Exhibitions in the library traditions of folk culture. Journey through the pages of Russian folklore and other events in the central library of the Oryol region

Spiritual and moral education in the library consists of many things, it is the education of patriotism and citizenship, the instillation of family, spiritual values, the education of love for one's small homeland, one's land, the prevention of bad habits, the upbringing of the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

Library promotions

  • "From Heart to Heart" as part of information support (Day of the Elderly, Mother's Day, Day of the Disabled)
  • Action for the Day of the elderly "Warmth of the soul"
  • Campaign "Kindness from A to Z"
  • "Mother's Smile"
  • "Family Reading"

In the cycle "Orthodox holidays" :

  • "Bright Christmas"
  • "The Light of the Star of Bethlehem"
  • "Father Pokrov! Cover the hut with warmth! - festival of folk culture
    "Easter in Rus'"
  • "Spas honey, apple and bread"
  • "Eternal values. Christmas"
  • “And Grace Came Down to Earth… Easter” – Exhibition – Holiday
  • “Let the light of the Christmas candle lead all souls to God” - Christmas meetings
  • "Christmas is a holiday of miracles" - an Orthodox lesson
  • "Faces of Holy Rus'" hours of Orthodox culture
  • "Bible stories in literature and art" - spiritual readings for the day of the Orthodox book
  • A series of book and illustrative exhibitions on the folk calendar:
  1. "Welcome Trinity"
  2. "Light-bright Easter: the history of the celebration"
  3. “Red hut not by corners - red by pies” (Shrovetide festivities: a digression into history)
  4. "What Saved in store" - exhibition - tasting
  5. "Apple Fun" - a folklore holiday
  • "Slavic Lampada" for the Day of Slavic Literature - an exhibition with sections:

1. Light for the whole world (about Cyril and Methodius)

2. The word is Russian, rich and powerful (including the Church Slavonic alphabet was presented)

3. We are Slavs.

  • "And manners, and language, and holy antiquity" - literary and historical holiday

100 headings: spiritual and moral education

For calendar holidays

  • "To everyone: who is in love" - ​​exhibition-holiday (on Valentine's Day)
  • “I look at the world not with my eyes, but with my heart I feel it” - meeting / To the International Day of the Blind
  • “Goodness helps us to live” - gatherings with tea drinking
  • "We believe in immortality of kind hearts" Hour of Kindness (as part of the Decade of the Disabled)
  • "Day of Wisdom" - a themed evening for the day of the elderly
  • "There are no cuter eyes in the world!" - celebratory meeting
  • "Female silhouette in history"

family education

  • “Marriage is a task from God”: marriage and family in Orthodox traditions”
  • "One Hundred and One Problems of Family Education in Books" - exhibition
  • "Family in the work of Russian classics" review of the book exhibition
  • "Family in Rus': traditions and modernity" - digest
  • "Open letter to newlyweds" discussion
  • "Modern love. What is she like? dispute
  • "History of Marriage. What is marriage?
  • "Harmony of family relations"
  • "Know how to value each other"
  • “First love… What is it like?”
  • "The Joys and Difficulties of Communication"
  • "Family alphabet begins with "We""
  • "On vacation with the whole family: tips and tricks"
  • "The whole family is together - and the soul is in place" evening of family heirlooms
  • "Parental home - the beginning of the beginnings" - a holiday
  • "Family Album" - photo contest
  • "Through the pages of your favorite books" - family KVN
  • "Female handwriting" (women's prose about the family)
  • "I, you, he, she - a friendly family together" - a competition for children and parents
  • “To cherish the family - to be happy” - meeting
  • "According to the laws of love" - ​​a family holiday
  • "Source of warmth"
  • "On the same wave"
  • "Flipping through the pages of your favorite books"
  • "It's warm for everyone here"
  • "Music has tied us"
  • "Portrait of a family"

Aesthetic education

  • "World Art Gallery"
  • "The splendor of Russian art"
  • "Creativity of Russian painters
  • "Inspirer of the Wanderers": Ivan Kramskoy (1837-1887) - video vernissage
  • "Famous portrait painter": Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782-1836) - exhibition-opening day. 235th birthday
  • "The greatness of the forests, the expanse of the fields" - an hour of arts (To the 185th anniversary of I. Shishkin)
  • "The Russian Soul Demands That" - exhibition-opening day (To the 185th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898))
  • "Sea painter" - Day with the great artist 200 years to Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)
  • Literary drawing room "Faces of times - in prose and verse" (to the anniversaries of writers and poets)

Events for the youth audience:

  • moral lesson "Ecology of nature and soul"
  • conversation "Ecology of the family"
  • classes "Youth subculture"
  • quiz "On the threshold of adulthood"
  • Cycle of events "Lesson of Kindness"
  • game program "Can you communicate"
  • an hour of frank conversation "On the edge of the abyss"
  • "A ticket to hell" - the problem of suicide
  • "Let's keep the human in us" - lessons of politeness, etiquette and communication
  • "Is it possible to defeat cruelty" ethical conversation - debate
  • "Mercy - the response of the soul" - an hour of spirituality
  • "Spiritual values"
  • Cycle of events "Light of kindness and mercy"
  • "Touching Eternity"
  • "On Palm Sunday"
  • "Holy Easter"
  • "The Holy Trinity"
  • "Good words"
  • "Face to spiritual values"
  • "More than silver and gold"
  • "Find a way to your soul" recommendation list
  • "What is the meaning of life on Earth?"
  • « In life, you need to have service ... "

Approximate topic School of spiritual development "Through the book to spirituality"

for middle and high school age http://method-otdel-rbdu.blogspot.ru/2014/07/blog-post.html

1. The soul must work:

  • "Heart to Heart": exhibition-view and review of this exhibition
  • "What is good": literary and musical composition based on the verses of V. Mayakovsky, S. Mikhalkov
  • "Vernissage of Kindness": an exhibition of creative works of readers
  • “The world will not do without me”: an hour of frank conversation
  • "Let's raise the soul to goodness": literary and musical composition

2. Education by art:

  • "Golden Domes": photo contest
  • "Holy Faces of Russia": book and illustration exhibition
  • “Music of the heart brings together”: an oral journal about the influence of music on the spiritual world of a person

3. In harmony with nature:

  • “It has a soul, it has a language”: a poetic composition about nature
  • "Ecological nocturne": music and nature. Literary and musical evening
  • "Beauty will save the world": exhibition of drawings

4. With faith in Russia:

  • "My God": competition of children's applied and artistic creativity
  • "Orthodox holidays of Rus'": exhibition-gallery
  • "I am Russian": discussion hour
  • "Two thousand years' journey": book exhibition-view
  • "Holy Name of Russia": literary and musical composition

5. Family is my key to success:

  • "Honor your parents - you will not go astray": an hour of frank conversation
  • “Family alphabet begins with “we””: exhibition-viewing
  • "Through the pages of your favorite books": a competition for children and parents
  • "Family benefit": a family holiday.

In branch No. 10 for preschoolers from the senior group of MB preschool educational institution No. 49, a folklore hour "From the distant past" was held.

Children came to the library to plunge into the world of Russian folklore - Russian folk tales, songs, riddles, ditties, tongue twisters, into the world of folk art and creativity. In the leisure-gaming room, they were met by attributes of folk art - matryoshka dolls stood on an embroidered towel, a doll - a charm, wooden painted spoons were laid out. All these things, which have been in the everyday life of a Russian person for a long time, caused genuine delight among preschoolers.

The hostess of the hall, librarian Elena Vladimirovna Yansitova, in Russian folk costume, met the children with jokes and jokes, with the Russian folk song “Guests have come to us”. She and her assistant, a rag doll Domovushka, invited the children to listen to fairy tales. Then, to the Russian folk song “Spin, spindle”, the girls learned to help their grandmothers wind balls of woolen threads from which socks and mittens are knitted, and the boys were invited to play the game “Oh, hemmed a felt boot”, during which they learned how they sewed the felt boots of their great-grandfather.

After work, you can also relax, so the children were offered to dance the Russian folk dance “Veysya, cabbage”. After the dance, the hostess of the hall and the rag doll Domovushka, together with the children, learned tongue twisters, played the fun game "Carousel", guessed folk riddles, and took part in a fun competition for the best performance of the Russian folk ditty.

The event was accompanied by the performance of folk music. Preschoolers listened with pleasure to Russian folk songs: “Oh, I got up early”, “Pancakes”, tunes on spoons. The amazing world of Russian folklore made a very big impression on preschoolers. Children learned how they lived, sang, dressed, played in the old days, what fairy tales they listened to, got acquainted with Russian folk art.

"The Russian people must not lose

deservedly conquered by Russian art,

literature. We must not forget

about their cultural past, about our

monuments, literature, language, painting...”

D. Likhachev

At present, changes have taken place in the cultural life of our country that have led to an explosion of interest in national history, national culture, lost traditions, the origins of spiritual culture, folklore, and folk crafts.

These changes are of great importance for libraries, since reading books and other printed works remains one of the most versatile ways to comprehend one's history, the meaning of traditional culture, master skills and abilities in various types of folk crafts.

The very concept of "traditional folk culture" is used to refer to various forms of folk art that have developed over centuries of ethnic development. Today, when many elements of traditional culture are disappearing, the need to introduce the population to it seems indisputable.

One of the main areas of work of libraries at present is local history. Librarians do a lot of research on the history of villages and villages, collect a variety of facts that contribute to the reconstruction of the history of their native land. Closely linked to the topic of local history is the work to promote traditional folk culture to readers, the population - holidays, rituals, folklore, folk art.

Librarians must understand that without knowledge of the history of the region, its roots, folk art, the continuity of generations collapses. Most libraries are constantly concerned with the preservation of traditional folk culture, especially regional and local.

The main tasks of libraries in this direction are: expanding the coverage of the population with cultural services; increase in attendance at cultural events; preservation and development of cultural and historical traditions; creation of conditions for the development of local traditional folk art.

Libraries are faced with the task of teaching readers, especially children readers, to feel the beauty and harmony of a folk work of art, items of folk life. In the classes on folk culture, librarians can show how folk household items were used, how people lived among these items, how they made things with which they surrounded themselves. At various events, children get acquainted with traditional Russian culture through the example of embroidery, weaving, wickerwork, its purpose and connection with nature and life.

A necessary condition for immersing readers in the environment of that time is the use of local folklore material (proverbs, nursery rhymes, riddles, games), which undoubtedly broadens their horizons. If possible, masters, grandmothers who can sing folk songs are invited to such events.

All this work revives the content of library activities, brings cultural workers together, attracts the attention of the population and readers, and helps them learn about the creative and everyday life of previous generations. Libraries, where mini-museums, exhibitions of folk art are decorated, host holidays, evenings, gatherings with pleasure and interest people come. During such events, the younger generation clearly adopts folk traditions and rituals, and new readers come to libraries. And most importantly, the libraries preserve works of folk art, old household items that help people not to forget their roots, to know the history of their village, village.

Since the village gatherings gathered our great-grandmothers, a lot of water has flowed. Not everyone now knows that gatherings in Rus' began in winter. Women spun, wove, girls sewed dowries. The spinning wheels “buzzed”, a drawn-out song flowed ...

«Live connection of times»

"What our grandmothers sang"

"The Miracle of Christmas Night"

"Russian old, ruddy and pancake"

"There was a birch in the field"

"It used to be like this in the old days..."

In the old days, the word "leisure" meant, first of all, skill, subtlety in any craft. In the villages, people themselves made the things they needed in everyday life - utensils, tools, sewed clothes, etc.

However, many crafts have been forgotten, the technology for making products has been lost. Today, the library is an active assistant to those who want to take up some kind of craft. The library has books introducing various types of ancient crafts, manufacturing technologies, and pre-processing of materials.

«Forgotten skills and crafts»,

·"Wood products",

"Basket making"

"Folk Art Crafts"

«Toy craftsman».

Such events are always interesting, emotional, information-rich, besides, you can use the display of the product itself, which attracts the reader's attention.

If possible, you can organize exhibitions of crafts by local craftsmen:

"Skillful hands do not know boredom"

«Souvenirs with your own hands»

«Embroidery is a miracle of human hands»

G. N. Volkov believed that "the path to a universal culture lies through national education." To this end, libraries traditionally hold talks-concerts dedicated to folk songs, folk holidays and rituals, folk music days, folklore competitions, folk choirs and ensembles, solo singing circles in a folk style, folklore and game workshops, folklore clubs and associations, etc. d.

Libraries become participants in the process of reviving the spiritual beginning, the traditions of the Russian people, the creators of the annals of folk life, national traditions in the region.

The main tasks of libraries in this direction are:

Increasing the coverage of the population with cultural services;

Increasing the growth of attendance at cultural events;

Revival, preservation and development of cultural and historical traditions;

Creation of conditions for the development of local traditional folk art.

It is necessary to highlight the main areas of activity of libraries for the preservation and revival of the traditions of folk art culture:

Creation of mini-museums of traditional folk culture, corners of folk life at libraries, conducting complex work in them;

Conducting traditional folk holidays, folklore evenings in libraries together with club workers, including within the framework of interest clubs existing at libraries;

Organization and preparation of various events for the study of folk culture in libraries;

Organization and design, both in libraries and beyond, of exhibitions of folk art.

Organization of needlework clubs and circles in the traditions of Russian folk culture.

An important role in the work of libraries is played by the promotion of folk traditions, holidays, folklore - folk holidays, rituals.

Libraries are faced with the task of teaching users to feel and perceive all the beauty and harmony of folk works of art, household items.

All the work of modern libraries should be based on a certain perspective, on such a system of events that would satisfy not only the needs for recreation or new information, but also preserve and revive the traditions of folk culture.

The preservation and development of the national culture, its roots is one of the most important tasks of the modern library. The revival of folklore folk customs, rituals and holidays is an urgent problem of our time, to which libraries have always paid, and will continue to pay special attention.

Libraries as centers of modern civilization and culture, performing an important educational and civic function, should act as preachers of the ideas of reviving and preserving the traditions of folk culture. The library is one of the most suitable and prepared platforms for the education and promotion of folk culture. It can become a meeting place, integration and coexistence of representatives of different cultures, religions and nationalities, a "testing ground" for the revival and dissemination of folk culture.

The resources of modern libraries, whose activities are related to the provision of services to the population, represent a significant generalized social experience accumulated by mankind.

Thus, the appeal to the deep layers of folk art culture, the restoration of its socio-cultural functions that have developed over the centuries, is due to the need to revive the national spiritual mentality of Russians through the activities of libraries.

An example of the folklore holiday "RUSSIAN SITTINGS".

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about traditions, about Russian folk culture and about the delights of its customs.

Host: Dear guys! In the old days, people gathered in the evenings for fun gatherings: they sang their favorite songs, danced round dances, and did needlework. So today we invited you to our fun gatherings. You are welcome, dear guests!

Child: Russia, Russia, dear lands,

They glorify native spaces

Razdolny Russian songs are sung.

Host: today we will go to the wonderful world of Russian folk culture. And about what Russian miracle we will tell you, you must find out for yourself. Solve the riddle.

1. A girl is standing in a hut,

And the scythe is in the yard (oven)

Host: Yes, the Russian stove is a miracle! Without it, there is no life in the hut. This is warmth and happiness, these are songs and conversations in the evenings, this is a meeting of guests. And what treats she gives us!


(Two sisters are sitting on a bench and talking to each other)

Mistress: Alyonka, Masha, stop scratching your tongue, quickly get to work. The hour is not even, the guests will come, but your towel is not ready yet.

(The girls sit down to embroider. The bell rang, the baby in the cradle cried.)

Hostess: Vanyusha was awakened.

(The hostess comes to the cradle, takes the child in her arms, sings a lullaby.)

Ay lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,

The gulls have arrived

The ghouls began to coo,

Move Vanya to amuse.


(The hostess put the baby in the cradle)

Owner: Mother, it's time to put the dough and bake bread.

Rye bread -

Kalacham grandfather.

(The owner sits down at the table, and the hostess is pantyhose by the stove. A knock on the door.)

Host: Come in, dear guests!

(Guests enter.)

Hostess: Hello, good people! Welcome.

If you praise -

so on the threshold to meet.

1st guest:

We are glad to see you at the stove,

Without her, the house is empty.

In it and fry, in it and soar,

And in winter with her as in spring.

2nd guest:

In the old days they said:

“Bake us mother dear to all,

On the stove all red summer,

I sleep and eat by the stove.”

(Guests bow low to the stove.)


Mistress of what is in the oven -

all swords on the table.

Dear guests than rich -

that's what we're happy about.

(The hostess takes the pies out of the oven and puts them on the table.)


The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

Here they are ruddy on the table,

With meat and jam

The smell is teasing!

(The hostess takes out the bread and puts it on the table.)


Here he is fragrant bread,

With a crunch, twisted crust.

Here it is warm, golden,

Like sun-drenched.

(Eat, dear guests.)

Guests: Thank you hostess.

(Girls approach the Mistress, bow)

Girls: Here, mother, and the towel is ready!

Hostess: Yes, daughters, work goes well with song!

(Domovoy comes out from behind the stove)

Brownie: Have fun, but have you forgotten about me? I am a Brownie, I live behind the stove, I keep order in the house: so that the stove does not smoke, so that the dough does not run away, so that the cattle do not fall ill. I love when things are in their place.

Host: And now for you guys,

I will guess riddles.

I know, I know in advance -

You are a smart people.

A crooked horse climbs into the fire (poker).

Four legs, two ears, one nose, and a belly (samovar).

Implementation of the project "People's Holidays"

Primary school teacher

MBOU Bobrovskaya secondary school №1

Whole Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Tselyh . Nadia @ yandex . en


At present, there is a need to address the origins of folk culture. The traditions that existed in the old days were forgotten by the new generation. Therefore, it is important to acquaint children with them, to attach them to the origins of folk culture.

Target: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture, getting to know folk holidays, researching modern knowledge of the customs of the Russian people among fourth-graders;

Project tasks:

    To form in children a steady interest in folk art, a desire to get acquainted with various genres of folklore.

    To intensify children's ideas about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people.

    Develop imagination, creativity and acting skills.

    Cultivate patriotic feelings, pride in a great power.

    To give knowledge that the life of ancestors was closely connected with nature and was based on the folk calendar;

    Expand knowledge about folk culture, customs, rituals, holidays; about the work and life of peasants

    Involve parents in joint activities to implement a project to familiarize children with the origins of Russian national culture.

Novelty and distinctive feature The project is to involve children in creative activities. Creation of game miniatures, performances of folklore holidays, as well as knowledge of the origins of folk art.

Expected Result: Children will significantly expand their knowledge of folk traditions, customs, rituals, folk culture, holidays, that the life of their ancestors was built on the basis of the folk calendar.

Methods and techniques:
1. Collection of information;
2. Work with literature;
3. Processing of collected information;
4. Creative work.

Stages of work on the project:

Stage 1 - preparatory: determination of areas of work, study of various types of information sources for the project;

Stage 2 - research: search for the accumulation and systematization of information about folk holidays, traditions of their celebration;

Stage 3 - creative: participation in the event "Christmas time, carols", learning carols, folk games, divination, preparing costumes and attributes for the holiday.

Stage 4 - project defense: preparation of a project presentation, creation of a printed project, preparation of a speech.

Project participants: students of 4 "B" class MKOU Bobrovskaya secondary school No. 1 and a primary school teacher Tselykh N.M.

Project result:

    Participation in the project of all students of the class and their parents.

    Organization of a national holiday on the territory of the school institution.

    Increasing patriotic awareness and interest in national holidays among all project participants.

    Drawing attention to this problem of other people

Description of the project.

Stage 1. Preparatory

Tasks: identifying areas of work, exploring different types of sources of information for the project.

The guys determined the directions of work. They found out that the main sources of information would be: the Internet, the school library, the city library, the help of adults, especially grandparents, as they know a lot about folk holidays and traditions.

Stage 2. Research

Tasks: to accumulate and systematize information about folk holidays, traditions of their celebration.

The guys found carols, information about the holidays, a scene for staging "Waiting for Carols" and distributed the roles.

Each country has public holidays common to all, but each nation has its own holidays that have come from the depths of centuries.

Folk holidays in Russia are interconnected with the natural world, with its revival, flowering, planting and gathering a generous harvest. Without exception, all folk holidays in Russia are filled with traditions, rituals, rituals.

Customs, ceremonies, the celebration itself were passed down from century to century, from older to younger, like a great treasure, a common wealth, in them a Russian person revealed his character, his soul, beauty, culture.

The holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community. The holiday meant complete freedom from any work. A characteristic feature of the holiday was the crowd.

In the old days in Rus' there were many different holidays, most of which were associated with seasonal changes in nature and the work of people. Since ancient times, the year (the time suitable for life) was figuratively represented in Rus' in the form of a circle-wheel that moves in the course of the sun. This circle was divided into 2 halves - winter and summer.

Summer- it's time to grow crops, collect fruits and berries, haymaking. The most important holiday of the summer Ivan Kupala.

Autumn is the time for harvesting, mushrooms, nuts and berries - cranberries, lingonberries. They started playing weddings. The main holiday of autumn is Oseniny.

Coming winter- time for evening gatherings and housework. In winter, they wove, sewed clothes, embroidered, wove bast shoes, stored firewood. The main winter holidays are Christmas (traditional holiday) Kolyada, Christmas time, Maslenitsa.

Spring is here, spring sowing time. The main holiday is Radonitsa. They danced round dances, performed girlish rites. Among them was the main holiday, which, from the point of view of the peasants, had the greatest sacred power - Easter.

Great holidays: Christmas, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Ivanov and Petrov days and small holidays, they were also called semi-holidays, were associated with the beginning of various kinds of peasant work: the first day of sowing grain, harvesting cabbage for the winter and others. Holidays not related to church tradition included Christmas time, Maslenitsa, cherished holidays - in memory of some village event, more often tragic, in the hope of propitiating nature, a deity, as well as various men's, women's and youth holidays

Christmas is one of the main church holidays.

From Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19), Christmas time was celebrated in Rus'.
Winter holidays began with caroling. The youth dressed up and went around all the houses in the village with Christmas songs. Kolyada and Ovsen - the mythological characters of the songs - were supposed to bring the peasants a bountiful harvest and domestic happiness.

Perhaps the most fun holiday in Rus' can be called Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting, as they combine the end of the period of winter holiday rituals and the opening of a new, spring period of holidays and rituals, which should have contributed to a rich harvest. Maslenitsa is celebrated the whole week before Lent. Moreover, every day of Shrovetide week was dedicated to special rituals.

Monday - meeting. We met Maslenitsa. Dressed up her scarecrow and drove down the street. The first pancakes started to bake.

Tuesday is a win. Various games and amusements were arranged. The youth rode down the mountains and went to visit them for pancakes in the morning. The grooms looked after the brides, flirted with the girls.

Wednesday is sweet. Mother-in-law invited sons-in-law to their pancakes.

Thursday is a turning point, revelry, wide Thursday. On this day, according to custom, fisticuffs or "wall to wall" were arranged.

Friday - mother-in-law evening. Sons-in-law invite their mother-in-laws to pancakes, try to treat them as best as possible.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings. A young daughter-in-law gives gifts to her sister-in-law and invites her husband's relatives to visit.

Sunday - seeing off and kissing.

On March 22, on the day of the vernal equinox, there was no such corner in Russia where larks, chuvilki and other cookies in the shape of birds were not baked, calling for the arrival of spring with calls and baked larks.

Ivan Kupala is the main summer holiday of the folk calendar. It is celebrated on July 7th. In the old days, our ancestors went to swim in rivers, ponds, lakes. It was believed that water saves from everything evil, harmful, unclean. Then bonfires were made, round dances were arranged, medicinal plants were collected.

On Kupala night they were looking for a treasured flower - a fern, which bloomed that night for only 3 minutes and three flowers bloomed on it.

Stage 3 - creative: participation in the event "Christmas time, carols", learning carols, folk games, fortune-telling, preparing costumes and attributes for the holiday.

The students prepared well for the event.

The first group prepared drawings about the national holiday.

The second one learned carols, the third one told the story of the celebration of this holiday and its traditions.

The fourth group learned and played with the guys the games that our people traditionally played on Carols. (Appendix No. 1. Description of the games.)

The fifth group showed the skit "Waiting for Kolyada". All the children, with the help of their parents, actively and creatively approached the process.

The holiday turned out to be bright and memorable

We conducted a survey of 4th grade students in order to find out knowledge about folk seasonal holidays and their traditions.

Questions were asked:

1. What national holidays do you know?

2. When are they celebrated?

3. What do you know about the traditions of these holidays?

As a result of the survey, the following results:

The most famous folk holiday is Maslenitsa.

The guys know little about the traditions of folk holidays.

Almost none of the respondents know about the time of the celebration.

In our class, we also conducted a survey before the festive event and after it.


Working on the project, we realized for ourselves that the small Motherland is not only its geography, history, economy, but also customs, traditions, rituals, which is commonly called the spiritual life of the people.

Folk seasonal holidays depend on the season.

To love your people, to understand the meaning of age-old traditions and customs, you need to study its origins.

Annex 1.

Game "Golden Gate"

Two of the participants in the game are selected. They will be the "sun" and the "moon" (the "moon"). Then the "sun" and "moon" face each other, join hands and raise them, forming a gate. The rest of the players join hands and go through the “gate” in a string. Children depicting the "gate" say:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The “gates” close at the last word and “catch” the one who remains in them. In order not to be caught, those walking involuntarily speed up their steps, sometimes they switch to running, and those who catch, in turn, change the speed of the recitative.

The one who is caught is asked which side he would like to take: behind the “moon” or “sun”. The player chooses and stands behind the respective player. The rest go through the "gate" again, and the game continues to the last. When everyone is distributed, the groups arrange a tug-of-war.

Game "Sit, Yasha"

Yasha is chosen. He stands in the center, he is blindfolded.

Everyone walks in a circle and sings:

Sit, sit, Yasha under the walnut bush,

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha, hot nuts,

Where is your bride, and what is she wearing?

What is her name and where will she be brought from?

At this time, Yasha spins in place, at the end he goes at random, chooses someone and takes him to the middle. You need to find out who is in front of him, name him.

Game "Merry Musicians"

To any melody in two parts, children play musical instruments (rattles, rumbas, bells, etc.). The leader conducts. With the end of the first part, the children, putting the tools on the floor, run in a circle. The driver becomes in a general circle and runs with the children. At the end of the music, the players quickly dismantle the instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

Game "Brook"

The players stand behind each other in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who didn’t get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, a new pair makes its way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”. And, passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one who is attractive to him. This is how the "stream" moves - the more participants, the more fun the game.

The game "Burn bright" ("Burners")

Burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

Children join hands, forming pairs. Pairs stand one behind the other "brook".

Ahead of the "brook", a few steps away, stands the leader with a handkerchief in his hands. At the end of the song, the children standing in the last pair open their arms and scatter along the "brook".

They run one by one to the leader, trying to grab a handkerchief. The first one who managed to do this remains with the handkerchief as the leader, and the other two (the former leader and the one who did not have time to grab the handkerchief) form a pair and become the first in the stream. The game continues with the next pair of children.
