Statuses about family and relatives. Statuses about family and children

The family rests on the fact that, despite everything, we try to find the good in each other.

Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond in your life.

"D. Depp"

The family is native people, in each of which there is a piece of me.

Family is not the place where everything is perfect, but the place where they forgive each other!

I love my family very much! It's so easy to be happy with them!

I love my family madly, mom, dad, brothers, granny, aunt, uncle and sister, I don’t understand how such a wonderful family got such rubbish like me)

Feelings should develop into a family, and not into a lump in the throat that interferes with life.

"Lina Keycher"

To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune.

"George Santayana"

Glory to the family, which rests on the love of spouses! Praise to the family, which rests on the love of children! It's a pity for the family, which rests on the love of acquired property.

You will also be interested -

Modesty and kindness are more needed in family life than wit and proud beauty.

"Daphne Du Maurier"

Tell me, were there any facts of megalomania in your family? Yes, yes, sometimes my husband declares that he is the head of the family.

The family is like a forest. Being away from him, he appears before you as a solid array. When you are inside, you see that each tree has its place.

The family is either a constant sabotage or a reliable support. In the latter case, you are very lucky.

"Adriano Celentano"

The family is a ship in the sea of ​​life. And the stability of this ship, its strength and which shores it is destined to sail to depend on each.

The family is the compass that guides us in the right direction. She is our inspiration to reach great heights. Our consolation when we sometimes stumble, making mistakes.

"Brad Henry"

A family is when they love each other for three months, quarrel for three years, tolerate each other for thirty years.

"Bernard Werber"

There are no perfect, ideal families. These are lies made up by advertising agencies so that the rest of us can feel inferior.

You can't find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

Don't judge a man by what his wife says about him.

"Jason Evangelou"

Do not argue about who is in charge in the family - let everyone secretly consider himself a leader.

Do not give birth to children for the sake of family happiness - give birth to children in happy families.

Do not develop conflicts in the family, no matter who is right and who is wrong - do you want leadership or happiness?

A real family gives strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

"Theodor Hesberg"

It is better if someone alone is in charge in the family. And it is better if this “someone” is love.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

Strong is the family where the cross is on the letter "I". Where only the word "WE" rules, where there are shared dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children scurry merrily, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! FAMILY is THAT strong, where life is CALM and EASY!

The union concluded in heaven descends to earth, and the main thing here is not to trample it into the mud.

Life would be much easier if parents were honored for being father and mother and not credit card holders.

"Robert Orben"

Marry for convenience with one, divorce for love with another.

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man does not worry about the future until he marries.

"Coco Chanel"

If you want to marry a smart woman, you will be fooled; if beautiful, rich and smart, then you will remain a bachelor.

"Arkady Davidovich"

If you are upset by some members of your family, then focus on the good parts of your relationship, without venting your annoyances. Then you will have the desire to say thank you for everyone who plays a role in your life.

"Jonathan Lockwood High"

If you don't look like your parents, you probably stop liking yourself.

"Ruben Bagautdinov"

If there is no suspicion in the relationship, this is a good family.

If the woman is happy in the house, then the whole family is happy!

The head of the family often sits on the wife's neck.

The head of the family is not a man or a woman, but the one who feeds and clothes.

"Avreliy Markov"

When she gets married, a girl changes the attention of many men for the inattention of one.

"Helen Rowland"

You can measure the happiness of married life by the number of scars each partner bears in their tongues, earned through years of spitting out angry words.

"Elizabeth Gilbert"

It happens in life that a happy family life turns out of ordinary, gray everyday life.

"A. Markov"

Marriage is sacred. But... it's better to ruin a marriage than to let it ruin you!

"Irvin Yalom"

Marriage cannot be happy if the spouses do not know each other's manners, habits and characters to perfection before entering into the union.

"ABOUT. Balzac"

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to stand between them.

"Sydney Smith"

Alimony serves as an indemnity for defeat in family life.

The family is not those who pamper you and follow your every whim. They are the ones who fight for you and who you fight for.

Family is not just stamps in the passport, it is a look in one direction.

A family is a place where, as in a children's game, by saying: "Church, I'm in the house," you can hide from the worst troubles and problems. Where you are loved for who you are and not for something, but simply loved.

A family is a small enterprise that works on state orders and supplies the state with labor and soldiers.

Statuses about a family with meaning - A family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MAMA is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and go on strike!

A happy family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.

Strong is the family where the cross is on the letter "I". Where only the word "WE" rules, where there are shared dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children scurry merrily, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! FAMILY is THAT strong, where life is CALM and EASY!!!

A man must feed and protect his family. If this is not enough for a woman, let her turn to a goldfish.

When trouble suddenly comes to a strong family, they say not: - "I'm because of you ..." but: - "I'm with you!" And this is the most important glory in family life!

The most important and valuable thing in life is family! First, in which you are born, and then, which you create!

In a family, as in a state, the most dangerous thing is anarchy.

The family will have to turn a blind eye to many things. Family happiness is when you have selective hearing, selective vision, a short tongue and a constant smile on your face. And the right attitude to difficulties.

A family is not born, it is made.

It is better to create a family not with someone you are in love with without memory, but with someone for whom your happiness is the meaning of your whole life ...

There is nothing better in life than starting a family, but there is nothing worse if this family is created with the wrong person.

There is happiness on earth ... and this happiness is all in the family ... My family, my relatives ... I live with you dear ... My husband, my children ... that's all you need in life.

The family is the place where you can find your love.

Love! And Appreciate Happiness! It is born in the Family! What could be dearer to Families in this fabulous land!!!

My family is a gift from God. I pray for one thing, that we live together for a long time, happily building our lives.

Glory to the family, which rests on the love of spouses! Praise to the family, which rests on the love of children! It's a pity for a family that is based on the love of acquired property ...

Look for the happiness of being, as well as positive advice. And let your family please you, and let your children inspire you.

The family is a ship in the sea of ​​life. And the stability of this ship, its strength and which shores it is destined to sail to depend on each.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

A good family life makes you stronger.

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just one pretty appearance is enough.

A family is a great work that cannot be postponed or abandoned by going on vacation ... but the reward for that is happiness !!!

Do not develop conflicts in the family, no matter who is right and who is wrong - do you want leadership or happiness?!

*Marriage is a type of relationship in which one side is always right and the other side is the husband.

* The husband is always right, but the wife is never wrong.

* The child was asked:
Who do you love more mom or dad?
- And mom. and dad!
-And who more?
- And no one else!

*…When the stork brought me, my parents laughed for a long time and at first they even wanted to take the stork, but then they changed their minds and took me…
Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is pigs. Hush mommy don't cry, others have the same srach

*I know the password, I see an ATM, I believe that my dad is an oil magnate :)

* If my pasta burns, it means "Krivoruka! You don't know how to cook!"
And if dad has it, then - "mm, with a fry"

* My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I'm the only normal one - I'll go ask the computer and phone what to do with them.

* mom, dad, why do you think that a good company for a child in the summer is the elderly in the village?

* And my mother is like this: "Turn off the computer", and I turned it off, and my mother is so shocked ..

* dad decided to check if I was cursing, and tripped me up

*Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.
Daughter: - Will Aunt Valya have a child?
Mom: - Yes.
Daughter: -
Where is he now with her?
Mom: - Well ... In the tummy.
A long pause follows.
And already at the very house, the daughter says: - Mom, you said that if you suck on dirty fingers, then worms will start in your stomach! What do you need
suck to have kids?!

*Dad stops the car, throws the steering wheel and falls out of the car.
Did you drink daughter?
- no mom, I'm an ax!)))

*Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

* Habit is a terrible force. Grandma, when flipping through photos on an iPhone, slobbers her finger.

* Dad, dad, and who is that in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night? - Do not be afraid, daughter, this is our mother in VKontakte.

* I love the intercom, while my parents
climb the stairs, you can turn off the computer, scatter textbooks on the table and
as if by chance to go wash the dishes :))

*Does not swear in front of parents - this is at least a self-preservation instinct

Daughter, do you want a brother?
- Want!
- Then sleep!

* How many times have you heard the phrase "there is nothing worse than when mom cries." I agree, it is. But only the one who saw his father's tears truly knows what pain is...

*Marriage is a relationship between two people who love each other. And one of them always turns out to be wrong. And the other is a woman.

* A husband is a man who has seen you drunk, naked, without makeup, roaring, talking all sorts of garbage, and, oddly enough, still living with you

*Honey, stay at home. Cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking. As long as you are my wife, you will not work.

* In an ideal family, the wife does not know where the money comes from, and the husband has no idea where they go!!!

* In any house, a woman always has her own separate room, and there she has fun with might and main: she wants to cook borscht, she wants to wash the dishes.

* Husband left his wife with two small ... boobs.

* Both are to blame for the fact that my family broke up, and I believe that the blame is distributed equally: 50% - the wife, 50% - the mother-in-law.

*Family is a small country in which PAPA is the President, MAMA is the Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Minister of Culture and Emergencies in the family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and go on strike

* Married, unlike single people, live longer - to the detriment of their wives.

* The task of the wife is to spend enough to not have enough for her mistress.
A man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him.

* Run - don't run, but you can't run away from happiness. It will overtake you, force you to buy a ring and drag you to the registry office!

* Marriage is built on patience. And each spouse is sure that it is he who suffers.

* In the phrases "we are on you" and "we are married" the same set and order of letters. And what a different meaning!

Dad! Vasya throws a chair at me! - Throw it at him! - I can't, I have liquid ...

* It’s not 5 years already, but I’m still running looking into the bag, when my mother comes, all of a sudden there is something tasty there.


* How quickly time flies! You will not have time to start a family, as the children are already getting divorced!

*Missed calls: Darling (1), Girlfriend (1), Brother (1), Mommy (28). That's who really loves you! - Statuses about family and children

* My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I'm the only normal one - with a computer and a phone.

*Mom, mom! Why is everyone calling me a bulldozer?! - Shut your mouth, you'll scratch the furniture!

*Mothers love their children more than fathers because they are more sure that they are their children...

* A young family is looking at a new apartment: Wife: -Here, we will put a closet, here is a chest of drawers, here is a sofa ... Little son (C): - Ah, here we are behind the shelf ... Father (O) hits his son in the ear: - Got it? S: Got it. O: What do you understand? S: - She's fucking here, she's not needed!

* Do not give birth to children for the sake of family happiness - give birth to children in happy families.

*Smack - we're a couple, bang - family, strum - you're dad, I'm mom.

* I love my husband and child. Basically, I love my family.

* A friend often asks why I dress so warmly, wrap myself in a scarf, don’t go without a hat in winter ... Yes, because I want healthy, healthy children in the future!

*My parents beat the hell out of me all the time, but I know where to get more.

*Does this happen to you too, when you listen to music at full volume, dance and sing along, look around and the whole family is standing over you and laughing???

* One should always be the youngest child in the family.

*Thank you Mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

*If there is only one child in the family, then he (s) is a big egoist (s). If there are 5 children in the family, then there is only one egoist in the family, and this is the father of the family.

*A seventh-grader's mother found a set of sadomasos in a backpack ... On this occasion, a family council is gathering in the kitchen. Father: Well, as I understand it, flogging is useless!

*Modern children do not wait for Santa Claus to come, but wait for their parents to leave

*Poor family. Father and son are sitting, eating potatoes. The son reached for a potato and accidentally touched a bottle of vodka, it staggered, but did not fall. Son (laughing): - Dad, look, the bottle was just on the verge of death. Father (strictly): - You too.

* Statuses about family and children - Most of us become parents long before they are no longer children.

*Today in our family in the morning there is complete harmony: the baby took "Vrednolin", mom - "Stervozol", and dad - "Papazol". Everyone is happy.

*Young family (aged 14 and 15) is looking for a family friend with a passport to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

*Even the dullest room is decorated with children... beautifully placed in the corners...

* New Year in Russian: children dance near the Christmas tree, adults - near the toilet.

*Will you be released? -Who? -Parents. - Mom allowed ... - And dad? -Dad????? Oh yeah ... in all normal families there are dads ..

*Normal family. In between quarrels and fights, the couple gave birth and raised three normal children.

* Marriage, marriage and family relations is a system thought out by society for the redistribution of material wealth from husbands to their wives and then to their children.

*Wedding is the first sobering cure for love. The second antidote to romantic relationships is a child. Third, boredom. - Statuses about family and children

Power in the family is when everything is my way ... In my opinion, that's all ...))))))

If you have a beloved and only one, then your attention and compliments should be only for her; Real men don’t give them to others ...

Of all my wife's relatives, I like me the most.

You are never as focused as when you are carrying a bowl of soup from the kitchen to the living room.

Everyone is waiting for something from the New Year, some for a miracle, some for gifts ... But I don’t expect anything, I have the most valuable thing, this is my FAMILY !!!

Maternal love with the advent of each subsequent child is not divided between children, but multiplies.

Affectionately the SUN warms my tummy... THE MOST FAVORITE BABY in it!

Know how to change for the sake of a loved one. Then neither pride nor principles can stand in your way to a long happy life!

Intuition is given to a woman in order to guess the man's intentions, which he does not know about ...

The husband returns home in the morning pretty drunk, on the threshold he is met by a disheveled sleepy wife with a rolling pin: “Hello my Sunshine !!! Now there is a solar eclipse!!!

Until two say - I love, the third does not say - mom !!

Quietly I will enter the church ... I will light a candle for my family ... I will quietly ask God ... - TAKE CARE, I LOVE THEM!

Her love shines on us in life, she is given to us for happiness, there are so many friends in the world, but mother is still alone ...

The first seven years of the child must be loved, the second seven years it is necessary to educate him, the third seven years - to be his best friend, and then let him go and pray that everything will be fine with him ...

Love, family - it's like work ... sometimes a vacation is urgently needed ...

In my family, all responsibilities are clearly distributed: my wife does everything, and I do everything else.

The greatest treasure in the house is the world.

Well, my family will soon have an addition ... My parents will have ... a son-in-law \u003d)

Husband: Honey, today is our tenth wedding anniversary! And we have never had a fight in these ten years!
Wife: I know, poor coward!!!))))))

The most comfortable place on earth, where your family is)

Just one step towards each other and it's already two whole steps together.

I have two good sons! Two hopes, two living fires! Eternity rushes along the great highway, I have two youths left. Life burns inextinguishably in me, I have two eternities, two sons!!!

Family is the most valuable gift, gift, prize, treasure. She must be protected.

When I was little, everyone kept saying: get married, get married, everything should be like people's ... Well, I already have beautiful wedding photos, the children have grown up. the minimum program was completed ... AND NOW I WANT TO BE JUST HAPPY!!!

Family is the only place in the world where you can be yourself, and for that you are loved!

What is more important - family or work? What a question? Without work, you cannot feed your family, and without family support, you cannot work successfully and fruitfully.

A family is not built because "it's already time." But because "I want to be mine all the time."

We are an ideal family ... We do not quarrel over trifles (and we do not quarrel at all). We have nothing to argue about. We do not need to prove which of us is the head of our family...
What is the secret of family happiness? - you may be surprised ... And I'll tell you: everything is very simple! We sleep under two blankets and we have two computers with a router for the whole apartment ...

Oh, I'm so in love, so in love. I wake up in the morning and fall in love with my husband again, so sleepy and not shaved, I go to the bathroom and fall in love with the reflection in the mirror, which smiles so sweetly at me, I go to the nursery to wake up my daughter and I understand that I love her every day more and more.

A family is strong where there is no place for the letter “I”, where only the word “WE” rules, where there are joint dreams.

The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children.

Hurry up to say the main words to your loved ones ...

Glory to the family, which rests on the love of spouses! Praise to the family, which rests on the love of children! It is a pity for a family that rests on the love of acquired property ...

I love only one man! Everyone else helps me love him even more.

There are difficulties in the life of any family. But remember, if you are destined to be with this person, you will be! Against everything! Neither quarrels, nor domestic troubles, nor other misfortunes will separate you. Life cannot be outwitted.

Our family is our fortress. This is the place where we crawl to lick the wounds that life inflicts on us. Our bay of peace and love, in which there is always a place for us. Take care of your family.

One of the only places where you are expected, believed, loved and forgiven. This is the house where your parents live.

I will give fidelity to my husband, intelligence to my son, beauty to my daughter, love to my family.

I love the gentle look of my mother and her cute oval face. Is there anyone better on earth than the one who gave you life?

Best friend is mom. She will never envy, will not wish bad, and in her eyes you will see only joy and pride!

Statuses about love for your family

  • I will give fidelity to my husband, intelligence to my son, beauty to my daughter, love to my family.
  • On the day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you happiness, Take care of your family, After all, she is the only one!
  • Someone else's pocket is always fuller, someone else's work is always easier, someone else's problems are always easier ... And only other people's children are always worse.
  • In family life, the most important thing is love.
  • In a family conflict, it is no longer the one who explodes who is guilty, but the one who presses the button.
  • A man who was the undisputed favorite of his mother carries through his whole life a feeling of a winner and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success. Sigmund Freud.
  • In a family, someone is always doomed to wait in vain or die in the struggle for their own benefit. Elfrida Jelinek.
  • Whole centuries of efforts of alchemists could not create life! But a woman can do it in just 280 days! - Fullmetal Alchemist. Edward Elric.
  • In this life, I can find a replacement for any thing, but I will never find a replacement for my wife and children. Pablo Escobar.
  • A good family is when there is someone to give with joy.
  • They become adults not when they stop listening to their mother, but when they realize that their mother was right!
  • A good woman, when she marries, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.
  • In general, living with a woman is already heroism. Creating a family with one person and for life is a feat. O. I. Yankovsky.
  • In a moral person, family relations are complex, in an immoral person everything is smooth. L. Tolstoy.
  • All marriages, without exception, are concluded by calculation ... After all, everyone expects to find happiness in him ...
  • You and I are one family, behind you, like behind a wall. Life makes me so happy that you are next to me!
  • All mothers should know that children often follow their own example, not instructions.
  • Only when we grew up did we finally understand that our mother is much more powerful than the goldfish and the old man Hottabych.
  • The most important thing in life is family! Career - does not wait for you at home, money - will not wipe your tears, and fame - will not hug you at night ...
  • Only mom keeps us all our lives: 9 months in the stomach, up to 3 years in her arms, ... and all her life - in the heart.
  • Give attention and love to your mother now, so as not to regret later.
  • So what is the secret of family happiness? - in the boundless patience of his wife ..
  • It takes love to create a family. And in order to save a family, you need to be able to forgive and endure.
  • She who does not respect her mother will lose all respect for herself. Choderlos de Laclos.
  • The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!
  • Happiness is when you fall asleep and wake up with a smile and there are reasons for this - your family!
  • If the woman is happy in the house, then the whole family is happy!
  • Mother's tears are salty drops that burn the soul more than wax burns the body...
  • If you are disappointed in love, you just need to visit your mom!
  • Tell me, were there any facts of megalomania in your family? - Yes, yes, sometimes my husband declares that he is the head of the family.
  • If any mother wants her son to despise her, then let her keep him at home, indulge and do not spare herself, if only to fulfill his whims. Ann Bronte.
  • A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.
  • There are people who are simply not made for family life, but more of those for whom the family is an outlet.
  • A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. Honore de Balzac.
  • Women are like children, a little something - immediately in tears and to their mother.
  • Family is very important, because you need to have someone to go to after work to forget the stress of the day. Liv Tyler.
  • The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness ...
  • A family is strong when moments of happiness are often repeated again and again.
  • And I don’t need your praise, my mother’s smile and her words are enough for me.
  • Family matters the most!
  • How nice it is to live in a house where everyone knows how to express their love to another. Gary Chapman.
  • Family is those for whom you are ready to fight.
  • When a mother asks, "Do you want advice?" is just a formality. Whether you like it or not, you will get advice anyway. Irma Bombek.
  • Family is the most important thing in the life of any person!
  • It is better if someone alone is in charge in the family. And it is better if this “someone” is love. Olga Muraveva.
  • Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but a place where they forgive each other!
  • Loving humanity is easier than doing good to your own mother.
  • The family is a theater, where it is not by chance, among all peoples and times. Entry is extremely easy, but exit is very difficult. I. Huberman.
  • Love... United lands, built cities, gave birth to children... But if it is infringed, it overturns thrones, destroys cities, demolishes houses, destroys entire families... - Robert Burton.
  • The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state.
  • Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.
  • Family is what matters the most, that's what makes my heart beat. Philip Gregory.
  • Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.
  • mother invests all her savings in the child ... Hoping that they will be returned later with interest.
  • Family life is an attempt to have two selves under one blanket.
  • Mom loves us even when we least deserve it. Mom, thank you for your love!
  • Over the years, everyone understands that the most important thing in life is the opportunity to see mom. Over the years, everyone understands this. Very often people realize this late, too late. When mom is no longer in the world. Ruben Gallego.
  • Mom doesn't care who you are, she will always stroke your hair and kiss your hot cheeks, healing you from fears.
  • The parental home is a place from Paradise… Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock… And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart, will give you warmth and love!
  • Moms are always there to help. Even when they are not around. Elchin Safarli.
  • Let the whole world throw stones at you - if your mother or father is behind your back, everything will be fine.
  • Mothers are like this: they will give all their blood drop by drop for the sake of their children. Even for the sake of the most idle, from whom you will not get any sense either today or later. Maria Semyonova.
  • Nature is very wise - it gives a woman nine whole months to prepare for the miracle of the birth of a child, but only at the moment when you see the face of your baby, you are completely reborn - you become a completely different person, a different woman. Mother. Penelope Cruz.
  • A mother's heart is infinite forgiveness. - Honore de Balzac.
  • Almost every mother is embarrassed if her child lies in front of strangers - and is ready to sink into the ground if he tells the truth.
  • Mother is not the person to be feared, but the person who makes fear unnecessary! D. Canfield.
  • By the way a man treats his mother, one can judge how he will treat his wife. Fanny Flagg.
  • A mother makes a man out of a son for twenty years, and his girlfriend can make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes. Maria Metlitskaya. Mother-in-law's diary.
  • Fathers. Mothers. With their love, attention and care. Fuck waiting for their understanding and sympathy. Chuck Palahniuk.
  • The mother most often loves the most the child who made her suffer the most. Victor Hugo.
  • Treat your mother with respect and your children will do the same for you.
  • Mother, she can't teach her son much. Because she herself was not a boy. V.V. Zhirinovsky.
  • One day there comes a time when you realize that in life there is nothing more important than family.
  • For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are one and the same. It might as well be said that having a piano and being a pianist are the same thing. — S. Harris
  • A normal family does not happen without conflicts, moreover, it must be conflicted if it is made up of individuals. A. Konchalovsky.
  • A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him.
  • It's no secret that a happy marriage is based on a balance of interests and high stress resistance. Stephen King.
  • True love is not one that endures years of separation, but one that endures years of intimacy.
  • There is nothing that a mother's love cannot endure. Paddock.
  • Don't forget Mothers! They mourn in separation. And there is no worse pain for them - The silence of their own children!
  • There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love... Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky.
  • Do not give birth to children for the sake of family happiness - give birth to children in happy families.
  • You can't find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.
  • Do not argue about who is in charge in the family - let everyone secretly consider himself the leader ...
  • There is no such flower in the world, in any field or in the sea, such a pearl as a child on her mother's lap. O. Wilde.
  • Do not use the sharpness of your speech on the mother who taught you to speak. Ali ibn Abu Talib.
  • There is nothing holier and more disinterested than a mother's love; every affection, every love, every passion is either weak or selfish in comparison with it. Vissarion Belinsky.
  • A real family gives strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.
  • There is no person who, dying, would look at his family, regretting that he spent little time at work.
  • We grow up and understand that mother's advice is the only thing worth listening to first of all.
  • Divide news from chatty girlfriends by 48. Divide young people's compliments by 4. Remember the advice of a loving mother for the rest of your life.
  • Many families would be much happier if it were not for women's eternal dream of an ideal family.
  • Finding happiness, we call friends less often, becoming unhappy, we call more often ... mom.
  • The world would be a better place if everyone acted like their mother was watching us.
  • How many stupid and unkind deeds have saved us from the thought: “What will I tell my mother?”!
  • A mother who is really a mother is never free. Honore de Balzac.
  • They released their children into the life, like white doves into the sky! But the one who managed to forget his father and mother is not destined to fly!
  • A mother can feed ten children; ten children cannot feed one mother.
  • The first gift of a mother is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
  • Mother is the most touching thing on earth. Mother means to forgive and sacrifice oneself. Erich Maria Remarque.
  • To lose a father means to lose a faithful adviser and mentor, someone who would support you, like a trunk - branches. Losing your mother is… like losing the sun above your head. Yann Martel.
  • Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. William Thackeray.
  • Before you talk about a woman, think about your mother.
  • Motherly love is very touching, of course, but it is often extremely selfish. — Oscar Wilde.
  • The child's claim to his mother's love is immeasurable, they demand exclusivity and do not allow sharing.
  • Mothers give us life ... and the worst thing for them is when we neglect this priceless gift.
  • Is there a more perfect word in the world that sounds similar in all languages ​​than the word mom?
  • Mom does not need to be praised on social networks, she needs to be appreciated in real life!
  • The hands of mothers are woven of tenderness - children sleep peacefully on them. Victor Hugo.
  • Mom is always with you, even when you are alone. You can change cities, but you are forever loved by her.
  • The most expensive necklace around a woman's neck is the arms of a hugging child!
  • a mother is better than any lawyer capable of protecting her child, more formidable than any prosecutor is ready to mercilessly punish anyone who offends her son or daughter.
  • The family home is made of walls and solid beams. This house is built on love and dreams.
  • Mom is a wonder of the world. Every child loves her for who she is!
  • The family is the mutual bearing of hardships and the school of sacrifice. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev.
  • Mom is a person who will not say “You are an idiot”, she will simply try to find a way out of the situation with you.
  • Family is not the only place where you have to be decent, but the first. Han Xiangzi.
  • mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists. E. Legouwe
  • Family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth. And in this place you are truly happy!
  • Mother's love is the only love from which one cannot expect betrayal ...
  • A family is a small enterprise that works on state orders and supplies the state with labor and soldiers. N. Kozlov.
  • The best compliment to a mother is to praise her child!
  • Family is a huge responsibility and a boundless ocean of happiness!
  • Whoever respects his mother will not scold someone else's.
  • Family is the strongest bond of your life!
  • When a conflict situation arises in a family, immediately ask each other a question: “Do you want to be Right or Happy?”
  • Family is a generous gift from life! Take care of him!
  • Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.
  • The family rests on the fact that, despite everything, we try to find good in each other ...
  • And when mothers kiss their children, and when they scold, they love them equally. Pearl Buck.
  • The family starts with children. A. I. Herzen.
  • The union concluded in heaven descends to earth, and the main thing here is not to trample it into the mud.
  • The heart of a woman who has given birth and raised her child is ready to create real miracles for the sake of her baby.
  • A woman is truly happy when she has two names: one is “Beloved”, and the second is “mother”.
  • A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. Pierre Jean Beranger.
  • If you have families, consider that you have everything!
  • Strong feelings create strong families!
  • If there is anything to reproach mothers with, it is that they are overprotective of their children. Too hard and too long. Roger Waters.
  • Modesty and kindness are more needed in family life than wit and proud beauty. Daphne du Maurier.
  • If you let your mother decide your affairs, you will have to look for new ones.
  • With strict words, as in a hymn, without thinking about warmth, I say: The paths are easy for me, while you, mother, walk the earth.
  • the only place where you will always find love and respect.
  • Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.
  • Home, family - this is a place that must be very protected, leaving the whole outside world outside the door. - Ksenia Luchenko.
  • The one that educates a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor. John Chrysostom.
  • Children are the anchors that keep a mother alive. Sophocles
  • A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.
  • Give us the best mothers and we will be the best people. J.P. Richter
  • Only men know how to create strong families.
  • It will be much better for all of us if we forget the grandiloquent ideas of our foppish civilization and pay more attention to what savages knew long before us - respect for the mother. Ayn Rand.
  • You know I really want to be good. Mom, I'm probably just getting older.
  • Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk. Maksim Gorky.
  • You are only mine, and I am yours - we have a wonderful family!
  • The question "Who will be the head of the family?" usually rises in a family where there is a husband, but no man. Pavel Kuryanoff.
  • The reproaches of the mother are not without foundation.
  • Everything around is changing. And only mother remains mother...
  • A good family is a husband and wife during the day, and lovers at night.
  • You become an adult when you change “mom” to “mom” on your phone!
  • A good family is one in which both spouses simultaneously feel the need for scandal. Jules Renard.
  • In a happy family, the wife thinks the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think they found it in the cabbage.
  • Mom Quotes - My mom calls every day with the same question: "Did you just call?" - I answer no and listen to another daily phrase. “But it would be worth it. I could die any day." E. Bombk
  • Anything can happen in a family, and happiness happens.
  • The cheaper the love of men and women, the more expensive maternal love ...
  • There is no middle ground in family life - it is a source of either great happiness or great grief.
  • To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune. George Santayana.
  • In a long family life, the most important thing is patience, love does not last long.
  • I love my family very much! It's so easy to be happy with them!
  • Take care of mothers, no one truly loves us anymore.

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