Eye makeup for slanted eyes. Physiognomy about people with slanted eyes

An expressive look makes the whole look very special. With it, you can create various images: flirtatious, romantic, strict, fatal. The almond-shaped eye shape is considered the most attractive today, but not all women can boast of having it.

However, with the help of the skillful use of decorative cosmetics, you can adjust any shape and emphasize the natural beauty of the appearance. In this article, we will talk about how to paint narrow eyes correctly, consider step by step different options for beautiful makeup for all occasions and give examples with photos for each case.

How to beautifully make up narrow eyes: the main nuances when creating makeup

An elongated section of the eyes is inherent not only in oriental girls. Many European women would like to visually increase their shape, make their eyes look more open. To achieve this effect is simple if you do not make some mistakes and follow simple recommendations:

  • Black should be preferred in cobalt gray, brown and other alternative shades, depending on the image as a whole.
  • Avoid liquid eyeliner altogether. It is worth highlighting the lash line with the help of shadows applied with a wet brush, or with a soft pencil, followed by thorough shading.
  • When doing eyeliner, you need to deviate a little from the natural hairline in order to visually round the cut. Also, do not connect the arrows at the outer corner, this technique will help open your eyes.
  • It is not recommended to use charcoal lengthening mascara. Too long hairs will cover the cut and create unnecessary edging, which will make the shape look even smaller.
  • To visually increase and round the shape of the cilia, you can twist it with the help of special tweezers.
  • In the color palette, it is better to look at light beige and mother-of-pearl shadows. This will help make the eyes look bigger.

An important detail in creating a beautiful make-up will be a properly selected eyebrow line. The shape of the eyebrows for narrow eyes should be chosen based on the oval of the face, but their width should be slightly narrower than usual. Extra hairs should be removed with tongs, and the space between them should be painted over with special shadows or a pencil.

Regardless of which color palette you choose and for which occasion it is intended, the sequence of preparatory steps will always be the same.

First you need to smooth the surface of the face with a moisturizer or foundation. This is necessary so that subsequent layers lie more evenly and last longer during the day.

After the base is absorbed, you can apply a little foundation to even out the skin tone. In this case, it is better to opt for light textures that will be less noticeable and more comfortable to use.

Then you can already experiment with the color of the shadows and various techniques for applying them. The upper eyelid should be tinted up to the superciliary space. On the area under the eyebrow, it is better to apply a little light means or highlighter. The inner corner of the eye is traditionally highlighted with pearl or white shadows, and a bright color can be added to the outer corner.

The gradient looks very good when the color smoothly stretches from rich dark at the lash line to almost transparent.

Eyelid products should be of the highest quality because the skin around the eyes is particularly sensitive.

Mineral makeup is ideal. It contains only natural ingredients that do not cause irritation and allergies. The particles pass oxygen to the cells, allowing them to breathe. Such products care for the skin, fight minor imperfections and help prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. A rich selection of pigments allows you to create bright images every day without harm to health.

Which arrows are suitable for narrow eyes

It is necessary to bring eyes with a narrow slit very carefully, since an excessively heavy contour will give the makeup the opposite effect: instead of a wide-open look, you will get small slits. Therefore, makeup artists often do not recommend girls with such a feature to draw arrows. But if there is such a desire, you can experiment and by trial and error choose the option that will look good.

Clear lines will only draw attention to the cut, therefore, to create arrows in this case, it is better to use soft pencils or shadows applied with a wet brush, and shade the contours well. It is necessary to draw a line at a small distance from the edge of the eyelid in order to visually enlarge the eyes.

In this case, several options are allowed:

  • carefully shaded arrows on both eyelids;
  • line only along the contour of the upper eyelid, thickening in the middle;
  • when the lash line on the upper eyelid is fully emphasized, and on the lower eyelid only from the outer corner.

Recall that you should avoid black and choose a dark brown or gray option. Among the shadows of mineral cosmetics there is a large assortment of different saturated shades. Applied with a damp brush, they are in no way inferior to a pencil in saturation, and a rich palette will allow you to create a bold and interesting image.

An example of arrows for narrow eyes can be seen in the photo.

As we have said, the general rules for applying make-up will be the same for everyone. You should choose the color scheme, starting from the clothing set and the shade of the iris.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes

Shades of pink, greenish, peach and sand colors will help to emphasize the natural beauty of fair-haired brown-eyed girls. Dark-eyed brunettes should look at golden, gray, lilac shades. Shades of blue and red should be avoided so that the face does not look tired and inflamed.

Makeup for narrow blue and gray eyes

Blue slanting eyes will favorably highlight smoky, cobalt, blue-lilac and pale blue products. The main thing is that their shade differs from the tone of the cornea, otherwise natural colors may look more faded.

Makeup for narrow green eyes

Green-eyed beauties can choose different shades of gray, lilac, blue and brown. Among the tones of green, you should pay attention to mint and turquoise.

Evening and wedding makeup for narrow eyes

When creating a festive look, the principle of action remains the same, but you can play with color combinations and choose brighter shades.

You need to start by smoothing the skin with the help of a base and foundation.

For an evening look, it would be useful to draw a little lash line, but be sure to shade the contour so that there are no clear boundaries. Since black eyeliner is not recommended in this case, you can safely experiment with a blue, green, silver-gray and golden pencil.

Eyelashes should be covered with mascara in one layer, after twisting them with tweezers. For a more dramatic effect, you can contact a specialist to add tufts of artificial eyelashes at the outer corner. This technique will visually significantly round the shape and make the eyes larger.

Here are some examples of bright evening makeup for slanted eyes with step by step photos.

For the bride, a more delicate and feminine look is usually preferable. Therefore, makeup should be natural, with small bright accents. Depending on the color of the eyes, you can choose blue, golden, pearl, peach and greenish shadows. In this case, it is better to refuse eyeliner.

Makeup for Asian eyes

Asian appearance is very beautiful and mysterious. At the same time, a somewhat hanging eyelid and short eyelashes, a yellowish complexion and beautifully defined plump lips are characteristic. The eyes of Asian women are very expressive, but there are some features that must be considered when applying makeup.

To make the look more open, it is worth lifting the lowered tip of the eyebrow, removing excess hairs.

To refresh the look, you can apply a white color to the lower lash line with a pencil or shadows, and draw a clearly defined arrow on top. Moreover, if in general cases makeup artists do not recommend black eyeliner for narrow eyes, then in the case of an Asian face, it will be very appropriate. In this case, it is better to draw a line only on the moving eyelid, increasing its width in the middle.

If you want to emphasize the lash line on both eyelids, then it is preferable to use a soft pencil or shadows and shade the contour well.

How to make eyes narrow with makeup

Many European girls with round eyes want to visually make them narrower. The reason for this may be that their size is too large, disproportionate to the rest of the facial features, or the need to wear glasses with magnifying lenses.

Often, coquettes just want to create a fox eye cut to add slyness and enthusiasm to the image. This can be easily achieved by following a few tips:

  • Choose dark makeup colors. They visually deepen the fit of the eyes and make them smaller.
  • Smokey ice, which is loved by many, will help to narrow the incision.
  • Correctly drawn arrows will help to give an elongated shape. On the movable eyelid, it is necessary to draw a line from the inner corner along the lash line to the outer corner, slightly moving it beyond the borders of the eyelids and lifting it at the end. On the bottom, it is better to use not a coal-black agent, but a dark gray one. Similarly, bring the edge along the growth of eyelashes, slightly shading the line.

Now you know what to do if the eyes are narrow and how to visually enlarge them. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial on creating makeup for narrow eyes.

slanted eyes

A person with such eyes is very cheerful and endows others with a good mood.

Optimism, courage, a passion for adventure - such is the nature of people with slanted eyes (Fig. 4.11). However, excessive determination and confidence often lead to short temper and inability to compromise. Fortunately, anger passes as quickly as it begins, leaving no painful consequences.

The owners of slanting eyes, as a rule, are excellent and valuable workers: they have a lively mind, quickly and easily learn, inspire confidence in the successful completion of projects they have begun, and generate new ideas. As leaders, they instill optimism and energy in their subordinates, which is very good for the performance of employees in particular and the prosperity of the organization as a whole.

At the same time, those who work alongside or manage such people should know that valuable colleagues with slanted eyes should not be pressured and entrusted with routine work. Only activities where you need to make decisions quickly, where everything is in full swing and people are in constant motion, only risky and lightning-fast projects!

Rice. 4.11. slanted eyes

In their personal lives, people with slanted eyes act in the same way as in a working environment: they came, they saw, they conquered! It is difficult to say whether it is possible to sympathize or envy their beloved: recklessness, and often imprudence, jealousy, explosive temperament are unlikely to make family life quiet and calm. But it will never be boring!


Audrey Hepburn (Figure 4.12) is an American actress and fashion model. Even in her last name, happiness is hidden (translated from English as “born happy”). Everyone who had the good fortune to communicate with her noted that she, like the sun, warms everything around. Audrey Hepburn's life cannot be called happy, but she has always moved swiftly towards trials. Stunning appearance along with acting skills provided Audrey Hepburn with a dizzying career in film and show business. She devoted her free time to charity and social activities, was a special ambassador for UNICEF, and also participated in a mission of mercy in war-torn Somalia and other hot spots.

Rice. 4.12. Audrey Hepburn

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Makeup for narrow and Asian eyes

If nature has endowed a woman with beautiful eyes of the Asian type, then the lady should learn how to use cosmetics in order to emphasize her individuality in every possible way. How to paint narrow eyes, what shades of shadows to choose, what makeup to apply during the day and in the evening? Let's discuss in more detail.

Correct makeup for narrow eyes

1. Choose shadows of such a shade that the upper and lower eyelids are as bright as possible. Light mother-of-pearl shadows are applied to the upper, mobile eyelid and under the eyebrows, the fold is highlighted with matte shadows of a saturated shade. You can use another option, when the lower eyelid is shaped with rich dark shadows, followed by shading, and light shadows are applied to the upper eyelids. Such makeup for narrow small eyes is completed by drawing a neat thin arrow directly above the upper eyelid, for which a dark gray pencil is used.

2. For eyeliner, use also mother-of-pearl pencils. Acceptable shades of gray, blue, lilac and brown.

3. How to make arrows for narrow eyes? The classic version of arrows using saturated color eyeliner is undesirable. Any clear lines will only highlight the narrow section of the eyes and draw attention to it. However, arrows for narrow eyes are still used, they are only drawn up with a gray or brown pencil. The line is drawn above the upper contour of the eyelid and under the lower contour, then shaded. Visually, the eyes become more open.

To immediately eliminate possible errors, consider what arrows can be done for narrow eyes. The outline is drawn very carefully in the following ways (types of arrows (photo) for narrow eyes):

The arrows are drawn at some distance from the lash line and carefully shaded.

The contour can be drawn only in the middle of the century, and the edge can be left untouched.

A thin line emphasizes the upper eyelid and thickens in the middle.

The upper contour is completely drawn, the lower contour emphasizes only the outer corner (affects no more than 1/3 of the lower eyelid).

The upper eyelid and the inner corner of the eye are drawn. To give naturalness, it is better to avoid eyeliners and choose a dark-colored pencil.

Knowing little tricks, you can make beautiful makeup for narrow eyes, emphasizing and highlighting them.

The main mistakes when doing makeup for small narrow eyes

Ignorance of the basic principles of applying makeup can play a cruel joke on the owners of narrow oriental eyes. To prevent the eyes from turning into small slits, it is important not to repeat common mistakes:

1. When doing makeup for narrow eyes, do not use lengthening mascara. Eyelashes that are too long and the emerging edging hides the cut, making the eyes even smaller.

2. If makeup is performed for narrow eyes without eyelids, then the contour should not be drawn close to the lash line. One has only to step back a little, as the cut will become more rounded.

3. Summing up the lower and upper eyelids, it is not necessary to connect the lines at the outer edge. This will make your eyes appear larger.

4. When doing natural makeup for narrow eyes, do not use black eyeliner or pencil.

Step by step makeup for narrow eyes

Step 1. First, we put in order the eyebrows. Using tweezers, remove excess hairs. The line is drawn with a pencil and shaded with a special brush. Carefully brush your eyebrows. Apply light shadows to the brow area.

Step 2. Apply light shadows to the moving eyelid.

Step 3. Highlight the lower eyelid with light shadows. This technique also helps to hide the natural blueness under the eyes.

Step 4. On the outer corner of the upper eyelid, apply a darker shade of shadows.

Step 5. Softly blend the shadows on the upper eyelid, achieving a smooth transition between shades.

Step 6. With a dark brown pencil, highlight the contour of the upper eyelid, drawing a neat line slightly above the eyelash growth area. Shade it.

Step 7. Moving from the middle of the lower eyelid to its outer edge, draw the lower contour. Softly blend the lines (photo 7, 8, 9).

Step 8. Apply brown or gray mascara. We apply light blush on the cheekbones.

Everyday makeup for narrow eyes

Every day you need to devote enough time to applying makeup. Eyebrows are of great importance, which must be given the perfect shape. In this case, the hairs are plucked exclusively from the lower part, so the distance between the eyebrow and the eye increases.

A suitable shade of light-colored shadows is applied to the upper eyelid. You can lightly apply dark shadows on the crease of the eyelid and its outer corner. The brow area is highlighted. As additional cosmetics, brown mascara, dark brown or gray pencil are best suited. Makeup for every day for narrow eyes allows the use of a different palette of shadows depending on the color of the iris.

When applying this type of make up for narrow eyes, the general rules remain unchanged, but the shades of the shadows can be more saturated. It is even allowed to use black mascara, but it is forbidden to apply it in more than one layer. So the eyelashes are fluffy, but do not weigh down the narrow incision.

Of course, on this significant day, it is best to seek the help of a professional makeup artist who will not only correctly emphasize the ideal shape of the eyes, but also choose the right shades of cosmetics. Here it is important to take into account the nuance that not every shade of mother-of-pearl shadows with sparkles will look harmonious in the photo.

Wedding makeup for narrow blue and gray eyes is performed using turquoise, gray, lilac and purple shadows. Brown and green eyes can be favorably emphasized with shades of cream, pink, beige or light brown.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes

The general rules for applying cosmetics do not differ. The difference is only in the choice of shade of shadows. Blondes with luxurious brown eyes can use pink, light green, peach and sand shades. Brunettes should choose golden, gray, lilac and lavender shades. Shadows of a darker shade are applied to the outer part of the upper eyelid. Highlight the inner edge with light-colored cosmetics.

Makeup for gray narrow eyes

Gray and blue eyes can be emphasized using shades of blue, gray and blue. You can experiment in front of the mirror to choose the right color.

Makeup for narrow green eyes

Gray and purple shades of shadows are acceptable here.

Makeup for narrow hazel-green eyes

Blondes with brown-green eyes are better off using purple shades of shadows. Brunettes with dark skin in this case are ideal for various shades of blue. It is believed that the owners of brown-green eyes are ideal for shades of pink. But if the eyes are narrow, yes, besides, there is such a drawback as an impending eyelid, it is better to forget about pink shadows.

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes

First, you should determine what features are inherent in the Asian type of face. First of all, these are slanting narrow eyes with hanging eyelids, framed by almost imperceptible eyelashes. Skin with a yellowish tint and full, beautifully defined lips.

Makeup for Asian eyes step by step

The first step is to apply foundation to the skin to achieve the perfect shade. Concealer is applied to the eyelids. Eyebrows are drawn to give clarity.

Step 1. Before applying makeup on Asian eyes, it is important to decide on the choice of color of cosmetics. It is customary to apply shadows of a calm shade on the entire upper eyelid. The advantage of women with an Asian type of face is that they can use shadows of almost all colors, both cold and warm shades. The only exceptions are red and terracotta colors, because of which the eyes may seem inflamed and tired. This is a prerequisite when doing makeup for narrow eyes with an impending eyelid.

Step 2. Performing makeup for Asian eyes, the outer corner of the upper eyelid is highlighted with shadows of a darker shade, shading them towards the middle (photo 2, 3, 4).

Step 3. The lower eyelid is decorated with a similar color of the shadows, applying cosmetics closer to the outer corner of the eye (photo 5, 6).

Step 4. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes with one layer and combed gently. If you have practice, you can glue false eyelashes (photo 7).

When doing makeup for Asian eyes with an impending eyelid, it is allowed not to stain the eyelashes located at the inner corner of the eye for every day.

To top it off, you can gently curl the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye.

Natural makeup for Asian eyes can be done in one of the following ways:

1. Applying a light shade on the mobile eyelid and a dark shade on the outer corner of the eye and lower eyelid.

2. Enlargement of the eye by drawing an apparent crease on the upper eyelid. In this way, you can make the eyes bigger.

Daytime makeup for Asian eyes is performed in golden beige and yellowish shades.

There are also options here. A foundation is always applied to the face, which evens out the skin tone, making it perfect. The eyes are painted with shadows of bright and saturated colors.

Step 1. The upper eyelid needs to be decorated with light shadows.

Step 2. Take the shadows a tone darker and emphasize the shape of the eye by drawing a triangle on the outer corner of the moving eyelid.

Step 3. Blend the line along the imaginary crease.

Step 4. From the middle of the upper eyelid to the edge, apply shadows of a bright shade, in this case, a rich raspberry color.

Step 5. With a rich color eyeliner or pencil, carefully draw a thickening arrow on the upper eyelid (photo 5, 6).

Step 6. Gently line the lower eyelid with a dark purple pencil, stepping back a little from the lash line (photo 7).

Step 7. Apply mascara in one layer and brush your lashes.

How to paint Asian eyes with eyeliner? For narrow eyes, it is not recommended to use eyeliner, but Asian-type eyes can be emphasized in this way, it is only important to know a little secret: the eyeliner is carried out clearly along the lash line, but the line expands to the outer corner of the eye and ends with a neat arrow directed to the temporal part. It is useful to visit makeup lessons for Asian eyes in order to get acquainted in detail with all the nuances of applying cosmetics.

It is worth noting that this type of makeup is perfect for owners of slanted, narrow eyes.

We carefully line the upper eyelid with a black pencil and blend the line.
We apply black shadows on top of the shading and also gently blend, trying not to smudge too much.
We bring the lower eyelid with a black pencil, blend it.
With the help of beige shadows on the upper eyelid, blend the border with black shadows.
Apply mascara, draw eyebrows.

Eye section

The appearance of a person is very much determined by the shape of the eyes. And it directly depends on the location of the axis on which the “mirrors of the soul” are located. This axis can only pass through the inner or outer corners of the eye, or it can be straight. Usually distinguished: almond-shaped, slanting, oriental and lobed eyes.

The brightest representative of the fair sex, who has eyes with an almond-shaped slit, is Nefertiti. The eyes of this beautiful ancient ruler are similar in shape to the kernels of an almond. Hence the name appeared - almond-shaped.

The outer and inner corners of the described eyes are on the same axis, and they themselves are wide open. At the same time, the upper eyelid is quite heavy and covers the eye a little to the very iris. Almond-shaped eyes usually have a dark iris, i.e. they are black or brown. But the light iris in combination with the almond-shaped section of the eyes is a rare and unique phenomenon.

Oriental eye cut

Oriental beauties stand out from the crowd due to their unusual specific appearance. The most striking sign of belonging to the eastern race is the characteristic cut of the eyes. The eyes of the inhabitants of China, Japan and other eastern countries are distinguished by thin, slightly protruding eyelids, and the eyes themselves narrow to the inner and outer corners. In this case, the corners of the eye with an eastern incision are located on the same horizontal axis, as in the case of the almond-shaped one.

Slanted eye slit

Slanted eyes have a rather specific shape: they narrow towards the outer corner, but at the same time expand towards the inner corner of the eye. At the same time, the corners of the eyes themselves do not lie on the same axis, which is why such eyes got their name - slanting. The inner corner of the eye is lower than the outer corner by about 10-12 degrees.

Some women seek to radically get rid of slanting and turn to plastic surgeons, while other representatives of the weaker sex, on the contrary, emphasize and turn them into their own zest with makeup.

Lobular incision of the eyes

This is a rather rare section of the eyes, which is characterized by the fact that the outer corners are lower than the inner ones.

The eyes of any cut are very beautiful and unique. A properly applied makeup is able to emphasize the expressiveness, attractiveness and clarity of the look.

A mirror is the thing without which a modern person cannot imagine his life. Today it is difficult to imagine a hallway or bathroom without this attribute. In addition to reflecting a person, it also performs a decorative function, decorating the interior.

History of mirrors

The first ever mirror appeared about 7500 years ago in Turkey. It was pieces of polished obsidian. It was quite problematic to consider the details and shades in it. In addition, it required daily polishing due to the constant oxidation of the surface.

John Pekan, a Franciscan, who in 1279 described a method of coating ordinary glass with a thin layer of lead, is considered the pioneer of the current mirror. The manufacturing technology was quite complicated - the craftsmen blew the mirror surface, and then polished and processed it. In Venice, the full production cycle was kept secret, so the pleasure of contemplating one's own reflection was available only to the richest segments of the population.

Only in the 17th century did the French manage to find out the method and even improve it somewhat. Now mirrors have learned to receive casting. They began to reflect with less distortion.

In Russia, the first factory for the production of mirrors was opened under Peter I. Since 1835, mirrors began to be coated with silver instead of tin, which affected the quality of the transmitted reflection, it became much better.

Types of mirrors

The use of mirrors is so diverse that there are many signs for their classification. Main:
- by purpose (pocket, manual, wall, desktop, floor, automobile, built-in furniture, etc.);
- in shape (oval, rectangular, round, asymmetric);
- according to the material of the mirror film - amalgam (aluminum or silver);
- in size (for reflection in full height - height of at least 1 m, waist-high - height of 0.4 - 0.8 m, waist-high in a sitting position);
- according to the design method (framed, framed, in a case, on a stand, in the form of a folder, etc.).

In addition, there are one-way mirrors, which are also called translucent, Gesell spy mirrors (on the one hand they look like a mirror, on the other they are darkened), which are used for the purpose of discreet tracking and control of people. Popular today are aged mirrors that look like antiques, but are actually made with the latest developments, mirrors with internal illumination, where lighting fixtures are installed behind a reflective surface, huge panoramic mirrors, decorative shard mirrors that imitate
