Couperosis: how to get rid of the vascular network on the face. Vascular network on the face - how to get rid of it and remove it forever

Vascular network on the face: the main symptoms of the appearance and how to get rid of it

A network of blood vessels began to appear on your face, which continues to grow, making the skin red and ugly? Tired of fighting this defect, because nothing helps? Want to learn all about this problem, as well as learn effective methods to fix it? In this article you will find the necessary information, so read carefully.

The vascular network on the face is called differently - rosacea

What information will you learn:

Main symptoms

The expansion of subcutaneous blood capillaries with their external manifestation in the form of a kind of mesh is called rosacea. This disease is not inflammatory, but indicates existing problems with the vessels.

The most susceptible to rosacea are people with a dry and sensitive type of face.

The disease develops gradually, starting with the appearance of small vascular cobwebs in the cheeks, gradually spreading to the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead. With the progression of the defect, such meshes are transformed into large red spots that can cause skin itching, irritation, and, in the later stages, purulent rashes.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There are a lot of factors influencing the formation of such a pathology, among them:

  • hereditary predisposition inherent in the genes, fundamental in the formation of such a defect, initially including its owner in the risk group;
  • the fragility of the walls of blood vessels and their high permeability against the background of circulatory disorders become the causes of the onset of rosacea;
  • disturbances in the balance of hormones and dysfunction of the gonads often provoke the appearance of a capillary network;
  • cardiovascular pathologies negatively affect the state and functioning of blood vessels, violating their strength and permeability;
  • inflammatory processes of the nose against the background of the appearance of night snoring contribute to the formation of a vascular network on the face and need treatment;
  • diseases of the digestive tract in the form of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis and others;
  • diseases of the epidermis, including the demodex subcutaneous mite, are provocateurs of vasodilation;
  • weakening of the body's immune defenses, as well as bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) have a negative effect on the functioning of blood vessels;
  • irrational and unbalanced nutrition creates a deficiency of the most important vitamins and microelements (especially silicon), which ensure the health of the vascular wall and capillaries;
  • frequent stress and nervous shocks can cause this defect;
  • hot dishes, drinks, as well as strong coffee, spicy, spicy, pickled foods in large quantities can provoke the appearance of rosacea;
  • abuse of sunburn, as well as a visit to the solarium, thins the walls of the capillaries, making them thin and fragile;
  • the use of cosmetics containing heavy fats, as well as with wax, lanolin, paraffins, can cause persistent vasodilation due to constant overheating of the skin;
  • abuse of such cosmetic procedures as cleaning, dermabrasion, peeling provoke damage to the vascular walls, giving impetus to the development of rosacea.

The most common occurrence of the vascular network is a hereditary predisposition

Cosmetological methods of treatment of the vascular network

Now beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics offer a wide range of procedures to eliminate such a defect, but they all have a number of contraindications for use.

The most effective methods to eliminate the symptom of the vascular network on the face are:

  • electrocoagulation, based on the use of a weak discharge of electric current by acting on damaged vessels in order to remove them. In this way, it is possible to get rid of small-sized damaged capillaries. The course of treatment is set by the doctor, on average, it takes from 3 to 10 sessions. Its disadvantages are the appearance of crusts on the skin, which disappear on their own within a few days, as well as the need to use sunscreens with a high protective factor;
  • laser removal occurs under the action of a laser beam of a certain length and power, which burns out damaged vessels and capillaries, due to which they completely disappear. This method is considered the most effective and fastest, since most often only 1 procedure is enough;
  • photocoagulation uses in the fight against vascular pathology the effect of light exposure, which is considered the most gentle, in contrast to electric current. Its advantages are the ability to eliminate the defect in 1 session, as well as the removal of damaged vessels in hard-to-reach places (on the lower jaw and cheekbones);
  • radio wave therapy, based on exposure to radio frequency waves that can increase the temperature of the treated area of ​​skin tissue up to 42 degrees, as a result of which the damaged vessels descend into the deep layers of the skin structure and become invisible. The full course contains 6 sessions. The method has a number of contraindications;
  • ozone therapy, which involves the introduction of pure oxygen under the skin under pressure (by injection or by a hardware method), which has a powerful regenerating effect. Its advantages are the absence of side effects, and the disadvantages are pain during the procedure;
  • mesotherapy, which involves the introduction of special formulations with vitamins and hyaluronic acid under the skin surface, bringing the capillaries to a normal state with the elimination of symptoms of rosacea. In addition to removing the vascular network, this technique significantly rejuvenates the skin and increases its elasticity. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients.

Medical methods of treatment

Only a dermatologist can prescribe such drugs after a visual examination and obtaining data from all clinical analyzes of the patient, taking into account his history and the presence of chronic diseases, so do not self-medicate!

For general information, we present you the following most common drugs to combat rosacea:

  • ascorutin, containing rutin and ascorbic acid, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels / capillaries, reduce their permeability and improve blood circulation;
  • isoflavonoids, which remove all accumulated toxins from tissue cells that accumulate as a result of circulatory disorders;
  • troxevasin (in tablets and in the form of a gel) for complex treatment with external and internal use, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity, reducing capillary fragility and permeability;
  • adrenaline, which is part of special vasoconstrictor preparations, which eliminates hyperemia (redness) of the skin and is able to treat manifestations of rosacea.

Well helps in the fight against the vascular network of ice, prepared from the infusion of herbs chamomile, calendula, linden, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, yarrow, field horsetail. Rubbing with ice creates a kind of gymnastics for the vessels, when they have to alternately narrow and expand, which has a positive effect on their condition and general tone.

Video: Therapeutic mask for rosacea (vascular network) on the face

Get well!

Vascular network on the face, or rosacea, is a common phenomenon that is harmless to health, but aesthetically unattractive. Its appearance is usually tied to age, since, according to statistics, women over 30 are more likely to suffer from rosacea, but skin problems of this type are common today in young girls.

Couperose looks like a red web around the cheeks and nose, and if you have noticed the appearance of such signs on your face, you should immediately start treatment or prevention.

Symptoms of rosacea

People with dry and sensitive skin are considered the most susceptible to the appearance and development of rosacea, but this does not mean that people with oily, normal or combination skin are definitely excluded from the risk zone.

The development of rosacea occurs gradually, starting from the cheeks and spreading to the nose, chin, in rare cases, to the forehead. Lack of treatment is fraught with progression - the vascular networks are converted into large spots, which can cause physical discomfort in the form of irritation and itching.

Late stages of the disease may be manifested by pustular rashes.

Causes of rosacea

There are many reasons for the appearance of a vascular network. Some are quite mediocre, and some may signal serious illnesses.

genetic predisposition

Often it is the hereditary factor that plays the most important role in the formation of the vascular network in humans. To determine the cause of rosacea, it is worth asking your relatives about whether any of them have similar problems. If the answer is yes, then you are at risk.

Weakness of the vascular walls

In this regard, rosacea has a similar etiology with varicose veins. These diseases occur due to the weakness of the vascular walls and circulatory disorders. If with varicose veins the walls of the vessels expand under the influence of blood pressure, pushing the veins to the surface of the skin, then with rosacea the same thing happens, only with capillaries. Rising up, the vessels on the face form a red pattern on the skin

Hormonal imbalance and dysfunction of the gonads

Vascular regulation directly depends on the hormonal background. Therefore, in case of problems with it or when taking oral contraceptives, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth, about a third of women have a vascular network on their face and body.

The appearance of rosacea may also indicate a violation of the sex glands, and this problem can affect not only men, but also women.

Cardiovascular diseases

Diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension adversely affect the state of blood vessels and can lead to the appearance of a vascular network on the face and body.

Important! With hypertension, the grid may disappear after normalization of pressure, but this is not a sign of recovery. To avoid a heart attack or stroke due to the lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease, consult a doctor at the first sign of cardiovascular disease.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Often the appearance of a vascular network on the face coincides in time with the primary signs of a cold. Even if the cold has passed, but you are still worried about snoring, periodic discharge from the nose and a pulling feeling in the forehead or head area, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Cuperosis can also accompany gastritis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dermatological diseases

Damage to the skin by the demodex mite can be accompanied not only by inflamed acne, but also by the expansion of capillaries. Also, the appearance of a vascular network on the face sometimes indicates the presence of a disease called rosacea. It manifests itself first as small spots in the form of stars and cobwebs, after which they transform into acne.

Weakened immunity, bad habits, stress, malnutrition

The lack of an adequate diet that supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients, frequent stress, nervous breakdowns and weakened immune defenses can cause the appearance of a vascular network on the face and body.

“Risk products” in this case are spicy and pickled foods, too hot dishes and coffee in large quantities.

A common cause of the appearance of a vascular network on the face is a deficiency of silicon in the body.

It should also be remembered that smoking leads to vasoconstriction and disruption of proper blood circulation, and alcohol abuse leads to short-term spasms of facial vessels and their expansion, as a result.

Abuse of cosmetic procedures

The desire for perfect skin often plays a cruel joke with people, and regular facial cleansing, abrasive operations, as well as trips to the solarium lead to thinning of blood vessels and an increased risk of injury. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with such procedures.

To avoid rosacea, it is better to use natural cosmetics and not to abuse cosmetic procedures.

External factors

Being in an aggressive climate zone causes the use of additional methods of skin protection, but living in a normal climate for the skin condition also does not eliminate the need to prevent the appearance of red blood vessels on the face.

Couperose treatment

If you suspect rosacea, you should consult a dermatologist. Do not self-medicate, as only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and establish the cause of rosacea.

Red blood vessels on the face will not disappear on their own, an integrated approach is required, namely:

  • elimination of the main cause of rosacea, if any;
  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • transition to proper nutrition;
  • special skin care, taking into account its characteristics;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • taking medications to strengthen blood vessels;
  • removal of blood vessels on the face (damaged).

With rosacea, the following nutritional recommendations should be followed:

  1. Exclude from the diet spicy, salty, excessively hot or cold foods, coffee, chocolate, fatty, fried, smoked meats, seasonings, canned food and alcohol;
  2. Consume foods rich in silicon, vitamin K, rutin, and vitamin C, which are found in oatmeal, legumes, buckwheat, cabbage, citrus fruits, spinach, berries, and walnuts;
  3. The recommended fruits and vegetables are to be eaten with the peel, as useful microelements are contained there.

The sun has a negative effect on the skin of the face, and sunburn without protective equipment for the face can cause rosacea

Proper skin care is also extremely important, which includes the following manipulations:

  • going outside should be accompanied by applying SPF filters to the face to protect against harmful ultraviolet exposure;
  • it is advisable to use soft towels and blot moisture from the face gently, without making aggressive rubbing movements that can damage the skin;
  • it is worth abandoning procedures that include steaming the skin;
  • aggressive cosmetic procedures, such as mechanical peeling, manual massage, etc., are strictly prohibited;
  • the use of skin-irritating products, including alcohol-containing substances, scrubs and products that increase blood circulation, is prohibited;
  • you should use cosmetics with components that help strengthen blood vessels, such as olives, blueberries, green tea, cypress, etc.

Cosmetological treatments for rosacea

Currently, there are many methods offered by cosmetologists to get rid of the vascular network on the face. The most popular include coagulation, laser treatment, photocoagulation, ozone therapy, radio wave therapy and mesotherapy.

Attention! There are contraindications for the use of such procedures, namely thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and alcohol intoxication.


Coagulation does not cure rosacea, but allows you to remove its symptoms that are visible. This happens by removing problematic vessels by applying a weak discharge of electric current.

With the help of electrocoagulation, you can get rid of small dilated vessels

The frequency and total duration of the procedures is determined by the doctor, and usually it takes from one to two weeks. The disadvantage of electrocoagulation is that after it a crust often forms on the skin, it is visible, but it itself disappears after a few days. After the procedure, it is also worth using a protective cream to avoid harmful ultraviolet exposure.

laser treatment

The mechanism of action and the effect of laser treatment of rosacea is similar to electrocoagulation, with the exception of one point: in this case, wave light is used for exposure. Compared to electrocoagulation, this method is more convenient, since a single procedure is sufficient for laser treatment.


The essence of this procedure lies in the light exposure, which is more gentle compared to electric current.

One session of phototherapy is enough to solve the problem of the vascular network on the face

The peculiarity of light exposure allows you to get rid of problems also in hard-to-reach places, for example, on the lower jaw and cheekbones.

Radio wave therapy

This type of treatment for rosacea is based on the use of waves that raise the temperature of the treated area up to 42°C. During the procedure, the skin experiences a lifting effect, and the connective tissue improves its condition significantly. As a result, problematic blood vessels on the face return to the deep layers of the connective tissue. The duration of the course is 6 procedures.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is an injection of ozone, which has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin. The plus of ozone therapy is the almost complete absence of consequences, the minus is pain.


Mesotherapy is a 7-10-fold series of procedures consisting in the introduction of special injections with vitamins and hyaluronic acid to a depth of up to 6 mm.

Mesotherapy is a few injections of "beauty" that will help get rid of rosacea

As a result of mesotherapy, the capillaries close to the skin, which are under pressure through injections, return to normal, which solves the problem of the vascular network on the face and helps to remove all symptoms. Feedback on this procedure is extremely positive.

Prevention of rosacea

To avoid the appearance of a vascular network on the face, you should carefully monitor your diet in order to avoid a lack of trace elements important for the body.

It is also worth remembering that the skin, especially problematic and genetically predisposed to rosacea, needs careful care from an early age. Therefore, if you are young or already have a child, remember: you need to start caring for your skin from adolescence.

Also, for the prevention of rosacea, you can do special exercises. They will help not only prevent the appearance of a vascular network on the face, but also remove it with an integrated approach.

  • Put your palms on your cheeks and begin to easily lift and lower the skin up and down. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Inflate both cheeks in turn. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • Smile as hard as you can and purse your lips. After in this position, move your lips up and down. Repeat at least 10 times for each side.

Regularly doing these simple exercises, you can protect yourself from additional risks of rosacea, and the red mesh will not appear on your face.

The problem of the appearance of vascular "asterisks" or, as it is more commonly called, mesh, is quite common among the European population, although it does not have serious inflammation or other health problems under it, it spoils the aesthetic appearance thoroughly.

The vascular network, most often, begins with a small, several obvious vessels, but already, over time, the entire face or its individual parts are affected by a red or burgundy "cobweb".

It looks especially ugly on very young girls, because even to hide the resulting shade of the face becomes difficult, tonal and other masking agents become powerless. Among many people, there is an opinion that getting rid of such an ailment is unrealistic, because its appearance is provoked by the proximity of blood vessels to the upper layer of thin skin.

Experts confidently refute this fact, arguing for a long time that the depth of the vessels and the thinness of the skin have nothing to do with it, most likely, the problem arises on the basis of inflammation of these same vessels.

From the degree of their inflammation and sensitivity of the skin, a thin vascular network appears, from which it is really possible to get rid of, however, not as quickly as we would like.

Before you figure out how to remove the vascular network from your face, you need to determine what caused such an unpleasant ailment.

The main cause of rosacea, as it is called by doctors, is a violation of the blood circulation of the skin of the face.

Also, due to its sensitivity, the upper layer of the skin of the face can respond with a negative reaction to cold, sudden changes in temperature and other external influences. Subjected to constant temperature changes, the vessels expand intensely, and then sharply narrow, which can cause a temporary effect of rosacea.

You, for sure, have felt more than once that if you go into a warm room after a frost, then your face begins to tingle, pinch, you may even feel a slight burning sensation or itching, all these are the first bells of rosacea.

Young and elastic vessels easily return to their normal state, and the skin calms down. But, over the years, the elasticity and youthfulness of the vessels is lost, they expand, but they cannot return to a narrowed state.

Along with this, the redness of the skin remains in its now rightful place. Of course, this is far from the only reason for the appearance of blood vessels on the face: bad habits and constant stressful situations can also cause the formation of rosacea on the face.

If your skin and blood vessels are predisposed to such an ailment, then the general condition can also be worsened by excess ultraviolet radiation, going to the solarium, or eating the wrong food.

How to get rid of the vascular network?

The delicate and sensitive skin of the face is more susceptible to the appearance of hated stars on its surface, therefore, as soon as you see the first signs of the formation of rosacea, you need to urgently take action, because, like most diseases, it is easier to cope with it at the stage of its inception.

Sensitive skin requires special care even in a healthy state: home and salon treatments should be appropriate for a specific skin type. When caring for such skin, it is important to adhere to several mandatory rules: firstly, it is the constant use of personal hygiene products, cleansing and proper skin nutrition is an important point in care.

Secondly, your main task is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which, for some of the reasons listed above, have weakened and become inflamed.

To do this, it is necessary to provide the skin of the face with the right therapeutic care - it’s up to you to decide whether to rely on ready-made products that are offered in mass sales, or use folk recipes and tinctures.

Most importantly, remember that rosacea-affected skin requires a combination of three basic elements that can help it. These include vitamin C, which takes an active part in the formation of collagen, which is necessary for strengthening capillaries.

How to treat and mask the vascular network?

You can get rid of the hated "mesh" with the help of folk remedies. For example, in the initial stages of the appearance of stars, you can try parsley infusion. It must be applied in the form of compresses to the affected areas, for this, pour a few sprigs of parsley with boiling water, then let it brew for about 20 minutes.

Another remedy for the normalization of the capillaries is aloe, which is very often used in cosmetology. To do this, you will have to start several plants, break off 5-6 leaves from them, wrap them in gauze and send them to the refrigerator for 14 days. At the end of the period, the plant will be ready for treatment: just break off a piece of a leaf and lubricate your face with it every other day for a month.

In addition to the above means, it is possible to increase the elasticity of blood vessels with the help of a special massage. Such courses exist in beauty salons, but it can also be done at home.

Do not forget about the use of healthy face masks - natural ingredients, such as vegetables or fruits, are especially useful. As an option, a mask of gruel of one potato, whipped in a blender, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of warm milk. The finished mask is applied with a cotton pad for 15 minutes.

If folk remedies did not have a visible result, then you can contact a beautician who will offer you several options for getting rid of such a problem.

For example, complex laser or phototherapy, which can get rid of a significant portion of the vascular network, making the face much fresher and younger. The only negative is the possibility of skin defects - small scars, discoloration of skin areas, age spots.

Another way is ozone therapy, which boasts an excellent result: complete elimination of rosacea, the skin remains smooth, without defects. But here there are also disadvantages - the procedure is quite painful.

How to remove capillaries if a vessel on the face has burst? Many people are in no hurry to seek help from specialists and do not even realize that dilated capillaries on the face are the cause of the pathology of blood vessels. In medicine, this phenomenon is called telangiectasia.

Reasons for the appearance

The vascular network on the face indicates a violation of the blood circulation in the body and stagnation of blood in small capillaries. Both men and women suffer from the disease.

Important! do not begin to treat the disease without specifying why it arose!

Causes of rosacea (dilated blood vessels) are varied.

  1. Abuse of bad habits - alcohol and smoking have a bad effect on the whole body.
  2. Fluctuation and temperature difference.
  3. Unhealthy environmental conditions.
  4. Disorders in the circulatory system (heart disease).
  5. A person works a lot and rests little.
  6. Depression, apathy.
  7. Overheating (long exposure to the scorching sun)
  8. Thyroid dysfunction (problem with hormones).
  9. Heredity.

Important! the appearance of a fine mesh on the face is the result of diseases of some organs, and in order to be cured, you need to know the cause.

Couperosis is characterized by the appearance on the face of small vessels in the surface layer of the skin due to impaired blood flow and wear of the capillary walls. It can warn of serious disorders in the body and, in addition, makes the face aesthetically unattractive.

People at risk for the disease:

  • Mothers of many children.
  • Newborn children (lack of subcutaneous fat).
  • Workers in hazardous production.
  • Working outside in winter.
  • Anyone who is overweight.
  • With high blood pressure.

The reason for the appearance of small vessels can be ordinary physiology, for example, a woman is carrying a child, childbirth and the onset of menopause - under the influence of hormones, blood vessels burst on the face and red spots form.

When a person aged suffers from this disease, then there is no need to apply special measures for treatment. The tissues of the body age over time, and the vessels become fragile. For prevention, it is advised to drink vitamin C and other multivitamins, prescribe a diet and special creams.

In order not to aggravate the process of rosacea, you need to eat right, observe the daily routine, give up smoking and alcohol.

How to remove noticeable capillaries?

  1. After washing, do not wipe your face with a towel, let it dry on its own or gently blot without rubbing. This action will not dry out the skin, and it will be sufficiently moisturized throughout the day.
  2. Do not apply cream before going outside, especially during the cold season. It is necessary to lubricate the skin in 30 minutes, it is better to purchase a protective cream to protect the skin from harmful effects.
  3. In hot summer weather, use a sunscreen with at least 30 spf.
  4. Owners of thin skin should not use scrubs.

If there is a tendency to the appearance of rosacea, consult a beautician about which cosmetics to use is preferable.

Couperose treatment

The first way to eliminate bursting blood vessels on the face is a comprehensive examination by a doctor. Drug therapy of a disease is an additional method in the treatment of a disease with a hardware method. This includes drugs that act on blood vessels and strengthen them. Here is the following list:

  1. Well increases the elasticity of blood vessels Alpha-linoleic acid Omega-3. The fatty polyunsaturated amino acids included in the composition remove sclerotic plaques in the vessels.
  2. The drug Askorutin helps to reduce the penetration of blood vessels into the surface layer of the skin and reduce their fragility. The cream contains vitamins C and R.
  3. Alpha tocopheron, Pinogen, Gingo biloba. These antioxidants help remove harmful decay products from the body.

It is necessary to seek help from an experienced cosmetologist who can offer the following manipulations:

  1. Laser therapy. This salon procedure is inexpensive, but in advanced cases you will have to pay more.
  2. Photorejuvenation. To be cured, a full course of therapy is needed, and several procedures are enough for the first effect.
  3. Ozone treatment. A very effective method of therapy for severe disease. The procedure is not very pleasant, as ozone is injected under the skin. To eliminate the vascular network on the face, it is necessary to undergo a full course of therapy in the clinic.
  4. Sclerotherapy. This treatment depends on the type of affected vessels. If the capillaries are blue, this is due to an increase in venules.

Home Remedies

If laser treatment of broken vessels does not completely eliminate the problem, they must be strengthened. To improve the condition and strength of the capillaries on the face, masks can be prepared at home.

Day mask

Take the following ingredients:
Bilberry extract, mimosa, butcher's-broom leaves, colgan rhizome, cypress seeds and grapeseed oil. The components are taken in a ratio of 1:1. After cooking, grease your face with a mask, you can put a napkin on top, previously soaked in hot water. Wash off the mask, apply a special cream. The duration of therapy is two months.


Vascular plexuses and stars on the face are removed by a compress of squeezed parsley juice with the addition of milk. Moisten gauze in the solution and apply to the affected area for half an hour. It is advised to make lotions every two days.

Night mask

Consists of saphora extract, dandelion root, calendula flowers, grape seed oil. Spread the mask evenly over the entire surface of the face, blot the excess cream with a napkin.

Juice treatment

To cure rosacea, fresh cabbage juice is used, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Because of the bitterness, it is a little unpleasant, it can be diluted with carrot juice. You can use plum juice, it contains vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels.

Of the medicinal herbs for rosacea, chamomile and calendula (marigold) flowers are suitable. These solutions are suitable for daily washing and wiping the skin of the face.

Aloe helps to strengthen the vascular wall, you can also take the following infusion:
Take a spoonful of chokeberry, two tablespoons of hawthorn (flowers) and mistletoe leaves. Put the ingredients in a thermos and pour boiling water. Take half a glass a day three times.

Treating a problem in a child is quite problematic, since children may be allergic to medicinal plants.

Disease prevention

A person suffering from the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries on the face must comply with preventive measures to eliminate the defect. To get started you need:

  • Eat right and balanced.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Visit the solarium less and stay under the scorching sun for a long time.
  • the use of scrubs and peels, as they scratch the surface layer of the skin;
  • lotions that contain alcohol, this additionally dries out the skin;
  • creams containing honey and menthol.

Gymnastics for the face

Vessels burst on the face - ordinary gymnastics will help to cope with this task, and most importantly, you need to choose the right nourishing cream.

Perform daily such a gymnastic complex:

  1. Roll your lips into a tube, hold for 5 seconds.
  2. Open your mouth wider as if you are yawning. Do five repetitions.
  3. Knead your cheeks with your palms, first lift, then lower.
  4. Do a light acupressure along the lines.
  5. Smile broadly and briefly fix the grimace.
  6. Puff out your cheeks strongly, and then deflate. Repeat up to five times.

If the vessels on the face burst, slightly warm water is suitable for washing, while you can not rub the skin with a towel.

In a beauty parlor, it is better to choose a surface peeling for the face. It is useful to use masks containing collagen, thermal massage, phytotherapeutic procedures.

Proper skin care will help get rid of the vascular network, and bursting blood vessels will not bother you.

But before starting treatment, it is worth finding out the cause of the disease, since amateur activity can lead to other health problems.

Problems with the vessels of the skin of the face can neither be noticed nor confused with something. Vessels in which there have been changes sometimes look like thin streaks of red or bluish color, sometimes spread out in frightening bright spots. They can concentrate on the wings of the nose or cover the cheeks with a thin mesh ...

The good news is that the visible dilation of blood vessels and blood capillaries is not a dangerous disorder and usually does not harm health. Bad - red spots and streaks spoil the mood and worsen the appearance, associating with a dysfunctional lifestyle.

Why do they appear?

The causes of the appearance of vascular networks, asterisks, spots are diverse and, unfortunately, no one is immune from problems with blood vessels on the face. "From the inside" their occurrence can provoke violation of lymph and blood circulation, degeneration of the subcutaneous fat layer (more often than others, owners of dry thin skin suffer from blood vessels on the face), liver and blood diseases, pregnancy, alcohol abuse, coffee, nicotine(substances that cause thinning of the walls of blood vessels due to their constant unhealthy expansion and contraction). "Outside" ugly stars and spiders are affected by ultraviolet radiation, including those obtained in the solarium. In addition, the risk of dilated vessels on the face increases with genetic predisposition and in the process of skin aging.

It's a shame, but on female faces, vessels appear much more often than on men - the reason for this is that the female hormones estrogens relax blood vessels and capillaries. That is why most of the male owners of spider veins either regularly overdo it with alcohol, or have stepped over the age mark of "50": in both categories, the production of testosterone decreases, and the vessels "go limp".

What are they like?

Couperose- this is a household generalized name for visible dilated vessels on the face, which is not a professional term. In dermatology, there is a separate name for each type of capillary disorders.

Telangiectasias, or spider veins, occur most often in women with thin after 30 years, or in those whose work is associated with constant temperature changes or adverse environmental effects (street vendors, cooks, geologists). Such vasodilation can be congenital, and indicate skin diseases, including lupus erythematosus, rosacea, acrodermatitis. Therefore, if the meshes appeared suddenly, you need to see a doctor.

A separate type of telangiectasia - vascular spiders with a bright red center ( arachnid nevus or spider hemangioma). In the vast majority of cases, it is formed during pregnancy and is solitary. The red center is a “clogged” arteriole, from which the “spider legs” of dilated vessels diverge. Spider nevi tend to resolve on their own.

Wine stain (flaming nevus) is a collection of abnormally dilated blood vessels. Unlike nets and spiders, the port-wine stain, as it were, completely “paints over” the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Often such spots are congenital - they can spontaneously disappear, grow, change color.

Rosacea- extensive damage to the skin caused by the expansion of capillaries. Most often, rosacea in the form of inflamed pink-red areas covers the nose, forehead, cheeks. Rosacea begins with the so-called hot flashes - when, in response to a temperature stimulus, emotional experience or alcohol intake, the face turns red and the skin does not return to normal color for a long time. In its early stages, rosacea resembles youthful acne., however, it occurs at an age when youth with its hormonal fluctuations is left behind. In advanced cases, red nodes begin to cover the skin, may form infiltrates (rhinophyma) disfiguring the face.

Hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors. On the face, head, neck, as a rule, capillary hemangiomas are formed, the cause of which is an anomaly in the wall of a blood vessel. Hemangiomas are distinguished by a dense, evenly colored surface (purple or bluish), as if protruding above the skin. They need an eye and an eye- a hemangioma may not change for years, or it may suddenly begin to grow and affect neighboring organs.

What to do with them?

Dilated capillaries require dermatological and cosmetic treatment. In that order, even though blood vessels in the face often disappear without a trace on their own, it’s good to make sure that their appearance is not associated with any disease. If the vascular lesions are minor, are in the initial stage, the doctor will recommend the best care and preventive procedures. Also often given drug treatment. Its purpose is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their resistance, improve digestion, improve liver function, and normalize hormonal levels.

Exists for rosacea prone skin. It provides proper cleansing of the skin, without drying it out and maintaining the microcirculation of blood and lymph at the proper level. Special concealers are also effective, enriched with healing substances and with the addition of a green pigment that neutralizes redness.

Beauticians can offer various types of massage, phototherapy and liquid nitrogen treatment. More radical methods of dealing with dilated vessels - electrocoagulation(impact by current) and cryodestruction(freeze). Their disadvantage is that they are painful and cause scarring, therefore, with multiple manifestations, the use of these methods is meaningless.

The most progressive method of "soldering" dilated vessels on the face is considered today application of vascular lasers that do not damage the skin and effectively eliminate cosmetic problems. In order not to allow the vessels to spoil your appearance and mood again, after medical intervention, you must follow a diet, lead an active lifestyle, harden (avoiding, however, solar radiation). It is also recommended to undergo a course of mesotherapy that strengthens blood vessels.
