What makes a woman truly attractive? What makes a girl beautiful.

The answer to the question of what makes a girl happy will be covered with a veil of secrecy for a long time. Maybe first you need to solve a simpler riddle, which concerns how you can become beautiful.

It is simply impossible to tell in a nutshell what makes a girl beautiful. Beauty is such a multifaceted thing, and it is not limited to just appearance. But still, we need to try to bring some clarity.

So, beauty consists of several terms that every girl must accept for herself. The first and most important thing is grooming. It is important to understand that you do not need to be a beauty from the cover, but keeping your body in order is a strict commandment. As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Therefore, well-groomed girl there should be no excess vegetation. The armpits, legs, bikini area and the area above the upper lip are those places where it is forbidden to have at least one hair. The bikini area should be in order even if the this moment No permanent sex. Otherwise, how can he appear?

The next sign of a beautiful girl is clothes with taste. It should correspond to the season, occasion, age. But you need to follow the fashion very carefully. You can listen to her trends, but here's your individual style must have.

Shoes are a separate issue. You can tell a lot about a person from it. Therefore, there is no need to skimp on this wardrobe item. You also don't have to give up heels. But in everything there should be a measure. A girl with too high heels looks vulgar, which raises some doubts about her occupation. A heel 15-20 centimeters high is worn only in the evening, with beautiful dress and arm in arm with no less handsome man. And wear high heels always and everywhere is bad manners.

Blondes or brunettes? This question has been tormenting many women for decades when it comes to the preferences of men. Meanwhile, the representatives of the stronger sex themselves cannot come to a consensus. 30% of them like brunettes, 30% - blondes. The other 30% went to brown-haired women, but only 10% fell to redheads.

Cosmetics - that's another component female attractiveness and beauty. It must be skillfully used, observing the measure. During the day, make-up should be restrained, and in the evening you can afford a little more bright make-up. The main thing is that cosmetics do not come to the fore, because its main purpose is to emphasize the merits, and not to hide them.

It's time to move on to inner beauty. Mind is an important part of beauty. Contrary to popular belief, men still love smart women. And this does not mean at all that she should be a candidate of sciences. It is about wisdom, prudence, erudition and education. Only a man with sick pride would prefer to see next to him stupid girl without education.

It is important to work on yourself, improve and not stand still. Work is what will help to cope with all the difficulties.

And if the theme of beauty is a matter of having time and perseverance in working on oneself, then sexuality is more of a psychology. What makes a woman sexy is self-confidence, spiritual harmony and adequate self-esteem. No woman has yet become sexy without a similar inner feeling. Even the most beautiful girl can be asexual and cold if she doesn't feel attractive on the inside. And for this you need to love yourself!

Most men say: beautiful girl what makes it not at all impeccable appearance, but the way she behaves in public and how often she smiles. Definitely, the stronger sex loves women who are charming and with natural charm. AT real woman should be a highlight!

Perhaps now it is possible to answer the question asked at the beginning. What makes a woman happy? And the answer is simple: harmony with oneself, with the outside world, beauty external and internal. It is important to enjoy every day you live and keep calm. And, of course, you need to love and be loved!


First, think about what kind of framework the draw should have, for which your loved one is for sure. Each person has his own limit of what, when it comes to himself. But in any case, you should know yours better than others, so prepare thoroughly and if anything, do not blame me.

Almost everyone is afraid of insects. Approach her unnoticed and shout: “You have a cockroach in your hair!” - there will be plenty of squealing. Or buy a plastic spider and mount it under the ceiling or somewhere else your companion will look at.

Girls are very jealous of their appearance. But some might still appreciate your next prank: put flour or starch in the hair dryer she dries her hair with every morning. The same can be done with the ventilation system in the car. Just keep in mind that you will most likely have to clean up after such fireworks.

Present your bouquet packed to the very top. Only in the center of the bouquet, instead of the main flower, insert a bit. This is a prank about the "soft and forgiving" nature of your beloved. On the beat you can write: "My gentle and affectionate." A girl will definitely appreciate such a bouquet. Just try not to do it after all the previous draws - you risk being beaten.

The main thing to remember when playing your girl- that she is a fragile and delicate creature. Choose pranks so that they do not bring her mental and even more physical pain. In the end, both the one who plays and the one who is played should over the draw. Otherwise, this is no longer a joke, but a mockery.


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Every girl wants to be beautiful. First of all, for the sake of their own satisfaction, but not least - in order to please others, to delight men. What puzzles make up such a complex concept as female beauty?

Immediately I want to make a reservation that beauty is a subjective concept. What one does not like will bring true delight to another. Of course, in every society there are certain canons, but time changes them with enviable constancy.

So what makes a girl truly beautiful?

1. Self-confidence
Self-confident in simple clothes and will seem more beautiful in the eyes of the surrounding people than an insecure painted doll. Men are fascinated first strong women who know their worth.

2. Self love
As you know, no one can love a person who does not love himself.

3. Rich and harmonious inner world
The beauty . Even if nature has not rewarded you with a 90-60-90 figure and facial proportions like Angelina Jolie, you will always be of interest to, but on condition that your inner world is really beautiful. It should be remembered that any natural beauty will quickly fade if an empty or embittered personality hides behind it. The basic law of the universe says: "As above, so below." External and internal beauty, by their proven interconnection, in no way contradict him.

4. The ability to hide flaws and emphasize advantages
As the famous Coco Chanel used to say, “if a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is just a fool.” Beauty, like a house, must be built on its own. A girl should take an impartial look at herself in order to reveal her not-too-beautiful body parts and understand how they can be corrected, making the flaws invisible to others. This task is quite within the power of everyone, but real miracles in terms of correcting the appearance are performed professional stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

5. Appropriateness
This quality is not accidental. An adequate woman will not commit a lot of stupid things that are detrimental to her beauty. For example, she will not blindly follow fashion by dressing in outfits that do not color her, or putting on makeup that does not suit her. An adequate woman does not set herself the goal of being liked by everyone around, fooling her head, torturing herself with fashionable diets. And an adequate woman will not compare herself with famous models and actresses, suffering from an inferiority complex. She already understands that no one in this world is perfect.

6. Body care
The body is the temple of our soul, which must be taken care of regularly. I love doing sports healthy eating, quality sleep, lack of bad habits. Also, the benefits of various cosmetic procedures: face and body masks, massage, spa, etc.

7. Love
It is noticed that the state of love has a beneficial effect on female appearance. Especially the girl who enjoys harmonious relations with someone in love with her. Also makes a woman prettier pregnancy and motherhood.

It is important to remember that each person is by nature in his own way, because God, the creator in the world, made him that way. But since there is no limit to perfection, any girl, if desired and with due effort, can become even more beautiful and attractive than before.

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Tip 3: Which pranks are good for friends in 2019


A prank related to "television" can be fun and memorable for a friend. To do this, you will need to agree with a familiar photographer or videographer, and also ask someone to play the role of director. The “director” approaches your friend and offers to go through a casting for shooting in some kind of program. The photographer takes pictures. And after some time, the “director” meets with your friend again and says that he has passed the selection and offers him a list of questions (they should be interesting, with a double meaning). All this your company records on . In a few days you can meet all together in some cafe and give the disc to a friend. If participation in the TV show was not a “star” desire of a friend, then he will appreciate your joke.

Long known, but still popular practical jokes, Related appearance comrade. If he is not very attentive, then he can walk for a couple of hours with some object (for example, a woman's brooch) attached to the back of a sweater or jacket.

In the company of friends, you can play someone together. Rub a few burnt matches or paper in your hands. Naturally, you do not show your hands to the “victim”. One of the friends offers the "experimental" to show the trick. And you offer him to close his eyes so as not to spy on the preparation. And you casually cover his eyes... The trick can be successful or not - it doesn't matter. The main thing is the black cheekbones of a friend.

A simple, but not entirely "convenient" joke can be played with a friend on the way to the bus or trolleybus. You are late and, of course, run. At this time, be a little behind and shout something like “Give it back, you bastard, wallet”, etc. Surely you are waiting interested views, chained to your couple, and the embarrassment of a friend.

A harmless but memorable prank - a letter of congratulations. This will be well received, for example, at the bottom or in honor of some holiday. Take a postcard, invent interesting text, type it on a computer and then print it on a postcard printer. Sign at least in the name of the President or some other prominent person.

Quite a lot of pranks are related to computers. A common and quickly executed joke is − small piece adhesive tape attached to the bottom or ring of the "mouse". Or a more "advanced" joke - a fixed screen. To do this, open a file on the desktop, but not in full screen. Then you copy the screen image using the “print screen” function, process it in the standard program “Paint” and save it. After that, the resulting picture is made the image of the desktop. A friend, of course, will try to close supposedly open file and decides that the computer is frozen. Reboot won't do anything either. You are guaranteed a few fun minutes, just try not to damage any really important file along the way.

Remember that a joke and a prank can only be considered successful if both sides laugh: both the one who is them and the one who turned out to be the unwitting object of jokes. And for this they should be cheerful, but not offensive or offensive. Laugh to your health!


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Pranks - that's what helps to strengthen relationships in the company. In addition, the organizers and the "victim" can laugh heartily and get a lot of positive emotions.

Frozen computer

A great prank for those people whose friends often use the computer. While your friend can't see, take a screenshot of the desktop with CTRL + PrtScn, save the resulting image somewhere (just paste it into Paint and save it to your hard drive) and set it as a background. Then remove all shortcuts from the desktop. For best effect You can also remove the taskbar. Your friend will be at a loss when he tries to run this or that shortcut. After you and your buddy have a good laugh, just go to the trash and click on "Restore All Items".


This prank will require three people (one of them is the "victim"). Walk along railway. Two walk on the sides, and the victim. Suddenly, as if by agreement, the two turn around sharply and take a step to the side. The victim sees this and understands that the train is rushing. The person is lost and does not know where to go.


Walking in a company, suddenly exclaim: “Guys, look, it’s dead in the sky!” and point your finger to the sky. Oddly enough, all friends will definitely raise their heads upstairs.


Your friend stayed at your house for the night. Everyone knows that the plastic tubes that store Toothpaste, it is very easy to empty and like a smoking friend will be confused.

Reliable comrades

In the early morning, call your comrades and in an alarmed voice ask everyone to come to you with a large bucket (with or without water). It will be fun to watch the picture: in the yard early in the morning there will be a crowd of guys with buckets. Some may come by car. Bottom line: there are a lot of cars and people with buckets at your entrance.

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Do you know what men find attractive in a woman? Is the modern "dating game" so one-sided that it is enough for a woman to look attractive, and men will lose their temper at the sight of beautiful hair and slender body?

There is no point in denying the fact that this is true for many men, but something more is needed to attract those who are not impressed with just good looks.

Of course, one cannot speak of all men, but there are some traits that many of them find attractive in women.


It may sound like a cliché, but true kindness is indeed a rarity these days. Of course, there are many people who treat their loved ones well. But how many people do you meet every day who would come up and talk to a lonely stranger singing near the subway? Many men do not want to be with a woman who treats only them, their relatives and friends well. They are looking for someone who can brighten up not only their day, but also all the people she has to meet. A woman can do it just by smiling to a stranger. This will make her attractive in the eyes of many men. A natural, not fake, smile speaks of such things as optimism and reliability, and these qualities, of course, a man wants to find in his soul mate.

Positivity and sense of humor

It is not at all selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and make your happiness a top priority in life.

One of the most important things in any relationship, whether romantic or friendly, is the opportunity to have a good time and laugh together. caring for your emotions and good mood should be the top priority. Only then can you go through life with positive attitude, with a fair amount of humour. Of course, this does not mean that men are looking for a woman with the experience of a comedian, but she must be able to perceive jokes correctly, make fun of herself and others.


It may sound grandiloquent, but many men cannot feel happy if they are not passionate about something. Therefore, they believe that there is nothing more attractive in the world than a woman who is inspired and passionate about any occupation in life.

Perhaps you want to be a world-class pianist or a doctor, but if your eyes light up when you talk about it, your a man will find you very quickly. With such a girl it will never be boring together, because there is always a topic that you can talk about if she is really passionate about it.

Communication with friends of a loved one

There is an old Chinese saying that if a man is married to a woman who communicates with his friends, they will have a long and happy life. And really, if a woman can hang out with her man's friends and be "one of the guys" whenever she wants to, that will really make him happy.


There is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman who does not want to show that she is someone else. It's always nice to be with a person who doesn't try to be different and is happy with who they are. In fact, not only women are looking for a confident partner. Men also want to be with a woman who can stand up for herself and what she believes in (unless it's his favorite football team or band, of course).

natural sexuality

Much can be said about what sex appeal, and especially about what makes a woman sexy. But for many men, what matters is not what clothes a woman wears or what is under her. In fact, it is very important whether she feels comfortable in her sexuality and perceives her sexual energy. After all, it is much more pleasant to be with a woman who knows who she is and is not shy about this fact. Your sexuality is part of human nature. The sooner you take this side, the better and more attractive you will be for the partner with whom you are now building a relationship.


Two things are important in a girl: who she is and what she wants. Most of all we are irritated by people who do not know what they want and cannot take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. After all, a man is ready to argue about where you will have dinner or what movie to watch if he is sure that the woman next to him is strong enough to make her own decisions.

Sense of style

It's no secret that all men love with their eyes. Perhaps it was programmed by evolution. And so it is very important for a woman to have a unique sense of style. Every man gravitates towards a certain stereotype. But any member of the stronger sex is more likely to fall in love with a woman who has a sense of style, and not one that does not stand out from the crowd.

Every girl wants to be beautiful. First of all, for the sake of their own satisfaction, but not least - in order to please others, to delight men. What puzzles make up such a complex concept as female beauty?

Immediately I want to make a reservation that beauty is a subjective concept. What one does not like will bring true delight to another. Of course, in every society there are certain canons, standards of beauty, but time changes them with enviable constancy.

So what makes a girl truly beautiful?

1. Self-confidence
A self-confident girl in simple clothes and without makeup will seem more beautiful in the eyes of the people around her than an insecure painted doll. Men are primarily fascinated by strong women who know their worth.

2. Self love
As you know, no one can love a person who does not love himself.

3. Rich and harmonious inner world
Beauty comes from within. Even if nature has not rewarded you with a 90-60-90 figure and facial proportions like Angelina Jolie, you will always be of interest to men, but on condition that your inner world is really beautiful. It should be remembered that any natural beauty will quickly fade if an empty or embittered personality hides behind it. The basic law of the universe says: "As above, so below." External and internal beauty, by their proven interconnection, in no way contradict him.

4. The ability to hide flaws and emphasize advantages
As the famous Coco Chanel used to say, “if a woman has not become a beauty by the age of 30, then she is just a fool.” Beauty, like a house, must be built on its own. A girl should take an impartial look at herself in order to reveal her not-too-beautiful body parts and understand how they can be corrected, making the flaws invisible to others. This task is quite within the power of everyone, but professional stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons perform real miracles in terms of correcting the appearance.

5. Appropriateness
This quality was included in the list not by chance. An adequate woman will not commit a lot of stupid things that are detrimental to her beauty. For example, she will not blindly follow fashion by dressing in outfits that do not color her, or putting on makeup that does not suit her. An adequate woman does not set herself the goal of being liked by everyone around, fooling men, torturing herself with fashionable diets. And an adequate woman will not compare herself with famous models and actresses, suffering from an inferiority complex. She already understands that no one in this world is perfect.

6. Body care
The body is the temple of our soul, which must be taken care of regularly. Any sports, healthy eating, quality sleep, the absence of addictions. Also, one should not underestimate the benefits of various cosmetic procedures: face and body masks, massage, spa, etc.

7. Love
It is noticed that the state of being in love has a beneficial effect on the female appearance. A girl who enjoys a harmonious relationship with a man in love with her especially flourishes. Also, a woman is made more beautiful by pregnancy and motherhood.

It is important to remember that each person is beautiful in his own way by nature, because God made him that way - the best creator in the world. But since there is no limit to perfection, any girl, if desired and with due effort, can become even more beautiful and attractive than before.

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First of all, if you want to please a girl, think about whether you like yourself, or how you treat yourself, with respect or not. If you do not love yourself, then those around you will definitely feel it, at the subconscious level.

Also remember, girls don't like men who pretend to be "tough" guys. It is very important to behave naturally, command respect and be a pleasant conversationalist.

What to do to please women?

To attract into your life worthy woman, it is necessary to pay attention to ground rules which, from the point of view of psychology, will help you in this matter.

Can't fit all

To understand how to please a girl correctly, it should be understood that any woman is, first of all, a person who is distinguished by her individuality and uniqueness. You should not treat her as a primitive creature that can be lured into your trap. beautiful words and expensive things.

Also, it is worth understanding that each young lady has her own ideal of a man, and you may simply not be to her taste. Imagine yourself in the place of the object of attention, from the female side: you are given signs of attention by a young lady who is not to your taste, or simply unpleasant to you. As a result, no matter how hard she tries, except for irritation, you will have no other feelings. Therefore, if you like a girl, you need to try several times to win her heart, and in case of failure, do not despair and do not label yourself as a loser. Try to communicate with other women you like, and you will find exactly the one that will become your soulmate.

You have an interesting life

A beautiful and self-sufficient girl is unlikely to like suitors who cannot connect two phrases, or annoying fans who will bombard her with compliments, flowers, call and write messages all day long. Therefore, you should have your own interesting and varied life, so that the lady she likes understands that you are not a bore, but a person striving for self-development. Do what you like: game on musical instruments, gym, exhibitions, visits to trainings, foreign languages etc. When you meet a girl with such a set of hobbies, she will see in you a self-sufficient and ambitious man who is not looking for random connections. Without a doubt, a girl will like such an enthusiastic guy and will interest her.

Even if everything in your life is very neglected, boring and monotonous, let this rule serve as an incentive to bring it to a new, better level.


Again, imagine that you fit beautiful lady, but greasy hair, dirty shoes, with the smell of garlic from the mouth. In addition, she had not taken a shower for several days. Do you want to communicate with her?

Therefore, if you like a girl: beautiful, slender and well-groomed - you must match her, with your appearance. Your clothes must be clean and ironed, and shoes in perfect condition. Do not neglect going to the hairdresser and dentist. Brush your teeth, shower often, use men's perfumery. The scent of freshness should come from a man, not the smell of mountain goat musk.

Take the initiative

Many guys ask: how to please a girl who doesn't like you? What did you do to please? Most guys wait and dream that the girl will be the first to pay attention to them, and at that moment they will reciprocate. You can wait for this moment all your life, or until your chosen one is taken away by another man, since the psychology of a woman is designed in such a way that her heart must be won. Therefore, you should not hesitate and wait for a miracle. We need to quickly take matters into our own hands. To please a girl, or at least try to do it, take the initiative, take the first step, start at least doing something: give a compliment, present a pleasant surprise, invite her for a cup of tea, after school or work (if she is a colleague), invite her to the theater or cinema. In fact, there are a lot of reasons to be alone with the object of sympathy, and it is simply impossible to list all of them.

Remember, girls just love proactive guys who control the situation and take everything into their own hands.

First date - what to do?

When you met a young lady, or took the initiative to a familiar young lady, for example, at work, and at the same time, having agreed with her about a meeting, the question inevitably arises: how to please a girl on a first date? Although this is a broad topic that requires separate discussion, the following recommendations can be drawn from it:

  • The first thing to do is to choose a quiet and comfortable place to meet. Ideally, this is a cafe-tea house, with a small number of visitors and soft music. Otherwise, both of you will look stupid if you sit silently all evening, listening to deafening music. Also, do not make an appointment in a karaoke bar, it will distract the lady's attention from you.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the young lady, at first, will take the position of an observer and will study you. Therefore, watch your speech and manners. You must speak without using obscene words, calmly and without unnecessary gestures. For some reason, some guys act very funny, thinking that if they start to goon and gesticulate with spread fingers, then it looks “cool”. Do not do that. The lady will think that you are not too smart, and the date will fail. The main thing that a guy needs to remember on a first date is that he should make the object of sympathy as possible best impression. The main sign that you are interested in a young lady, and she is ready to continue getting to know you, is the moment when she begins to talk about herself willingly. If the guy is indifferent to her, then she will answer questions superficially, without going into details.
  • Show interest in her person. People enthusiastically tell a pleasant interlocutor about themselves if he asks them about it. Such is the psychology of a person, he seeks to please his opponent. Ask the girl what you really might be interested in. Such a move can help out if you don’t know what to talk about and what to do next. But, it will look strange if you yawn while listening to the answer to your question. AT last resort, you can change the theme at any time. It is very important to be a good listener and let the lady talk. To please women, you don’t have to act like an owl, listening to a monologue, without blinking and without emotions. Nod your head occasionally, smile, agree, and don't interrupt.
  • Monologue or dialogue? Don't forget to talk about yourself too. For example, to talk about your hobbies, select the moment when the lady completed the sentence and insert your own: “And I snowboard, rollerblade, go to a club or cinema with friends, go in for sports ...” Some of this will interest the young lady, and you will smoothly switch to talking about you. Sometimes you don't have to wait to be asked. There should be a dialogue, as a result of which, the woman will have a certain opinion about you that can affect your future relationship.

How to behave after a pleasant tea party? Be sure to pay for the order yourself. It is hardly possible to please a lady if you follow the "American" tradition, when everyone pays for himself. On a walk, after a cafe or other meeting place, behave in the same way, restrained and decent. Be sure to take the girl to the very entrance, tell her how pleasant it was for you to communicate with her, and a couple more compliments - with this, your chosen one will like you even more. The date should end on a positive note.
