Rich appearance or how rich people dress. Facial features that betray a very rich person How the rich and the poor dress

Habits and luxuries of rich people

In any society there are different strata of the population. People can be divided according to many factors, but one of the most striking factors is the level of wealth. Rich people can literally be seen from afar, and their lifestyle is significantly different. The habits and luxuries of rich people are amazing, and some even cause undisguised envy. This is not the best feeling, but you can take an example from rich people, imitate them and equal them, especially if you like this lifestyle.

Who is a rich man

Let's look at who a rich person is before we open the veil of the secrets of the life of rich people. In the usual sense of the term, a rich person is a person who has a large amount of material values. Wealth can be not only material, but also spiritual or family. In this article, we look at the habits of people who are financially rich.

Wealthy people are people who are well above average. If in your region the average salary is 35,000 rubles a month, then a truly rich person either already has a significant amount, or receives at least 7-10 times more than the average. Material wealth is not only incoming money, but also already available.

Behind a rich person there is a sufficient amount of material values ​​that can fully support his life. This includes real estate, antiques and collectibles, precious metals, products, etc. A "millionaire" can also be an ordinary poor person, for example, living in Moscow in an apartment worth 7-10 million.

But such a person cannot be called rich, even taking into account the cost of his housing. A rich person has a lot of material values, and in this case an expensive apartment is the only thing that the "millionaire" has in his soul.

How to identify a rich person

There are many myths around rich people. The biggest myth is that rich people don't work. If it were, then they would hardly have become rich if they had not inherited or won the lottery.

Rich people don't just work, they often work even harder and harder than everyone else. Polls have shown that wealthy people in America work an average of 50-55 hours a week, when the middle class only works 40-45 hours.

Rich people can be colossally busy, but they are more free to manage their own time. The reason for their vacation 3-4 times a year and numerous foreign trips is not only money, but also their approach to life.

They are not busy because they work for food/shelter, they are busy for another reason - they love their job, and it brings them a huge income. Therefore, they can afford to relax in Cyprus, the Philippines or luxury ski resorts in the Alps.

You are unlikely to be able to find out the exact work schedule of a person, so you should not focus on his employment. But you can define a rich person by his lifestyle. There are exceptions, such as, for example, the founder of the IKEA chain, Ingvar Kamprad.

He is a very wealthy man, but leads an ascetic life and still drives a Volvo 240 from 1993. But if we do not take into account rare exceptions, then rich people always betray their lifestyle.

Lifestyle is manifested both in small things and in global things. You can figure out a rich person even just by his suit or watch. An expensive car is an ambiguous indicator. You need to pay attention to the details.

A car, even an expensive one, can be taken on credit, as a thing necessary and clearly emphasizing the status. But few people will borrow 10-20 thousand dollars to buy a watch or a good suit. However, among the cars there are some brands that are typical only for truly rich people:

  • Porsche;
  • Bentley;
  • Ferrari;
  • Maybach;

Mercedes, BMW, Land Rover, etc. can belong to both rich people and people with sufficient income. Rich people are also distinguished by expensive rare cars. Some rich people are fond of collecting antiques, including rare cars.

Ideally, if you can watch a person for a while or look at the history of his life. Where a person goes to eat, where he cuts his hair and where he rests - all this betrays rich people, even those who hide their wealth. Notice where the person is getting their hair cut. The level of the salon and prices characterizes a person, as well as the regularity of visiting such places.

The same can be said about food. This includes not only expensive restaurants, but also proper nutrition, which includes a lot of fish, meat and fresh vegetables / fruits, even in winter.

The place of residence of a person is also a controversial indicator. As a rule, expensive houses or apartments are not just expensive, but because of their high quality or excellent location. Just wealthy people can buy such things, because this is a global issue of comfort. But there is also a certain sign where a person lives. Pay attention to the details of the apartment or house, as well as the materials and equipment used.

Pets bring joy not only to ordinary people, but also to the rich. There are very expensive breeds of dogs or cats, but rich people also choose classic breeds. The difference is not so much in the breeds as in the approach.

Rich people spend a lot more money on their animals. A pet is always well-groomed, and a personal doctor can be responsible for his health. Due to the catastrophic lack of time, animals are often not handled by the person himself, but by his family or specially hired people.

How rich people dress

Many rich people dress in branded clothes. Among the brands you can find both expensive, but very common and relatively "affordable" - Lacoste, and really expensive clothes. If you don’t know much about brands, then pay attention to the freshness of clothes. Wealthy people tend to update their wardrobe frequently and rarely wear second-hand clothes.

Among the favorite brands of rich people:

  • Hermes;
  • Ralph Lauren;
  • Versace;
  • Burberry;
  • Armani;

For a simple man in the street, these clothes may look just stylish, but rich people appreciate them for their high quality. These are all factory clothes, but rich people often resort to custom-made clothes. This is especially true of men's suits and women's evening dresses.

Wealthy people simply can't be content with mass-produced clothes and prefer clothes that are tailor-made to fit their figure. Some rich people even have a personal tailor on staff who adjusts clothes from time to time.

Among the rich people there are also supporters of the Casual style, who buy T-shirts and sweaters up to 30 euros apiece. For example, the creator of the social network FaceBook, Mark Zuckerberg, wears rather cheap T-shirts with regular pants. Another equally famous billionaire, Steve Jobs, did not pay attention to either appearance or brands at all, so everyone remembered his appearance with cheap black turtlenecks.


It is much easier to identify a rich person by accessories than by his clothes. The two most important accessories that will tell you everything about a person are a phone and a watch. This applies to both sexes. Rich people prefer two brands of phones: Apple and BlackBerry.

There are status phones, for example, Vertu, but this is for true connoisseurs. Rich people prefer to use the latest models of devices, but they do it not as a tribute to fashion, but because of their functionality and convenience.

To calculate a rich person by the clock, you need to understand them. A watch for a rich person is not only a decoration on the wrist, even if its owner is a woman, but also a working tool. Rich people, like no one else, value their time and know its value. Watches should be not only beautiful, but accurate and reliable.

One of the most expensive watches in the world, the 201-carat Chopard, costs more than 25 million. Again, this is an accessory for connoisseurs and extreme. Rich people know how to count their money, and most often the watch on their wrist costs between 10-60 thousand euros. Agree, for a simple person, this amount is astronomical, but for a rich person, this is the average price for a watch. Watches of the following popular brands fall into this price category:

  • Patek Philippe;
  • Breguet;
  • Frank Muller;
  • Audemars Piguet;
  • Jaeger-LeCoultre;

Patek Philippe watches are in high demand among wealthy people in Russia. For example, Alisher Usmanov has such a watch - the Perpetual Calendar 5140 model, and Vagit Alekperov - the Chronograph 5170 model. Leonid Mikhelson wears the Jaeger-LeCoultre brand Classique Grande Reverso model. The most popular Breguet watch, the Marine Chronograph, is owned by several millionaires. All watches are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty, high-quality workmanship and reliable mechanism.

Expensive watches have always been the subject of copying. You need to be able to distinguish the copy from the original in order to get an idea of ​​the person. Even a non-professional can distinguish a cheap copy, but some copies of expensive watches can also be “expensive”, and cost 1-2 thousand euros. Therefore, the clock is best considered in total with other indicators of a rich person.


A person's hobbies can also reveal their income level. Golf and other games of millionaires are a stereotype. Rich people tend to be very busy and therefore have a hard time finding time to play. But they may have a hobby that they spend a lot of money on.

Using the example of Oleg Tinkov (Russia) or Andrey Onistrat (Ukraine), we see that rich people take care of their health. We can say that health is a hobby of rich people. If you see that a person carefully monitors his health and spends a lot of money and time on it, then remember that this is one of the signs of rich people.

They say the rich have their quirks. One of those quirks is collecting. If a person is fond of collecting something, not necessarily very expensive, such as coins or knives, then there is a chance that you have a rich person in front of you. Some rich people are not just into collecting, they invest in it. Investing in antiques and art is very common among the wealthy.

The habits and luxuries of rich people betray even the secretive rich. Hiding wealth in Russia, and throughout the world, is a very common habit. There are exceptions - people who literally "scream" about their wealth. For example, people who use real gold to decorate their phones or cars. And the rest of the rich people are distinguished from the crowd by their lifestyle.

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When one young bouncer said in the theater that he was smart, because he talked with many philosophers, Epictetus remarked to him: “Here I have many rich acquaintances, but still I am not rich.”

The expression "rich look" has always been synonymous with vulgarity, loudness and bad taste. "Rich" looked nouveau riche and parvenu. But time passed, the world changed - this concept was filled with a different meaning. In the modern world, looking rich means being elegant and stylish, unobtrusively demonstrating your success and taste. But in a rich way - yes, it's ridiculous and vulgar.

How to become rich and successful

According to psychologists, nothing determines a person's success in life, career, business as much as his psychological state. If you want to become rich and successful, change your thoughts, mental attitudes and appearance. You will not believe, but it works unconditionally. Self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive outlook on the world, openness, plus discreet chic in clothes will attract well-being to you. So if you want to make good money, take the trouble to work on your appearance and acquire gloss. A guideline for you will be the proven 7 golden rules for men.

1. Natural elegance

The effort you put in to look presentable should be invisible. It is possible that you have been honing your unique style over the years. But only you should know about it. It should seem to everyone else that the ability to look your best is innate in you. He inherited from his grandfather, a financier, along with antique cufflinks.

2. No labels

Your clothes should emphasize yours and style, and not tell bluntly about the contents of the wallet. Let the people around you guess in which designer's atelier your suit and shirt were sewn. An accomplished person will never allow himself to show "insignia". This cheap way is the lot of those who splurge, but in fact they are nothing. However, in each circle, certain signs are in use, indicating the status of this or that gentleman. Deal with them and give the right signals.

3. Less words

A rich and successful person does not show off to everyone around him about his purchases, transactions, projects ... He is generally laconic about what concerns his affairs. Unlike the poor and unsuccessful, who, for example, having bought a fake for some brand at a sale, boasts for a long time and revels in such a successful operation. One can only feel sorry for the poor man - he has no other achievements. You prove your worth with real achievements.

4. Stylish restraint

Minimalism or purism is your style. No bright colors and creative styles. Only classic! And it's not boring at all. Even within these frameworks, there is an opportunity to stand out, to find your “zest”. For example, always wear fresh, carefully pressed shirts. These can only be shirts with a stand-up collar or "loaf". Or maybe you prefer thin natural wool jumpers with a neckline. We will not talk about polished shoes - this goes without saying. Thanks to such tricks, you will successfully stand out and be noticed.

5. Imperfection

Clothing should not be, as they say, brand new. You must have heard that in the old days no English lord went out into society in a suit he had just bought. Up to this point, for several days he had been “wearing up” ... the butler. This lovely tradition, I think, is still alive today. “Too” new things, as well as some other moments, for example, a perfect haircut, a perfectly shaved chin, manicured hands, can give you away, telling others that you have only recently learned the taste of big money and are unconsciously trying to emphasize your unusual status. Act like you were born with a silver spoon and always slept on silk sheets.

6. Ease and negligence

Carelessness does not mean inaccuracy. Rather, it is the lack of rigor in appearance and manner of dressing. Successful people today do not wear strict classic suits with perfectly pressed arrows. They dress simpler and allow themselves such slight negligence as the absence of a tie, an unbuttoned top button of a shirt, a soft jumper instead of a jacket, thereby demonstrating inner emancipation. And traditional costumes quietly moved into the category of uniforms for drivers, security guards and office workers. The rich prefer casual - urban casual style.

7. In the spotlight

To look rich means not only to dress elegantly and expensively, but also to be able to behave, to feel confident and relaxed, to be a witty interlocutor and an attentive listener. Such people certainly attract the eyes of others. Do not be afraid of other people's evaluating views, do not look away. Get used to being the center of attention, enjoying it, as it should be for a successful and rich person.

Learn these simple rules, follow them, enter into a habit that will soon, as expected, become second nature. And that's where success comes in.

7 golden rules in the "female" performance

In general, the rules for impressing a rich person are the same for men and women.

  1. Women's elegance should also look natural, not strained, adjusted to the smallest detail.
  2. Showing labels is not allowed. Only the “daughters of the janitor”, and not the lady, allow themselves this.
  3. Talking about your purchases and especially disclosing their cost is bad manners.
  4. Minimalism welcomes in the ladies' look. Do not overload the style with details, do not dazzle with colors, do not “excess” with decorations.
  5. Women's items should also not signal that they are fresh from the store. On the contrary, they are loved and worn for a long time.
  6. Urban casual style - casual - is just as loved by ladies who have taken place in the profession, successful in business.
  7. The ability to calmly and favorably respond to other people's views, not to be afraid of attention is a hallmark of rich women.

But still there are some purely feminine rules on how to look rich.

1. Quality

It's a fetish of the rich. Let things be less, but they will be of high quality. As the saying goes, less is more. With special predilection they choose shoes, gloves and bags, as well as accessories. And they wear things made from natural fabrics: cashmere, linen, silk, cotton.

2. Color

The rich prefer sophisticated colors in their clothes: black, white, all shades of gray and brown, blue, bottle, burgundy and pastel. Also, plain fabrics. This is a win-win option, because such clothes are especially elegant. Drawing is allowed on scarves and shawls.

3. Lack of vulgarity

This means not only that the rich don't wear tracksuits as everyday streetwear, but also that they don't use self-tanners, don't tan in tanning salons, don't put on kilos of makeup. The rich tend to take care of their health, so they do not sunbathe even in resorts. By the way, the natural whiteness of the skin is becoming a trend. The rich are also characterized by a sense of proportion, so they use cosmetics very carefully, only slightly emphasizing their eyes and lips. They do not wear a breathtaking neckline, high heels and mini on the verge of obscenity.

4. Style, not fashion

The rich don't go after fashion, they don't buy trendy things. A rich wardrobe is stylish, simple and high-quality clothing that emphasizes individuality. Perfect fit. Feminine, but not sexy.

5. Self care

Rich people look younger than their years. They are fit, athletic, well-groomed, they do not have excess weight. It is clear that care requires a lot of money - beauticians, massage therapists, fitness trainers ... But the rich do not save on health and appearance. Sleekness is also healthy shiny hair, a good complexion, clean skin, well-groomed hands.

6. Imperfect

If the rich were perfectionists, then in the past. They have already proved everything to themselves and the world and allowed themselves to be imperfect. This means that the hairstyle is not very fashionable and not hair to hair - it seems that the wind has disheveled the hair. There is no exaggerated sleekness and excessive gloss in everything.

7. Vintage

The rich appreciate things with history. They are happy to rummage through the ruins of junk dealers, fishing out sometimes wonderful things. And they do not believe in stupid reasoning that someone else's clothes have bad energy. On the contrary, things that are given a second life bring good luck to the new owners. They are rich women. Free, without complexes and prejudices, elegant and stylish. Being like that is easy.


With Vicki Oliver's The Millionaire Handbook: How to Look and Act Like a Millionaire, Even if You're Not, you can achieve a lot. For example, one of the genius tips: invest in clothes on a one-third basis. This means that you need to reduce the number of things you buy to one third, but the price of each of these things should be three times higher. Thus, for the same amount that you used to spend on a wardrobe, you will buy fewer things. But - excellent quality! Expensive and high-quality classic-style items that will last for more than one year are a great investment in your appearance.


Casual - does not mean sloppy. Casual is a casual business, office style that is easy to transform both for work and for non-formal settings. For example, you can replace creased trousers with discreet dark-colored classic jeans and pair them with a quality, well-fitting jacket with three-quarter or thumb-length sleeves.

Pay close attention to things in black: black only looks stylish when things are new. Washed and faded black looks lonely.


High-profile brands make the image not expensive, but cheap. Things whose origin is difficult to identify look better than a belt or a bag with a distinctive print or a huge buckle with the letter H. Also, you should refuse bags a la Chanel on a long chain, Burberry-style plaid scarves and other easily recognizable things, the true value which everyone knows. This can provoke dissonance in the perception of your image: a potential employer or fiancé will think about where, in fact, you get the funds to buy such things?


The first impression you make on people is directly related to your overall grooming. Clean skin, well-groomed hands - all this can be achieved at no particular cost, using folk remedies or inexpensive cosmetics. If you are not able to make yourself an impeccable manicure on your own, look for an inexpensive “no pretensions” hairdressing salon near your house, the prices there are much lower than in beauty salons.

Pay special attention to the condition of the hair. They should always be clean - this is not even discussed. And none! Either you regularly update the color - or you do not dye your hair. A compromise option can be tinted shampoos - better than a natural tone. Dyed hair must either give out the “hand of the master”, or not be evident, there is no third option. If you wear a short haircut - do not forget to update it in time, a hairstyle that has lost its shape will not add to your presentability. If regular visits to the master undermine your budget - grow long hair, it will be enough to trim the ends once every few months.

Do not save on bags and shoes - they should be of high quality and quite expensive. But you can afford to choose things that will age beautifully - for example, buy from leather dyed in natural brown tones. Even shabby, they will look stylish. Do not get carried away by extravagant styles that catch your eye. If you can afford only one pair of winter shoes and at the same time choose bright green boots with rich decorations, they will not always look appropriate, in addition, they “become familiar” very quickly. Visit regularly - worn heels or shabby heels do not fit with the image of "million dollar".

Choose your clothes carefully. It is better if it is made from natural materials - other things being equal, cotton, wool, linen, silk look more expensive than synthetics. Do not get carried away with "interesting models" - inexpensive things with a simple cut on the figure will look better, and their origin is more difficult to "calculate". In addition, things "from the market" usually give out the quality of seams and decorative elements. The less visible they are, the better.

Watch out for discounts and sales of old collections in company stores. Not all models of the past season become obsolete immediately, and quality always remains quality. Do not disdain second-hands in them - you can buy high-quality and original clothes in excellent condition. The main thing is to be interested in the dates of delivery of new things and come on the first day in order to have time to skim off the “cream”.

Carefully select clothing sets - not a single element in them should “stand out” from the general concept of the ensemble. Try to match your appearance to the situation as much as possible - for example, it is better to wear cheap jeans for a picnic, rather than office trousers. And make sure that the clothes are always clean, without puffs and spools.

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Facial features that betray a very rich person

The hallmarks of a rich person are not only a portfolio of high-yield stocks and the latest iPhone. A real rich man is easy to calculate, armed with knowledge of physiognomy - the science of the influence of appearance on fate and financial well-being.

We found common features in the arguments of physiognomists about the influence of the shape of the nose on financial success and the appearance of real rich people, and we tell you what the connection is between the face and money.

face shape

Physiognomy says that the owners of oval and trapezoidal face types are most prone to enrichment. They are smart and perspicacious, their light, agile intellect is able to generate amazing ideas.

If you look closely at the face shape of the greatest investor Warren Buffett, you can find something between an oval and a trapezoid:

Warren Buffett started earning at the age of 11, and at the age of 31 he became a millionaire thanks to the innate gift to be at the right time in the right place and buy stocks that soon grew in price.


Physiognomists consider the nose to be the epicenter of the interpretation of human characteristics. Scientists consider a nose with a straight back, a well-rounded tip and beautifully shaped wings to be ideal for a rich man. A long nose indicates creativity rather than commercial success. But a bony nose with a pointed tip indicates the financial independence of the owner.

The most favorable tip of the nose is the "hanging gall" (ink nut). That is, the tip of the nose hangs like this nut hangs.

The round shape of the nose tip of this type speaks of a prosperous personality, occupying a strong position in society, and a small hump promises inevitable financial success. With such a nose, Mark Zuckerberg simply could not help but get rich.


The general rule for reading the shape of the mouth: the larger the mouth and the fuller the lips, the better the character of the person and the easier it is to earn a comfortable life. And if the mouth is large, but cannot close tightly, this means carelessness and excessive wastefulness. The ideal variant of the rich man's mouth is moderately thin lips, a large mouth and even teeth, providing good diction in negotiations. Like the founder of Amazon, for example.


Experience has shown that if the upper part of the ear is higher than the level of the eyebrows, then the individual has a very high intelligence. Such a person can achieve widespread fame or exceptional financial success. Well rounded ears, close fitting to the head, indicate a courageous, determined person with an independent mind. Such people literally conquer their destiny and successfully build a career.

Owners of long lobes, as well as small ears, are less fortunate - they are predicted by hard work and years of hardship.

Eyebrows and eyes

Long, graceful eyebrows usually indicate a person with a marked ability for longevity, good reputation and financial prosperity. In addition, if such eyebrows are longer than the eyes and have an elegant texture, then this indicates an outstanding intellect.

People whose upper eyelid creeps into the middle of the eye will never miss their own benefit. According to ancient Chinese texts, such eyelids speak of mature age and considerable insight.

People who have the talent to lead large corporations and institutions are more likely to have the "Phoenix eye" - long eyes with double eyelids and small "fishtails" going up and down. Irises certainly have a strong brilliance.
