Why are there dark spots on the lips. Spots on the lips - causes and treatment

A dark spot on the lip may appear due to external or internal causes. Often this is a cosmetic defect that does not require treatment. In some cases, their appearance the body signals the presence of the disease. Spots caused by external causes are easily treatable.

A pigment spot is an area with excessive or uneven distribution of melanin pigment, which gives the skin a darker shade.

Pigmentation disorders (melanogenesis) are quite common in adults and children. It can manifest itself in adolescence, during stress, women experience it during pregnancy.

Most often, age spots on the lips are a benign, limited, reversible phenomenon. Spots or dots can be black, brown or blue. There are many factors that lead to their appearance.

Common external causes:

  1. Contact of delicate skin and oral mucosa with hot drinks and food. When exposed to high temperatures, the delicate skin of the lips can get a thermal burn, this will lead to a change in the shade of the dermis.
  2. Poor-quality decorative cosmetics or care products.
  3. UV exposure can lead to photoaging. It is expressed in loss of tone, dehydration and damage to special melanocyte cells responsible for the normal synthesis of melanin. Spots of pigmentation always appear on "tanned" lips.
  4. Lip biting, other injuries, frequent cold sores, frostbite, or inadequate weather protection.
  5. Smoking. From nicotine and other harmful substances contained in cigarettes, dark spots may occur, and areas of the mucous membrane become bluish.

Internal causes are related to the general condition of the body:

  1. Long-term drug treatment. Pigmentation on the lips can be caused by taking tetracyclines, sulfonamides, hormonal drugs and antipsychotics.
  2. Hereditary or secondary hemochromatosis is a pathology of excess iron in the body. In addition to spots, it gives a gray tint to the skin.
  3. A genetic disease is Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, in which pigmented areas in a child appear from birth. There is a hereditary predisposition to melanogenesis.
  4. Lack of B vitamins in the body and a depressed immune system. On the lips, along with brown and white spots, subcutaneous granules appear, jams in the corners.
  5. Hormonal changes: pregnancy, lactation, premenopause. These processes may be accompanied by melanogenesis on the face, above the upper lip.

A change in the color of the skin around the mouth can be a reaction to illness or poisoning. Only a specialist will establish the true cause of a cosmetic defect.

Treatment Methods

If the doctor has not identified internal diseases, you can start eliminating pigmentation on the lips at home.

In cases where the cause of its appearance was ultraviolet radiation or age-related changes, whitening creams are used along with vitamin and mineral preparations:

  • Imedin;
  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Alphabet Cosmetic;
  • Complivit;
  • Perfectil.

As medical and cosmetic products, the most effective are:

  1. Q10 Retinol Lip Balsam from the Spanish manufacturer Anubis is a balm with vitamins, coenzyme, vegetable oils, aloe extract.
  2. The product contains bisabolol, a highly active component that helps the skin absorb nutrients, activates metabolic and regenerative processes. With SPF 35.
  3. Lips SPF 15 from the American manufacturer "Hemps" - a protective balm with a high content of ascorbic acid (to eliminate stains), with nourishing hemp oil (for regeneration).
  4. Cream Depiderm from the French manufacturer Uriage on a plant basis. Active ingredients: licorice and green tea extracts. The tool will help get rid of dark spots of any origin, well tolerated by the skin. The effect becomes noticeable in the sixth week of use.

Salon procedures

In cosmetology clinics for the treatment of melanogenesis, the following methods are used:

  1. Mesotherapy is the injection of whitening preparations under the skin.
  2. Phototherapy is the destruction of excessive pigment formation by ultraviolet waves. The rays, passing through the spots, discolor, reduce their size.
  3. Ultrasonic peeling - cleaning the skin with subsequent exposure of the device to problem areas.

home methods

To improve lip color, eliminate dark spots, you can use traditional medicine recipes. They are safe, and the ingredients for them are always at hand.

Lemon juice. It is considered the best natural bleach. It is enough to apply a few drops of juice on the cleansed skin of the lips, hold for 1 hour, trying not to lick. After the procedure, be sure to apply warm coconut oil.

beetroot juice. With regular use, it visually removes a cosmetic defect, restores a pink tint. Apply a few drops of juice at night, massage lightly.

Apple vinegar. Thanks to natural organic acids, it acts as a bleach. Apply one drop of vinegar to the stain, hold for 1 hour, rinse. Then apply a caring balm or oil.

The product improves local blood circulation, due to this, metabolic processes are accelerated. Regular rubbing of the oil will help to cope with pigmented areas. Due to the influx of blood, the color will become brighter, transverse wrinkles will smooth out. Cinnamon oil visually enlarges, "full" lips.

For greater effectiveness of home procedures, once a week, it is necessary to carry out a light three-minute peeling with olive oil and sugar, avoiding areas with moles.

If there are small age spots on the lip that are not prone to growth, a cosmetic defect can be removed in two ways: apply regular lipstick or resort to permanent makeup. A shallow tattoo made with natural dyes in natural shades gives the lips a healthy, attractive look.


Any cosmetic procedure should not take place without a preliminary diagnosis by a dermatologist. Usually the definition of a diagnosis for a specialist is not difficult. For clarification, instrumental methods are necessarily used:

  • dermatoscopy;
  • computer diagnostics.

An irregularly shaped black spot on the lip or actively growing nodules should be examined for abnormal cells.

Prevention of the appearance

To prevent the further spread of pigmentation, cosmetics containing retinoids, natural derivatives of vitamin A, should be used in daily care. These can be extracts of mountain ash, apricot, rosehip, and currant.

Be sure to undergo annual preventive examinations with a dermatologist.

What can be done at home:

  1. Give up smoking.
  2. Use hygienic lip care products before going out.
  3. On sunny days, protect your face from UV rays.
  4. Choose only high-quality, certified cosmetics, do not use expired products.
  5. Balance the diet, do not resort to strict diets.

If you approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, melanogenesis on the lips will disappear forever.

The appearance of a mole or a pigment spot on the skin is an absolutely natural process. But few people know that such a neoplasm can occur on the mucous membrane in the mouth and even on the surface of the lips. A small dark dot not only attracts attention and gives a little charm to the owner. Such a pigmented nevus on the lip can bring health problems due to frequent microtraumas. Therefore, it is necessary to know the features of care and prevention, to be able to prevent a dangerous disease at an early stage.

You are at risk, you have more than three pronounced signs of periodontitis. You can’t do without the intervention of a periodontist.

You are in the border zone, there is a risk of developing periodontitis. Pay attention to hygiene and systematic professional examinations.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

There is no catastrophe, but it is not worth bringing to it either. Scheduled visits to the dentist at least once a year and proper hygiene.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

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And age spots in the medical environment are not considered a separate disease. Rather, it is a neoplasm of skin cells or mucous membranes. They differ from the main site in color and shape. This is due to an altered structure and a violation of the production of melanin. Small defects in the epidermis can appear throughout life. In 95% of cases, a person lives with them without the slightest discomfort and problems.

When defining the concept, it is more correct to use the name "nevus". A whole group of benign neoplasms falls under it. Most often they protrude on the upper body: back, neck, forearm or chest. On the face, such dark dots appear near the mouth. In rare cases, a mole may form on the upper lip, gum, or palate.

There are several subspecies of nevus that are diagnosed on the delicate skin of the lips:

  • Pigmentary: The most common form, which is a flat speck. It protrudes on the border around the mouth or on the inside of the cheek. Usually has a dark brown tint, less often red blotches. The vast majority of patients are already born with this defect. It has the ability to increase in size.
  • Borderline: resembles a small tight nodule. Reaches 1 cm in diameter and is easily injured by teeth when biting. Growth begins during a period of hormonal imbalance or serious inflammation of the internal organs.
  • Blue (cyan): appears on the red line around the lips, has different colors. An unusual color is obtained due to a violation of the structure of the cells.
  • Dysplastic: a rare form that resembles a small pink or dark brown color. Due to the bulge and volume, it is easily damaged during eating or cosmetic procedures.
  • Hemangioma: It looks like a wart and always has a small stalk. It is penetrated by the smallest capillaries, therefore it reacts by darkening to any irritant (cold or hot edge of a cup, dishes with hot spices, cheap lipstick with fragrances).

Experts note that a mole formed in early childhood can disappear on its own during puberty. If a pigmented nevus appeared in adulthood, it is more prone to degeneration into a dangerous tumor and requires constant monitoring.

Causes of a mole on the lip

Recent studies in the field of dermatology have shown that all forms of pigmented nevus are laid in the womb. Many doctors are inclined to the theory that new spots do not appear, but simply gain color intensity and become visible on the skin or mucous membranes. The main reasons why a nevus appears on the lip:

  • Constant trauma to the delicate skin when eating, hot drinks, smoking.
  • Use of aggressive cosmetics (glosses and lipsticks of an unknown manufacturer).
  • Work in unhealthy conditions.
  • Frequent exposure to the sun without special protective equipment.
  • Activity of some species and pathogenic bacteria.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity.
  • Diseases that disrupt the balance of the human hormonal system.

Given the many negative factors and health characteristics, a small speck occurs more often in women. The peak falls on the age period of 15-25 years, when the pituitary gland and reproductive organs are actively working.

Possible Complications

As mentioned earlier, a mole on the border of the lips or in the folds of the skin is not a disease or pathology. But there is always a danger of degeneration of "defective" cells into a benign or malignant tumor. In the first variant, the patient is faced with an active growth of the nevus and the appearance of bumps on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. It interferes with eating, breaks the bite and unattractively changes the shape of the face.

Also, some subspecies of the nevus have a convex shape, resembling a process of skin on a thin stalk. Even with careful care, the bump is constantly damaged. A person with such a noticeable defect may have complexes about appearance, unwillingness to communicate with the opposite sex. In this case, the right decision is the removal of the neoplasm and a small cosmetic operation.

Of particular note is the increase in the mole on the lip. It is always associated with a general weakening of the body, a drop in immunity and can be an indirect symptom of the development of oncology. You should immediately seek help from a specialist if the patient feels pain and weakness, rapidly loses weight and quickly gets tired. In this situation, it is necessary to show the spot to the oncologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Some types of pigmented nevus on the lip are easily confused with dangerous skin diseases: smoker's melanosis, lymphangioma, or melanoma. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose using several methods. In addition to a biopsy of a piece of skin, the doctor can perform an x-ray of the jaw, an ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes in the neck.

Do I need to remove a mole on my lip?

If the pigment spot has a flat shape and merges with the surface of the skin, it does not require observation and medical control. If the shape and color change, it is necessary to contact the surgeon or oncologist, who may decide to remove the neoplasm on the border of the lips. The procedure should be carried out by an experienced doctor in a hospital, and not by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon. He will remove the defect and send the material for analysis to the laboratory. This is a standard measure of oncology prevention, which allows to prevent a dangerous disease.

The most gentle ways to remove a mole that a surgeon can offer:

  • Electrocoagulation with alternating current: destroys cells quickly and almost painlessly. Ideal for lip treatments.
  • Excision with a sharp scalpel: indicated for verrucous nevus. The doctor carefully cuts off the leg and leaves a barely noticeable scar.
  • Laser removal: when the beam is directed, the liquid is evaporated from the cells. The mole disappears without a trace, but there is always a risk of recurrence if the base lies deep.
  • Cryodestruction: a modern method using liquid nitrogen does not require anesthesia and is as comfortable as possible for the patient. With a pigmented nevus on the lip, it can be an excellent solution.

Many patients choose folk methods to remove a mole: they make compresses from the pulp of celandine or vinegar essence, apply silver nitrate and a swab with lemon juice. Doctors warn that such procedures affect only the surface layer, so after a few months the dark spot reappears on the border of the lips. In addition, trauma can adversely affect the nevus and start the process of reproduction of damaged cells.

A not too frequent, but annoying problem is the appearance of a black dot above the lip or on the surface of the skin. A black dot on the lip or a comedone causes inconvenience, this is a cosmetic defect that many people try to get rid of as quickly as possible. It is very important to remember that you cannot squeeze out black dots on your own. This is fraught not only with the danger of infection in the wound, but also with subsequent scarring of the skin. It should also be understood that even after removing dark spots, they may reappear if the underlying cause of their occurrence is not eliminated.

Predisposing factors

Initially, it is necessary to find out what the black dots on the lips are, the mechanism of their appearance. The entire surface of the human skin is covered with sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum. With an excess of sebum, the skin becomes oily. In the presence of this type of skin, enlarged pores are most often observed, so black dots around the lips most often occur in owners of oily and mixed skin.

There is a mixing of skin secretion with dust particles that clog pores. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the contents of the pores acquire a dark color, a black head is formed, which is called a black dot or blackhead.

Above the upper lip, the appearance of black dots occurs infrequently. More often, this problem appears on other parts of the face (nose, forehead, chin). Dark spots occur under the influence of certain predisposing factors, which include:

  1. Dysfunctions in the hormonal environment. With violations of the production of hormonal substances (mainly progesterone and estrogen), the speed of the sebaceous glands increases. This is accompanied by increased sweating, increased growth of hair on the body, changes in the timbre of the voice, the skin of the face becomes oily. With an excess of sebaceous secretion, pores are clogged not only on the face, but also along the contour of the lips.
  2. Lack of good hygiene. This reason is very common. It is more common for women who do not wash off cosmetics at night. Such a careless attitude to the skin provokes severe irritation, a decrease in the natural protective barrier of the epidermal layer, and the appearance of dark acne. Remove your makeup and your skin will thank you. This item also includes professional activities in a dusty environment, frequent skin contact with foreign substances.
  3. Provoke a black dot at the lip contour can be a cosmetic skin care product that is not suitable in a particular case. A black spot most often occurs if an oil-based product (coconut oil) is used. The oil clogs the pores, preventing the skin from breathing, as a result of which it gets dirty, pathogens develop on it. The oil base can also be in decorative cosmetics - lipsticks and lip gloss. Before you get rid of dark spots, you should abandon oil-based makeup products.

To prevent the appearance of internal blackheads, you should use suitable cleansers, get rid of dirt.

Folk methods of getting rid of the problem

In no case should you try to squeeze blackheads on your own. Otherwise, an infectious process may develop, the dark formation will start to hurt, so mechanical action over the black dot is prohibited. How to remove a comedone? There are safe and affordable folk options for how to get rid of acne. The fight against darkening occurs in the following ways:

  1. Cucumber mask. Grind the cucumber, apply gruel on the skin. Wash off the mask after half an hour. You can add a little sea salt, you get a natural-based skin scrub.
  2. Vinegar starch mask. Mix starch and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions, dilute with mineral water 50/50. Apply the gruel on the point for 10 minutes, rinse. If the skin is very sensitive, this mask is not recommended.
  3. The dark dot lends itself perfectly to removal with the help of a kefir-oatmeal mask. It is recommended to repeat the application of the mask within 5 days. To combat stains, this remedy is one of the most effective.

How to remove the point with the help of cosmetics? You can also purchase special patches that allow you to get rid of comedones. It is unacceptable to squeeze blackheads, especially at home, without pre-treatment of the skin. If the listed folk methods are ineffective, it is better to visit a beautician who will conduct a professional facial cleansing. It is also important to find out the cause of the problem.

Appearance any pigmentation on the lips should not be ignored. In the case of the appearance of a blue dot on the lip, even more so. Because it always indicates the presence malfunctions in the body.

Interesting! Doctors distinguish between two main types of spots - youthful and senile. Both cases have their own characteristics and causes. Before you start treating a defect, you should understand what caused it to appear.

Causes of spots on the lips

Spots and dots on the lips can vary in size, shape and color. However, special attention should be paid to blue, intensely pigmented dots, since they most often appear, due to serious illness:

Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment in each case.

Stains caused by harmful UV rays, are successfully eliminated with the help of bleaching preparations and appropriate vitamin complexes.

If the spots have an intense color, injections of ascorbic acid help well. The appearance of a large number of blue dots on the lips (hyperpigmentation) requires the intake of folic acid, aevit and riboflavin.

If any other diseases are detected in the course of research, the intervention of specialists in the desired field is required - oncologists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists. The treatment in this case will be complex, and as the state of health improves in general, the blue spots will disappear on their own.

Photo 2: The treatment of any pigmentation on the lips depends on the causes of the defect, therefore, first of all, it will be necessary to undergo an examination and take a blood test. Source: flickr (Dave Black).

Homeopathic preparations

Success is primarily in an individual approach to each patient. The homeopathic doctor prescribes the appropriate remedy constitutional type of the patient. In this case, the selected agent will affect overall health improvement.

Depending on the type of spot on the lip and the psychotype of the patient, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  1. (Arnica montana). The drug promotes the resorption of seals, is used to treat warts and venous nodules on the lips. The constitutional type of Arnika is full-blooded, good-natured people. Most often they are friendly, but during illness they become capricious and irritable.
  2. (Calcarea fluorica). Effectively fights vascular tumors, increases the tone of capillaries and blood vessels, helps in case of helminthic invasion. It is prescribed for patients with malocclusion and severe asymmetry of the bone skeleton.
  3. (Silicea). The tool effectively fights papillomas and helps eliminate hyperpigmentation on the lips. Psychotype - thin, sickly people who tend to get nervous over trifles. They often freeze, they do not tolerate mental stress.
  4. (Phosphorus). The drug is prescribed if the appearance of defects on the lips is caused by a violation of the liver and adrenal glands. The constitutional type of the remedy is tall stooped people with soft blond hair. The character is sensitive, touchy and vulnerable.
  5. Bellis perennis (Bellis perennis). The drug fights against the manifestations of excessive pigmentation on the lips, has whitening properties. It is most often prescribed for older people who complain of constant fatigue and memory problems.

The popularity of homeopathic treatment is primarily due to proven drug efficacy. In addition, the absence of side effects that often occur when using traditional medicines can be considered a big plus. Any drug prescribed by a homeopathic doctor individually, therefore, when a blue dot appears on the lip, a specialist consultation will be the first step towards a successful cure.

Under the influence of exogenous or endogenous causes, a dark spot may appear on the lip. In most situations, black or brown spots do not need any treatment. In most situations, this problem is purely cosmetic. But sometimes a black spot on the lip can signal that some pathological process is developing in the body. Spots on the lips spoil the appearance, they can also hurt, cause discomfort and increase in size. If the melanocytic mass is caused by exogenous factors, it is usually easily treated. In the case of darkening, which are caused by endogenous factors, everything is much more complicated. Since it is important not only to find out the cause, but also to eliminate itbefore dealing with the problem.

Key Development Factors

Black or brown spots on the lips can be triggered by exposure to various conditions - exogenous and endogenous. Most cases of lentigo that occur under the influence of exogenous factors do not require specific treatment. But endogenous causes require an integrated approach. Next, consider the most common of them.

Influence of burns and ingestion of food or drink

Often, dark spots under the lips or on their surface can appear if a person is an avid coffee lover or a passionate lover of strong tea. Drinking more than five cups of a fragrant drink a day, the lips or skin around the mouth become dark in color. Especially if such drinks are too hot. Thermal burns can occur not only after taking hot drinks, but also after eating too hot liquid or solid foods.

Therefore, it is very important to be careful about taking hot dishes and drinks, it is better to use them only after cooling.

Taking medications

The reason for the appearance of lentigo on the lips can be the intake of certain medications. Moreover, this can happen even if drug treatment is selected by a doctor. Cause spots above the upper lip, around the lips, on the surface of the mucosa, on the inside of the lip can side effects after taking such medications:

  • amiodarone;
  • tetracycline;
  • phenytoin;
  • drugs of the sulfonamide group;
  • drugs in the phenothiazine category;
  • medicines containing estrogen.

If there is a suspicion that age spots appear precisely as an adverse reaction to taking the listed drugs, it is recommended to contact a dermatologist or the specialist who prescribed the treatment. It may be necessary to correct therapy, replace drugs. If in the near future a person does not have the opportunity to visit a doctor, it is better to stop taking the drugs.

The influence of low-quality cosmetics

Often spots appear that have a rough surface, can itch, peel off if low-quality cosmetics are used. These are cheap, low-quality cosmetic preparations, products that have expired. They can affect pigmentation. Therefore, it is very important to use only high-quality lip care cosmetics that have a hypoallergenic composition, control expiration dates, and composition.

Increased production of melanin

The presence of hyperpigmentation on the surface of the lips in some cases is noted with an increase in the production of melanin in the body. More often this problem is formed on the borders of the lips.

Sometimes people suffer from a genetic disorder called Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, which develops polyposis and hyperpigmentation. on lips, on mucous membranes shells. Most often, this disease manifests itself in childhood, as they grow older, the spots may become less noticeable, but they are not completely eliminated.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays

Dark spots in the form of spots appear in many people with sensitive skin under the influence of sunlight. The same applies to visiting the solarium. This problem is especially exposed to people with fair skin, light eyes and hair, with freckles. When exposed to sunlight, not only a tan is formed, but also increased areas of pigmentation. The skin loses its tone, dehydrates, the function of melanocytes and melanin synthesis are disturbed.

Therefore, it is very important to protect your skin, including lips, from the negative effects of solar radiation. To do this, purchase special products to protect the skin with a high SPF. Apply lip cream before every outing. A visit to the solarium for such people should be limited or contraindicated.

Other factors

There are other possible causes of the problem that must be considered before taking measures to eliminate pigmentation on the lips. Among them are:

  1. Genetic or acquired hemochromatosis (excess iron). In addition to the appearance of spots on the surface of the lower or upper lip, the skin becomes gray.
  2. Smoking. Nicotine and other harmful substances contained in tobacco products adversely affect the surface of the epithelium. As a result, a dark - brown, cyanotic or black spot appears on the mucous membrane.
  3. Deficiency in the body of vitamin substances of category B, weakened immune system. Brown, white spots appear on the surface of the lips, jams in the corners of the mouth.
  4. If the hormonal background changes, this is also accompanied by similar symptoms. This can happen during childbearing, during breastfeeding, during menopause, puberty, and when using hormonal oral contraceptives. Additionally, pigmentation appears on the epidermis of the face, hands, neck.
  5. A rough patch of dark color can appear in people who constantly bite their lips with their teeth. This bad habit also causes lumps to appear.
  6. Different types of injuries, frostbite.
  7. Frequent herpes rashes.
  8. A dense spot that appears can be the first sign of the development of an oncological disease.
  9. Sometimes a dark dot can occur after tattooing, especially if it is performed poorly, using poor quality pigment.

In some cases, changes in the color of the mucous membrane may be a reaction to the poisoning of the body. Only a doctor can determine the cause of such a problem, therefore it is so necessary to consult a specialist when darkening appears, especially if they do not go away within a few days.

What are the spots

A pigmented spot is an area where there is an excessive or uneven distribution of a pigment called melanin. It is under the influence of this substance that the skin acquires a darker color. Pigmentation disorders can occur regardless of the age category.

In a predominant number of situations, dark spots on the lips are benign, limited, reversible. They can be black, brown or blue.

When to Worry

If dark areas appear on the lips, first of all, you need to pay attention to the cause. If it's an injury, biting, or other injury, it usually clears up on its own within a few days. If the spots do not go away, begin to increase in size, are accompanied by soreness or other alarming symptoms, do not hesitate to contact the doctor.

Necessary diagnostics

Before removing dark formations on the surface of the lips, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary diagnosis with a dermatologist. Usually, the diagnosis is easy to establish. To clarify it, the following activities are carried out: dermatoscopy, computer diagnostics.

Irregularly shaped, actively growing spots are best examined for the presence of atypical cells.

How to get rid of the problem

If the specialist excludes any internal diseases, home methods can be used to get rid of the problem. To get rid of darkening on the lips caused by the influence of ultraviolet radiation, you should use whitening cosmetics in combination with vitamin formulations:

  • imedin;
  • vitrum;
  • supradin;
  • complivit .

Medications should be taken only after prior consultation with the doctor.

The most effective means that effectively fight pigmentation are:

  1. Q10 Retinol Lip Balm. Manufacturer - Spain. This is a balm saturated with vitamins, coenzymes, vegetable oils, aloe extract.
  2. Anubis is a balm containing bisabolol. This element stimulates metabolic processes, promotes recovery. Provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Lips SPF 15. Protective balm, the composition contains a large amount of ascorbic acid to remove stains from different places, and to restore the epithelium, the balm contains hemp oil.
  4. Depiderm cream. Contains licorice and green tea extract. Helps to eliminate darkening of the skin already two months after regular use.

Medical and beauty treatments

Cosmetologists use different procedures to get rid of melanogenesis:

  1. Mesotherapy. It consists in the introduction of bleaching compounds under the skin.
  2. Phototherapy. With the help of ultraviolet waves, the pigment is gradually destroyed. The spots become discolored, become smaller in size.
  3. Ultrasonic peeling. This cleaning is combined with hardware exposure.

Before any procedure that removes pigmentation, you should definitely consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, conduct an examination.

Treatment at home

To improve the color of the lips, get rid of areas of darkening, folk remedies are also used. Such methods are safe, available to almost everyone:

  1. Lemon juice. This is a natural bleach. Apply a couple of drops of freshly squeezed juice on the speck, wait half an hour, rinse. Do not lick your lips during the procedure. After it, lubricate the application area with warm coconut oil.
  2. Beet juice. Regular application helps to lighten spots, restore the pink tint of the epithelium. It is recommended to apply a couple of drops before going to bed. Do not rinse.
  3. Cinnamon oil. With its help, there is an improvement in blood circulation, acceleration of metabolic processes. With regular rubbing of the oil, you can get rid of pigmented areas.

To make home treatments more effective, it is recommended to exfoliate once a week for three minutes using olive oil and granulated sugar.

Preventive measures and prognosis

Prevention of the appearance of pigmentation on the lips is to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Check the expiration dates of cosmetics.
  2. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  3. Give up smoking.
  4. Avoid hot foods and drinks.
  5. Minimize the amount of coffee and tea you drink.
  6. Use protective equipment before going outside.

An integrated approach will help you quickly get rid of the problem. And following simple precautions will help prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin and on the lips.
