Recipes for anti-aging compresses for the face. Oil mask compress for the face

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Home treatment is very important for recovery and recovery of the body. But at the same time, it is important to do everything right so that the procedures performed are beneficial, and not harmful.

Compresses, lotions, dressings at home are performed very often. But in what cases it is possible to apply lotions, dressings, and in which - compresses, how to apply them correctly, not everyone knows. In the article we will talk about the features of these procedures and the rules for their implementation.

In what cases are lotions, compresses, bandages made?

Lotions, dressings, compresses refer to external treatment, which is used for skin diseases and is aimed at the disappearance of skin manifestations, reducing the feeling of itching, burning, tightening.

Lotions reduce wetting and swelling, relieve itching and burning. Medicinal solutions, pre-cooled, moisten 2-4 gauze pads, squeeze lightly and apply to the affected area. Lotions are changed after 5-15 minutes as they dry for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day, depending on the severity of the process.

Bandages used for small lesions of the skin with weeping. In the presence of pustules and inflammation, they cannot be used. A wet-drying bandage is made according to the same principle as a lotion, only 8-12 layers are made from gauze napkins. Dressings are also changed as they dry, after 30-60 minutes or less.

Warming compresses used in chronic inflammatory processes, such as neurodermatitis. The gauze folded in 10-12 layers is moistened with one of the solutions: lead water, 2% boric acid solution, etc., squeezed out and applied to the lesion according to its size. A sheet of waxed paper of several large sizes is applied over the gauze, then a layer of cotton wool and bandaged. The compress is changed 1-2 times a day. A dermatological compress is made according to the same principle, but without the use of cotton wool. With pustules, compresses are not used.

For external treatment of skin diseases, in addition to lotions, dressings and compresses, they also use powders, lubricants, agitated water and oil suspensions (talkers), pastes, ointments, plasters and other dosage forms. However, only a doctor can decide which form of treatment to prescribe, especially in the presence of pustules.

The secrets of home cosmetology will make you look perfect. Facial compress is an express tool for solving problems of dull color, inflammation, loss of elasticity. Just a few minutes of a caring procedure will return a flowering appearance. The use of natural ingredients will restore the balance of vitamins, minerals, life-giving moisture.

Facial compress benefits

Thanks to the thermal effect and the use of active ingredients, comprehensive care can be provided. The cosmetic bandage is recommended for all skin types, and the procedure has no age restrictions.

Beneficial features:

  • improve color, relieve inflammation;
  • have cleansing properties;
  • tone the skin, strengthen blood vessels;
  • moisturize, nourish;
  • pronounced lifting effect;
  • restore elasticity, firmness;
  • help to remove swelling, cope with puffiness.

What are

Depending on the type of skin and aesthetic tasks, various types are used in cosmetology. Rejuvenating, cleansing, anti-inflammatory or tonic effect - will help maintain the freshness and softness of the integument.

Important advice from the editor

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  1. Dry compress - based on a nourishing cream, oil mixture or moisturizing fluid. The agent is evenly distributed on the face, a gauze bandage with holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth is applied on top. The procedure helps to increase the effectiveness of serums and creams, providing penetration into the deeper layers of the dermis.
  2. Hot - decoctions of medicinal herbs, fruits, tea are prepared for solutions. To enhance the action of active elements, the compositions are enriched with vegetable and essential oils. Used for all skin types. Withering, tired, helps to restore elasticity, soften, help smooth wrinkles. Accelerated cell regeneration occurs, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the integument. For oily, problematic - are used as a preparatory stage for removing traffic jams.
  3. Cold is used to improve color, instantly restore a healthy blooming appearance, tighten pores. Compresses for bruises are also useful, with facial bruises, there is an accelerated process of cell renewal, it helps with wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin.
  4. Contrasting - the alternation of hot and cold temperatures, this type is especially effective for age-related changes. Helps to restore the elasticity of muscle fibers, activates blood circulation.

How to choose for your skin type

Features of the choice of compress:

  • hot is used as a preparatory stage for further cosmetic care, oily, inflamed skin allows you to open pores, remove dead skin cells, for dry skin - restore hydrobalance, cope with a feeling of tightness, soften the integument;
  • a contrasting look is used in the anti-aging program, improves blood flow, strengthens thin vessels, restores oxygen respiration, increases the effectiveness of the use of masks, creams, fluids;
  • contraindications for the use of thermal sessions are purulent skin lesions, demodex, rosacea, allergic reactions;
  • dry and cold compresses are suitable for normal, combination and sensitive types of dermis, it is recommended to select cold or room temperature compresses, they perfectly tone up, improve color, help reduce wrinkles, and are also used at the final stage of cleaning, to narrow pores;
  • contraindicated in severe edema (disturbances in the lymphatic system), in vascular diseases.

How to do a compress

Effective compresses will help to achieve a lasting effect of rejuvenation, cure acne or cope with sagging. By following simple recommendations, it is easy to solve aesthetic problems.

Terms of use:

  1. It is applied to the surface of the face after cleansing from makeup, washing off decorative cosmetics with a special agent, you also need to wash with foam or mousse according to the type of skin.
  2. Then apply a bandage soaked in water of a certain temperature.
  3. You can use a diaper or a towel, it is preferable to choose flannel, terry, flannel materials.
  4. Apply so that the center of the compress is on the chin, the edges - towards the ear tragus, do not overlap the area of ​​​​the eyes, nose, mouth.
  5. The lymph node cannot be affected by thermal and cooling procedures.
  6. Hot compresses must be moistened every 5 minutes (as they cool down), cold compresses are removed after a few seconds, in contrast - 15 minutes for a hot procedure, 5 minutes are enough for cooling.
  7. The duration of thermal sessions is up to half an hour, for a dry, dehydrated dermis it is reduced to 15 minutes, it is recommended to keep cold dressings for an oily type for about 15-20 minutes, for a dry one - 10.
  8. Contrasting procedures alternate no more than 4 times, they are used mainly to restore tone and elasticity.
  9. Hot procedures prepare the face for further cosmetic manipulations - cleansing, peeling, masks, cold compresses are the final step, after which it is imperative to use a nourishing cream.

Homemade hot compress recipes for the face

Herbal compresses

Lotions from chamomile and sage have long been used to treat skin diseases. You can prepare an herbal solution to restore water balance, relieve inflammation, cleanse the integument, remove toxins, oxidants.


  • 10 gr. sage;
  • 10 gr. thyme.

Pour dry herbs with a glass of water, insist for an hour and strain. Warm up before use, apply 2 times a week.


They have nutritional properties, rejuvenate, relieve dryness and peeling, oil compresses. Thanks to organic acids, the cellular structure is restored, wrinkles are smoothed out, the procedure has a lifting effect. Suitable for dehydrated skin of different types, it is useful to carry out in the winter season.


  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • 10 gr. shea butter.

Heat the oil mixture in a water bath, spread on the face, put a layer of cling film on top. Cover with a hot compress, keep for about 20 minutes, then remove with a damp cotton pad.

Compresses for edema

Most effectively copes with swelling, traces of fatigue - green tea. A well-known antioxidant improves the general condition of the skin, normalizes the outflow of lymph.


  • 2 bags of green tea;
  • 20 ml orange juice.

Pour the bags with hot water, after 5 minutes, remove, moisten with citrus juice. Put on the eyelids, apply a bandage on top, hold for no more than 10 minutes. Repeat 3-5 times a week.

Video recipe: Against bags and wrinkles under the eyes

For acne and inflammation

Salt compress, helps to regulate the secretion of sebaceous glands, has an antiseptic effect. Effective against acne, comedones, tightens pores, restores a healthy complexion.


  • 150 ml of chamomile decoction.

Prepare and strain the decoction, dissolve the salt crystals in the hot water. Moisten cotton pads and apply to problem areas, remove after 10 minutes.

Interesting video: Contrasting compresses for skin elasticity


Cold Compress Recipes

For oily skin

They will help restore intracellular processes, reduce the secretion of glands, cope with inflammation of the lotion with dimexide. The drug will relieve ulcers and painful acne.


  • 40 ml of mineral water.

Prepare a solution, moisten cotton pads and put on problem areas. Keep for about 40 minutes, repeat the procedure 2-4 times a week.

From hematomas

In folk cosmetology, effective lotions from hematomas are prepared from urine. Soreness is removed, tissue recovery occurs faster.


  • urine;
  • ice, snow.

Moisten a piece of gauze in urine, put a terry towel with ice or snow on top. Keep for no more than 10 minutes, periodically taking breaks so that the skin does not lose sensitivity.


They have a pronounced tonic effect, lighten age spots, remove dead skin cells. Thanks to the active elements, it is possible to cope with fine wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin.


  • 20 ml of apricot juice;
  • 20 ml strawberry juice;
  • 20 ml cranberry juice.

Prepare fresh juice from fruits, moisten cotton pads, fix on the face, put a cold towel on top. Leave for 15 minutes, then remove, wipe the covers with clean water.

Contrasting compresses at home

For problem skin

Clay recipes have cleansing, anti-inflammatory properties. The composition is rich in minerals, restoring the processes of tissue regeneration, whitening, toning action helps from stains.


  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • plantain decoction.

Dilute blue clay in a glass of hot water, add essential oil. Moisten cotton pads, apply to problem areas. After cooling, use a piece of gauze soaked in cold decoction, keep for 5 minutes. Carry out the treatment procedure up to 2 times a week.

For aging skin

Copes with flabbiness, loss of elasticity, helps with edema and unhealthy complexion, home, cosmetic procedure. Activates blood flow, stimulates collagen synthesis, prevents the formation of venous stars.


  • 15 ml of tocopherol;
  • 20 ml of aloe juice.

Combine aloe juice with mineral water, refrigerate. Heat jojoba oil in a water bath, then mix with tocopherol, soak cotton pads, put on the face. After 10 minutes, moisten gauze in chilled juice, apply a cold compress to the covers, hold for no more than 7 minutes.

Dry compresses for the face

For aging skin

You can prepare an effective oil-based remedy yourself. Helps to restore a fresh, well-groomed appearance, eliminates wrinkles.


  • 5 ml peach oil;
  • 5 ml of glycerin;
  • 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Combine the oils, heat in a water bath, then add glycerin and wood ether. Spread the warm solution with a brush on the covers, put cling film and a towel on top. Leave for half an hour, the procedure is recommended to be performed at night.

For acne treatment

An effective alcohol-based procedure is used to remove toxins, remove sebaceous plugs, relieve redness, inflammation. Thanks to regular use, you can cope with rashes, restore a healthy tone.


  • cucumber;
  • 50 ml of alcohol;
  • 10 ml wheat oil.

Grate the cucumber on a grater, pour alcohol, insist for a day. After strain, combine with wheat oil. Apply to problem areas, cover with cotton pads and a towel. Carry out the procedure daily for 10-12 days.

Compresses are cold and hot:

- Cold compress tones the skin, improves complexion. It can also be made from ordinary cold water, in which a napkin folded in several layers is wetted and applied to the face, neck, and décolleté.
- hot compress increases blood flow to the skin, removes dirt and dead cells from its surface. Hot compresses are useful for dry and loose skin, but they should not be done if the skin has any inflammatory processes. Before a hot compress, the skin is cleansed. A terry towel is moistened in hot water and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Hot herbal compresses are especially effective.

Hot compresses should not be done with dilated vessels on the face!

The procedure of alternating hot and cold compresses has an excellent tonic property.

And now some of the compresses.

1. Add steam to still mineral water. Soak a napkin, apply on the face. The compress moisturizes well, evens out the skin, smoothes small wrinkles.

2. Add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice to 1 glass of cold water, mix well.
The compress rejuvenates the skin and, when used systematically, noticeably delays aging.

3. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, add ice cubes. The compress moisturizes, rejuvenates, acts as an antiseptic and heals small wounds. Chamomile compresses can also be made hot. And also alternate hot compresses from it with cold ones.

4. Brew a handful of petals with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, cool, hold a little in the refrigerator. Do a compress. The compress moisturizes, visibly rejuvenates and tones the skin.

5. Pour 1 teaspoon of calendula petals with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour. The compress makes the skin healthy, cleanses it and, with regular use, delays the aging process.

6. Squeeze 2 tbsp from apples. spoons of juice, dissolve in 1 glass of cold water. Such a compress cleanses, tones, rejuvenates and gives the skin a pleasant look. Compresses can be done with cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, squeezing the juice and adding it to cold boiled water.

7. Hot mint compress. 1 st. pour a spoonful of crushed mint leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Apply to cleansed skin for 5 minutes. Especially this compress is useful for dry skin before applying the mask.
You can make hot and cold compresses from mint, alternating between them. Then you need to make 2 servings of broth - hot and cold. Divide them into different bowls. Have two towels or napkins on hand. Start with a hot compress, then a cold one, alternating 3-4 times, ending with a cold compress. This alternation tones the skin and gives it a healthy look.

8. Compress with infusion of yarrow herb. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry raw materials pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Such a compress is especially useful for oily, porous and aging skin.

9. Brew 1st. a spoonful of crushed leaves 1 incomplete (to the rim) glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. The compress disinfects, moisturizes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles and makes the skin smooth.

10. Warm a small amount of olive oil, soak a cotton cloth and apply on the face. This compress is called a compress of beauty and youth. They are useful after thirty, especially with dry, aging skin.

Today we will talk about a cosmetic procedure that suits all skin types. These are facial compresses.

You will learn how to make a compress at home, and what are the benefits of such a procedure.

After all, this tool has been used since ancient times, when people still had no idea about facial cleansing, chemical peels and cosmetic masks.

Facial compress benefits

Compresses for the face almost instantly normalize the condition of the skin, eliminate signs of fatigue, treat, rejuvenate, nourish, moisturize. After such a procedure, the face looks rested and beautiful.

For the procedure, components of plant or synthetic origin are used.

The components are selected depending on what procedure is needed - fortification of integumentary tissues, improvement of the dermis, removal of inflammation, swelling, skin cleansing.


There are three main types of facial compress. All of them are mainly carried out with the addition of medicinal oils, herbal tinctures, medicines.

  1. Lotion (cold compress) - perfectly tones the skin.
  2. Hot compress for the face (poultice) - accelerates the metabolism in the epidermis, deeply cleanses.
  3. Variable compress (using hot and cold) - renews the skin, nourishes, tones, tightens pores, prevents wrinkles.

How to perform the procedures correctly?

A hot compress acts as a peeling and perfectly cleanses of natural abrasives and organic acids. It is often used at the same time as a deep cleansing or before a facial massage.

The warming effect of such a compress improves tissue metabolism, accelerates blood flow and healing processes.

This procedure helps the rapid absorption of nutrients that make up the mask, balm, cream.

Before applying the compress, the face must be thoroughly cleaned and then applied for half an hour a compress (for dry skin, 15 minutes is enough).

The fabric you use for poultices should be very absorbent.

It can be a terry towel, bike, linen. Nettle, chamomile, mint, calendula can be used as components. A chamomile compress will soothe inflamed skin.

Base oils must be preheated. For example, warm up cedar, olive or sesame oil and mix it with a few drops of any aromatic oil (jasmine, rose, lavender).

A hot compress is contraindicated for allergies, the presence of a vascular network, open wounds and severe inflammation.

The main purpose of cold compresses is to reduce pores and tone. Contraindications - thin or overly sensitive skin. Unlike a hot compress, the skin is not heated during the procedure.

Its action is aimed at tightening, enhancing regeneration, eliminating fine wrinkles. Mostly such a compress is used after peeling or cleansing the face, to enhance the effect.

You can make such compresses with ice cubes, mineral water, herbal infusions. It should be applied with a thin cloth that absorbs moisture well.

The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes, for oily skin 5 minutes is enough.

Now you know the basic rules of how to make a compress on the face. Choose the one that suits you best and enjoy all the benefits of such an affordable procedure.

Stay young no matter your age!

In a city where the environment is bad and there is a lot of stress, it is difficult to maintain a healthy look of the skin. Expensive care products and trips to a beautician do not always help. But there is a way out - facial compresses that are easy to make at home.

Rescue compresses

By the evening, the skin gets tired, and only numerous cosmetic measures can restore it to a healthy, vigorous appearance. This is the use of compresses. A simple procedure suitable for every skin type (oily, normal and combination), the main thing is to use the right component to achieve the desired result. All significant cosmetologists talk about the benefits of compresses for facial skin. Modern cosmetologists distinguish a wide range of care with their help. Each of them has its own purpose and purpose.

They can be:

  1. dry
  2. wet
  3. cold
  4. warm
  5. combined,
  6. medical,
  7. alcohol,
  8. oil.

Their benefits

Thanks to them, you can moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. They feed her and heal her. This is an indispensable procedure that can be easily carried out at home, spending very little time. They restore and tone the skin by increasing blood flow, they can be used to remove dead cells and improve complexion.

Usually they include medicinal herbs or special oils. Alcohol is used for frostbite.

Preparing for a Wellness Treatment

First, you should remove all cosmetics from the skin and wash. The face needs to be thoroughly cleansed. After that, you need to prepare everything for the compress, so that you can then calmly carry out the entire session to restore facial skin. Next comes the usage. And at the end, remove the remnants of the mixture from the face with a regular paper towel.

If you plan to use medicines or creams, then first, it is recommended to expand with a hot facial compress so that the mixture penetrates better. In the end, it is worth narrowing them down with cold water or to consolidate the result.

And now more about each type.

Dry compresses for the face

Making them is the easiest. It is necessary to fold the usual gauze bandage several times. Dry type protects the skin from external influences, irritation and acceleration. It is relevant after applying a cream or mask. Helps to absorb them better. This is the simplest type of medical procedure.


They are just divided into cold and hot, which in turn affect the skin differently, depending on the components. Accordingly, when creating them, one cannot do without water.


The procedure for creating such a compress at home is very simple. A towel, gauze or napkin is taken, folded in several layers and wetted in cold water, ice can also be used.

It is not worth holding the fabric with your hands at the time of the procedure so that it does not heat up, but you can lightly pat it to better absorb moisture. The whole process should only take a few minutes. The result of this type of salvation will be toning and improving skin color. Usually it is relevant after cleansing, massage and masks - cold water tightens pores, fixing the result. To restore tone, the alternation of a cold compress and a hot one is also great.

During this procedure, you can use components such as:

  • mineral water,
  • aloe,
  • Apple juice,
  • vegetable juice.

Mineral water

It perfectly improves the elasticity and tone of the skin. The minerals contained in the water relieve the skin of edema, restoring the fluid balance in the cells. A ten-day course of such a procedure will significantly improve skin color and increase elasticity. It is very easy to carry out at home: soak a napkin in mineral water and hold for 10 minutes. It is advised to do the course monthly.

Aloe juice

30 ml of juice and 100 grams of cold water are taken, everything is mixed. A napkin is also dipped into the solution and placed on the face for about ten minutes. This method refreshes and nourishes the skin, gives a radiant look.

Apple and vegetable juice

In this case, use 30 ml of apple juice or juice from cucumbers and tomatoes, mix with 100 g of cold water and moisten the napkin in the resulting solution. Wet cloth is placed on the face. The result will be improved skin tone and a healthy complexion.

Hot compresses

They differ from cold ones in that not cold, but warm water is used here. It is also better to use a denser material (for example, flannel, bike, and something similar). The fabric should also be folded in several layers, and then moistened with water. Only its temperature should be made not lower than 38 - 42 ° C. In addition to warm water, it is possible to use a solution from a variety of medicinal natural components.

Read also: We fight black dots at home: effective scrubs, masks, mechanical cleaning

This facial compress is usually used before a massage or mask to open up pores for greater effect. A napkin made of cloth should be moistened every three minutes, as it cools down quickly enough. The procedure should be carried out for 10-15 minutes. It is great for dry skin types and saves from mimic wrinkles. During the procedure, dead cells are removed, blood flow increases, pores expand. It is worth remembering that this compress cannot be carried out with acne, inflammation, wounds and dilated vessels.

Especially such compresses are good together with such natural components:

  1. mint,
  2. birch bark,
  3. rose petals and jasmine,
  4. birch earrings,
  5. woody root,
  6. rosehip berries.

How to prepare a warm solution?

It is necessary to grind the natural component with which you want to make a mask. Take 1 or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour it with warm water (150-250 ml), then strain and moisten the cloth in it. After the compress is placed on the face and covered with a plastic bag. The duration of this procedure should be 10 minutes. The effect of it will not take long. The skin will become moisturized and rested, and the complexion will be much better.

Therapeutic compresses on herbal decoctions

The most productive compresses are obtained from herbal decoctions. They are the most healing and best nourish the skin. You can cook them at home, this is done quite simply: in 3-4 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of herbs add 1-3 tbsp. spoons of hot water. This solution is put on the stove and brought to a boil. Then the resulting solution is filtered and cooled to an acceptable degree.

Choosing an herbal mixture is based on the specifics of the skin. Solutions containing calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, cornflowers and calamus are especially popular and relevant. They are perfect for oily skin types. Dry and normal can be treated with chamomile, sage, ginseng, mint, and hawthorn solutions.

Alcohol facial compresses

They are usually used if frostbite or burns have occurred. Gauze is folded several times, soaked with vodka or alcohol and placed on the problem area. The purpose of such a compress is the disinfection of damaged cells.
