
How nice to know everything!
So people really appreciate you
Everything is fine. What more could you want?

Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug very warmly.
We wish new promotions.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!

Let the work move as it should,
And the authorities highly appreciate
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And it works simply and easily!

Today is an important holiday, without a doubt,
There is no place or reason for sadness here.
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
It deserves such a big feast!

Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of exploits and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was just perfect!

I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

We congratulate you on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let luck await in business,
Let the task always be on the shoulder.

Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
Let peace and comfort surround.
And may you always be welcome at home!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!

For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

Subordinates - only obedient,
And you are not indifferent!
Toast like cognac
And you - our congratulations!

Congratulations on your promotion
This can, of course, be considered
A real cool achievement!
You're a big lad! Keep it up!

Let success await you at work,
Do your duty well!
Raise yours on income
Let it reflect well!

Waiting for a raise
This is better than a birthday!
Higher and the salary became,
So she missed you.

May every day bring joy
The disgust will leave you in tears,
Friends so that the house is full nearby,
The smile is bright.

Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, mind, talent
It will make its way everywhere!
The blind will just not notice the gift -
Solve cases confidently and quickly!
It will take quite a few years -
Get your Master's degree!
People like you can be counted on fingers -
You do not know the word flattery!

Let this day shine with mood
You can boldly be proud of him,
We congratulate you on your career advancement,
May the new rank bring joy and honor!

Let the subordinates bow obediently,
In a new position, everything will turn out easily,
And let the bright memory remain in the soul,
That moment when you ascended high!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!

Achieve in the shortest time
And do not lower the bar in life,
On this our congratulations to you
We'll read early.

We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

What happened in heaven
In an inaccessible height it happened,
What took, finally, and rightfully
This post, (which is doubly nice!),
Our erudite, silent workaholic,
And not someone's brother, godfather and not a matchmaker?!
Eco, guys, is this going to happen?!
So let's shout: "Vivat!"
And let our friendly congratulations
Rushing above the rooftops
And let everyone know in advance
How strong you stand!

Let the new work begin
Your confident start to success.
And you're good at everything,
Always strive only upwards!

To have colleagues without rot,
The wise chief did not spare praise.
To appreciate your talents
Just making you stand out from everyone!

* * *

You won't be bored in your new job.
The chance to break out into people is not given to many.
I want a big and stable salary
And don't stress too hard!

You have a new front
For productive work.
With the perspective of the horizon
Opens spacious!

Make bold moves
Up the career ladder.
You can do everything and you can
Save face and nerves!

Congratulations on your new job

Accept congratulations
With your new job!
You changed the place of work,
I approached him willingly.

Let the fuse not disappear
For development and growth.
To quickly become
Be in demand!

With a new job!
Let there be hunting
Rush to service
Early, if needed.

* * *

In a new place, let from now on

Success with money will move to you

And a career will be built

For everyone around an example.

I want to be always in the ranks,

Change your life for the better!

Accept my congratulations

With the work of your change!

Helps to deal with problems.

congratulations on new job cool

In a new working format
You will try yourself.
Let the authorities always praise
And rewards you

Prospects are rising
And no one will sit
And colleagues please
Praise sincerely, in the face!

Don't push yourself too hard
Passionate about new work.
It is harmful even for a horse to bend its back ...
Let there be horseshoes of gold!

* * *

Did you manage to change jobs?

And now all in worries.

Let them lead upstairs?

Where babosy and success!

In the new place, let from now on

How blacks work hard others,

And you develop career growth

And get success and demand!

Experience, confidence,

Eat well, sleep tight!

Congratulations on your new job

I wish you a new job
Start a steady climb.
Let someone trail behind
And you strive forward in everything!

Congratulations on your new job in your own words

I wish you to make progress in your new job and achieve high results of work and salary and bonus indicators!

Congratulations on the start of a new job

At a new workplace
Be twice as successful.
Do not plow like a slave in the field,
Relax on the weekend.

Develop the potential
The chance for this has come!
Let the start be bright
No rubbing and no fuss!

Congratulations on a new job to a woman

I wish in a new team
Be a respected colleague.
To appreciate your word
And success quickly multiplied.

To get paid regularly
There would be enough money for everything.
You were the most popular
Among your fellow girls!

Congratulations on your new work in prose

With a new job and prospects! Let them stimulate and encourage you to make progress. High salary and excellent colleagues!

I wish you to get many new impressions and privileges with your new job. Let them appreciate you and celebrate your diligence not only in words, but also financially.

* * *

Congratulations on your new job! Let it bring you pleasure, income and prospects! Responsive colleagues and productive working days!

I wish you to get maximum profit, minimum problems and great horizons for further career development in your new job!

Congratulations on your new job

With the transition to a new place,
With a change in the working days of workers!
Let it be interesting to you
And not just, but - very much!

For a new job
You left, dear.
Let worries come
But still, congratulations!

Now the salary will
To buy dresses.
Only good people
Let them surround!


With promotion in prose, we present you with congratulations in prose, and we wish that in your life there will be as sharp a rise as in your career. It is with such or similar words that you should begin your congratulations for a colleague with whom you communicate closely. After all, this is an event that, probably, every person who is not indifferent to his own life and his own success awaits with trepidation. And if the long-awaited promotion has already come, then you should be sincerely happy for your colleague. We are glad enough to work hard and pick up beautiful congratulatory words right now.

Our site will help you to do this in the best way. On Vlio, we have collected the most extensive collection of congratulations in Runet, each of which can be exactly your ideal option. You just need to work hard and find it among other works.

Give this event at least a little time, and you will be rewarded. Especially if a colleague will soon become your immediate supervisor. However, the most important thing is to sincerely rejoice and just as openly congratulate the person! Find us and act!

Congratulations on your promotion! We wish such an excellent specialist to strive for even greater achievements in his work. To do this, you have everything you need: knowledge, experience, the ability to build relationships with colleagues, a creative approach to solving various kinds of problems! Let health and good mood be added to this! And we will be a good support for you!

We wish you success in your professional field everywhere. May all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion. With promotion!

Sincere congratulations to our friend! A new step up the career ladder has been made, and now we can only wish that the further path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become a step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your faith in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights. So that the bosses are favorable, and the work team becomes a second family for you!

Dear colleague! Please accept our congratulations on your promotion! You are a wonderful employee, you perfectly understand the tasks set, you competently find solutions and your work is delivered on time. With your hard work and perseverance, you have achieved this promotion! We wish you to remain the same executive employee and, of course, even greater success awaits you in the future!

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses are people too and can get promoted too. Let it not be the last and our modest boss will become the Biggest Boss. Good luck moving forward and, of course, don't forget about us mere mortals.

We wish this promotion to be the starting point on the way to your amazing career! May every day be easy and joyful. The work environment is inspiring and stimulating. Good luck in your new position!

Congratulations on your new position! Take this promotion as a well-deserved reward for your hard work and striving for victory. Let this step not be the last pinnacle of your success, but only the beginning of your career growth. I wish you to remain as simple and persistent in your work. And may fate save you from wrong decisions and stupid actions!

Congratulations on your promotion! You honestly and fairly deserved this position. Work is not always easy, but let it be feasible for you. I wish you good mood, cheerfulness, prosperity. Let your favorite business bring you joy and a considerable salary!

In contact with

Promotion often promises big changes in life. But with pleasant bonuses and privileges come new responsibilities. The closest people, relatives, friends and colleagues understand and appreciate the promotion in a career best of all. If someone in your environment has received a new position or promotion, then by all means pick up for this person a beautiful congratulation in verse or prose (to a loved one, girl), as well as thematic pictures to support him in a new role and wish him even greater achievements. heights at work.

Universal congratulations on promotion for men and women in prose

(Formal letter or verbal congratulations) A promotion at work is not just a new open door to a better life. This is the discovery of new opportunities, stricter requirements for oneself, other boundaries and completely new concepts. These are changes that often serve as a test of character, the desire to win and the ability to change yourself. We wish you to find the strength in yourself for new changes and overcoming any difficulties.

There is no net benefit in a new position. Any money plus is divided by a minus of free time, a plus in status by a minus in responsibility. But there is one indisputable plus - self-development. The new stage gives an incentive to develop skills, to comprehend knowledge and overcome difficulties. Such experience will be the most valuable acquisition, and I wish you to easily cope with your new job responsibilities and quickly settle into a new place.

They say movement is life. Moving up the career ladder is, perhaps, one of its most pleasant manifestations. Everything you have achieved in your work is the result of hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. We wish you prosperity, an easy way up without unnecessary and wrong turns, as well as good luck in your personal life - without it there will be no incentive to work.

Best congratulations on promotion to the boss in verse and pictures

Congratulations boss!
Rise to mercy
Good luck, success
Deserved, did not fall.
Long work, responsibility,
fatigue, perseverance,
Directness and honesty
Without lies and pretense.
All this is character
Leader from God
Let it be yours
Easy road!

With a promotion, chief,
Smart, understanding
Difficult decisions
Faithfully accepting.
For your flair and strength
We respect you so much
Plans all and all forecasts
We are ahead of you.
Let them open
Horizons and latitudes
In the new armchair interesting
We want work!

Promotion, our boss!
May good luck and income
Will bring you into a new
Position transition.
Let work interesting
Become an adventure
A bit of a serious matter
More fun.
Let it be easy top
Each one is given
Being a boss is successful
Lho succeeds!

Sincere congratulations on the promotion of a woman in prose

Contrary to all myths and prejudices, a female boss is the ideal leader. Economic nature, the desire to do everything right and on time, attention to detail and amazing female intuition - all this reinforces your unique leadership qualities and makes you special, the most intelligent leader. With promotion! Let only new heights await you beyond the horizon!

A new position for a woman promises not only an improvement in well-being. This is a sure sign for you that you have mastered one stage of your career and moved to a new level. You are properly appreciated and noticed, which means that you are doing everything right. Let new pleasant acquaintances, good events and good changes come into your life with a new position!

They say that a successful woman should be successful in everything. You are an example of such feminine perfection: active, cheerful, purposeful and persistent. All this helps you build your life brick by brick and at the same time feel happy. I wish you every success in your new position and continued growth to new heights!

Funny congratulations to a colleague on promotion in verse

Congratulations our colleague
You with a promotion.
We consider this news
The right decision.
You deserve to take a step
Up the career ladder.
Let the new position become
Happiness is only a harbinger.
Let the paper work
And the reports don't scare
Everyday worries
Let them not stress you.

With your promotion!
This path was not easy
Before a new life whirlwind
Need some rest.
Let's sit in a familiar circle
We forget about work
Discuss these issues
We will not be with colleagues.
We wish you better happiness
Everyone is not afraid of change
And the same true friend
And stay nice!

With promotion, colleague!
How happy I am for you!
Get a new position
Above money and awards.
For you, this is the stage
new, unknown,
And he is only open to that,
Who is dedicated to work!
Let it be easy for you
new thresholds,
Let them pass by
Any worries!

Original congratulations on promotion in prose

How is service different from work? The fact that in the service, in addition to the workload, in the first place there is always a sense of duty, an obligation that cannot be refused: work in the police, tax administration or any other state structure. To serve means to live the work that you do professionally. A promotion is a big step forward for you, the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. Let your work continue to be highly appreciated, and it helps you realize your talents and opportunities in life!

The service brings together thousands of people and hundreds of different professions. Only those who do everything right, who give themselves completely to work and are not afraid to take on more responsibility, succeed in getting a promotion. We wish you to continue with the same enthusiasm for work and realize your dreams, both in your career and in your personal life!

Service is the readiness to devote oneself and all one's thoughts to an important profession. This is overtime work, creativity and the ability to find a way out of any situation, the ability to join any team. Only the strongest in spirit, like you, reach new career heights. Let pleasant discoveries await you ahead, and all difficulties turn into easily solved trifles!

For the fact that he was given to work entirely,
For the fact that he worked for a common cause,
Found, finally, the hero's reward,
And we are all overjoyed for this!

Colleague, please accept congratulations
With your well-deserved promotion.
To be a “fish in the water” in a new position,
I got used to it quickly and was “on horseback”!

Today is a new star
Your shoulder straps are added,
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.

Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
And gives joy, and success,
And maybe a general's dacha!

Congratulations on the promotion and with all my heart I wish you patience, brave forces, good luck and wonderful ideas for big breakthroughs, to achieve your goals and excellent results in your work. Let this promotion serve as a successful start for your further victories and take-offs.


There are many military ranks
But for you the most important day
When the rank of officer
Like the first premiere.

You have been given a superior.
And there is no bragging.
You honestly deserve it
And he put in a lot of effort.

Now you are a second lieutenant,
And a debutant in officers.
Accept congratulations from us
And this little verse.

When our boss goes on promotion,
The whole team cries and sings.
We will love you, and without a doubt,
Someday a day will come for us.

You will take us higher with you,
And we will be together in the same ranks,
And the work will move again.
It's like being in paradise under your guidance!

Let them love you there and respect you
And they give huge prizes.
In a career, let them continue to increase
And odes to you, like us, sing!

Lieutenant colonel

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and because
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger,
And our congratulations call this position
Go higher faster.

Congratulations on your promotion
Chief the right decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.

Let there be no place for sadness.
Happiness, joy - with you together.
Let your career grow
It will bring you prosperity!


From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Lieutenant, we know it
Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,
Not afraid of anything!
And in business he is very strict,
Everyone respects him.

Let the road go forward
There will be many tests.
You have enough strength for this
After all, you are the face of Russia!

Stars on shoulder straps shine
And let them shine in the sky.
Congratulations on this title.
This is up a serious way!

I am happy and glad with your promotion,
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven,
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, good,
Let this mountain also submit,
So that you always reach new heights,
Don't forget about your former colleagues!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Know that we will help you anywhere and anytime!

You deserve a raise
And on this happy day
Accept from us with respect
This huge congratulations!

We wish that in a new place
You are appreciated from the bottom of your heart.
And we say without any flattery:
You are very good!

For health to help
Go up the steep stairs
For this to be just the beginning
And you have always been a star!

You are a master of difficult professions,
Alas, this is how you were born
And according to the laws of all the universe
Your work has been well rewarded.

Resolve issues competently
Your skill, a bright gift.
High let there be career growth
And your fee is fair!
