What are the types of energy? Energy and its types.

The word "energy" in Greek means "action". Energetic we call a person who actively moves, while performing a variety of actions.

Energy in physics

And if in life we ​​can evaluate the energy of a person mainly by the consequences of his activity, then in physics energy can be measured and studied in many different ways. Your peppy friend or neighbor will most likely refuse to repeat the same action thirty or fifty times when it suddenly comes into your mind to investigate the phenomenon of his energy.

But in physics, you can repeat almost any experiment as many times as you like, making the research you need. So it is with the study of energy. Research scientists have studied and labeled many types of energy in physics. These are electrical, magnetic, atomic energy and so on. But now we will talk about mechanical energy. More specifically, about kinetic and potential energy.

Kinetic and potential energy

In mechanics, the movement and interaction of bodies with each other is studied. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between two types of mechanical energy: energy due to the movement of bodies, or kinetic energy, and energy due to the interaction of bodies, or potential energy.

In physics there is a general rule relating energy and work. To find the energy of the body, it is necessary to find the work that is necessary to transfer the body to a given state from zero, that is, one in which its energy is zero.

Potential energy

In physics, potential energy is called energy, which is determined by the mutual position of interacting bodies or parts of the same body. That is, if the body is raised above the ground, then it has the ability to fall, to do some work.

And the possible value of this work will be equal to the potential energy of the body at a height h. For potential energy, the formula is defined as follows:

A=Fs=Ft*h=mgh, or Ep=mgh,

where Ep is the potential energy of the body,
m body weight,
h is the height of the body above the ground,
g free fall acceleration.

Moreover, any position convenient for us, depending on the conditions of the experiments and measurements, can be taken as the zero position of the body, not only the surface of the Earth. It can be the surface of the floor, table and so on.

Kinetic energy

In the case when the body moves under the influence of a force, it not only can, but also does some work. In physics, kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion. The body, moving, expends its energy and does work. For kinetic energy, the formula is calculated as follows:

A \u003d Fs \u003d mas \u003d m * v / t * vt / 2 \u003d (mv ^ 2) / 2, or Ek \u003d (mv ^ 2) / 2,

where Ek is the kinetic energy of the body,
m body weight,
v is the speed of the body.

From the formula it can be seen that the greater the mass and speed of the body, the higher its kinetic energy.

Every body has either kinetic or potential energy, or both at the same time, like, for example, a flying plane.

Energy is the universal basis of natural phenomena, the basis of culture and all human activity. In the same time under energy(Greek - action, activity) is understood as a quantitative assessment of various forms of motion of matter, which can turn one into another.
According to the concepts of physical science, energy is the ability of a body or system of bodies to do work. There are various classifications of types and forms of energy. A person in his daily life most often encounters the following types of energy: mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, thermal, chemical, atomic (intranuclear). The last three types refer to the internal form of energy, i.e. due to the potential energy of the interaction of the particles that make up the body, or the kinetic energy of their random motion.
If energy is the result of a change in the state of motion of material points or bodies, then it is called kinetic ; it includes the mechanical energy of the movement of bodies, thermal energy due to the movement of molecules.
If energy is the result of a change in the relative position of the parts of a given system or its position in relation to other bodies, then it is called potential ; it includes the energy of masses attracted by the law of universal gravitation, the energy of the position of homogeneous particles, for example, the energy of an elastic deformed body, and chemical energy.
Energy in natural science, depending on nature, is divided into the following types.
Mechanical energy - manifests itself in the interaction, movement of individual bodies or particles.
It includes the energy of movement or rotation of the body, the energy of deformation during bending, stretching, twisting, compression of elastic bodies (springs). This energy is most widely used in various machines - transport and technological.
Thermal energy is the energy of disordered (chaotic) motion and interaction of molecules of substances.
Thermal energy, most often obtained by burning various types of fuel, is widely used for heating, carrying out numerous technological processes (heating, melting, drying, evaporation, distillation, etc.).
Electric Energy the energy of electrons moving through an electrical circuit (electric current).
Electrical energy is used to obtain mechanical energy with the help of electric motors and the implementation of mechanical processes for processing materials: crushing, grinding, mixing; for carrying out electrochemical reactions; obtaining thermal energy in electric heating devices and furnaces; for direct processing of materials (electroerosive processing).
chemical energy it is the energy "stored" in the atoms of substances, which is released or absorbed during chemical reactions between substances.
Chemical energy is either released in the form of thermal energy during exothermic reactions (for example, fuel combustion), or is converted into electrical energy in galvanic cells and batteries. These energy sources are characterized by high efficiency (up to 98%), but low capacity.
magnetic energy - the energy of permanent magnets, which have a large supply of energy, but "give" it very reluctantly. However, electric current creates extended, strong magnetic fields around itself, therefore, most often they talk about electromagnetic energy.
Electric and magnetic energies are closely interconnected with each other, each of them can be considered as the "reverse" side of the other.
electromagnetic energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves, i.e. moving electric and magnetic fields. It includes visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and radio waves.
Thus, electromagnetic energy is the energy of radiation. Radiation carries energy in the form of electromagnetic wave energy. When radiation is absorbed, its energy is converted into other forms, most commonly heat.
Nuclear power - energy localized in the nuclei of atoms of the so-called radioactive substances. It is released during the fission of heavy nuclei (nuclear reaction) or the synthesis of light nuclei (thermonuclear reaction).
There is also an old name for this type of energy - atomic energy, but this name does not accurately reflect the essence of the phenomena that lead to the release of colossal amounts of energy, most often in the form of thermal and mechanical.
Gravitational energy - energy due to the interaction (gravitation) of massive bodies, it is especially noticeable in outer space. In terrestrial conditions, this is, for example, the energy "stored" by a body raised to a certain height above the Earth's surface - the energy of gravity.
Thus, Depending on the level of manifestation, one can single out the energy of the macroworld - gravitational, the energy of interaction of bodies - mechanical, the energy of molecular interactions - thermal, the energy of atomic interactions - chemical, the energy of radiation - electromagnetic, the energy contained in the nuclei of atoms - nuclear.
Modern science does not exclude the existence of other types of energy that have not yet been fixed, but do not violate the unified natural-science picture of the world and the concept of energy.
The International System of Units (SI) uses 1 Joule (J) as the unit for measuring energy. 1 J equivalent
1 newton meter (Nm). If calculations are related to heat, biological and many other types of energy, then an off-system unit is used as a unit of energy - a calorie (cal) or a kilocalorie (kcal), 1cal = 4.18 J. To measure electrical energy, a unit such as Watt is used. hour (Wh, kWh, MWh), 1 Wh=3.6 MJ. To measure mechanical energy, the value of 1 kg m = 9.8 J is used.

Energy directly extractable from nature(energy of fuel, water, wind, thermal energy of the Earth, nuclear), and which can be converted into electrical, thermal, mechanical, chemical is called primary. In accordance with the classification of energy resources on the basis of exhaustibility, primary energy can also be classified. On fig. 2.1 shows the primary energy classification scheme.

Rice. 2.1. Primary Energy Classification

When classifying primary energy, they emit traditional And unconventional types of energy. Traditional types of energy include those types of energy that have been widely used by man for many years. Non-traditional types of energy include those types that have begun to be used relatively recently.
The traditional types of primary energy include: organic fuel (coal, oil, etc.), river hydropower and nuclear fuel (uranium, thorium, etc.).
The energy received by a person, after the conversion of primary energy at special installations - stations, called secondary (electrical energy, steam energy, hot water, etc.).
Advantages of electrical energy. Electrical energy is the most convenient type of energy and can rightly be considered the basis of modern civilization. The overwhelming majority of technical means of mechanization and automation of production processes (equipment, computer devices), the replacement of human labor with machine labor in everyday life, have an electrical basis.
Slightly more than half of all energy consumed is used as heat for technical needs, heating, cooking, the rest - in the form of mechanical, primarily in transport installations, and electrical energy. Moreover, the share of electric energy is growing every year.
(Fig. 2.2).

Electric Energy - a more versatile form of energy. It has found wide application in everyday life and in all sectors of the national economy. There are more than four hundred types of electrical household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, fans, televisions, tape recorders, lighting devices, etc. It is impossible to imagine industry without electrical energy. In agriculture, the use of electricity is constantly expanding: feeding and watering animals, caring for them, heating and ventilation, incubators, heaters, dryers, etc.
Electrification - the basis of technical progress of any branch of the national economy. It allows you to replace energy resources that are inconvenient for use with a universal type of energy - electrical energy, which can be transmitted over any distance, converted into other types of energy, for example, mechanical or thermal, and divided between consumers. Electricity - a very convenient and economical form of energy.

Rice. 2.2. Electric energy consumption dynamics

Electrical energy has such properties that make it indispensable in the mechanization and automation of production and in everyday life:
1. Electrical energy is universal, it can be used for a variety of purposes. In particular, it is very easy to turn it into heat. This is done, for example, in electric light sources (incandescent bulbs), in technological furnaces used in metallurgy, in various heating and heating devices. The conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is used in the drives of electric motors.
2. When consuming electrical energy, it can be infinitely crushed. Thus, the power of electrical machines, depending on their purpose, is different: from fractions of a watt in micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products, to huge values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts in power plant generators.
3. In the process of production and transmission of electrical energy, it is possible to concentrate its power, increase the voltage and transmit through wires both short and long distances any amount of electrical energy from the power plant where it is generated to all its consumers.

Law of energy conservation

In any discussion of issues related to the use of energy, it is necessary to distinguish between the energy of ordered motion, known in technology as free energy (mechanical, chemical, electrical, electromagnetic, nuclear) and the energy of chaotic motion, i.e. warmth.
Any form of free energy can be almost completely used. At the same time, the chaotic energy of heat, when converted into mechanical energy, is again lost in the form of heat. We are not able to completely order the random movement of molecules, turning its energy into free. Moreover, at present there is practically no way to directly convert chemical and nuclear energy into electrical and mechanical energy, as the most used ones. It is necessary to convert the internal energy of substances into heat, and then into mechanical or electrical energy with large unavoidable heat losses.
Thus, after performing useful work, all types of energy are converted into heat with a lower temperature, which is practically unsuitable for further use.
The development of natural science throughout the life of mankind irrefutably proved that no matter what new types of energy were discovered, one great rule was soon revealed. The sum of all types of energy remained constant, which ultimately led to the statement: energy is never created from nothing and is not destroyed without a trace, it only passes from one form to another.
In modern science and practice, this scheme is so useful that it is able to predict the emergence of new types of energy.
If a change in energy is detected that is not included in the list of currently known types of energy, if it turns out that energy disappears or appears from nothing, then a new type of energy will be first “invented”, and then found, which will take into account this deviation from the constancy of energy , i.e. law of conservation of energy.
The law of conservation of energy has found confirmation in various fields - from Newtonian mechanics to nuclear physics. Moreover, the law of conservation of energy is not only a figment of imagination or generalization of experiments. That is why we can fully agree with the statement of one of the greatest theoretical physicists Poincaré: “Since we are unable to give a general definition of energy, the principle of its conservation means that there is something, remaining constant. Therefore, no matter what new ideas about the world future experiments lead us to, we know in advance: there will be something remaining constant in them, which can be called ENERGY.
Given the above, it would be terminologically correct to say not “energy saving”, since it is impossible to “save” energy, but “efficient energy use”.

Energy(from the Greek energeie - action, activity) is a general quantitative measure of the movement and interaction of all types of matter. This is the ability to do work, and work is done when a physical force (pressure or gravity) acts on an object. Work is energy in action.

Thermal energy is widely used in modern industries and in everyday life in the form of steam, hot water, fuel combustion products.

Electric Energy is one of the most advanced types of energy in view of a number of advantages.

Electrical energy is the purest form of energy and can be obtained from a wide variety of primary sources (eg coal, oil, gas, water power and nuclear power). Electrical energy has a number of undeniable advantages over other types of derivative energy - the ability to obtain virtually any amount of energy from both an element the size of a match head and from turbogenerators with a capacity of more than 1000 MW, the relative ease of its transmission over a distance and the ease of conversion into other types of energy . The main problem is its storage.

It is more efficient in terms of use than fossil fuels because of its well-known benefits: cleanliness, manageability, affordability. Electricity can be used much more efficiently and much more purposefully than the energy of burning fuel. Electric heating systems are characterized by high technical efficiency and, despite the higher cost of energy compared to energy from other sources, they are more economical due to lower operating costs.

Electricity and heat energy are produced at:

- thermal fossil fuel power plants (TPPs) using steam in turbines - (steam turbine units - PTU), combustion products - (gas turbine units - GTP), their combinations - (combined steam plants - CCGT);

- hydraulic power plants (HPP) using the energy of a falling stream of water, current, tide;

- nuclear power plants (NPP) using the energy of nuclear decay.

Thermal and nuclear power plants. Typical schemes of thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. Steam turbine condensing power plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP) with combined heat and power generation.

By type of energy produced:

thermal power plants , generating only electricity - condensing power plants (CPP);

· thermal power plants that produce electrical and thermal energy - combined heat and power plants (CHP).

Type of heat engine:

· power plants with steam turbines - steam turbine thermal power plants and nuclear power plants;

· power plants with gas turbines - gas turbine TPPs;

· power plants with combined cycle plants - combined cycle thermal power plants;

Thermal power plants (TPPs) generate electricity as a result of the conversion of thermal energy, which is released during the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas).

A boiler with water is installed in the machine room of the thermal power plant.

When fuel is burned, the water in the boiler heats up to several hundred degrees and turns into steam.

The steam under pressure rotates the blades of the turbine, the turbine in turn rotates the generator.

The generator generates electricity.

Electric current enters the electrical networks and through them goes to factories, schools, homes, hospitals.

The transmission of electricity from power plants through power lines is carried out at voltages of 110-500 kilovolts, that is, significantly higher than the voltage of generators.

An increase in voltage is necessary for the transmission of electricity over long distances.

Then it is necessary to reverse the voltage drop to a level convenient for the consumer.

Voltage conversion occurs in electrical substations using transformers.

And heat in the form of hot water comes from the CHP through heating mains.

cooling tower- a device for cooling water at a power plant with atmospheric air.

Steam boiler- a closed unit for generating steam at a power plant by heating water. Water heating is carried out by burning fuel.

power lines- power line. Designed for the transmission of electricity. There are overhead power lines (wires stretched above the ground) and underground (power cables).

Fig.11 - Schematic diagrams of TPP (a) and CHP (b)

At present, at TPPs and CHPPs, along with steam turbine plants (STU), steam-gas plants (CCGT) operating according to a combined scheme are gaining distribution.

In the first stage of a CCGT with a gas turbine, natural gas is used as the primary source of energy and working fluid, and combustion products are the secondary working fluid. In the second stage, the turbine exhaust gases serve as an energy source, and the working fluid is steam generated in the steam generator with their help.

Nuclear power plants.

Such power plants operate on the same principle as thermal power plants, but use energy from radioactive decay for steam generation. Enriched uranium ore is used as fuel.

Rice. 12. Schematic diagram of the nuclear power plant.

Compared with thermal and hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants have serious advantages: they require a small amount of fuel, do not violate the hydrological regime of rivers, and do not emit polluting gases into the atmosphere. The main process going on at a nuclear power plant is the controlled fission of uranium-235, which releases a large amount of heat. The main part of a nuclear power plant is the nuclear reactor, whose role is to maintain a continuous fission reaction.

Nuclear fuel - ore containing 3% uranium 235; it fills long steel tubes - fuel elements (TVELs). If many fuel rods are placed close to each other, then the fission reaction will begin. To control the reaction, control rods are inserted between the fuel rods; pushing and pushing them, you can control the intensity of the decay of uranium-235. The complex of fixed fuel rods and movable regulators is a nuclear reactor. The heat generated by the reactor is used to boil water and produce steam, which drives a nuclear power plant turbine to generate electricity.

33. Converting solar energy into heat and electricity. Wind power and hydropower.

The main use of solar energy is heat supply. For the direct conversion of solar energy into thermal energy, solar heating installations (STOs) have been developed and are widely used in practice for various purposes (hot water supply, heating and air conditioning in residential, public, spa buildings, water heating in swimming pools and various agricultural production processes). ).

According to meteorologists in the Republic of Belarus, 150 days a year are cloudy, 185 days are partly cloudy and 30 are clear, and the total number of hours of sunshine in Belarus reaches 1200 hours in the north of the country and 1300 in the south.

solar power plant is a structure consisting of many solar collectors oriented towards the Sun. Each collector transfers solar energy to a heat-carrying liquid, which, having turned into steam, is collected from all collectors in a central power station and fed to a power generator turbine.

Figure 13 - Sequence of solar receivers

in ascending order of their efficiency and cost

The main element of the solar heating system is a receiver in which the absorption of solar radiation and the transfer of energy to the liquid. Figure 13 is a schematic representation of various options for solar energy receivers. The operating experience of these installations shows that in solar hot water supply systems 40-60% of the annual need for organic fuel can be replaced, depending on the area of ​​location, when water is heated to 40 ... 60 °C.

a) an open reservoir on the surface of the earth; b) an open tank, thermally insulated from the ground; c) black tank; d) a black tank with a thermally insulated bottom; e) closed black heaters,

f) metal flow heaters with a glass cover;

g) metal flow heaters with two glass covers; h) the same, with a selective surface; i) the same, with a vacuum.

The air heater is a receiver that has a porous or rough black absorbing surface that heats the incoming air, which is then supplied to the consumer.

Solar collector includes receiver absorbing solar radiation, and concentrator, which is an optical system that collects solar radiation and directs it to the receiver. The concentrator is most often a parabolic mirror with a radiation receiver at its focus. It constantly rotates, providing orientation to the Sun.

Photoelectric converters are devices whose action is based on the use of the photoelectric effect, as a result of which, when a substance is illuminated with light, electrons escape from metals (photoelectric emission or external photoelectric effect), charges move through the interface of semiconductors with various types of conductivity (valve photoelectric effect), and a change in electric conductivity (photoconductivity). Methods of photoelectric conversion of solar energy into electrical energy are used to power consumers in a wide range of capacities: from mini-generators for watches and calculators with a power of several watts to central power plants with a power of several megawatts.

Wind power is a field of technology that uses wind energy to produce energy, and devices that convert wind energy into useful mechanical, electrical or thermal forms of energy are called wind turbines(wind turbine), or wind turbines, and are autonomous

Wind energy has been used in mechanical applications such as mills and water pumps for centuries. After a sharp jump in oil prices in 1973, interest in such installations increased dramatically. Most of the existing installations were built in the late 70s - early 80s at the modern technical level with the wide use of the latest achievements in aerodynamics, mechanics, microelectronics for their control and management. Wind turbines ranging in power from a few kilowatts to several megawatts are produced in Europe, the USA and other parts of the world. Most of these installations are used to generate electricity, both in a single energy system and in autonomous modes.

One of the main conditions in the design of wind turbines is to ensure their protection from destruction by very strong random gusts of wind. In each locality, on average, once every 50 years there are winds with a speed 5-10 times higher than the average, so wind turbines have to be designed with a large margin of safety. The maximum design power of a wind turbine is determined for a certain standard wind speed, usually taken to be 12 m/s.

The wind power plant consists of a wind wheel, an electric current generator, a structure for installing a wind wheel at a certain height from the ground, a control system for the parameters of the generated electricity, depending on changes in wind strength and wheel speed.

Wind turbines are classified according to two main features: the geometry of the wind wheel and its position relative to the direction of the wind. If the axis of rotation of the wind wheel is parallel to the air flow, then the installation is called horizontal-axial, if it is perpendicular-vertically-axial.

The principle of operation of the wind power plant is as follows. The wind wheel, taking on the energy of the wind, rotates through a pair of bevel gears and with the help of a long vertical shaft transfers its energy to the lower horizontal transmission shaft and then through the second pair of bevel gears and a belt drive - to an electric generator or other mechanism.

Since periods of calm are inevitable, in order to avoid interruptions in the power supply, wind turbines must have electric energy accumulators or be paralleled, in cases of calm, with electric power plants of other types.

The energy program of the Republic of Belarus until 2010 provides for the use of wind energy resources for the near future as the main directions for the use of wind energy resources for driving pumping units and as energy sources for electric motors. These areas of application are characterized by minimal requirements for the quality of electrical energy, which makes it possible to dramatically simplify and reduce the cost of wind turbines. Especially promising is their use in combination with small hydroelectric power plants for pumping water. The use of wind power plants for water lifting, electric water heating and power supply of autonomous consumers is expected to reach 15 MW of installed capacity by 2010, which will save 9 thousand tons of fuel equivalent per year.

Hydroelectric power plant.

Hydropower represents the branch of science and technology by use energy moving water(usually rivers) to produce electrical and sometimes mechanical energy. This is the most developed area of ​​energy on renewable resources.

A hydroelectric power plant is a complex of various structures and equipment, the use of which allows you to convert water energy into electricity. Hydraulic structures provide the necessary concentration of water flow, and further processes are carried out using appropriate equipment.

Hydroelectric power plants are built on rivers, constructing dams and reservoirs.

In a hydroelectric power plant, the kinetic energy of falling water is used to generate electricity. The turbine and generator convert the water energy into mechanical energy and then into electricity. Turbines and generators are installed either in the dam itself or next to it.

Rice. 14. Schematic diagram of a hydroelectric power plant.

Elena Panova

Children's research work

Energy in nature and in me

GBOU secondary school with. Rich joint venture kindergarten"Chamomile"

Supervisor: Panova Elena Viktorovna, teacher

GBOU secondary school with. Rich joint venture kindergarten"Chamomile"

1. Introduction ---

2. What is energy? ---

3. Views energy ---

4. Practical Job ---

5. Where does it go energy? ---

6. Conclusion ---

Applications ---

Bibliography ---

1. Introduction.

Many adults talk about me: "Which energetic boy. How much do you have energy? Is it good or bad? In general, what is energy? Where did she come from? And why is she in me?

This is what I have to find out in my research work.

Target research: Expand knowledge about energy.

Tasks: Explore the types of energy in nature.

Find out what types energy is in me.

An object research: energy in nature.

Item research: energy in me.

Hypothesis: my acquaintance with energy will help me to know energy, what kinds man has energy. And I will answer question: "Is it good to be energetic boy

Relevance: according to S. I. Ozhegov “… energy is a measure of movement and the ability to produce work». Job and movement is the basis of modern life.

2. What is energy?

Any body, in order to grow, move, burn, or do anything at all, needs energy. What is energy?

The dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov says about energy following:

1. One of the main properties of matter is the measure of its movement, as well as the ability to produce work.

2. Decisiveness and perseverance in action (take from energy for something) .

So, energy is the ability to move and produce work.

source of almost all energy on earth is the Sun. The sun's heat warms the land, seas and air. It also generates winds, waves. Energy, contained in food, is also created by the Sun, as plants absorb sunlight. Energy, contained in meat, is formed from plants eaten by animals. coal, oil, natural gas many millions of years ago formed from the remains of animals. AND energy owes its origin to the chemical energy accumulated by these plants and animals.

3. Views energy.

I found out that nature there are many different types energy:


It is possessed by heated substances. thermal energy can spread from one place to another.


It is found in food, fuel (oil, coal, natural gas, in chemicals.


This is the stock of internal energy. For example, a compressed spring has potential energy. If you let her go, then this hidden energy will be released.


It moves along electrical wires.


It's a special kind energy moving in a straight line at a tremendous speed. Nothing in the world can move faster than light.


It propagates in the form of waves called sound waves.

Used in nuclear power plants to produce electricity.


This motion energy. Everything that moves has kinetic energy. energy.

4. Practical part.

Learning about the variety of species energy in nature, I decided explore some of them.

Study 1.

I heated a pot of water on the fire. As the water boiled, I found that the surrounding air also warmed up. This is the thermal energy, she moved from the pot of water into the air.

When I run, I get hot, very thirsty. So I have heat energy.

Study 2.

Examining the light bulb, I saw a thread. Then I turned on the bulb, the filament instantly glowed, and the light filled the whole room. This lamp filament distributes light energy. I touched the light bulb, it became hot - it was heated by a thread, because the light energy emit very hot bodies. Too bad I don't have light energy.

Study 3.

The phone rang, I put the receiver to my ear and heard my mother's voice. It's sound energy. Passing through the air, sound waves cause it to oscillate, creating sounds.

I decided to test myself. He put his hand on his throat and made a sound, immediately felt vibrations. are sound waves. So I can distribute sound energy.

Study 4.

There are electrical wires in our apartment, an electric current runs through them and makes electrical appliances work. An electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small particles-electrons flow through the wires. We have many helper devices, but they need to be used correctly! I know that electricity, with which work electrical appliances are dangerous to humans. Therefore, with electricity, no research I did not dare to carry out. But there is electricity that is not dangerous, quiet, imperceptible. It lives everywhere, by itself, and if it "catch", then it can be very interesting to play with it. I took the ball, rubbed it on my hair and put it against the wall with the side that I was rubbing. Here the ball hung. This happened due to the fact that electricity lives in our hair, and I "caught" when the ball began to rub against the hair. He became electrified, so he was drawn to the wall.

This means that electricity lives in the hair.

Study 5.

I learned that plants absorb sunlight and convert it into chemical energy, which is preserved in the stems and leaves. Energy, containing in meat, is formed from plants eaten by animals.

We eat vegetables, fruits, bread, meat. This means that together with food we acquire chemical energy which helps us to run, walk, breathe, live.

Study 6.

Everything that moves has kinetic energy. energy. I took two balls of different masses and let them go down an inclined board.

The ball that was lighter failed to break through the frame, and the ball that was heavier easily broke through the frame. This suggests that moving bodies have kinetic energy, and the heavier the body, the faster it moves and carries a larger supply of kinetic energy.

So, with any movement, I also have kinetic energy. As I grow older, I will carry more motion energy.

5. Where does it go energy?

Of the conducted research I learned, which is the main source energy is the sun. But where does it go energy? I will make some observations.

Observation 1.

I watch the cat. When eating, the cat acquires a chemical energy. When a cat jumps, its chemical energy goes into kinetic. Any movement generates heat. energy. It turns out that the chemical energy changed to kinetic and thermal.

Observation 2.

Watching the fireworks, I realized that the chemical energy, containing inside it, during the explosion turned into kinetic, sound, thermal and light.

It means that energy It does not disappear anywhere and does not arise from nothing, it constantly passes from one form to another.

6. Conclusion.

My acquaintance with different types energy helped me to know where does it come from and where does it go energy, what kinds man has energy.

It is no coincidence that they say «… energy is life» . So it's not so bad that I'm very energetic boy. I will need this in my life.


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2. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language. 1999, p. 911

3. Internet. Website "Ideas for You"

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