The development of creativity through theatrical activities. Education and retraining of personnel

Musical creativity of children -

the most efficient way to develop them.

B. V. Asafiev

Life in the modern information society of a new culture is accompanied by a rapid obsolescence and renewal of knowledge, a rapid increase in its volume, which requires from today's children, tomorrow's adult members of society, such qualities as initiative, ingenuity, enterprise, the ability to make decisions quickly and accurately, and this is impossible. without the ability to work creatively, independently. Therefore, the problem of developing the creative abilities of children and raising an active personality throughout the entire childhood period of a person’s life remains relevant at the present stage and attention to it is increasing in many countries of the world.

Children's creativity, according to a number of psychologists and educators, is the implementation of the process of transferring the experience of creative activity. The accumulation of experience in creative activity and the mastery of already accumulated experience becomes possible when the child himself finds himself in a situation that requires the direct implementation of similar activities.

The word "creativity" in the social sense means to look for, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art of creating a new product that reflects the personal "I". Creativity is not only the creation of something new in material and spiritual culture, but also the improvement of oneself by a person, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

Children's creativity is one of the urgent problems of preschool pedagogy and child psychology. It was studied by L.S. Vygotsky, N.A. Vetlugina, L.I. Venger, B.M. Teplov, D.B. Elkonin and others.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity, it is a great scope for the development of the child's creative abilities. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and finds its reflection spontaneously, because it is connected with the game.

Theatrical activities help develop the child's abilities and interests, help develop fantasy, imagination, memory, teach to convey various emotional states, and contribute to the formation of coherent speech. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

Domestic and foreign research practice convinces that artistic activity in preschool education should be the basis for the development of general abilities, since at this age art is an adequate language of self-actualization, while other types of objective activity are not yet able to give the child the means available for this. . The theater is a synthesis of the arts, it fully satisfies all these requirements.

The modern environment has become complexly dynamic, highly competitive, with high intensity and rapid change in the spheres of interpersonal communication. Modernity is characterized by a huge variety of organizational environments (at work, at home, with relatives, with friends, on the street, and so on). The theatrical model of life situations, the “trial” to feel oneself in a particular environment allow the child to acquire useful skills to overcome conflict situations and create a comfortable environment around him.

Thus, we can conclude that theatrical activity allows solving many educational tasks related to the development of creative abilities, the development of speech, artistic, aesthetic and intellectual education.

A positive result in the organization of theatrical activities is guaranteed subject to full mutual understanding between the educators and the music director. Educators, together with the music director, pay great attention to the creation of a subject-developing environment in each group of the kindergarten for theatrical activities (the presence in groups of various types of theater, a screen, a dressing corner, mask caps for dramatization games, didactic games, musical instruments). The unification of educators, children and parents in joint work to introduce children to the world of creativity and theater makes it possible to improve the pedagogical readiness of parents in matters of raising their own children, and contributes to the expansion of forms of cooperation between the family and the kindergarten. Parents are always actively involved in the celebrations. Parents not only play roles at the holidays, but also sew costumes for children with their own hands.

A very bright development of creative abilities is manifested in music classes in kindergarten. In kindergarten, without creativity and abilities, high results cannot be achieved. It is thanks to this that a kind of microclimate is created for the development of creative aspects. Children not only participate in the celebration, matinee, but also show mini-scenes to children of younger groups.

Starting from the younger group, it is necessary to use elements of theatricalization more often in music classes, entertainment, and holidays. Kids are happy to depict the habits of animals in small scenes, imitating their movements, voices. In the younger group, pay great attention to the reflection of fabulous images of animals, analyze the nature of movement, intonation: a large and small bird flies, funny and sad hares, snowflakes spin, fall to the ground. Use psycho-gymnastics exercises: it is raining, the wind is blowing, the sun has come out, a cloud has come. To offer children toys, attributes for dressing up, hats of animals for playing “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc., I make sure that children convey the mood, change their facial expressions. Conduct individual work with children, encourage children to participate in dramatizations, the desire to play small roles. With age, the tasks of theatrical activities need to be complicated.

Children of the middle group stage small fairy tales, poetic works, while paying great attention to the child's speech, the correct pronunciation of words, the construction of phrases, trying to enrich speech.

One of the opportunities to introduce preschoolers to theatrical art is to hold holidays and entertainment, based on a dramatization game based on an author's, folk tale or fictional story. Holding a holiday in this form allows each child to reveal himself creatively: someone shows himself in a larger role, someone in a very tiny one; timid, shy children can say their words in chorus (two or three people each).

The use of elements of theatrical activity in music classes and in leisure activities allows us to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education.

Watching puppet shows and talking about them;

Dramatization games;

Exercises for the social and emotional development of children;

Correctional and educational games; diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics);

Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

Transformation games (“learn to control your body”), figurative exercises;

Rhythmic minutes (logorhythmics);

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime;

Theatrical sketches;

Preparation (rehearsals) and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations.

It is necessary to involve parents in the preparation of performances: they can help in creating costumes, in learning the most complex dialogues. Parents are spectators who sincerely worry about their little actors.

Joint activities of adults and pupils create mutual interest in theatrical activity.

Theatrical activities provide excellent opportunities for developing creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these opportunities were used.

Marina Lezina
Master class "Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities"

Target: Creation of conditions for the maximum manifestation and development of the pedagogical skills of the master class participants in the use of theatrical activities for the development of the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.



To acquaint participants with the manufacture of scarf dolls


To improve the artistic skills of teachers in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, using intonations, facial expressions, plastic improvisations expressing a variety of emotional states;

Improve puppetry skills with handkerchief puppets

Encourage the use of song, dance, instrumental creativity (children's, non-traditional, natural musical instruments) in their work.


Arouse interest in the use of theatrical activities to develop creative abilities;

Create conditions for active interaction of master class participants with each other;

Cultivate theater culture

“The theater is a magical world.

He gives lessons in beauty, morality

and morality.

And the richer they are, the more successful

there is a development of the spiritual world of children…”

(B. M. Teplov)


In my work, I pay great attention to theatrical activities.

“Theatrical activity is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual wealth. The staging of a fairy tale makes you worry, empathize with the character and events, and in the process of this empathy, certain relationships and moral assessments are created that are simply communicated and assimilated ”(V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

One of the main directions in my pedagogical activity is the activation of the child's creative potential and its inclusion in theatrical activities.

I worked as an educator in different age groups, and always gave preference to theatrical activities. With children, she staged small theatrical performances, ecological fairy tales, played theatrical games. In the process of theatrical games, an integrated upbringing of children takes place, they learn expressive reading, plasticity of movement, singing, playing musical instruments. A creative atmosphere is created that helps each child to reveal himself as an individual, to use his own abilities and abilities.

And introduce different types of dolls for use in work. She started her work with children 4 years old. Led the circle "Arlekino"

Watching puppet shows and talking about them;

Dramatization games;

Exercises for the social and emotional development of children;

Correctional and educational games;

Diction exercises;

Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

Transformation games (“we teach you to control your body”, figurative exercises;

Exercises for the development of children's plasticity;

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of the art of pantomime;

Separate ethics exercises during dramatizations;

Rehearsals and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations

I use theatrical sketches

Question: What do you already know about theatrical sketches?

Expected responses.

That's right, an etude is a little story played out on stage.

Question: What is the difference between an etude and an exercise?

Expected responses.

An etude is an exercise that has content. It can last thirty seconds and half an hour, it's not important, it's more important whether it has vital content.

Today we will look at the study of the logic and sequence of actions. The execution of such an etude (as well as any other) requires a series of logical and interconnected actions in the proposed circumstances. But first, guess what our sketch will be about:

There is a portrait in the room

Looks like you in every way

Laugh - and in response

He laughs too.

. Practical part "Work on etudes"

Etude "Mirror" (pair study)

And so, our sketch is called “Mirror”. Today we will work in pairs. One of you will be a "Mirror" and the other one will be just a "Human". In this study, we will, first of all, follow the relationship and interdependence of partners. Begin. Stand up against each other. Decide which of you will be the "Mirror" and which one will be the "Man". Let the “Man” do what he usually does in front of a mirror: comb his hair, try on new clothes, “put on makeup” and more.

In order for the study to turn out to be meaningful, “Man” needs a specific goal of his actions, for example:

Wash your face, brush your teeth

Eat delicious yogurt.

And now I propose to see an etude performed by older children.

Demonstration of the study by pupils of group No. 6

Cheerful warm-up - dance "Two halves"

Theatrical games allow a preschooler to cope with many problems in accordance with his emotional and personal characteristics.

I advise you to use in your work


Games that create a plastic image; it is an expression of one's feelings and emotions through the plasticity of one's body; rhythmoplasty develops the movements and imagination of children. N r the following exercises:

Kittens are resting - creating a specific image of resting kittens - relaxation of the whole body.

Birds flew - movements that imitate the flapping of wings during the flight of birds.

How bears walk - the image of a bear walking with heavy steps.

How a horse gallops - creating a specific image of a galloping horse.

There is a fox - the image of a moving cunning fox, wagging its tail.

The bunny was frightened - the image of a frightened crouched bunny, bending its ears to its head.

And also use pantomime.

Pantomime- these are exercises that develop motor skills, imagination, facial movements

How the branches of a tree sway - movements that imitate swaying in the wind.

How ducks walk - movements depicting ducks shimmering from paw to paw.

How birds drink water - movements imitating birds tilting and raising their heads up.

How we do exercises - movements depicting the movements of gymnastic exercises.

How a butterfly flies - movements depicting the wingspan of a butterfly.

Dramatization games.

I believe that a properly organized object-spatial environment plays a big role in the creative development of children, so together with our parents we replenished the theatricalization corner with different types of theater: puppet, finger, table, scenery, characters with different moods, substitute attributes.

In our theatrical corner there are a lot of handmade puppets. I want to show you some of them.

Theater types

Mittens Theater

Puppet theater bi-ba-bo

(or Petrushki Theatre)

Table theater, toy theater

shadow theater

Theater on flannelgraph

Role theater


Theater of stompers

Theater on plastic reels (tubes)

Scarf dolls - butterflies made of light gauze scarves, which are gathered in the center with a soft elastic band. The elastic is attached to the hands. And the edges of the scarf fall on the back of the hands. If you make smooth strokes with brushes, then the edges of the scarf will fly up like butterfly wings. Butterfly dolls develop the flexibility of the hands, strengthen the muscles of the fingers and elbow joints.

Scarf dolls

And in detail I want to dwell on scarf dolls, because scarf dolls are bright and spectacular, they will serve as a real decoration for any theatrical performance, children's leisure, as a bright surprise for any activity. Scarf dolls are a visual material, an accessible method of play. Scarf dolls enrich children with vivid impressions, develop creativity, memory, thinking, speech, imagination, attention, and also expand the horizons of children. Instead of hands, the hands of the puppeteer work on a handkerchief puppet on special rubber bands sewn to the dress-suit

The basis of imitation of a doll's dress is a triangle or square made of fabric, a ready-made adult scarf or scarf. The doll's head is attached to the dress in the neck area and hung on the sewn ropes around the puppeteer's neck. Such a doll allows you to highlight the most subtle nuances of the feelings and moods of the hero, it has expressive gestures and can perform complex movements, actions that are inaccessible to other dolls (walk, dance, sit, point, write, take the hand, stroke the child’s head, etc. .).

To make a scarf doll does not require a lot of time and high material costs, it can be made from the material at hand.

Over the years, I have collected a small collection of scarf dolls. From the simplest to the most complex. This is my hobby. I want to show samples of such dolls and together with you make the simplest ones.

Show of dolls.

In order to make a handkerchief doll, we need the following materials:

Thick piece of foam

Cardboard and colored paper;

Skin-colored kapron or nylon tights;

A skein of colored yarn or floss;

Ready-made scarves or colored fabric;

Elastic band (50 cm);

Bows or ribbon (1m);


Needle and thread;

Stationery knife;

Glue (pva, titanium);

Decorative eyes;

Gouache, brush.

I invite those who wish to try their hand at making dolls.

And now, I suggest you go to the workshop to learn how to make handkerchief dolls for the fairy tale "Turnip"

The fairy knew her business

And flying in the sky

Day and night, now and then

Performed miracles.

Fairy dolls created

Mastered, conjured.

Everything she touched

Alive, waking up.

And obediently in her hands

They got soul dolls.

After all, the dolls of fate, too,

Similar to human ones.

And then their trophies

Fairy handed out to people

Because this is the remedy

To forever remember childhood ...

Dolls are just a feast for the eyes

To the surprise of all adults,

For kids fun! Look how good!

If you want to learn how to make these dolls,

You don't have to be lazy and put in the effort!

We have everything you need to create puppets for the performance. Each of you will create an image of one of the heroes. So, let's begin.

Before each participant is a set of necessary equipment for creating a toy.

Stages of making a doll: on the slide

We will make dolls for the fairy tale "Turnip"

Stage 1- making a doll head

Cut out a circle from cardboard with a clerical knife (head).

On cardboard, draw and cut out the contours of the eyes, decorate the eyes with cilia and decorative eyes. We make ears for animals.

You can decorate in different ways: with buttons, ribbons, glasses with pieces of various fabrics, etc., or you can simply draw a face.

Hair making. A suitable yarn is taken and a hairstyle is made, then it is also sewn by hand. Can braid braids

So the head of our doll is ready!

Stage 2- making the body (dress) of the doll

Here is our scarf puppet for theatrical activities ready! The characters of the fairy tale are ready. Now each of you will play your part according to the content. I will speak the words of the author, and the participants of the master class play roles.

We begin our show. Fairy tale "Turnip"

Teacher. So we visited the puppeteer's workshop, and in conclusion I would like to read a poem.

Puppets in the puppet theater live well - slender, skinny or plump, Made of straw, wadded, papier-mâché, rag or porcelain ...

All of them are excellent people, glorious actors.

not life, but a feast for the eyes,

everything is easy and simple,

And the owner of the establishment is the one who is taller.

For a performance for fun, he will give out roles to everyone

- Words and pauses, tears and laughter, joy and grief.


Now, dear colleagues, present your kind smile to those around you, and choose a smile for yourself from this tray. Remember what each color of the circle stands for:

smile on the red circle - everything worked out, very interesting.

smile on the yellow circle - succeeded, but the material is often used

a smile on a blue circle is boring, not interesting stuff.

theater game child performance

No wonder children love fairy tales,

After all, the fairy tale is good

What is in it a happy ending

The soul already feels.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

In impatient anticipation

Happy end.

The expression "fairytale world of childhood" is not empty words. In the life of every child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes, transformations and magic items.

Why do we choose a fairy tale as the thread of communication with children? But how could it be otherwise, because this strong thread, tested for strength over the years, is destined to twist. Tied to human feelings, emotions and life situations, the fairy tale is close and understandable to children with its accessibility. They find the embodiment of fantasies and a reflection of their worldview in the theater. Therefore, the combination of theater and fairy tales is harmonious and justified. Now we can talk about the fabulous world of the theater.

Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale country in which birds and animals, simple household utensils and people can talk to each other and live in friendship, where friendship conquers evil and witchcraft. And this magical country exists, and it is called the Theater!

The fairy-tale world of the theater is a country of real fantasies and a good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds. The theater is a fertile ground for creativity, everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking. Masters of costumes, lighting, artists and decorators, directors - these are the sorcerers of a fairy-tale land called theater.

Fairy tales have firmly entered the children's theater. Before the eyes of the child there are images of native nature, people with their characters, life. The images of Russian folk tales (Father Frost, Ivanushka the Fool, the evil stepmother, the stupid and greedy Wolf and many others) enter the life of a child, revealing to him in an accessible form the concepts of good and evil, raising good feelings.

Relevance of the topic.

A person always has a creative beginning, and the theater, as an art form, most fully contributes to the creative development of the personality of preschoolers. Theater is one of the brightest emotional means that shape the taste of children. It influences the child's imagination by various means: word, action, visual arts, music, etc. The theater forms in children purposefulness, self-discipline, mutual assistance, interchangeability.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improving speech is closely related to mental development. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved. The role played, the spoken remarks put the baby in front of the need to speak clearly, clearly, understandably. He improves dialogic speech, its grammatical structure.

It can be argued that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. This is a concrete, visible result. But it is no less important that theatrical classes develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

Theatrical activity is the most important means of developing children's ability to recognize emotional condition a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, to find adequate ways to help.

Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.). Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. And not only cognizes, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite characters become role models and identifications. It is the child's ability to identify with a favorite image that allows teachers through theatrical activities to have a positive impact on children.

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theatrical classes help to comprehensively develop the child.

Conscious of all this, we sought to create a theater studio in our preschool educational institution "Brook". It later acquired its name "Visiting a Fairy Tale". The tasks of our theater, of course, are not aimed at educating artists. But whoever our children may be in the future, we believe that they will be creative in their work. We hope that they will carry sincerity, kindness, purity of thoughts and deeds through their whole lives. Whoever was lucky enough to plunge into the atmosphere of the magic of the theater at an early age will perceive the world as beautiful, his soul will not harden, harden and spiritually impoverished.

The main task- show the best examples of art until the children themselves can navigate and make their own choice. And if the actor realizes himself on stage, asserts himself in his positions, defends them, then the theater in which children play helps the child to know himself, to declare himself, to try what he is capable of, to believe in himself.

To accomplish these tasks, we use the following programs:

  • · "Theater-creativity-children" N.F. Sorokin,
  • «Rosinka» L.V. Kutsakov, S.I. Merzlyakova.
  • «Art fantasy» by E.G.Churilov

Branch of JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies
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"IPK PR for North Kazakhstan region"


"Development of creative abilities of children 5-6 years old preschoolers through involvement in theatrical activities"

Checked by: Zhunusova A.Z.

Completed by: Oprya Anastasia Ivanovna (Petropavlovsk)

Petropavlovsk 2015

1.1. To study the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic

1.2 Psychological characteristics of preschool children

2.Experimental work

2.1 Diagnostics of the level of creativity

2.3 Results of the work


Annex 1 Games with theatrical elements

Annex 2 Fairy tale "How the girl Masha was looking for summer"




If you ask yourself what psychological problems are most relevant for the people of our century, then the problem of shyness and the difficulties of communication generated by it will certainly take one of the first places. The inability to properly express their feelings, stiffness and awkwardness is the reason why children have difficulty communicating with others. Some psychologists claim that the child, almost to the very school, mostly communicates not at the verbal level, but at the level of facial expressions and gestures. Of course, this is somewhat exaggerated, but facial expressions and gestures are very important for full communication.

It is believed that children with inexpressive, motionless faces lose at least 10-15% of information when communicating. They do not fully grasp what is communicated to them on a non-verbal level, and often incorrectly assess the attitudes of others towards themselves, they cannot open up, because they are notorious. It is very difficult for such children to convey their feelings, emotions. Therefore, we consider the topic of our work to be very relevant - "Development of the creative abilities of children of 5-6 years old preschoolers through involvement in theatrical activities". Opportunities for theatrical activities are wide.

By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.
The improvement of speech is closely connected with mental development, and this is the most important condition for the timely intellectual, literary and artistic development of the child.

Theatrical activity is an important means of developing empathy in children, that is, the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, and the ability to stage
himself in his place in various situations.

“In order to have fun with someone else's fun and sympathize with someone else's grief, you need to be able to transfer yourself to the position of another person with the help of your imagination, mentally take his place,” B. M. Teplov argued.

We believe that in our time it is very important to teach children to empathize, to sympathize with other people, animals, because this is one of the qualities of a full-fledged person, a member of our society.

Objective of the project:

is to create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities in theatrical activities

Project objectives:

1. To study the pedagogical literature on the research topic

2. Consider the psychological characteristics of preschool children

3. Determine the level of creativity

4. Create conditions for the involvement of preschool children in theatrical activities

5. Evaluate the results of the work


if children are involved in theatrical activities, then the level of creative abilities will increase

Object of study: process of involvement in theatrical activity

Subject of study: development of creative abilities

Novelty: is to use innovative ICT technologies. Involving parents in joint activities

Practical significance:

GOSO RK 1.001-2009 provides for the organization of a subject-developing environment in accordance with the developed characteristics, the proposed content, the painted features for children of different age groups. The design of the theater corner is part of this environment, contributing to the development of speech competence.

1. Theoretical foundations for the development of creative abilities of preschool children

1.1. Material selection

"Kitap - bilim bulagy"

"The book is an endless source of knowledge"

The selection of material helps to plan the work.

The novelties of methodological literature broaden the horizons of the teacher, increase his competence in theatrical activities, make it possible to introduce innovative methods and techniques into the work, use the material for consultations and recommendations for parents.

Dramatization of works involves not only theoretical

training of educators, but, above all, knowledge of the work itself, so we selected fairy tales, stories, poems that will be staged during the implementation of the project. At the same time, the age of children and program requirements were taken into account.

Nowadays, it is impossible to do without audio and video materials that help children to more consciously perceive the appearance, voice, movements of the characters.

Each child has his own image of a literary hero, but the illustrations of the artists allow children to broaden their horizons, feel the spirit of the work, see the features of nature, customs, and everyday life of each people.

Of the many existing theatrical games and exercises, they were selected for the development of speech and acting abilities.


Works for reading and storytelling by sections:


Russian folk tales;

fairy tales of the peoples of the world;

stories of writers from Kazakhstan, Russia and other CIS countries;


Audio, video recording

Fairy tales, stories, poems, teaching lessons.

Illustrations, graphics, painting(to works of art)

Didactic games and exercises

Games for the development of speech by sections:

the development of a sound culture of speech: the game "Change your voice", "Where we were, we will not say", "Brave mice";

formation of the grammatical structure of speech;

expansion and activation of vocabulary: "Say a kind word about a friend."

Theatrical games:

special theatrical games: "Let's dance." The purpose of the game. Develop children's attention, learn to respond to visual signals.

Invite the children to dance. The girls dance only when the teacher raises the flower, and the boys dance when the flag is raised. Boys and girls dance together when the teacher simultaneously raises a flower and a flag. Russian folk dance melody sounds. Children improvise dance moves;

games for actions with imaginary objects or for the memory of physical actions: Memory exercises."Who's come?". The teacher shows the children a table puppet theater, in which four or more characters participate, appearing one after another ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Zayushkina's hut"). After watching the fairy tale, ask the children: “Who came first? Who is the last? Name all the puppets involved in the play.

"Remember your toy." Children choose toys, the teacher invites them to dance with her, then put her to bed. The teacher distracts the children's attention from the toys, conducts an outdoor game or sings a song with the children. Then he invites each child to remember with which toy he danced.


games for the development of motor abilities: "Choose clothes for the doll." The purpose of the game. Develop observation skills and the ability to focus quickly. Show the doll to the children and ask them to remember what she is wearing. Remove the doll behind the screen and show the children the same doll and several sets of clothes for her. Children must choose the right set and dress the second doll in the same clothes as the first;

musical and plastic improvisations: musical-rhythmic composition “We divide everything in half”;

gestures as an important means of expression: Studies on the expressiveness of gesture

"The fox was walking." A fox walked along the path and carried mushrooms in a basket:

Five honey mushrooms and five chanterelles for the cubs and for the chanterelles .. That's it!

expressive movements. Slow walk. The body is tilted to the right towards the heavy basket, the arms hang freely along the body, the right hand squeezes an imaginary basket. On the last word, he puts the "basket" on the floor.

"Mosquitoes". Child:

Mosquitoes! Mosquitoes! You be so kind

Don't bite me so many times in broad daylight!

Teacher: Mosquitoes answered ..

We are already kind to you, because we bite you, even to the point of blood, but loving!

expressive movements. The child brushes off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes fly around trying to sting.

"Bunny". Child:

What are you, white bunny, sitting here? What are you missing and sad about?

Come to us soon baby!

Bunny: One-jump! Two-jump. Jump, jump, jump!

expressive movements. The child approaches the bunny, stretching out his hands in his direction. He sits down next to him, strokes the bunny, beckons him to himself, stretching out his arms to meet the bunny. The bunny rises, jumps to meet the child.

"Hedgehog". Child: Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, give me your needles!

It is necessary to sew a squirrel undershirt,

Fix the pants for the brawler bunny.

Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly, borrow needles.

Presenter: The hedgehog snorted.

Hedgehog: Get out! And don't wait, don't ask! If I give needles, the wolves will eat me.

expressive movements. On the first and second line, the child stretches his arms towards the hedgehog. The hands are held horizontally with palms up. From the third to the sixth line imitates "sewing". Seventh and eighth repetition of the first and second lines. The request of the child causes displeasure in the hedgehog. He stomps his foot angrily, simultaneously waving his arm sharply. For the last two lines, the hedgehog spreads his arms to the sides, shaking them.

"Grey Bunny" Presenter: The gray bunny is very angry.

Hare: Pain pricked painfully. Do not go to the apple tree - needles are everywhere on the way.

Child: Bunny, don't be angry, you beware of needles.

They tied the needles down so that you would not gnaw at the bark.

expressive movements. Bunny is angry. An angry look, furrowed brows, wrinkled nose, protruding lower lip. Hand rubs the wounded "paw". The child who soothes the bunny has relaxed facial muscles, a kind look, an affectionate smile.

Games for the development of acting skills: Imagination exercises

"Let's pretend that..". Invite the children to imagine that the fur hat is a fluffy kitten, the leather belt is a snake, the gray mitten is a mouse, the yellow sock is a chicken. Children should treat this object as a living being (they can stroke it, hold it to themselves, try to warm it with their breath or, with fear and disgust, push the proposed object away, run away).

"Carpet plane". Invite the children on a flying carpet to be transported to the desert. Children sit on the carpet and close their eyes. "Flight" is accompanied by quiet music in the recording. The flight is over. The children were in the desert. The scorching sun, burning the sand all around, is very thirsty. Children slowly wander along loose sand, wipe sweat from their faces, fan themselves with their hands, squint from the dazzling sun. They are tired and want to go home. The teacher offers to sit on the magic carpet again. Children close their eyes and after a few seconds they will return home.

"Walking in the Forest" Invite the children to go for a walk in the forest. They imagine that they are walking along a winding forest path, jumping over puddles. They cross a plowed field, bogging down in soft, loose earth. A stream is crossed on a thin plank, and a swamp is crossed over bumps. They return home the same way.

1.2 Psychological characteristics of preschool children

The leading need at this age is the need for communication; creative activity.

The leading activity is a role-playing game.

Leading function - imagination.

Age features:

Communication with adults situational-personal;

The manifestation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes;

In communication with peers, there is a transition from a situational-business form to an extra-situational-business form;

Manifestation of creative activity in all activities;

Development of fantasy;

Gender identification.

Anticipation of the result of activity;

Active planning function of speech;

Extra-situational-business form of communication with peers.

2.Experimental work

2.1 Diagnostics of the level of children's creative abilities

The dynamics of the development of children in the older group

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Educational area "Creativity"

Section: Music

2.2 Conditions for the involvement of preschool children in theatrical activities

In order to involve a preschooler in theatrical activities through the use of a director's organized model of a training session in preschool and school practice, aimed at the comprehensive development of cultural values. The occupation-action was invariably embodied with the use of special methods discovered and described by K.S. Stanislavsky: "Method of physical actions" And "Method of effective analysis".

It should be noted that only an integrated approach to the organization of theatrical activities determines its effectiveness in the development of speech and creative imagination in children. At the same time, special classes should not be held in isolation from the educational work carried out by group teachers, music director, teacher of fine arts. So, in music lessons, children learn to hear different emotional states in music and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions, listen to music for the performance, noting the diverse content, etc.

"Method of physical actions" helps the child actor achieve a deep understanding and genuine experience of the life of the role. “The easiest way to find or bring forth truth and faith in the realms of the body is in the smallest, simplest physical tasks and activities.

The "method of physical actions" is accessible and attractive to children, starting from the senior preschool age. It is of great importance for the development of children's creative abilities, it is the basis of theater classes, amateur and directorial role-playing games.

Real analysis. This method is able to maximally develop such a new phenomenon for the children's subculture as theoretical thinking. As a result of effective analysis, the child gains practical experience of active “thinking”, is armed with life theoretical and practical experience, being in a dual (fictitious and real) sociocultural environment, learns to harmonize his inner world with the outside.

Both of these methods were used by us in communication with children when building the process of theatrical co-play as a special form of cultural development and creative thinking of the child about the natural and social reality surrounding him.

Thus, the methods of "physical actions" and "active analysis" in the plot-role-playing games of child actors with the competent participation of an adult director gradually prepare the basis for participation in specific theatrical exercises and games: directing and dramatizations, which come to the fore in the strategy. familiarization of students with the spiritual and moral foundations of behavior in the outside world. Action games based on fairy-tale folklore and literary plots, traditionally presented as moral examples of spiritual culture, by experience contribute to the mediated comprehension of cultural values ​​by children. In them, students live morally and emotionally attractive images of characters, including a mandatory deep effective analysis of their actions and motives, the causes and consequences of events occurring around the hero - the protagonist.

2.3 Results of the work

Annex 1

Games with elements of theatricalization.

Games with elements of theatricalization include: speech exercises; sketches for the expression of basic emotions; sketches for the reproduction of the main character traits; games for the development of attention and memory; studies on the expressiveness of gestures; role-playing games.

"We're going, we're going on a cart"

Purpose: To develop the purity of pronunciation, a sense of rhythm, expressiveness.

Move: "We're going, we're going on a cart,

Gather nuts in the forest

creak, creak, creak,

Creak, creak, creak.

The leaves rustle - shhhh,

The birds are whistling - fit-piryu, fit-piryu,

Squirrel on a branch

Nuts gnaws everything - tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok,

The red fox is guarding the hare, (pause)

Long, long ride

Purpose: To develop the ability to use expressive means of voice.

Move: “The sun has warmed (sing a high sound u-u-u)

A merry brook ran from the hillock (they speak their tongues, imitating the merry "gurgling").

To the brim filled a large deep puddle

(“gurgling” with low sounds).

Overflowed (“gurgling” wave: up and down).

Bugs got out from under the bark (w-w-w)

And insects (z-z-z)

We spread our wings (krsh-krsh- with an increase)

And they flew somewhere (tr-tr-tr - in a whisper).

Spring is here!"

Studies on the expression of basic emotions.

"The fox is listening"

Purpose: To develop the ability to understand the emotional state and adequately express one's own (attention, interest, concentration).

Move: The chanterelle stands at the window of the hut in which the cat and the cockerel live. Eavesdropping. The head is tilted to the side - listening, the mouth is half open. The leg is set forward, the body is slightly tilted forward.

"Tasty candy"

Purpose: To convey the internal state through facial expressions (pleasure, joy).

Move: The girl has an imaginary box of sweets in her hands.

She hands it to the children one by one. They take a candy, thank, unfold the paper and help themselves. You can see from the faces that the food is delicious.


Purpose: To consolidate the reproduction of various emotions (joy, pleasure, surprise).

Move: Summer day. Children are walking. Rain is coming. The children run home. Arrived just in time, a thunderstorm begins. The storm has passed, the rain has stopped. The children again went outside and began to run through the puddles.


Purpose: To consolidate the reproduction of various emotions (joy, pride, fear). Development of creative imagination.

Stroke: One child depicts Ivan Tsarevich, the second -

The snake - Gorynycha (the head and hands are the heads of the Serpent). There is a battle going on. Ivan Tsarevich wins the victory Serpent - defeated.

Showing the fairy tale "How the girl Masha was looking for summer." ( Annex 2).

“As a girl Masha was looking for summer”


Leader - (adult) or life-size puppet;

Actors (children): Masha, Grandfather, Baba, Mouse, Bunny, Bear, Baba Yaga.

Attributes: a house, a basket, a bell, a stick, a piece of wool,screen, scenery, hero costumes, make-up, lighting, musical accompaniment

Leading: In one village there lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a granddaughter, Masha. They lived - they didn’t grieve, they cooked cabbage soup and porridge. Everything would be fine, but Masha either doesn’t like it, or that ...

Masha: I'm tired of spring, then it will blow with a breeze, then it will splash with rain, then it will thunder with thunder. I want to swim in the river, I want to sunbathe in the sun. I want a full basket of strawberries, I want summer .... (crying, crying)

Grandfather: Why are you Masha, henbane ate too much! It's almost summer already.

Masha(capriciously): I don't want to wait, I want to now! I'll go to the forest to look for summer.

Woman: What are you, what are you, Masha, granddaughter, summer will come by itself, just wait a little. Everything has its turn.

Masha: I don't want to wait! I'll go to the forest, I'll find the summer myself.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, don't go. Wild animals in the forest will offend you.

Masha: I'm not afraid of anyone, I stamp my feet on them, I clap my hands.

Woman: Ah, Masha, Masha! At least take a bundle of bread, maybe it will come in handy.

Leading: And Mashenka set off on her path, looking for summer .... (music sounds, Masha sings a song)

And towards her a mouse - norushka. Guys, listen, she's running straight to us. Well, look to the right - to the left, is she there? Now look under the chairs, maybe she's hiding there! (a mouse appears on the screen)

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee, Hello girl, what's your name?

Masha: I'm Masha. And who are you?

Mouse: And I'm a mouse. Where are you going, what are you looking for in the forest?

Masha: I want summer. That's what I'm looking for.

Mouse: What are you, Masha. As the sun bakes, the strawberries begin to turn red, summer itself will come. Everything has its turn.


Masha: A piece of bread, a quarter of cheese, and a piece of honey.

Mouse: Treat me, Masha, with cheese. The grain in the field is not ripe, the berry is not ripe, the belly is empty, I want to eat.

Masha: Eat for health.

Mouse: Thank you, Masha. And for your kindness, here's a bell for you. If you get into trouble - call, and I will come running to help you.

Masha: Thank you, Mouse - norushka, goodbye!

Leading: And Masha went on to look for summer .... (music sounds, Mashenka sings a song) And I met her .... Who would you think! Of course it's Bunny. Hear, he sits on a stump and drums with his paws! Well, let's drum on the knees together with Bunny. (children imitate drumming)

Masha: What are you making noise, oblique? He scared me. I am Masha, looking for summer.

Hare. Yes, what is it for you! As the sun bakes, the strawberries begin to turn red, summer itself will come. Everything has its turn.

Hare: Well, go, your will. What do you have in your bundle?

Masha: There was a cheese quarter, but I gave it to a little mouse. There was a piece of bread left, and a piece of honey.

Hare: Will you treat me, Masha, with some bread? The cabbage is not ripe, the berry is not ripe, the belly is empty, I want to eat.

Masha: Why not treat! Eat for health.

Hare: Thank you, Masha. Here's a lifesaver for you. If you get into trouble, knock on wood and I will come to your aid.

Masha: Thank you Bunny, bye!

Leading: And Mashenka went on to look for summer .... (music sounds, Mashenka sings a song) In the distance I saw a bear's lair. Mishka sleeps in it, and sucks his paw. Guys, summer is coming soon, you need to wake up Mishka. Let's all clap our hands loudly together (clap, let's stomp our feet loudly (stomp)

Bear. U-U-U! Who walks in the woods here, prevents me from sleeping in a lair!


Bear. Ha ha ha. Everything in nature has its turn, summer will not come earlier. Like the sun...

Masha. I know I know! As the sun bakes, the strawberries begin to turn red, summer itself will come. And now I want!

Bear. Oh, Masha, you are stubborn. Everything has its turn.

Masha. And I will go to the forest and find summer.

Bear: Well, go, your will. What do you have in your bundle?

Masha: There was a cheese quarter, but I gave it to the Little Mouse. There was a piece of bread, I treated the Hare to it. Only honey tubs remained.

Bear. I have not eaten honey for a long time, I lost weight over the winter. Will you treat me, Masha, with honey? I love him so much.

Masha: Why not treat! Eat for health.

Bear: Thank you, Masha. You are a good girl. Here's a piece of wool for you. If you get into trouble, you throw it up, and I will come to your aid.

Masha: Thank you Bear. Goodbye!

Song "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga: Hey girl, where are you going?

Masha. I, the girl Masha, am going to look for summer.

Baba Yaga. Ha ha ha, hee hee hee. And I am summer!

Masha. You! Yes, you are too old. Yes, and you have a chill, damp.

Baba Yaga. And I'll fire up the stove - it will immediately become hot.

I have not eaten for a long time, I wanted to eat. Now I'll gather firewood and tie you up. Oh, and you will be hot ...

Leading: Baba Yaga brought Masha into the house, tied it tightly, and she herself went for firewood. Mashenka was frightened and began to cry.

Masha(crying) This is Baba Yaga. She will destroy me. Oh yes, I have a bell. I’ll call him, the Mouse will come running, her teeth are sharp, she will quickly gnaw through the rope.

Leading: Guys, let's help Masha and say all the magic words together: One - two - three, ring my bell. (repeat 2 times)

So the Mouse came running, gnawed the rope, freed Masha.

Mouse. Here Masha, I helped you.

Masha: Thank you, Mouse-norushka. But how can I get out of the house?

Ah, I remembered. Now I’ll knock on wood with a stick, and Bunny will help me get out of Baba Yaga’s house.

Leading: Guys, let's help Masha and say the magic words all together: One - two - three, knock the stick (repeat 2 times)

Bunny came running and began drumming on the door with his paws, the door opened.

Bunny: Here Masha, I helped you.

Masha: Thank you, Bunny. But how can I get home! Grandma and Grandpa were waiting for me. Ah, I still have a piece of wool that Mishka gave me.

Leading: Guys, let's help Masha again and say the magic words all together: One - two - three, fly the fur (repeat 2 times)

So Mishka came, Masha took home.

Bear: Here Masha, I helped you.

Masha: Thank you, Mishenka.

Leading: Masha looked around... the sun is hot, the strawberries are starting to turn red... and she realized... it's summer! And here is the house nearby and my relatives.

Woman: You see, Mashenka, while you were looking for summer, it came by itself.

Grandfather: And the sun bakes, and the strawberries turn red. After all, they said, granddaughter, to you ...

grandfather and grandmother: Everything in its turn!

The song "About Summer" is performed by all the heroes

Barbariki - what color is summer

1. Tell, tell the artist, what color is the rain
And the morning sun orange
Let's take all the sunny colors from a good fairy tale
And draw thousands of pictures.

We will sing a cheerful song

The magical world of melodies will come to life.

Blue skies, scarlet dawns,
Yellow dandelion, blue river
White fluffs - clouds.

2. What color of summer will dawn tell us
And various fragrant meadows
Flower meadows and white mists
And in the blue sky, a rainbow-arc.
Red, green, orange summer
Blue skies, scarlet dawns,
Yellow dandelion, blue river
White fluffs - clouds.

And summer is a holiday, let the prankster breeze
We will sing a cheerful song
And in a ringing bird trill, as in a bright watercolor
The magical world of melodies will come to life.
Red, green, orange summer
Blue skies, scarlet dawns,
Yellow dandelion, blue river
White fluffs - clouds.
Red, green, orange summer
Blue skies, scarlet dawns,
Yellow dandelion, blue river
White fluffs - clouds.


Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. Moscow. Enlightenment 1991.

Burenina A.I. Rhythmic mosaic program. St. Petersburg. 1999.

Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten. Moscow. 2001.

Makarenko L. Hello, theater. Preschool education.4/1994.

Sorokina N. Theater - creativity - children. Preschool education. 9/1994.

Doronova T. Development of children from 4 to 7 years old in theatrical activities. Child in kindergarten. 2-5/2001.

Shishova T. Shy invisible. Moscow. Ed. house "Seeker".1997.

ZaretskayaN.V. Musical tales. Moscow. 2003.

Pobedinskaya L.A. There were fairy tales. Moscow. 2001.

Lozhkina Tamara Nikolaevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 231"
Locality: Yaroslavl
Material name: From work experience
Subject:"Development of children's creative abilities through theatrical activities."
Publication date: 08.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 231"


Development of children's creative abilities

through theatrical activities.

Educator: Lozhkina Tamara Nikolaevna

Yaroslavl 2017

Theater is a magical world. He gives beauty lessons

morality and ethics. How richer are they?

the more successful is the development of the spiritual world of children ...

B.N. Teplov


Modern preschool institutions are looking for new approaches to education.

I, like many educators, am busy looking for non-traditional ways to

interaction with children, while solving a number of important issues:

How to make every activity with your child interesting and exciting, simple and

unobtrusively tell him about the beauty and diversity of the world;

How to teach a child everything that is useful to him in this complex modern

life, how interesting it is to live in this world;

How to educate and develop his basic abilities: to hear, see,

feel, understand, fantasize and invent.

Based on the task, me, as a creative educator,

attracted theatrical activities. This is probably one of the most

effective ways of influencing children, in which the most complete and vivid

the principle of learning is manifested: to teach by playing. Theatrical games enjoy

children with unchanging love. Theatrical activity is

a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child,

introduces him to spiritual values. “In the process of this empathy, - as

noted psychologist and teacher, academician B.M. Teplov, - certain

attitudes and moral values, which have an incomparably greater

coercive force than assessments that are simply communicated and assimilated."

Having studied modern methodological literature, I chose the material for

introducing it into the practice of her group, and also came to the conclusion that using

this material, you can increase interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

Relevance of work experience.

In accordance with the targets, which are indicated in the GEF DO

“A child at the stage of completion of preschool education must have

developed imagination, show initiative and independence in different

activities, actively interact with adults and peers.

All these personal characteristics are especially pronounced in

theatrical activities.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is a great opportunity

revealing the creative potential of the child, the education of all-round development

personality. In the theater, the child reveals all his possibilities, he feels

not by himself, but by the character he plays. Therefore, he disappears

shyness, stiffness of movements, existing complexes disappear.

Practical significance is that the accumulated material (complex

scenarios, leisure activities with children, theatrical performances, development

theatrical games) can be used during holidays,

entertainment, in the daily life of children and in the work of a preschool institution.

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of experience is to consider

problems of development of creative abilities of preschoolers by means of

theatrical art, in the development of forms and methods of working with children, as in

classes, and in joint activities, in the designation of the main


Target: Creating an atmosphere of creativity, social and emotional development

children through theatrical activities.


1. Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children in theatrical


2. Introduce children to theatrical culture (introduce the device of the theater,

theatrical genres, with different types of puppet theatres).

3. Provide conditions for the relationship of theatrical with other types

activities in a single pedagogical process (music classes,

sports activities, excursions, etc.).

4. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and

adults (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents,

employees, organization of performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones).

5. Contribute to the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable

microclimate, respect for the personality of a small person.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​work experience: all-round development of personality

child through theatrical activities.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are enormous: it

the subject is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires

child. Their speech becomes more expressive, competent.

Received a positive emotional charge from the show,

acquired self-confidence increases children's self-esteem. Their game

activity is activated, acquires a creative character, emotional

saturation. It is the theatrical game that develops thinking,

imagination, trains memory and figurative perception, improves speech.

I have been working in this area for several years. In my work I used

various forms of organization of theatrical activities.

Forms of organization of theatrical activities:

1. Joint organized theatrical activities of adults and children.

2. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical

games in everyday life.

3. Mini-games, mini-skits in the course of another directly educational


4. Visiting theaters in preschool or outside kindergarten with parents.

I started dramatization in my work with children from a young age. In Group

equipped a theater corner, as well as a "quiet corner" where a child can

be alone and rehearse some role or watch

illustrations for theatricalization. In the zone of theatrical activity placed

different types of puppet theater - finger, b-ba-bo, plane, theater

shadows, theater on spoons, masks, palm theater, shawl theater, props and

Scenery. The next stage of work was: the selection of games for the development of hearing,

onomatopoeia, finger, articulation and breathing exercises,

scenarios of fairy tales, theatrical games, sketches. I have also developed

a promising plan for theatrical games and entertainment, leisure activities with

parents. Prepared and conducted parent meetings, questionnaires for

parents, memos, consultations.

literary work or fairy tale, but also with gestures, facial expressions, movements,

suits. The development of children's creative activity was promoted as classes

on theatrical activities, as well as individual work with each


Watching puppet shows

Dramatization games

Exercises for the social and emotional development of children

Diction exercises

Exercises for the development of children's plasticity

Finger game training

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of art


Didactic games based on fairy tales using an interactive


In my work I use Internet resources:

maam - International educational portal of MAAM. EN

htth://o –detstve – About childhood

htth:// - Children's Portal Sunshine

dohcolonoc - Everything for Kindergarten Teachers

Today, one of the brightest, developing, interesting,

significant methods, both for adults and children, is the design

activity. Participation in the project helps the child to feel his

significance, to feel like a full participant in events, contributes to

strengthening the positions of “I myself”, “I will do it”, “I can do it”. In my work I often

I use the method of projects, and theatrical activities are no exception.

The development of theatrical activity and the accumulation of emotional and sensual

experience in children is a long work that requires the participation of parents. Important them

performance in themed evenings, where children together with their parents become

equal participants. They play roles, are the authors of texts,

they make scenery, sew costumes, etc. In any case, joint

the work of teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual, emotional

and aesthetic development of children.

Theater in our garden "lives" for a long time. It has become a good tradition

matinees with the inclusion of a theatrical performance. We use performances






increased many times. Performances are also entertainment for younger children.

Work experience shows that children with great desire participate in the production

fairy tales. Looking forward to the next rehearsal.

The creative interaction of the music director and teacher gives

the opportunity for children to get a lot of impressions and emotions. Engaged in development

creative abilities of children by means of theatrical activities in

As I watched, I noticed the following:

After the first year of training, children's ability to improvise improved,

especially when reading works of art;

Children began to actively use the means of expression (facial expressions, gestures,


Increased emotional responsiveness;

Children began to show more activity, initiative;

Children develop moral, communicative and volitional qualities

personalities (sociability, politeness, sensitivity, kindness, the ability to bring the case

or role to the end);

The children had a desire to invent, compose, tell a fairy tale;

Children began to show a strong interest in theatrical activities.

For 3 years of work, the number of children with a high level of creative development in

theatrical activities increased by 44%. When doing creative

creativity, showed the high quality of the work performed.

Based on the analysis of my own experience, I came to the conclusion that the system

of the work done turned out to be the most optimal, adequate and effective.

During these three years, children showed their achievements at the holidays,

competitions, entertainment. Their performances were bright, artistic

execution. I, as a teacher, am engaged in the development of creative abilities of children

by means of theatrical activities, I enjoy, joy from

the process of joint creative activity.
