Pregnancy 16 weeks became bad. Intrauterine development of a child in the sixteenth week of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, important changes occur with the fetus: it grows and develops, most of its organs mature, and body systems begin to perform their basic functions.

A child at 16 weeks of pregnancy moves freely, turns his head to the sides, and kicks. He explores the surrounding space, sucks limbs, swallows amniotic fluid and exhibits various facial movements. Of course, a fetus at 16 weeks already closely resembles a real baby.

Physiological development of the child at 16 weeks of pregnancy

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus develops new growths, both physiologically and psychologically. From 16 weeks, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, water and oxygen through the finally formed “baby place” - the placenta. The placenta is the most important multifunctional organ: it provides immunological protection to the fetus and forms a hematoplacental barrier.

At 16 weeks, the size of the fetus increases: a whole 4 months have passed since the fertilization of the egg, and from a tiny cell the embryo has developed into a real child, 108-116 mm long from the crown to the buttocks and weighing from 80 to 110 grams. At 16 weeks of pregnancy, fetal size can be measured using ultrasound.

The baby's head circumference varies between 112-136 mm, the tummy circumference is 88-116 mm. The forearm grows about 12-18 mm long, and the humerus - 15-21 mm. The legs are extended: the length of the thigh is in the range of 17-23 mm, the length of the lower leg is 15-21 mm. At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus can be compared to an avocado.

What does a fetus look like at 16 weeks?

A baby at 4-5 months of pregnancy no longer looks like a fetus at all, but looks like a real child, only tiny. His head is still large, but the difference between head and body is smoothed out, the baby becomes more proportional. The face is already fully formed. The neck lengthens and the back becomes straighter. Arms and legs become longer, and coordination of movements improves.

The child not only moves actively, but also learns to hold his head straight. A child at 16 weeks of pregnancy can make facial movements: frown, make grimaces, involuntarily squint, open his mouth, all this thanks to the development of the facial muscles. With closed eyelids, makes eye movements and sucks thumb

The fetal limbs lengthen and nails appear on the fingers. The fingertips receive a unique skin pattern. The skin is still very thin, transparent, it is covered with hair, as well as a special protective layer of secretion - the products of the skin glands. The fetus grows rapidly at 16 weeks; during this period, the external genitalia are already fully formed, which allows parents to find out the sex of the child using an ultrasound.

Development of internal organs and systems of the fetus

The fetus has a closed blood circulation and its heart pumps from 23 to 30 liters of blood every day. A four-month-old fetus regulates its metabolism and performs training breathing movements. At 16 weeks, the fetus gradually strengthens its muscles and bones, develops its genitourinary system: the kidneys filter the blood, and urination occurs every 40 minutes.

The liver begins to perform its digestive functions, and the fetal bone marrow is now fully responsible for hematopoiesis. A child’s blood contains all the cells, like an adult’s - red blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes, but red blood cells consist of a special hemoglobin - “fetal”. At 16 weeks, the pituitary gland begins to function in the fetus, and the nervous system strengthens its control of the body. Active formation of nerve cells and fibers continues in the brain.

16 weeks of pregnancy: fetal development

At approximately 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus undergoes a tremendous leap in mental development: its auditory capabilities open up. At the 16th week of pregnancy, a baby begins to hear various and intense intrauterine noises: the beating of the mother’s heart, the sound of blood in the vessels, intestinal peristalsis, the movement of fluids inside the body.

The baby “remembers” the sound of the mother’s heartbeat even after birth, and always calms down if he hears it. Also, the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy hears external sounds, although in a somewhat transformed form due to the passage of sound through the tissues and amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. With the development of hearing, the fetus begins to exhibit motor activity, reacting to the mother's voice.

Taste sensitivity develops in the fetus from 3 months, but by 4-5 months the fetus is able to react to changes in the taste of amniotic fluid with various grimaces: if the water becomes sweeter, a grimace of pleasure appears on the baby’s face, and vice versa - if it is bitter, then a grimace of chagrin.

At 16-17 weeks, vision is not yet developed, but this is understandable - there is no natural need for the development of vision in the womb; it is almost always dark there. But at the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby already begins to have eye movements, he can squint his eyes and a little later begins to react to the lighting of the abdominal walls.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development reaches a certain level, the formation and development of the brain, bone skeleton, and muscle structure occurs. The functioning of the internal organs of the fetus, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart, improves and develops.

The fetal lungs are not yet developed, but, nevertheless, the child is preparing to breathe in the future and makes training breathing movements. The baby hears the mother's voice and begins to show its first reactions to sensory stimuli.

We hasten to reassure you and encourage you that the sensations at 16 weeks of pregnancy are the most positive. No toxicosis, no morning dizziness, excellent appetite and the first tremors of a baby growing every day.

All that remains is to enjoy your position, walk more, and a small tummy is not a hindrance, and the 16th week of pregnancy will be a positive sign.

Pregnancy 16 weeks

  • The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is in full swing, and it is almost impossible to hide your interesting situation from others. This is due to rapid weight gain, and this can be two or more kilograms, especially if in the previous weeks you were actively losing weight due to toxicosis;
  • Yes, and your waist reveals your position; centimeters are added. The belly at the 16th week of pregnancy is rounded, but does not at all prevent you from leading an active lifestyle, except that you will feel tired or drowsy faster;
  • At 16 weeks, you may notice a dark vertical stripe on your belly. Don't worry, everything is normal, this is pigmentation associated with your position, you will soon notice other darkening of areas of the skin, for example on the areolas of the nipples. There is no need to take any emergency measures; pigmentation will go away on its own after the baby is born;
  • Along with your physical parameters, your wardrobe also changes: it’s time to place heels on the top shelf along with tight jeans, and priority is given to natural fabrics, loose fit, comfortable high-quality low-heeled shoes, special underwear for pregnant women;
  • Early toxicosis has been replaced by a good appetite, so don’t go for a walk without yogurt, cookies or an apple; you should always have a snack on hand. By the way, your baby can also feel hungry, which he will immediately let you know by actively tumbling in his tummy.

Baby development at 16 weeks

  1. At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus from head to sacrum reaches 12 centimeters. Just imagine, your baby is the size of an average apple weighing 80 grams. During an ultrasound examination, you can see that the baby is already holding his head, moving his arms and legs, and even has nails;
  2. You can tell by a child’s face whether he is feeling good at the moment or whether he is hungry, for example. He may frown and wrinkle his nose, especially if you have eaten spicy or bitter food, but will smile when you taste something sweet or gently stroke your tummy and sing a song to your baby;
  3. The fetus at 16 weeks of gestation is still very thin, since subcutaneous fat has not yet formed. The blood vessels are clearly visible through the pink-red skin; there are hairs and lubricant on the surface, which protects the child well from moisture;
  4. The baby's pulse is higher than yours - about 150 beats per minute. The digestive and urinary systems work, the liver and kidneys are included in the work. Interestingly, your baby is already peeing, this happens approximately every 45 minutes;
  5. At week 16, your baby is active, tugging at the umbilical cord with his fingers and spinning.

You may hear the phrase that the fetus floats in amniotic fluid, but this is not true. The uterus grows with the baby, so its walls always tightly limit the baby. He just feels comfortable and cozy in such a close environment.

It is not necessary to go for an ultrasound to find out what is happening with the baby at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

The fetus may be too active and push when it is hungry or does not like food; it will express its dissatisfaction if you spend a long time in a stuffy room or in a tense emotional state.

Remember that you are responsible for the two of you, so during pregnancy - only positive and favorable conditions.

Mom's well-being

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the mother can be characterized by normal development without pronounced side effects. Both the physical and psychological state are favorable, there should be no pain or heavy discharge.

Uterus size

You can independently feel how much your baby’s house has grown by 16 weeks. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the uterus is located 7 centimeters below the navel, its weight is about 250 grams. The sizes are not so narrow that they cause you discomfort, but the low position may put pressure on the bladder, so you may notice a more frequent urge to urinate.

Pain at 16 weeks

Despite the fact that the 16th week is the most favorable period, you may be bothered by some painful sensations, the main thing is to establish a line between acceptable inconveniences and danger signals.

  • Back. At this stage, your lower back may be bothering you, especially after a long walk or wearing heels. Your figure is undergoing changes, the center of gravity is shifted, and that is why nagging pain in the back occurs. They should go away after rest. Read more in the article: Back pain during pregnancy >>>;
  • Stomach. If your stomach feels a little tight at 16 weeks of pregnancy, you should have no cause for concern. This is a physiological process - the uterus, increasing in size, provokes muscle pain, in addition, your pelvis is gradually preparing for the upcoming birth, the bones are expanding, which can also cause pain;
  • Head. No one is immune from headaches, especially if you are 16 weeks pregnant. What's happening to mom can be explained. Your circulatory system works for two, the blood is thinner, so there may be dizziness, pressure surges, nosebleeds;

Headaches can occur due to increased vascular tone caused by hormonal changes. At this stage, you may also experience migraines, which can be caused by irritation, stress, or even poor diet. The best medicine is rest and fresh air. You will also find a lot of useful information in the article Headaches during pregnancy >>>.

  • At 16 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn or bloating may appear, so it is worth reviewing your diet and removing trigger foods. All information about how to eat properly is in the book Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>.

Bleeding. Discharge

Normal, acceptable discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy is clear discharge, odorless and impurity-free, without accompanying itching. Their number may increase slightly compared to previous periods. The reason for this is estrogen, by the way, because of it the secretions themselves become more liquid. Please note that all other manifestations are an alarm signal.

  1. Copious discharge. Clear discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy in large quantities, when the daily pad is simply not enough for the day, can signal leakage of amniotic fluid;
  2. Curd discharge. A curd consistency with a pronounced sour smell will tell you about thrush, which often bothers pregnant women. Read about this article Thrush during pregnancy >>>.
  3. Yellowish discharge. The yellowish tint to the discharge is given by pus, which means there is an inflammatory process. Read an article on this topic: Yellow discharge during pregnancy >>>;
  4. Brown, bloody discharge. Brown discharge at 16 weeks of pregnancy is unacceptable, the color is due to blood spots, therefore, there is a risk of miscarriage.

You may feel itching, but no pathology will be detected. The cause of the discomfort may be an allergic reaction, for example, to synthetic underwear.

Feelings at 16 weeks

At the 16th week of pregnancy, such troubles as nausea and vomiting fade into the background; they, of course, can bother you, but as a result of overeating or eating incompatible foods.

Toxicosis may be replaced by morning dizziness and back pain. It’s okay, your body is just adapting to a new position, and all these small difficulties, compared to the expected happiness, are simply nothing.

The 16th week of pregnancy has started, what is happening to the mother?

  • Weight increase by 2-3 kg from the original;
  • Breast enlargement, sensitivity and the appearance of colostrum. Related article: Colostrum during pregnancy >>>;
  • Increased heart rate to 80-90 beats per minute;
  • It is quite possible that you will feel the first movements at 16 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Be prepared for mood swings: you can spend hours admiring the sky and cry if it rains. Hormones are to blame, but if emotions are more positive, both you and those around you will benefit.

You need to enjoy the situation, know that the child is well protected, he feels good in his tummy, and all the emotions that you experience are felt by your future baby.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

There are circumstances that are beyond your control and can somewhat overshadow the period of bearing a baby. These are colds, fever or viral infections. Of course, the best remedy is prevention, but what to do if an insidious enemy creeps up close?


The normal body temperature at the 16th week of pregnancy in a healthy person is 36.6, but in your situation even a persistent 37 may be normal, of course, without an accompanying runny nose or cough.

37.5 for several days is a reason to seek help from a specialist, perhaps this is an incipient cold or inflammatory processes. But a temperature above 38 during pregnancy is dangerous; it can provoke placental abruption, intoxication, and even miscarriage.

Cold at 16 weeks of pregnancy

You may be assured that the second trimester, which includes the 16th week, is safe in terms of diseases, but, as you know, God protects those who are careful.

  1. Since the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy can be placed in several lines, the best medicine is rest, drinking plenty of fluids, folk recipes with approved herbs, rubbing and rinsing the nose. For more information about how you can and cannot treat a cold during this period, read the article Colds during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Aromatherapy and salt room are good for colds;
  3. But mustard plasters and steam rooms are contraindicated during pregnancy. Read the article Mustard plasters during pregnancy >>>;
  4. To reduce the temperature, you can use paracetamol, but aspirin is strictly prohibited.

Alcohol at 16 weeks

Alcohol and other bad habits are not compatible with bearing a baby. Just imagine that the glass of wine you drink will also be tasted by your baby, swallowing amniotic fluid with ethanol.

But if an adult body can cope with a dose of alcohol, then for tiny kidneys and livers that have just begun to work, this is an impossible task. In addition, systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages affects the rate of fetal development and has a negative impact on the formation of the child’s skeletal system.

Regarding smoking, even if you don’t smoke, avoid smoky places, ask your loved ones not to smoke near you.


  • But what you shouldn’t give up is intimate relationships with your sexual partner. Sex at 16 weeks of pregnancy brings spouses closer and brings new colors to the relationship;
  • Your sensitivity at this stage is increased, your figure is beautiful, and your tummy or well-being do not interfere with the process;
  • The main thing is to choose the right poses in which you will not feel pain. And don't forget about increased hygiene.

Examinations of mother and child

By the 16th week of pregnancy, you have most likely already registered with an antenatal clinic or a private clinic. By the way, Russian legislation provides monetary incentives for mothers who register before the 12th week.

Mandatory tests at week 16 include measuring weight, uterine height, urine analysis and blood pressure measurement.

Specific tests that may be prescribed to you are hCG and AFP, which can detect genetic abnormalities of the fetus. But even negative results should not be considered a death sentence; without ultrasound data and amniotic sampling, no one will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Perhaps you simply have not set the exact deadline, or the baby is growing into a hero, so the indicators do not fall within the regulatory framework.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy

One of the most long-awaited moments of communication between a mother and her unborn baby is an ultrasound. The opportunity to see the baby on the screen, examine his hands and fingers, his tiny nose is a touching moment; do not forget to ask for an ultrasound photo of the fetus for the family album.

  1. Please note that an ultrasound scan at week 16 is not planned, but is prescribed for medical reasons, for example, in case of questionable tests for congenital pathologies;
  2. The doctor, in this case, pays attention to the baby’s face, his nose and mouth, the size of the neck, counts all the fingers and the sizes of the internal organs;
  3. An examination can also be prescribed after an illness to study the condition of the placenta at 16 weeks of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. By the way, the sex of the baby can already be determined at 16 weeks; the organs of the reproductive system are formed and clearly defined. Read the current article: Determining the sex of a child by ultrasound >>>.

Lifestyle at 16 weeks of pregnancy

  • Walks in the fresh air, positive emotions, alternating physical activity and rest, a gentle work schedule and a balanced diet;
  • It's time to go on a sea holiday and boost your immunity. At week 16, you will tolerate both land transport and air travel (article

Most likely, it will go unnoticed by you.

No special changes are expected in your condition, you feel great, those around you are trying to please you in everything - relax and enjoy.

His face is almost formed, but his ears are still developing.

Respiratory system is not yet fully developed and the child receives a portion of oxygen through the placenta, as well as all other useful substances.

The child’s blood already contains the required number of red blood cells, leukocytes, etc.

By the way, during this period of pregnancy the fetus begins to perceive voices, feels streams of light and hears loud music.

Signs and sensations of a woman at 16 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the pregnant woman feels the baby's movements.
Some are still weak, others hear clear tremors. The child has grown strong enough and now has the strength to dig with his feet.

The food system has already been formed, various strange sensations may be felt, this is the movement of exhaust gases. Almost all women forget about toxicosis and can safely devote all their attention to themselves and the child.

Talk to him often, smile, stroke his belly, the baby will certainly hear and feel everything and will definitely answer you.

Your weight continues to increase little by little, although the rate has decreased significantly.
The belly is rounded and quite noticeable.

The uterus is significantly increased in size and occupies the entire space of the small pelvis and part of the abdomen, so it constantly puts pressure on the bladder. That's why you started running to the toilet often.

Now you will urinate even more often. When traveling for long periods of time, you should consider visiting the toilet frequently. There is no need to hold it in and endure it.

Don't limit yourself In terms of fluid intake, on the contrary, a pregnant woman should drink a lot of water. During this period, there is a possibility of developing cystitis, and frequent urination prevents the risk of the disease.

As the fetus grows, it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to cope with her health. Dizziness often occurs, in a room without a flow of fresh air, and fainting occurs. The reason is constantly low hemoglobin.

The uterus requires a large amount of fresh blood flow, sometimes the pregnant woman’s body is not able to produce it and there is a lack of blood flow itself. Consequently, the brain does not receive the required amount of blood and fainting may occur in stuffy rooms.

This is a very dangerous condition; if you fall, especially if there is no loved one nearby, the fetus can be damaged and internal bleeding may occur. That is why, in the last months of pregnancy, doctors constantly measure the woman’s hemoglobin level, blood pressure and general condition.

Doctors will constantly measure the size of your belly and do not worry if it is very different from other women during a similar period of pregnancy. After all, a large amount of space is occupied by amniotic fluid and only part of it by the fetus.
The main thing is not the size of the belly, but the size of the fetus itself.

A few words about discharge at 16 weeks of pregnancy

There are discharges and this is how it should be. After all, the body is constantly cleansing itself of toxins.

But the discharge should not be too abundant. Their color is almost transparent without any strong odors.

The presence of white (milky) discharge indicates an infection, usually thrush.

When the temperature rises above 37 degrees, we can talk about an inflammatory process.

Any bleeding is very dangerous for the fetus. Starting from cervical erosion to internal bleeding.

If you see a non-transparent discharge and there is a strong odor (acetone), consult a doctor immediately.

A miscarriage is no longer dangerous, but another one appears danger of fetal death.

A woman should constantly hear the baby's movements. They can stop only while he sleeps, and, as you know, a child, while in the womb, sleeps often, but very little. Otherwise, contact your doctors.

This condition is very dangerous for a woman’s life.
Of course, you can’t return the fetus, but with a frozen pregnancy, there is a risk of blood poisoning. In this case, surgical intervention is performed and the rehabilitation time is quite long.

Causes of frozen pregnancy:

  • First, and most importantly, multiple abortions that preceded this pregnancy.
  • Lifting or carrying heavy loads.
    Often women in the village carry water in buckets, this is strictly prohibited.
  • Bad habits, drinking alcohol or tobacco before and during pregnancy.
  • Unfavorable living environment. Premises containing acids.
  • Prolonged stay in smoky rooms.
  • In rare cases, infection may occur. By the way, it is the infection that your partner can transmit to you if you continue to be sexually active. Be sure to adhere to basic hygiene rules.

Fetus at 16 weeks of gestation

Don't worry about the baby - he continues to grow gradually and is now approximately 17.5-19 cm in size.

Movements become more active: the baby can turn his head from side to side, yawn, stretch and even fart (his intestines work).

A unique fingerprint has been formed, the nails have almost grown, the arms and legs are fully formed and the baby can freely bend at the joints.

The 16th week of pregnancy is accompanied by activity. He constantly tumbles and actively works with his arms and legs.

Visually, you can see small bumps appearing and disappearing on a pregnant woman’s belly.

The intestines, liver and kidneys are actively working.

Now a full bowel movement occurs. After all, the child knows how to swallow amniotic fluid.

The heart has enlarged and strengthened, it is able to work at full capacity. At the same time, the number of blows is still high and amounts to 120-140 times per minute.

The endocrine glands begin to work, the adrenal glands are formed and are ready to perform their functions.

The reproductive organs, prostate, ovaries and eggs develop.

A pregnant woman can constantly talk to her baby, he hears and understands her quite normally.

The fetus at 16 weeks feels the emotional state of the mother, reacts to light with warmth and cold.

The baby spends more time tumbling and being awake than sleeping.
The first signs and desire to see the light appear.
Sometimes this is manifested by strong activity and intense movements of the arms and legs.

Try to talk to your future child as often as possible - he likes it.

If you didn’t have time to do an ultrasound scan at 14 - 15 weeks, don’t worry, you can do it now.

This analysis is carried out to identify brain pathologies and the presence of an extra chromosome (Down syndrome).

An ultrasound will show the position of the fetus, although the baby has not yet taken the correct position. It can rotate freely in the placenta.

The condition of the limbs, their shape and size.

The doctor will determine how correctly the internal organs are developing, their correct location and the presence of possible pathology.

With the help of equipment, a mother can hear the heartbeat of her unborn child.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the attending physician will now more often visually examine the pregnant woman, measure the circumference of the abdomen, and palpate the position of the uterus.

Nutrition of the expectant mother at 16 weeks

At the 16th week of a woman’s pregnancy, the formation of the child’s skeleton is completed.

The baby already weighs about 110 grams. At this stage, you will feel the movements of the fetus inside you, this is an unforgettable sensation. For this reason, replenish your body with healthy foods.

It is necessary to eat foods containing protein, carbohydrates and fats in moderation. Nutritionists advise eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

To compensate for the lack of protein in the body, include in your diet:

  • meat,
  • legumes,
  • seeds and nuts.

The healthiest meat is considered to be lean rabbit, turkey, chicken or beef.

Prepare fish dishes at least twice a week.

Ideally, you should consume complex carbohydrates; they take a long time to digest and replenish the body with nutrients, but you will not gain weight.

Complex carbohydrates include wholemeal bran bread, whole grain cereals, peeled vegetables and fruits.

Replace table salt with iodized or fluoridated salt, reduce its amount to a minimum, and best of all, replace it with soy sauce.

In the first half of the day, do not limit yourself to the amount of liquid, drink clean water without carbon, weak teas without sugar.

The amount of water consumed per day should not be less than 2 liters.

Mom at 16 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother's immunity has two main enemies: stress and infectious diseases. The fact is that you have to carry a child for 9 months - during this period several seasons will change, dangerous both in terms of the development of infectious diseases and in terms of viral infection. Methods for preventing infections have been well known since childhood: wash your hands with soap, thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and berries, spend less time in crowded places during periods of raging flu or acute respiratory infections, and if this is not possible, wear a respiratory bandage, walk more in the fresh air.

Start hardening your body, as this procedure will increase your energy potential. Scientists have found that hardened mothers are more adapted to the stress (mental and physical) associated with bearing a child and experience labor pain much easier. Hardening strengthens the cardiovascular system, activates the gastrointestinal tract, the body's cleansing system, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and improves the metabolic process.

Although all this happens in the mother’s body, it is important for your baby, as it significantly improves development conditions. Good types of hardening are permissible physical activity, swimming, dousing with water, and contrast showers. A slight decrease in temperature in the abdominal area during swimming, a contrast shower or dousing with water will give the Baby new sensations, as well as active movements. The fact is that the skin of a very tiny person is a very sensitive organ, and the signals coming from it train brain activity in their own way.

Be sure to walk at a comfortable pace, because a walk is not only a source of energy for you, but also a source of oxygen for the Baby. Oxygen nourishes brain cells and thereby contributes to the development of the most important organ. And what parents don’t dream of their child being smart and intelligent?

For a growing Baby, the measured swaying motions during mother's walking are training of the vestibular apparatus and at the same time a way... to sleep sweetly (in the future, such a wonderful state, when the Baby sleeps next to the mother's body, and your hands remain free, can only be achieved with the help sling).

16th week of pregnancy: Video "Second trimester screening"

The 16th obstetric week of pregnancy is the 4th month of waiting for the baby. A time when the focus is solely on the unborn child.

What dangers can await the mother at this stage? How to prevent possible problems and avoid unpleasant symptoms at 16 weeks?

16 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

Gradually, by 16 weeks the baby increased to 105- 115 mm, its weight is 80 g. Such rapid rates of development are considered normal. The child begins to perceive all sounds, voices and music well.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the child look like?

Over the course of a week, the following processes occur in the baby’s body:

  • Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized in the blood.
  • The legs are lengthening.
  • The chest tries to make breathing movements.
  • The adrenal cortex already produces all the necessary hormones.
  • Toenails appear.
  • Chaotic movements are replaced by more meaningful ones.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

Using an ultrasound, the doctor determines the size of the fetus, the presence of a heartbeat, and the condition of the placenta. A mother can see her baby stretching inside her tummy, playing with her arms and legs, opening and closing her mouth, and even spitting.

He can also smile sweetly, frown and rotate his head.

At this time, mothers usually find out the gender of their unborn child. In most cases, at 16 weeks the doctor is not mistaken, so parents can safely choose a name for the baby.

Video: Screening at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate norms at 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The tiny heart of the unborn baby is fully functional at this stage and pumps about 20 liters of blood per day.

It is possible to record the heartbeat at this time only with the help of ultrasound. Now his rhythm is 140-160 beats in a minute.

What happens in a woman’s body at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

During this period, thanks to a noticeably rounded tummy, the woman fully begins to feel pregnant. Many people notice that their hair and nails begin to grow faster.

In general, a woman at this stage of pregnancy looks very attractive.

This week, the uterus begins to actively grow, the amount of amniotic fluid in it increases. This entails some inconveniences. Pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve causes pain spreading to the buttocks and lower extremities. Due to pressure on the diaphragm, it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe.

The belly grows - and this causes pain in the back, hips, and groin. Problems such as itchy skin and stretch marks may also appear.

A pregnant woman may notice that her shoes have become tight. This is partly due to weight gain, partly due to swelling. The expectant mother may have to purchase shoes one size larger during pregnancy.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 16th week of obstetric pregnancy

Changes in a woman’s body at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 16 weeks of pregnancy

There are no special changes in the breasts compared to previous periods. Its size does not change, and for some it continues to grow. A venous pattern appears on the chest.

In addition, in many pregnant women, the nipples increase in size. Painful sensitivity in the nipples and breasts may disappear, but this does not always happen.

If fluid is constantly leaking from your breasts, it is very important to maintain hygiene, otherwise an infection may get into the milk ducts.

If this is your first pregnancy, your growing belly is already visible to others in tight-fitting clothes.

During multiple pregnancies, it grows much faster. Therefore, by the 16th week, the size of the abdomen may already be of impressive size.

First movements during pregnancy

Usually, the first, barely noticeable, tremors are noticed by mothers between 14 and 26 weeks, but most often only after 18.

If a woman does not feel the baby’s movements yet, there is no need to worry. Up to the 20th week there may be no movements at all.

Expectant mothers need to remember that the baby’s activity at this stage is not constant, so movements are still intermittent.

Video: 16th week of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

If pregnancy is progressing normally, doctors recommend that mothers continue physical activity. But all movements should be smooth and unhurried.

From this moment on, due to the growing belly, the woman becomes less graceful. Therefore, now expectant mothers need to exercise basic caution.

Unpleasant moments of this period:

  • Pregnancy makes a woman distracted and forgetful. There is no point in fighting this, and in order not to forget anything, it is useful to make lists of important things to do and purchases.
  • Digestive problems often plague pregnant women. To reduce discomfort, you need to eat dried fruits every day and drink kefir at night. Don't forget that breakfast should be hearty and dinner should be light.
  • Poorly prepared foods, raw eggs and milk are undesirable during this period, as they can cause serious poisoning and harm the child.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to avoid cosmetic experiments, as some products can cause an unwanted allergic reaction. Particularly sensitive women can switch to special cosmetic lines for pregnant women.

16 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

The thought that something is wrong with the child haunts many pregnant women. Such fears are explained by increased emotionality, and often have no basis.

At this stage of pregnancy, such fear is unnecessary. If a woman is not bothered by frequent and intense pain and there is no bleeding, then with a 99% probability everything is fine with her and the baby.

Regular visits to the doctor will help a pregnant woman always remain calm.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 16 weeks - answered by a specialist

16 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

  • Obstetric term invented by doctors to make it convenient to calculate the date of birth. It is two weeks ahead of the embryonic period, as it begins on the first day of the last menstruation.
  • Embryonic term always counted from the moment of fertilization.

Is discharge at 16 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

At week 16, pregnant women experience an increased amount of discharge. Normally, they should be transparent - or milky, watery, without a pungent odor.

Deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of an infection in the vagina.

It is caused by the preparation of a woman’s birth canal for childbirth. Pregnant women need to pay special attention to careful hygiene of the genital organs to prevent infection of the genitourinary tract.

Excessively watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, consultation with a doctor is required!

If at 16 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

It should be emphasized that at this stage the baby’s heartbeat can only be heard during an ultrasound examination.

The absence of cardiac activity in the fetus, in most cases, means its death. But to confirm this diagnosis, the ultrasound procedure will need to be completed several more times.

If at 16 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

Normal pregnancy is always accompanied by minor pain in the abdominal area. All this is the result of an enlarged uterus.

However, if a woman experiences cramps reminiscent of menstruation, this is alarming symptom. It is better to go to the hospital without wasting time.

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at the 16th obstetric week - reasons?

Such pain is often caused by stretching of the muscles and nodes that support the uterus. Most pregnant women feel them. The pain can be spasmodic or stabbing, and most often appears with a sudden change in position.

Resting in a comfortable position should bring significant relief.

If pain is accompanied by fever, trembling, or bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant, and bleeding starts?

Changes such as blood from the vagina indicate a possible risk of miscarriage. The woman needs to see a doctor immediately.

If there is no blood, but toxicosis has disappeared, this is quite natural for this period and should not cause concern.

16th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

Doctors are now performing ultrasounds to rule out possible pathologies in the baby’s development. Just like other pregnant women, the woman undergoes the necessary tests.

All the baby’s organs are already formed, which means that the risk of miscarriage at 16 weeks is becoming less and less. Therefore, women who become pregnant through IVF can enjoy their position.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

You can determine fetal freezing if you carefully monitor your well-being. The disappearance of all pregnancy symptoms is the first sign of fetal fading.

The following symptoms that appear after a few days are brown discharge, fever, dizziness, nausea. This condition is dangerous because the frozen baby remains inside the uterus - intoxication and infection can threaten the life of the mother.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

Basically, colds are dangerous in the first months after conception. The older the child gets, the more protected he is.

But there are diseases that pose a potential threat to the baby’s health even in later stages. These include: rubella, sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections.

It is important for all pregnant women to understand that only a doctor can advise the safest treatment.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

Due to the fact that hormonal levels stabilize at 16 weeks, many women note an improvement in their well-being.

But this does not mean that you can now relax. See your doctor regularly and eat right needed constantly.
