Dog breed Spanish Mastiff: calm and strong. Description of the breed Spanish Alano

Today 819 years 8 months


International name:Spanish Water Dog

A country: Spain

Year: 1200

Height: 38.00 cm - 50.00 cm

Weight: 12.00 kg. - 20.00 kg.

Lifespan (in years):10.00 - 14.00

Brief descriptions

The Spanish water dog breed is one of the rarest, because in some years there were less than 50 representatives of this breed in the world. Modern popularity "Spaniard" is due to President Obama, who got himself such a pet. The appearance and character of the dog correspond to its primitive purpose - to help fishermen and sailors. She has a strong body, a balanced character and a strong desire to work. He is affectionate towards his owners, distrustful of strangers, gets along well with other pets.

History of the breed

Spanish water dog, mentions of which come from the 12th century. - the ancestor of all modern water dogs. It is believed that it comes from northern Africa, but there is also a version that this dog was brought to the Iberian Peninsula by Turkish merchants who sailed the Mediterranean. It is impossible to establish the pedigree of the Spanish merman breed due to the age of origin. It is only known that they have long helped fishermen to extract fish nets from the water.


This dog has a strong physique, with a wide and deep chest, a flat skull and cat-like paws. In young "Spaniards" the coat is short and wavy, in adulthood it is twisted into laces. The color of the coat is white, black or brown, sometimes with spots of these colors on a solid main background. A recognized option is a black and white and chocolate and white combination. The nose leather always corresponds to the main color of the coat.

Health, diseases

Natural for vintage purebreds, Spanish Water Dogs are generally healthy dogs. Prolonged exposure to water can lead to early deafness, so keep your pet's ears dry and clean. There are problems with vision, in particular, progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts. Possible hip dysplasia. At an early age, Spanish dog puppies are easily injured due to the excess energy with which they jump and run.

The Spanish Water Dog requires a lot of space and freedom, which is why it is worth getting for a country house with its own yard. The thick coat of the "merman" and his ears need special care. You should clean your pet's coat regularly, but do not resort to frequent bathing. Keep an eye on your dog's ears to prevent possible inflammation.

Character and temperament

The Spanish Water Dog has a balanced temperament. She has a calm and pleasant character, thanks to which the dog easily enters the family. A pet is devoted to its owners, treats them carefully and affectionately. Often behaves playfully. He is distrustful of strangers, but without aggression. The character of Spanish dogs is not characterized by shyness.


One of the positive qualities of the Spanish Water Dog is unpretentiousness in food. To maintain the health and working properties of your pet, stick to a balanced diet in which the bulk of the menu falls on protein dishes. A sufficient amount of vitamins will help prevent excessive hair loss. Make sure that fresh drinking water is always available in the dog bowl.

training, training

Dogs of this breed love training and cannot live without work. It is necessary to provide the pupil with sufficient mental and physical activity, as well as early communication with people, other dogs and cats. Spanish Water Dogs are very curious and easily learn from older dogs. Training should begin at the age of 6 months, exercise should be alternated with games and monotony should be avoided.

The Spanish Alano (Alano Espanyol) is a breed of Molossian-type dog. In another way, they are also called Spanish Bulldogs. This is a powerful, large and hardy animal that was bred in Spain. It is not recommended to keep him in the apartment, as the dog needs increased physical activity and the opportunity to throw out his energy. In urban conditions, this is impossible to do, so the best option would be to stay in a country house.

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    Breedgot its name from the Iranian tribe of Alans, cattle breeders, who settled in Spain in the 5th century. They were nomads who traveled with their flocks. Large dogs were used as guards. The breed was first mentioned in a Spanish book dating from the 14th century. It describes hunting dogs called Alani. The Spanish conquerors used these animals as fighting animals when capturing slaves and conquering the Indians.

    Alan dogs were specially trained for bullfighting, where they hunted bulls. But a law passed in Spain in 1883 forbade the use of dogs in this spectacular event. After some time, the breed began to lose its popularity, Alano practically ceased to breed, and their population was on the verge of extinction.

    In 1970, a group of veterinarians did a lot of work trying to find dogs of this breed. Several individuals were found in the Las Encartaciones region and in the Basque lands, where they were used for hunting and guarding semi-wild herds. The breed was completely restored only by 1997, and in the same year its standard was officially recognized. However, the International Cynological Organization has not yet recognized her.


    The Spanish Alano is a large, athletic dog. Her movements are graceful, graceful and elegant.

    Description of the breed is presented in the table:

    Options Characteristic
    HeightMales - 58 cm, females - 55 cm
    Weight30–40 kg
    HeadLarge, rounded skull
    MuzzleShort, with tight black lips
    EarsMiniature compared to the body. They are acutely triangular or rounded-pointed
    EyesElliptical. Color varies from amber to black
    NeckShort, muscular, with a slight dewlap
    Rib cagewell developed
    BackStrong, powerful
    limbsSmooth, parallel to each other, with developed muscles
    FingersLong, with hard claws that cling well to the ground. Dewclaws are missing
    TailThick, saber-shaped
    LeatherRough and thick, with folds and pendants
    ColorSolid, light red or dark red. May have brindle or white spots. A dark mask is possible on the muzzle


    The Spanish Alano has a balanced character. Strongly attached to the owner and other family members, caring for children and gets along well with them. The dog is so faithful and devoted that he will not hesitate to give his life for his owner.

    Aggression is shown only in extreme cases. Gets along well with other pets and never comes first in conflict. But in case of a threat to the owner or members of his family, Alano makes a decision with lightning speed and fearlessly rushes to the attack.

    Given its strength and physique, the animal poses a real danger to humans. If he does not have enough space for physical activity and attention, the dog will grow up uncontrollable and embittered.

    Alano obeys the owner, but will always strive to show his leadership. Therefore, from early childhood, he needs to show who is in charge in the family. The pet is easy to learn and train. Has a stable mind. A dog of this breed is peaceful and calm, but it is wary of strangers.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the breed:

    Choosing a puppy

    There are no Spanish Alano breed kennels registered in Russia, so the animal can only be bought in Europe or the USA.

    When choosing a puppy, you need to carefully examine it. He should be well-fed, playful, curious, with clean hair and ears, sparkling eyes. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the baby. You need to purchase a puppy that will be the most active and courageous in the litter, not afraid of humans.

    Given the strength and power of the breed, the appropriate nickname is also selected for the Spanish Alano. Usually, if the puppy has a pedigree, the name is already officially assigned to him. However, new owners often give the baby a nickname derived from this name. You can call the puppy in Spanish.


    • for male: Hugo, Ruben, Crispo, Vasco, Bacho, Tobias;
    • for the bitch: Erna, Marita, Gladys, Bertha, Alda, Celia.

    Education and training

    You need to start educating and training a puppy immediately after he appears in the house. First of all, they are taught to the name, leash and collar. It is also necessary to make it clear who is in charge in the house. If the pet is kept in an apartment, he is taught to relieve himself on the street.

    Alano is a fighting breed, so an experienced cynologist should educate and train her. An animal can be taught simple commands on its own. If the dog successfully copes with the task, it is sure to be praised and encouraged. As a result, she will try even harder to please her master.

    To make training easy and comfortable, you need to follow three rules:

    1. 1. Establish a trusting relationship with your pet.
    2. 2. Let him know that the owner is the leader in tandem.
    3. 3. Do not use physical force, rudeness or yelling at the dog.

    Thanks to these principles, you can easily teach the Spanish Alano to obedience.

    The Spanish Alano needs long walks and exercise. It is best to keep the dog in a private house with a fenced area where she could fully run. If the pet will live in an apartment, you need to walk with him at least three times a day, and at least once letting him off the leash.

    Caring for wool is quite simple. Twice a week, the animal is combed out with a brush or a rubber glove is used. Although the Alano has a short coat, fleas can start in it. To destroy them, they use special drugs, such as Bars, Frontline, Serko.

    It is impossible to bathe the Alan bulldog: because of this, the natural protective layer of the skin is washed off. Do this only if the wool is heavily soiled. Use a special shampoo.

    Eyes and ears are periodically examined and washed if necessary. Nails are trimmed regularly.


    Since Alano is an active dog that needs exercise, the menu should be appropriate and consist of 60% protein. For this, the dog is given offal, lean meat, turkey, chicken. Instead of meat, you can periodically offer sea fish or seafood.

    The rest of the diet is carbohydrates, which are part of vegetables and cereals. Vegetables are given fresh, except for potatoes, which must be boiled. Useful fresh fruits, boiled eggs and herbs.

    Alano should not be given:

    • pastries, sweets;
    • pickled and smoked products;
    • salt, any seasonings.

    The menu of puppies must necessarily include fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, unsweetened yogurt. They are necessary for the development of the teeth and bones of the baby. To strengthen the nervous, digestive and immune systems, macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins, are added to the diet. The puppy is also prohibited from sweets and smoked food.

    You can feed your dog not only natural food, but also dry food. It must be of high quality. Most often, Spanish Alano is purchased with Interactive Treats food. A bowl of clean water should be freely available.


    Dogs are distinguished by strong immunity and resistance to diseases. The Spanish Alano has virtually no genetic problems. They have a unique feature of the circulatory system: blood coagulates rather quickly, which reduces its loss in various injuries, and also contributes to the speedy healing of wounds.

    At the same time, dogs, like any other, are not immune from bacterial and viral infections, so they need to be vaccinated in a timely manner. With proper care, Alano lives 12-16 years.

What are the best dog breeds? It is impossible to answer this question exactly. This is because each breed has its positive and negative qualities. If you look subjectively, then you can safely say that the best breeds of dogs are, for example, a German shepherd and a Rottweiler. But, as you understand, for a family with a small child, such dogs will not be the best. Today we want to talk about a dog that can be both a hunter and a companion. Let's talk about the Spanish merman. We will tell you what the sizes of dogs of this breed are, we will describe the features of their character and training.

As the name implies, such a dog comes from Spain. He has a lot of positive qualities. Which ones? You will learn more about this later.

Sizes of dogs of this breed and other characteristics

The Spanish merman at the withers reaches an average of fifty sentiments. The weight of such a dog is on average 18 kg. These dogs come in a variety of colors (black, chocolate, bicolor). The coat is short, curly. The head is massive, the eyes are set obliquely. The chest is wide, the neck is short.


The Spanish water dog, the photo of which is presented below, has a friendly disposition. Such a dog can be a good candidate for the role of a companion. This dog likes to be in the company of people. If she is left alone for a long time, then she gets upset and worried. People's reviews confirm this. Those who have already acquired such a friend say that these pets need to communicate with a person. Loneliness is very difficult for such a dog.

This dog is very gentle with children. But still he needs to be taught the basics of the rules of behavior in society. Although this dog gets along well with children, their communication should take place under the supervision of adults, as the Spanish Water Dog has an overly energetic temperament. It can accidentally injure a child.

With strangers, such a dog is alert and calm. Once again, he will not show aggression, if there are no serious reasons for this. Since some representatives of the breed are too shy, they need thorough socialization. The owners of such dogs declare that these animals have a calm and kind disposition. Therefore, it is considered that representatives of the breed are poorly suited for protection.

The Spanish water dog, the photo of which you see in our article, is absolutely not aggressive towards other dogs. She will gladly share her living space with another four-legged friend, preferably energetic and of the same size.


Now we list the most common diseases of this breed. So, the Spanish Water Dog is prone to:

. decrease in thyroid function;
. glaucoma;
. hip dysplasia.

dog care

The amount of care for this dog depends on what duties he will perform.

Planning to train your dog to hunt? Then you will need to regularly cut her hair. Thus, there is no need for daily combing.

You need to make sure that the wool does not tangle. Ears should be checked and cleaned once a week. When bathing this dog, you should use a special shampoo. Drying hair with a hairdryer after water procedures is not worth it, let everything happen naturally. This dog does not shed.


The Spanish Water Dog is a very smart animal, it lends itself perfectly to training. This dog has a lot of talent. He can perform various duties.

However, the Spanish Water Dog tends to think independently, therefore, in order for it to obey and carry out commands without hesitation, it is necessary that there be complete trust between it and the trainer.

You need to exercise daily with this dog, as it has an unlimited supply of energy. In addition, the animal needs sufficiently long walks (an hour or more). Only by fulfilling these conditions, you can keep the dog in a happy and healthy condition. With pleasure, such a pet will keep the company of the owner-traveler, as it has considerable physical strength and endurance.

Breed advantages

  • She gets along well with other dogs.
  • Friendly.
  • Hunting and shepherd qualities are well expressed.

Cons of the breed

  • Needs daily exercise.
  • Such a dog thinks independently of the owner.
  • Too energetic.

If you ask an average Russian, German or, say, Italian what animal they associate Spain with, the majority will most likely name a bull. In fact, the animal most Spaniards worship is the dog. Olga Nagaitseva, managing partner of the Practices of Spain agency, has been living in the Pyrenees for several years. And, like millions of Spaniards, she also got a dog. In this article, Olga talked about how life is in Spain for a person's best friends and their owners.

Very important people

In Russia and other European countries, it is customary to keep one dog in the family, at least in a city apartment. But in Spain the norm is two or three dogs per family. One watchdog is bred either by young people for whom this dog is the first, or by pensioners who, for physiological reasons, find it difficult to keep more than one dog. Therefore, on the streets of Spanish cities and villages, the usual picture is a mini-flock proudly pacing next to the owner.

A dog in Spain is not only personal happiness, but also a great occasion for communication and acquaintance. Every dog ​​park is also a community of dog lovers who are always ready to chat with you. Sociability is expected from owners and dogs here. Once in the park, my friend was walking her dogs, and some watchdog suddenly attacked them and scared them very much. Dog owners fled from all over the park, began to discuss, condemn, and as a result, they brought out a verdkit - such behavior is unacceptable and the owner of the dog is obliged to urgently correct her behavior. And if he cannot, then go ahead - to a psychologist!

It should be noted that the opinion of the public cannot be ignored, the laws are quite strict, and active people can easily complain. By the way, dog psychologists are really popular here. Dogs are taken to them to treat depression, for example. I'm not sure I'll be able to find out how this happens. From the price tag for services, I myself can get depressed!

And how do you like this calico - in Spain, dogs have their own holiday! St. Anton's Day is celebrated at the end of January (the date is floating), and not only their owners honor four-legged pets at home: street holidays are held in almost every city, and a special mass is celebrated, after which the priests sprinkle holy water and bless the bugs who came to it and balls.

In general, the attitude towards dogs in the country is not just tolerant, but the most benevolent. For example, dogs are allowed in many cafes and restaurants, they are allowed to live in many hotels with their owners, they are even allowed to go to the beaches with them - of course, far from everything, but a vacationer-dog breeder can choose in advance a place for a summer vacation with his pet, thoughtfully studying the ratings of friendly dog ​​beaches on the net.

In general, even if you see a sign on the door to a bar or restaurant prohibiting entry with a dog, be sure that an imposing seigneur with an equally imposing retriever or setter is sure to sit at the table inside.

What dogs are popular in Spain

  • * Yorkshire Terrier;
  • * German Shepherd;
  • * French Bulldog;
  • * Golden retriever;
  • * Chihuahua;
  • * English Setter;
  • * Labrador;
  • * Zwergschnauzer;
  • * Bichon (Maltese);
  • *English bulldog.

As you can see, there are no so-called fighting dogs in the top 10, which is easily explained: breeds such as the Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull and some others are officially classified as “potentially dangerous”. This means that in order to start them, you need to obtain a special license and annually buy civil liability insurance. It is understandable that the bureaucracy and additional costs deter many Spaniards from these breeds.

But the so-called autochthonous breeds are becoming more and more popular - mestizos specially bred by local breeders. The most popular autochthons are the Spanish galgo (a close relative of the greyhound), the Catalan shepherd dog (remember the symbol of the Olympics in Barcelona?), the Andalusian terrier (au, Jack Russell terrier) and the Spanish water dog, which looks like a big plush toy.

"Crime and Punishment

Owning a pet brings not only pleasure and joy, but also imposes quite serious obligations on the owners.

So, dog owners are required to walk their four-legged pets for at least 20 minutes a day, otherwise they face a fine of 400 euros. It is forbidden to leave dogs in the apartment for the whole day, so often the Spaniards either run to walk the animal during their lunch break, or hire a dog sitter for one to two hours a day. The reader may have a question: how can the authorities control how much you walk your dog? The answer is simple: a fine can be imposed on the complaint of neighbors.

Also, very "biting" fines are provided for violation of the rules of walking. A walk without a leash can deprive you of 500 euros, the same amount will be “cut off” from you if the dog bathed in a public fountain or pond. If you are the owner of a potentially dangerous fighting breed, then walking without a muzzle or not having a license will cost you 2,000 euros.

And, of course, fines are provided for the fact that the owners do not clean up after their pets on the street. In many public places, special boxes with hygiene bags are available, but if it is difficult for you to clean up the poop after your dog, then get ready to either part with a tidy sum (depending on the region, the fine can reach up to 1500 euros!), Or work for several hours at community service .

how we got a dog

Of course, we also got a dog. The daughter persuaded us for several weeks - and at some point we frivolously agreed. After that, Varya collected books from the library on training, nutrition and other dog needs. Then the daughter made a lesson plan for the dog, daily tormented us and the doctors in the nearest veterinarians with her questions, made estimates, chose leashes, saucers and other nonsense.

Varya also called grandmothers daily on Skype and tortured each for an hour. It should be noted that, in general, the grandmothers were categorically, downright belligerently against the dog, but for enthusiastic communication with them this does not play any role. Varya simply does not hear them at all for the first 10-15 minutes, and then the grandmothers themselves get carried away and also begin to discuss some practical issues and aspects. And yes, Pokemon immediately faded into the background and can only serve as a distraction so as not to go crazy talking about dogs.

We adopted a dog from a shelter. They are different here - public, private, combined. In many, community work is very well organized: volunteers stand in line before the opening of visiting hours and happily walk around the surrounding fields with dogs or play ball with temporary homeless children. In good shelters, dogs find new owners very quickly. Ours, for example, spent only five days on state-owned grubs.

When registering, you need to pay a fee, in our case it was 150 euros. This cost already includes chipping, passport registration, all necessary vaccinations, anthelmintic procedures, and a prepaid sterilization operation. The operation itself is done in a specific partner clinic at the place of residence. We were signed up for the operation right away, but they did it two weeks later, when the dog got a little used to it.

All dogs with new families are immediately photographed and posted on the shelter's Facebook page. So we got our two thousand likes and new friends J.

By the way, it was not we who chose the dog, but she chose us. We came, and one of the dogs did not become too shady, but immediately entered into a direct collusion. Contact is everything! Now we have a new friend. We gave our daughter into strong dog paws. Our choice: Andalusian ratonero, also known as Andalusian rat-catcher or ratonero-bodeguero andalus.

The dog is cheerful, kind, energetic and very friendly. And it has a positive effect on the sponsored one: the daughter is changing right before our eyes and learning new things very quickly. Get up early, cook food for the future, wash paws, clean the yard. Now I stomped into the administration to register a dog. The dog is a friend and mentor of girls!

Useful tips from Olga Nagaytseva

  • * If you want to become owners of an autochthonous breed, then it is best to look for a breeder and negotiate with him about buying a dog through the Spanish Cynological Association RSCE. And if the pedigree and other “show-offs” are not important to you, then you can take such a dog in a shelter.
  • * If you adhere to authoritarian methods of education in communicating with a dog, in Spain be prepared for possible sanctions - for a “preventive” slap or a “disciplinary” blow with a leash, eyewitnesses can easily call the police and testify against you. This is considered animal cruelty here.
  • * If you do not know any nuances of handling a dog, just come to the park and ask any dog ​​breeder - he will immediately gather a council of other walkers, and you will get all the answers.

You can contact Olga Nagaitseva and ask her your questions about life in Spain through the website

When we are going to get a pet, one way or another we think about the breed that it should be.
There are many different factors that influence our choice.

Those who believe that the breed in a dog or cat is not the main thing, but the main thing in this life is for the pet and the owner to find each other by giving mutual love, often opt for outbred animals. By the way, they are especially faithful and devoted, especially those who managed to know what a homeless life is.
But all the same, even if the pet does not come to us by chance, but one way or another we choose it, we will still think about what breed this puppy or kitten looks like.
All the same, all the "mutts" are usually mestizos. And signs of this or that "blood" in them can be seen. It is clear that the pedigree in such cases is of no interest to anyone. But the breed determines the size of the pet, its character, the length of the coat, etc.
Someone simply cannot afford a large dog, someone believes that a small dog is not a dog at all. If we talk about cats, then there are breeds to which allergies occur less often or to a lesser extent. There are guard, fighting breeds of dogs and completely decorative. Some cats love children and communication, some do not. Therefore, the presence of "breed" plays a role, even if we choose a mestizo.
Well, fashion certainly plays an important role! Fashion it penetrates into all spheres of life.
Here the film “Lassi” was released, the fashion for collies in the house went. After another picture about the exploits of German shepherds somewhere in the service of the Motherland, the number of Mukhtars per capita grows. Stunning in its touching picture “Hachiko”, which only a robot can watch without tears, told the world about a wonderful breed - Akita Inu, and it became popular.
Plus, the possession of a rare or expensive breed of animal is prestigious. It is no coincidence that almost wild cats suddenly began to appear in the houses - Caracles and mestizos of wild cats, specially bred and sold for huge money.
The prestige and the desire to have what the majority do not have - no one has yet canceled. There were times when the Persian cat on the couch was a symbol of the wealth of the owners, then the sphinx replaced him in this post, now the fashion for the Mei-Kun breed has come .... The more fashionable, the more expensive.
Then the truth is already outbred descendants of all these titled persons often toil around the basements, but that's another story.
In general, the Labrador Retriever breed is generally considered to be the presidential one in our country and, by the way, it is very popular. All over the world, like an almost perfect family dog. This is a wonderful companion, and assistant, and guide, and rescuer.
What about in Spain? What breeds are most loved here and what breeds of puppies and kittens are they getting?
Let's pay attention to dogs and cats because they firmly occupy the first place among pets.
So the Spaniards like the Yorkshire Terrier, the German Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever.

Followed by the French Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel and Chihuahua.
That's the latest pet breed report from Veterinary Management Studies, a veterinary market research company.
So our and Spanish tastes in this matter generally converge.
As part of the study, data on almost 450 thousand cats and dogs were analyzed, which made it possible to compile a general portrait of the average Spanish pet.
And most of the pets (52 percent) are of the “domus-lyubimus” breed, that is, they are mestizos, without pedigrees and regalia. What does it say? The fact that the Spaniards are kind, sincere people, for whom the main thing is to find a friend. And it pleases.
Well, the second half of the respondents still get thoroughbred animals.
We have already mentioned the breeds of dogs, and if we talk about cats, then the European shorthair is in the lead, that is, the one that most of all resembles our most ordinary village Murka. 32 percent of those surveyed own this particular breed. Although it is not a fact that all kitties have documents, most mestizos are most similar to this particular breed. In second place - the mestizos themselves are. That is, cats of mixed breeds, both purebred among themselves, and the most common yard pussies. Spaniards also like Persian cats and Siamese.

And this is how the British and Scots, adored by us, are less common, the wave of fashion for mei-coons has not yet come here either. There are also Russian blue cats, exotic, Norwegian forest cats among the favorites. It is clear that here you can find the owner of any, even the rarest breed, but the researchers were interested in the popularity of a particular breed in general and not its presence within the country as such.
By the way about the borders of the country. And by regions, is there a difference in the number of "domus" and thoroughbred animals per capita? It turned out that yes. There are more purebred animals in Madrid and the Basque Country, especially dogs. But thoroughbred cats in the Basque Country, just the least. That is, here the owners apparently believe that for a dog the breed is important, but not especially for a cat.
As for cats, the residents of Valencia are not particularly obsessed with breed. It is important that the pet sniffs on the couch, drives the ball around the house and rubs against the legs of its owner, meeting him at the door after work.
The residents of Murcia, Aragon and, again, Valencia are the least demanding on the breed of their dog. Maybe Valencia is home to the most kind animal lovers?
The Catalans, and the inhabitants of Navarre, pay much more attention to the breed of that mustachioed-tailed cat who sleeps on his favorite sofa.
Here is such a statistic. In general, she says that the Spaniards love animals, do not particularly pursue prestige, fashion, regalia and pedigrees, at least without fanaticism.
And it is unlikely that the neighbors will be against it if you, having arrived in Spain, take your pets with you.
Yes, there are closed urbanizations here (which should be taken into account when buying a house), where pets are prohibited, there are other places where the appearance of a dog or cat is taboo. But there are also special hotels for owners with pets, and restaurants, and beaches, and even amusement parks.
And if you suddenly want to start a purely Spanish breed, then we have already mentioned that it will not be easy for cat lovers in this matter, but dog lovers have plenty to choose from.
There are dozens of breeds to choose from. For example: Alano, Basque Shepherd Dog, Spanish Galgo, Spanish Mastiff, Dogo Canario, Catalan Sheepdog, Shepherd Major, Perenean Mastiff, as well as breeds with mysterious names that will surely surprise those who ask what breed your dog is (and owners are often asked such questions) - ca de bou or podenko ibizenko. The latter is an option for hunters. And the Alano breed is known to us more like a Spanish bulldog and is not so rare.
