Pregnancy was not detected at 39 weeks. What does the belly look like?

The 39th week of pregnancy is the home stretch. There is a feeling of relief, it feels like there are only twenty weeks left. It becomes much easier to breathe. Before giving birth, weight will not increase, of course, provided proper nutrition. The baby is fully matured and is full-term, so it is free to be born at any time. Training contractions are becoming more frequent, but they are still as short and do not bother you much. Their main task is to prepare the uterus for real contractions during childbirth.

The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation changed its position - it pressed its chin to its knees. He continues to grow, but it becomes very uncomfortable and cramped for him to move. All his internal organs are fully formed and already function like those of an adult. The lungs are ready to open for the first breath.

At this stage, there is a danger that the umbilical cord that feeds the baby may become knotted around his neck. But this situation is usually determined in advance by ultrasound.

Child's weight, height and size

The size of the fetus at the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy resembles a small watermelon. The baby's height is approximately 50 cm. The baby's weight at 39 weeks of pregnancy is about 3 kg. All these indicators, of course, may differ somewhat in reality, depending on heredity. The fluff (lagoon) has almost disappeared. Most toddlers have hairs on their heads.

How does a baby develop?

The development of the fetus at the 39th week of pregnancy is almost complete, the baby is still gaining the necessary fat and muscle mass. His skin has become whiter and is no longer translucent.

The digestive system is functioning. Villi have been formed in the intestines, which are already slowly moving the original feces (meconium) to the lower sections. The glands of the stomach and pancreas work fully. The stomach produces enzymes that are needed to process incoming food. Now the digestive tract is completely sterile. Bacteria that help digestion will appear in the esophagus only with the first intake of breast milk.

At this stage, the child develops the main reflex – sucking. When the baby is born and begins to suck milk, he will also develop a chewing reflex. Only after a month will the newborn’s salivary glands begin to function. To make it easier for small children to suck milk, special rollers are provided on the mucous membrane of the lips.

The rhythm of a baby’s life at 39 weeks of pregnancy is approximately the same as it will be immediately after birth. The baby already distinguishes sounds, reacts to light and feels his mother’s touch on his tummy. The baby's gaze tries to focus, the eyes perceive a color image and react to surrounding movement.

The central nervous system is not yet fully developed. She will continue her development even after the baby is born. At this stage, the spinal cord, facial nerves responsible for sucking, and tissues responsible for protecting the nerves have matured.

Try not to worry or be nervous. Control your emotions, avoid negative information. After all, all the stress you are experiencing now is transmitted to the baby and, in turn, has a bad effect on his little body.

Condition of the expectant mother at 39 weeks

The thirty-ninth week of pregnancy has arrived. You have gained about 12-16 kg. The weight gain this week is 300 grams, but from next week there will most likely be a slight weight loss trend.

The distance from the navel to the fundus of the uterus is 15-20 cm. At the moment, the fetus is entering the birth part, so the fundus of the uterus decreases. Very soon the first signs of labor will appear. To avoid aging of the placenta and lack of oxygen, it is necessary to spend more time in fresh air. The pressure of the uterus on the bladder causes discomfort. Listen to your condition and contractions. You will certainly understand whether they are real or false when the time comes.

Unpleasant signs and symptoms during this period

Symptoms at 39 weeks of pregnancy worry any expectant mother. The cervix begins to dilate. By the way, by this time it had already become significantly shorter. A very large load is placed on the bladder. Often women experience depression due to frequent visits to the toilet. Colostrum may begin to leak from the nipples.

The fetus is now fully formed and ready to get out of the mother’s house, so at this time the harbingers of labor may well appear. There are several signs:

  • Frequent contractions with an equal period of time between them (more than 5 per hour);
  • Heavy discharge appears, which indicates that the plug has come off or the amniotic sac has ruptured;
  • It suddenly becomes much easier to breathe;
  • There is a feeling of severe heaviness in the perineum;
  • Diarrhea and possibly nausea begin to bother you;
  • Weight decreases sharply, on average, by 1 kg.
  • Worried about nagging pain in the lower back;
  • Bloody discharge appears.

What might it feel like?

The thirty-ninth obstetric week of pregnancy is very tiring for a woman. All movements of the child are very acutely felt. The added pounds put pressure on the bladder. The pressure on the pelvis increases, lower back pain intensifies, and it becomes difficult to move.

Precursors of childbirth can develop into an acute form. Breathing exercises will help alleviate your serious condition.

If your water breaks, go to the hospital immediately. When the mucus plug that closed the entrance to the uterus comes off, the fetus may become infected.

It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of your vaginal discharge:

  • in the form of pus and with an unpleasant odor - urgently need medical consultation and treatment;
  • liquid and very abundant - this is the amniotic fluid has broken, call an ambulance immediately;
  • with blood or a brown tint - the most dangerous discharge, they indicate placental abruption, putting your and your baby’s lives at risk.

What does weight gain depend on?

In general, the total gain in kilograms directly depends on your physique. You can approximately calculate what the maximum permissible weight gain may be by the end of pregnancy based on your body mass index.

Body mass index is calculated as follows: Your weight in kilograms must be divided by your height in meters squared. That is, with a pre-pregnancy weight of 60 kg and a height of 1.65 m, the BMI is: 60/(1.65*1.65)=22.


  1. Fragile women with an index of up to 19.9 – the increase is 14 kg;
  2. Normal build with an index of 20-26 – gain – 13 kg;
  3. Large and plump women with an index greater than 26 – gain – 8.5 kg.

Thus, the smaller you are, the more kilograms you will be able to gain throughout your pregnancy. Accordingly, women gain much less skinny bodies. Sometimes it even happens that those around them do not notice their interesting position for a long time.

The size of your big belly

Want something interesting?

What happens to the belly at 39 weeks of pregnancy? It is going down, and getting lower every day. If the birth is not the first, then the stomach drops almost before the birth itself. If this is the first pregnancy, this happens within a few weeks or may not happen at all.

The baby has already begun to move less (about 12 times a day). With correct presentation, its head is in the area of ​​your pelvis, while the fundus of the uterus is tilted forward.

The size of the belly seems too huge. The skin is stretched, perhaps a pigment stripe has appeared below the navel. In addition, the stomach itches and may peel because the skin there has lost its elasticity.

You can alleviate your suffering in this regard with the help of special means: creams, ointments and oils. Well, after giving birth, these symptoms will disappear on their own.

Training contractions begin, the stomach gets hard. To relieve tension, you need to maintain basic peace.

This is what bellies look like at 39 weeks:

Important medical examinations and ultrasounds

A consultation with a gynecologist is necessary to assess the child’s condition and determine your readiness for the upcoming birth. As before, you will need to have your urine tested before each appointment. The doctor will conduct the usual examinations for you to measure weight, blood pressure, and the height of the uterine fundus. He will listen to the baby's heartbeat using a stethoscope and determine the baby's position by palpation. Cardiotocography (CTG) and ultrasound are performed according to indications.

Using an ultrasound at the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the location of the umbilical cord is determined. It can wrap around the baby's neck or body. This is not considered a global problem, since the umbilical cord is long (on average, about 60 cm, but it can be short) and can be easily removed after birth. The length of the umbilical cord cannot be determined by ultrasound. But thanks to ultrasound, the condition of the placenta is assessed and the stage of its aging is determined.

The ultrasound also shows that the baby’s intestines have dilated and are gradually filled with meconium (original feces). Particles of skin and lubricant are observed in the amniotic fluid.

What to do if labor begins

Giving birth at 39 weeks of pregnancy is quite natural. The baby is completely ready to be born, he just needs a little help with this.

When labor begins, it is important to focus on proper breathing. Follow your doctor's recommendations, and also listen to your baby, monitor your body position and general well-being.

During contractions, it is better to walk rather than lie or sit. When contractions intensify, you need to take deep breaths and exhales. This will help save energy for pushing. You should start pushing only when the doctor gives the start. It's better not to think about pain.

Don't panic, focus only on the baby. Immediately after birth, he will be placed on your breast so that he can taste milk for the first time and calm down after his first stress in his life. This moment will become one of the most wonderful and unforgettable in your life!

Possible complications of pregnancy

At this stage, a pregnant woman may experience depression due to anxiety about the upcoming birth. There is fear and uncertainty that the birth will go well. The support of family and friends will help ease nervous tension.

Possible deviations at the 39th week of pregnancy include: gestosis, fetal hypoxia and premature placental abruption.

  1. All pregnant women in the last weeks are concerned about the issue of nutrition, because labor can begin any day. Just try to eat right, eating only healthy foods. You shouldn’t overdo it and abuse food, because adding weight now is completely useless. It is recommended to eat 5-7 times a day, but little by little;
  2. Take daily walks outdoors. This way the baby will feel much more comfortable;
  3. If there is slight malaise and fatigue, immediately try to lie down to rest;
  4. In a state of cheerful spirit and good mood, it will be much more pleasant for you to survive the last days of pregnancy;
  5. It is important to avoid prolonged pain when moving; only slight tingling sensations are acceptable. You should try to sleep and sit in comfortable positions. If the baby pushes a lot, this may mean that he is uncomfortable. In this case, you should change your position;
  6. In the last trimester of pregnancy, you have the last opportunity to calmly go with your husband to children's stores and buy something for the baby. Surely, through joint efforts, you will make a better choice than your husband later going alone for similar purchases. By the way, shopping can also improve your mood, which is especially important for you now;
  7. Many people are interested in the issue of sex in recent weeks. Listen to your body, because well-being comes first. If you feel a strong attraction and crave affection, then why not. Scientists have proven that in the female body, hormones released during orgasm have an analgesic effect. And male secretion perfectly prepares the uterus for childbirth, making the cervix more elastic. But it is worth remembering that you need to have sex carefully, avoiding painful sensations.

This material is for informational purposes only; before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.


The end of pregnancy and a completely new beginning of life is just around the corner!

During the 39th week of pregnancy, it is not uncommon for many expectant mothers to experience a nervous state. Everything is explained by the proximity of such an imminent birth. There is no need to worry, you are not the first, and you are not the last! The cervix is ​​now dilating and shortening. You may notice a decrease in your weight and an increase in appetite.

We're already 39 weeks pregnant, so keep an eye on the signs your body is giving you. Your child can be born at any time. Pay attention to Braxton Hicks contractions; if they occur on an irregular basis and their numbers do not increase, then there is no need to worry. But as soon as you notice that abdominal cramps occur more than 5 times per hour, nagging pain appears in the lumbar region, water breaks, bloody discharge from the genital tract, you can say that the time has come for childbirth.

Have an easy birth!!!


The baby is completely healthy and in good condition at 39 weeks. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's lungs are fully mature. The child has lost vellus hair - lanugo, although it remains in places, such as on the shoulders or in the folds of the skin.

Your child continues to gain weight, despite the cramped space. It weighs about 3.2 kg and reaches a length of approximately 50.4 cm.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, there is a possibility that the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord. But don't panic, he feels comfortable. All the baby’s organs are fully developed at this point and are in their places. His pink skin will change color to a lighter color, the subcutaneous layer is well developed. The cerebral cortex matures.

The baby, however, like you, is looking forward to being born.

Video 39 weeks of pregnancy.

You are living on the eve of childbirth, and your baby is almost ripe for the appearance and replenishment of your family, you just have to wait a little more - and you will give the world a new miracle of birth.

How the 39th week proceeds, what you should prepare for, you will learn all this in this article.

So you will find out:

  • How does your life change during this period?
  • How is your baby developing?
  • What problems can be avoided
  • What are false contractions
  • What tests await you?
  • Childbirth at 39 weeks

Now the 39th week of pregnancy has arrived, how to give birth faster is the only thought that remains in my head. A little more, and your baby will come into this world, of course, you are worried and want everything to go smoothly. At the same time, your emotions go off scale, you either want to cry, or suddenly feel a sense of fear about future birth. Remember that the way you are psychologically configured is one of the most important components of the success of such an important event as childbirth. It is important to already decide on the doctor who will deliver your child, never be afraid to ask all the questions you need, you should be calm and slowly prepare for delivery.

How does your life change during this period?

Nothing particularly new in your well-being changes, heartburn may still be tormenting you, varicose veins or stretch marks may appear on your legs, back pain becomes habitual, and swelling and constipation are also common. And this is not to mention the problem of excess weight. Here we are in the 39th week of pregnancy, how to speed up labor to get rid of these problems that make it difficult to sleep, eat, and walk, you ask? You should not rush the course of pregnancy, much less artificially induce labor, if there are no medical indications for this.

The problem of how much I weigh should be approached from the point of view of what I will look like after giving birth. That’s when all the days when you “ate for two” come out, not always making you happy with the kilograms you acquired.

Your breasts. She will grow at least one more size this week, and a whitish liquid - colostrum - will begin to be released from her, which means your body is starting to prepare for future feeding. Don’t forget that your breasts, like your body, require special care, use a contrast shower several times a week to strengthen the shape of your breasts, creams and gels for massage and stretch marks, the right natural supportive underwear - and you will keep your breasts firm and healthy for a long time yet.

How is your baby developing?

During this period, your baby's weight reaches about 3.5 kg and his height is 50 cm. His head has already rested against your pelvic cavity, and his position will not change. And labor can begin either at the 39th or 40th week. Therefore, you may experience pain in the perineum, as there is a gradual separation of the pelvic bones.

During this period, the baby’s limbs and torso are actively growing, he hears well, so do not forget to please him with a song or pleasant musical compositions, even with his eyes closed, he is able to distinguish and see bright colors, and already reacts to movement and distance.

All systems of the internal organs of the fetus are already formed, and it is capable of independent existence. So if you give birth already at the 39th week, don’t worry, your baby is already ready to live independently.

Your baby is already moving a little less, he has less and less space left, but still, the number of movements and movements of the baby is about 20.

It is interesting that the baby may already have a fluff on his head, and some may even have curls on his head, at birth, surprising his parents with thick hair.

What is allowed and what is not advisable to eat

39th week of pregnancy, second pregnancy, if you have already given birth, then you know that it is necessary not to overeat for the future, storing up energy for childbirth, but, on the contrary, to unload a little, eating healthy foods and limiting fatty foods.

Protein is very important during this period, it is better that it enters your body through fish, dairy products, cereals, and definitely cottage cheese, and vegetables, herbs and fruits will help you cleanse your intestines and prepare you for childbirth.

As for drinking, many women often ask how much to drink and how, it’s better to drink little by little, and if you have swelling, try to drink medicinal teas that help remove excess water from the body.

By the way, you can switch to baby food, fruit and vegetable purees, if you really don’t feel like cooking.

What problems can be avoided

The life of your body during this period is completely focused on the approaching birth, but you still need to monitor your stool to avoid constipation, and excess water is removed from the body, since excess swelling can lead to preeclampsia, and a lack of oxygen entering the baby’s body.

To reduce lower back pain, ask your loved ones to give you a massage, try to change your body position and move more often. Breathe fresh air, walk in the park, do water aerobics - all this will strengthen your muscles, and you will enjoy this sport.

At the 39th week, your placenta becomes increasingly depleted, which means that less and less nutrients and oxygen enter the baby’s body. This is your body’s preparation for childbirth, you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Therefore, the main signal for concern is too much motor activity of the unborn baby or, conversely, its absence.

What are false contractions

This is the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of labor in first-time mothers are the appearance of contractions, and you may experience false contractions. They are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Unlike real ones, such contractions are not so painful and periodic. Typically, such contractions do not cause strong discomfort in a woman; they resemble pain during menstruation, when the lower back is pulled. Their duration is no more than 60 seconds, and the frequency can be every few minutes or every few hours. At the same time, the baby behaves just as actively. Your uterus is training for labor, don't worry too much, but if you notice other warning signs of labor (detailed in the 40th week), such as the passage of water or the appearance of nausea or vomiting, a strong drooping of the abdomen, then it is better to play it safe and go to the hospital early.

By taking a warm bath, walking in the park, or simply relaxing, you can easily relieve false contractions. Real contractions don’t go away this way.

In multiparous women, training (false) contractions begin a little later than in primiparous women, somewhere from the 32nd week. But labor progresses much faster, so if you are expecting your second child, you need to go to the maternity hospital when periodic contractions appear.

What discharge is dangerous at week 39?

If any discharge appears, you should call an ambulance:

  1. Purulent mucous. If you suddenly notice purulent mucous discharge, call your doctor immediately. There may also be a lump of mucus, this is a plug that has fallen out and is closing the uterus. Expect labor to come soon.
  2. Discharge of a cloudy yellow liquid may indicate that the amniotic fluid has leaked out prematurely; even in the absence of contractions and pain, immediately go to the maternity hospital.
  3. Beware of the presence of blood in vaginal discharge, call an ambulance immediately, the hospital will provide qualified assistance in this case.

What tests await you?

You passed all the main tests earlier; additional screenings and studies can be prescribed only if the pregnancy has been problematic.

If, according to your body’s indications, you are awaiting a cesarean section, you will need to undergo an ultrasound and possibly other tests in the hospital. Discuss all aspects of a cesarean section with your doctor in advance, from anesthesia to the recovery period and breastfeeding.

Childbirth at 39 weeks.

For most women, delivery should be expected at 40 weeks. But this does not mean at all that childbirth cannot occur at 38-39 weeks. If you feel like your stomach is being tightened, as if in a ring, the time has come for real contractions. You must time it, the first strong grips begin every 10-15 minutes and last about 49 seconds. Try not to tense up, relax your muscles, call the hospital and help your unborn baby to be born calmly and joyfully.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby is prepared for birth. Normally, he should take a position upside down and press his knees to his chin. A child at 39 weeks practically stops moving, all his organs are fully functioning, and his body weight continues to increase.

A woman at 39 weeks of pregnancy does not notice significant changes in her condition. But in the run-up to childbirth, nervousness may increase. Outbursts of negative emotions have nothing to do with physiological processes, but are based on internal fear of future childbirth.

Woman's feelings

Pregnancy 39-40 weeks is a difficult period for a woman. The thing is that the 39th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by severe discomfort. The belly reaches its maximum size, and by this time the total weight of the woman may increase by 12 kg, and sometimes more.

Because of this, it may seem that the uterus is putting pressure on all internal organs. Features of sensations at this time:

  • A large belly at 39 weeks of pregnancy interferes with free movements and impairs coordination of movements.
  • The increased total weight leads to fatigue occurring even with minimal physical exertion.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen does not allow you to relax.
  • Frequent urination prevents you from getting a good night's sleep.

The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation drops lower and lower. As a result, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and organs of the digestive system is reduced. Breathing becomes much easier and the functioning of the digestive system normalizes. You should know that such signs may be harbingers of an imminent birth.


The pain at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy practically does not go away for a moment. They may periodically weaken a little, but after a while they intensify again. At the same time, the lower abdomen constantly pulls, which is associated with the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic bones. Such a symptom may be a harbinger of the onset of labor soon.

Training contractions become more frequent and painful. If at the 39th week of pregnancy the stomach becomes stone, this indicates that the uterus is preparing for childbirth. But when contractions weaken when changing position, then the time for childbirth has not yet come.

Chest pain may occur. This symptom is associated with a significant enlargement of the mammary glands due to their preparation for childbirth. In addition, colostrum is often released from the nipples. The ongoing process is natural and requires compliance with hygiene rules.

Leg pain can occur for various reasons. Very often this is a sign of insufficient calcium. But sometimes the muscles begin to ache after walking. This is due to the large body weight and the fact that you have to control every movement due to a violation of the center of gravity. You can relieve pain in your legs with cool baths and a light massage.


When the discharge changes at 39 weeks of pregnancy, this may indicate the onset of labor soon. Therefore, you must pay attention to this sign. White discharge indicates impending birth.

They are associated with the ripening of the cervix before childbirth and the release of the mucus plug. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge may increase in volume. This certainly causes discomfort, but does not pose any threat.

Bloody discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy often indicates placental abruption. This complication poses a threat to the fetus, so you should urgently consult a doctor.

It is also necessary to carry out appropriate treatment if greenish discharge with a pungent odor appears. They are a sign of infection of the birth canal, which can threaten the baby.

During the 39th week, slight leakage of amniotic fluid may be observed. Normally they should be transparent. But sometimes it happens that the child is released from the original feces ahead of time.

This is evidenced by the appearance of brown discharge. They indicate that meconium has entered the amniotic fluid. This is dangerous because the baby continues to swallow amniotic fluid. Therefore, if brown discharge is noticed, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital.

Fetal condition

39-40 weeks of pregnancy is a time when the baby makes few movements. But at the same time, his movements at 39 weeks of pregnancy are sharp. The pushes of the baby's arms and legs from inside the abdomen during pregnancy at this stage are so significant that its movements can be observed visually. So, protrusion can occur on certain surfaces of the abdomen and the stomach always begins to hurt.

If a child becomes quiet for a long time, this is an unfavorable symptom. In this case, you should urgently consult a doctor. Also, excessive activity of the baby indicates his unfavorable condition and the presence of any threats.

It is interesting to know what happens to the fetus at 39 weeks. The development of the baby at this stage is due to the fact that he is gaining strength in order to begin a full life outside the mother’s body. Features of the period:

  • Fully formed lungs are ready to take your first breath.
  • The digestive system works at full capacity, as a result of which original feces are formed, from which the baby will be released immediately after birth.
  • The pancreas produces all the necessary enzymes necessary for the growth and development of the baby.
  • The heart pumps blood, supplying the baby's body with oxygen.
  • The kidneys successfully cleanse the baby’s body and remove waste products through the woman’s excretory system.
  • The formation of the nervous system occurs.

Child development during this period is associated with growth and weight gain. Moreover, these indicators are already individual. But at this stage, they have nothing to do with the mother’s weight gain. Therefore, in order not to complicate the birth process in the future, a woman should control the caloric content of her own diet. But at the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the child receives all the necessary nutrients.

It is noteworthy that at week 39 the rhythms of the child’s life are the same as they will be after childbirth. The baby responds to all external irritating factors, it reacts to light and darkness and recognizes the mother’s voice well. In this regard, it is necessary to communicate with the baby as often as possible, thus preparing him for birth.

Harbingers of childbirth

As a rule, the lower abdomen constantly hurts at 39 weeks of pregnancy. This means that labor is approaching and, therefore, you need to pay attention to other symptoms that may be precursors to the onset of labor.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the precursors of labor in first-time mothers are somewhat different from the symptoms that may be observed in women carrying a second child. Experts identify the following main precursors of labor at the 39th week of pregnancy, which can appear a week before the onset of labor:

  • Removal of the mucus plug, which is expressed by an increase in mucus in the discharge.
  • Prolapse of the uterus, which makes it easier to breathe.
  • Weight loss and lack of appetite.
  • Increased frequency of false urges to defecate.

The harbingers of labor in multiparous women are distinguished by their transience. That is, after certain symptoms appear, labor can begin almost immediately. Rapid labor can pose a risk to the baby. Therefore, when the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy in multiparous women is associated with abdominal pain and lower back pain, it is better to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Precursors of labor in multiparous and primiparous women are always accompanied by an increase in false contractions. At the same time, the lower back hurts a lot and the stomach pulls. If such symptoms appear, then you need to expect the onset of labor in the near future, which means that you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Experts focus on the psychological precursor, which is observed in almost all women a few days before giving birth. A pregnant woman begins to do general cleaning in her own home, despite nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

A clear harbinger of impending labor is the breaking of amniotic fluid. If a lot of clear discharge appears overnight, then this fact indicates that you need to go to the maternity hospital without waiting for contractions. On the other hand, sometimes it happens that contractions intensify, but the water does not break. In this case, puncture of the amniotic sac may be necessary during childbirth.

An ultrasound at 39 weeks of pregnancy can be prescribed based on certain indicators. You should not refuse it, since the ultrasound method is absolutely safe. Sometimes an ultrasound examination is prescribed to clarify the presentation of the fetus or if hypoxia is suspected due to the umbilical cord entwining the baby’s neck. If pathologies are detected, qualified medical care will be provided and the birth will be successful.

If her health allows, then a woman at 39 weeks should walk as much as possible. This will allow the baby to get enough oxygen. It is important not to get overtired while walking. At this stage, you should constantly communicate with the baby, accustoming him to his own voice. You should discard all negative thoughts, eliminate stress and create a favorable atmosphere around yourself, filled with joyful anticipation of the birth of your baby.

In the last stages of bearing a baby, the desire of every mother to meet her baby becomes more and more unbearable. What happens during this period and how to promptly recognize the precursors of labor in primiparous and multiparous mothers at 39 weeks? This article will help you understand in detail.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed and is waiting to be born. The brain and other organs will be able to work outside the mother’s body. The little one hears perfectly, recognizes voices, and becomes agitated by loud sounds or bright light. He can focus his vision on objects located close to him. The little person clearly recognizes bright colors.

Internal organs

The chewing muscles and salivation are poorly developed, but as soon as the baby is born and begins to suck on the mother’s breast, they will become stronger. The mucous membrane of the mouth still has a large number of blood vessels, which is why it is colored red. Already 30 days after birth, the salivary glands begin to actively produce secretions. During this period, the little one will be able to latch onto mother’s breast well and actively suck milk.

All internal organs are fully formed. The kidneys and liver are ready to fully perform their functions, despite the fact that even after birth they will still be forming. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes necessary for digesting food. As a rule, they are enough to break down breast milk.

The stomach and intestines work well. Original feces appear in the rectum. While the baby is in the womb, his intestines are sterile. As soon as the baby receives breast milk, the first beneficial bacteria will colonize its digestive organs. In the future, this is necessary to improve food digestion.

What does a baby look like at 39 weeks

At the end of the third trimester, the small organism is formed and ready to meet the outside world. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, the little one will have to go through a rather difficult period. Not only mommy experiences physical pain at this time. Due to the contraction of the uterus, it is quite difficult for the child.

Outwardly, children at 39 weeks are very similar, but still for every woman her baby is unique. The first thing parents pay attention to is eye color. Brown-eyed toddlers, as a rule, remain with dark eyes. If the newborn is blue-eyed, then after a while the shade may change. This also applies to hair. At birth, many babies have light hair, but by the age of one year they darken. It often happens the other way around.

The baby's skin is pink and folds are clearly visible on the body. Many people still have vellus hairs. More often they are visible on the forehead, in the area of ​​folds. There is a cheese-like lubricant on the body, which is necessary to protect the skin. The bones of the skull are mobile, the fontanelles remain between them. This structure is necessary for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. The volume of the head is quite large and is approximately one fourth of the length of the body. The height of babies usually reaches 50-55 cm.

At week 39, the baby's growth stops. This is necessary for normal childbirth. The baby's movements are severely limited due to the pressure on his body from the walls of the uterus. The arms and legs are pressed to the body and are in a bent state. When trying to straighten them, mom clearly feels this.

In addition, the child’s motor activity decreases due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. During this period, the baby is completely ready for childbirth. Its head descends into the woman’s pelvic area and the little man remains in this position until childbirth. The average body weight of a newborn should be about three kilograms. Height, as already mentioned, is approximately 50 cm.

Despite the decrease in motor activity, the mother must monitor the movements of her child. If there are fewer than 10 times in 12 hours, you should inform your doctor.

Feelings of a woman at 39 weeks

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe the feelings of a woman at 39 weeks of pregnancy in a nutshell. The expectant mother experiences a whole range of feelings from both moral and physical well-being. Many girls are afraid of the upcoming birth, but at the same time dream of meeting their baby.

Changes in physical health

At 39 weeks, the pregnant woman’s body is actively preparing for the birth of a new life. During this period the following changes occur:

  • The production of colostrum by the mammary glands begins. This product is necessary for a newborn in the first days of life. Colostrum provides the tiny body with all the necessary microelements, which is important for the further development of the child.
  • The placenta has already fulfilled its role and is gradually beginning to age. At this stage, the baby needs fewer nutrients than during active growth.
  • Due to the drooping of the tummy, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe, but with this comes new difficulties. Walking, lying and sitting becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman.
  • The baby's movements become less active due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.
  • A woman's weight gain is stopped. Often body weight even decreases by several kilograms. Appetite also decreases.
  • Progesterone levels decrease, and estrogen concentrations increase slightly.
  • The legs swell less than in earlier stages.
  • At week 39, the cervix becomes soft and shortens.

Very soon contractions will begin, and the little man will be born. Thoughts about this make a woman experience new sensations.

Before the upcoming birth, the expectant mother experiences anxiety. Often the fear is very strong and it is quite difficult to cope without the support of loved ones. To cope with these experiences, you don’t need to withdraw into yourself. A girl should definitely share her feelings with her husband or another loved one.

In addition, experts recommend attending special courses. There are several types of courses. Some will help you get acquainted with the period of pregnancy, while others are necessary in order to find out how childbirth proceeds and how to behave during this period. Specialists will provide information on how to recognize contractions, what you need to take with you to the hospital, how to care for a newborn baby and how to properly apply the baby to the breast.

The courses can be attended not only by pregnant women, but also by young fathers. This will help them in the future help the mother care for the newborn.

Is sexual intercourse allowed?

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, intimate intimacy between partners is not only not prohibited, but, on the contrary, is encouraged. This is explained by the fact that sex is considered a good stimulation of the birth process. Male sperm contains substances that have a softening effect on the cervix. This helps her open up faster. In addition, during sexual intercourse, a woman’s body produces hormones that have a positive effect on the mother’s emotional well-being. As you know, a good mood is passed on to the baby.

The main rule during this process is to avoid pressure on the abdominal area and choose a position that excludes deep penetration. By the way, after sex, a woman may experience slight brownish discharge.

Before giving birth, every girl experiences certain discharge to one degree or another. More often they are white, milky or yellow. There is normally no smell. The discharge should have a uniform consistency, which indicates normal physiological processes.

Sometimes they can be of a different nature. All of them can be divided into several groups:

  • Mucous. As a rule, mucous discharge is the release of a mucus plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. There is no pain or any discomfort. The plug comes off in women between 36 and 39 weeks.
  • Watery. Such discharge may indicate two conditions. The first is the release of a small amount of urine from the bladder. Due to the volume of the tummy, the urinary organ is constantly under pressure. With any strain, coughing or sneezing, a pregnant woman may find a small amount of liquid on her underwear. The second condition is leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. It is normal if a woman’s amniotic fluid does not leak, but sometimes it happens that a small amount still leaks out. If the discharge is too abundant, this may indicate depressurization of the placenta. In such cases, the doctor often makes a decision to stimulate labor.
  • White curdled ones. Such discharge has a thick base and is characterized by a sour milk smell. If they are abundant, this may indicate infection of the genital organs or the development of thrush.
  • Bloody or purulent. If such discharge is intense, you should immediately consult a doctor. An admixture of pus or blood often indicates various pathologies, including placental abruption and internal bleeding. Even if pink spots are found on your laundry, it is better to consult your doctor. Bloody clots may appear after examination by a gynecologist. You must inform your doctor about this.

Be that as it may, if you notice any changes in yourself, it is better for a pregnant woman at any stage to consult a doctor. During this period, excessive precautions will not harm.

At week 39, the expectant mother’s belly reaches its maximum size. At the same time, it falls down, which causes a lot of discomfort when walking. A woman can only sleep on her side. Most mothers associate the process when the fetus descends into the pelvic area with easier breathing. At the same time, the uterus stops putting pressure on the heart and lungs. Negative aspects include increased frequency of urination, because now the fetus puts strong pressure on the bladder.

In many pregnant women, the navel turns inward, and a distinct pigment stripe is visible down from it to the pubis. There's no need to worry. It usually disappears after a few months. Due to stretching, the skin itches and flakes a lot. During this period, it is important to use moisturizing creams. This can relieve discomfort and prevent stretch marks.

Painful sensations

At week 39, women experience tightness in the lower abdomen, and often experience painful or tugging sensations in the lumbar region. The breasts are painful to touch; when pressed, the pregnant woman experiences discomfort. If you squeeze the nipple, the young mother discovers colostrum.

Additional pain may appear in the pelvic bones. The fetal head puts direct pressure on them during movement and sitting.

At the last stage of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to synthesize a substance called relaxin. It is necessary to relax ligaments and soften bones.

Precursors of childbirth in primiparous women

It is known that with the birth of a new life, a woman’s hormonal background undergoes significant changes. During the development and growth of the fetus, the female hormone progesterone begins to be actively produced in the womb. This is necessary for the normal course and maintenance of pregnancy.

Some time before birth, placental aging is observed, which leads to a decrease in progesterone synthesis. During this period, the production of another hormone, estrogen, begins. It is thanks to him that the body prepares for the upcoming birth process. Of course, it is quite difficult for a woman to perceive any changes at this level, but some of them still occur more noticeably. They are called harbingers of childbirth.

In first-time mothers, the first signs of labor can be observed between 36 and 40 weeks.

Precursors at 36 weeks

As already mentioned, the first warning signs in primiparous girls can be observed as early as 36 weeks. During this period, the expectant mother notes a decrease in the motor activity of the fetus. This occurs due to the lowering of the head into the pelvic area and restriction of the baby’s movements by the walls of the uterus and pelvic bones.

Special attention should be paid to false or training contractions. Not knowing about their existence, many young mothers strive to get to the hospital as soon as possible, believing that labor has begun. False contractions are characterized by a lack of regularity and some other signs. During such contractions, the pregnant woman’s stomach turns to stone, and the tension quickly passes. In addition, the interval between them is quite large.

Discharge at 36 weeks may be more abundant. However, there is no need to worry, because this is due to the pressure of the fetal head on the vagina. You only need to sound the alarm in cases where the discharge is brown, bloody, or contains pus.

Precursors at 37 weeks

At this stage, the baby is considered to be fully term. If he is born, he will be able to breathe and develop completely independently. If signs of labor appear at 37 weeks, you should not worry and go to the maternity hospital.

Signs of imminent labor:

  • Lowering of the abdomen. The fetus, together with the uterus, moves to the pelvic area at this stage. This helps the woman to experience heartburn, frequent belching, and easier breathing. Along with this, symptoms appear such as increased urination, girls complain that they have a tugging in the lower abdomen, and back pain.
  • Precursors of labor include not only frequent urination, but also frequent bowel movements. This is explained by increased fetal pressure on the intestines.
  • Loss of body weight in women. In the final stages, the pregnant woman’s appetite decreases and the excretion of fluid from the body increases. At week 37, the expectant mother hardly gains any weight; she often loses 1-2 kg.
  • Pain is increasingly occurring in the pelvic and pubic area. This happens due to the process of expansion of the pelvic bones. Often the discomfort intensifies at night.

If the harbingers occur regularly, the frequency of which is constantly increasing, you should pack your things and go to the maternity hospital.

At 38 weeks, signs that are very similar to the warning signs at 37 weeks can signal an imminent birth. The fetus continues to grow, although this is no longer happening as intensively. During this period, changes in the gait of the expectant mother become very noticeable. Due to the shifted center of gravity, it becomes smooth and slow.

For many pregnant women, the mucus plug may come off at this stage. Don’t be too scared; this does not always indicate an imminent birth. This symptom can be distinguished from ordinary discharge by characteristics such as a yellowish or brown tint. The mucus is quite thick.

False contractions occur more and more often during this period. Sometimes they cause severe discomfort and pain to a young mother. To relieve these symptoms, No-Shpa, Buscopan, Magnesia or other antispasmodic medicine may be prescribed.

Precursors at 39 weeks

The penultimate week of pregnancy often ends with childbirth. This is an absolutely normal process, because at this stage the little one is completely ready to meet his parents and the outside world.

Precursors of childbirth at 39 weeks in first-time mothers have a pronounced character:

  • "Nesting" instinct. Many women, a few days before giving birth, have a desire to rearrange, do general cleaning, iron and prepare diapers for the baby. Often this helps to induce labor faster, because physical activity is excellent stimulation.
  • Training contractions. At week 39 they occur quite often, and the expectant mother can already distinguish them from the real ones. If contractions begin but stop completely after a while, it means it is not yet time for the baby to be born.
  • Malaise. Many mothers feel nauseous, may have a headache, and constantly want to sleep. This is explained by accumulated fatigue.
  • Discharge of water. The outpouring of water is a clear sign that the birth process will soon begin. If a pregnant woman’s water breaks, she needs to hurry to the maternity hospital. Keeping a baby in the womb for a long time can lead to disastrous consequences.

On the moral side, there is increasing anxiety and fear of the upcoming birth. Now is the time to calm down and get into a pleasant mood, because the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon take place.

At 40 weeks, mommy’s fatigue reaches its peak. Just a little more and the baby will be born. It is almost impossible to ignore the warning signs of childbirth during this period. They manifest themselves in the following changes:

  • A sharp decrease in appetite. Many mothers lose weight, because the baby no longer requires many nutrients during this period.
  • Reduced number of movements. The baby is getting more and more cramped in the mother’s tummy. This provokes a decrease in the number of movements.
  • The cervix becomes soft and shortens. This is a natural process necessary for its opening during childbirth.
  • Often, primiparous women experience vomiting or increased bowel movements. No need to worry, this is nature's cleansing process to make labor easier.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid. A small amount of fluid can be observed in many pregnant women in the last stages. You should only sound the alarm if there is too much leakage.
  • False contractions. Contractions of a training nature are observed at 40 weeks in almost all women. At the same time, the stomach and lower back pull like during menstruation. If contractions become too painful and the interval between them becomes shorter, you need to go to the hospital.

It is impossible to say exactly how the precursors of labor will manifest themselves in a given mother. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Some women feel calm throughout pregnancy, while others experience training contractions and other warning signs quite often. Be that as it may, you need to remain calm, not panic, but think about your health and the well-being of the baby.

Precursors of childbirth in multiparous women

The second and third births are somewhat different from the first. This is explained by the fact that during the first birth, the baby’s head stretches the cervix and it is no longer fully restored, but remains softer and more elastic. Thanks to this, giving birth the second and subsequent times is not so painful. At least this is evidenced by the reviews of many mothers.

In multiparous women, warning signs of labor often occur a week before an exciting event. At week 39, the warning signs of labor may be as follows:

Fetal descent

Abdominal prolapse is the process of the fetus moving to the lower part of the pelvis. This is the preparation of the baby for birth. In most cases, the baby is positioned head down, but sometimes the fetus is breech. In multiparous mothers, this sign is observed 5-6 days before birth.

Sometimes the descent of the fetus occurs the day before birth or goes completely unnoticed by the woman. You should not focus only on this sign.

Plug coming out

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, most expectant mothers lose their mucus plug. It resembles a clot and often has a white or cream tint. Less commonly, the mucus is bloody due to the high content of blood streaks. Sometimes a girl may ignore this event. The plug comes out about a week before giving birth, but it can happen earlier. Often, mucous discharge is noted only as the baby moves through the birth canal.

Many women note that before giving birth their appetite becomes less pronounced. This often results in decreased swelling and weight loss. In addition, the loss of kilograms is explained by the body’s active preparation for the upcoming birth by removing excess fluid.

This sign is not observed in all cases, so there is no need to wait for it, because weight loss may not occur.

Reducing movements

A decrease in the number of fetal movements may indicate an approaching birth. The baby becomes cramped in the mother’s tummy, and he moves less actively. The amount of amniotic fluid decreases, and the walls of the uterus restrict the baby’s movements. During this period, the expectant mother should closely monitor the baby's behavior. Restless behavior may indicate a lack of oxygen for the baby.

Nesting instinct

The desire to make your home more comfortable is a completely normal phenomenon in the last stages of pregnancy. The woman is trying to make repairs, prepare things for the newborn, and arrange the crib. Psychologists call this desire the nesting instinct.

Change in bowel movements

Often, a few days before the birth of the baby, a woman notices that the nature of her stool has changed (diarrhea, less often constipation). Less commonly, other symptoms are associated with stool disorder: the woman feels nauseous, dizzy, drowsiness, weakness, high blood pressure occur, expectant mothers often break into a sweat, and sometimes insomnia occurs.

If nausea and other symptoms become too intrusive, it is best to tell your doctor. Perhaps we are not talking about precursors of childbirth, but about late toxicosis. In addition, diarrhea can lead to dehydration.

Increased urination

Due to the constant pressure of the uterus on the bladder, the urge to urinate appears even when it is slightly full. At night, mothers also have to visit the toilet quite often. At week 39, multiparous women may experience urinary retention or, conversely, excessive urination.

False contractions are a kind of preparation for orgasm for the upcoming birth. At 39 weeks, they occur quite often in multiparous mothers. Often there are no training contractions at all, and in some women they occur early.

You can understand that they have begun by such signs as contractions of the uterus, it seems to be hardening, the pregnant woman’s back is strained, her lower back hurts, and her stomach ache. In terms of pain, they can be compared to pain during menstruation. The contractions are irregular and disappear very quickly.

If training contractions last more than 15 minutes, and pain, loose stools and other warning signs of imminent labor appear, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If clear fluid has left the vagina in a fairly large amount, then we are talking about the rupture of amniotic fluid. Before this, a woman may not feel any warning signs. The amount of this fluid will depend on whether the pregnant woman has polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

In multiparous girls, the amniotic sac often bursts on its own. If this does not happen, an operation to pierce it (amniotomy) is performed in the delivery room.

It often happens that labor begins much faster than a woman expects. This is due to the characteristics of each organism. To prevent difficulties, you should pack your things for the maternity hospital at the beginning of the third trimester. The gynecologist will tell you what exactly to take to the maternity hospital.

Of course, the first thing a pregnant woman needs to know is the need to remain calm. Strong experiences can provoke fetal hypoxia and other problems. Let's look at the symptoms, if detected, you should rush to the maternity hospital.

You should immediately go to the maternity hospital if the following conditions occur:

  • Discharge with blood. This symptom is perhaps the most dangerous, because it can indicate both the onset of labor and placental abruption. If you find blood between your legs, you should quickly go to the hospital.
  • Rush of amniotic fluid. In most cases, the woman goes into labor a few hours later. For multiparous mothers, this can happen even faster. If the situation is not brought under control in a timely manner, fetal infection and other dangerous complications may occur.
  • The appearance of true contractions. If you notice symptoms such as increased uterine contractions and decreased intervals between them, you should go to the hospital. Staying at home in such a situation is quite dangerous, because after true contractions, pushing and labor will soon begin.

A pregnant woman should carry out all actions calmly and focused.

If there is no husband or relative at home who can take you to the maternity hospital, it is better to call an ambulance or a taxi. It is unwise to go to the hospital by public transport.

Norm CTG at obstetric week 39

Cardiotocography (CTG) is a diagnostic technique that allows you to assess the basic vital functions of the fetus during pregnancy. Often CTG is performed at 39 weeks. During the procedure, special sensors are attached to the pregnant woman's abdomen to help record the baby's heart rate.

As the baby moves, the mother herself presses the button and the device records them on paper in the form of a graph. In addition, the sensor monitors the contraction and relaxation of the uterus.


The CTG results are assessed by an experienced specialist. He draws conclusions about the health of the fetus from the recording of the device. When decoding, the following criteria are assessed:

  • frequency and amplitude of instantaneous oscillations - deviations of heart rate from the norm up or down;
  • basal rate - the average frequency of fetal heart contractions during 10 minutes of study;
  • decelerations are depicted on the graph as depressions. Decelerations mean a decrease in heart rate relative to the norm by 15 beats or more;
  • acceleration – shown on the graph as tall, sharp teeth. Accelerations are an acceleration of the fetal heart rate by 15 beats compared to the basal rate.

Decelerations are recorded during uterine contractions and movements of the baby. If the CTG is poor, this requires further more detailed diagnosis.

Norm CTG

The following indicators indicate the normal condition of the child in the womb:

  • basal rate within 120-160 beats per minute;
  • amplitude of oscillations (variability) of heart rate - from 10 to 25 beats per minute;
  • there are no decelerations;
  • no more than two accelerations per 10 minutes of examination.

Minor deviations are allowed. If the values ​​deviate greatly from the norm, we are talking about pathology.

The CTG photo is normal.

Ultrasound examination at this stage of pregnancy allows you to determine important parameters of the child’s development. In the table you can see the norm for the basic criteria of a baby at this age, as well as what the baby’s approximate parameters should be.

If there are deviations from the norm, do not worry. Each baby is individual.

In the pictures you can see photographs of ultrasound images at the end of the third trimester.

At this age, you can clearly see the baby’s gender and even facial expressions.

Reasons for uterine tone at 39 weeks

Many expectant mothers experience increased uterine tone. This sensation is very similar to muscle tension during orgasm, but it happens for reasons independent of sex and pleasure. What causes this condition?

If we are talking about the 39th week of pregnancy, most often the stomach becomes stone during false contractions. At the same time, it becomes hard, and discomfort and pain often occur. During training contractions, the pubic part, lower back, back hurt, and it shoots in the perineal area. Such contractions of the organ can be observed at night and during the day. It is very important to be able to distinguish false contractions from true ones.

Why labor doesn't start

During pregnancy, it often happens that the due date has already approached, but the little one does not want to be born. Often women carry babies for 41, 42 weeks. There are known cases of post-term pregnancy up to 45 weeks. Why is this happening? The reasons are different:

  • Features of a woman's biological rhythm. It is known that girls who have a longer menstrual cycle often carry babies until 40 weeks. In mothers with a short cycle, babies are born, as a rule, at 38-39 weeks.
  • Insufficient physical activity of women. When walking, the fetal head presses on the cervix, thereby irritating it. This is an excellent labor induction. If the load is insufficient, this can lead to overmaturity.
  • The reason for the absence of labor at 39 weeks may be that the fetus is too large (more than 4 kg).

The emotional background of a woman is also important. Due to fear and strong feelings, contractions may be absent for a long time.

39 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it?

Before answering this question, it is worth recalling that there is an obstetric and embryonic period. The difference between them is approximately 14 days, that is, 2 weeks. From this we can conclude that 39 weeks in the embryonic period is 40-41 weeks in the obstetric period.

The danger is that if the baby stays in the womb for too long, changes occur in the placenta, which negatively affects the health of the fetus. Placental insufficiency often causes oxygen deficiency for the baby. This condition can even lead to the death of the child.

In addition to hypoxia, there is a threat of head injury during passage through the birth canal due to flattening of the cranial bones. Aspiration of amniotic fluid often occurs - fluid retention in the lungs of the newborn.

When transitioning, the pregnant woman often experiences weak labor and there is a serious risk of bleeding and other complications.

How to induce labor at home

If the doctor gives the go-ahead to induce labor, you can safely use simple methods:

  • You can bring birth closer with the help of spicy food. Spicy food perfectly stimulates the intestines, which leads to contraction of the uterine walls. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because too much spicy food can cause heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Masturbation and sex. It is believed that this helps not only to get pleasure, but also to train the vaginal muscles, as well as stimulate the onset of labor. You need to have sex and masturbate very carefully, observing the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Walking. Walking irritates the uterus, which is a great way to induce contractions.
  • Rubbing the nipples. When the nipples are rubbed, the female body begins to produce the hormone oxytocin. It helps stimulate labor. In this case, the nipples should be rubbed for quite a long time. Massage can be performed for an hour up to three times a day.

You can also speed up contractions using folk remedies. It is believed that contractions can be induced by using raspberry leaves for tea, pineapple pulp, and kelp.

At week 39, the baby has already dropped down and is waiting to be born. During this period, its intensive growth stops, therefore, the pregnant woman’s appetite decreases. Despite the fact that the baby is already fully formed, the mother should not forget about proper nutrition and saturating the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, because she still faces a rather difficult period - childbirth or a Caesarean section.

Healthy foods

In the first half of the day, a pregnant woman can treat herself to a bun, a sandwich with cheese and vegetables. Boiled meat, steamed fish, cottage cheese will be useful. In the afternoon, it is recommended to include porridge and fermented milk products in your diet.

Healthy foods:

  • beet;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • dried fruits;
  • currant;
  • raspberries;
  • legumes;
  • wholemeal bread and pasta.

At this stage, meat, carbohydrates, and animal protein should be limited.

Harmful products

As in the early stages of pregnancy, at 39 weeks the following dishes should be excluded from the menu:

Often pregnant women have protein in their urine. In this case, you should definitely consult a nutritionist and limit your salt intake.

More often in expectant mothers, swelling appears on the face and in the legs. You can cope with this unpleasant symptom by following these recommendations:

  • reduce the amount of fluid consumed;
  • limit salt in the diet;
  • you can drink a decoction of bearberry herb, lingonberry leaf tea;
  • Fish and steamed meat will be useful;
  • The menu can include fruits and vegetables with a diuretic effect.

If swelling occurs after a walk, you can briefly place your feet in cool water. In this case, the temperature in the bath should not be too cold.

Proper nutrition is very important when carrying a baby, especially if your stomach often turns, or you suffer from heartburn, belching and other dyspeptic disorders.

Answers to frequently asked questions

On numerous forums, many mothers are looking for answers to various questions. We will try to answer the most common of them.

My right side hurts at 39 weeks, what could it be?

A variety of diseases can be accompanied by pain of varying intensity in the right hypochondrium. These include gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis and others. If pain occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor.

What to do if the child is quiet and does not move

Many girls notice that at week 39 the baby moves less. Don't worry, this is a completely normal physiological process, because the baby simply doesn't have enough space. The alarm should only be sounded if the little one does not push for a long time. As the experience of many mothers testifies, the subsidence of the fetus is often a harbinger of an imminent birth.

How to treat thrush

Often during pregnancy, women encounter thrush. The disease occurs for various reasons and causes a lot of discomfort. The safest and most effective treatment for fungal infections are Pimafucin suppositories. Treatment with medication should be carried out exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.

Why does a child hiccup?

Often, women at 39 weeks notice that their baby is hiccupping in the womb. There is no need to be afraid, because this is a completely normal natural process. If mommy eats something, the baby also enjoys it with her. Hiccups occur due to compression of the diaphragm.

Why might the temperature rise during this period?

An increase in body temperature at 39 weeks of pregnancy may indicate both the approach of labor and any illness. Fever, chills, body aches, headaches and other manifestations may indicate a common cold, ARVI, or more serious pathologies such as tonsillitis, flu.

In any case, if a runny nose appears, body temperature rises, weakness and other symptoms occur, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor. If you have a cold, you can take Paracetamol.

Let's sum it up

The 39th week of pregnancy is an exciting period before the upcoming birth. The entire calendar is already behind us and the woman is reaching the finish line. Very soon she will become a mother and will finally meet her long-awaited child. In the meantime, you should enjoy your position, relax and think about pleasant things. A good mood and a positive attitude are extremely necessary in this happy and at the same time difficult period.


In this video you can learn about the warning signs of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy in more detail.

  • In the later stages, problems associated with digestion may disappear. Because of this, mothers begin to indulge in goodies. Doctors recommend moderating your appetite and not deviating from proper split meals.
  • Be positive and think only about good things. Move more, go shopping, meet nice people. If you already know the gender of your baby, you can prepare a dowry in advance.
  • Continuation of intimate relationships is possible only if there is no prohibition from the gynecologist. Care must be taken during sexual intercourse.
  • The bag with things should be kept in an accessible and visible place. You should take it with you when the ambulance takes you to the maternity hospital. If the birth begins outside the home, the baby's father will be able to bring pre-prepared clothes and personal hygiene items.

Carry an exchange card and documents in your purse. They will be needed during emergency hospitalization in the maternity hospital to assess the condition of the mother and fetus.

  • If labor begins, try to put aside fear and panic. First of all, think about your child, who is also having a hard time. In the prenatal and delivery rooms, follow all instructions of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Nutrition at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Dear mothers, site! Remember that your nutrition is your baby's nutrition. Until birth, you need to control your diet, saturating it with nutrients that are necessary for the full development of the child: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Food should be balanced and harmless. The best cooking method is steaming or stewing. It is necessary to exclude or minimize rich, fried, salty, fatty, richly seasoned foods. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, carbonated drinks or coffee drinks.

In the last days of pregnancy, it is important not to overload the stomach with heavy foods. Eat more greens, cut fruits and vegetables, drink more drinks. Pure water without gas will allow you to remove excess fluid from the body along with toxins and other harmful substances. Reduce baked goods, legumes, citrus fruits and berries from your menu. These products cause increased gas formation and can also trigger allergies in a child.

Physical activity at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Some mothers work out in fitness rooms until the very moment of giving birth. This commendable physical activity will, of course, play into the woman’s hands. Usually, the process of giving birth to a child is greatly facilitated by proper breathing and trained muscles. However, it is worth saying that not all expectant mothers are able to maintain mobility until the end of pregnancy. Many women are so tired from the stress they receive in an interesting position that by the 39th week they simply do not have the strength to exercise.

Meanwhile, this is not a reason to sit or lie at home. At this time you can:

  • practice breathing to help yourself and your baby during childbirth;
  • do light physical exercises at home;
  • perform Kegel exercises that will prepare the perineal muscles;
  • Take an hour-long walk near your home or in the park every day.

The expectant mother needs to remember that by the 39th week, most children experience an acute lack of oxygen due to the aging of the placenta. To ease your baby’s condition, walk outdoors more often and ventilate the room. It is not worth going on long trips, because labor can begin at any time, and you need to be close to the maternity hospital. Remember that movement and physical activity always have a positive effect: assistance and pain relief during childbirth, elimination of complications, rapid restoration of shape after the birth of a child.
